#water placements
ghostlyferrettarot · 3 months
🖇Astro Observations #1🖇
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
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•Sun in 6th house tends to have obsessive tendencies with their daily routine, their scheduale is sacred for them, it gives them a sense of security.
•Aries moons have a "love/hate" relationship with their mothers, they can easily be in eachothers throat.
•Taurus-Aries duos are really underrated , I have seen these two being partners in a crime, a really beautiful friendship.
•Scorpio and Leo risings are very misjudged, people project a lot in them.
•I realized that Mercury in Sagittarius/Libra or Mercury in the 9th house LOVES gossip, even the silly ones.
•Venus in Virgo people take their time to like someone, but when they do they will romanticize the person a lot.
•Earth placements have beautiful hands and nails, really princess vibes.
•Mars 3rd house has quick and clever comebacks in discussions, words are their weapon.
•Gemini Mars or Mars in the 3rd house tend to use other people's secrets during fights/arguments.
•Leos Midheaven wants to try 1000 different career paths, they're like Barbie. This individuals tend to be good in many things.
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occultwaters · 3 months
Astro Observations II
💙 Scandals are always surrounding air placements for some reason.
💜 Moon making aspect to Venus can prefer to be around women. However if it’s harsh, prominent women in their life made have made them feel like they’re not pretty enough.
💙 Capricorn placements/dominant 🤝 prominent bone structure
💜 Sagittarius individuals, especially sun, love their freedom, it’s true. They cannot be tied down.
💙 Neptune in any house can blur boundaries and cause people to feel misunderstood around the elements of that house.
💜 Neptune rules projections too so depending on the aspect and sign people can often project onto these natives.
💙 Air dominance in one’s chart can really indicate someone who is a sapiosexual. This also includes air venus and air mars.
💜 Cardinal energy (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) is very forward moving, regardless of the sign. These people once set on something, will achieve it. Though they may have different methods of achieving their goals.
💙 Gemini and Pisces, especially Mercury. These people are chameleons. They can switch up and become the people they are communicating with.
💜 Saturn aspecting Mercury, in Gemini or in the 3rd house. Many times these people have been made to feel like their way of communicating or expressing themselves is invalid. However the older they get and the more Saturn matures, the easier it gets.
💙 Aries ascendents can have lighter hair than the rest of their family members.
💜 Aries ascendents also can appear to have full bodies even when they may not be athletic.
💙 Virgo sun individuals can really be perfectionists.
💜 Taurus moon people may have been told they have comfy shoulders or they give great hugs.
💙 Cancer women have this home wrecker title because it’s really easy for them to act like a damsel in distress. People will quickly take their side. Men will want to care for them and potentially give up their lifestyle.
© 2024 occultwaters. All rights reserved.
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Water signs (pisces, cancer, and scorpio) are absolute baby’s when they are in the presence of an earth sign (capricorn, virgo, and taurus) they adore. Time and time again I see this element longingly staring into the soul of the earth signs.
And the earth signs eat it up.
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astrologuzzy · 11 months
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I’m back to spill more astrology observations, lessgetit!!! ˃̵ᴗ˂̵
Also, quick reminder that these are just MY observations and opinions I’ve gathered, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t! mwahhh 😽💋
☆ 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 seem to really like physical displays of affection very much. Every Gemini I knew always loved giving hugs specifically lol. They may enjoy physical touch as a love language.
★ I often notice how 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 aren’t scared to give their opinions no matter how controversial they may be. They don’t care if people agree, if they truly believe in it then they will share it and whoever disagrees can kiss their own ass. Which can seem intimidating to many especially with how much intensity and passion Scorpio brings to the table.
☆ I find it so easy to spot someone with 𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. You guys give a very mellow and grounded energy that is very specific to Earth signs. Y’all have that signature down to earth presence or a very firm/calm tone of voice that I recognize instantly even thru text lol.
★ Everyone wants to call Leos the most “cocky” sign but have y’all seen 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈? They’re the real culprit here lol. These guys are number one fans of themselves (do I even need to make examples lol) and I respect it tbh.
☆ Speaking of 𝐋𝐄𝐎, they love to just disappear for like days or weeks straight out of absolutely nowhere and then come back like nothing happened and resume from where they left off. Like sir, are you not gonna explain why you just ghosted everybody? Lol like are you gonna explain where you was? (double points if that Leo has Sagittarius or Aquarius influences in chart cos they’re even more prone to going mia).
★ When people have 𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 in their big 6 or heavy Mars influence in the chart I notice that they tend to sound/come across way ruder than they’re actually being lol. They can be very dominant and intimidating in conversations. You’d think they’re angry or being mean but they’re just asking you to pass them the water bottle lmao. Often I think they don’t even realize that themselves since they’re just built that way.
☆ People with 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 & 𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 in their big 3 together kinda scare me lol (in a good way). They usually are very into occult stuff and/or are strongly religious and showcase it very openly and firmly. Sometimes they just have a very intimidating aura/demeanor to them. I notice how they frequently tend to be very into dark colors and themes/styles too. They don’t f*ck around at all. Love y’all 💚
★ People with a 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐒𝐔𝐍 usually have their Moon sign qualities be more noticeable. With Geminis I tend to catch onto their Moon sign behavior before I realize that they’re a Gemini. Could be a mutable thing where they’re versatile enough that their Moon qualities shine more than their sun sign qualities. Very frequently when I try to guess a Gemini’s sun sign I actually guess their Moon sign. They tend to act like their Moon more than other zodiac signs in my experience. They may not even notice it either.
☆ I hope I don’t offend anyone for this one but people with a 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐎𝐑 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 (frequently more moon) mother tend to have veryyyy chaotic childhood stories about her. Somehow these moms tend to often be pretty emotionally unhinged people (no offense but in my experience so many of my friends have a mom with a Pisces sun and/or Pisces moon and they all always tell me how their moms have crazy mood swings or a very erratic behavior). I’m honestly so sorry for anyone who had, or still has to deal with such an environment. 🫂💚
★ 𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 & 𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 are the best opposite sign duo in astrology imo. I’ve never seen many Geminis or Sags that say they dislike or don’t get that along with one another. We really click well and even I personally can testify that lol. These two always besties.
☆ Also 𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 loooove anything to do with 2D characters or just fictional stuff in general. They love their ffs, romance books, making fan arts or edits. Every Pisces I knew had some kind of obsession with multiple fictional characters or shows and each one of them had accounts dedicated to making art or edits about said characters/shows lol. No matter if it’s a manga, an anime, a video game, a song, a movie or a cartoon, a Pisces placement will most probably romanticize a character or wtv it is they feel resonates with them in some way. I know lotta people do that but Pisces are usually more prone to be very frequent and indulgent with it in my experience. Not judging anyone, just pointing it out lol.
That’s all for todayyy ☀︎
Also please don’t copy or claim my content without credit or consent ♡
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harmoonix · 8 days
Water Placements wanting to manipulate you be like:
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astrochaosmind · 11 months
back with more 🌞astro observations🌞🍀 (again if you don’t resonate/relate than simply scroll hun)
-someone with too much fire in their chart can be toxic, jealous or even very possessive. Or can just simply drain you like I mean yea they’ll be be loyal and like a typical fire signs , but especially if they have a leo or aries stellium they can be very draining too be around/with.
-earth placements are really introverted and awkward like the more earth signs I meet the more I’m like we’re really introverts lol. Now I know not every earth sign is like this depends on their other placements.
- underdeveloped aquarians are loyal… TO THE WRONG PEOPLE.
- uranus/aquarius 11th🤝unstable friendships.
-9th house/sagittarius placements can be very outspoken and blunts af🔥🗣️.
- libra moon/pisces/12H moons are very much ambiverts or introverts. And they can also be manipulative in friendships , relationships etc. they are also very shy people and don’t talk about their feelings really.
- cancer placements can be motherly figures too people that don’t have no one too talk to or get advice from. They might even be the figure that didn’t have themselves growing up.
- the whole thing about Pisces being “majestic” , “dreamy” is true because look at Justin bieber for example💕♓️
- gemini placements are really funny. If I had too pick who was on my team in a roast session I would 100% pick gemini yup!!!!!
- bad aspects to mercury can cause tension, trouble and problems with communication/thinking.
- scorpio placements 🤝revenge on their ex(s).
that’s all for my Astro observations😁. Thank you so much!!
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vigilantetarot · 1 year
🌋 Short Astro Observations 🌋
🪝 Gemini Moons are so funny in every way. 
🪝 Capricorn Mercury is dogmatic. They want everything to be provable.
🪝 Scorpio Sun people are like observers. They are usually quiet and calm and they don’t talk much. But they observe a lot and their feelings are sooo strong. They sense EVERYTHING.
🪝 I think Pisces Ascendants are easily offended and sensitive. No matter what you comment on their clothes, they can get offended. They think like, “I feel like you are lying because you were not looking into my eyes when you told me that you liked my dress.” 
🪝 Aquarius Mercury people tend to learn languages fast. 
🪝 Water placements are good at expressing their feelings with poetry. They have natural talent for that.
💖 for paid readings: patreon.com/vigilantetarot
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famemonsterrr · 11 months
Astrology observations part 13;
Pliz don’t copy my work and pliz don’t get offended if you can’t relate with my blog because they are my opinions and what I have seen around me
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➶-͙˚ ༘✶
; I have noticed when you and ur partner have 8th house placements you tend to be really obsessed with each other even if you have broke up u probably can’t move on that easily. ✩
For example if you have Venus in the 8th house and your partner has mars in the 8th house or if you both have more than one of 8th house placements. This is could be a blessing or a curse ✩ I have seen this happening multiple times
; speaking of houses and couples/friends ✩ if you have the same houses then it means you have the same energy and understand each other really well ✩
; I don’t know it is me and all of my friends but libra moon are the most talkative out of the air signs ✩ They never stop communicating and sharing everything with their loved one✩ also they tend to overshare a lot ✩
; Virgo women are soo talented in everything without trying hard ✩ Let’s just say they are naturally talented but also they love to be perfect ✩
; air and fire signs can’t stay calm under serious situations ✩ water and earth signs are the ones who can deal with everything and stay strong no matter what ✩
; I know it’s overrated to say but never trust a men that is a Gemini or have Gemini placements ✩ from my personal experiences all the Gemini I had interactions or flirted with they end up being so psychotic ✩
➶-͙˚ ༘✶
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; maybe it’s a mutable thing but I have noticed that Gemini, Pisces, Virgo and Sagittarius tend to have a hobby and then leave it for no reason and after few months they remember it again and get addicted ✩
Speaking of mutable signs I have to mention how funny it is that they try something new and they fail so badly. I’m a Pisces and I love cooking but the amount of times I have failed and burned food…on the other hand my bestie who is cancer she can do everything without trying hard.
; I know a lot will disagree with me but Aquarius placements either they will love astrology or they will say it’s stupid and they don’t believe it ✩
; you might not agree but the most dark and deepest out of all the zodiac signs is Scorpio ✩ They just are- and I remember once I asked a friend of mine who has Scorpio placements "what colour matches with the feeling of love?" and he answered "black because love is consuming and deep" ✩
; we all know that libra, Gemini and Aries are the most indecisive creatures but y’all forgot about Pisces ✩ THEY CANT decide anything ever ✩
; in my head libra and Pisces relationship is like Pam and Jim from the office ✩
; also two Pisces being in relationship reminds me of Ken and barbie from life in the dream house ✩ ironically both of them are Pisces indeed ✩
; 8th house and Scorpio placements tend to change friends every 2 years and that happens because themselves their are changing and so does the people who surround them ✩ These placements are about rebirth and involving ✩
; Gemini and Pisces are the signs who can’t end a show or movie ✩ like my mom she can’t watch a movie ✩ 3 minutes in and she has stopped watching it already ✩
; Leo , Capricorn and Virgo they look they have their shit together because they look so organised and "perfect" but they aren’t at all ✩ most the times are a mess but they know how to hide it better than the rest ✩ Leo with their confidence, Virgo with their clean and organised space and Capricorn with their decisive character ✩ I know u losing ur mind babes xoxo ✩
; water rising have the most beautiful eyes ever they look like they sparkling ✨
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That’s all 💙
Thank you for reading so far and liking my blog ✩ I’m really grateful ✩ plz take into consideration that I’m not a professional astrologer and neither a Native American so I try my best to not make mistakes ✩ stay hydrated and health in these summer days ✩ send you love and light for y’all
Also here is my master-list if you are interested 💙
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #13
• Gemini/Aquarius/Libra placements might be into 70s/80s music and might be very drawn to the “Minneapolis Sound”. E.g. Prince, Sheila E, Ready for the world, Vanity/Apollonia 6, André Cymone, The Time, Dez Dickerson, etc…
• Water suns with Air placements tend to have sweet and sometime sultry singing voices that sound similar to Bunny DeBarge, Syreeta, Patrice Rushen, etc… They literally give me ‘I love every little thing about you’ by Syreeta vibes!!✨💗
• Most big famous singing families tend to have Water placements in their big 3/6!!
• People with Earth placements in their Singer persona chart tend to develop their singing styles a little more slowly than others but it also gives them more time to experiment with their voice and therefore be really great singers!!💜
• Taurus placements love cooking for their loved ones and they turn out to be really great cooks where as some Virgo placements especially Suns aren’t that great at cooking.
• Air moons with Air risings need to stop ghosting their friends because they’ll literally become addicted.🤧
• Air moons can be very much “Hollier than thou” type people without literally saying it. They just give off those vibes especially when they’re around Fire moons.✋🏽🌚
• Leo suns with Gemini moons and Leo mercuries are such big gossips!!! They’re also very bold, loud, sometimes caring and very funny people!!
• Air/Earth mixes in the big 3 are so ethereal??💗
• Let a Sagittarius moon/stellium go on about their days and don’t cling onto them and they’ll love you forever!!
• Libra Jupiters tend to have a lot of Leo Jupiter besties!💕
• Virgo moons and dropping their subject then asking the person about it again at least 100 times.💀
• Virgo moons with Water placements will literally wanna apologize all the time if they feel like they’ve upset you and that sinks my heart.🥺
• Taurus moons will literally have so much patience with their loved ones!🤎
• Taurus placements prefer gummies over chocolates.
• As impulsive as people may think Sagittarius moons are, they’ll actually let you talk and listen to what you have to say.
• A lot of rockstars tend to have Aquarius, Gemini and Sagittarius in their big 3/6! E.g. Vince Neil (Aqua sun, Gemini rising), Axl Rose (Aquarius sun/mercury/Jupiter/Mars/Saturn), Nikki Sixx (Sagittarius sun/mercury/venus), Tom Keifer (Aquarius sun, Gemini moon) etc…
• Aries/Sagittarius sun kids are those brave kids sit around telling scary stories to scare other kids lmao, they’re also the types to spread a fake rumor about having seen a ghost. Usually the ones you’d find playing Bloody Mary and Charlie Charlie in school.😭
• Virgo sun Virgo moon kids are the momma’s babies!!
• Girls with Air/Fire placements are usually daddy’s girls.
• Some Capricorn sun Pisces moon men tend to look like their mother’s twins!
• Fire suns tend to be goofballs when it’s karaoke night.😂
• Fire mars mothers lose their tempers as a hobby atp. 😭✋🏽
• Pisces suns with Pisces mercuries are such softies!🥺
• Gemini placements 🤝 bouncing their legs, standing up then walking for a few seconds and sitting back down, scratching themselves, pulling their hairs or biting their nails when nervous to the point of habitually doing it.🥲
• Capricorn suns with a Virgo stellium are so sexy?! 🥵 Donna Summer had this placement!😮‍💨
• Gemini risings and Leo risings are the type to bring food with them to a cafe and boldly eat it because ‘they paid for it’.😂
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gayou01 · 1 year
Astrology observations pt 11
DISCLAIMER- Placements will not play out the same way for everyone and having challenging placements + aspects does not mean that you are a bad person or that you will have a bad life. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't
-people with Gemini and Scorpio stelliums tend to be into body modifications, more specifically tattoos
-Uranus in the 5th house may indicate unexpected pregnancies, teenage or not. If you’ve been following my posts, you’ll remember that I mentioned a correlation between Uranus in the 5th house and same-sex relationships in a previous one. That right here is an example of placements not manifesting the same way for everybody
-If you decide to have children, there’s a chance that one of them will have the sign occupying your 5th house as part of their big 3, or have that sign’s planetary ruler in a prominent place in their chart (like an angular house)
-that isn’t always the case but Uranus in the 8th house can indicate sudden death, a death from a natural disaster, or a death from a freak accident
-People with 8th house stelliums could work for the FBI if they really wanted to. Not only do they have the curiosity going for them, they have the endurance required to continue an investigation until they get the answers they need
-people with water stelliums (especially Pisces) tend to give people more chances than they deserve because of how empathetic they are. It’s imperative that those people learn to place strong boundaries and take no shit, even if they understand why the people around them act the way they act
-fire and earth stelliums hate asking for help, even when they’re neck deep in trouble
-venus in the 11th house or Uranus aspecting Venus can manifest literally via the native finding love online
-another way Saturn in the 7th house can manifest (other than having a larger age difference between you and your SO) is staying with the same person for a very long time and even growing old together. How good or bad that turns out to be will be up to the couple
-having Jupiter in the 10th house can indicate being presented with many opportunities to climb up your career ladder or being a Jack-of-all-trades, especially if mercury is favorably aspected
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thedarkerobsessions · 1 month
I’m not an astrologist, I’m only an observer. These are my personal observations.
Scorpio Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus- the energy and aura you give off to people is unmatched. You attract basically anything you walk past without even trying. The eyes always has a glassy look or they have a stare that pierces through your soul. Highly intuitive. Natural human lie detector.
Cancer moons- cancer moon men have a childish temper to them. Cancer moons go great with Virgo moons. Personally I prefer the moon in cancer vs the sun in cancer.
Capricorn rising- these individuals are INTIMIDATING. They have really high standards not only for others but also for themselves. Really hard on themselves. People with this placement tend to be successful because of the determination they have to be great. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. Loves a “game” or “challenge” to go up against.
Virgo moons- I’m a Virgo moon so I could go on about this one all day. Worries about EVERYTHING. Constantly trying to fit themselves in the idea in their head of what’s perfect, others too. Prone to being both bossy and moody. But their nature is to be kind and to help others in acts of service. They want to make everything better, and usually have the powers to be able to do so. Analytical and highly intelligent. Indicates there was a parent that was really harsh on this child. The Virgo moon child felt as if they could not live up to the parents expectations.
Scorpio moons- has a unique bond with the mother. Usually a highly spiritual/intuitive bond. Psychic abilities are possible here both for the Scorpio moon child as well as the mother. Scorpio moons are FIERCELY protective over their mother. They are protective of all their other loved ones also, but especially the mother. Can be vengeful if you cross them. Moody. Stares at you a lot. This placement is the type of person to take a lotttt of mental notes on people but probably won’t say much.
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astromaniac · 1 year
astrology shower thoughts
im back again with another post! i got inspired and enjoyed creating and writing this little something :) i hope you enjoy reading it!!
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saturn 1st house / saturn being your chart ruler / strong capricorn placements may experience being physically rigid because saturn usually comes with some type of restrictions. eg. disliking being upside-down and not being too flexible.
like people, countries could have different astrology charts which can explain certain behavioural patterns found in specific regions etc.
water placements could have more of an appreciation for water. eg. when it rains, the beach or a river.
whereas earth placements could have more of an appreciation for nature in general. eg. plants, mountains or even pebbles! :)
indicators for classiness in a chart *in my opinion* :
venus in taurus / libra
venus, jupiter, moon and the sun aspecting one another
harmony between the 1st and 7th house because the 1st house is how you are and the 7th house is how others perceive you (10th house is more career related reputation in my opinion and not how others perceive you in general)
saturn positive aspects
neptune positive aspects
a way to tell if someone is strongly influenced by the sun in their chart is to look at their chin!
a prominent, noticeable chin : indicative of a strong sun
a weaker, soft chin : indicative of a weaker sun
*keep in mind there are always going to be exceptions :)
if your moon receives barely any aspects this could mean that your mother doesn't play a pivotal role in your life
same goes for the sun, if your sun receives barely any aspects this could mean that your father doesn't play a pivitol role in your life
pluto 1st house / pluto 6th house / pluto dominants can physically heal and regenerate faster than others
you've reached the end :)
anybody else think about astrology in the shower?
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themthrfkinprincess · 6 months
My Astro Observations . . . TROIS
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Welcome back to my posts. 😁👋🏾💗
Erm let's get into it I lol haha
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This first one is not even an observation ✨but✨ whenever I just hear about Pisces I think of this photo:
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This probably does not even freaking make sense to you. Well literally I was on Pinterest and I saw this and the very first thing that popped into my mind was Pisces. Like I don’t know. I think that the seal signifying toothpaste laying on the toothbrush in the middle of a rainy day very mutable water energy. There is something neptunian about it. It’s very Pisces moon to me being specific. Probably doesn’t not even make sense. My cousin is a Pisces, he reminds me of this. Hm. Idk. 🐟🫧🐟🫧
The three fire signs for absolutely no hickory darn dickory reason at all :
OOF Okay. Stereotypical. But these fuckers are just loud for no reason !!! Like fren I PRAY THEE TO SHUT THE FUCK UP🥺🥺🥺. I’m lying lol !! I love loud ppl ahaha !! 😭🤣 Like girl yes let’s yell for no apparent reason at all 😆💖 !! They’re so crazy you can take them anywhere !! But like girl wait cause you don’t want to be in A Quiet Place with them- they will have you UTTERLY. FUCKED😵🤯. Like okay- it’s not even if the person just talks loud or laughs loudly- the fellow sillylington just might quite literally make random noises. These are very spontaneous individuals. And when I speak of this I mean like maybe they might have a good amount of fire placements dominating or have some good influence of it. Like girly your just loud. 😭 I also want to include Gemini partially in this mix cause you guys do weird things out of nowhere I love it- I kind of mentioned this in my last post.
These placements are the Fifth Harmony of astrology- im talking Demi Lavato💀 I'm talking Exo 💀 Just big and loud 💀 You guys give Secret Love Song by Fifth Harmony💀
Taurus, Aries, Capricorn, Sagittarius ,Scorpio remind me of this:
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My mom is a Scorpio- with prominent Capricorn influence- she is very much welcomed into the Nation of Idgafsia. LIKE WOW. I aspire to not give a fuck like her !! Like these five placements be minding they bussiness foreralzies !!! Like a bomb in somebody house across the street could go off and mean while they’re in the bathroom setting up their soaps and bodycare right before they get in the shower- like dimming the lights n lighting their candles n everything IM CRYING😭 AOSNDODNSK. These ppl r nonchalant. They’re relaxed and easy to hang around, I love it I love it I love it 💖
like no this be them fr 😭😭😭 :
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But personally and specifically I think a Taurus would be the mayor/president of Idgafsia. Using a old friend for observation, I don’t personally know how you could not be cool with one. She reminds me of capybaras.
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When I litteraly say shes this gif I mean it. I could put a posionus snake her bed. She would have probrobly wake up and be like “not you put a poisonous snake in my bed while I was sleep. girly that’s so crazy girl let me go to the hospital real quick. ima be back. 🏥🚶🏻‍♀️🗿 ” LIKE HUH??? CQFBHENNR😭. Like if it SERIOUSLY has nothing to do with anything pertaining to them they will rlly just be chilling forreal foreal. 🗿
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Aries/Gemini/Water men are so breedable imo
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LOL. Let me stop😭
but yeah i could give these men the meanest strap.
Also water sign men are so sexy? wtf??
You can’t tell an Aquarius or Scorpio SHIT. They are very much “erm ackshually my fellow scholar🤓👆🏾 the sun is shuprshingly 📝🤓not the biggest 🤓📚🧪 celestial body within our vast mind boggling universe-🤓👆🏾 you may want to consider looking into stars such Sirius 🤓🤓🤓”
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Like yeah dude. We know that. An Aquarius would probably try to explain to you how to walk as if you had not learned that many years ago in your fresh years on this planet. Girl move.
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It’s so infuriating!! I CANT count how many times I’ve seen Aquarius like this specifically. Like ouu girly you want to be an encyclopedia soooo bad 🙄🙄 Like I don’t know. You guys really seem like know it alls, it’s really your way or the highway. I wanna prove an Aquarius girly wrong so bad. JUST BECAUSE 😈
They are the personification of finding out your ass was really on the remote after all- and now you just don’t want to admit it. Like we don’t care fren just give us the remote I’m trying to watch Once Upon a Time for the 12948372th time. 😔😞
Like girly wrap it up or whatever 🙄
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But no.
I do understand genuinely you guys really like to find information that really helped you out at times-and spread it to dear ones. It's very nice of you seriously- we appreciate it. Thank you my beloved wanna-be-encyclopedia, like rlly seriously my pookie scrimblo sticks. 💗🥰
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Speaking of Aquarian influence. MY GOD. Idc if it’s Saturnian or Uranian or whatever. If it’s Aquarian/Capricornian (does that even make sense? I have come to this DEFINITE conclusion; that AQUARIUS/CAPRICORN IS JUST SO SEXY🤯🤯🤯 but the big emphasis is on Aquarius like MY GAWD.
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*Dance for You by Beyonce starts to play* Like no . . . Papi Hiddleston is SO. FOINE. *DRAMATIC EXPLOSION* He be having me GAWKIN!! you ever see somebody so sexy you get scared ?!?! 😧 like oooh im shivering in me timbers !!! 😰🫣😨
several Aquarius have done me like that N LOOK. DONT EVEN TRY IT- Yes. I’m a marvel girlie. I might litterly bring up anything marvel related on every post so don’t even be shocked lol. Just expect that from now on im so serious lol. and yo my sister mad whacky she said he’s ugly and talked about his bamboozled hairline what a friggin' bitch😔✋🏾n if you think so too on January 22nd, 2024- on that Monday at 8:17 AM you will slip on a banana peel. 😈 🍌🍌🍌
I’m getting sidetracked BUT I watched that new BBC interview of him after season 2.
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But this is how Capricorn/Aquarius have me😋😋😋
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like it’s me bby . . 😜😉 let me be ur girl . . . mmmh stop trippin papi 😚😋🥰
They are sex walking I’m so sorry. This goes for Capricorn too with that Saturn energy. You guys r so hawt n sexay. Like sheesh meowwwww puurrr slay the boots house down yas. 🐈😼 😈
Like jeez let’s play Cool Cat by queen real quick.
Now listen up!
Virgo, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, and Gemini !!! Im talking to you !! 💗😋 These placements are so accepting imo. Like no- I've just noticed that these placements.
Virgo- I think you guys seem to be good listeners. This goes for Gemini too- maybe because they may share qualities with Mercury. They both do so in a caring sense- such in a sense that if you feel like maybe no one is hearing you/dont feel heard they will maybe at least try to hear you out. I think they r just great when u need an ear 💗
Now Aries, Sag, Leo Gemini and Aquarius I LOVE YOU AGH. Is it me or like I LOVE WATCHING YOU GUYS BE YOURSELVES AHH. You inspire me so much AHH!!
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I feel like there are times. Where you can feel or felt unsure or awkward about yourself. In my opinion I often see these signs just doing their thing at times- it can be unapologetic. It does not even have to be bold or anything they can just be minding their business doing their everyday thing. I guess what I'm saying is I love how authentic the sign can be.
There is some sort of level of confidence in them that they can stand on. I love it.
And yeah- I've just come to this conclusion that Capricorns, Geminis and Aquarius can just be weird? Like lol. Thier humor can be so weird and so out of the box sometimes- personality too. I feel when they are literally just being them, it is very inspiring to me imo.
Like i feel like you can have a dance off in the kitchen like this at 4am with them idk 😭:
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N i guess its why I think these signs (Cap, Leo, Aqua, Aries, Sag) can usually be very sexy easily bc they r just so authentic n raw to me its kind of poetic like im twirling my hair rn n giggling 🤭
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I feel like Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio can be like this when hurt:
"I'm so tall, can't get over me
I'm so low, can't get under me
I must be all these things
For I just threw out the love of my dreams"
Of course- when it comes to modality the four signs will obviously have something in common. What I mean with Leo Aqaurius and Scorpio is- they are just so- well- fixed. I noticed they try to act like they don't care about something- when they very much in fact do. You can't jump over them, you can't get under them- you can't get besides them, and like even if you did- it cannot really affect them that much anyway . . . -right? It feels like punching a stone made of jelly on the inside (literally so random- ik fren lmfao) I can punch a stone, It's fine- well not my knuckles ofc- they can be so hard when hurt. Sheesh. Only if you knew that you wobbled up that Jello a little bit on the inside. (Does that even make sense?)
And don't even try to pick up the stone- its too heavy. They ground themselves whatever philosophy they got going on in their noggin🥴🥴🥴🥴- no matter if its emotionally or whatever.
"He is in my eyes, he is in my ears
He is in my blood, he is in my tears
I breathe love, and see him everyday
Even though my love's a world away
Oh, he's got me wondering
My righteousness is crumbling"
It will bother them. And bother them. And bother them. And bother them. Bother them. And Aqaurius with think about it- try to bargain about it imo. Scorpio with feel a very fucking speicfic way about it and not say SHIT. 🙄😒 Leo's are so silly- they just try to act unfazed
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but we easily know lol like ok girl-I'm sorry but there is something too whimsical/unserious about them to not know when somethings wrong 😭. But yes-back to the point. In short- its so annoying with them bc three gwrorlies dont just want to admit or submit to things at first. These three live off of cool down time !!! lmfao 🤣 you really got to give them a moment. Maybe a long time too. They care so much. Too much at times- like girl be calm.
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I feel like they can do the most. They will do all sorts of things just to stand on something- or an idea or feeling that they had. It is hard for them to be wrong, or to lose. Sometimes I feel like these three need to learn how to truly let things be or go. Not everything has to be a chess game fren. ☹️💗 It like they feel they need to be a few steps ahead- they might feel ashamed or disappointed or sad or otherwise with them.
erm i have few more things to say but im literally tired of typing lol.
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Thank you water sign (cancer, scorpio, and pisces) placements for always being the ones to ask if someone is okay in a group setting.
They are so in tune with the vibes and hold an incredible amount of empathy. Sending love to them tonight.
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sxorpiomooon · 7 days
i can make a full on hate post for cancer placements atp
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harmoonix · 1 year
Rare footage of Water Placements/Stelliums/ Water Moon or Venus or Moon in water houses {4th, 8th, 12th} after having a huge emotional breakdown (apllying to sidereal/vedic aswell)
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