#vessel au
grismavessel · 5 months
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Vessel AU: Pecharunt's Rot
The vessel au is about powerful legendary/mythical pokemon taking up human hosts/confidants e.i like Resirham and Zekrom would want hosts that embody their ideals for comfort and human connection or e.i like Arceus needing a helping hand in the form of turning someone into a puppet and guiding them along. Could be malicious, could be co-habitable and comfortable.
Kieran draws the short end of the stick.
Kieran finds Pecharunt before returning to the blueberry academy in Unova and strikes a deal. A devil's bargain.
Kieran is given strength and more willpower to become the best and strongest trainer, in turn, Pecharunt in brought to new lands and hitches a ride with Kieran.
Pecharunt isn't strong enough to just dip in and out of physical reality, it's no legendary, but it takes the form of Kieran's hair band and a 'scarf' instead to stay close.
While Kieran trains to become the champion, Pecharunt spread's the toxic chain to the pokemon in the terrarium. It corrupts the pokemon and infects the pokemon with malice and poison. The pokemon get stronger, but they also get weaker.
So does Kieran. He sleeps less, eats less, he's so unlike himself that Carmine can't even recognize her little brother anymore.
Unbeknownst to both Kieran and Pecharunt, their bond and traits are so similar, they blend into one another. Fusing into an amalgamation of toxic mentality of winning and never accepting losing, of take take take until they're nothing left.
Kieran starts to look stranger, act stranger.
(Also I threw in Volo because the main story of the vessel au has him getting no attention whatsoever from any cool possessive dieties so I had to give him more L's)
(feel free to use the design with credit!)
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xsuesartblog · 5 months
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people don't even say bless you anymore they just look at you like this
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radiance1 · 2 months
Pariah watched as his vessel paced around the room, worried beyond belief by something that the king, personally, couldn't see as much importance. He jumped down from the couch, his far to small feet hitting the light thud muffled by the fluffy carpet and walked away.
He opened the fridge, squinting his eyes in distaste at his newfound shortness, and shuffled around for a moment before deciding to simply levitate to the top and swiped a popsicle.
Pineapple. It was no mint, but it would do.
He ripped off the wrapper with his teeth, chewing the material for a bit before swallowing and pushed off the fridge with a light kick of his legs and let the momentum carry him off from the kitchen.
He turned around in midair to stare at his vessel from upside down, lightly chewing on his treat.
The boy was still pacing around, muttering to himself as if something actually worrying was going to happen.
He bit off a piece of the treat, chewed, then swallowed. Did he want to get involved in whatever this was? Not really no, but it was annoying how his vessel kept at this habit for.... he took a quick glance at the clock (he idly entertained the thought of if Clockwork was watching. Knowing the ghost always was) and back at his vessel... A few hours at the least.
Pariah Dark sighed, took a hard chomp of his ice cream and then swallowed.
"Vessel," He called out, pointing his treat in said boy's direction. "Whatever causes you such worry? It is annoying."
Danny paused, muttering and all, before slowly turning to stare at Pariah Dark. Or, well, the small piece of him that for some reason bonded itself to him after he passed out. "Oh, it's nothing, just that the Justice League is going to pull up on my doorstep any second now." He shrugged, voice practically dripping with sarcasm as he leveled the fragment with a flat look. "Nothing much."
Pariah Dark let out a small, confused hum as he ate what was left of his ice cream -stick and all- and moved himself into a cross-legged sit, still upside down. "Then what ails you so?" He made a gesture at the imprints made from his relentless pacing on the carpet as an example, looking at him in curiosity.
Danny's turned blank for a moment, before remembering that Pariah didn't exactly have a proper gasp on what sarcasm was. He sighed, placing a hand on his head before sighing again. "It was sarcasm."
Pariah Dark watched as Danny went back to pacing, less than impressed at the rather blatant dismissal as if the worry over this situation was of actual importance. As far as he knew, this 'Justice League' were just a band of mortals who fought for peace, the good of others and were strong, yes.
But they were still mortal, nonetheless.
Even with one of their core members being a demi-goddess herself, and another of their members being a powerful vessel of the gods in his own right.
Danny was a vessel of the king, one of the most powerful ghosts across the Infinite Realms and its history. He knows the boy denied such a fact at first, but was he simply not as confident enough in his own strength as the king had thought?
He righted himself in the air, no longer upside down as he crossed his arms. "Vessel." The boy paused again, this time a bit more rigid as Pariah Dark, for the first time in a while, used the voice of a king. "Whatever worries you have for that band of mortals, put them aside. You are my vessel; you have defeated all of me in combat once before-"
He tactfully avoided mentioning that he had aid and was draining his lifeforce to do so.
"-so that is a full testament to your own strength. If you can fell me, then I believe you are fully capable of felling this so called 'Justice League' if the need ever arises."
Pariah Dark stared the boy hard in his eyes, reaching out in ghost speak to transmit his own confidence in his vessel while also smoothing said worries more than he ever could in words. Then snorted as the boy untensed and walked over to flop face first onto the couch.
He floated down to land on the boy's back gently. "If you so wish, I can even lead you a portion of my power." He let out an amused huff. "I cannot have you losing to the vessel of those arrogant gods after all."
Danny turned his head to stare at the ghost king and gave him a look. It was extremely hypocritical for him of all beings to call another arrogant, but you know what? He didn't care anymore. He turned his head back to sink his face into the cushions and let out a muffled "Fine."
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yourdeepestfathoms · 1 year
[At Wendy’s]
Jeremy: I want a Happy Meal!
Gabriel: We’re at Wendy’s, dummy!
Jeremy: Oh :(
Mrs. Afton: No, she needs to get water. She hasn’t drank any at all today.
Susie: Hamburger :]
Evan: Can I please get nuggets?
Tape Girl: One at a time, guys!
Michael: Salad. Please.
Cassidy: I know you did not just ask for a SALAD
Michael: What if I did? What’s it to you?
Phone Guy: Does she even have enough money in her bank account to afford this meal??
Jeremy Fitzgerald: If she doesn’t have enough money to afford Wendy’s, that’s a whole new low.
Charlie: Maybe we should let her decide? Nessie, what do YOU want?
Elizabeth: Who cares what she wants? Get a frosty!!
Charlie: Don’t be mean!
William: I should kill you all again.
The Wendy’s Employee: Uhh… Miss?
Vanessa, who has been staring blankly at the poor employee for several minutes in silence, listening to the ghosts in her head bicker loudly:
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scamperin-shroom · 1 year
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Fanart for @xsurean Mother 3 Vessel AU :)✨
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jester-doc-aus · 6 months
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impulsivefanwriter · 1 year
Crystalized AU Idea - Vessel AU
Currently vibing with thoughts for a Crystalized AU (I’ll put it under the cut just in case the spoiler tags don’t work), feel free to send asks or use this as a prompt (just please tag me) or reblog and add your own ideas (just remember to tag spoilers!)
So the Crystal King is the vessel body of the Overlord, right?
...what if the ritual wasn’t to summon him, but to prep a new vessel host? One that’s quite familiar to us?
Option 1) Lloyd
In this version of the AU, the kidnapped Lloyd gets prepped for the ritual, and the Overlord returns possessing the hero that once vanquished him. Lloyd gets Morro trauma re-hashed, his family (who have been tearing out their hair looking for him) finally find him only for him to be possessed by the hecking OVERLORD, and Garmadon gets to have a fun reversal parallel to Season 2 in him calling for his son to fight off the Overlord.
Also Lloyd being alone when it happens, alone and scared and suddenly every bit the kid/younger teen he should be if the tea hadn’t happened, and he can do nothing to stop the Overlord from gaining the powers of Energy and the oni/dragon
Option 2) Wu
Not too many thoughts here, just the fun parallel of Wu being possessed like his brother was in S2, some of Wu’s dragon genes coming out
Option 3) Pixal
90% likely this results in a future where the Overlord wins. The other 10% he’s defeated in 5 minutes by Pixal kicking him out.
Option 4) the OG4 (Kai, Jay, Cole, AND Zane)
Four for the price of one (and my personal favourite of the bunch)! Harumi uses Lloyd to lure the four into a trap and capture them, then use them & their golden weapons in the ritual. The Overlord possesses all four at once (a 1 mind 4 bodies deal), with crystals and glowing purple eyes and slight draconic/later possibly centaur features. Sometimes just one talks for all, sometimes all four talk in sync, and sometimes one starts a sentence and the other finishes it (plus a fun mix of their original voice and the Overlord’s voice). They wield the crystalized version of the golden weapons and all their elemental powers change slightly to match the crystal theme (purple fire, purple lightning, crystal earth, and crystal ice).
The Council is half infuriated over having to bow to the four ninja, half smug over having bested them in revenge with the Overlord in control of them now. There are a few incidents where they see or hear them and nearly attack before remembering.
Also because the Overlord now has his own powers + the four elements of creation, Nya is speedrunning getting her powers back to save them. AND we get a new and improved version of the Replacement Ninja (including but not limited to: Pixal, Echo, Ronin, Fugidove, Akita, Okino & Blazey, Vania & the Upplies, and Benthomaar), and even Morro gets summoned from the Departed Realm because since he has knowledge on possessing people, he possibly has knowledge on how to UNpossess people.
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Michael: And tell me, why do you need control of the body?
Ennard: To commit hate crimes.
Michael: NO-
Baby: You do realize we’re way past the point of rejecting this. He already has control.
Michael: I hate you all.
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Hey @grismavessel saw the ask you mentioned me in so I'm posting this to help flesh out the vessel au for Zekrom Ingo
Major Legendaries can take control of their hosts temporarily, it'll displace their soul to the outside so ghost pokemon and the Locario line can see the human soul hanging around a vessel's body. Should the soul be outside for to long the connection fades and the vessel dies.
Minor Legendaries can project themselves to talk face to face with their vessels. Also, with possession being longer without as many problems with the domain not being all encompassing.(time, space, etc)
Finally mythicals don't need vessels as their are multiples of them.
The reason Gris and Ingo are in control is because Gris has two legendaries, and the energy of the other cancels out any possession. While Ingo is a broken vessel with both him and zekrom being affected, so possession is impossible with them both being in discord.
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angelabsol · 2 years
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hehehoho vessel au go brr. Anyway remember how I mentioned the 4 gods all have their own vessels? Welp here they are. I couldnt figure out what to make Volo's so in this instance its just spooky plate. In order of each becoming the vessel
Adaman and Irida are the earliest, both receiving their respected piece (a diamond and pearl) on the same day when younger. Dialga and Palkia are less...impatient then Arceus and Giratina so they dont mind its taken so long for their vessels to be complete. Giratina is desperate for a vessel and to get OUT but could only offer 1/18th of the needed pieces for Volo. meanwhile Arceus is just an absolute asshole who decides Akari must suffer..the more she tries to avoid the plates, the more painful it is each time.
as for how they hide? Adaman wears the bandages over the affected arm and shoulder, Irida has a single glove she wears (she just lies and says its to protect her when handling some nobles. Volo has those long sleeves and gets products of some kind to get his hair to stay gold
Adaman and Irida dont know the other is a vessel also, they both think they're the only ones blessed by almighty Sinnoh....and then they meet Akari and realize 'oh shit'. Volo pretty much realizes what Akari is after the first plate incident and is very >:) about it.
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grismavessel · 5 months
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A wip but I’ve been thinking about exploring more with my vessel au
First draft of a Pecharunt possessed Kieran, he’s become too entangled with Pecharunt that he’s becoming less and less like himself
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torenchao · 1 year
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Arceus cares not for prayers nor cries
If you're worthy, you don't have a choice.
[Small TW for non-consensual possession and somewhat graphic imagery]
Prophet is what happens when a pompous god decides to exert his will over a natural born heretic - that being Jeremy, Vessel of Dialga.
Upon proving himself 'worthy', he experiences a rather chilling metamorphosis. Arceus smiles upon him, and calls it a blessing, but he's terrified. He doesn't want this; he thinks of what might become of a human when a god's power proves too much, he thinks of the man who might misconstrue his personal hell, he thinks of a 'god', he doesn't want this.
But the original one is oblivious to his torment, delighting in human fragility as his bones shift and splinter to make way for divine energy. Prophet tends to wear a plastic smile - he wants to appear friendly to his people - and lacks any and all self-awareness. Of course, it doesn't help that he is constantly fighting to stay in control, leading him to become incredibly short-tempered with anyone not expressing their utmost reverance.
Dialga isn't exactly pleased with the arrangement either, he is also a god, so it's unnatural for him to be denied anything. His rage festers, and he's sympathising with Giratina more and more by the day.
I wonder what might happen if Prophet and Volo were to meet..? Would he be ecstatic to meet his god, or repulsed by the tax on Jeremy? It would be a lie to say he wasn't fond of the lone person in Hisui who shared his beliefs, if a little outspoken on his disdain for Arceus. I suppose it depends on the point in the story, ehe ><
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anijay · 2 years
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They have been summoned
(and vampire doug is not happy about it)
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go-k-art-er · 2 years
Hi!! Its been a while since my last post and i figured i probably owe some followers an explanation for my absence and the current state of the vessel au
As of right now, the Vessel AU is on a semi-permanent hiatus.
I genuinely apologize to everyone who was kind enough to send in asks or follow for the au, at the time I did intend to continue to a possible storyline but some things were happening in my personal life irl that were interfering with my time management and I wasnt at all prepared to come up with ideas at the regular pace and unfortunately, as my brain tends to do, my fixation fizzled out and I forgot about it for a while.
Im aware that isnt much of an excuse but for the people that did support me i want to thank you for sticking around for the few weeks i managed to stay on time.
Maybe I will pick it up again one day, but for now any asks that were answered are under the vessel au tag in my pinned!
In the mean time i'm trying to be a bit more active on this account, love you all, ill be seeing you <3 <3
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yourdeepestfathoms · 1 year
Ok I just saw the post about Vanessa having twelve spirits in her head and they take control at times anyways my mind instantly went to Michael sometimes visits her head and when he does Vanessa gets complete control because Michael will beat the living shit out of both his father and Cassidy if he has to and everyone knows he might do the same if they try to harm her in anyway so yeah have fun with idea
we’re not gonna talk about how late i am to replying to this
hell yeah, Michael!!
Vanessa will literally be on the floor of her apartment, head squeezed between her hands, sobbing as William and Cassidy are fighting AGAIN and it’s making it feel as though her skull is being pried open by a crowbar, and then a loud, commanding voice is shouting for everyone to shut the hell up.
and it actually works.
then, a voice is regarding her: Vanessa?
she utters back, “Michael?”
yeah, it’s me. you okay?
“no. not really.”
i expected as much. try to get some rest, okay? i’ll keep the others quiet.
“thank you.”
Michael 🤝 Charlie
protecting Vanessa’s mind
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mvjerbs · 2 years
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DESTRESSER DOODLES!! first few days after school and I am now dreading it, so here. Have some doodles of my ocs and friends ocs:)). Might explain the universe these characters (except Star, the purple one) but for now just take this.
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