#what is their ship name (asking for a friend)
luminouslywriting · 5 hours
How do you think the guys would react when one of their friends starts dating their sister? Like maybe she read in a letter that their buddy wasn’t getting any and decided to take matters into her own hands and strike up a pen pal-ship with them that becomes serious…
Imagine coming home from war and your baby sister runs straight past you to jump your buddy who she can’t possibly know
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DeMarco?? As a brother? And Brady? As a lover?? I can see it now. LISTEN, I have thoughts under the cut, so buckle up kiddos haha! Reminder that my requests are definitely open and I don't mind spam :)
Cut for length, more under the cut, some light occasional spice haha:
-It doesn't mean to happen??? Like actually though?? Benny mentions in one of his letters home that a friend of his does not have a girlfriend and is feeling a little lonely at times
-And you, being the angel that you are, just take matters into your own hands
-So imagine Brady's surprise the week before he goes down in the Stalag to receiving a letter signed Y/N DeMarco
-There he is, going about his day, trying to get training in, and just minding his own business, and mail call comes and he has a letter?? He doesn't recognize the return address and he's a little baffled. But he's not about to turn down mail.
-So he opens it up and starts reading and it's this very sweet letter explaining that your brother mentioned he had a friend who didn't have anyone writing him and you were just going to fix that for Brady :)
-John Brady is many things—including flattered—but he's also like WTF?? Like where did this person come from, how old are you (is this allowed lol), and maybe it'll be nice to have a friend??
-So he writes you a letter back with these questions included and he fully means to mention it to DeMarco
-It's just that DeMarco goes down on a mission with Gale Cleven and there's nothing he can do about that
-And then HE goes down on a mission with Bucky Egan
-He honestly forgets all about it until letters to the Stalag start to arrive
-The thing about this entire situation is that he likes having a little something to himself? It's hard to get privacy and anything that's really 'yours' in the Stalag, and so these letters become an escape and a safe place for him
-He relies on your good humor and stories to get him through the day and all the while, he's falling in love with the person that you are without ever having seen you
-And it's the exact same situation for you
-Brady isn't stupid though, he burns all of the letters that you send him so that the Germans can't use anything against him when it comes to you
-So by the time that they switch Stalags again and again and he hasn't gotten a letter in months, he's already decided that he's in love with you and is going to ask you to marry him
-The only problem in this foolproof little plan of his is a short king with a dog named Benny DeMarco who will be absolutely furious about the turn of events that he has not been clued in on for over a year and a half
-So he figures that it's probably best to just....not mention anything until he sees you??
-But anyways, the war ends and the boys get to go home
-And Benny DeMarco is having a GREAT day. He's ready to see his family, his beloved little sister, eat some good chow, and sleep in an actual bed.
-He's fully prepared for the tears on the train platform and everything else
-What he's not prepared for is to see you run PAST him and jump into the arms of none other than Captain John Brady
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^Actual footage of Benny DeMarco, seconds after seeing you and Brady kissing at the train station^
-So yes, he's baffled, bamboozled, shocked, dismayed, BETRAYED and majorly confused
-But after a whole sit down conversation about the letters and everything, he's super jazzed to be getting Brady as a brother in law and he's actually pretty happy about the whole thing
-But he absolutely turns to the younger siblings that you both have and warns them to never do something like this lol
-And yes, there may have been a fist fight that you heard about later between Brady and DeMarco, but it was never really that serious....just a protective older brother making sure Brady was good enough for you lol
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olderthannetfic · 13 hours
When there was an anon about "To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods" a few months ago (or so?), I got curious and looked at the Goodreads reviews linked and at other reviews and the description.
Haven't looked at them this "round" of the asks regarding it, but IIRC I got the impression that it may originally have been a fanfic that had its names and some details altered to be published as an original work because IIRC some reviewers said there was little exposition as if one were already knowledgeable about stuff like the characters and world setting. Of course, I may also be (and most probably am) absolutely incorrect in this assumption.
The "mob" of angry reviewers also kinda gave me the impression that they may have been a friend group (based on their very similar phrasing and vocabulary and accusations, which may still also just be coincidental) who disliked the author for fannish reasons or something else and decided to take their (fannish?) dislike to the published literary world with the author's first publication... but again, I may just be wildly misinterpreting things and may have read their reviews in bad faith.
Regardless of whether or not the book is a "colonizer romance" or badly written or even disrespectful or tasteless or something else, I feel sorry for the author...
I wouldn't assume this. Usually, when het fics get the serial numbers filed, they're from one of the big het ships with a whole culture of doing this and it's all very open and liked by the fans. Some review would say which ship at the very least if not what the original title was.
However, I would absolutely assume that a book that reads like fic is by an author whose past experience writing is mostly with fic and who reads a lot of fic.
I also have the impression that some authors in the romantasy space are people who like sff settings on TV but don't have a lot of practical experience in how one establishes sff world building in a novel. They may have cool ideas, and these ideas may show up by the end of a book or later in a series, but the beginning doesn't have much flavor. Someone coming from a more book sff background would probably either explain more up front or whet people's appetites to understand the sff elements by giving a lot more sense of the setting. (But they might fall down on the romance aspects.)
There are also plenty of cliques in booktok, booktube, book twitter, etc., so a group of angry reviewers could be coming from somewhere like that and not from fandom beef.
It's also possible that the reviewers all sound the same because they read/watch the same book influencers who talk a certain way rather than because the reviewers are friends with each other.
Very likely, you're picking up the vibes accurately. I just think there are some other possible reasons for these vibes.
Poking around goodreads reveals a bunch of Corrain drama spillover. Search 'corrain', 'youtube', 'reylo', etc. for the reviews that give a sense of where samey-sounding people might be coming there from.
It's very clear that many reviewers heard all about the book long before they read it.
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valsdelulucorner · 1 day
Hiiiii it’s me again for some more mermaid requests (btw thank you for taking for taking my last request). So I was thinking if you were up for it some hurt/comfort if mc managed to escape the island but decided to come back for a visit? So despite the bois best effort to keep mc on the island and they really tried, somehow mc managed to escape (not that I blame them imagine only eating sea food, fruits and water for months without any spices and non of the comfort of modern society anyone would go crazy) in the middle of the night somehow. But after a couple of months after reacclimating to society and the wonders of modern society holds they being to miss their fishy bois. So mc gets on a boat with a bunch of apologies gifts (ruichan merch for Levi, a water proof pillow for Belphie, some trinkets for mammon ect ect you can decide the gifts) and heads out mermaid island. Tear full reunion all that jazz. So if you could what would their reaction be to discovering that mc left, How they acted while mc was gone and what was their reaction to mc coming back?
Note: if this is too much just please their reaction to mc leaving and their reaction to them returning
This is absolutely adorable<3 i might do their reaction to the gifts in another fic but i'll definantly do how they react to MC leaving and coming back
Obey me brothers when you leave them then come back after a few months : mermaid au<3
They were asleep when you got taken back to the mainland, you had a bad nightmare so you decided to take a walk along the beach to try and clear your mind, leaving the brothers asleep in the cove. A rescue helicopter flew overhead the island trying to look out for any shipwrecks when they managed to spot you from above, sending down a ladder for you to climb on.
For some reason, you decided to climb up the ladder, getting hauled into the rescue chopper before being taken safely back to land. Lucky for you, you memorized the way back to land, memorizing the port where you land at. For the first time in months, you get a proper meal and some proper water that didn't need to be boiled or collected in banana leaves. You were able to see your family again, your friends, and you were able to go back to your old life, but what about the brothers?
The sound of the helicopter over the island didn't wake them up, they were used to the sounds of them coming over the island but its when it remained over the island that they started waking up. Mammon was the first to realize you were gone, hauling himself onto your little ledge to see if you were maybe hidden behind a box but nope, you were gone. He got worried and started asking around his brothers if they have seen you, causing all of them to wake up at the panic in his voice.
Lucifer being the oldest poked his head out of the underwater entrance to the cove, poking just his eyes out of the water to see two men hauling you into the chopper. Seeing this enraged him, letting the others know that you were taken from them forcefully, not seeing you willingly climb up the ladder to leave.
With the narrative set and hearts heavy, they all worried and mourned the loss of their little human friend, constantly patrolling the waters and yelling out your name into the bush of the island, hoping, praying that you might respond and show up. They started hunting more and started getting more aggressive towards ships coming by the island, it was humans that took you away so its humans that will pay the price. The island became a no-go zone for sailors, cruise ships, fishermen and divers, the word spreading that ships that come across the island never come back. Word spread quickly across the medias and soon came back to you, sitting in your comfy bed back at home.
This is the time that you thought was right to head back to the island to visit your mer-friends, packing two bags full of your clothes, water purifiers, fire starters, and some snacks you like while you will the other with presents for the brothers to apologize for being away for afew months. So you set sail, using your grandads boat to try and make your way back to the island. With constant warnings and rumours surrounding the island, you knew the general direction of the island. The closer you got, the heavier the feeling of dread felt in your gut.
After what seemed like hours on the boat, you could spot the island in the distant, the familiar site of the large cove and sharp rocks brought a strange sense of comfort to you as you got closer. That sense of comfort mixed with the feeling of dread left a strange taste in your mouth, discomfort fully taking over as your ship started to rock and shake. A scream left your throat as something attacked your little boat, a large gash at the bottom of the boat causing you and your bags to sink, luckily your bags were waterproof. You tried to get to your bags but something dragged you under and slammed you against the sandy floor, gripping your neck harshly as they keep you against the floor. It was like a blur and the impact of when your head hit the sand made you dizzy, you couldn't breath as the shadowy figure held you down against the sand.
It wasn't until something dragged him off of you is when you felt the clawed hand release your neck, something grabbing your arm and dragging you back to the surface. "MC?! MC, hey, MC?! Wake up" It was mammon, his hand lightly slapping your cheek to try and get you conscious again while he held your head up above water. 6 more heads emerged from the depths aswell as you finally started breathing again, a guilty looking Lucifer ushering you all back to the island while beel dragged your bags along.
The amount of relief they felt when they saw you again was insane, they all quickly got you back to the cove and got you up onto your little ledge, making sure your alright while beel places your bags next to your makeshift bed. Lucifer apologized for being so aggressive while mammon didn't let him near you, gently making sure your alright as asmo carefully tends to your neck. Levi was arguing with mammon because he wanted to see his human too while Satan hauled himself up onto the ledge with beel, trying to find something to patch up your neck while belphie rests his head on your lap. They were really surrounding you, so glad that your back with them now.
You didn't dare tell them you left on your own accord, letting them believe you escaped the vial humans that took you away from them, it would break their hearts so you just let them believe. You saw and felt what Lucifer did to you, you don't want to know what would happen if you told them you left. For know, you just let them surround you, happy that their little human is finally back with them
This was a long one! This was so fun to write about though, even if it is abit janky in some spots.
What should I do next<3
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theforgottencrow · 19 hours
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Gwuhhhh Hiya my name Is Ink/Corv, But my friends/Moots call me Crow! Welcome to the Nest!
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updated 06-01-2024
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✦Blogs I run ._. @theforgottencorvid, @the-one-and-only-ink (not very active on my Rp account but feel free to start a Rp or ask stuf idm)
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✦About Me !!!! :0
Firstly I present some of my flags !! (Theres so many more...)
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My main prnz are Xe/Crow/Ink/Bite/Paint, but ill happily use Blood/Gore/Skull/Bone/Vamp/Fang/Pest/Knife/It/They/Star/Static/Etc. (How to use Xe/xem prns Here)
My very special interest is Undertale + Utmv !! (Pretty obv..)
Proud Furry <3
I’m a Polymorph/Polykin Therian. I am CrowKin, DragonKin, CrocodileKin, (+more kins), my other theriotypes are Snow leopard, Lynx, Coyote, GreenTree Python, Griffin, Fox, etc.
Bi-Oriented Polyamorous Aegosexual Aro/Ace ✨
Trans (F->M) Who still comfortably identifies as a Butch ✨⚔️
I LOVEEE Mascot Horror/Creepy games !! A few of my favs are Indigo Park, Kinitopet, Poppy Playtime, Little Nightmares, Dark Deception, Amnesia, Fnaf, Etc.
I HAVE A PERSONA !! You can find its ref riiiight here i'll be drawing myself as it often and if not xem my Monster Sona riiight here
A few of my other hyperfixations are : Regretavator, Hellsing, Scott Pilgrim, Delicious In Dungeon, CoS, DHMIS, FPE, Indigo Park, The D!ckheads, Welcome Home, Inanimate Insanity, etc.
Some of my fav bands/artists : Mindless Self Indulgence, Lemon Demon, Alex G, Pompey, The Living Tombstone, Cave Town, Derivakat, Baby Bugs, Ryan Mack, Etc.!
Some of my fav Songs : Alien Blues, Body Horror, Pure as a Lamb, I Should've Stayed Home, Seriously?, Sex For Homework, Rät, Stupid MF, Shut me Up, Fine Great, Get It Up, Etc.!
Some Fandoms I'm In !! : Undertale, Utmv, Deltarune, WoF, WC, FPE, Indigo Park, DHMIS, Horrid Henry, LackaDaisy, Tmnt/Rottmnt, TOH, Delicious in Dungeon, Amphibia, Ramshackle, BBU, Owls of Ga'hoole, Welcome Home, PP, Hellsing, WOTHH, Bee & Puppycat, Wednesday, Doom & Gloom, HH & HB, Pokemon, MD, Tadac, Monkey Wrench, Bluey, Sarah & Duck, Puffin Rock, Spooky Month, Fnaf, LMK, Animaniacs, Etc.
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✦ My Tags !!! (Wow I'm finally gonna be using tags crazy...)
#My Art - Art -_-
#Crow reblogs - Reblogs -_-
#Crow Rambling - my weird rambles/random talking
#Crow Chatter - Me Interacting w/ ppl & answering asks
#inbox doodles - little doodles made for inbox answering
Persona Chatter - Me answering Asks as my Persona/Saying stuff as my Persona
#Crow Simping - me loosing my marbles over a character I deem hot
#HEAVY Crow Simping - foaming at the mouth blue balled over a character
#F r i e n d 🫵 - Me interacting w/ my friends/Moots !!
#Crow on Crack - Me saying out of context things/or me being weird :)
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Lgbtq+ Phobes.
Transphobics, Xenophobics, Etc...
Racists, Sexists, Discrimination, etc.
Invalidates a Person's Pronouns / Gender / Identity
Pedophiles, Sexualizes Minors, Jokes about R×pe, etc.
People who Harass, Dox, tell ppl to kys, etc.
Slander of my interests/hyperfixations.
Mockery of Me, My Friends, or my mental illnesses.
Unwanted Criticism/Extreamly rude Criticism, unless I asked for it please don't.
People who think trauma is a joke & belittle it.
those who think neurodivergent ppl w/ BPD, Bipolar, etc are “Scary” and don’t belong.
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✦ Byi + Boundaries..
I have Autism + Alexithymia, ADHD, BPD & Bipolar. Tone indicators are optional when talking w/ me, but I appreciate them a lot ^u^
I'm an Irl + Fictkin !
Yes I can be cringe and idc :)
I WILL SHIP AND DRAW WHAT I WANT. If your are uncomfortable with something you see block the tag and move on do not harass me.
Please do not ask personal info/give about me unless I'm willing to give or I give permission. This includes Name, Age, Basic stuff like that.
My art requests are always open, I might not do them right away or always do them but I try my best and they help with inspiration :>
My Askbox + DMs are always open !! I love love love meeting new people and getting to know them :] I'm fine w/ tags, comments, & spam-likes/reblogs too!!
I might spam-like (I get a lil excited sometimes..especially if I REALLY like your stuff, if you don't like this please let me know and I'll stop!!)
I do make suggestive jokes and I'm hypersexual but that doesn't mean I'm not sex-replused most of the time.
I'm Nonhuman !! Pls do not refer to me as human. I prefer Skeleton terms & Crow terms over everything else. I'm just your average Paint Drinking Souless Skeleton <3
I tend to make random remarks, say out of pocket things, have trouble w/ volume control/typing in all caps, making inappropriate jokes, flirt & tease (w/ my close close friends/moots) if you ever get disturbed by this please let me know & I'll stop.
I am VERY Blunt. And I might say something rude or offensive and if I do please let me know because my Alexithymia makes it hard for me to understand if I upset people.
I'm neither Pro nor Anti, I couldn't care less. I honestly don't care if a creator is Proship/Com, because if I like their stuff then I'll keep interacting/following the stuff they make. FICTION IS FICTION. If they condone that stuff irl then that's where I draw the line. Do not go harass ANYONE. Over a fiction. Use the block button, we have it for a reason.
My blog, my rules!! <3333
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more may be added in time.
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jethought-s · 3 days
Eddie Diaz, my love, you are wonderful and I will always defend you by all means.
I really think I have reached my limit. Leaving aside the fact that before Buck kissed the rat the 911 fandom was a paradise while now thanks to them it is practically a hell, I’d have no problem if they stayed in their hole to support Buck's relationship with a homophobic, racist, xenophobic rat and the thousand other virtues that distinguish him but no, from the height of their bad taste they allow themselves not only to insult the ship but even think they have the right to be able to question Eddie not only as a character but even as a father! So, welcome to my defense/declaration of love to Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz (I know that the episode is only an hour away, that some people have already seen it because it was uploaded to some platform, and that it is a very long post, but if you love Eddie Diaz like I do, please read it and let me know what you think. I have to share my immense love for him with someone)
If I were to launch myself into the experience of describing and analyzing everything we know about Eddie I would end up rewriting the entire Divine Comedy so let's focus on today's “problem,” which is the one that, for some, Eddie is a selfish character and a bad father. This honestly makes me laugh a lot, because the people who support this theory came out after the sneak peek that instead is absolute proof of the wonderful father that Eddie is and his growth as a character.
“Eddie called Buck, but what does he have to do with his mess?” “He cannot be so selfish as to hope that Buck will solve his problems.” “His problems are not Buck's problems”.
So, first of all, do you even know the other member of the ship you support? OF COURSE BUCK WOULD DROP EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE TO RUN TO EDDIE AND CHRIS. Second, what kind of miserable, affectless life do you have to even think such a thing? Taking the ship out of the picture, taking the romantic side out and keeping only the friendship, if one of your friends, someone toward whom you feel sincere affection has a problem, it’s normal that that becomes partly your problem as well. It’s love, because friendship is also love. And here we're not talking about a problem with the car engine, we're talking about a problem that Buck himself was already concerned about and that involves not only Eddie, but also his son. The son whom Buck loves so much that he fights for him as no one else would, and of whom he does in fact have legal custody should the reading of the will take place. That's why Eddie named Buck, and that already shows a great evolution in him, the fact that he recognizes that he has a problem, that he doesn't know how to handle it, that he needs help, and he doesn't shut himself off and somatize all these anxieties and fears but seek help.
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Those who have suffered with their mental health know perfectly well how big this step is toward the right direction. In the healing process one has to come face to face with the problem and he has done that, unfortunately, however, not entirely because of him, Christopher has been involved. AND HERE WE GET TO THE POINT OF WHAT A WONDERFUL FATHER EDDIE DIAZ IS.
Contrary to what the same psychopaths claim, Eddie is fully aware that he screwed up, but, being a good father, he called Buck. Why? Because he knows his son so well that he knows, no matter how much it kills him, that there is nothing he can do to fix it at the moment and that the only one who can approach Chris in such a delicate situation if he cannot, is only Buck. The sneak peek scene clearly shows how Chris is at the center of his world, is literally his heart, so much so that he is willing to step aside for his sake.
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Eddie is not asking Buck to solve the problem (Buck's response about how he doesn't think he is able to explain what is going on proving that he still doesn't totally realize how significant and essential his presence is in their lives) he knows that that is his job, but he knows his son so well that he knows he needs to talk and be heard, because nightmares become less frightening when you talk about them, but he knows he wouldn't do that with him because he needs time to be able to process it, but he also knows how risky it is to keep it all inside, and so he has called the one person he is sure Chris can confide in without pressure in a natural way. Eddie is not asking Buck to fix the mess he made, Eddie is simply asking Buck to be Buck, because he is all that Eddie and Christopher need. As he has been from the first moment they met and as he always will be.
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Taking away the parallel to 5x12 (this would deserve a separate post), this sentence destroyed me. Eddie doesn't care about himself right now; he cares about Chris. His instinct as a father would lead him to break down that door, to apologize, to get him to talk to him, to hug him, but he loves him so immensely that he knows he can't do that right now, and with all the selflessness that only the strength of the purest love can give you, he steps aside to make sure he’s not alone. Eddie is a wonderful father because he is still learning, and I am afraid he will learn a hard lesson in this episode but I will talk about that once the episode airs.
I would like to say so much more, about how much this also shows Buddie in their essence, in always being there for each other, to always be the priority in each other's lives because essentially, even if they don't realize it yet, they are already one. Let's just hope the show decides to take the path of making them realize what they always have before their eye
One last point is necessary, however. What is written above is only 1% of the story, but that alone is more than enough to make you understand how BuckRats fans will NEVER be able to bother Buddie fans. Because there is no contest, we are talking about two characters, Eddie and Buck, sharing life, soul and heart, and two characters, Buck and the rat, sharing 4 minutes of screen time.
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moodymisty · 24 hours
In the Perturabo book it’s mentioned how both him and Calliphone really wanted to act like a normal brother and sister and not have to deal with the expectations of olympia’s upper class, where betraying your family and stabbing them in the back was normalised (and even expected!). So I think that scenario has some really good potential for a tragic-siblings (platonic)x reader story.
Imagine you’ve been promoted to being Perturabo’s serf, people are worried for you because this is famously the guy who likes to destroy stuff when he’s mad. But you don’t care, it’s one of the highest ranking jobs on the ship that a mortal like you can have and you’re pretty good at not getting in the way. And for a while that’s what you do, your schedule for cleaning his room doesn’t align with the times he’s in it. You do your job, leave, come back the next day and rinse and repeat for a few weeks.
The first time you see him in person he’s in the process of leaving the room. And when he turned around you expected him to look at you with an expression of irritation or annoyance, but what you got instead was… fear? He looked startled, giving you the impression of a space-deer in the headlights. Despite how weird the situation was, the only thing you said to him was your name and how you were his serf, to which he simply nodded and left the room in a hurry.
You met him again the very next day, he orders you to pause your duties and talk with him for a bit. strange, but alright. You sit down and he starts asking you questions about who you are, where you came from, what your other duties are on the ship. The entire time it felt like he was interrogating you about something (though you weren’t sure what it was). The next day he does the same thing, and then the day after that, just talking to you about who you were or things you liked. At which point you decided that this was probably him trying to form a friendship with you in his own (very obvious to you by now) socially awkward fashion, which was further confirmed when you asked him about some invention of his and his eyes practically lit up with excitement (and the way he sat there happily infodumping about it for an hour)
Now for most people being friends with Perturabo sounded like a bad idea. But being someone’s serf meant that it was kind of part of the job description, and not to mention that he was genuinely fun to be around. You liked hearing him talk about the things he made, not to mention that he’d given you some new interests in the process. Your room was swapped from the small servants quarters to a larger room near where he was, and then summarily filled with items that he got/made for you. He let you give him a nickname (you thought calling him “Bo” was pretty funny). He’d even jokingly call you his “sister” sometimes, not that you payed much mind to it. You were a person he could trust and confide in, and you took pride in that.
But as the heresy progressed things started to get… weird. You once asked him, based on some rumours you’ve heard, if he had any media from before the age of strife. To which he said yes, and that he was sorry he didn’t show you them when you first asked (but this was the first time you asked him about it?). He refers you as his sister more and more often, and while at this point you could see that your friendship had some familial qualities to it, you didn’t think that it straight up bordered on it. It felt especially forced when he called his legion your “nephews” (much to the surprise of a nearby space marine). And there of course was that one time when he invited Magnus aboard the ship, who you were very excited to meet. Until he looked at you with the same shock-confusion as Bo did the first time, and then afterwards you heard him and Bo have an argument. The details of which he refused to tell you, saying that you shouldn’t worry about your brothers were mad about, since they were always mad about something.
At the end of the heresy it got worse. Or more accurately: Bo got worse. With the responsibility of the attack on terra placed on him he was more irritable than ever. And also paranoid about your safety more than ever before, which lead to him practically barring you from leaving the ship (and only being allowed to go outside of it with the supervision of his astartes). He even started calling you Calliphone.
… Calliphone? Who the fuck was Calliphone?? Look, you were happy to be his friend, and you were fine with him calling you a sister. But who the hell was this Calliphone?! It certainly wasn’t you, that’s not your name. That was never your name, why did he feel the need to give you a whole new identity? Not to mention that Bo refused to elaborate on it, no matter how hard you pried him for information about it. You knew the name was olympian, but nothing else. And it frustrated you to no end how he was not only keeping you trapped here, but talking to you as if you were a completely different person.
You started researching the name while Bo was off fighting on terra. Turns out that giving you interests in technology would make looking through noosphere articles way more easy, and you found information soon enough. She was listed in many places as the daughter of tyrant Dammekos and… adoptive sister of Perturabo.
… okay. You then scrolled to more later articles about Perturabo’s attack on olympia, where it said that Calliphone died from a neck injury, possibly caused by P-
What?! No that couldn’t… no, there’s no way he could have done that to his sister… right?? Cause he calls you his sister and he would never dream of hurting you, let alone murdering you in cold blood..
You stared away from the screen for a few minutes, giving yourself time to take some slow deep breaths and calm down. Once you felt ready enough you looked further through the news articles, most of which were either broken/nonfunctioning, mentioning her in a sentence or two, or talking about her death. After an hour of searching you finally found a site with a working link to a photo of her around your age. Filled with curiosity, you clicked it to finally look at the person you’ve been compared to over and over again.
And you saw yourself.
This is awesome. Like serious I love the progression Pert makes and how reader doesn't see it at first because hey! nicknames are totally normal. calling someone a sibling isn't odd especially if you're friendly, but it getting weird when he starts relating you to other people like his legion. or the primarchs. and how they all see it for how odd it is and how Bo is acting, but you're partly blinded by your friendship with him until the end when you start digging deeper.
the decent into madness as he tries to right his mistake and basically remake Calliphone, awesome.
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opikiquu · 1 month
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iknow my comics are ugly please just hear me out
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wentian · 15 days
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HADES II gifs (1/?) "Oh, you were a wonder to behold!"
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squillflower-art · 9 months
I'm currently reading the w.i.t.c.h. comics! Having lots of feelings about these two
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Miss "your outside is so beautiful it makes my eyes hurt"
and miss "I'm only happy when you're around"
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evilfarmin · 3 months
uhhhhhh hi
could I request a toh rosegold doodle of them hugging or just hanging out?
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Dusting off my old toh ideas folder for this one. Hamity worsties of all time. I think they got really into chess together for a while. I don't think they were any good at it.
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cyberpunkaddict · 2 months
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2077. Fight fire with fire.
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"You flatter me."
ship: ice on fire
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multifairyus · 11 months
Anyway I love Black people and seeing this explosion of creative and cultural expression is healing something in me I think 🥺
Now to make some Black ATSV moots to bounce playlist ideas off of…
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can you IMAGINE if marshal john turns out to be the traitor? i think id be more heart broken than if it was caspian
#my post#really just bcus ig im used to caspian traitor by now#its been like 5 months it was the conclusion we all immediately jumped to im numb to it now#but marshal john?? BIG J?????#the fact that he still goes by marshal. the fact that when asked he said he has no first name. hm.#but like can you IMAGINE. you are a spy for the navy and are awaiting the right moment to 'defect' and join a dangerous pirates crew#a crew of young inexperienced pirates shows up and attacks your base but one of them repeatedly and publicly declares that he knows you can#be more than this. now or never you guess.#so you 'defect'. and after a few weeks you run into those same pirates again- and they excitedly welcome you onto their ship with open arms#you sail with them a while. they consider you a friend. you remember your mission.#you leave them when you find your captain and dont expect to see them again. you are immediately captured by the navy- that you still work#for- and are unceremoniously dumped in the torture maze prison.#what do you think as youre freezing to death in the blizzard wastes? that you failed your mission? that you died believed to be a traitor?#that you pity the pirates if this was the punishment waiting for them?#you close your eyes.#you wake up.#its the three pirates again. they came for you. they came *here* for *you*.#they bring you on their ship- again- and they bring you to your captain- again.#you remember what the one pirate said about you being more. you remember what he says about destiny.#you remember your mission
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porcelainvino · 10 days
i think i hate kurt x adam out of all of the kurt ships because you can’t even make up silly things about them together like that guy has NO PERSONALITY… I HATE THAT MAN OMFG—
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somechickwhodraws818 · 2 months
So me and my friend opened a gateway and we're fucking weak so...
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Steven/Spinel/Connie is too damn slept on in this fandom. Where my polyshippers at?
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bbreaddog · 4 months
i wanna see what you'd do for 'love language' and Luke/Bobby 🤔😁
Everyone knows Bobby isn’t a physically affectionate type of person.
Luke abuses this knowledge whenever he can, ambushing Bobby with a binding hug, or planting an obscenely wet smooch on Bobby’s cheek. Bobby would wrench himself away in vehement disgust, making the others laugh.
It’s all in good fun. It’s almost routine, at this point.
But when Luke turns up at his doorstep in the late hours of the night, eyes red and watery, carrying a bag and a guitar in each hand, Bobby doesn’t hesitate to pull him into a tight hug.
Luke drops his things, and hugs back.
Send me a drabble prompt
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