#vark posts
spiderrverse · 1 year
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Spider-Punk icons 💥
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roaringheat · 24 days
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Venture enjoyers try not to draw them as hot as humanely possible challenge. Difficulty: impossible
+ @smahltkurda 's cute lil Venture
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cringefailvox · 2 months
canon vox would destroy pilot vox btw. pilot has a more sinister design but he was a kind of a softie who took silly photos with the vees and had a shark dog and let val smack him around like a battered housewife. canon vox manipulates val into compliance within like three sentences, mind controls the masses into obedience, and is a power hungry overlord who regularly exploits and violates people's privacy for his own gain. yes he is silly in the company of the vees and deeply cringe about alastor but he would still think pilot/pre-canon vox is a spineless loser
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hoomandoescosplay · 16 days
Nighttime Routine | Vox x Reader Oneshot
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As I’m laying my head on his chest I can feel his breathing start to slow and even out. Guess he can fall asleep fast I think to myself.
I untangle myself from his embrace and give him a gentle kiss on the cheek before laying on my side and trying to drift off as well.
I struggle for a few minutes before my eyes finally start to get heavy and I begin to drift off.
As soon as my eyes fully close they snap open as a bright light freaks me out. I sit up slightly to get a better view and I see a video of Vark swimming underwater.
Vark’s never been underwater from what I know at least. I glance at Vark at the edge of the bed and see him curled up fast asleep as well.
I then glance back at Vox’s screen as a new video is playing. Are these his dreams? I reach my arm out and lightly pat Vox’s shoulder.
“I think your dreams are playing on your screen…” I mumbled tiredly. I get no response from him.
I sigh as I lay back down facing the ceiling. The light is continuing to emit off of his screen which does not help me to fall asleep.
After a few more minutes of staring at the ceiling I cover my face as I groan out. His screen starts to play some white noise that correlates to his dreams.
“There’s no way I’m falling asleep like this.” I mutter out through my hands. I can faintly hear the noises coming from the white noise as I grab one of my pillows and move closer to Vox.
“Sorry but not really.” I mumbled sleepily as I placed the pillow over his face and screen to try to drown out the light and noise.
I guess I may have pressed the pillow down too hard on his screen cause it woke him up.
"What in the world-" He mumbled sleepily, removing the pillow from his face, "What's going on, doll? Why did you do that-?" He questioned, blinking tiredly.
I stare at him for a moment as he’s now holding onto my pillow. “You need a mute button.” I mumble as I rub my eyes tiredly.
He stifled a yawn as he began to understand what I’m referring to. "Oh, I see. You're hearing my dreams. Did it bother you that much?" He asked as he placed the pillow he was holding down next to him.
“I’m just not used to sleeping with any sort of lights or noise.” I admit feeling slightly bad for waking him up.
He nods slightly and moves his arm so it's wrapped around me again as he pulls me closer to him.
"I should have put my screen on its night mode. That’s my fault, doll." He mumbled tiredly. His screen then goes to a settings page and I see him flick on his night mode setting.
He sighs to himself and blinks tiredly as he wraps the blanket back over us. "I do appreciate you waking me up instead of trying to suffer in silence." He mumbled, referring to me waking him up by placing the pillow on his face.
I laugh quietly. “Waking you up wasn’t part of the plan but you’re welcome.” I cuddle up into his embrace. “Thank you.” I whisper out as I close my eyes.
He smiles faintly and presses a gentle kiss to my temple and cuddles me back, burying his face into my hair. "You're welcome, doll." He whispered quietly as we both drifted off to sleep.
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eggcats · 24 days
I do have an idea of Alastor taking Vox pet shopping, because Vox mentioned having a dog when he was alive and missing having a companion
Alastor agrees to get him a pet, as long as it ISN'T a dog
Vox cannot believe THIS is the one line Alastor won't cross, not even using his most adorable digital face changed his mind - but Vox still wants a pet, so he agrees. No dogs.
(They haven't been together long enough for Vox to LEARN why no dogs was such a big deal, here - I kind of think that's something Alastor doesn’t talk about until they've been together for like 10-20 years).
So! They go to a pet store, and Vox immediately wants the giant dog-like shark.
(Alastor tries to say no, but Vox is like "C'mon it's not a dog!!! *insert cute anime eyes before that was even a concept* so Alastor relents).
And the poor shop employee is like, trying to figure out how to tell the fucking Radio Demon and the guy who's starting to take over all the media that they probably don't have the ability to care for the shark-dog thing. (Think, stressed PetSmart employee trying to go "No, a baby bunny isn't a good gift for Easter" except to a serial killer actively covered in blood, here. That's the visual I'm thinking of).
[side note: why do I punish poor minimum wage employees constantly, I promise I have also worked a minimum wage job working for the general public, lol]
But when the employee explains that the shark-dog thing needs a large body of water (probably ocean) to swim in often, Alastor is just like "Oh I can summon that, easily. I'll add it to the guest bedroom since Vox no longer uses it." And Vox is like, what do you MEAN that's something you can do?? You can't just drop casual lore like that at the pet store!
Alastor is like "?? Darling, what do you mean? I have a bayou in my room in the closet? A little beach isn't any more difficult."
And it turns out that when Vox moved in, Alastor told him not to go in that closet. Alastor meant it in a "don't go in there without me, because wandering in a bayou could be dangerous if you don't know where you are/how to do so safely" kind of way.
Vox, however, took it in a Bluebeard kind of way and was like, "Easy, I'm not having him murder me, so he'll be stuck with me forever. Win/win scenario, I solved the fairytale" and just assumed he DID because they're dating now.
And Alastor is left staring with the most confused smile on his face, trying to come to terms with the fact that Vox just casually accepted that he was living in a Bluebeard-like scenario, and his response was to play by the rules so he can stay with Alastor.
(They get the shark-dog. Vox names it Vark. Alastor immediately takes away his "allowed to name new things" privilege, but it's too late. It only responds to Vark).
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velvettevelour · 4 months
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hi vee nation is this anything
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hypervoxel · 3 months
Jumble of headcanons in no particular order about Vark because I need to write them down somewhere to pretend to be organized
He started off sooo cute and tiny, like the size of a guinea pig. And he made laser noises like a baby Cuban crocodile.
He was so so tiny. He did not stay tiny.
Sharks sense electricity! He's naturally drawn to Vox when Vox is taking in or letting off too much power. He naturally interrupts Vox's overstimulation and warns about seizures, so Vox trained him some actual medical alert tasks.
Service shark Vark 🐕‍🦺
On the topic of electricity, I also headcanon him as having some aspects of an electric eel as well. A fantasy eel. He can take in some of Vox's excess energy, and isn't bothered by the sparks Vox throws off.
I'm chewing on the idea that Val bought Vark for Vox as an apology gift.
Now I'm just quoting myself directly from discord: I keep thinking of how I can include this (Vark being a gift from Val) in my one fanfic where it obviously does not fit bc Val hates Vark in it. Maybe he's jealous that Vox cares way more about Vark himself than the fact that Val gave him a gift. So unappreciative, didn't even have make-up sex over it bc Vox was too busy practically having a breakdown over how adorable Vark is. Val realizes that this was a mistake and he should have picked a very different gift instead
Vark is such a well behaved good boy when he's working, as a service shark. When Vox is in distress, Vark is so focused on trying to help with all the power of his tiny shark brain <3 Outside of that tho? He's a terror. He's so excitable. He canonically (in the old Voxtagram art) jumps on and knocks people over. This ties into him previously being a tiny adorable little thing. It was sooo cute when he jumped on your leg, back when he was the size of a large potato. It stayed cute up until they realized he was going to be so much bigger than they ever expected.
(It's like a bottle raised bull. The cute things they did when they were a little baby calf are no longer cute now that they're so large they are going to hurt you on accident just trying to be friendly and playful. RIP.)
Other service dog tasks for Vark: deep pressure therapy (of course. Interrupting behaviors such as when Vox is getting overwhelmed. Blocking to stop other people from getting too close to/touching Vox when he would shock them. I am forgetting so many things and will continue writing this list later
Vox doesn't do public access with Vark. This ties into my headcanons for Vox that he is deeply ashamed of himself and he cannot let anyone know he has problems ever.
Unfortunately, I am evil. So I also like the idea of Vark as an owner-trained service animal who is hmm not the perfect candidate for the job. In the same way shepherds aren't recommended for anxiety work, he can feed too much off of Vox's own emotions and has issues with guarding aggression that at times cause him to become reactive. (*points at my fanfic where he bites Val*)
I love bad representation.
Alsooo I don't like hammerhead sharks or animals that are too cartoon-y for me to understand as a real creature, so I'm making up a new design for Vark
Based on a Bonnethead Shark! Fun fact about Bonnethead Sharks: they are omnivorous! They eat seagrass :)
So Vark is omnivorous but unfortunately he's also like a tiger shark in that he'll eat anything even if it's not food. Tiger sharks have been found with license plates, tires, and other trash in their stomachs (sad)
Don't ask Vox how many times Vark has needed emergency exploratory surgery after eating something he shouldn't have. He doesn't want to talk about it.
Vark chews on wires like real sharks biting at undersea fiber optic cables. Chomp chomp
When Vark was a tiny baby, Velvette dressed him up in silly little outfits to post online. She doesn't do that anymore because he has mostly outgrown his cuteness stage for her: she only thought he was cute when he was little.
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claudethecrabdemoness · 4 months
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Her actual Valentine… …much to Vox’s chagrin.
Oh you thought I’d forget about Vark? Not a chance. Every overlord’s gf needs their designer animal after all, even if you have to take your man’s and make him your own.
She won’t steal yo man, but she sure as hell will steal your pet. 🦈💅✨
Over time she’s become his real Mommy, since Velvette doesn’t seem remotely interested in this freak of nature. Which is perfectly fine. Vark is a lot of things, but def not everybody’s cup of tea. Lucky for him, ugly cutie fish babies are exactly hers.
She absolutely loves taking him on roller skate walks around town, à la Harley Quinn. Vox doesn’t always approve, especially when he has to pay for the damage control from their antics, but he usually caves once he sees Vark’s happy tail-wagging face and peaceful sleep after he’s tuckered out. Plus… she do be lookin kinda hot while holding his leash… (what can he say, he’s a sucker for a dog mom in 70s denim)
His only real issue is he just isn’t sure which parent Vark loves more, so sometimes gets nervous insanely jealous when he seems to favor Claude. Which is totally not often. Nope. Vark knows who his real daddy is.
…. right?
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kesslersymbolic · 2 years
source: https://www.reddit.com/r/okbuddybaka/comments/wt8huu/aardvark_vark_vark_vark/
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
✨ Masterlist ✨
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader Series: - Get Off My Screen! [Reader's POV] - I'm On Your Screens. [Vox's POV] - Blips In My Routine [Interlude 1] - Enough With The Schemes! [Interlude 2] - You're Just Being Mean! [Interlude 3] - TikTok Trending, Posts and Memes [Interlude 4] - Oops, Guess I Spilled the Tea [Interlude 5; Vox POV] - You Could Do Better(With Me) [Interlude 6; Vox POV] - Old Times Gone By [Interlude 7] - Oh Shut Up Vee! [Interlude 8] - What a Jelly TV [Interlude 9] - Get That Shit Off My Screen! [Interlude 10] - Sing-Song Shenanigans [Interlude 11] - Troubles Unforeseen [Reader's Death] - Reunited Again Aren't We? [Vox's POV on Reader's Death]
- Nostalgic Memories [Drabble 1] - Roller Rinking, Dancing And Dreaming [Interlude 12] - Clubbing Catastrophe [Interlude 13] - A Heart's Conundrum [Aftermath of Interlude 13, Vox POV] - Party Games Aplenty [Interlude 14] - Karaoke Cacophony [Interlude 15] - I Hate Mondays [Interlude 16] - Muddled Morality [Interlude 17] - Hate And Love, A Fine Line [Drabble 2]
- Small Subtleties [Interlude 18]
- Video Gaming, Competitive Raging [Interlude 19]
- Once Bitten, Twice Shy [Drabble 3]
- Just A Dream [Interlude 19; Slightly NSFW]
- Did You Tell Them? I Tried. [Interlude 20] - Deers and Dogs Don't Mix [Interlude #] - Violence, Virtues and Vark? [Interlude #] - Movie Nights and Pillow Fights [Interlude #] - [Genuinely depending on whether people have ideas or stuff they wanna see I might add more HAHAHAHAH] - Nothing Left In Between [Finale] Tiny!Vox x Reader Series: - Paws and Pixels: VoxPet™️ - Pocket-sized Partner: VoxPet™️ Care Guide [Headcanons]
- Magic and Mayhem: Hazbin Crew x Elf!Reader - Possible chapter coming soon Actor AU: Hazbin Crew x Reader [Can now be found @hhactorauofficial]
- Shifting Management [ANNOUNCEMENT]
Vox AI Covers:
- Accidentally In Love, It's Gonna Be Me, Jet Lag, Heaven By Your Side, Like A Rose
- Still Into You
- 命里缺個你
Other Vox Fics: - Glass Breaks (Vox x gn!afab!Reader; NSFW) - Flustered Fanatics (Soft!Vox x Easily Flustered!Reader; SFW) - Comfort Cuddles (Vox x fem!Reader; SFW) - Vox x Reader Headcanons: Fellatio Fantasy (Headcanon list; NSFW)
- Vox x Reader Headcanons: Fiancé Edition (Headcanon list; SFW & NSFW)
- The Temptation Tango (Vox x Fem!Reader; NSFW)
Other Fics:
- A Familiar Face (Husker x OC)
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spiderrverse · 1 year
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Hobie Brown icons 💥
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roaringheat · 9 months
You've gotta be shittin me im goin a little insane over the way Charles asks Arthur to help him by saying "Do it for me" and then repeating it just a little more firmly when Arthur doesn't immediately give in ohhhhhh my god
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am-i-interrupting · 2 months
How would Vox or Velvette be with a reader who looks like a princess, has never gotten her hands dirty, who can blood bend and has a mean streak, often making some souls slap themselves?
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She’s high maintenance. You’re high maintenance. You can both be high maintenance together!
She absolutely wants you to model for her.
She makes so many lines with your inspiration in there somewhere.
The year any royalty comes to Hell, she will further the sting of death by making an actual princess dress like that is literally just inspired by you and you alone.
She also compliments your hands. She loves how soft and smooth they are.
Constant manicures together and rotating through different nail sets.
No one will ever catch the two of you slacking.
When you snap though. Oh, she loves it.
Absolutely gets out her phone and livestreams it.
“This is why no one messes with my partner.”
The implication being not that she will come after them but that you will.
Absolutely smothers you in kisses later.
The first time you ever lost your temper around her, just a couple months later there was a lingerie launch that came out, very clearly inspired by you.
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He spoils you. You deserve it.
Anything you want, you’ve got.
You’re his darling princess. You deserve everything.
Prepare to be pampered to the fucking heavens.
He adores you and lets you know it and others as well by a result.
Half of his Sinstagram posts are just the most breathtaking pictures of you and the other half are advertisements and Vark. He normally tries to combine the three.
However, one day some stupid souls try to rest you.
He was busy in a meeting but he had a screen tracking you open and his face call with the person open on the other.
As soon as he noticed the person talking to you was a threat, the face call ended and he was by your side but he was too late.
You were already controlling the person’s movements, forcing them to slap themself to the point of bruises.
He stood behind you and let you do your thing, absolutely enthralled.
“Are you alright, princess? Yes. Good.”
Prepare to get pulled into a bruising kiss and teleported away somewhere else.
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hoomandoescosplay · 11 days
Hauntingly Beautiful | Vox x Reader
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Prompt/story idea from @justzxra
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selfhelpforstudents · 7 months
Identify your personal learning style, peak productivity hours, and preferred study environments.
Girls in Finance server/project // Selfhelpforstudents server
Step 1: Learning Style Assessment
1.1 Research Learning Styles:
Explore different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or read/write. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each. (find my post here)
1.2 Reflect on Past Experiences:
Recall situations where you felt most engaged and learned effectively. Note the activities and methods that worked best for you.
1.3 Take Learning Style Assessments:
Utilize online learning style assessments to gain insights into your preferred learning style. Examples include VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading/Writing, Kinesthetic) or Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles Questionnaire.
Step 2: Peak Productivity Hours Identification
2.1 Self-Reflection:
Reflect on your daily energy levels and focus. Identify times when you feel most alert, focused, and energetic.
2.2 Experiment with Different Times:
Schedule study or work sessions during various times of the day. Observe your productivity levels during these sessions.
2.3 Track Productivity Patterns:
Maintain a journal to log your productivity levels throughout the day. Look for patterns or consistent periods of heightened focus.
Step 3: Preferred Study Environments
3.1 Experiment with Settings:
Study in different environments, such as libraries, cafes, quiet rooms, or outdoor spaces. Note how each setting affects your concentration and comfort.
3.2 Consider Noise Levels:
Assess your tolerance for noise. Determine if you work better in complete silence, with background music, or in moderately noisy environments.
3.3 Evaluate Lighting:
Pay attention to the impact of lighting on your focus. Experiment with natural light, artificial light, and different color temperatures.
3.4 Note Distractions:
Identify potential distractions in each environment. Consider whether you thrive in a completely distraction-free zone or if a mild level of distraction enhances your productivity.
Thanks for reading! Hope it helps! x
Join our Girls in Finance project if you want to learn more about studying finance and the financial world <3
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bigfatbimbo · 2 months
So after that one ask about housewife!Vox having an accident in bed, it got me thinking;
Would the aftermath of that—or something similar to the humiliation of that—be the moment Vox realizes that he wants to marry you? This is based off the assumption the two have not tied the knot yet, obviously.
Like over the course of the next few days, Vox can’t help but think about you and your relationship; you’ve been there for everything. When he was pretty much at the top of the world, his booming business, his scuffles with Alastor, down to the downfall of the Vee’s and much more after that.
Obviously he knew this relationship was gonna last a long time. After all, revealing his mommy kink and his naturally subby nature to someone is something he would absolutely never reveal to anyone unless he knew he could really, really, trust you and see this lasting for a very long time. So it’s definitely not the first time he’s thought about it but this time it’s different.
It’s not like the “They wouldn’t be a terrible spouse”, or, “I suppose being spouses isn’t the biggest inconvenience”, no. This time, he’s like really thinking about it.
His humiliating downfall from his overlord status to basically a “loser baby~🎵” (sorry couldn’t help myself) made his already insecure ass even more insecure. Surely you’d leave right? Why would you stay? Why would you insist he stay? He’s thought about leaving with just himself and Vark to anywhere as to not be a burden to you. Who would want such a failure like him as a partner anyways? Who would want to come home to him everyday?
Well, you do. Whether he’s on top of the world or at rock bottom—you’re there. And if he’s honest with himself; with you there it doesn’t feel like rock bottom at all.
I can imagine the proposal going a few different ways. Like he dips into his savings that he only uses for emergencies (usually spoiling Vark with an actual tank rather than using your little bathtub all the time) and buys a ring—he’s going to propose. Or, he subtly starts hinting towards engagement rings to you in hopes you’d propose. Hell I can even imagine him excitedly calling up Velvette (headcanoning he keeps contact with the other fallen Vee’s) and calling in a favour to make him a wedding suit before he’s even proposed to you 🤦‍♀️ he’s just excited. And he hopes you are too <3
THIS IS SO CUTE OMFG— Anyways, for those who don’t know, the post that sparked this was an ask regarding housewife!Vox, after the fall of the vees, (A little au i have on here if you don’t know) waking up from a terrible nightmare and realizing that he wet the bed.
The anon proposed that leading to sex but in the ask I said that he would prefer to just be comforted and made feel better about his childish and ‘pathetic’ behavior. So imagine, after taking care of the sheets and remaking the bed, taking him in your arms just spooning him, holding him and reassuring that he’s not pathetic, and he’s been having a rough time.
Planting innocent little kisses on his hands and neck while explaining how he’s safe, he’s with you, and you’re not gonna let anything happen. Oh and most best of all, just as you know he’d prefer, you’d forget all about this in the morning.
Something about that, the way you knew exactly how to treat him, exactly what to say to make him feel better, and the fact you didn’t kick him out for doing something so humiliating. Something just clicks in that moment.
With you planting a gentle kiss on his shoulder, he knows. He wants to marry you. It’s honestly a foreign feeling, the need to be tied down to someone permanently like that. But from that night on, it’s on his mind constantly.
You do something for him and he’s just thinking “Oh my god… I love my [wife/husband] so much.” And you’re not even married yet.
He’s planning out his proposal, hinting to you that he wants you too, making ‘slick’ remarks about rings in shop windows. Seeing which one you might be interested in and if that doesn’t work, hinting at the one he wants.
I have such a vision in my head of the proposal being very sitcom-esc. But in the sense where he’s behind you on one knee, waiting for you to turn around, and when you finally do you just grin and laugh, before pulling out a ring from you pocket and going to on one knee yourself.
Like that goofy ‘proposing at the same time’ skit would literally fit this so well. Ugh, domestic Vox gets me so hard. And I like this way better than the more probable way that the housewife!Vox arc would end (so much angst. Terrible terrible terrible.)
Anyways, i’ve been posting a lot of Vox content lately. Can you guys guess my fav character? Haha… nope, very slick.. OH BOY I SURE HOPE NO ONE LEAVES MORE VOX ASKS JN MY INBOX TONIGHT!! maybe more of that boss/assistant human au!! ☺️☺️
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