#vicki stranger things
caitiespersonalhell · 2 years
Boyfriend who is a boyfriend:
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Boyfriend who is a girlfriend:
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Girlfriend who is a girlfriend:
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Girlfriend who is a boyfriend:
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panerapyre · 2 years
petition to make the sapphic senate the worlds biggest lesbian polyam relationship you’ve ever seen
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lesbiannancytruther · 2 years
sapphic senate hcs <3
ok one last post before i go to bed- it’s sapphic senate hcs!! some of these apply to general sapphic senate (and i mean the giant version, including the core four + barb kali and eden (tho tbh knowing so little abt eden makes it difficult so there won’t be as much of her)) and also my mythical moment au sapphic senate
quick reminder for the mm au we got vampire!nancy, werewolf!robin, witch!chrissy and witch!kali, naturespirit!barb, and human gfs vicki and eden :)
being absolutely fr vicki is sooooo tired dealing with her cursed gfs. she loves them! but they r so much all the time she deserves a nap
vampire!nancy, when she found out wtf was going on, refused to feed on anyone close to her out of real fear that she wouldn’t know how to stop (even though a lot of them offered bc Nancy Please Don’t Starve) and that actually ended with nancy putting a very wrong place wrong time carol in critical condition after she ran into a struggling nancy outside of her house (possible max induced karmic punishment?? haven’t decided yet) but this freaks nancy tf out and now she has a schedule for feeding so she never does smth like that again
in all honesty i don’t know how kali would meet up w the sapphic senate UNLESS the core 4 + barb left hawkins for a night out and ended up running into kali who was like omg.... sapphics... and decided to see what was going on only for nancy to clock someone was following them in like 15 minutes
this leads to a “wtf r u doing” confrontation and everyone having the standard “oh no she’s hot” moment. im actually thinking kali creates an illusion to leave the situation without MORE confrontation but they end up seeing each other again afterwards and slowly absorb kali by osmosis
my general idea of the sapphic senate absolutely includes ronance + chricki being a sapphic friend group only to merge after one (1) night of wine and truth or dare (in an effort to recapture their stolen youth ofc).
they all got promoted from girlfriend in law to girlfriend eventually
listen i just think that wolf form ww robin and bat form vamp nancy r incredibly real (bat nancy napping on wolf robin’s head i think its true)
chrissy, being the upside down tuned medium, actually talks to a dead fred quite often, where he finds closure bc chrissy is real life nice and listens to him
the very small house that all of them temporarily share is daytime proof for nancy’s sake, who’d rather be able to get up and walk around during the day instead of hiding under a blanket in a dark room waiting for the sun to go down
they wish they could ww proof the house to keep robin inside and from getting into trouble during the full moon but it is Too Small and everything would break so nancy, kali, and barb have to act as herders as best they can to keep robin in a safe area.
nancy sits in the lap of whoever she’s feeding from in the moment im speaking MY truth
also think that if they all went out on a late night date and the sun started rising they’d have to carry bat nancy in a backpack to keep her from getting wicked sun burn (she complains the whole time ofc)
robin is who nancy feeds off of the most simply because she heals so fast and regenerates everything nancy took in a like an hour so she feels the least bad (robin insists it’s bc she tastes the best and nancy always vehemently denies it (kinda is true though)).
okay this is all for now i will return when the inspiration strikes >:)
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legendarydragonperson · 3 months
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it probably won't happen. But it might.
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devondespresso · 8 months
Was listening to Heart's album little heart and this feels so Vickie Stranger Things
She found them for their slower fantasy-feel songs and ended up loving their whole range. Theres just something about how their singer uses ger voice that perfectly scratches the brain and she has a blast trying to imitate her while singing in the car. they're probably the most recurring band on her mixtapes.
a copy of little heart id one of the first things she shares with Robin to bond outside of school stuff. Robin has like 3 favorite songs because you need one for every type of song because how are you supposed to compare barracuda and sylvan song fairly?? (Steve has no such reservations and insists kick it out is The Best and it sets robin off on a little rant every time)
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greencarnation · 2 years
truly from the bottom of my heart i don't give a shit about vicki and robin. they have like 2 scenes together and zero chemistry, what exactly is there to be invested in?
besides vicki seems to just be a carbon copy of robin personality wise which is cheap writing and no guarantee they'd even work together
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smalltownrobin · 1 month
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At this point Steve doesn’t know Vickie broke up with her bf. he’s just proud of Robin being a homewrecker
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kidovna · 1 year
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Happy pride month to these dumdums!
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lavenderstobins · 2 months
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stranger tweets part 3
[part 1] [part 2] [part 4] [part 5] [part 5.5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9]
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livsmessydoodles · 4 months
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pining loser support group
inspired by this other piece of mine!
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bi-booklover · 2 years
repeat after me.
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lesbiannancytruther · 2 years
stranger things (but mainly ronance lol) mythical creatures au
u guys.... hear me out....
mythical creatures au- all ur fave types and all of them are diseases (curses??) from the upside down- so people that have not been in/not been directly contacted by the upside down would not be affected. (this rule exists so that max and chrissy can be part of the fun <3)
under this nancy, robin, steve, eddie, max, dustin, chrissy, eleven, will, kali, barb (that’s RIGHT she’s back baby), joyce, and hopper r all kinda fucked <3 but like in a fun way
not all of these are super thought out so i am open to suggestions regarding some of the last characters i listed/don’t mention directly in this post
OK so the fun part:
big fan of nancy wheeler eddie munson vampire solidarity and robin buckley steve harrington werewolf solidarity. i’ll get more into like the lore (??) of these creatures in a separate post bc its So Long but they all have fangs sorry
eleven, kali, will, chrissy, and max who all have had the most intimate connections with the upside down are all witches (yes owl house logic they’re ALL witches fuck wizards). because the specification is important they all kinda fall into different classes (??) with eleven and kali having the most free reign over magic and the others having way more specific limitations (rough examples including will being sensitive to auras/emotions/intentions of others and having mild control over the emotional climate (bc he’s the heart get it) and chrissy (following the sapphic senate fandom wide interpretation of her being a cryptid) would be a medium/necromancer (bc she literally died in the show it feels fitting), able to see and communicate with the dead, ESPECIALLY with those who died because of the upside down but like everyone else as well.)
barb, with all my love, is absolutely an earthen spirit of some kind- which i can get into if someone asks me because it’ll force me to think about it a bit harder
regarding dusting. joyce, and hopper i am very much open to suggestions
regarding ships, obviously ronance but im a big fan of the entire sapphic senate polycule ship bc im a big fan of lesbians in general (nancy, robin, chrissy, vickie (human gf moment), kali, barb, and maybe even eden?? wish we knew more abt her tbh)
steddie is a given, but im also a fan of jonathan argyle human bf dynamics yknow
max absolutely has two hands, human bf lucas witch gf eleven i think its true, and im conflicted on whether to go full elumax or stick to lesbian!el hc idk im undecided
not the biggest fan of byler?? its fine but i feel so unpassionate abt mike it’s hard to get involved, i do like byclair tho so there’s some of that
all of this is super tentative and the ronance focus will be much more prevalent in others posts i promise
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m0nomercy · 6 months
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sapphics <33333333333333333333333
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
The older teens are hanging out at Steve's place.
Robin: Fuck, Marry, Kill the people in this room. Steve, you're up first.
Steve: Fuck Eddie, marry Eddie, and kill Eddie.
Argyle: *frowns* He can't do that, can he?
Eddie: Wait, is it all in that order?
Steve: Depends on how well you treat me. You going to treat me real good, baby?
Eddie: Reeeaal nice.
Steve: Good, so we fuck first, then we get married where we fuck a lot, and then when we're old and you're in a lot of pain, I'll lovingly smother you with a pillow.
Eddie: Aww.
Robin: Steve, this isn't supposed to be a serious, long-term plan kind of game!
Steve: Don't worry about her, ain't nothing going to stop me from marrying you.
Argyle: You guys make a cute couple, dudes.
Eddie: A couple? We're not dating. We're both straight.
Jonathan: *narrows eyes* Weren't you guys just making out?
Eddie: We do that all the time when we're high.
Steve: It's just some innocent kissing between friends. More popcorn?
Steve went into the kitchen, and Eddie followed him to get more drinks.
Robin: *her eyes wide* They're fucking with us right?
Vickie: Wouldn't he have told you?
Robin: *shrieks* You would think!
Nancy: They can't be that clueless, right?
That's when they heard it. Loud, obnoxious laughter coming from the kitchen.
Eddie: HAH! Straight!
Steve: I can't believe that we managed to keep a STRAIGHT face.
Robin: *closes her eyes* I hate them, I hate them, I hate them.
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bylertruth3r · 12 days
happy pride month to the queer couples of st5
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hawkinsincorrect · 2 months
Vickie: Would you consider yourself independent?
Robin: *looks at Steve*
Steve: *nods*
Robin: I would say so, yes.
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