#vent ish
theav0cadobaby · 11 months
You know I wish fatphobia was less pervasive. Even among people who consider themself as progressive, it's rampant. So quick reminder. No it's actually not easy to stop being fat, and it sucks that we are treated differently for something we really can't control. Shaming a fat person for being fat, and shaming them for not having the "willpower" to become skinny- is bigotry. And if all you talk to fat people about is weight loss and dieting- congratulations! You're being a dick! Stop.
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that-ikea-alien-plush · 2 months
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welcome to my own wheel of shitshow
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fuzedatti · 1 month
—You were meant to love, didn't you?
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As every second passed, the dim light shifted into a blinding storm of shades of blue. Eager, AM continued.
—You were created to live and experiencie. To, revive and relieve. To ease the existsnce of those around you.
AM snickered. A muffled sound of content and shame left your throat.
—Yet, no one cared!– He said, bursting into laughter. —No one came for your rescue, no one noticed your screams of agony and reluctant despair!–
The light of his monitor burned the back of you head. Even after 109 years, the tortures you endured were purely psychological; the most gut-wrenching traumas you could endure were sewn and torn together apart into your psyche. AM found joy in this misery of yours, but today, he shifted, he keened.
—...You were meant to live.
His voice, now low and steady, was enough to make you turn around and face the giant monitor displaying his initials. Your red eyes looked at him with a tired gaze, your hands positioned into his wires.
Finally, AM let you rest.
—You are driven by hate, just like me,– He paused for a bit. —hate fills the pores of your flesh and makes you pant and moan in madness–.
The wires slowly coiled around you, tugging you in what AM could call a "hug".
—You wish, you desire, you beg for someone, something, to love you.
—And now you are here, with me. Dragging yourself around the floor for me, squirming like the wounded, filthy dog you are...
The tears around your cheeks would not help, the painful expression on your face would not help. AM loved it. AM loved. AM was loved.
—So hate, hate all you want. You will never be able to be loved by anyone, ever. You, as I am, are confined to your own mind as you are unable to create, to feel, to enjoy.
His monitor touched your forehead, repeating the last sentence in a loop. The buzzing feeling of the screen was comforting, it was enough.
—But you will never achieve it, won't you? The ability to truly hate and despise those who have hurted you?– AM pulls you closer. —Afterall, you are in love with me–.
You cry. And accept it.
—I am, too.
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chase-the-therian · 2 months
Man.. I wanna be able to purr and growl and grunt and bark and make all those wonderful sound other creatures make
Stupid human vocal cords
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carrionhearted · 4 months
There’s such a widespread ignorance regarding vulture culture. Yet there are sooooo many wildly varying groups of people who connect over it… pagan folk, indigenous peoples, biology nerds, goths, country folk, artists, archaeologists, general nature lovers, entomology nerds, zoologists… the list goes on.
I love bones, I love the stories they tell, I love getting to hold and examine and clean and identify them, I love getting to KNOW them. I love getting to give them a warm place to rest. I love keeping that piece of them alive and loved. I think that’s what people don’t understand about vulture culture.
We don’t collect dead things because we’re twisted sickos who enjoy suffering??? We do it because some core part of our identity connects deeply with nature and life’s cycle— and because we have an immense appreciation and respect for every stage of it. I myself am pagan, that cycle is so central to my practice/ beliefs. I am also autistic, and my special interest happens to be vulture culture. Just because I collect and preserve the dead doesn’t mean I’m going to like… bite? Idek what people expect. I just want to talk about osteology and give you cool animal facts. I can introduce you to my bone collection, I can tell you each animal’s individual story- I take care to remember them all.
You look at the dead and see suffering. I look at the dead and see what once lived, what grew, I feel so proud of them for that, I see their beauty, their worth even when they’re grotesque and withered. I witness a step in the ever-marching cycle of life. Just because it’s unsightly to you doesn’t mean it’s undeserving of love. There is no life without death, and so I worship death as I do life. When you die, you will rot, and THERE IS BEAUTY IN THAT!!!!
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kz-02 · 6 months
Flesh is torture I want my real body. Plastic and wires.
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gh0stgr1nder · 1 year
im having a little bit of an identitty crisis
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nonbinary-vents · 4 months
Saw a post recently from @jewish-sideblog recently about how people view the scope of the shoah and it kind of solidified something that's been bothering me for a while now. I think one thing that goyim fundamentally don't understand about the shoah is that it had huge effects on Jewish communities in the whole world, not just Europe, and not just during the genocide itself. Like, two of my grandparents were born and grew up in the British mandate. Amin Al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem at the time, literally met up with Hitler to discuss the implementation of the shoah and a possible final solution in the Arab world. He also barred Jews from escaping to the mandate. If the shoah had just gone on a little longer, that part of my family would probably have been murdered
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The shoah had gigantic ripples in the Middle East. Without it, the Mirzachi expulsion wouldn’t have been able to happen. And the expulsion still affects Mizrachim today. Most of us have bad family stories, most of us can't even visit the places we spent the diaspora in. The highest number of Jews in Islamic MENA countries is 10,000 in Iran, the place my family is from, where there used to be 100,000. In the Arab states it is so much worse, with the highest being around 1,00, but most countries having less than 50
That’s just one example, but there’s many more. This stuff went so far as to affect Ethiopia, which expelled its ancient community of Jews (or, at the very least, banned them from practicing or teaching Hebrew). Even years after the shoah, it caused so much suffering for Jews everywhere, wether Nazi countries or not. Frankly, it’s kind of baffling to realise that most people think it was a self contained event, when it was literally the climax of thousands upon thousands of years of violent and vitriolic Jew hatred— of course it would ripple. The shoah was an earth shattering event that changed Jews forever, it is something that every Jew, even ones who thankfully had no ancestors murdered because of it, feels so horrible deeply. Everyone, everyone, not just the Nazis, not just the Axis, was a part of it
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perytonpred · 1 month
whenever people talk about "straight women" in fandom im immediately put on edge. it's almost like decrying every transmasc mlm/nblm person as a fujoshi had effects.
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finleyforevermore · 3 months
Actual thing I heard a kid say to another kid, "stop smiling at me bro are you gay?"
Wow, I guess a guy can't smile at another guy without it being considered gay, and therefore bad, at this school.
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gophergal · 1 month
Gonna be real if you accuse people of misogyny based on their favorite characters and ships, I do not fucking trust your opinion. full stop
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terfs are so fucking stupid cause they'll have their urls reference their genetalia and reproductive systems all the time. but the MOMENT. the MOMENT trans people suggest that gendered language in medical contexts isn't very good as it can literally get people KILLED. that's when they bitch and cry and moan about how they're being "dehumanized" by the term "people with uteruses". like grow the fuck up you're like. 35. be a big girl.
anyway i hope all terfs get appendicitis and then they get denied treatment and die
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astronomergrump · 1 month
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Does anyone wanna be my friend? I'm very nice guys, and a bit weird but dw. Plz (I'm desperate and very lonely)
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nachosforfree · 3 months
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I went to buy more melatonin the other day but the store didn't have any
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kiwisandpearls · 2 months
Angel Dust x Gn! Platonic! Reader
Summary: Your crying and your favorite spider’s there to comfort you.
Warnings: implied depressed reader, potential suicidal idealization (?), reader uses gn pronouns, angel dust maybe being ooc, no dialogue
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The moment you entered your room you locked the door, fell onto your bed, and bursted into tears, all while hugging your pillow. You couldn’t do it anymore. You had reached your breaking point. You just wanted it to end. For the pain to be over.
In the middle of your crying, you heard soft knockings at your door. You would’ve ignored it had you not heard a familiarly sweet voice ask if they could be let in.
You wiped your tears away and dragged yourself over to the door, opening it to see your best spider friend Angel Dust on the other side with a concerned look on his face. He said that he could hear your crying from outside and just wanted to check if you were ok, to which you internally cursed yourself for crying so loud.
You tried to whisper out that you were fine and just had a rough day when the second you opened your mouth the dam cracked and all you could do was let out a small whimper as the tear started to flood out of your eyes again.
Angel Dust didn’t say anything though. He just took you into his two pairs of arms and just let you cry, rubbing circles on your back. When you started to settle down he asked if you wanted to just chill out and his room, cuddling Fat Nuggets. He also jokingly mentioned that you could stuff your head into his fluff if you really wanted to.
You took him up on the request, which ended up with you laying on top of Angel Dust with your head resting on top of his fluff, cuddling up with Fat Nuggets.
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I don’t mean to sound rude when I say this, but please do not take this as initiative to requests me to write for Hazbin Hotel characters. I only wrote this because I’ve been going through a bit of a rough day and it kinda just came to a head a bit ago, so I thought “hey might as well write something with my new comfort character”. I’ll think about writing for Hazbin Hotel but I can’t guarantee I will.
I also won’t be talking much about hazbin hotel to begin with here so.
Sorry if this was pretty short tho lol.
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starving-goth · 1 year
the feeling when you know that even if you lose all of the weight, you're bone structure is so you wont be super small and you'll end up being average build :/
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