#welcome to order my fine craft works
beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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👆 (sold) 工作之進度 progress of the work and
作品的細節 Details of the work (not finish) 👇
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(sold) New /fine craft leather work - 王承前神父日課皮藝封套 by artist Chu Lan/Taiwanese (Not finish)
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jvpiterzs · 6 days
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𐙚 WARM WELCOMES — LEO VALDEZ .ᐟ ˚⋆. ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳ ꒰ leo valdez x gn!reader — a riordanverse blurb ꒱
— ordered﹔yes / no - here!! — ingredients﹔fluffy whipped cream, use of y/n, purpose use of lowercase alphabet soup, reader has a supporting/loving family, established relationship, probably not well proofread, lmk if i missed anything! — wc﹔500+ // 4 min average reading time — recipe﹔read the order above :) — cassie's tea time﹔i've been scrolling on pinterest for so long and couldn't find any good photos for 'handmade' stuff so i decided to just go w those three 😔😔 i also had like no idea what to name this HELP [also thank you to that anon who told me what i got wrong because i was like half asleep when i wrote this]
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﹙the cafe // dishes // menu // barista board﹚
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leo valdez stood nervously at your doorstep, one hand stuffed into the pockets of his jeans and the other fiddling with a gift he brought for your family. despite the confident grin he usually wore, you noticed the anxiety in his eyes. you reached over and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"they’re going to love you, i just know it." you said, smiling warmly.
"easy for you to say," leo muttered, but his smile became more genuine as he looked at you. "you're not the one who has to impress their partner's family."
"you'll do great," you assure, kissing his cheek.
as you opened the door, you could hear the sound of laughter from the living room. leo’s grip tightened on your hand for a moment before he took a deep breath, following you inside.
"mom, dad, this is leo," you introduced him to your parents. leo smiled nervously, giving them a small wave, his eyes looking around the room as if taking everything in.
your father stepped forward first, a kind glint in his eyes. "nice to meet you, leo," he said warmly, extending a hand. leo shook it firmly, a bit of the tension easing from his shoulders.
then came your step-mother who treated you like you really were her own. "my child's boyfriend, yes? she talks about you a lot." she chuckled.
you blush, and leo can't help but laugh as he glanced at you, his anxiety melting into amusement. "they're truly one of a kind."
"i made a few things for you guys.. just as a gift, y'know?" leo says sheepishly with a smile, handing your family the handmade gifts he had spent all night working on.
"made this yourself?" your father says, impressed as he examined the wrsitwatch your boyfriend gave him, turning it over in his hands to inspect the fine details..
"yep!" leo nods, squeezing your hand for reassurance.
"can you really make anything?" your little brother asked, eyes wide with awe and curiousity.
leo grinned enthusiastically, his eyes lighting up with excitement. "pretty much. wanna see?" your little brother nods eagerly.
he pulled a few random items from his pockets — a couple of screws, a piece of wire, and a small chunk of metal. in minutes, he had crafted a tiny bird that flapped its wings and chirped. your sibling’s eyes widened in amazement.
as the evening wore on, the tension leo had disappeared. by the time dessert came around, he was trading jokes with your dad and sharing stories with your mom like they’d known each other for years.
when it was time to leave, your parents pulled you aside.
"he’s a good one," your mother said softly, her eyes warm. "and he clearly cares about you."
your father nodded. "just make sure he knows we’re always watching," he added with a wink, his tone teasing but his meaning clear.
you couldn't help but roll your eyes playfully. "yeah, yeah, dad, got it."
you walked leo to the door, the night air cool against your skin. he turned to you, his expression a mix of relief and happiness.
"that wasn’t so bad," he admitted, pulling you into a hug.
you laughed, resting your head against his chest. "told you they’d love you."
leo kissed the top of your head. "thank you for believing in me."
you smiled up at him. "always."
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— thank you for placing your order, and i hoped you enjoyed your meal! kisses from jvpiterzs <3 — cafe guest list﹔n/a
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littlemelaninfics · 1 year
Welcome to Boston
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an: this wasn’t requested but I’m high asf right now (not on purpose bc I have work in 30 minutes), but I thought this was cute. Enjoy ☀️
tw: smoking weed, fluff, reader is 21+
You lounged on the bed flipping through the Firestick waiting for Chris to finish getting himself and Dodger ready for the day. You both woke up past 11:30, the soothing sounds of outside keeping you lull. It's rainy and cold which makes the perfect weather to stay in and watch movies, but you couldn't find one.
It wasn't necessarily a horror movie vibe; maybe tonight. Action? No. Drama? Ugh. You slam the remote down on the bed and flop backwards letting out a big sigh.
"Heeey. What's all that for?" Chris asked walking over the bedroom threshold. You sat up briefly taking in the physique of his sweatshirt covered torso and gray lounge shorts,
"Babe, you're not cold?"
He shook his head, "Heater's on," he said crossing to the bed and plopping down,
"What's with all the sighing?" He started to rub his hand over your thigh as you started to answer him,
"There's nothing to watch."
"There's nothing to watch or you don't know what to watch?"
"Is there a difference?"
"I guess not," he said with a chuckle. "What about a psycho-thriller? You love those."
"I don't have the mental capacity for that right now."
"What about a comedy? You don't have to pay full attention and you get a few laughs."
"Hm. Fine, I'll give a look."
"I'm gonna grab a quick snack. Want anything?"
"Just water please." He nodded his head and walked out. You scrolled through the endless pages of comedic movies and landed on a comedic duo you and Chris both loved. You hadn't seen the movie, but the synopsis sounded interesting. You cued it up to start when Chris walked back in the room,
"I thought you were getting a snack."
"We don't have much. We've been eating on the leftovers my mom left I guess we didn't notice. Find anything?"
"I'll Instacart some stuff here and yeah! It's called "The Interview" with Seth Rogen and James Franco. Have you seen it?"
"No, I've never heard of it, but okay." You were quickly ordering groceries when you realized Chris hadn't moved from across the room. Feeling eyes on you, you looked up and at him, who was grinning like a kid.
"What? What did you do?"
"Nothing... yet."
"Just.. found something that may make this day even better."
"What did you find?"
Chris brought his hands from behind his back and held up the baggie of weed and swishers, giving them a very enticing shake. You looked at what he was holding and shook your head, letting a small smile creep.
"Oh you just happened to find that?"
"It was in the back of a drawer in the kitchen. I didn't think I had any left."
"Baby...you know I gave that up. Weed is weed. It's nothing special."
"You gave up SoCal weed. This is Boston weed."
"And what is 'Boston Weed'?"
"The shit that'll change your life." You looked at him for a second before giving in. He gleefully walked to his side of the bed and climbed in. He got comfortable, handing you your water and opened the baggie.
"Whoa!" You both exclaimed. The potent odor of the raw flower permeated the room before a spark was even lit. Chris brought the baggie to his nose and inhaled deeply.
"Smells like a Saturday filled with Looney Toons and Captain Crunch."
"Babe, how old is this stuff?" You asked, hinting that it may not be safe for consumption if he was smoking it in his teens.
"Like 6 months." You rolled your eyes and ginned looking back at your phone at how childish he could be sometimes. You were finishing the delivery order while Chris took the nearest book and set up to roll.
"They should be here by the time the movie is over. It's gonna take a little longer because of the rain."
"That's fine. We can keep ourselves occupied," he said holding up the tightly rolled blunt.
"Chris Evans, that is a beautifully crafted j. Willie Nelson himself would be proud.
"Thank you, baby," he said holding the blunt to his lips and lighting it. You watched as he inhaled the smoke deeper into his lungs. He leaned back on the exhale, head hitting the headboard. He kept his eyes closed as he took another hit, holding it in and passing you the blunt. You looked at it for a second and then back at Chris who was already glossy eyed.
You took a deep breath and put the blunt to your lips, sucking in the potent smoke. You held it as long as you could before exhaling followed by a string of heavy coughing,
“Oh what the fuck,” you said between coughs.
“I told you that shit is different,” he said laughing at your pain.
You swallowed hard and took another hit after your chest stopped burning so much. The same thing happened, but not as strong. Then you went for a third,
“Whoa whoa hey. Puff puff pass, remember? And take it easy. This’ll have you stoned into next week.” You two passed the blunt between yourselves until you noticed the movie was already on. Your attention turned to the screen and you zoned out until your brain registered something funny which enticed you to laugh.
The movie was a little more than half over when your stomach started to growl,
“I think I have the munchies,” you said without your eyes diverting from the film.
“I know I do.”
“Wanna get a snack?”
“We have to go to the store.”
“Oh yeah. I can’t drive for shit right now, should we walk?” You asked holding your hand out in front of your face as a test of sobriety. Chris slowly turned his head to look out the window,
“It stopped raining. Should we walk?”
“Wait. Didn’t I say we should walk?”
“No you said you were hungry.”
“Oh yeah. Um, yeah. Let’s get dressed.”
The two of you took almost 20 minutes to get ready to walk half a mile but you finally made it to the front door. Chris got distracted yanking your hood over your head and calling you his little Eskimo baby. The two of you giggled in the foyer for almost 2 minutes before grabbing the knob.
When the door opened, both of you instinctively inhaled the fresh air deeply, letting the chilled Boston air hit your flushed faces. You smiled slightly as the beautifully golden sun beamed down on your cheeks. The sky after the rain was your favorite. You were about to take a step, when…
“I can’t.”
“What?” Chris asked looking down at you.
“I can’t do it,” you replied starring blankly ahead at the slick driveway.
“Do what, baby?”
“Ha! You can’t move?”
“Do you want me to carry you?”
“Then people will know for sure that I’m high.”
“Babe, people are going to know. Or they might not because they’re probably high too.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. Just walk slow. We’re not in a hurry.”
“Okay,” you said as you reached for his arm to help guide you down the front steps. The two of you walked linked together to the corner mart. You picked out everything you have a craving for or might crave later. You went to check on Chris and saw he abandoned the “pick what you can carry” and opted for a whole ass basket.
“Don’t look at me like that. It’s supposed to rain all weekend and I’m not coming back out if I don’t have to.” His logic wasn’t flawed so you emptied your arms into the basket and walked the rest of the store with him. The security guards must’ve had a good ol’ time watching you two laugh at absolutely everything and do silly dances in the isles to the music.
It was finally time to check out and you waited patiently, thinking about what you would eat first…or if you should elevate the high and then eat. You were pulled from your thoughts when Chris put his hand around your waist and walked you out of the store. Luckily the baggers were great because you only had three bags each to carry back home.
You were in mid conversation when you walked up the driveway and Chris stopped midway. You were finishing your sentence when you looked at him,
He looked at the bags in his hands and then back up to the door as if something wasn’t making sense. You followed his eyes up to the porch and dropped the bags in your hands to cover you face.
“We already ordered groceries,” Chris said as he turned to you.
“Yes. Yes we did.”
“Hopefully the power doesn’t go out,” he said picking up the bags you dropped and waking up to the door. You couldn’t help but let out a little giggle at the oopsie you both made.
‘Maybe we can donate some’, you thought as you entered the house and closed the door.
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sweetbillwriting · 7 months
The Finer Things
Who Are You? - Part 1
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Description: Ines lives a modest life in Brooklyn but have a secret, a valuable painting. Out of nowhere Vincent De Gramont appears and wants to help her sell it. He welcomes her into a life of luxury the question is just why?
Characters: Vincent De Garmont, The Marquis, From John Wick 4.
Setting: This story is set in my own universe, so not exactly the John Wick universe.
Warnings: 18+, prejudice and stereotypical thinking about nationalities, mentions about sex.
Notes: Opinions are the characters' own, not mine.
Here you can find the teaser.
He didn't look comfortable. He didn't look amused. He looked disgusted.
Ines had said yes to the tall man to just talk over dinner. She didn't want to leave her own block, she felt more safe there, so she had decided they would go to the restaurant on the corner close to the gallery. She had always thought it was nice, a restaurant conscious about the environment and their climate footprint but the frenchmen looked around with the corner of his mouth pulled down and his nostrils flaring.
They had been placed by a small table by the bar. The Frenchman asked the staff to wipe it again but afterwards also asked his bodyguard to wipe the table but also his chair. The tall man looked like a spoiled three year old while his dad fixed everything for him. When he finally sat down he started to dust the table with his hand. Ines looked at him amused. He felt like a cartoon character.
"Why the clothes?" Asked Ines with a smirk while looking at his tie. It was knotted as a craft work and she knew he couldn't have done that by himself.
He smiled, much more friendly than she had expected.
"Your clothes say everything about you," said he and gave her outfit a careful look. She wore an oversized burgundy sweater over black leggings. She liked to dress comfortably. She smirked a little.
"So what do my clothes say about me?"
He gave her a look again but seemed to bite his tongue and turned to the waiter.
"Slow service here…"
Ines laughed a little and gave the bodyguard by the door an amused look. She wondered what people reacted most to, the Frenchman's outfit or the bodyguard.
They began to order, she ordered a modern take of green curry while he ordered a dry martini. He had sighed when he saw the menu, then the list of spirits. But he got stuck looking at the dessert menu.
"I will take two scoops of the vanilla ice cream."
Ines looked at him amused. The man in silk and velvet ordered ice cream for dinner.
"Americans make great ice cream… One of the few things you people can do…"
Ines made a sound of offense even if she wasn't.
"You're such a snob!"
He looked at her like it was an obvious fact. He would not deny it.
When their food had come out he looked at her in another way. He was down for business.
"Can I see it? The painting?"
She doubted and looked down at her plate. It wasn't really to show it that made her feel uncomfortable, because he already knew she had it but she needed to invite him into her home then. It would be easy for him to take to violence to get it and because of it being a secret she hadn't insured it and would probably not get any help to get it back.
"Can I call you Vincent?" She asked but he looked offended until he swallowed hard. He probably knew he must adjust himself to her ways to get her respect.
"Vincent, emm… It's in my home and you're a gentleman, I guess?"
"Absolutely." He said without a doubt, like it was a given fact.
"But I'm still afraid you will use violence against me to get the painting…"
Vincent licked his lips and nodded.
"Do you have a friend who can be with us? If that makes you feel safer?"
He looked at her with big eyes. Ines smiled with a blush. Maybe he actually was a gentleman. He did look like one.
She nodded and got a charming smile back from Vincent.
She looked at him eat his ice cream. He had a silly way of doing it. He sucked the spoon almost erotically and she could even see how his pink tongue poked out to lick the back of the spoon. It wasn't the way she had expected a fine Frenchman to eat ice cream but maybe he just liked ice cream that much. She continued to throw glances at him. It kinda looked like he was doing something else and once again Ines blushed. He was far from her normal type but he was beautiful and sexy in a snobby way. Even if he was a silly pedant.
Vincent came to Ines’ home two days later. Her friend Taye was there as her safe person while Vincent's bodyguard got to stay outside the apartment. It was Vincent's idea and Ines couldn't stop thinking that she maybe had misjudged him. He was a snob but maybe not a bad person.
Taye was as tall as Vincent, a former football player so Ines could feel safe but started to feel she maybe didn't need him.
Vincent stood in front of the painting with a hand over his mouth. He looked touched and Ines looked at him fascinated.
"Can I look at it up close?" He said almost carefully and Ines nodded with a smile. Vincent moved so he could look at every pencil stroke.
"I would like to see the back of it," he said professionally and gave Ines a look.
"You can take it down by yourself."
It wasn't such a big painting, the same size as the Mona Lisa but in a modernist style.
Vincent put on a pair of thin white gloves the bodyguard gave him and then took the painting down from the white wall. He sat it down on the underside of the frame on the dinner table. He looked at the back of it, examined the frame and the part of the canvas he could see. Both Ines and Taye looked at him with big eyes. It was obvious he knew what he was doing and Ines even got a bit nervous it would be fake.
"She is a relative to you?" Said Vincent when he once again looked at the painting.
"It's my grandmother," she answered and smiled proudly. Vincent nodded and gave her a charming smile.
"You look like her."
"Thank you…" she said with a blushy smile. She could feel Taye's eyes on her. He probably couldn't believe a snobby Frenchman in a three piece suit and clock chain could make her blush.
"It's obvious he was really in love with her and she was with him. Look how gorgeously he has painted those lips… He couldn't stop staring at them…" said he passionately while looking at Ines intensely. Ines moved closer to him so she could look and could smell the scent of him. He smelled soft and sweet, almost like a feminine perfume.
Ines felt her heart beat faster. The attraction to him had come so sudden and she felt confused about it. She got embarrassed in front of Taye when she stood next to Vincent with blushing cheeks.
"I'm almost sure it's a Pivoine but I need to drive it through an X-ray and do a small test of the color," said Vincent and looked at Ines. "Do you want to sell it? I can help you get double what you have read you can get for it."
Ines swallowed hard and looked at the painting of her grandmother. But it sounded great with money. She could be financially independent.
"How would that happen?" Ines played with her necklace and looked at him nervously.
"The real buyers are in France so we must go there…"
He nodded while looking at the painting. Ines furrowed her brows confused.
Vincent looked up at her and pulled in his waistcoat.
"Yes? You will of course be a part of the deal. I will not just take your painting. Of course you will be there. With me."
Ines laughed shocked and looked at Taye who looked worried.
"I'll fix everything. You can just relax and monitor the affair."
Ines continued to laugh and dragged her hands over her cheeks. She had never left the US, not even the state. It was like Vincent knew what she thought because he smirked at her.
"Paris, the best hotels, Michelin star restaurants, the best wine in the world, fashion…" he said seductively and looked at her with his intense big eyes. It was obvious he knew he was sexy. Ines just looked at Taye like she couldn't believe it but he didn't look impressed at all.
"You don't know this man, Ines," he said with crossed arms. Ines just thought about what Vincent said and then her boring life in Brooklyn. She didn't earn much with the gallery and had never eaten food in a Michelin star restaurant. She didn't even know what it meant. She laughed again and let all the impulsiveness, drama searching sides of her from her teens come out again. She wanted this and didn't care that it was risky. You must take risks to win.
"I want to go with you. To Paris. And wear a beret and eat croissants!" She smiled big at Vincent who smirked and took out his hand from his pants pocket.
"Shake hands on that?"
Ines made a little excited sound and took his big hand. It looked like he had gotten a manicure. She wanted that sort of luxury too.
Taye sighed in the background but Ines didn't hear it, she just heard her own heart beating in her ears and looked at Vincent's fascinating face. Paris was also the city of love…
Ines and Taye looked through the window at Vincent de Gramont when he jumped into the black car. Ines just took a closer look at the man. He moved determinedly but soft, like he wasn't stressed but knew what he wanted. He walked into the car with elegant loops even if his legs were so long and then the bodyguard closed the door. Ines looked at him in fascination. She could go with him to Paris and taste the life of luxury. She could confess that she didn't know much about the man but felt she didn't need to. It was obvious he was a rich gentleman just searching for distraction in his easy life in wealth.
"Fuck Ines… How can you think this is a good idea? He will just leave you in the slums of Paris and steal your painting," whined Taye and shook his head. Ines looked at him where he stood with crossed arms but didn't say anything, it was her choice, only hers.
"Sometimes I wish you had parents that could…" he started but then swallowed his words.
"Could what? Hm? Such a fucking stupid comment Taye. Maybe you should learn from Vincent and have some fucking manners!" Ines said upset while she walked away from the window. Taye sighed and walked after her.
"I'm sorry… But like, you don't have manners either. How will you survive in his circle? You say fuck in every sentence!"
Taye was honest because he knew he could. Both of them could say stupid things because they didn't have a filter with each other anymore.
"I will learn! He will teach me!"
Taye looked at her with raised brows.
"Yeah and how to embezzle money. Like a dude in a three piece suit doesn't have some shit going on."
Ines crossed her arms and looked at him.
"You're always jealous of people with money. He was probably born with a silver spoon…" Ines stopped to lay her hands on her blushing cheeks. "In his mouth but that doesn't mean he is a criminal. He is just rich."
Taye shook his head again and sat down on Ines white couch. Her apartment also looked like a gallery. White and airy.
"He looks like a Bond villain, he probably has a white really hairy cat that sits in his lap all the time."
Ines laughed at his silly words and sat down.
"But I will tell Faith about this, you know that right?"
Ines swallowed nervously. Even if Faith was just a friend she could be really dramatic and overprotective. She had succeeded to make Ines change her mind before, just by being angry.
"Are you totally fucking stupid?? He can rape you, kill you…" Faith stopped suddenly in her angry outburst and looked out in the air.
They sat in a modest coffee house. It wasn't that great but they had bought a painting from Ines' gallery so she wanted to support them just like they supported her.
Ines looked at Faith, just waiting in confusion for her to say something. Faith turned her eyes towards her friend again and looked down at their hands.
"Are you sure you can be like, rich from this? For real?"
"Yeah, the painting is worth a lot but with Vincent's help I can get so much more. And like, it's obvious he is rich, he doesn't need the money from the painting," said Ines as her eyes became dreamy.
"Viiiincent," said Faith with a silly voice and wiggled her brows.
"What?" Ines laid all her power to try to sound like she didn't know what Faith meant.
"Is he handsome? A French model? Tall, pale and skinny?" Teased Faith without knowing how right she was. Ines felt her cheeks become warm. She had always liked European men. They were so soft and mysterious. They dared to be in contact with their feminine side without losing their masculinity. She thought about Vincent's perfume again. Maybe he actually wore perfume for women.
"He's…" Ines sighed. "Yeah, he is probably like 6'4 and pale like he was born in the shadows."
Faith laughed.
"You're sure he doesn't live in some castle and just wants you for dinner?"
"He can have my pussy for dinner."
"Ah!" Exclaimed Faith and pointed at Ines.
"You want to fuck him!"
Ines just smirked and took a sip of her coffee.
"So you’re hoping on getting money and dick? How can I stop you from doing that?" Said Faith and smirked as well.
"What about that whole rape, kill..?" Said Ines with an amused smile.
"That can happen here too. It probably even happens here more than in Paris and Viiiincent had a bodyguard, right?"
Ines laughed and nodded her head.
"So I have your blessing?"
Faith sat quietly a while and put her index finger against her lips.
Ines looked at her confused. She seemed to have been really positive before.
"I want to meet Viiiincent," said Faith and crossed her arms.
Ines looked at her with furrowed brows and panted.
"Oh come on, he will think it's so silly. He's a rich, french business man. I can't bring my bff and be like, 'she wants to look at you'."
"I said I want to meet him!"
"That means that you're mostly going to stare at him. Just like when you met Michael!"
Micheal was Ines ex who Faith more or less had stared at for 30 minutes until she knew what kinda man he was. She was right though, she said he was bad news and he was. He was controlling, jealous and angry.
"I'm good at staring!"
Faith pouted with attitude and Ines sighed.
"Fine. I will call him."
Faith shone up. "But not now. I'll do it alone."
Ines didn't want Faith to mock her for how nervous she would be to talk to Vincent. She had gotten his number. It was a business card but the only thing that was on it was a phone number. Not even his name. But it was in thick white paper with a gold pattern as a frame. It was beautiful, just like him. He probably didn't do anything half hearted.
Ines and Faith sat in the lavish suite in Lotte Palace Hotel. Both of them felt like stains on the white rug. They had a view over the whole of Manhattan and a bit more. Ines, who didn't even go to Manhattan especially often, felt small and insignificant when she looked out.
The bodyguard watched them while they sat and waited on Vincent. Ines wondered what he thought they would do. Doodle on the coffee table?
"Oh come on! Where is the dude?" Groaned Faith and crossed her arms.
"The Marquis will be here soon. He wasn't dressed," said another man coming into the suite's living room. He wore a similar suit as the bodyguard but was much leaner and carried a tray with a silver coffee pot.
Ines tried to picture Vincent in other clothes other than his suits but it was hard. Even if she thought he was really handsome, she couldn’t even think about him without a suit. Maybe he had been naked when they came? Ines looked down at her hands embarrassed. He was probably beautiful without clothes but it felt like it wasn't anything for her eyes.
"Do you want coffee?" Said the leaner man and put out white china mugs in front of them.
"No, I just think The Marquis can come soon. Like it's not good manners to let…"
Faith didn't end her sentence because Vincent had come out to the living room. This time he was dressed in a burgundy colored three piece suit with a black button up.
Faith looked at him and then gave Ines a look. She started to laugh and Ines looked at Vincent with worry.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but what are you wearing?" Said Faith and continued to laugh at Vincent.
Vincent took a cup and poured some coffee without moving his face. He didn't seem to react to Faith's behavior at all.
"Clothes tell people who you are."
He looked up at Faith and took a sip of his coffee. Those big eyes were telling and he looked at her outfit. The short little crop top and trashed jeans. It seemed like Faith could see what he was thinking and looked at him pissed.
"What are you saying?" She said offended. Ines looked away embarrassed. She was ashamed over her friend immediately picking a fight with Vincent. She had tried to dress more properly and had a white blouse with black jeans. It wasn't impressive but better than leggings but also Faith's outfit.
"I didn't say a thing. How you want to dress is up to you," said Vincent and sat down elegantly in an armchair. He crossed his long legs and balanced his cup on the small saucer.
Faith continued to give him the evil eye but pulled in her crop top like she suddenly felt too naked.
"Ehh… We're just here so Faith can meet you, so she can trust you," said Ines and crossed her legs at the ankle. She had seen on The Princess Diaries that fine women sat like that. Vincent nodded a little and looked between Ines and Faith. He took a sip of his coffee then turned to Ines with a smile.
"I think it's most important that you trust me. That you feel like you are safe with me," said he and laid a hand over hers. Ines looked at his handsome face and smiled.
"She doesn't know anything about you!" Said Faith. It was clear she wasn't as optimistic towards Vincent now when she had met him.
"I know you don't know so much about me, but we will have all the time in the world in Paris for you to find out what you want." Vincent still sat turned towards Ines and didn't seem to acknowledge Faith. Ines looked into his eyes. They were sincere and kind. And he could do her filthy rich while she ate creme brulee in bed.
She shook her head to herself and laughed a little at the thought.
"I'm going with you," she said and hugged his hand in hers. To her surprise he lifted it to his lips and gave her a soft kiss on the back of her hand. Everything he did was so gentlemanly.
"Ines!" Faith almost screamed and kicked the coffee table leg. Ines looked at her with furrowed brows. She wasn't just embarrassed over her friend now but appalled.
"Stop Faith, this is my choice," she said while she and The Marquis still held each other's hand.
"No! This is not your decision! You can't make this decision alone!"
Vincent looked at Faith uninterested and Ines looked at him. It was obvious he wouldn't let anyone drag him down to their level. Ines admired him. Not just his look but also his elegance. He didn't let Faith's bad manner affect him at all.
"I think it's time for you to go, Faith," said Ines and looked between her friend and Vincent. She searched his approval and he nodded once then he turned his eyes to his bodyguard that slowly walked closer to Faith.
"Oh come on! Will you let his bodyguard beat me up now?" Said Faith and stood up. She waited for Ines to say something but she just watched Vincent. Vincent looked at her and when she just looked back at him he gave his bodyguard a look again who answered by laying his hand on Faith's back.
"Let go of me! I can find myself out! Ugly ass frenchmen!!" Faith screamed and Ines blushed with humiliation. Her friend didn't have any class. Or was it a former friend?
She didn't look when Faith was leaving, she just looked down in her lap where she and Vincent still held hands.
Ines didn't really know how to act. She still was in the Marquis' suite and sipped tea out of a really small cup. Maybe she should have left at once after Faith had but she didn't want to risk bumping into her just outside of the hotel. Instead she stayed while Vincent ordered afternoon tea for them. She now sat and looked at several sorts of cakes and scones on the table and hoped Vincent would join her soon.
Vincent walked around in the suite with his phone pressed against his ear, talking elegantly soft french Ines couldn't understand a thing of. She wondered if he maybe had a wife or children but she had a hard time seeing him as that type. She smirked a little at the thought of Vincent changing a diaper in his well tailored suits. While Vincent walked around, both the bodyguard and the other man stood looking at her. She felt a need to act elegantly after Faith's embarrassing behavior and let them stare.
"I'm sorry," said Vincent with a sigh when he finally sat down.
"It's okay," said Ines and smiled at him. Vincent leaned back in the arm chair and looked at her with a pleasant smile.
"It's nice, seeing you here. I think you need to get away from Brooklyn. You look like a woman now, not a little girl."
Ines laughed but really tried to keep that elegant manner. He liked it.
"Can't we go out and shop? You need a new wardrobe for Paris, right?" He said and leaned forward on his knees. His pants were tight and Ines looked away when she realized how well you could see the shape of him through the trousers.
"I don't know…"
She didn't want to say she didn't have money to shop.
"On me, of course. You can pay me back when you have sold the painting."
Ines laughed and Vincent smiled back charmingly.
"Okay… Okay. Do you want to help me? Otherwise I will just go to H&M and Zara."
"What's that?" Said Vincent sincerely and poured some tea for himself.
Ines laughed and dared to take a cake when Vincent did.
"Oh my god, it's like the biggest fast fashion stores!"
Vincent looked at her with a smirk. Once again he didn't need to say anything, it was obvious in his suits, his hair, his skin, his manners that he had never had any contact with fast fashion. Ines once again admired him. She could be like him. Live in suites, eat afternoon tea and wear clothes costing as much as a year of her rent. She could be like him. She wanted to be with him.
They visited all the high end fashion stores but Vincent preferred the French ones; Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent. When Ines had problems finding clothes he started to point and boss the staff in the stores around. He was intimidating. He tried to speak French to the girl in the Louis Vuitton store but she looked at him like he had threatened her. Ines wondered if he had until the girl said she didn't know french.
Ines collected more and more bags but all of them were carried by the bodyguard. She learned his name was Mylan and he didn't know much English at all. She tried to be polite when they were alone but he didn't even give her a smile.
"The final stop…" said Vincent and gave her a smile. He nodded towards a store with a black and white sign. Ines couldn't place it at first but then realized what it was. Cartier. Home of diamonds.
"This will be a gift from me… All girls need a pair of diamond earrings," he said smoothly while walking into the store, passing the store's guard. Ines laughed nervously, not because of his gift but because…
"I don't have my ear pierced…"
Vincent looked at her confused but then he got something smooth and wet in his eyes.
"Oh, that's so lovely. No piercings or tattoos or anything else… perverted?"
Ines shrugged her shoulders.
"Just clean and nice…" he still looked so wet in his eyes, then he licked his lips slowly. Ines wondered if he actually was turned on by her lack of piercings.
"Then we get a bracelet. That's even more diamonds, smart girl," he said teasingly and then turned to the woman behind the desk.
Once again Vincent tried to speak French with the employee who stared at him uncomfortably.
"I don't know French," she said and looked at Vincent apologetically.
He sighed, deeply.
"This country…"
Ines smirked and looked around in the store. She already started to get used to his snobby ways.
"I want a diamond bracelet for the lady. White gold, simple chain, classic."
The girl nodded and started to walk around the store to collect things he might be interested in. Ines just stood and looked in a display case. It was a beautiful necklace, a pendant shaped like a flower with yellow and white stones. She could feel Vincent's eyes on her and then he once again started to speak french. Ines laughed.
"She doesn't know French," she said amused and turned to him with a smile. Vincent looked at her, first it looked like he was irritated but then he gave her a crooked smile.
"It's a french store."
"But no French employees."
Vincent shook his head and walked up to her.
"What are you looking at?"
"Nothing," she said, even if she had been mesmerized by the floral pendant.
"The necklace?" He asked and gave it an approving look. He turned to the seller and once again spoke french. Now Ines couldn't stop herself from laughing loudly.
"She can't speak french! Is that so hard to get?"
She looked up at Vincent with humor. He first looked irritated but after a few seconds of looking at Ines he smirked.
"This fucking country… Why don't people know any other language than their own?"
"I don't either!" Said Ines amused but tried to fake offense. Vincent shook his head.
"You must learn french. You work with art."
Ines didn't say anything, just smiled and looked at the necklace. She probably needed to learn french.
"We want this necklace," said Vincent to the seller who came fast with her little key to open the monitor. Ines looked up at Vincent with big eyes. No man had ever given her jewelry. She would have thought it was a big deal to get a simple silver necklace from a man while Vincent didn't make a thing of giving her a necklace with white and yellow diamonds. While standing staring in shock he took the necklace from the girl and put it around Ines' neck. She lifted her hair and looked at herself in the mirror next to the monitor.
"It suits you…" said Vincent and dragged a big hand over her shoulder sensually. Ines stared at herself. Diamonds. Just the word was dramatic. She couldn't stop looking at the necklace and Vincent looked at her amused. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. He knew that well.
"We take the necklace. And the third bracelet. And I need new platinum cufflinks."
He bossed the seller around and she worked fast, terrified of the Frenchman.
Ines turned around and looked at him with big eyes. He stood leaned against the display counter, just waiting for her to say something.
"Vincent… This is too much and you know it too."
He pulled down the corner of his mouth and shrugged his shoulders.
"This is my Zara." He smirked and looked quite smug. Ines laughed but didn't say anything, maybe he would take back his generous gifts then. She continued to look at herself in the mirror but also looked at Vincent behind her in the reflection. What a man he was.
Handsome, tall, elegant and generous. She continued to look at him while playing with the necklace between her fingers. He was a gentleman in a perfect, french package.
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
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Okay for my Modern Welcome Au fanfic, I’m making a Mother’s Day chapter, and I decided to draw all the moms. Everyone except for Miss Beagle is my own thoughts how they would look.
Miss Beagle belongs to Clown aka PartyCoffin. I just fan drew her in a cute Barnaby’s paw print apron (You can see his pup print and the large one) and I decided to give her a first name for the fanfic, since she needs one and a cute mama nickname. “Big Mama Betty” 
Anyway in order!
Monique Dear “Mama Dear”: Mother of Eddie Dear lives in Louisiana and is a post-man. Her husband die in a terrible truck accident before Eddie was born. She is a feisty, spunky woman that loves to go out doors, train for anything survival. She is a sweet mother and big tiger mom. When she sees her groan son, she would give him a bear hug and pick him up like he was a toddler. Very accepting and would sound like Carol from OK KO (VA: Kate Flannery) She’s always working out, since she have to lift heavy packages, and can cook!
Eleanor Frankly “Mother Frankly”: Mother of Frank. A calm, soft spoken woman. She is a Neurosurgeon, has the most steadiest hands. When she uses knives or scissors, she always cuts beautifully; one thing Eddie finds amazing because hello Crafting! She’s very intelligent, comes from a very wealthy family. Lives in New York, specifically Mid Manhattan with her husband. Yes, they are happily married, but once they saw Monique... 🤭 let’s just say they wanted to do a poly relationship.
Serenity Joyful “Mama Llama”: Mother of Julie. A funny nickname Jonesy came up when he was a toddler and stuck to the Joyful family. Don’t mind the colorful vomit skirt, rainbow monsters love to represent their family. Since, Serenity is all about Maximalism boho-chic outfits, she loves to represent her children’s colors. Believes in nature, spirituality, crystal healing, and listens to trees. Very laid back, sweet, and always goofy. Believes problems can be solved with yoga and Chamomile tea. Lives in the Rainbow Forest not far from the Welcome Home Residents.
Charlotte Partridge “Mama Lottie”: Mother of Poppy. She’s exactly like Poppy, but sweeter like honey! Very caring, hates cursing, and she knows how to cook. Her socks were made by Poppy, when she learned how to sew. Loves to support and protect all her children. She will treat everyone like her own kids. Lives in West Virginia!
Maria Gloria Pillar Garcia “La Jefe or Tu Jefe”: Mother of Howdy. In my fanfic, Howdy is Mexican American. As a joke, him and siblings like to call their mom, the boss or say, “Tu Jefe esta llamando” It’s a thing I noticed with Latino Americans say about their parents like the joke, “Your mom is calling you or My mom...” You don’t have to get it if you don’t. It’s a thing I’ve seen. Anyway, she’s the boss of the family, and knows how to run things. I mean this woman gave birth over 300 caterpillars, so she has the right to run her family and the family’s ranch. What I can say about her? She’s a Monarch butterfly, lives in Michoacán, Mexico. Used to live in East LA.
Chantelle Darling “Mother Darling: Mother of Wally. Lives in Atlanta, Georgia. She’s funny, nice, but cross the line with her and she’s the first to fight. Very protective of Wally, and his a widow. So her and Monique are gonna get along just fine. 
Miss Beagle “Big Mama Betty”: Mother of Barnaby. That dog is a HUGE mama’s boy! Everyone in the neighborhood knows her, she’s sweetest Mother Hen. 
I’ma say this too. If they were Humans, All of them except Maria and Monique would be African American/black! Monique would be biracial. Maria would be Mexican American with dark brown skin tone. My Au is about inclusivity for BIPOC/POC. 
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
Destiny could I ask your honest opinion ? What is it that you like about Tom Holland and what is that you may or may not dislike about him? Thanks
What do you like/dislike about Z?
I feel like I'm walking into a trap here lol, but I will be honest and share my feelings on Zendaya also! Like with Tom, there are SO many things I LOVE about Zendaya!😃
Things I Love About Zendaya:
Her kindness 🥰
Her warmth and down-to-earth nature. She's really one of the few celebrities where I feel like I could actually just go up to her, say hello, and she would welcome me with open arms lol. My bestie in my head lol 😅
I love her sense of style. Even if she has worn an outfit that maybe I personally wouldn't wear on the red carpet, I LOVE the fact that she likes to take risks, and she is okay with "playing" with fashion in order to create new looks.
I love how sweet she is to her fans. 🥰
I love Z's charitableness. She gives to various charities and sometimes you don't even know about it until way later.
I LOVE her work ethic! This woman is dedicated to doing a good job and to learning, and it shows. I like that she works hard, keeps her head down, and minds her business.
I like how fun/funny and quick-witted she can be. 😁
I love Z's talent! She's so talented! She can sing, she can dance, she can draw, she can model, she can act, etc....I mean, is there anything she CAN'T do?? 😅
I love how she's a sweet auntie to her nieces.... 🥰
I love the fact that she's a "Shy Girl", but yet she pushes herself to do things out of her comfort zone (like acting) and it has helped her get out of her shell a bit.
I love how loyal Z is to her friends and those close to her. Even when Law just quit and "retired" out of the blue and didn't even tell her until after the fact, she was still there to back him up and show support for him.
I love how ZEN she is lol. 🥰 She's so right! She really is chill, and laid back lol. I love it. She seems low-drama, and I like that.
I enjoy how she stays out of trouble....Honestly! Like, she is perfectly fine with not getting into the crazy scene and doesn't feel embarrassed about that at all. I think that's actually a GOOD thing for young girls too see that they don't have to do wild and crazy things just because they're pressured to, or just because "the popular kids" are all doing it. Some may try to make you feel bad for not "following the crowd", but Z doesn't follow the crowd, and she's STILL popular! Stick to your guns. If you don't really want to do something, then don't do it!
Like I said before, I think the word "dislike" is a bit of a strong word, so I won't necessarily say that. To be honest, a lot of the things that I would have wanted Z to change in the past, she's already changed! Those things were: living her life OUT and PROUD and loving her boyfriend in plain day light, not making life all about work, and not feeling like she has to be "perfect" all the time. I think Z has worked on ALL of these aforementioned things tremendously over the past several years, so I don't really have anything to say about those things anymore. If there were other things I would say she could change/work on, it would probably be....
I would love to see her take even more of an interest in the acting side of her craft... I already see her intense interest in directing behind the camera, but I would LOVE to see her having more of an interest in the acting side as well... Like, maybe reading and researching various books, watching various films, maybe doing some theater work, working on certain aspects of her acting style, etc. Perhaps maybe as a shy person, her passion more so lies behind the camera?? If that's the case, then that makes sense. 😊 But if her passion really is acting, it would be good to see her working more on the acting side of her craft as she nears her 30s.
I know this industry can be very cut-throat and harsh, especially for woc unfortunately... But it would be nice to see her not being afraid to make a mistake, or not feeling like she has to be "perfect" in this industry, and say the "perfect" thing. Like I said earlier, she has already worked on that a LOT, so I'm glad!
It would be nice to see her acknowledge men who try to give her a helping hand every now and then lol 🤭 HAHAHA!!! 🤣 She doesn't have to take their hand (of course) lol, but just acknowledging them or at least saying: "Oh thanks, I'm good though!" would be nice lol 🤭
I know she doesn't want to take any roles from black actresses since there are so few, but it would be LOVELY to see Z working with some great black icons....directors and even actors and actresses in Hollywood. I would LOVE to see more of that. 😊 I know she said that she usually goes after "white girl roles", and I get her reasoning, but imo that then just leaves her working with a predom. white cast all the time... And while there's NOTHING wrong with that lol, it would just be nice to see what Zendaya could do under the direction and cast of a predom. black cast and crew. Just saying! Maybe I'm just selfish and want to see more of her in her "black" element I guess lol. 😅 Something even like "The Color Purple" would have been cool. Or, even just an ensemble cast.
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bespoke-erotica · 1 year
Erotica... your way
Welcome to Bespoke Erotica.
I’ve been writing erotic stories and novellas for years, usually customised for a friend or mutual on Tumblr or some other platform. I always enjoy it, especially the process of tailoring the content of a story for someone with different tastes to mine. So I thought, why not see if I can make a little side hustle out of this hobby... and that’s what this is.
Via Bespoke Erotica, you can order a customised story that has been crafted specifically to push your buttons. You have total control over the subject, the names for characters, the length of the story, the level of detail... everything. You can tell me which words you like, which words should be avoided at all costs, whether you want a slow build-up or if you want your story to open smack bang in the middle of a sex scene.
This customisation is taken care of by an in-depth questionnaire that all clients get to fill in. You don’t HAVE to respond to every question, so if you’d prefer to be surprised you can just ask for a ‘sexy after-work encounter in an office between two females’ and I will let my imagination run riot. But if you want one of them to be blonde and 22 and the other a 28-year-old redhead, that’s fine. It’s your story.
Writing bespoke erotica takes time, but I am also aware that these stories are mostly going to be short, so the pricing will reflect that. As an introductory offer (and to test the waters) I am offering the following price structure.
1,000 word story - $5 2,500 word story - $10 5,000 word story - $25
If you fancy something more ambitious, drop me a line and we can talk about any size of project, up to a 30,000-word novella. A Bespoke Erotica story could make a thoughtful and unusual gift for a loved one, or a little present to yourself for working so hard and being so awesome.
Payment will be via PayPal, or you can send me a gift card via email (get in touch if you want to do this so we can discuss which card to send). Once your project is complete you will be sent the first 100 words or so (bigger samples for bigger projects). Once full payment has been received you will then receive your bespoke erotica. For larger projects, a small deposit will be asked for up front.
But wait! In true TV ad style... there’s more!
For a very limited number of clients I will be offering a FREE 1,000-word story. The only thing I will ask for in return is a review of your finished project for me to publish here. Building a brand is important and far from easy, so I’m willing to put my pen (or keyboard) where my mouth is. This offer is obviously limited and I will select the most interesting projects I am presented with.
Once I have built up a library of stories I will be offering them at a reduced price with minimal customisation options - you will be able to change the names of the characters involved, for instance, or simply purchase a story ‘off the shelf’.
Lots of this will be worked out as we go along, but for now, I will be getting down to creating the questionnaire template that each client will be asked to fill in. 
Get in touch if you have any questions!
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turmoilcity · 10 months
New Fic who dis?
A story i probably will not finish because I never finish any story
mthppgau stands for more than human Powerpuff Girls alternate universe. In this setting, the characters are based on more of the characterizaion in more than humans, rather than the canon show.
So, I thought of this funny scenario of a crossover between my story and mth, and I wanted to share it. Here it is.
sorry for any grammar and spelling errors
Justin had always had a knack for these… weird concepts.
A time and space teleporter was what this thing was supposed to be, and Brick couldn’t help but think that had to be illegal in some law of the universe.
Which actually made the little guy a little dope in his book.
“Alright,” Justin said over the teens. It was Brick, his brothers, the Powerpuff Girls, GAME’s team, and Mitch. Floyd, Lloyd, and Harry. 
“This machine can only handle two trips. One to the time era and one back-"
Lillian raised her hand excitedly. Justin sighed.
“If we don’t make it back in time, are we stuck in another universe?!” She gasped.
Justin blinked, “That’s actually a good question. But no. You aren’t gonna be stuck in time. You see, with this baby? I already thought ahead. You’ll just teleport because of the magnetic field you have to the machine, so virtually anywhere you are, you should make it back, buuuut, just to be safe, stay together. I wouldn’t jinx time travel if I were any of you.”
“You aren’t going?” Bella said.
Justin shrugged, he sat some robot on a table, “I’ve got more important things to do than ‘time travel’.” he mocks.
Bella teases him, “Oh yeah, because you’re too cool to hang out with us.”
“Damn right.”
She snorts and nudges him. “Whatever. Come on guys, lets load up,” she says to the crowd, joining them in the tight machine.
Dylan frowned, “Who are you ordering, exactly?”
She sneers.
Dylan rolls his eyes, “Okay everyone, here’s the thing. We’re going to a time when Lillian is an adult. No goofing off, and like Justin said, let’s stay together.”
“You’ll follow Justin's orders and not mines,” Bella says under her breath. Butch chuckles and nudges her.
“Heard that,” Dylan continues. “Justin made the machine so I trust his word. Remember, we’re going to ask Lillian questions about Who this "Enrique" man is and why he’s threatening the company. He’s gotten really good at keeping anonymous, and although this seems like a far fetched route to unveil his identity, I’m willing to take that chance.”
“That sneaky bastard,” Savannah muttered, a determined look in her eye.
Dylan looked to her, “Yeah. You see that energy, let’s be like that.”
The group roared in agreement. 
Dylan nodded, “Okay,” he exhaled, deliberately. He looked just the slightest tense.
“Are you good?” Jenna asked. 
“I’m fine. But it’s been a long time since I’ve teleported like this,” he said finally opening his eyes, and pressing a button beside him. The machine they were in began to rumble. The kids looked around in shared excitement and anxiousness.
“This might just be the dumbest thing we’ve ever gotten ourselves into,” Brick grumbled.
A female, voice came over the craft.
Welcome, to Justin’s Time Rocket. Please make sure to keep all hands and feet inside the ride. If you are in Justin’s Time Rocket without his permission, he is not responsible for any lost or damaged parts. This includes body parts. 
Remember, all scenes experienced at your destination, are within a different timeline and universe, meaning the outcome of such result has little to do with you and your experiences on your homeland. Enjoy your ride. Bye, bye! 
Brick spared a look outside of the glass window, where Justin stood, cooly waving at them before they were gone in a flash of light.
Brick held his arms out as the inertia subsided.
“I’ve totally gotta let Justin know to work on the speed of that thing,” Bella panted hollowly behind him.
Theres the sound of gagging, and then a wet splatter. Several voices retch and disgust, and Brick flings the door open allowing everyone to step outside. 
“Hey! You are the one responsible for cleaning that shit up before we get back in there!”
“Dude, give me a break! We just traveled 1 million lightyears in the flash of a second.”
“Dylan calm down.”
“I’m not traveling back in a machine full of puke. If that’s your thing then….”
Brick tuned them out, taking in the landscape. A vast rural land, with a house a few yards away. This was far different from the city. He peered around curiously, wondering whose land they arrived on, and what time period it was. 
Boomer came up beside him, “Dude, where did we land? The 1800’s? Where is everything?” There was still distant arguing behind them.
Brick spotted a car that looked remarkarbly modern, “Couldn’t be. Check out the ride.”
Boomer made a “hmm” noise. Bubbles suddenly rushed him, wrapping around his arm.
“Hey. Where are we? Does this place look familiar to either of you.”
“No, does it look familiar to you?” Brick asked. 
Bubbles looked strangely into the distance and tilted her head, “I don’t know… I think I saw this place maybe in my dreams once.”
“Ugh. A compass would be so useful right now,” Blossom could be heard saying approaching them. She dusted herself down before catching eyes with Brick. Her eyes went soft, “What?”
“Nothing,” he instantly turned ignoring the fizz in his stomach,
“Country living, whoo!” Butch whooped, dragging the rest of the crowd with him, particularly an annoyed Buttercup (although Dylan also looked annoyed, but when didn’t he look that way?) “Where the hoes at?” he pumped his arms in the air. Blossom whacked him.
“Watch your mouth!”
“I meant like a garden hoe!” he then sneered “get it? Garden hoe?”
Bubbles pressed her lip into a thin line, “We get it, but no one’s laughing, Butch.”
“I’m laughing.” he said.
“Enough,” Dylan said over stepping them to the front, he had his phone in his hands looking at the screen. “Let’s just get these answers and get out of here. I don’t wanna waste any time on that arrogant, "Enrique" bitch. Anybody got service?” he asks.
Before anyone can respond there’s a little, “I do!” behind Dylan. He steps aside and turns revealing a young girl, brown skinned, curly red hair, and vibrant hazel eyes. 
Dylan blinks, “Um-”
She wraps her arms around him, “Uncle! I knew you would come back sooner than you said you would!” She drops her arms and points at his phone, “Why do ya still got that old piece of junk? The state doesn’t even sell them anymore. “
Bella snorts. 
The girls eyes brightened. She flies to Bella and hugs her, “Aunty Bella! Where’s Skid and Destiny at?”
Bella looks around confused, “I got kids?”
Meghan steps out, mouth dropped, “Wait, if you’re aunty Bella… and Dylan isn’t related to you, but he’s her uncle-”
Bella’s mouth dropped.
Bella went smug, “Oh come on Dylan. You heard the machine.” she imitated a robot. “Nothing in the future is real. Except maybe in another life.” The girl unwound herself, stupefied. Bella smirked at Dylan, “I knew you always had the hots for me."
Dylan rushed the girl, clasping her shoulders, “Who’s kid are you!”
The girl blinked, then giggled, “You’re so silly uncle-”
She blinks again. “Um, Lillian’s. Duh.”
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bellenichelle · 2 years
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Since this is an OLD blog that I'm reviving, I suppose a new lil about me pinned post is in order.
Hey hi hello, I'm Belle. I stream 4 nights a week (most of the time) with my girlfriend Vixen (@lokifazdad). When I'm not at work or streaming, you can *probably* find me in my Discord server - Land of Chaos and Fuckery, or LoCaF.
I stream a handful of different games and try to get as much variety in as I can, but as far as games go, Skyrim, Slime Rancher, and Sims 4 are regular occurrences. If you have recommendations for games, I'd love to hear em! You'll notice in my schedule that Fridays are for Homestuck - these nights are the most incredibly off task nights of my week but they're also arguably the most fun. Vixen had never read or heard of Homestuck before me (she had heard of Hiveswap and never knew the two were related though), so Fridays are me taking her through the story. We do not read Homestuck (with the occasional exception) that would take forever.
Outside of streaming, I do also like to craft, read, cook, play D&D, and spend time with my cats. I'm mostly a homebody which suits me just fine.
If you wanna check out the stuff I do, here's my linktr.ee it's even got an invite link to the Discord server! I'd love to see some new faces in my stream or the server, so you should come say hi! I try really hard to create a space that is welcoming and inviting, even if it is a little chaotic. And if anyone ever wants to ask me anything, my ask box is always open and I try to respond as quickly as I can <3
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Welcome to Mystic Messenger
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Welcome to my tarot shop!
hello my name is Tamara and I have been doing tarot for 6 years now and witch craft for 4 years. My favorite herb is mugwort, I am Clairaudient, I read tarot intuitively, I make spells jars and I mainly do candle magic. I do tarot card readings about shifting realities, wealth, love, career, shadow work readings, and spirit communication readings.
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my journey with shifting realities,
I mini shifted shifted back in 2018. I didn’t know it was called a mini shift or shifting when shifting realities became a thing in 2020. I started my journey when shifting became a thing in the year of 2020. I’ll be honest I was on and off with my shifting journey. But I have recently got back into it.
Tarot shifting questions:
Each question is $25 Dollars
What's holding me back from shifting?
What do I need to do in order to shift?
Getting a message from you S/O (channeled message from your S/O and an added shufflemancy. 
 Ifyou have any other questions that you would like to ask me about shifting please do but the one question I will avoid is “when will I shift?“
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Love readings❤️💕
Everyone’s favorite love readings! there’s a lot of questions that people ask that goes to love readings. If you are asking for a love reading from me and you want to know if someone has feelings about for you, what’s required for this reading is you and your crushes initials and zodiac sign. If you don’t know your significant other zodiac sign. Their initials will be fine.
Each question is $25 Dollars
How do they feel about me?
What are their feelings towards me?
Do I have a future with them?
do I know this person from a past life?
Will, me and my significant other last?
if there are any other questions that you would like to ask then feel free to.
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Spirit communication
Would you like to connect with a loved one or someone who has recently passed? Would you like to give them a message?
Each question is $25 Dollars
If there is a specific person that you would want me to contact what is required for this reading is either a picture or first or last name. 
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 months
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皮革精品工藝長皮夾作品-素雅的荷蘭鳶尾 (有一面是拼貼浮雕的鳶尾花)的製作流程 The production process of leather fine craft long-wallet works/ 【For sale 出售】this one. and I hope someone happens to need a new one long -wallet, or having it as a unique practical gift with the fine crafts to give your relatives and friends, please contact me.
The price is TWD 15000.
長夾尺寸/wallet size 22 x 12 x3 cm
made by hands 雙面不同花色 紅紫金鳶尾花 / 拼貼浮雕 皮面-皮雕創作和手工縫製 內層共有6層-皮件工廠車工 ( 見圖片)
Thank! Artist Chu Lan~*
PS. I don't have any art gallery sponsorship or hire any managers, so I have to do my own marketing. Please bear with me, friends… In fact, I have been posting articles to promote my works. These are unconscious or subconscious habits. It's really ridiculous! XD hahaha Never mind! Laughing is a good habits :D
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Peko+ Japanese(I guess Onigashimian in this case) Cheesecake + Shu
Nanoya + Daifuku + Hiei
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Peko actually didn't want to participate as maid and more snuck away to meet some of her fans, but given Emma and Gregory also joined she was dragged along... however she did try to do the bare minimum.... however as Emma found her and forced her she went to a odd looking student to her with horns.
"Hello and welcome master! I am Spark, your local static Idol and I do hope I will be able to serve you well."
Her smile was bright, even though it was just an act to appeal.
"I heard of you... your music is quite nice... the name is Shu"
"Glad to hear you enjoy it, so what can I get you..."
He did place his order but she tilted her head.
"Um what? I don't think that is on the menu...."
"Oh... bummer..."
"But I can try to find something similar, do you want something to drink too..."
"Do you have Sake?"
"The only alcoholic things are likely... wine... and even that we can only serve to older students..."
"Fine I take some water."
"Just a moment then Master...."
It was to her a bit annoying to be asked so many questions but she still kept her cute persona. Trying to appeal and be liked as usual. After a while she brought him a regular cheesecake with water.
"So Spark... how did you become an Idol?"
"Won a competition and everything kinda rolled from their... but um sorry I have to get to the next table."
Once again she tried to sneak away from Emmas eyes to be lazy... trying to sneak out just to nap outside...
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Nanoya was diligent as butler. Compared to Flynn who took this to confuse and flirt around and Rubina who was emberassed in her outfit, he was actually quite popular with his customers and good at serving them.
Stopping at Hieis table he smiled as he received the order.
“You have some very good taste... we don’t serve it but... I think I can make some myself given I love Daifuku as well.”
He quickly went to the kitchen and came back with well crafted Daifuku.
“I wish we had also more other dishes that go in this direction... not everyone likes the usual sweets... Sorry but I am just a bit interested in this culture and so I know my ways.”
“Oh really, you didn’t seem like it.”
“I often play Samurais in our dorm because of that... its kind of my aesthetic.”
They chatted calmly untill Nanoya had to go back to work.
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incarnateirony · 4 months
Do different Practicioners arrive at different conclusions at how their Craft works? For example, if Practicioner A says his Craft works like a science because X, but B says his science is actually Y. Are they still sciences and still work even if they go against one another, or is there one way to make the Craft work that is fundamentally “correct” over another?
Yes! One of the things we actually spent about 20 years trying to get her to study any variant of.
There's also, quite frankly, People Who Have No Fucking Idea What They're Doing But Just Minding Their Own Business Using It Basically As Therapy. Those people I tend to leave alone, but those people aren't grooming people to mindrape your face spouting your ancient 2001 anime references and calling it a religion. Hence the recent "We are literally about to burn the bitch down" while she keeps blindfolding herself.
But for example, I mentioned Brotherhoods. There are a great many brotherhoods one could mark under Gnosticism or general Neoplatonism, but they share a wide swath of their methods and structures, and so on; some change the names (eg, classic Gnostic is very christian, Thelema is egyptian mostly with some greek), and some debate moralities. For example, amidst gnosticism, valentinism, and the many branches there, people debate basically, to boil it down, "Is Chuck evil, stupid, or just fake?" and that kind of trickles down to how they respectively interpret the same data and methods, for lack of a better word.
There's also the fact that most people online just kinda... share tips they learned without cognition of the depth of the rabbit hole? Like, if I told you right now, "Wicca started as a chapter house of the Thelemic brotherhood, before Valentina fucked it all up, rewrote it, and it got yote in the internet for every 14 year old to revise." half of witchblr would shit their pants and start screaming about Valentina's disproven Global Witch Religion rewrite, and a Thelemist like myself will just open to the original plagiarized text and compare for the 14 year old.
So yeah, people definitely come to different conclusions, but I find the longer someone studies, the more those conclusions tend to resonate more closely to each other in their conclusions. Hermetic doctrines integrate fantastically with Buddhism, for example, and at the end of the day they're essentially teaching the same thing with slightly different language or perspective. Everyone can be the BuddhaHermes (no they're not the same, but they're bros and can get along), but you gotta put in the work to be the BuddhaHermes. That tends to be the ultimate conclusion of most meaningful faiths or practices explored to the end point. In order to be the happy fat man or the funny tricksy man, the happy fat funny tricksy man must be in you.
I too once started as a stupid 13 year old, but I'm 37 now, and that's been a long time for me to get my shit straight. I worked past it. Some people never do, and they just stay with spitting on a crystal and convincing themselves that's why they got a raise, and that's fine, I guess, until someone starts fucking around like Shealyn is. Ironically it has therapeutic value for those still willing to Work towards their goals in life, and even if they're just mixing together candles and herbs, they're trying to put their focus towards a goal and by nature tend to put in other subconscious work to complete the goal, unless they are an individual like Shealyn who is grossly allergic to the concept of the actual Works part.
In adjacent note, such brotherhoods are generally the origin of Illuminati screaming. The Illuminati were one of many brotherhoods, and became the most pop famous, but they're one of several. Personally I find Golden Dawn methods bypass political level practice firewalls better than anything else.
In other news, welcoming of questions like this. I somehow think my audience, lovers and haters both, didn't expect to see a beyond spacetime disco dance beat down where the bitch even confessed we successfully dragged her back to still tell her about work and still won't catch the clue because she's a fucking doorknob. Yeah sorry to the j2 tinhat that was using her to start shit, if you're questioning your entire understanding of the universe or me, you did it to yourself as much as she's doing it to herself.
Jesus, Hermes, and Buddha can all walk into a bar together, share philosophy, debate minor perspective, but still try to lead their followers towards a prospective oneness with the respective divine path, and the apotheosis with it, but all three paths consider their own actions and works to attain it, and that's the part people like Shealyn get lost in.
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moviecorner · 1 year
Welcome to the Movie Corner
(Originally Published in THE ALPINE TIMES - Issue 21)
RUSS GOMM – local filmmaker, photographer, writer and cinephile – shares his movie memories, knowledge and love of the cinema with you, dear reader.
Hi! Welcome to the first ever Movie Corner, I’m your host – Russ Gomm! I’ve been working in film for more years than I can remember (well, nearly thirty years!) and I’ve had a great passion of all things cinematic since I was taken to the Canon Classic Cinema in Herne Bay by my mum when I was three years old to see Return of the Jedi. She secretly hoped it wasn’t for me as she had no inclination to sit through a two-hour science fiction film, but it turned out I loved it and it started me off on my life long journey through film.
 …and yes, Jedi is still my favourite of the original trilogy.
I’m looking forward to sharing some of this journey through film with you in future issues of this wonderful publication The Alpine Times, but for now I’d like to take you back in time for a retrospective look at a film that is very dear to my heart…
Biggles (1986) also known as Biggles: Adventures in Time (for the 1988 American release where audiences were unfamiliar with our British hero) is not your father’s take on the classic adventure stories by William Earl Johns - himself an English pilot during the First World War -but rather a flashy 80s action adventure crafted by veteran British filmmakers for the then upcoming MTV generation. Regardless of this I have fond memories of my own father and I together enjoying this new take on the wartime hero who was introduced to us via the wonders of the local VHS rental shop.
With the success of Back to the Future (1985) the production team for Biggles were keen to add a time-travel twist and an American sidekick, along with a fabulous soundtrack - featuring Jon Anderson (from Yes), Deep Purple and mötley crüe. A brilliant score by polish composer Stanisław Syrewicz (still a long awaited release by fans of the film) helped bring an edgy and exciting tone to the film, one that was designed to gain interest from new, younger audiences.
In the film, Jim Ferguson (Alex Hyde-White) finds himself transported from New York in the 1980s back to the Western Front in 1917 in order to assist our hero Biggles (Neil Dickson) in his mission to save the day! Much of the charm of the film comes from the humour of the obvious culture shock, the ridiculous 80s fashion and the slang terms that Ferguson brings with him on the trip – Biggles himself also gets to deliver some gleefully over the top wartime English dialogue. That’s not to say the film is a joke (as much of it is quite serious), rather the jokes make the characters (especially Ferguson) much more fun and endearing. There is plenty to keep your attention with fine locations, great action, fantastic aerial dogfight photography and very importantly our own dear Peter Cushing in wonderful form in what would be his final appearance onscreen.
Alongside Cushing there is another connection to Hammer Films as the film is directed by John Hough – a British director known for his work in the horror genre with films such as The Legend of Hell House (1973) but who also worked for Hammer Films and in particular directed Twins of Evil (1971)
As I have mentioned the film is great fun and is one I have revisited many times over the years on VHS, DVD and now even on Blu-Ray! There’s just something special about this one-of-a-kind motion picture, with so many memorable scenes and a great atmosphere of excitement and adventure which always takes me back to childhood. Sadly no other Biggles films were made. It would have been great to follow these characters on further adventures. I always wondered what it would have been like to see a war film based purely on one of the books, played straight with Dickson returning as Biggles. The closest we ever came was a scene starring Dickson as a very familiar character in all but name in the Pet Shop Boys video It Couldn’t Happen Here (1988)
The film divided audiences, some loving the somewhat cheesy playful tone and some hating it, but those who loved it remain loyal fans to this day. Chocks Away!
Since you are reading a publication with a ski theme I’d now like to welcome you to a small section I like to call SNOW-CAPPED CINEMA, in which we take a quick look at films set in the snow!
 Dumb and Dumber (1994) starring Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels, directed by Peter and Bobby Farrelly (in their debut - four years later they would strike back with There’s Something About Mary)  has some of the goofiest snow set scenes I’ve seen. Chaos ensues during the finale of the film as our two “heroes” Lloyd (Jim Carrey) and Harry (Jeff Daniels) arrive on the ski slopes of Aspen after a cross-country journey to return a missing briefcase. Who can forget the snowball fight between Harry and Mary (Lauren Holly) and of course Harry’s frozen tongue!
 I watch a LOT of films and it’s always great to uncover a HIDDEN GEM, and in this issue I’d very much like to introduce you to Come True (2020) directed by Anthony Scott Burns (also a synth musician under the name Pilotpriest) I first heard of the film through the amazing band Electric Youth, who had written some songs for the soundtrack (They had also scored his previous film Breathing (2018) but after Burns left the project it was retitled Our House and rescored – it’s also worth a watch though). I don’t want to say too much about the film – only that it is a clever and creepy sci-fi horror, with a decadent dash of synth and neon. Come True is a visually stunning and atmospheric piece, the presence of which stayed with me long after the film had finished. If this sounds like your cup of tea I highly recommend it to you. It is available on Blu-ray or currently streaming on Amazon Prime. Enjoy.
Now, it’s time for some MOVIE TRIVIA!
Did you know that Return of the Jedi was originally titled Revenge of the Jedi, but at the last minute director George Lucas decided that it wasn’t fitting for a Jedi to seek revenge! Posters had already been sent out to cinemas with this original title – some of them now being worth serious money!
Composer John Williams enlisted the help of his son Joseph Williams (lead singer for Toto during the 1980s) to help with the score of Return of the Jedi and to write lyrics for the Ewok songs!
Steven Spielberg was the original choice of George Lucas to direct Return of the Jedi but was unable to due to restrictions as a member of the Directors Guild!
We’ve got some great films coming soon to the big screen, in particular I just can’t wait for Evil Dead Rise, a new chapter in the franchise helmed by brilliant upcoming Irish director Lee Cronin - check out his previous feature The Hole in the Ground (2019). Nicolas Cage stars as Count Dracula in Renfield, Ben Affleck directs and stars in Air – the story of Michael Jordan and Nike – also starring Matt Damon. Also heading our way is a remake of Salem’s Lot, Oppenheimer (from Christopher Nolan), and lots more sequels including Fast X, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and finally Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning (Part One).
That’s all the time we have for this issue, but be sure to join me next time for a look over the career of one of the greatest British directors of all time as we spend a year with Alfred Hitchcock. There’s just time to join me with a glass (perhaps even a glass of our very own Rock Lodge Lager) to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Olympus Has Fallen, the 20th Anniversary of Kill Bill, the 30th Anniversary of Demolition Man, and of course - the 40th Anniversary of Return of the Jedi.
 Cheers, May the Force be with you!
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The Colorado Avalanche Nhl Champions 27th Annhttps://limotees.com/product/the-colorado-avalanche-nhl-champions-27th-anniversary-signature-thank-you-for-the-memories-shirt-5/
The Colorado Avalanche Nhl Champions 27th Anniversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt
So, I’ve been working at this company for nearly a The Colorado Avalanche Nhl Champions 27th Anniversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt from January. I needed a job as was being made redundant and this popped up so I took it, it’s a night shift but work is work. Now, after about three months, I was asked by my colleague if I could cover his shift as he had an evening event to go to which I said that’s fine I came to find out it was a company event where everyone is invited to it but me. I shrugged it off as I thought I’m new so I guess they had it booked for a while. Kinda still sucked having to cover someone’s shift though as they were having fun and I’m stuck in the office. Anyways, fast forward to about a month ago I was doing paperwork and I came across an email stating Christmas party, I brought it up with my colleague he said is there? To which I said yeah at this place he said oh yeah I know I’m going to that. I was struck as I had not been approached or invited to it, what makes it worse is as there has been a boom in work lately they have took on about 6 new people about 3 months ago and they have all been added to the guess list and they class each other now as “family” while I’m stuck covering the guys shift and I was told I need to have the on call phone over Christmas because he has a family?! Well so do I!!!
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Buy it now:         .The Colorado Avalanche Nhl Champions 27th Anniversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt
Gays against groomers ally T shirt
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This is Chiefs Kingdom champions super bowl LVII shirt
Trump Tax Return – Trump Is A Freeloader T Shirt
Homepage: T-shirtsky.com Teeclover Molotee
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By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Teeartprint is established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest products with compelling designs, exceptional value and superb customer service for everyone.
We offer a select choice of millions of Unique Designs for T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Posters and more to cover all your needs.
Why do customers come to TeeJeep.com?
Well we think there are a few reasons:
Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price.
We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts.
Estimated shipping times:
United States : 1-5 business days
Canada : 3-7 business days
International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customer
The Colorado Avalanche Nhl Champions 27th Anniversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt
So, I’ve been working at this company for nearly a The Colorado Avalanche Nhl Champions 27th Anniversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt from January. I needed a job as was being made redundant and this popped up so I took it, it’s a night shift but work is work. Now, after about three months, I was asked by my colleague if I could cover his shift as he had an evening event to go to which I said that’s fine I came to find out it was a company event where everyone is invited to it but me. I shrugged it off as I thought I’m new so I guess they had it booked for a while. Kinda still sucked having to cover someone’s shift though as they were having fun and I’m stuck in the office. Anyways, fast forward to about a month ago I was doing paperwork and I came across an email stating Christmas party, I brought it up with my colleague he said is there? To which I said yeah at this place he said oh yeah I know I’m going to that. I was struck as I had not been approached or invited to it, what makes it worse is as there has been a boom in work lately they have took on about 6 new people about 3 months ago and they have all been added to the guess list and they class each other now as “family” while I’m stuck covering the guys shift and I was told I need to have the on call phone over Christmas because he has a family?! Well so do I!!!
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Buy it now:         .The Colorado Avalanche Nhl Champions 27th Anniversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt
Gays against groomers ally T shirt
Albert Pujols St. Louis Baseball 700 Home Runs Bold Signature Shirt
Super bowl LVII champions Kansas city Chiefs signatures shirt
This is Chiefs Kingdom champions super bowl LVII shirt
This is Chiefs Kingdom champions super bowl LVII shirt
Trump Tax Return – Trump Is A Freeloader T Shirt
Homepage: T-shirtsky.com Teeclover Molotee
Teejeep is your one-stop online shop for printed t-shirts, hoodies, phone cases, stickers, posters, mugs, and more…High quality original T-shirts. Digital printing in the USA.
Worldwide shipping. No Minimums. 1000s of Unique Designs. Worldwide shipping. Fast Delivery. 100% Quality Guarantee. to cover all your needs.
By contacting directly with suppliers, we are dedicated to provide you with the latest fashion with fair price.We redefine trends, design excellence and bring exceptional quality to satisfy the needs of every aspiring fashionista.
Teeartprint is established with a clear vision: to provide the very latest products with compelling designs, exceptional value and superb customer service for everyone.
We offer a select choice of millions of Unique Designs for T-shirts, Hoodies, Mugs, Posters and more to cover all your needs.
Why do customers come to TeeJeep.com?
Well we think there are a few reasons:
Fashion field involves the best minds to carefully craft the design. The t-shirt industry is a very competitive field and involves many risks. The cost per t-shirt varies proportionally to the total quantity of t-shirts. We are manufacturing exceptional-quality t-shirts at a very competitive price.
We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won’t wash out of the shirts.
Estimated shipping times:
United States : 1-5 business days
Canada : 3-7 business days
International : from 1-2 weeks depending on proximity to Detroit, MI.
Custom orders are always welcome. We can customize all of our designs to your needs! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We currently accept the following forms of payment:
Credit Or Debit Cards: We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, Union Pay and Apple Pay from customers worldwide.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
s worldwide.
PayPal: PayPal allows members to have a personal account linked to any bank account or credit card for easy payment at checkout.
iversary Signature Thank You For The Memories Shirt
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❄️😇 I've been talking about GIANTS! EVERY religion from Norse Gods to Native American tales to Christianity documented that their Gods eradicated the giants! So if they didn't exist why did every man across the planet need to have their fears eased on the topic?⭐🌞The HYPERBORIAN SUN Talisman Series! (P.1) Join me as I share the little known Scandinavian, Egyptian, Atlantis and Lemuria, with dinosaur and humanity side-by-side! ORDER YOURS, in 24k Gold plating (Pictured)! 🔭🌠💜👽✨🌠💜👽✨Welcome to Hyperborea! THIS RING is riddled with the answers to some of humanity's unexplained mysteries. (Continued)🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 Skydin began in Art, he holds a masters degree in Fine Art (painting) & a 2nd BFA in commercial design! He has forged his craft in metal over the course of 12 years apart from University. 😇🎨🌟☺️💜 I HANDMAKE primarily Talismans! I also make metaphysical clothing, paintings/sculptures for you or your loved ones!🌷All of my creations are made of 100s of ancient, powerful symbols! I use only the symbols I've seen to repeatedly work wonders! 🔥⚡👽🌟🦋👑🌷 Skydin taught spiritual classes at NYCs Edgar Cayce, Meta Center & others for 12 years! "I'm here to share the best of what I know!" -SZ 🔭🌠💜👽✨ I am still trying to rebuild all my jewelry & art that was stolen when I was assaulted & robbed. I am looking for a quality SPIRITUAL STORE or ART GALLERY to sell my jewelry. I am a rare, tireless entertainer, salesperson and psychic. I have huge social media reach and can work day and night continuously! I don't even need to eat, but there's one thing I won't do and that's be complacent! If you would like to make a connection happen contact me. If it works out I will pay you! . . . . . #spiritual #hyperborean #HYPERBOREA #Odin #DavidWilcock #nifelheim #nordic #agartha #nephilim ptilians #norsegods #atlantis #hollowearth psychic #Spiritualart #magick #runes redgeometry #metaphysical #magical #ascendedmasters kra #metaphysics #spiritualsymbols #starseed #ascension #newageart #healing #energyhealing #occult #icewall #magicalsymbols #celtic #spiritualstore _____ (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnkbZaMu2X-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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