#we love poppies and lilacs in this household
jeena-says-hi · 6 months
Don’t talk to me, I’m not ok
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violettadecalda · 3 years
Elements: Water Edition
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About the water element: The water element has much to do with emotions, healing, and the subconscious mind. Like water, emotions are fluid and ever-changing. Some other common themes attributed to or represented by water are courage, cleansing, fertility, sleep, psychic abilities, and self-reflection.
Water in magic: water is often used as a form of cleansing, and is also common in magical workings having to do with love, friendship, and dreams. Rainwater, snow water, rosewater, dew, hail water, sea water, river water and even blessed water are all commonly used. Water may be sprinkled, splashed, or bathed in as needed in spells. Ritual baths are quite common. Submerging something in water can help to banish or release it, similar to burning it. Some witches will run water over sigils as a means to activate them.
Forms of water include: Liquid water, ice, water vapor, snow.
Some water spirits include: Undines and mermaids.
Color: Blue
Direction: West
Tools: Goblet, chalice, cauldron, mirror.
Tarot suit: Cups
Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
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Water in daily life: It's no secret that we all need water to survive, and that we take in water all day every day, whether we drink it directly or recieve it through food and other drinks. In fact, the human body is over 70% water. In other aspects of life, sometimes it is rainy, snowy, foggy, or just humid outside. Sometimes we go to the lake, the beach, the river, the creek, the pool, even the water park. It all depends on what is in your area, but regardless of what is there, it is known that many people experience a call towards bodies of water and water itself. Most people will tell you that they take baths to relax, they get all their great ideas im the shower, or that the worst part of a shower is getting out. Many people have known the peace of floating on the calm surface of a large enough body of water. Even kissing, really, is an exchange of water.
Water in the home: On the more obvious side of things, a home usually has showers, bathtubs, sinks, and even toilets to bring water into their daily lives in some way. Less obvious is mirrors, which are a symbol of water. Some people will have small, decorative fountains in their homes. Some will have a humidifier in their room. Others will have a duck pond outside. These are all sources of the water element. A daily act that usually uses the element of water is cleaning. Cleansings in general are associated with water, but chores like cleaning household appliances, mopping, and doing the dishes all use water directly.
Water in the kitchen: Boiling, blanching, poaching, and braising are all cooking methods that utilise the element of water. However, there are also many foods that are associated with the water element. These include~
Apples, avocadoes, bananas, blackberries, cabbage, capers, cauliflower, cranberries, celery, lentils, limes, cherry, coconut, cucumber, grape, lemon, lettuce, soy milk, sesame oil, safflower oil, coconut oil, papaya, peach, pear, strawberry, mozzarella, goat's milk, feta cheese, cottage cheese, bleu cheese, tamarind, tomato, vanilla, apricot, butter, fish, octopus, shellfish, butternut squash, white wine, apple cider vinegar, milk, plums, pomegranates, sugar, sweet potatoes, zucchini, agave syrup, seaweed, melons, tea, raspberries, and of course regular drinking water.
Herbs associated with water: Aloe, camphor*, magnolia*, yew*, camellia*, birch, cardamom, salt, catnip, chamomile, wolfsbane*, sweet pea*, sandalwood*, elder*, gardenia, geranium, hibiscus, poppy*, periwinkle*, jasmine, licorice, lilac, lily*, myrrh*, morning glory*, ivy*, iris*, hyacinth*, lobelia*, lotus, mustard, myrtle*, hemlock*, foxglove*, eucalyptus*, passionflower, rose, skullcap, spearmint, daisy*, daffodil*, belladonna*, slippery elm*, tansy*, thyme, valerian, violet, willow, wintergreen*, yarrow.
Stones associated with water: Aquamarine, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue topaz, flourite.
Animals associated with water: Whale, dolphin, turtle, fish, swan, frog, cat, crab.
Incense: Lotus, sandalwood, myrrh, mugwort, vanilla, violet, jasmine, raspberry, hibiscus.
Water on the altar ideas: A bowl or cup of water, a chalice, a bowl of sea salt, a seashell, seaglass, blue ribbons or cloth.
Divination with the water element: Scrying bowls; scrying mirrors.
Water work for spoonies:
Keep a humidifier in your home
Use blue pillowcases, blankets, sheets, curtains, or wall decorations
Wear something blue
Decorate with blue ribbons
Keep a bowl of water out
Take a bath, wash your face, or just use a mister on yourself
*Some herbs are unsafe or even deadly to ingest and can be dangerous to use. ALWAYS do research.
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lorei-writes · 3 years
Pages from the Calendar, 1892
Theodorus van Gogh x OC (MC?) Theodorus & Arthur - Gen Fic Fluff Humans AU
Written for: Dice be Nice Event Request: @readerinsertfanfiction​ Roll: Theodorus + Detective Work AU + “I trust you.”
I... Went a bit ahead, I suppose. I hope it holds together. The premise is that it happens sorta-of in the real world, but nobody is dead + Arthur and Theo work together.
Content Warnings: pregnancy, self-harm (implied; side character), anxiety (momentary)
“Can you believe it? ‘I trust you’. I trust you my ass, Arthur!” Theodorus exclaimed, hurriedly taking off his coat and tossing the much dreaded hat onto the hanger. Irritation seemingly oozing out of each of his steps, he strode towards the couch, little Z already sitting over it. The piece of furniture sighed dramatically, his back touching onto the green pillows as he lay down, his head soon resting over her lap.
January, 1892
“Can you believe it? ‘I trust you’. I trust you my ass, Arthur!” Theodorus exclaimed, hurriedly taking off his coat and tossing the much dreaded hat onto the hanger. Irritation seemingly oozing out of each of his steps, he strode towards the couch, little Z already sitting over it. The piece of furniture sighed dramatically, his back touching onto the green pillows as he lay down, his head soon resting over her lap. “The case isn’t going quite as planned?” she asked, feeling this certain kind of dissatisfaction might have stretched past the usual mismatch between his and his partner’s preferred ways of handling matters. Theo turning onto his side, her brows knitted together, the tension in his shoulders leading her to believe her worries were indeed founded in the reality. “It’s about Vincent,” he sighed finally. “Has something happened since his last letter?” “No. The culprit is playing us. They left a note, ‘Asylum 1889, van Gogh’s flower time. Await the delivery, ma’am’.”
Silence fell thick between them, Z brushing his hair affectionately. Seemingly lost in thoughts, she stared at the bookcase standing by the wall opposite of her. Her eyes gliding over the various titles, it appeared she searched for something rather than just looked for inspiration, her lips finally parting: “Vince painted irises and sunflowers during that year, didn’t he?” “He did. Sunflowers, irises, rose bushes, lilacs, poppies, ivy over the trees, whole gardens too.”
The world slowed down, words reaching him with a delay. “Floriography.” Theo shot up, his body seemingly materialising before the row of volumes, his hand already reaching for the suggested position. He opened it feverishly, his pupils rushing to follow the neat rows of letters, pages threatening to tear as he turned them. The volume shut nearly as fast as he got to it, his eyes gleaming in a familiar way. “Indeed, Your Royal Canniness!” he spoke, a hint of Arthur’s influence resurfacing, his steps gaining a spring to them – and there he was, on the other side of the room, petting her hair a couple times, only to kiss her forehead and rush to the rack before she managed to protest, the hat returning to its position over his head. “I must catch him before he latches onto any skirt.”
The door closed. Z shook her head, a faint smirk appearing over her face. “I’m sure the hat will scare them away,” she laughed to herself.
Late April, 1892
Aroma of freshly brewed coffee rose into the air. “And this is why you are a Watson to my Holmes, Theo,” Arthur laughed, his eyes crinkling as he set his cup down. “Or much rather, you are watsons, given the latest insight from little Z. Is she doing well? I haven’t talked with her properly since the wedding, I believe…” “Don’t be so triumphant. We still haven’t solved it – and don’t you even think about dragging Z into this.” Theo narrowed his eyes, a server placing a plate of pancakes before him. He dug into it almost immediately, reaching for a pen with his free hand, soon scribbling something over a spare piece of paper. “What do we have so far?” he asked between bites, turning his eyes towards Arthur. “What, my Watson? Well. The flower language used to be quite a craze in the days of youth of our suspects.
“From the start: The Lady X feels threatened, odd letters begin to appear around her mansion. Her husband opts to ignore them, but she nags him to seek a medium. No help came from the underworld, and so, they turn towards us – mere mortal detectives.” Arthur set the cup aside, thus freeing the small plate. He sprinkled some white sugar over it, guiding the particles in place with the spoon handle.
“Act I: The van Gogh clue,” he continued. “On that note, how is Vince? I do know he had a breakdown, but it seems he –” “Vincent is well, he came over to paint the nursery. Can you stick to the subject?” Theo almost barked. Arthur, however, only chuckled at his glares. “Act I: The van Gogh clue. Irises symbolise a message, sunflowers for adoration, lilac for ‘joy of youth’, pink roses for happiness, poppies for consolation-s and ivy for marriage. Nothing too certain, but perhaps a lover of days long passed. We interviewed all the men who once strove to obtain the hand of lovely Lady X. What did we learn through that, my Watson?” Theo shook his head. “Stop calling me that. If you so want a Watson, then finally finish writing up your stories and publish them,” he sighed, his pen stopping for a moment. Nevertheless, it resumed its jittery dance soon enough. “Lady X had quite a number of contestants and few pre-marital affairs.” “Great! But nothing came out of it!
“Act II: The delivery. Mere few days after the first rhododendrons bloomed, few cut off heads of those appear on the doorstep of our lady.” Arthur stopped to take a sip from his cup. He set it down with a clack. “Act III: Our dearest lady is delivered a dried rudbeckia hirta. There is no return address on the envelope. Beware, justice!” Arthur rose his voice, the table trembling as he hit it with an open palm. “What do we do now?” “Wait?” “No, you mutt, we evacuate the lady! Now, let’s go!”
Late April, 1892
The night had already fallen by the time Theodorus set off to return home, the culprit having been captured. As quietly as possible, he turned the key inside the lock, hoping he wouldn’t wake anybody up. Much to his discontent, however, it was futile, dim light of an oil lamp lighting up the narrow corridor. A head of brown hair peaked from inside the living room, the woman rubbing at her eyes. “Theo?” she yawned. “Is everything all –” Z didn’t get a chance to finish, her husband having seemingly been blessed with a gift to transport himself through space at a pace much too great for it to be noticeable. His arms locked around her in an embrace, she listened in to his heartbeat, her hands reaching to pat his back. “An ugly finale?” she asked knowingly, almost wishing she was there with them, like during the ‘good old days’. “An ugly finale,” Theo sighed, pulling back. “You were right. Sunflowers were for haughtiness.” “And who was the culprit? A lover?” “Illegitimate son born from the affair.” Silence fell between them for a moment, an unspoken question taking residence deep within it. Both curious to know and unwilling to find out, Z hesitated, the tension in his muscles alone being rather telling.
A loud thud came from above. Startled, Z sprung up a little, her lips opening to form an ‘o’. “Vincent! He must have fallen asleep on the couch!” she exclaimed, already turning away to hurry up the narrow staircase. Careful as not to slip, they navigated through the dark household, Theo carrying the lamp in one hand and keeping the other over Z’s shoulder to steady her. Z pushed the door to the nursery open, Vicent sitting on the floor, a hand massaging a sore spot over his head. Still somewhat confused, he looked around, blond strands growing conveniently longer on one side, a smudge of blue paint still staining his cheek. “Z? Theo?” he asked absent-mindedly. “I’m sorry, have I woken you up?” “No, not at all, Theo just got back. Are you okay? I must have…” Z trailed off, Theo helping Vincent up. It mattered little to her, however, paint drying over the wall by the cradle, starts seemingly shining over it.
Language of flowers:
*rudbeckia hirta - justice *rhododendron - danger, beware *iris - a message *sunflower - haughtiness/adoration *pink rose - happiness *lilac - joy of youth *poppy - consolation *ivy - marriage
Tag List: @cheese-ception , @kisara-16, @nad-zeta If you want to be tagged for my works, please, do let me know :D Please, specify fandoms as well.
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emorganh98 · 6 years
Appendix A
Interview questions with Chelsea Rice on 5/27/18:
How do sales differ from season to season?
What emotional or visible changes do you see between life outside vs. life in the store?
What are some of your feelings about flowers and the world?
Any meaningful stories that have happened in the store?
What emotions do you associate with flowers? Are there noticeable emotions that you see when people are in your shop?
How did you get involved with flowers originally?
How do you see price affect the purchase of different flowers?
Do you market based on seasonal holidays or seasonal flowers? Why?
What is a flower that is important to your culture? Why?
Appendix B
Observational Notes 05/15/2018:
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NAGEL DINING HALL: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The photo to the right shows the display that I put out on the check-out stand. The text says:
The Lupine ~ Voraciousness & Imagination
Miss Rumphius by Barbra Cooney
“Lupines. Now they call her the Lupine Lady. Sometimes my friends stand with me outside her gate, curious to see the old, old lady who planted the fields of lupines… ‘When I grow up,’ I tell her, ‘I too will go to faraway places and come home to live by the sea.’ ‘That is all very well, little Alice,’ says my aunt. ‘but there is a third thing you must do.’ What is that? I ask her. ‘You must do something to make the world more beautiful.’”
And the box says take one, leaving it up to the viewer to take a paper or a flower or both or even not to take one.  I sat in the corner and observed the different reactions of people.
ll of the available tables inside are full. 71 degrees right now, and 50% of the outdoor tables are full. There is fluctuating line at the register as of 11:05.
Staff to patron ratio: 8:30
11:30 From where I am sitting I do not hear any music. No predominant smell. Taste: I ate a salad, it tasted like water. Tables and general area is pretty clean.
There is a girl picking her teeth which is pretty gross. Only two people eating alone, they don't seem to be uncomfortable… I got chips, the people checking out are nice /friendly… I am in an indoor environment, so there are no naturally occurring flowers around me except those that I have laid out.
2:45 less people by more than half.
What surprised me? That approximately 75% of the people just walked by the flowers without even noticing them. They are in a completely unnatural environment, so they stood out especially because of the bright box they were in.
What intrigued me? How quickly the amount of people changed in the eating area!! In only 30 min. For the people who did stop to look at the flowers or take one without saying anything or having a visible reaction, I would have liked to know what they were thinking.
What disturbed me? tHe girl picking her teeth & my watery salad. The one person who rolled there eyes, who does that to flowers...?
Here are some quotes that I picked up on:
« i lové lilacs, i have a new lilac bush in my house »
« this is so sweet «  smiles «  who did this »
"i want to read this book"
75% walk by without looking
people take read and smile
smiles and nods « look at this cute message « 100 percent of ppl who have taken them have been girls
five people around it all talking about it... some start talking about their favorite flowers
one person rolled their eyes
miss suzie came and said that this is the sweetest thing she’s ever seen and that she would parade me around her family
the one guys stopped to smell the lilacs
one girl took a flower and put it behind her ear while she was eating
I wonder if there would be a different reaction if the bouquet was bigger or if i actually had lupines
Appendix C
Survey Results:
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Q3: What is a flower that is important to your culture? Why?
The rose exemplifies untamed beauty and grace
5/29/2018 2:16 PM
5/29/2018 12:24 PM
Trinitaria, brings color to life
5/29/2018 11:52 AM
Roses, as an expression of love
5/23/2018 11:44 AM
Rose - love
5/23/2018 11:10 AM
I dont have just one culture?
5/21/2018 9:09 PM
Lilies. In our culture this flower represent unity and sympathy for our families and friends.
5/20/2018 6:02 PM
draniaums idk how to spell- reminds me of America and home
5/20/2018 4:17 PM
Roses. I don’t think that it is specific to my American culture, but I think the social culture of our time has made roses a symbol of romance.
5/17/2018 3:23 PM
Rose. I grew up going to the rose garden in Portland. Lots of memories
5/17/2018 2:36 PM
Roses because many people get them on special occasions like Valentines Day.
5/15/2018 5:59 AM
White lilly: French language symbol and spring (my favorite season.
5/14/2018 4:38 AM
No flower is important to my culture
5/12/2018 5:13 PM
5/12/2018 11:12 AM
Snapdragons. Easy to grow in my climate.
5/11/2018 11:58 PM
Tulip. I grew up in the Netherlands and one of my grandmothers loved them
5/11/2018 9:55 PM
Sunflower. Midwest United States they grow.
5/11/2018 9:52 PM
5/11/2018 9:50 PM
Cherokee rose, Cherokee legend says that if a baby died on the trail of tears, a flower would grow where the mothers tears fell to the ground
5/11/2018 2:07 PM
I’ve never associated a flower to my cultural background, but Tulips were a flower grown close to where I grew up in WA which impacted part of the economy there
5/11/2018 1:52 PM
silver rose , because it’s really beautiful and i like it
5/11/2018 11:45 AM
The King Protea. It is a symbol for change and transformation.
5/11/2018 10:53 AM
Can't name just one.
5/11/2018 9:42 AM
I think roses are important to my culture as they symbolize important life events (marriage, funerals)
5/11/2018 9:32 AM
Forget me not-recognizes the Armenian genocide
5/11/2018 8:06 AM
Lilac. It was a flower on our farm growing up.
5/11/2018 7:42 AM
Not really important to my culture, but roses are more of a traditional favorite when givng and receiving flowers as a gift.
5/11/2018 7:39 AM
5/11/2018 6:22 AM
5/11/2018 5:41 AM
Poppies. Because they often grow in the south of Spain. A famous song called 'Amapola' was written about this flower in the 1920s.
5/11/2018 4:43 AM
5/11/2018 3:20 AM
Orange blossom as we put it in a many traditional beverages
5/11/2018 3:01 AM
Lilac - familial significance
5/11/2018 12:53 AM
Not sure that a specific flower has more importance than any other
5/11/2018 12:36 AM
Trillium as it’s the official flower of the province of Ontario and it’s endangered.
5/11/2018 12:13 AM
Calla Lillies. In Mexican Art, famous painter Diego Rivera has painted many paintings using calla lillies. Due to this fact, they have become well known and a respected part of Mexican culture.
5/10/2018 11:22 PM
White Lillie’s- for funerals
5/10/2018 10:52 PM
Sunflower, because sunflower seeds are the backbone of America's favorite pastime, baseball.
5/10/2018 10:44 PM
Gardenia reminds me of home - always had them when walking into our home on front porch area
5/10/2018 9:25 PM
Roses. Represent love, friendship, celebrations.
5/10/2018 9:17 PM
Red roses, symbolize love
5/10/2018 9:12 PM
Iris. My great grandmother had acres of them and when she passed, my grandma dug several bulbs up and transported them to AZ. I’ve then taken cuts from my grandmother’s garden!
5/10/2018 9:02 PM
nomad, so many
5/10/2018 8:03 PM
The culture I grew up in inside my household really never had much to do with flowers. However, my family is Argentine and the national flower of Argentina is the Erythrina so I guess that would be the most important flower of my culture.
5/10/2018 7:29 PM
Carnations because the last the longest.
5/10/2018 6:57 PM
The Indian blanket flower. It's the state flower where I live.
5/10/2018 6:10 PM
Roses. They were part of a miracle that happened in Mexico in the 1500’s when a native was visited by the virgen Mary. She ordered him to go pick up roses from the hill (which at that time there were no roses since it was not the right season for them). He went anyway and found the most amazing roses he had ever seen. He put them in his cloak and took them to the bishop. There, he showed him the roses and an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe had been imprinted in his cloak.
5/10/2018 5:50 PM
Symbol of love and appreciation
5/10/2018 5:36 PM
Rose for weddings
5/10/2018 5:22 PM
5/10/2018 5:10 PM
Dandelion. There is no better bouquet for a mother than one picked every spring!
5/10/2018 5:05 PM
Cactus blossom, native flower.
5/10/2018 4:42 PM
Rose because we make rose sented water to use as natural medicine
5/10/2018 4:31 PM
5/10/2018 4:29 PM
Rose. Associated with love.
5/10/2018 4:28 PM
In the sense of a culture of a nomadic military family- all flowers are important- from every region, worldwide. They symbolize the importance of blooming where you are planted and appreciating the beauty found in diversity
5/10/2018 4:17 PM
5/10/2018 4:01 PM
Roses because I always received them for my birthday
5/9/2018 7:53 AM
Rose because there is a special type that is native to the African continent
5/8/2018 11:53 PM
I would have to say Roses because they are seen as elegant and a gift to women as a romantic gesture from men.
5/7/2018 9:16 PM
Strawflowers are used in decorating in Sweeden and Norway. The winters are harsh and not many flowers are common there.
5/7/2018 8:26 PM
Roses. My country is a big transport for Rose scent. It's also a big part of my childhood memories. They're generally pink roses with small pedals. My country also has a huge Rose festival each year.
5/7/2018 6:15 PM
amapola flower
5/7/2018 9:41 AM
The poppy because we remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty.
5/7/2018 8:59 AM
Girasoli (sunflowers) Italian regions such as Tuscany are well-known for growing sunflowers and are representative of happiness, peacefulness etc.
5/7/2018 8:02 AM
The lily because of its use in Imagine Me and You
5/7/2018 6:24 AM
Roses. Each color represents/communicates a different emotions/message: Love, friendship, innocence, gratitude.
5/7/2018 2:41 AM
5/7/2018 12:40 AM
Rose, symbolizes love in my family.
5/7/2018 12:30 AM
The Columbine is the Colorado State flower
5/6/2018 10:34 PM
Tulip and it represents happiness
5/6/2018 9:35 PM
Not sure
5/6/2018 9:29 PM
Hydrangeas are my favorite flower. They aren’t necessarily important to my culture we’re my grandmothers favorite as well as my moms and now they are my favorite as well as my sisters. They are important to my family.
5/6/2018 9:21 PM
The rose because of its intimate use in Western culture
5/6/2018 9:13 PM
Maga flower
5/6/2018 9:12 PM
5/6/2018 9:07 PM
Naked man orchid (orchis italica) because
5/6/2018 9:06 PM
I don’t know Elise I’m sorry I’m allergic to flowers so I don’t get a lot of them
5/6/2018 9:05 PM
Most people think roses are pretty neat. I don’t know why though cuz they’re average at best.
5/6/2018 9:03 PM
Sunflower because I said so
5/6/2018 9:02 PM
Q4: If you were buying flowers for yourself, what would they be? Why?
Tulip. It’s may favorite flower
5/29/2018 2:16 PM
5/29/2018 12:24 PM
Roses of different colors, delicate and a sense of elegancy
5/29/2018 11:52 AM
Any flowers, so that I could plant them and see them grow
5/23/2018 11:44 AM
5/23/2018 11:10 AM
Whatever is the prettiest
5/21/2018 9:09 PM
White rose. It bring smile to my face and brighten up my day. No matter how bad and tiring my day was, just by looking at this flower bring peace to my heart.
5/20/2018 6:02 PM
hmm probably like a bunch of different ones like a bouquet because i like assortment
5/20/2018 4:17 PM
Roses, I love the color and the way they look.
5/17/2018 3:23 PM
Any type. I can't choose. I like almost all flowers
5/17/2018 2:36 PM
Lilies because they remind me of the love of my life.
5/15/2018 5:59 AM
Simple bouquet with lots of daisies...they last longer and are colourful.
5/14/2018 4:38 AM
Bright colored. I like almost all flowers. They bring beauty to my space.
5/12/2018 5:13 PM
Mixed flowers because I like variety and color.
5/12/2018 11:21 AM
Red rose because of their color and beautiful aroma
5/12/2018 11:12 AM
Daisy. Love the color
5/11/2018 11:58 PM
Tulips and daisys. They just make me happy
5/11/2018 9:55 PM
Sunflowers. I like them.
5/11/2018 9:52 PM
Colors colors colors! Happy happy happy!
5/11/2018 9:50 PM
Anything light and happy
5/11/2018 2:07 PM
Peonies. I love their large blossoms. They’re also special to me because they were in my wedding bouquet
5/11/2018 1:52 PM
rainbow rose
5/11/2018 11:45 AM
Primrose. They have a strong scent and are easy to maintain.
5/11/2018 10:53 AM
The only flowers I buy for myself are daffodils. They remind me of where we used to live.
5/11/2018 9:42 AM
I would buy myself orchids because I think they are very simplistic but very beautiful.
5/11/2018 9:32 AM
Sunflowers. The live a long time.
5/11/2018 8:06 AM
Orchid. Reminds me of being overseas all my life.
5/11/2018 7:42 AM
Peonies or hydrangeas - because they seem extravagant and I'm worth it!
5/11/2018 7:39 AM
Sterling Silver roses - favorite color, favorite flower
5/11/2018 6:22 AM
White roses. Classy.
5/11/2018 5:41 AM
I never buy flowers for myself.
5/11/2018 4:57 AM
Daisies, daffodils or jasmine flowers. Because they are all white and smell fresh, so they would lighten up the atmosphere of my home and give it a summery feeling.
5/11/2018 4:43 AM
5/11/2018 3:20 AM
Roses with a few irises because their combination gives an incredible smell
5/11/2018 3:01 AM
Roses not because they’re my first choice but the best option for the money. And they’re beautiful. Roses
5/11/2018 2:43 AM
Sunflowers - happy and bright
5/11/2018 12:53 AM
Lilacs because the smell so good
5/11/2018 12:36 AM
Yellow tulips. They make me happy.
5/11/2018 12:13 AM
Sunflowers. They, along with tulips, are my favorite flower. They remind me of happiness and everything that is right with the world.
5/10/2018 11:22 PM
Wildflower mix...all natural and local
5/10/2018 10:52 PM
Peonies, they are pretty
5/10/2018 10:44 PM
Tulips or peonys
5/10/2018 9:25 PM
gerber daisy - makes me happy
5/10/2018 9:17 PM
Yellow tulips, memories
5/10/2018 9:12 PM
Sunflowers. They’re happy and sturdy.
5/10/2018 9:02 PM
lupines, because of miss rumphius
5/10/2018 8:03 PM
Random buque of flowers from a street vendor. Don’t go out of my way to buy a certain type of flower.
5/10/2018 7:29 PM
Mixed bouquet. They brighten any room.
5/10/2018 6:57 PM
variety bouquet w/ roses, sunflowers, baby’s breadth, lily because the variety of shape and colors
5/10/2018 6:47 PM
They would be sunflowers. I love the color.
5/10/2018 6:10 PM
Roses and anything else that looks pretty at the time.
5/10/2018 5:50 PM
A mix of everything because I love picking color combination
5/10/2018 5:36 PM
Roses, smell lovely
5/10/2018 5:22 PM
5/10/2018 5:10 PM
Lilies because I enjoy the fragrance and beauty. They also last a good while.
5/10/2018 5:10 PM
Tulips. They are a sign of new life in spring.
5/10/2018 5:05 PM
Peonys because they are so beautiful and they’re my favorite
5/10/2018 4:49 PM
Carnations, they smell good and last forever.
5/10/2018 4:42 PM
Rose because my mom likes them
5/10/2018 4:31 PM
Anything very colorful
5/10/2018 4:29 PM
They would be simple tulips that are relatively cheap because flowers are beautiful but I'm not trying to go broke
5/10/2018 4:28 PM
Tulips. They just make me happy. The multicolored flowers are lovely at every stage- they are just as beautiful when standing tall at attention -with the petals tightly huddled together- as they are when they reveal their faces to the world, and they are still beautiful when they descend in a bow and collapse over the vase.
5/10/2018 4:17 PM
A rose because they look beautiful and i love their smell
5/10/2018 4:01 PM
Very colorful and not too expensive
5/9/2018 7:53 AM
Tulips because they’re so frickin cute!
5/8/2018 11:53 PM
I do not buy flowers for myself
5/7/2018 9:16 PM
An assortment of many different flowers, they will brighten up my day and usually last longer than roses.
5/7/2018 8:26 PM
Gladiolus. Its named after the gladiators, it is given with the meaning of strength and to not give up for freedom. It's encouraging.
5/7/2018 6:15 PM
5/7/2018 9:41 AM
A bouquet of roses because I think they are beautiful.
5/7/2018 8:59 AM
Peonies because of their intricacy and delicacy.
5/7/2018 8:02 AM
Rose because I like them
5/7/2018 6:24 AM
I would buy the most colorful of the options. It would depend on the event, the season and what was available at the time. Roses with Baby's Breath always work.
5/7/2018 2:41 AM
5/7/2018 12:40 AM
Daisies because they are so simple but so pretty.
5/7/2018 12:30 AM
5/6/2018 10:34 PM
Peonies. They remind me of my aunts garden
5/6/2018 9:56 PM
Sunflowers because they’re nice
5/6/2018 9:35 PM
Roses , because they’re elegant and beautiful
5/6/2018 9:29 PM
5/6/2018 9:21 PM
Anything colorful
5/6/2018 9:13 PM
Tulips bc they are my moms favorites and they remind me of her
5/6/2018 9:12 PM
The candy ones because candy is cool
5/6/2018 9:06 PM
Colorful ones
5/6/2018 9:05 PM
I’m a dude. I wouldn’t.
5/6/2018 9:03 PM
Sunflowers because I love sunflowers
5/6/2018 9:02 PM
Q5: If you were buying flowers for your significant other what would they be? Why would they be different?
A rose. As stated previously a rose has more cultural significance than my personal preference
5/29/2018 2:16 PM
5/29/2018 12:24 PM
They would be the same
5/29/2018 11:52 AM
Roses as expression of love. Tea. Roses were flowers I used to grow many years ago.
5/23/2018 11:44 AM
Roses because they express love
5/23/2018 11:10 AM
whatever I knew they liked
5/21/2018 9:09 PM
It would be lilies. This flower help me express the unity and the trust I have for this person.
5/20/2018 6:02 PMV
pink roses-- my gf likes pink roses
5/20/2018 4:17 PM
Roses. I just really like roses.
5/17/2018 3:23 PM
Any colorful type.
5/17/2018 2:36 PM
It would actually depends on the occasion. Something with roses and lillies because it makes more of an impact.
5/14/2018 4:38 AM
No difference. I buy whatever strikes my fancy and looks fresh.
5/12/2018 5:13 PM
Something significant to the occasion or a flower I knew was their favorite.
5/12/2018 11:21 AM
5/12/2018 11:12 AM
5/11/2018 11:58 PM
I’m not sure. But something that would exemplify strength
5/11/2018 9:55 PM
Whatever was their favorite becAuse the flowers would be for them.
5/11/2018 9:52 PM
5/11/2018 9:50 PM
Roses as they symbolize love
5/11/2018 2:07 PM
It depends who I’m buying for. Sunflowers for my mother because they make her happy. Orchids for my sister because she likes easy-to-care for plants
5/11/2018 1:52 PM
purple rose
5/11/2018 11:45 AM
Roses. This is due to them being associated with romance.
5/11/2018 10:53 AM
I would buy them tulips because they are easy tot air care of and not hard for them to take care of.
5/11/2018 9:32 AM
I’d buy the same ones
5/11/2018 8:06 AM
5/11/2018 7:42 AM
Probably roses, because they symbolize love.
5/11/2018 7:39 AM
Would not buy him flowers, he doesn’t appreciate them
5/11/2018 6:22 AM
The same as mine. Simplicity.
5/11/2018 5:41 AM
I’d buy flowers that they would like, so the type depends on who my s.o. would be.
5/11/2018 4:57 AM
I would probably buy roses, because they are symbolic of romantic love.
5/11/2018 4:43 AM
5/11/2018 3:20 AM
Roses because they show love
5/11/2018 3:01 AM
5/11/2018 2:43 AM
Carnations - last longer
5/11/2018 12:53 AM
Roses were his favorite
5/11/2018 12:36 AM
Lysantheum—either white or violet—because they’re my second favourite and it’s all about me.
5/11/2018 12:13 AM
They would either be sunflowers or whatever the other person prefers, if I knew what that was. It’s always nice to surprise people with flowers that they love knowing it’ll brighten their day.
5/10/2018 11:22 PM
Wildflower mix
5/10/2018 10:52 PM
Honestly I don't know much about flowers
5/10/2018 10:44 PM
Spouse likes roses
5/10/2018 9:25 PM
Would not buy flowers for my husband
5/10/2018 9:17 PM
Bird of paradise, husband's favorite
5/10/2018 9:12 PM
Orchid. They’re dainty and require effort, just like a relationship.
5/10/2018 9:02 PM
lupines as well
5/10/2018 8:03 PM
Roses or buques from street vendors are usually the go-to’s
5/10/2018 7:29 PM
Their favorite because it shows that you care about them.
5/10/2018 6:57 PM
Roses, classic appreciation gift.
5/10/2018 6:47 PM
They would probably be roses. Who doesn't like roses?
5/10/2018 6:10 PM
I don’t know much about flowers so I just get a bouquet that looks pretty.
5/10/2018 5:50 PM
Probably less pink
5/10/2018 5:36 PM
Like beautifully arranged bouquets
5/10/2018 5:22 PM
5/10/2018 5:10 PM
I only buy flowers for my Mother and she loves carnations because they stay nice for couple of weeks.
5/10/2018 5:10 PM
I would not buy flowers for my husband.
5/10/2018 5:05 PM
Probably roses because they are deemed more romantic
5/10/2018 4:49 PM
Roses because he likes them.
5/10/2018 4:42 PM
I would buy roses because my mom likes them
5/10/2018 4:31 PM
Anything colorful
5/10/2018 4:29 PM
I would be an arrangement for my mom, particularly anything purple, because flowers are special and that's her favorite color
5/10/2018 4:28 PM
I would try to find out what flower they love- and bring the ones that make them smile.
5/10/2018 4:17 PM
A rose too because its romantic
5/10/2018 4:01 PM
They would be that persons favorite flower, not mine
5/9/2018 7:53 AM
Tulips because I like them so much
5/8/2018 11:53 PM
I would buy an assortment of different flowers, maybe ones that smell good
5/7/2018 9:16 PM
If I don't know their favorite, I would choose something I liked.
5/7/2018 8:26 PM
5/7/2018 6:15 PM
5/7/2018 9:41 AM
For my mom I would buy her tulips.
5/7/2018 8:59 AM
White orchids because of their timelessness.
5/7/2018 8:02 AM
The rose or lily
5/7/2018 6:24 AM
Roses or daisies. It would depend on the occasion.
5/7/2018 2:41 AM
5/7/2018 12:40 AM
Roses, because to me, they symbolize love.
5/7/2018 12:30 AM
Lavender because he really likes the smell of lavender
5/6/2018 10:34 PM
Roses and sunflowers, I think they are drastically different but somehow look beautiful together which is cool to me
5/6/2018 9:56 PM
A mix of roses and sunflowers
5/6/2018 9:35 PM
I’d buy roses as well
5/6/2018 9:29 PM
I would try and get their favorite flowers if I knew them, but if I didn’t know i would probably get roses.
5/6/2018 9:21 PM
I would get whatever I knew she liked regardless of my personal feelings
5/6/2018 9:13 PM
I have no idea
5/6/2018 9:12 PM
5/6/2018 9:07 PM
Something cheap
5/6/2018 9:06 PM
It would be ones I knew they liked
5/6/2018 9:05 PM
What ever is cheapest cuz we ballin on a budget
5/6/2018 9:03 PM
Yes they would be more assortment and I would pick them myself
5/6/2018 9:02 PM
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