#weston college arc
blondeaxolotl · 2 days
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POV: you're Sebastian and this is how your kid looks at you after making everyone at the cricket game shit themselves
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ianime0 · 15 hours
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Kuroshitsuji S4 | Ep8 | You've been invited to a midnight tea party!
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anonymousewrites · 3 days
One Hell of a Love (Book 3) Chapter One
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon!Reader
Chapter One: One Hell of a College
Summary: Ciel is given a new assignment, and Sebastian and (Y/N) find a way to blend in at Weston College.
Mouse Note: We're jumping right into the plot! Also, MC and Sebastian as a couple looooove to, you know, be in love. Writing them makes me blush. But, welcome back to One Hell of a Love! I had a ton of fun writing the Public School Arc. I have no idea if my updates will get ahead of the anime so just be wary of that (I read the manga so sometimes I am unsure). But please enjoy, feel free to comment (it's encouraged because it helps me stay motivated), and welcome back to the series!
            “Hello, darling,” said Sebastian, smiling at (Y/N) as he finished plating Ciel’s afternoon tea. On the tray lay a letter from the Queen, the seal easily recognizable.
            “My love,” said (Y/N), letting him pull them in for a light kiss. “Sneaking kisses in the halls? How scandalous.”
            “But you tempt me so,” said Sebastian with a smirk. “How can I resist?”
            (Y/N) let out a light laugh before turning around to walk with him towards Ciel’s office. Since their confession, the pair of demons had been quite satisfied together. They doubted the humans knew they were together, but they didn’t care. Their connection was different than humans’, their relationship didn’t follow the rules set by the ruling class.
            Besides, (Y/N) and Sebastian were singularly minded demons. Sebastian still had a job to do, and (Y/N) was entertained enough to continue helping him. Having a relationship merely added to their enjoyment of existence together in the otherwise monotonous, dull living and contracts.
            What was a little fun with the demon they love if not adding spice to existence?
            Sebastian knocked lightly on Ciel’s office door, and Ciel acknowledged their arrival. (Y/N) opened the door, and Sebastian rolled in the cart. Pleased with himself as usual, Sebastian announced the day’s tea and cake combination. He also offered Ciel the letter from the Queen, but Ciel opted to eat his sweet treat before attending to business. Sebastian and (Y/N) suppressed amused smirks at Ciel pushing back work in favor of treats.
            Finaly, Ciel unsealed the letter.
            “ ‘To my dear boy,’ ” he read. “ ‘The Campania incident was a frightful calamity. Have you already recovered? Are you enjoying your Easter? For my part, though Easter is here at long last, I find myself unable to whole-heartedly enjoy the holiday as there is something that weighs upon my mind.
            “I am worried about Derrick, the son of my cousin Duke Clemens. Derrick is in the fifth form at Weston College. But for some reason, it seems he has not returned home since last summer. He used to write home every day, but his letters abruptly stopped as well…The anxious duchess has called at his house, but he refuses to return home and so on. If it was Derrick alone, we might chalk it up to a rebellious phase. However, other students have also not returned home. I wonder what in the world could have brought about this behavior.
            “Because his only son is acting thusly, Duke Clemens continues to lose heart…The whole affair has me very concerned indeed. I pray my loved ones can enjoy Easter in high, peaceful spirits as soon as possible. Victoria.’ ”
            Sebastian considered. “So, in short, Her Majesty has charged you to investigate the reason why students have failed to return home from Weston College.”
            Ciel nodded. “Public schools are independent institutions that refuse all government intervention, so it’s hard to lay a finger on them. Rather, those involved with the school don’t want to publicize their internal circumstances by making waves.”
            Sebastian raised a brow. “Worrying about appearances even at a time like this. My, my, this is why humans are so tiring.”
            “You understand vanity quite well,” said (Y/N), smirking.
            “I am one hell of a butler,” said Sebastian. “Of course I must act accordingly.”
            (Y/N) simply looked at him in amusement.
            Nearly rolling his eyes at their obvious flirting—Ciel was not nearly as oblivious as the other servants—Ciel spoke. “I’d like someone to infiltrate the school, but Weston usually only lets in the sons of aristocrats. Those with titles are few, and I’m acquainted with most of them. If it comes down to sneaking in, a disguise would be dangerous.”
            “So you will go as yourself?” said (Y/N), tilting their head.
            “I have no choice,” said Ciel, taking a sip of his tea. “And I certainly wouldn’t mind having the Queen in my debt. The problem lies not in whether or not there’s an open place at Weston.”
            “If there is none, you simply need to make one,” remarked Sebastian with a light smirk.
            “I’ll handle the investigation within the school,” said Ciel. “Sebastian, (Y/N), you will have to support me without being discovered yourself. How you go about it is up to you.”
            Sebastian and (Y/N) bowed. “Yes, my lord.”
            (Y/N) knew that that order—“up to you”—would be put to good, entertaining use.
            “What is our plan for assisting the Young Master?” said (Y/N), sitting down in the library of the Phantomhive Mansion.
            “You do not think we will simply lurk in the shadows until needed?” said Sebastian. “It would give us quite a few private moments.”
            “As lovely as that possibility is, I suspect you have more planned,” said (Y/N), leaning their head on their hand with a sharp grin.
            “Perceptive as ever,” said Sebastian, pleased at (Y/N)’s acumen. “I feel we can better keep an eye on the situation and gather our own information as housemasters.” As adults in the college, they would be able to go places at times students weren’t—imperative for investigations.
            “Playing professors?” (Y/N) considered. “I haven’t done that yet, and I rarely play a masculine role. It sounds fun.”
            “I’m certain you’ll do wonderfully,” said Sebastian. “And I look forward to seeing in a more masculine role.” He knew for damn sure he’d be just as attracted to them no matter what form they took—he loved who they were, not their appearance. That meant little to demons.
            He tilted his head. “However…we should try to craft the proper disguise for your role.” Sebastian put his hand on his chest. “I have the perfect outfit for myself, but we shall have to see how you look.”
            “I can look masculine,” said (Y/N).
            “You can,” agreed Sebastian. “But I want you to look dashing, not just masculine.” He smirked. “Come alone, darling.”
            “You’re doing this to play dress up,” said (Y/N), smirking as they stood to follow him.
            “Or to undress you,” said Sebastian.
            “You’re insatiable.”
            “Positively gluttonous~”
            “I think robes would add to the outfit,” said Sebastian as he finished buttoning (Y/N)’s vest.
            They rolled their eyes. “I can’t wear a professor’s robes until I am hired. This is enough, I’m sure.”
            They wore a dark grey button-up with black pants, a black vest, a tie, and a coat overtop (which would become robes if hired). Around (Y/N)’s neck hung a silver cross. Some religious figures would claim the demons wouldn’t be able to handle the holy symbol, but they would be wrong. Unless being used with some sort of religious or divine magic, they were fine wearing it. In fact, (Y/N) and Sebastian knew that being religious would help them get the jobs as housemaster and assistant—they’d be seen as intelligent, well-rounded individuals.
            “You do look quite handsome,” said Sebastian, brushing a hand over (Y/N)’s hair fondly. They had altered it slightly, too, in order to fall in a traditionally masculine style (the length would never matter, though, since men like Viscount Druitt were as respect as Lord Midford, it was just the styling to present more masculine). “However, we could run a test.”
            “Go on,” said (Y/N), smirking. They were looking forward to learning what Sebastian was suggesting.
            Sebastian stepped out of the room and called down the hall. “Mey-Rin, come here, please.”
            “Of course, Mr. Sebastian!” said Mey-Rin, running down the hall. She, unsurprisingly, tripped, but Sebastian caught her and set her upright before she could knock anything over.
            “Really, Mey-Rin, you must be more careful,” tutted Sebastian.
            “S-Sorry, I am,” said Mey-Rin sheepishly, red as usual.
            “Now that you’re here, I need you to see someone,” said Sebastian.
            “Is it a guest?” said Mey-Rin nervously.
            “If you’d like to classify them as so,” said Sebastian, his words avoiding a lie with practiced ease. He stepped to the side, and (Y/N) stepped into their masculine role.
            “Hello, Mey-Rin,” said (Y/N), smirking.
            Mey-Rin’s eyes widened, and a heavy blush appeared on her cheek’s like it did when she faced Sebastian. Obviously, she found this masc form of (Y/N)’s quite attractive (and who could blame her?)
            “Oh, uh, sir, uh, h-hello! Nice to meet you!” She bowed awkwardly and ran off.
            (Y/N) watched her in amusement. “I barely changed my form, and yet that’s the reaction I got.” They smirked at Sebastian. “I think this disguise will work perfectly. Humans always do love a nice face and figure~”
            “They do indeed,” said Sebastian.
            “And I know another being who likes to look at me,” teased (Y/N).
            Sebastian smirked with sharp teeth, not caring in the slightest to look away.
            “Now that we have our plans,” said (Y/N), continuing on, “We should ensure there are…job openings for us.” They glanced at Sebastian. “Don’t you agree?”
            “Indeed,” said Sebastian. “I’m sure there will be an opportunity quite soon.”
            They shared devilish grins which promised murder. They were going to have fun at Weston College.
            The students of Sapphire Owl House threw their arms up, and Ciel was tossed up by the white sheet. It was an unusual welcome party (though Ciel had worried about hazing), but Weston College was already proving a bit…strange anyways.
            “Well, how do you like the traditional welcome of our house?” said Clayton, grinning. “Devote yourself to your studies all the more as a member of Sapphire Owl house, do you hear? Okay! Toss him higher next. One, two—”
            “What is the meaning of all this racket?” snapped an authoritative voice.
            “Dash it all!” cried one boy.
            “It’s the Housemasters!” said another, freezing as they realized they were caught.
            Ciel rolled haphazardly from the sheet to the ground with a yelp.
            “Clayton,” said a second calm, though commanding, voice. “An upperclassman such as you is involved in this? I’m ashamed.”
            “Explain yourself.”
            “Well, er, this is our house tradition…” said Clayton, formal as ever but a bit hesitant.
            “My, my, tradition is all well and good, but try not to overdo it.”
            Ciel looked up while someone knelt before him.
            “So you’re the new Phantomhive boy.” (Y/N) smiled at him with a hand outstretched. “Hello, I am Assistant Housemaster Noir.” Now their outfit was completed with robes instead of a jacket.
            “And I am Housemaster Michaelis,” said Sebastian, dressed in his own set of housemaster robes. His hair was pushed back, and glasses balanced on his face. He smiled. “Welcome to Sapphire Owl House.”
            Ciel’s eyebrow twitched. So this was how they planned to get in to Weston College. Ciel hated Sebastian as a teacher, and now he was stuck with him.
            Ciel, Sebastian, and (Y/N)’s time at Weston College commenced and was as British as it could be. It was a highly regulated school that raised its students into diligent workers and well-rounded men while also catering to aristocrats. Now, they tried to teach diligence by having the boys do certain chores occasionally, but when Ciel had to clean the dining hall…It of course became Sebastian and (Y/N)’s chores instead of Ciel’s.
            “Sebastian,” he called, pulling off his eyepatch.
            In an instant, Sebastian appeared beside him, and (Y/N) only took a moment longer to follow Sebastian.
            “Right here,” said Sebastian.
            “Already calling upon help? My, not even a day has passed,” said (Y/N).
            Ciel ignored the teasing and faced them with his hands on his hips. “It seems that Derrick has been transferred to another house.”
            “We did check the student roll and found the same information,” said Sebastian, flipping the clipboard paper over. “His name is on the list of Violet Wolf residents.”
            “An abrupt change,” said (Y/N). Their nose twitched. They didn’t trust it.
            “He should be at his house now,” said Ciel. “I’ll go there directly, so you tidy up here.”
            “Very good, sir,” said Sebastian, bowing as Ciel ran out of the room.
            “Now, then,” said (Y/N), taking off their long robes and surveying the mess in the dining room. “To work, Sebastian?”
            “To work,” confirmed Sebastian.
            He smirked. They were about to clean this room so well that it would be inhuman. (Poor Ciel was going to be heralded as an excellent cleaner and be asked to do it more often. He’d hate that, and what was Sebastian to do if not make some small irritation for his master?)
            Sure enough, once the dining room was spotless and Ciel had returned (unsuccessful) from Violet Wolf, he was giving great praise by Clayton at the amazing job he’d done cleaning.
            “Mr. Michaelis, Mr. Noir!” said Clayton as he spotted the housemasters. “Please feast your eyes on the dining hall! Phantomhive put it in order.” He patted an irritated, exhausted Ciel on the shoulder.”
            “Nice work, Phantomhive,” said Sebastian with an innocent smile while Ciel glared at him.
            “Truly an excellent job,” said (Y/N).
            “You, too, sirs,” said Ciel, gritting his teeth. Then, he paused. He could use this to his advantage. He needed to get close to the Prefects, and since Clayton was Bluewer’s Drudge…he needed to get close to Clayton.
            “I’m very glad to hear that my work pleases you so!” said Ciel, suddenly grinning brightly. He put on a performance of boyish gratitude and eagerness. “You see, I’m actually quite good at housekeeping and such!” He saluted. “So, please, Clayton, consider me at your service whenever you need aaanything done.”
            What a brat, offering up our services, thought (Y/N). That being said, his manipulation of others was entertaining. They supposed it was a fair tradeoff.
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catdemontraphouse · 3 days
Oh so I didn’t know this until just now but apparently Yana made an Alois Weston AU drawing like, ten years ago lol
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reine-du-sourire · 12 hours
Violet won!
And so here we are: the iconic charcoal scene.
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Enjoy 🤍🖤 I'll post the Cheslock one soon.
If there's a picture or character you want patterned, let me know!
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pengold · 2 months
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Weston College but what if it was like Ouran highschool host club
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tormiichu · 3 months
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this might be the funniest thing I've ever made
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secretanimeart · 12 days
midnight tea party
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evermined · 12 days
Poor Lizzy was on an emotional rollercoaster
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princessbutler1316 · 7 days
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When I die burry me with this screen cap
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inu-chan-san · 1 month
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I always thought it was funny that the skinny scrawny little victorian boy was able to trow the lamp that far, now it makes more sense.
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ianime0 · 13 hours
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Kuroshitsuji S4 | Ep8 | Welcome, Phantomhive. To the elegant...time-honoured...prestigious...peculiar...midnight tea party.
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anonymousewrites · 18 hours
One Hell of a Love (Book 3) Chapter Two
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Two: One Hell of an Appointment
Summary: Sebastian and (Y/N) go about their days as housemasters (and sneak around with each other).
            A housemaster is a master who lives in a public-school dormitory and provides the students of the house with guidance. Starting with the housemasters and their assistants, the four houses of Weston College have a handful of employees. Housemothers, who manage the running of the houses; cooks, who prepare the meals; and footmen, who serve at the table. However, housemasters are the only teaching staff among them.
            In the morning, housemasters go to the school building along with the students and teach classes on the subjects of which they are in charge. At night, they return to their houses along with the students, and in their free time, they review the work of those who wish to study.
            In short, a housemaster is a demanding profession, in which one must devote the better part of one’s day to one’s students.
            Sebastian sighed as he returned to his own quarters for the evening. Or, not his quarters, (Y/N)’s. Neither was concerned about being caught since they could escape easily, and they needed moments alone together after their hard work.
            “Did Ciel ask you to do more of his drudge chores?” asked (Y/N).
            “Yes,” said Sebastian, tsking as he hung up his robes. “He accepts all manner of errands too readily because he thinks he can have me take care of them. However, I, too, am busy.”
            “I would give you a hand if you asked me,” said (Y/N). Their robes were already hung to the side, and their tie and cross were put away for the night. They were left in a relaxed button-up and slacks.
            “I know you would, darling,” said Sebastian. “But you are busy enough.”
            “Hardly,” said (Y/N), smirking. “My tutoring sessions are less tutoring and more of men realizing something about their sexuality.”
            Sebastian chuckled lightly. It wasn’t surprising that (Y/N)’s appearance had made several people question themselves and come away with the conclusion that they were not as straight as they had believed.
            And, of course, (Y/N) would never mention it to anyone but Sebastian in amusement. They were a demon, but they weren’t a fool. They knew that England would not be kind to any of the young men here that were going to enter society if they knew they were not following what society dictated for them. (Y/N) would give them space to be queer in the ways they hadn’t had.
            “What an impact you have,” said Sebastian, taking their hand and kissing the back. “And you yourself being in a relationship with a man.”
            “I set a good example,” said (Y/N), smiling. “Or bad, if you’d go by human standards of who to court.”
            Sebastian pouted. “I am who people should not court?”
            (Y/N) raised a brow at that, and Sebastian smirked. He knew he was manipulative and used humans for his own gain, so their point stood. As for dating a demon, he was a fine choice—the best. He respected (Y/N) and their individuality while truly loving them.
            Sebastian leaned in and kissed (Y/N). “Think about the scandal, were we caught. Two masculine figures in bed~”
            “Forbidden love, how terrible,” chuckled (Y/N), kissing him back.
            “And two housemasters, no less, how terrible,” said Sebastian, smirking.
            “Perhaps we should engage in some other forbidden activities,” whispered (Y/N) against his lips. “Before we lose this moment to ourselves.” They kissed down his neck while unbuttoning his shirt.
            “Your offer is tempting,” said Sebastian, eyes fluttering shut as (Y/N) removed his shirt.
            “How about sinful?” said (Y/N), pushing his shirt from his shoulders and leaning to kiss him again.
            “I do so enjoy sinning with you,” said Sebastian, pulling them towards their bed.
            “I am still clothed, I shouldn’t get in bed,” teased (Y/N).
            “Then allow me to undress you.”
            If there was one thing (Y/N) and Sebastian were (more so Sebastian, if he was honest), it was insatiable. They snuck moments together whenever possible. Their relationship was quite deep, and their love ran in their veins, so how could they stay apart? Though they occasionally got into more…scandalous situations and scenarios, (Y/N) and Sebastian could hardly resist one another.
            “Thank you for your help, Mr. Noir,” said the student from the final year of schooling. “I apologize for getting behind.” He blushed slightly. “Your explanations really made sense.”
            “Of course,” said (Y/N), smiling. “Now, get to bed. It’s getting late, and you cannot learn properly without rest.”
            “Y-Yes, sir,” said the student, nodding and heading to the door. He jumped as it opened and smiled. “Oh, hello, Mr. Michaelis. Good night.”
            “Good night,” said Sebastian, smiling pleasantly. Once the student had left the office, Sebastian closed the door. “As I said, you are busy.” He smirked.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “And as I said, they come for other reasons.”
            “And you don’t dissuade them?” said Sebastian, drawing nearer.
            “I do not flirt with them, that would be inappropriate,” tsked (Y/N). “I simply let them have their little pashes. They will have to hide it in the future.”
            “How kind of you,” said Sebastian, moving around the desk. (Y/N) stood and leaned back on the desk while Sebastian sat in the armchair.
            “I feel as if you are teasing me,” said (Y/N).
            “Merely out of love,” said Sebastian. He reached out, looped an arm around their leg, and pulled. (Y/N) was drawn in and fell onto his lap. They straddled him while Sebastian smirked at them. He was extraordinarily pleased with himself for that move. “You have the most adorable reactions.” (Y/N)’s nose twitched, and Sebastian grinned. “Like a cat’s.”
            “Sometimes I think you love me because I’m like a cat,” said (Y/N), though they meant nothing of their words. It was merely banter.
            “It does add to your charm,” teased Sebastian, his hands running up (Y/N)’s legs to their waist. “But I can assure you, my love comes from other aspects of your being, my darling.”
            “I’m not sure if I believe you,” said (Y/N), smirking as they challenged him.
            “I must convince you, then,” said Sebastian. He raised one of their hands, peeled off the glove, and kissed the back. “I adore your form.” He kissed the other hand. “I am tempted by your grace.” He placed their hands on his shoulders and he leaned in and kissed their shoulder over their shirt. “I watch your ferocity in battle with reverence.” Sebastian kissed their other shoulder. “Your intelligence and wit are sharp as knives.” He leaned in and kissed their neck gently, and (Y/N) sighed, letting their head loll to the side to give him more access. “You persevere despite all obstacles, whether in this life or your human one.” He nipped lightly at their neck, and (Y/N)’s breath hitched. “Your heart lives on despite hardships.” He smirked and kissed their neck lightly again. “You see the world in a unique light that allows you to be better than most of demon-kind.” Sebastian kissed their cheek. “You have your own set of principles you refuse to let anyone break.” He kissed their other cheek. “You are loyal to those who have earned it—which I am fortunate to be one.” He kissed their forehead. Then, Sebastian held (Y/N)’s chin and tilted their face to face his. “I love you for all these reasons and more, Felis.” He kissed their lips.
            “What a persuasive speech,” sighed (Y/N) after the kiss, staring at him with gentle, adoring eyes. “I dare say I love you, too.”
            “I certainly hope so,” said Sebastian, smirking. His hands returned to their waist and pulled them closer so their bodies were flush against each other. “But if you need further convincing, there are other places for me to kiss~”
            “What if I return the favor?” purred (Y/N), winking.
            “Tantalizing, but I wish to spoil you tonight,” said Sebastian, smirking as his hands began to untuck their shirt and run up the skin beneath.
            Sebastian cursed—how unbecoming of the butler—and (Y/N) jumped off him with equal frustration. In a moment, (Y/N) was properly dressed again and in their office chair while Sebastian stood on the other side. They were the picture of two housemasters having a normal, non-scandalous encounter.
            “Come in,” said (Y/N), voice pleasant, but, internally, they despised whoever had interrupted them.
            “I thought I’d find you here,” said Ciel, stepping into the room. He looked at Sebastian and crossed his arms as he closed the door. “You weren’t in your office, Sebastian.” He knew to look in (Y/N)’s office for him, after. Ciel wasn’t blind at all, though he was glad that he had not walked in at a worse moment. That would have been horrible for his own eyes.
            “I had finished my tutoring for the night,” said Sebastian, smiling “innocently.”
            “Indeed,” said Ciel, unimpressed. (Y/N) just smiled at him with equal “innocence.” “Well, let’s get to proper business,” he said, sitting down in the student chair in the room. “I’ve been invited to a P4 gathering tomorrow at four.”
            “We had heard,” said Sebastian.
            “This is a rare opportunity,” said Ciel. “I must get the P4 and their inner circle to take a shine to me. So first, I must have tea cakes.”
            “Quite right, sir,” said Sebastian, taking (Y/N)’s teapot and boiling the water.
            “Why in blazes do I have to do something so inane like hand out cakes to children?” grumbled Ciel.
            “If I recall, you still do enjoy your sweets, Young Master,” said (Y/N) with a closed-eye smile.
            Ciel didn’t respond to that.
            “Is it not adorably novel, though? You can win them over with real sweets instead of the monetary kind,” remarked Sebastian. “However, I am due to coach cricket tomorrow at four. Which would you have me prioritize? If you order it, I can lay in wait nearby.” He steeped the tea.
            “Or I can,” added (Y/N).
            “I highly doubt we’ll be coming to blows. I’ll be fine on my own. But, in exchange…” Ciel smirked. “I command you, Sebastian—make me something that will knock the socks off the P4.”
            Sebastian bowed. “Yes, my lord.”
            “Yes, Young Master,” said (Y/N), bowing their head.
            “Damn!” Ciel, at barely five minutes past four, threw his basket of pastries down in Sebastian’s office. “I’ve been had!” In frustration, he threw himself down on the armchair. He had been told to come at four, everyone had heard it, yet the P4 and their Drudges claimed they had expected him at two. “This is why I loathe verbal agreements!”
            “Dear, oh dear, Young Master,” said Sebastian, slightly amused. “You let your guard down because you were dealing with a student.”
            “Humans envy those who excel,” said (Y/N). “You should learn to recognize when someone attempts to sabotage your quick progress.” They waved a hand. “I doubt you’ll fall for it again, then.”
            Ciel opened the basket and pulled out the sweets—he refused to waste them. “No, I shall not,” he said, eyes narrowed.
            “Have you explained yourself and apologized to Lord Edward?” said Sebastian.
            “Doing so would be lost on someone of his ilk,” said Ciel. “And I did in fact break the appointment.”
            “Then will you leave thing as they are and simply cry yourself to sleep tonight?” said Sebastian, smirking.
            “I think not!” declared Ciel. “Whatever it takes, I will find a way to make the prefects bring me into their circle. And I’ll settle my accounts without fail.” He took a bit of a strawberry with an evil grin. “I’ll make you regret squandering my efforts, Maurice Cole.”
            “So, what do you plan, my lord?” asked (Y/N), cocking their head. “Are we exposing Cole?”
            Ciel nodded sharply. “Maurice Cole must be a pathological liar. His hands tell of it.”
            “Oh?” remarked Sebastian, though he and (Y/N) already knew where Ciel was going with his observations.
            “The hands of the drudges at this school tend to be blistered and chapped from running errands for upperclassmen,” said Ciel. “However, his hands are as white and pure as the driven snow. Which means—”
            “He, too, is resorting to dirty tricks like you, Young Master?” clarified Sebastian. (Y/N) chuckled.
            “Exactly,” said Ciel. An irk mark appeared on his head. “That part at the end was wholly uncalled for, though.” He cleared his throat. “Besides, the way he categorically lied to me with ease and without so much as faltering tells me I’m right.”
            “So you recognized him because he’s similar to you,” said (Y/N), smiling pleasantly.
            Ciel grumbled at the comparison, but they weren’t wrong. “I can prove the falsehood in his statement with no trouble, but that won’t be enough to put an end to it. Sebastian, (Y/N), find others who have been entrapped by Cole like I was. And I also want you to thoroughly investigate Cole’s behavioral patterns and habits.”
            Ah, so revenge on his reputation. (Y/N) smirked, cat-like sharpness and cunning in their eyes. They approved. “Yes, my Lord.”
            “As you wish, sir,” said Sebastian.
             (Y/N) and Sebastian smirked at each other. The fun began.
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bibyshitsuji24k · 1 month
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bull-shit-suji · 2 months
i feel like an exuberant housewife greeting her husband after he finally returns from the war except the war was the kuro dark ages and the husband is twenty school children shitting themselves
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