#ur fav inactive writer
ur-fav-inactive-writer · 10 months
𝐈 𝐔𝐬𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬.. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐞
Part 1: Pretty Please With A Dog On Top! | Request
Five Hargreeves x Niece!Reader
WC: 975
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The day after the funeral, you has to return to the mansion again. You scooped up your dog again, getting into the car. Your father drove to the house again, preparing for the worst based on the encounter yesterday. You arrived and walked into the house. Walking in, you saw the familiar faces of your uncles and aunt. But there was one unfamiliar face, it was a boy who seemed to be a few years older than you. He was dressed in an academy uniform and your father seemed shocked to see him. You were confused, who was he? He looked at you, then up at Diego.
"Huh, would you look at that, Batman's got a kid."
All your uncles and your aunt seemed in shock to see the boy, not like they didn't know him, but as if he wasn't supposed to be here.
"Five?! How are you here?!"
What was going on? You looked up to your father in concern. He instantly caught onto your nervousness and sent you into the living room to go play with your dog. Playing with the dog always calmed you down so you sat down on a comfy chair and began to play.
A few minutes later, the boy walked in. He was slightly intimidating, but as he walked over to you his features softened. Maybe you were crazy but you could swear there was the slightest hint of a smile on his face.
"Hey kid, what's your name?"
You felt slightly afraid of the boy but murmured a meek '(Y/N)'. He smiled at you, complimenting your name, trying to comfort you and help with your shyness. He introduced himself as Five, your other uncle, you furrowed your brows. How could he be your uncle? The dog began pawing at Fives wrist, he usually hated animals, especially dogs, but yours was different. He also usually hated kids, but you were also an exception. He was very fond of you, finding your shyness adorable. He also loved the dog, though he'd never admit any of it.
In front of his siblings, he'd pretend he didn't care for you or the dog. He'd rarely take notice of either you in front of the family, but when you were alone with him he would go soft. Sometimes, your dad or uncles or aunt would catch a sneak peek of Five's bond with you and found it adorable.
"Hey Fivey, what's your deal with Diego's kid anyway, got a soft spot for her?" Klaus snorted. He had noticed how caring Five was towards you, opposing his usual cold behaviour. Five scoffed, of course he doesn't. How could they possibly think that?!
"You certain you don't at least have a tiny soft spot for the girl?" Five shook his head. "So you're telling me you don't care an ounce about her?"
"Well... I usually hate kids but she's fine I guess."
You began spending a lot of time at the Hargreeves' mansion. By spending more time at the mansion, you spend more time with your favourite uncle Five - joint first favourite with Klaus or course. Sometimes everyone would get too caught up in their own business and you'd be left at home alone. Well, not entirely alone, Five would always try be there as often as possible to ensure you'd not be alone. But, he also liked when you were alone because he got to be his true self with you. One day, everyone had been too wrapped up in their own stuff and they'd forgotten about you. As usual, you sat in your spot in the living area. Five peeked his head through the doorway, smiling as his eyes landed on his favourite niece. He walked over to your spot, your eyes lighting up when you saw him coming over.
"Hey kid, you all alone again?"
You nodded somberly, sad that you'd been forgotten again. Five scoffed in disbelief. He couldn't believe everyone could just forget about you. He made a mental note to berate your father for doing so and not finding someone to care for you. Heck, you could've been hurt, and there wouldn't have been anyone there to care for you! Five said a quick 'C'mon' as he scooped you into his arms, taking you to the kitchen.
He sat you on the counter and began to make what he always made during his Uncle and Niece bonding sessions. A pot of coffee for him, a mug of hot chocolate for you and two fluffer-nutter sandwiches for the two of you. He set down all the ingredients, inviting you to come help him make them. You giggled as you got up onto the stepstool, feeling your puppy prodding your ankles with his cold nose.
Five guided you on how to make the hot chocolate, letting you put the marshmallows and whipped cream onto it. Not that the event went down without getting whipped cream everywhere, usually Five would be annoyed at this behaviour, but it was you so of course he didn't mind. He laughed slightly as your puppy licked all the whipped cream off the floor and smeared it all over itself. He always made the best hot chocolate, just for you. Most people had never tried Five's hot chocolate, he liked to say it was reserved for him. However, after meeting you, he expanded the circle to the two of you.
He made the sandwiches and set everything on the table. Placing a bowl on the floor for the dog, both of you began to talk. Well, you began to talk really. Five liked listening. Unbeknownst to the two of you, the rest of your family had now returned home and was now watching your interaction from the doorway. They knew Five had to have a soft spot somewhere in his closed-off heart. Who knew that soft spot was reserved for a small girl and a puppy?
(A/N) Sorry this is short but I had lots of fun writing it <3
Taglist: @book-place @shefollowedthestars
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Good Grief
TW: Major angst, death, implied suicide, a lot more probably, loss of a close family member. Please do not read this if you think it will be triggering to you. If I have missed anything here PLEASE inform me as soon as possible.
Stan twins x littlesister!deceased!reader | Platonic (obviously | Good Grief - Bastille | NOT MY GIFS
WC: 1179
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Shut my eyes and count to ten. It goes in one ear out the other, one ear out the other. Burning bright right till the end
The twins ran back to the pawn shop they called their home with all the speed their teenage bodies could muster, worry and adrenaline making them much faster than usual. The two twins had heard all the murmurs and mutters that had circulated around the small town they lived in that were revolved around one member of the Pines’ family. (Y/N) Pines. Little sister to Stanley and Stanford Pines. Daughter to Filbrick and Caryn Pines. Friend and acquaintance to many of the townsfolk.
All these whispers had sent the boys into a panic. They rushed home the second they heard one of them. It couldn’t be true. No, it’s their sister. Their cheerful, adorable, tiny, little sister. It’s not true. It can’t be... can it? They reached the small, pawn shop and rushed up the stairs to their home above the crappy, old store. Ford reached for the door handle, but hesitated. Stanley usually would’ve just shoved my him at this point, opening the door himself. Strangely, the boy took no action, seemingly dreading having to behold the sight of their sisters absence. 
Ford knew he had to open the door. He couldn’t just walk away as though nothing had happened. He counted to ten in his head, attempting to mentally prepare both him and his twin for whatever information they’d learn when they burst through the door. With a shaking hand, he reluctantly turned the door knob, causing the door to quietly creak open. They entered, quickly realising what they had heard was true. There, sat on the couch, was their mother and father. This would be normal, however, they were crying. Hell, not crying, sobbing. They were holding each other tightly, whispers and murmurs of their daughter’s name falling from their lips unsteadily. They looked up at the boys with bloodshot, puffy eyes. Their mother sniffled before their father began to speak.
“St-Stanley...St-Stanford... y-your sister... sh-she.....”
He was cut off unexpectedly by his weeping wife.
“She’s dead...”
She sobbed out, beginning to cry even harder. The twins felt dizzy. This couldn’t be possible. They had heard it all over town but still so desperately hoped that they were wrong. They’d heard it from so many different sources yet still hoped that somehow they were mistaken. Somehow they had mistaken their loving sister for somebody else and she was still alive and well, sitting in her bedroom doing her homework while listening to her favourite music. Still happy and alive like she was before they left, at least they thought she was happy...
They couldn’t even gather any words. Their minds were racing so fast each and every question and thought that rushed through their heads were quickly interrupted by another, then another, then another until all that was going through their heads was a frenzy of jumbled questions and words that were unable to fall from their chapped lips, not matter how hard they tried to force them to. Their hands shook viciously by their sides. The sounds of sobbing, small murmurs and mutters and the boys’ heavy breathing echoed in the room, (Y/N)’s absence having such a great affect that had never occurred to any of the Pines’.
 They never knew that they’d have to say goodbye to her so soon, they never knew she wasn’t going to outlive them as they originally thought. The Pines’ parents were already in their mid-forties to early fifties and Stanley and Ford were seventeen, whereas you were only fifteen when your final breath was stolen from you. It wasn’t fair. It shouldn’t have been you. You were so sweet, so caring, so adoring. It wasn’t fair. It just was not fair.
Now you'll be missing from the photographs, missing from the photographs.
It was time. The day every single member of the Pines had been dreading. Yet they knew it was time. They had to change the picture above their mantelpiece. At that point in time, it had been a family photo.
The photo in question captured: Caryn, Filbrick, Stanley, Stanford and (Y/N), the children sitting on their sofa, wide grins proudly displayed on their faces. Stan and Ford had their arms hooked around their younger sister, while she sat in the middle. Their parents stood behind the couch with their father having his arm slung around their mother’s waist with a firm expression whilst his wife’s displayed a much softer and far more joyful one - nowhere near as joyful as their children’s expressions, though.
The photograph brought back dear memories, their sister's giggles, their father's insistence of the three of them to settle down and, of course, the ability to hold (Y/N). But they knew it was time, they couldn't keep the photo there. It would simply cause misery and bring back traumatic memories.
The family gathered around the sofa, sending them all into a state of deja vu. They tried to shake it off quickly, concentrating on what they were doing, attempting to numb the pain. The two boys sat in the middle of the sofa, fake smiles on their faces. Their parents sat either side of their children, their mother beside Stanley and their father beside Stanford. Their sister's absence seemed to become more and more apparent by the second. Filbrick kept his stern, emotionless expression, Caryns demeanour had changed since the previous photo though... Instead of a warm, motherly, sincere smile, she displayed the smallest of a forced smile. Their children were looking at the small gap between them. The gap their sister would usually squeeze into.
Watching through my fingers, watching through my fingers. In my thoughts you're far away and you are whistling the melody, whistling the melody.
It was the day of the funeral. The boys were a wreck. Everyone was, in all honesty. Filbrick wore his sunglasses to hide his glossy eyes, while their mother made no attempt at hiding her sadness. She lost her baby girl. She was inconsolable. Stan and Ford couldn't even cry. They were broken, the loss of their sister physically and mentally broke them. They just felt.. empty without her. She was a ray of sunshine, that one good thing that happens at the end of a horrible day, a smile in a crowd of frowns. She didn't deserve this, she was such a sweet girl. As their friends and family gathered, the ceremony came to a start. Their father and the twins carried the coffin, alongside their grandfather and a close friend of yours. They placed the coffin down and took their seats. Ford covered his eyes, watching through his fingers.
He couldn't do it. He needed her. Why did she have to leave them so so early?
That wasn't how it was meant to be. It was meant to be just the three of them. Stan, Ford and (Y/N) that's how it had always been. Just the three of them. Only then did it dawn on Ford, that it was just him and Stan now. No more seeing your cheerful grin that could light up a room. Just you, lying still in a coffin, surrounded by flowers with an unmoving face, stuck in a permanent look of sorrow. He closed the gaps between his fingers, no longer being able to bear looking at the girl who had once been so energetic and joyful.
Crystallizing clear as day. Oh, I can picture you so easily, picture you so easily
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luffyvace · 3 months
Hello first of all- Omg my new fav author I LOVE UR WRITING SM LIKE ???? APBDISBRQKOZ
I found your blog form the author!Reader the anon who ask haz a creative mind I loved the 2 post sm I already got addicted to it I hope u Dont mind me requesting sm form it
Imagine Kusuo getting a notification (he seems like the one has his phone on dnd but has his notification open for his s/o in all media) of her post sm in one of there public social platform saying "I'm turning into my emo phase if this writer block doesn't move on form me " and when checking her private acc (the it's only access for him and her older friend) she is all memes about her writer block and her saying "if I stop writing I give all my books and series to you my friend" just her and overreacting to her block writer
Hiii!! THANK YOU CUTIE!! It always makes me so happy to hear I can share my hobbies with others <3 ahhh I see! Of course I don’t mind dear :)
ohh so if I’m getting this right it’s Saiki finding readers second blog (in which she mostly posts unserious stuff about her writers block) I believe I get what ya mean :}
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Lol if feel like almost every writer has they’re side blogs or blog where they not a writer they just read other’s stuff
and to me this blog seems like a kinda funny vent blog where reader can just complain about her writers block whenever she has it
LOL imagine going inactive on that acc for weeks and saiki’s wondering if you forgot about it or forgot the password but you just simply have had a lot of motivation lately
then all the sudden you come back and your rebloging all types of relatable author memes and making posts about how ‘your going emo because you have writers block’
honestly it’s kinda ironic to him
he likes your posts on both accounts to support even when your do have writers block
cuz who’s likes a guy who ups and leaves when you don’t have motivation?
the first time you threatened to give your books away he knew you were joking but at the same time he was like ‘wait don’t give all your books away they can’t write it as well as you can 😀’
’kusuo I’m joking’
‘me too I knew that’
(“Thank goodness..her books were the only thing keeping me sane from those nuisances..”)
- In Saiki’s head
he doesn’t get all the writer memes bc he’s not an author, obviously he’s not stupid so he does find some funny
i feel he doesn’t post on social media but if a post of yours does particularly good he’ll repost it
i think I touched up on him being supportive before but yeah I’m gonna say it it again bc it truly is an honorable mention
‘(Name/pen name) has posted!’
- notification
- Saiki
the emoji combo was terrible but basically that’s him about to break his screen from how hard he clicked
he’s always the first one on your posts and interacts every way possible
except comments..
which sucks cuz it boosts it a lot but he just doesn’t interact online 😭
if it’s a social media where you can see who liked, aiura and torisuka always tease Saiki for being the first like every time
“Dang your a real simp huh? Your the first like on her every post!”
- Aiura
”MAN! You don’t miss a beat do ya Saiki? I can never beat you to it 😭”
- Toritsuka
“wow..you beat me once again. The second the notification pops up you’ve already liked, reblogged and shared before I can even click on it. That’s impressive I must say, but it’s also quite annoying because I would like to be the first one to support (name) one day. In fact you do everything first! You get the books before they publish! You like all her posts first! Satire or not too!- yadda yadda yadda..”
- Akechi
“you don’t even respond to me that fast! Sometimes you leave me on read or delivered for 2 days before you answer me”
- Kaido
Saiki also sees that your friend likes your second acc too
which he would figure since you two are close
ehehe..a bit short dearest but I hope it brings you joy regardless~ 😅💞
I have much to get out..need to be more active..
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merakiui · 4 months
ngl i forgot which anon i am to ur tumblr so like i had to search each one of the anon list until i found the anon i am LMAOAOAOAO
btw btw since ive been inactive for quite long time and also twst too, i missed my beloved octa trios 😔
tbh i found probably one of my scenarios with azul again, its like dim if its yan or not but hear me out expressive-less darling who’s an artist that draw azul from afar. like literally admiring him from afar and no one knows about this but the leech twins did noticed oml… like i can imagine the darling has a painting portraits of azul in every EACH angle like bro darling really admire Azul’s beauty instead of Vil LMAOAOAO
have a great day Mera and ily my fav twst writer~
- 🦐 anon
🦐 ANONNNNNN!!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡ HIIIIII OMG HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!!!!!!! I was just thinking of you and wondering if you have been well!!! It's been a while, but I'm also doing well!!! I'm happy you could find which anon you are hehe!!! Welcome back!!!
Speaking of the beloved trio, have you seen the Octavinelle manga!!!!! >w< AAAAAAA the beloveds are now illustrated!!! I'm excited to see the tweels in their mer forms and overblot tako. orz
:O artist darling who draws Azul so often that their room is filled with all of the portraits they've done of him, some finished and others not. Aaaaa and maybe the tweels get a little envious that you show him so much attention. They want you to draw them, too!!! No matter how much they pester you, you never seem to show them any indication that you intend to draw either of them. It seems as if Azul is your one and only muse. <3
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betzabobababi · 8 months
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Thanks for the Tag! (@nameforthemain) (Maybe I should change my theme colors to these?)
@bringinsexybackk69 @book-place @popfishjr @foggy-isnt-here @afalls14universe @ur-fav-inactive-writer @scarthefangirl @i-writes-things
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koolades-world · 4 months
hellaur, not an ask or anything but i've noticed so much new content and i just wanna say thanks for feeding us your delicious writing 😋🍽
been a follower for quite some while and the satan fics got me obsessed but then i got pulled in by the headcanons, keep writing pls, ur like my fave obm writer (specifically satan fics, can't get enough of the lilith and satan angst one that i just keep rereading and rereading it 😔🙏)
AWWW thank you 🥺
I can't believe i missed this!! I usually try to pick it out from the requests but sometimes I lose them in there
I've been trying to post daily now since I went inactive for so long and to exercise my creativity!! my whole world basically revolves around science now so I don't get much of a chance to be creative otherwise. so glad to hear you noticed!!
actually I'm def planning to make a p2 to just like lilith due to so many requests. ahhh i can't believe so many people like my silly brain blorbos 🥺🥺 I live and breathe to write satan angst, and I'm actually thinking about making a luci satan angst piece
THANK YOU SM AGAIN!!! I can't believe I'm someone fav 🥺
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Hi niaaa, i honestly like your works they make my heart just go through numerous emotions tbh :>>
neways, ur nice keep going 👍
Also, if its not much of a bother, Can I ask what’s going on with @tocalehenitusethatmf ? Ive noticed they haven’t posted anything for weeks already- and i also asked if maybe they’re on a hiatus but they havent replied 😭😭
And i noticed that u two interact so-
(Can i just say that you two are one of my favs writers)
If you know, are they on a hiatus?
And do they go online? (How do u even see if they’re online😭)
hello anon, thank you so much for your words and to address about @tocalehenitusethatmf , i actually have no idea at all and have been wondering the same thing for awhile🥲😭
i know that they sometimes would just be offline for awhile and come back, but this is perhaps the longest time i've ever known them to be inactive. i regularly checked their other blog to check on them but it's empty and their main blog's latest post is MONTHS old and was a reblog.
i haven't heard anything from them regarding any hiatus so i dont really know how they are right now :(
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ohmygs-blog · 8 months
hihi o my gof i’ve been such a big fan of your work for so so long n i’ve been suuuuper inactive in terms of my writing due to starting uni etc but i just realised we’re mutuals ?????? i actually teared up i love seeing your personality shine through your work (i genuinely thing you’re my fav writer on this app hi) n i’d love love love to be friends w you !!!!!! i fear you’re too cool for me but i had to let you know !!!!!! love u <3333
omggg hiiii ily ????
nooo cuz when i first started by blog i was literally obsessed w uuuu. like u were def one of the first blogs i followed on hereeee n ur sooo sweet wtf
and yes id love love love to besties with u <3
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wri0thesley · 3 years
Thought I’d drop by to tell u I’ve started watching JJBA I am in love with Jotaro 🥺🥺 I came to ask if u have any yummy fics or anything so spare hehe 🤲🏽
((Also hi!! I feel like I’ve not seen much of u on my dash how are u? Hope ur okay and taking care of urself mwah 💖💖))
here is a link to my personal favourite jotaro fic! he's not really one of my faves so i don't actually read a lot of stuff for him but i can recommend some other writers with a lot of jotaro stuff too! @abbacchiosbelt / @jotaros-massive-tiddies / @moonbeamwritings / @angry-geese
there are ALMOST CERTAINLY a lot more but lots of jojo writing blogs are fairly inactive nowadays! im sure it'll pick up when we get our new season soon though.
friends pls feel free to reblog or suggest your fav jotaro fics in the replies dfgbnkjgfbkjn
(i've been okay!!! struggling with writing recently but i am alive and around and doing my best and there is little more i can ask for!!! <3 i hope you too are also doing okay!)
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cinnamogai · 3 years
hi !! umm can i get a name/prn validation w the name connor + she/her n it/its prns :O ?? for some general interest stuff, im really into "cutesy" fashion, the ocean, mythology, and writing. i write a lot of fantasy n i make characters who i would like to see in modern media!! its rly important to me aha ,, but yeah !! mythology is one of my biggest inspos, and its just a generally cool thing that i wish more people cared about !! history in general is a fixation of mine bc its the most important thing that not a lot of people are interested in (surprisingly :( ) uhh anyways yeah !! ty for taking asks in general i love ur blog, n ty for responding if u ever do :D
indeed you can! thank you for all the info, it always helps <3 i’m so sorry that i’ve been so inactive, school is really kicking me in the butt. under the cut!!
connor has let me known that she wants some good ol’ validation and i shall certainly give it that! <3 we share a lot of interests which is so so exciting!! i’m also a lover of cute fashion, mythology, and writing! mythology isn’t as prevalent anymore, but it was a big interest for me in middle school lol. and it’s always been greek mythos which is yk not the most obscure type.. maybe i should get into another culture’s mythology? maybe some ancient civilization or something :0 if connor could yk tell me any of her fav mythologies to take inspo from or just what it thinks is the most interesting, i’d really love to learn more! i do love writing though, so connor and i are definitively similar in that regard lol. i’m less of a creative writer, more into essay and research based stuff actually! though i assume if connor writes fantasy then she is not an essay writer lol, unless it is writing some.. lord of the rings based essay? might be fun to read actually. and actually!! i love history! it’s my favorite class right behind english :0 i never get tired of learning new things about the past i just think it’s like.. so amazing. i’m glad connor and i both appreciate history, i think it’s always fun to enjoy a subject taught in schools! thank you sm for requesting connor, i hope this felt nice to read! <33
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ur-fav-inactive-writer · 10 months
𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐚 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐳'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐟 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞...
Rosa Diaz x Twin!Deaf!Reader | Request by @smoiesaustine
WC: 362
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Being Rosa's twin was one of the best things to happen to you. You always felt safe and supported by your sisters side. The two of you were best friends since birth.
When you got to around six, you found out you were going deaf. You were devastated by the news, afraid it'd ruin your bond with your sister. She supported you all the way through though.
When the hearing loss grew, you had to learn sign language. Being young, it was going to be rather tough to learn it all. Your parents didn't bother learning very much of it, leaving you feeling unsupported. However, Rosa decided to learn it as well. She'd practise with you every day, for as long as you liked.
As we know, Rosa is incredibly smart, meaning that she wouldn't have much difficulty learning and understanding sign.
As you two grew up, she helped people communicate with you so you could feel more included. For those of your friends who didn't understand sign language, Rosa would translate for them.
When you got older and had the decision to get hearing aids or continue without them, Rosa helped you decide what you wanted to do.
Because of how close you were, you both pursued the same careers. You both went to multiple different schools before deciding on the police academy together.
At the police academy is where you both met Jacob Peralta. You both quickly became close friends, but Rosa often had to help him communicate with you. After meeting you, he decided to begin learning sign too.
You both graduated from the police academy, and after a while, you both transferred to the ninenty-ninth precinct together.
Everyone began trying to learn sign language together as soon as they made friends with you.
If you chose to have hearing aids, Amy would always keep spare batteries for them in her pockets and desk in case you ran out of them.
Rosa also kept them with her just in case too, she also kept a pocket-sized book that taught sign language with her in case someone needed to use it or her mind blanked, and she needed a reminder.
Overall, she was just always at your side, no matter what.
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vivi-taylorsversion · 10 months
Some Umbrella Academy Alignment Charts To Mend Your Souls:
more alignment charts at my 2nd acc: @ur-fav-inactive-writer
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bookplush · 3 years
tagged by @buoyantsaturn
name: annie
pronouns: she/her (but also any work i’ve never gotten why ur supposed to care abt pronouns. whatever works)
height: 4′10″ 😌
favorite bands: mmm idk the mountain goats? i don’t listen to many bands anymore
favorite artists: orla gartland, billie marten, jack stauber, lots of others too that i dont feel like listing lol
song stuck in your head: currently listening to the louvre by lorde so that ig
last movie you watched: i have no clue i haven’t watched a movie since like. january. ??? no idea
last show you binged: slings and arrows everyone go watch slings and arrows its on youtube and its great i love slings and arrows sm
when you created this account: halloween night 2015 babey (about a month after i turned 13)
other blogs: too many to list. honestly i have 83 in total and thats after a recent blog purge i had ~120 at one point. of those 83 i think ~50 are in use the rest are url hoards 👉👈 tumblr dont delete me hahahahahha. anyways some of the ones that are actually worth looking at are @pjozz, @unwieldyink, @necrodiangelo. i also have a sideblogs page on my blog if ur interested in looking at my others, i have one for every side fandom i’ve ever been in and also a bunch of aesthetic sideblogs. basically i use the “new blog” button like other people use tags lmao.
why i chose my url:
@bookplush- i’m actually not cool and my mom signed me up for tumblr lmao (again i was barely 13) so she chose this one because i was being indecisive about a username. she just looked at my bookshelves and named what she saw (books and plush toys [like stuffed animals]) and said bookplush! and i liked it and there would be so many broken links if i change it now so i just kept it
@pjozz- this one is my fandom moodboard blog (inactive now) and originally it was called heroesofemotions but that. is a dumb name. so i changed it and i wanted something simple and short but had pjo in it so!! pjozz it is
@unwieldyink- i actually don’t really like this url much anymore. i made this blog (my writing/fic blog) in like 2017 or something and i wanted to pick something that sounded ~writery~ and ~poetic~ but now i just think it sounds silly and pretentious lol but AGAIN i would have so many broken links and there have been so many times that i’ve looked for a blog and not been able to find it bc they change their url that i kind of. never change urls ever now so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@necrodiangelo- this is my nico aes blog and the url is obviously nicodiangelo but necro instead of nico. i am very proud of this pun everyone look at it look at it now.
number of people i follow: 510
followers: on this blog? 651. it’s my third most followed blog i believe. first is @pjozz even tho its inactive now rip and second is @unwieldyink
hours of sleep: it really varies some nights its 12 and some nights its like 4 lmao. tonight is gonna lean more towards that second option because i’m not even a third of the way thru my math homework due at 9am tomorrow :) gonna be up all night doing it but thats ok thats the sunday night routine now
lucky number: dunno if i have a lucky number but my fav numbers are 2 and 7 so any combination of those. 2, 7, 22, 27, 72, etc
currently wearing: pajamas. constellation sweatpants and a tank top. oh and fuzzy socks :3
dream trip: i’m such a travel romanticizer i literally daydream about going EVERYWHERE. i want to go everywhereeee. my dream trip would be like. dipping into every single country in the world lmao but that’s obviously not feasible.
dream job: i simply do not dream of labor /hj. but actually uhhh idk i daydream about being a writer or actor or singer or some other creative so i guess that. but i’m never gonna be those irl so
favorite gift(s): idk gift giving and receiving are both more of a hassle to me than anything. BUT i like gifts that are like. “oh i saw this on the way home and thought of you!!” those are cute! thats why i send my friends posts that remind me of them :3. but like. when i have to give or receive gifts for an Official Occasion like birthday or whatever that’s. hhhh too much pressure
favorite song: NO clue bud. probably something by orla i love orla
universes i’d like to visit: i. don’t know what this one means tbh. like fictional universe? i mean i’d always love to go to chb
tagging: anyone who wants to! sorry its late and i don’t wanna go through who has and hasn’t been tagged already lol
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stagcharmed-a · 4 years
this is my 1000th post on this blog  !    and   if   u  will  all  allow,  I would like to dedicate it to some people who helped make this blog and my time here what it is. because rlly, the blog is only as good as the people you get to write with   (and I think I write with some of the best people ever)   so  ! here we go
@doecharmed​  -  obviously couldn’t start anywhere else but with penny. I feel like I’ve known you so much longer than I have because I just adore you and I’m so happy we found eachother and that we bonded over jily. I love all our threads, I love how similar we think with so many of our headcanons and just general ideas about the series sjfjs. you’re lily is literally just so important o my james I don’t even KNOW who he would be without you and so many times I’ve only dragged my ass here to reply to you so probably I would be inactive ten times over without you sdjs. anyway, i lov you and our canon so much and soon, I will shut up to reply to everything I owe you DHDBDB but in conclusion: im gonna follow u everywhere from now on 
@proditeur​ - G !!!!!  honestly we talked about this JUST TODAY but I never expected to care so much for the james/regulus dynamic but I do SO MUCH and it’s all cos of your regulus tbh ! I love that your blog exists and you have such a perfect understanding of reg, it makes it SO easy for me to play off that and I just have sm fun with their dynamic. In love with our full childhood to adulthood AU timeline skskfs. also, I just love you so much as a person! I feel like you were one of the first people to really interact with me and make me feel welcome and I still think about that time we talked LITERALLY ALL DAY all the time. i adore everything about you !!
@cewyllenw​ - I know we only started rp’ing together fairly recently but i lov u charlotte and ur sirius so much. i feel like you REALLY are there to get emo over their friendship and thats what I NEEDED. I love love love all our threads, the way each one incorporates the next and just everything we’ve written between them already and I hope we can write sm more into the future. 
@mangaien​ -  agnes i know we knew eachother before this blog but reuniting with you has been A BLESSING. like, I just cannot believe we found eachother again. you’re my number one go to for getting into the marauders/hp feels cos I KNOW you understand better than anyone and honestly the fact we can just bond over loving the same characters is so *chefs kiss* and im so proud of u for being out in the world getting an education and being smart, i stan an intellectual
@drcomalfy​ - raven even tho we don’t rlly write here as much as on my other blogs UR STILL MY FAV. our philip/james au was ... how they say ? iconique. I think ur an incredible writer and so good at developing characters, I admire u and u inspire me! but also, you’re probably the funniest bitch I know and I honestly still laugh over some shit you said (the whole george/draco babysitting teddy thing DKDKDK) i lov u bitch 
some other blogs I lov and respect and I am so glad take their time to write w me cos all our threads mean THE WORLD to me and I’m so glad we have developed the character dynamics we have .  like all ur interpretations are SO GOOD and we prob don’t write as often as I do with some others but I WANT TO cos I love you all  :  @doemeawds @marawrder  @mademartyr @moonytheprofessor  
in conclusion: this isn’t intended to be a follow forever in the traditional sense cos I write w SO many other people i lov and will love forever but like .... all u people have done SO MUCH to help me develop my muse and fit into this community literally purely just from writing with me and chatting with me and developing ideas with me, and it means so much to me and I adore u all, thankyou <3
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jwoogf-remade · 5 years
abt tag
tagged by @justalittleproblem @jjgclub thank u 😚💗
name: mia
nicknames: mia 2 (courtesy of wren), angel, mimi, jojo siwa (i hate u mia)
pronouns: she/her
zodiac: taurus
age: 16 ('02)
height: 5'2
hair color: supposed to be red but looks pink
time: 6:20am
favorite fruit: strawberry
favorite season: spring or fall
favorite animal: cat
fav fictional character: patrick
fav tv show: the office
cats or dogs: cats
do u have a tumblr crush: ya my gf @jjgclub
fav artist: nct, exo, skz, the nbhd
song stuck in my head: love shot by exo
last movie i saw: circle
last thing i googled: how to get rid of a headache (i was searching it for mia she had a heachache)
other blogs: inactive
do u get asks: ya a lot idk why
why did u choose ur user: lmao im a slut
following: its over 200 i know that
what are u wearing: sweatpants, red sweatshirt, black socks, n some white shoes
dream job: therapist or writer
dream trip: italy, nyc, ohio
fav food: u know damn well im gonna say pussy
fav song: vroom vroom by exo cbx
play or played instruments: piano n flute
fav drink: cum
are u older or younger thank ur ult: younger
what do u notice first in a person: nose lmao
put ur playlist on shuffle and list the four first songs:
boss - nct u
m.i.a. - stray kids
limitless - nct 127
24/7 - exo
do u believe in ghosts: sure
do u drive? if so, have u crashed: ya i drive no i havent
languages u speak: english n a tiny bit of italian
random fact: my eyes r green
tagging: @mangsbby @sugarplumxuxi @pepperminthyuck @sagmoonjeno
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kodzukoi · 2 years
yes it’s me😭 I missed you too<33
honestly I’m having writer’s block and I’ve been so busy I can’t write lol
so many of my mutuals are inactive now so I don’t even go on this app too much except to go back and read my favs
but I’ll talk to you‼️ winter break might help me write tbh
i feel so special ngl like laksdjfaowerjalksjf, and winter break has made me write sm, it's ridiculous (like- i've added 10 more things to my drafts 🧍🏻‍♀️) i hope ur writer's block goes away soon bc spare lana content i beg 🤲🏻
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