#when the
absoblume-reblogs 7 months
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he鈥檚 a jerk with that being said I like him
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dduane 8 months
Hi! I just want to say that I recently got into reading the star trek pocket novels, and so far yours have been my favorite by far (Doctor's Orders especially made me actually laugh out loud more times than I can count)! Thank you so much for writing as much as you do and for sharing your gift with the world, because it has brought me endless amounts of joy! 馃槉
- Maeve
Thanks so much! I'm really glad you've liked them.
And I have to admit that writing every one of them was an absolute trip, no matter how often the process may have had its hiccups. It's just the damndest thing to be in the first generation of a fandom and then, decades later, to be invited to write in it at the professional end.
It never got old. And assuming I go down that road again at some point鈥攚hich could possibly happen, as people currently working at the screen end of things seem to know where I am, and keep sneaking my written work into filmed canon鈥攊t never will. :)
ETA: to @druid-in-hiding: I don't have a list as such, but every now and then somebody drops me a note and says "Hey, did you know about this?"鈥攁nd sends along the data. For example: pages from Spock's World were being passed to the cast of the 2009 Star Trek film, apparentl;y to fill in background and clarify some character issues. When I saw a (sadly cut-for-time) script page from that film with actual Vulcan terms that I'd coined for that book being used in dialogue, I was so astounded I had to sit down for a few minutes to recover. ...Bits of Rihannsu-language material, and Rihannsu cultural concepts, have also turned up in (I think it was) ST: Disco. And there are "nods" in my general direction that go right back to the late seasons of ST:TNG. (For these I tend to blame Ron Moore, who's an old friend and occasional houseguest of @petermorwood's and mine.)
The most recent example of this kind of thing, though, and maybe the showiest, happened earlier this year in ST: Picard, where an (alien-crewed) starship I came up with for My Enemy, My Ally turned up at that last big s3 battle. This one:
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...What can I say? It's nice to be thought of. At such times, all you can do is go to bed smiling. I sure did. :)
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moemoemammon 7 months
I'm still alive btw, just slowlu becomignlsb ofvwrbfk wneh the jfgnl dnsknlv
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amberluvsbugs 15 days
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That one meme
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chikuto 2 years
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qifreyism 10 months
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do you get it? do you get it? do you get it? do you
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riku-wo 2 months
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waddup regretevator fandom!! I bring you more art :D
(kinda screwed up on the hammer but, oh well)
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fruttymoment 10 months
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nightmare eyes
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maybepassiveaggressive 3 months
sometimes I wonder why nobody ever notices the tardis when it makes that sound but then I think about that time me and my mom heard a weird banging noise outside and asked each other what it was but didn't actually get up to check for another 10 minutes and it turns out the dog had grabbed one of those black plastic tube hose things and was dragging it around the yard and up and down the porch steps but it could have been anything and people just really don't care that much
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pkmntrainerebee 7 months
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ADHD moment
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dougielombax 4 months
The Endless Decay of the Abyss when the Unshakable Power of the Human Spirit coupled with sheer fucking stubbornness and willpower walks into the room:
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Bottom text.
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buffrobotsimp 8 months
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ULTRAKILL act 3 ending fr fr
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chaotictomtom 9 months
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me. me when the. yeah.
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average-freak 1 month
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mari-bon 8 months
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I have no explanation for this my brain just came up with a ship out of nowhere and now i can't stop thinking about them send help
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