#vavoom smut war
vavoom-sorted-art · 4 months
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Sweet Dreams - Part II
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Part I | Next | Full Comic
#Vavoom Sweet Dreams
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goodomensafterdark · 5 months
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WE NEED YOU to join the Smut War! Want to draw dirty things? Join us at r/GoodOmensAfterDark January 8th for five weeks of saucy art and fanfiction! We also reblog or post original art on our official GOAD tumblr!
art credit: @vavoom-sorted-art
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gleafer · 5 months
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Art by the ridiculously talented @vavoom-sorted-art
THE SMUT WAR IS COMING Jan. 8th! (cumming? No, coming. Why not both?)
The decadent and delightful artists and writers of @goodomensafterdark are having a war party that everyone can get behind (or on top of, however you like!).
It’s a creative bonanza of the best kind! You’ll be fed WELL, so join us while we titillate each other with art and fanfics about our favorite duo (and possibly trio! Quadruples? EVERYONE??)
Don’t forget to hydrate. It’s going to be HOT.
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lemon-tart-221 · 5 months
A Slightly Overdone Miracle of Maximum Lust
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Crowley needs to quickly stir up some trouble for hell, so he miracles a wave of lust across London. What he doesn’t anticipate is that he and Aziraphale will be affected, and — vavoom — things soon get spicy.
(Aka the buttercream cake fic)
Read it on AO3
By LemonTart
Rated E, 3k words, fluff and smut, Top Crowley, potential mild dubcon for a lust-inducing miracle
Written for the @goodomensafterdark Smut War
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gaiaseyes451 · 3 months
My Good Omens Fics
Ostinato - E, 11k. Since ascending Aziraphale has not answered any of Crowley's attempts to contact him through conventional methods. Crowley uncovers an ancient summoning ritual discovered by humans, rooted in magic and steeped in the power of music. If the angel will not respond to Crowley willingly, then the Supreme Archangel will not be given a choice.
A Little Life - E, 71k. Human AU following Professor Anthony Crowley and bookshop owner Ezra Fell as they build a life together and everything that entails. Mind the tags. Written for Good Omens Song & Poetry Exchange.
Fractured - (First story in Before Eden There was a Garden series) T, 2.3k. Following Aziraphale immediately after the war in Heaven as he searches for someone and slowly forgets. Written for r/GoodOmensAfterDark Angst War.
Shatter - (Second story in Before Eden There was a Garden series) T, 2.7k. Following The Starmaker immediately after the war in Heaven as he is forced to remember. Companion to Fractured. Written for r/GoodOmensAfterDark Angst War.
Return to Eden (Final story in Before Eden There was a Garden series) E, 14k. After The Second Coming Aziraphale and Crowley are trying to pick up the pieces when Aziraphale begins having nightmares that seem all too real. Resolves Fractured and Shatter. Written for the Ineffable Smut War of 2024.
Choice - E, 4.9k. An unidentified narrator tells his side of the story of life in Heaven before there was Hell. Written for the Ineffable Smut War of 2024. If you're going to select one work of mine to read, this is my pick.
Of Kings and Kids - T, 13k. A Very Good Omens Christmas where the Ineffables are involved in Jesus' birth. A collaboration with the talented @vavoom-sorted-art. Written because Zoey wanted to draw goats climbing on Crowley lol!
A Carol Conversation - M, 5k. Crowley uses a Christmas Carol scavenger hunt to finally Talk About It. Written for r/GoodOmensAfterDark Secret Santa 2023
Collaborative Authorships:
Coming Home - A Choose Your Own Adventure Story
E, 117k. Over 30 authors created a Choose Your Own Adventure fic for our ineffables to finally get down to business in the South Downs. Where will your choices take them?
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vavoom-sorted-art · 5 months
Sleight Of Hand - Chapter 1: The Pledge
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@moonyinpisces and I proudly present Chapter 1 of “Sleight Of Hand”: The Pledge!
Read on Ao3 (with extra Comic pages!)
Early release of comic pages as well as sketches and uncensored Versions on my Patreon.
“It’s our last night on Earth,” Crowley says, voice wrung together in chapped, rusted parts. “Six thousand years of this. Of never– of not getting to– *eurgh!”* Uncaring of the styling, Crowley runs frantic hands through his hair, mussing it up in tight, torturous fists. “Six thousand years. And it’s a bloody *photograph* that does us in.” 
His eyes are golden, molten in the warm, ambient light. The pulse at his long, taut neck is fluttering like a trapped bird, the skin there thin, delicate. “Hm,” Aziraphale says distractedly, without thinking too much of it. “I’d always thought it would’ve been what we’d got up to at Job’s.”
Crowley zeroes in on Aziraphale, at that point. All of this has been musings to himself, of attacks towards nobody in particular. Perhaps God. Most likely God. But now he’s not looking at God, and he’s looking at Aziraphale instead. It sets Aziraphale on edge, prickles the angelic sense at the back of his neck. It quickens his pulse, settles the heat of his body decidedly southward. But more than that, perhaps most of all; it makes Aziraphale be as reminded of Crowley’s human body as he is of his own, at this exact moment. 
The demon takes a step forward. Aziraphale, a stuttered step back. His fingers are curled into the top of his opposite sleeve, tips brushing the edge of the polaroid he’d nearly grabbed.
“Calm down, Crowley,” he says waveringly. 
“Calm *down?*” Crowley repeats quietly, dangerously. He’s looking Aziraphale in the eye, now. He’s looking nowhere else. 
Another step. Forward, back. Aziraphale licks his lips. 
“It’s all going to be alright, my dear boy,” he tries. He clears his throat, shifts his fingers further into his sleeve. “You see–”
He’s cut off. Quick as a flash, Crowley’s gripping him around the shoulders, shoves him back so his arse is pressed to the lip of the vanity, the lit-up mirror alighting him from behind. Aziraphale’s arms draw up around the demon’s shoulders in surprise. There’s nowhere else to go, no more steps to take. The look in Crowley’s eye speaks of a hunger all-too-familiar to Aziraphale. Reminiscent of meat, of basements, of languishing drunkenly at the end of another man’s Earth. Behind Crowley’s head, Aziraphale has the photograph clenched in one hand. 
“Crowley,” Aziraphale whispers. 
“Don’t–” Crowley’s expression is fierce, desperate. “Don’t say *anything–*” 
Aziraphale opens his mouth to say something else.
*“Angel.”* Crowley makes a desperate sort of sound, and then their lips are pressed together, and Aziraphale freezes altogether. 
Keep reading
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vavoom-sorted-art · 5 months
Sleight of Hand - Chapter 3: The Prestige
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(tumblr will nuke each and every single page of this, so you besties only get a cropped cover. go to Ao3 or Patreon to see the full versions)
Only the most premium of premium porn can do @moonyinpisces’ writing justice, which is why this chapter took so damn long, but now it’s finally here!
All the comic pages are on Ao3 and the full uncensored version on my Patreon!
“Aziraphale,” Crowley whispers brokenly. The way he says it… it sounds like Song of Songs. It sounds like Twelfth Night. It sounds– holy. 
The polaroid is face-up beside Crowley’s head, just inches away. Aziraphale leans down and kisses him, uses the distraction to carelessly throw it out to the center of the room before the guilt stalls him altogether. It’s not about hiding it from Crowley, not now. No, it’s that Aziraphale can’t bear to look at their faces when Crowley’s watching him openly, trustingly, knowing that he doesn’t deserve the automatic faith that he’s been given. The devotion to deception, to lies. Aziraphale kisses him, and kisses him, and kisses him until it’s the only thing he can think about.
Soon, the sounds leaving Crowley’s lips become formless, shapeless. He thrusts up erratically, increasingly quick and shallow. “Oh, angel, I’m–”
“Say it,” hisses Aziraphale into his open mouth. 
“Ah–” Crowley writhes in place. Tries, “Aziraphale–”
“No,” Aziraphale replies, bearing down harder and fluttering his eyes closed, brows tight. “The other thing. Say–”
“I– oh,” Crowley fumbles his hands up, pressing at the curve of his cheek, the nape of his neck. The words jumble out in inconsistent sizes and shapes, like he’d never voiced them aloud before. Didn’t know if demons could manage it before tonight, if beings materialized from hell’s machinery could communicate feelings so pure, so good to this magnitude. If Crowley can manage it without discorporating entirely. 
He can. He says them over and over until they constitute their own language. A babbling brook, an unending stream. Aziraphale feels like he’s overflowing with too many emotions to ever quite name. Despite everything, though, he says them right back. 
With a last forceful thrust of his hips, hands shaking on Aziraphale’s body and head thrown back in a silent sob, Crowley comes.
Keep reading on Ao3
Thanks for coming along for the ride and thank you moony for the amazing collab! It was super fun to adapt your writing into a comic!!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 5 months
Shameless Self Promo! ~ Patreon!
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Wanna see what these two are up to in there? Head over to https://patreon.com/vavoom_sorted_art and get your fill of ~uncensored~ Smut War submissions, WIP sketches, exclusive art and help me out with prompts when I run out of ideas!
See you there!!
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and of course, thanks for the never ending support, @goodomensafterdark!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 4 months
Oh Lordy!
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Something silly and saucy for the @goodomensafterdark smut war!
and it's even tame enough for tumblr! look at that!
(go to reddit or Patreon for the... other stuff. *wink wink*)
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vavoom-sorted-art · 4 months
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Some (more or less) safe for tumblr previews what awaits you in the @goodomensafterdark smut war on reddit and over on my Patreon!
I sure love drawing those steamy faces!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 4 months
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sexy bildad for a valentine's day gift exchange! This one surely was a challenge for me, enjoy!
Tumblr nuked my saucy bonus sketches, find them for free on Patreon!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 4 months
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Sweet Dreams - Teaser!
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Part I coming out NOW! Let's see if tumblr lets me keep it up, otherwise it will be reddit and patreon links for you besties!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 5 months
Not the breadsticks! - Sleight Of Hand sneak peek -
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Have this little teaser while I work on finishing up the ELEVEN pages that manifested in my head for chapter 2!! @moonyinpisces and I are suuuper excited to finally share it! Stay tuned!
(and psst! I post the sketches (and uncensored versions) on my Patreon!)
Check out all smut war art over on the @goodomensafterdark subreddit!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 21 days
Sweet Dreams - Part VIII
[cw: Blood and Mention of sexual violence on Page 36/slide 3]
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First | Previous | Full Comic
And this marks the end of this comic, folks! Thank you for reading and all your support!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 5 months
Join us on Reddit for a saucy art battle!!
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The Smut War is a five-week battle royale with loads of talented Good Omens artists and fanfic writers. Lasting from January 8th to February 14th on r/GoodOmensAfterDark, the war (on our pants) will feature everything from implied/suggestive erotica to hardcore pornography. Join us on Reddit, with reblogs on Tumblr, for this explosive event!
Anyone can join and throw some attacks into the ring!
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vavoom-sorted-art · 5 months
Popping the cherry! (mine and.. others) - Sleight Of Hand - Chapter Two: The Turn
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@moonyinpisces and I are MORE than excited to finally bring you Chapter 2 of “Sleight of Hand”: The Turn!
Read on Ao3 with ALL the comic pages!
Uncensored Version on Patreon!
All Aziraphale can focus on is hot, and tight, and wet. If he wasn’t already sitting, he’d have collapsed to his knees, too. He runs gentle hands through Crowley’s gel-stiff hair, touches softly at the strain of his jaw; Crowley takes him like he was born for it. Like God had created his corporation with this in mind before getting topsy-turvy at the eyes. 
Eyes that are squeezed shut in an expression speaking of taste, of savoring. There’s tears at the corners of them. Aziraphale thumbs them away instinctively, can’t help but tilt his head back against the mirror and allow himself to be relished. 
Crowley runs slow, worshipful hands up and down Aziraphale’s clothed thighs, fingers digging into the softness, there, giving way to the firmness beneath. There’s no rhythm, here, or strategic focus; it’s so sweet it’s excruciating. Crowley makes a choking sound, but doesn’t slow down in the slightest, brows drawn in concentration, dedicating himself entirely to this mode of servitude. Of prayer. 
And Aziraphale, keeper of knowledge, feels sacreligious. Because he can easily reveal their survival, or he can keep them in death. Suspend them at the precipice of the last night on earth for as long as he’d wish. It’s heady, being worshiped for the power he has but doesn’t deserve. 
The acknowledgement of it brings him far too close to the edge, right along with Crowley doing something particularly clever with his tongue. 
“Stop, stop–” Aziraphale slides off the vanity and drops down to his knees like a collapsed banner, panting from exertion. He crashes their lips together, tastes the saltiness of Crowley’s mouth, his eager tongue. Wraps an arm around Crowley’s waist, bows him back until he’s just distracted and low enough for Aziraphale to snatch the bloody photograph, tuck it into his own sleeve. For a moment, he’s bearing Crowley’s weight entirely. 
Crowley, who seems quite enthralled by the idea. “Angel,” he breathes, pulling back to stare at Aziraphale in unmasked arousal. His lips are pinkened and damp. “You’re–”
“The settee,” Aziraphale manages, standing to his feet with the warm weight of Crowley pressed to his side, holding him up entirely with one arm until the demon gets his feet properly beneath him. “I’ll have you on the settee.” 
“Or you’ll have me,” Aziraphale continues, steering them both away. He nods once, definitively. “Yes, you’ll have me. Come on.”
[Keep reading on Ao3]
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and go check out the smut war over on the @goodomensafterdark subreddit!
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