#where is shinyduo?
whereisshinyduo · 28 days
They run from the prison and get chased by the police but get to a get away car (they kidnap the hermitgals while at it)
I made them all fit in the car
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(Maybe Lizzie isn't a hermit, but she is driving them.)
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
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@mcyt-yuri-week Day 5, Rose/Thorns I never stop thinking about SL episode 8 never ever
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they’re besties your honour
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ender1821 · 5 months
Harry Potter AU WHEN (screenshots and clip taken from this Impulse VOD)
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pickastitch · 3 months
please tell us your shinyduo thoughts abt sun moon symbolism :0
okay so it all starts in esmp s1 where pearl has such heavy sun imagery and gem literally builds a moon so that one is pretty obvious
and when we get to hc s8 they literally have matching horses with gem's being named sun and pearl's being named moon
admittedly, hc s9 is more vibes based, but eleven seem so much more sunny to me in contrast to pearl's alien themeing where a large majority of it was trapped underground. most people just associate moon with darkness, so bam gem is sun and pearl is moon
now esmp s2 and this one is tricker than the others. in my head they are both the sun which is why they practically never interact. it's like trying to connect magnets by both of their north poles
sl is an outlier to me where they break this pattern of one being the moon and one being the sun imo. some people believe that pearl is the sun and gem is a sunflower, but i like to think pearl is simultaneously the sun and the moon with gem being akin to icarus. here is a very non structured brainrot post
we finally get to hc s10, and immediately we are hit with 'morning sunshine' from gem. she wants me dead. but also, building off of that pearl went for a very peaceful farmhouse as her starter base with farming normally being associated with daylight/the sun. we have a dredge theme from gem which has a daylight cycle in it, and during the night is really when you start getting the horrors. she already has touches of that (floating fish), so following the logic of that game she has been fishing at night and thus moon
the part that gets me the most is how consistent the themeing is and just how close both of them are. most smps have pretty good evidence for gem and pearl being connected to the sun and moon with a few outliers (looking at you nlsmp)
now time for the actual theorizing, like i mentioned in the esmp s2 bit, it's almost like the sun and moon are opposite poles of a magnet. i don't believe they are soulmates, they can live without the other, but when they are in proximity, you bet that they will be inseparable
so they both have been represented by the sun and moon, and i propose that pearl is the embodiment of light, while gem is the embodiment of void. why do i think that? well, pearl's is the easiest to explain with her saint pearla stuff and how her named both have aspects of light in it. pearlescent describes the surface of an object, and both being able to see if something is pearlescent and to see the moon requires light to bounce back into your eyes
now gem as the void, hear me out. her constant connection to the end/endermen/ender dragon. also the connections of gem and traveling across worlds where the thing in-between them is void (see s9 botem ending). with the most solid piece of evidence being hc s10 where her themeing is ocean/water horrors. and the most common reason people fear the ocean is how vast and unknowing it is. like a void
this is great and all, but how does it link back up with sun and moon? they are opposites of each other and their sun and moon themeing is just one way that is expressed alongside light and void. because of how different they are, it makes them more attached to each other. something something opposites attract
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skydoesthings · 1 month
hiii @starinthegarden my amazing mutual <3 i got you for the @mcythorrorgiftexchange , heres your pirates au shinyduo horrors
It's all your fault
Gem sighed, and yelled at Etho.  “Come on, Etho! Sweep the hull faster, it’s almost time for lunch!”
 She didn’t want to yell at him, at all, he was her amazing but sometimes pathetic older brother, but she’s been…touchy, lately. Dealing with some problems. Etho screamed back quickly.
“Jeez, Gem, I’m done, I’m done! Let’s eat.”
 “Finally.” Gem shot back, still upset. She hopped down from the crow’s nest on her beautiful ship, named Glamour. She was named by someone very special. And, yeah, Gem was a pirate. The captain of the seven seas. And she had a crew. An amazing one, but they were missing a member. The one closest to Gem. The one Gem had killed…
Etho walked up to Gem. “You okay?” He asked her, worried. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Come on, we need to round up the rest of the crew.” She said quickly, avoiding eye contact. As they walked, Gem felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear.
“Oh Gem~”
The whole crew was together for lunch. Well…most of the crew. Gem and Etho were there, and so were Grian, Scar, Impulse, Joel, False, Mumbo and Cleo. There was a person missing though…someone who couldn’t come back again. Her loss had hit Grian and Gem the hardest, and Grian couldn’t look Gem in the eyes anymore. They ate and talked, and as usual, the random creak of a floorboard and a sudden chilled breeze could be heard and felt only by Gem. She was the first to leave again, as usual. Scar tried to make her stay for longer, but everyone else had given up on her already. She went back to her cabin, sparring with the practise dummy. Suddenly, she heard soft footsteps, even though there was no one else in the room. She looked around, but no one else was there. Then, she heard the whispers again.
“Y-you’re not real, you’re not real, you’re not real.” The familiar voice sent Gem spiralling, as she fell to her knees. “Aren’t I?”
And then she materialised in front of her.
“It’s just me, Gem!”  The woman smirked, clearly enjoying herself. “It’s just Pearl.”
The crew had hit rough patches. They were under attack by other pirates. Gem and Pearl were furiously fighting, and they were in a position where Pearl was behind Gem. Both of them had been pushed to the edge of the ship, and Gem was currently parrying the captain of the other ship. The enemy captain was an amazing fighter, and he was getting closer and closer.
“No, no, stay back, stay BACK!” Gem slashed furiously with her sword, killing the captain. She was going to turn to Pearl and help her, but then she heard a whisper from behind.
Pearl couldn’t see Gem’s fight. No, she didn’t even know that Gem was fighting. From Pearl’s point of view, Gem slashed her on purpose. Gem immediately turned around, panicked.
“Oh my gods, Pearl I’m so sorry, I-“
She stopped. There was a huge slice through Pearl’s stomach, which had been done by Gem’s sword. Pearl’s organs were falling out of her stomach, and tears fell from her eyes. “I…I trusted you, Gem…” Her eyes went glossy, and she fell overboard. Gem snapped, tears streaming down her face. “PEARL!”
Gem shot awake, gasping for breath, sweat streaming down her forehead, tear marks on her face. “Pearl…”
Scar came in. “Gem? Are-are you okay?”
She sighed. “I’m fine, Scar, just a nightmare.”
He got a sympathetic look on his face. “Do you maybe want to talk about it?”
She nodded. “Yeah, that would help…it was that day again. It was like I was reliving that day again. I KILLED her, Scar. I did. I’m the worst captain.”
Scar looked sad. “Pearl…” He then hugged Gem tightly. “It wasn’t your fault, Gem, it was an accident.”
Gem started to cry. “She’s dead because of me! She trusted me, and I killed her!”
Scar looked at her, but his face began to change. “Are you thinking about how much of a monster you are?~ Poor Gem, killed her crewmate, and now feeling sorry for herself.”
He wasn’t Scar anymore. He was someone else. Gem couldn’t speak, as this person went on. “You’re right, you know. You are a monster. And, your whole crew hates you~”
“…Gem! GEM!” False was yelling, shaking her. Gem was on her knees on the floor, face white, unable to speak, but she managed to mutter out a word.
“F-False…” Gem didn’t trust herself to speak any more. She wasn’t sure what was real and what wasn’t anymore.
“Gem, are you okay? You weren’t responding to me at all.” False said, worried.
Gem sighed. “Do-don’t worry about me, False, I’m fine…”
“You don’t look fine.” False said flatly.
Gem changed the topic quickly. “So, what did you need me for?” She asked, getting up.
“Well, uh, Grian pushed Scar off of the poop deck-“ “HE DID WHAT?!”
Gem fished Scar out of the water. “Seriously, Grian?”
“It was an accident!” He squawked indignantly.
An accident. The words echoed in Gem’s mind, but she suppressed it, and turned around to yell at Mumbo. “And you couldn’t do anything except stand there and laugh?!”
“I can’t swim!” He protested.
“My god…” Gem groaned, putting her head in her hands. “You three are actually impossible. Scar, don’t get pushed into the water again. Grian, please stop pushing Scar into the water. Mumbo, at least try to stop Grian from pushing Scar into the water. I’m going to go talk to more sensible people.” She said, reeling Scar in. “Thank you Gem…” Scar muttered, getting back on the poop deck.
Gem just sighed again, and left to talk to Impulse. “Why are those three such idiots?”
Impulse chuckled. “I don’t know, Gem!”
Gem sat on the side of her bed, and sighed deeply. Like, really deeply. She was just so tired…the nightmares didn’t help either. She heard the strange creak of a floorboard again, but she just gave up, slumping onto her bed.
“Whatever’s there, go away. I’m not in the mood for dealing with you right now.” She groaned, burying her face in a pillow. She rolled over, exhausted with everything.
A breeze flew past again. It was always cold and creepy, but it seemed just a tad softer than usual. Then, it felt like the breeze had realized what it was doing and immediately got harsher. Okay then, the weird creepy breeze hates Gem too, apparently.
“Wallowing in self-pity again, Gem?~ Pathetic…”  The familiar voice rang in her ears, and as Gem tried to cover them, trying not to have a panic attack, the voice whispered again, louder more than anything. “That won’t work~”
The lights flickered slowly, and then shut off. The boat began rocking harshly, and lightning strikes were visible outside. The vague cries of the crew yelling “Storm!” seemed extremely loud to Gem’s ears. She hugged herself in fear, wide-eyed, and realized she was trembling. With shaky hands, she got up and lit a candle. She saw a black blob on the ground darting its way towards her, and then rising, forming the shape of a woman, a very tall woman, but a woman nonetheless. The candle blew out, and a heartbeat started ringing in Gem’s ears. Something really bad would’ve probably happened to her, but she chose that moment to pass out.
The same scene played out again. The same nightmare-flashback, where Gem killed Pearl, but this time, it was different. At first, Gem couldn’t tell what was happening, but then she realised. Oh god, she was in Pearl’s body. She was witnessing Pearl’s point of view.
Pearl really couldn’t see that Gem was fighting. Pearl was fighting furiously on her own. Then, the world exploded with pain. The crew shouted with joy, but quickly turned silent. Even the enemy ship stopped fighting. Pearl looked down, and she saw a huge gash across her stomach, her guts falling out slowly. Pressed to the edge of the ship, she tried to clutch it for support, her arms, flailing wildly. Pearl couldn’t tell much, but she knew that Gem caused this. Why? Gem was her best friend, they cared so much about each other, Pearl trusted her with everything, why had she done this?! Did Gem actually hate her?! …Was Gem saying something? Pearl couldn’t hear her, everything was turning black, all she could do was say something hoarsely.
“I…I trusted you, Gem…”
Then, she fell overboard.
Why was Gem still in this dream?
But then, Gem understood. She saw a wispy shape come towards her, one that heavily resembled Pearl.
“Everything that happened, it was all your fault. You did this to me. You killed me. I’ll never forgive you. This will be your eternal punishment, Gem~ You will never wake up. I’ll never let you leave. I’ll never let you rest. You shouldn’t have killed me. Now, you’ll suffer.”
Pearl’s voice came out raspy, and vengeful. She opened her mouth, or a torn gash of what used to be a mouth, revealing inky blackness inside…and then she lunged at Gem. “It’s all your fault.”
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thesoupbird · 20 days
ask game: 8, 9, & 15!
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in?
haha ha so many... im so sorry pixie in particular but that shinyduo comic aint getting finished. i have a lot of comic ideas in general, but not enough time or motivation
9. What are your file name conventions?
i have a good folder system! the file names are very basic though, just one word associated with the piece.jpg for finished things, and either that or a keysmash for wips
15. Where do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
at home! either in bed or at my desk depending on how much i care about my back that day [i have a drawing tablet that needs to be plugged in to my laptop with both on]
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whereisshinyduo · 1 month
The Feast is being prepared.
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whereisshinyduo · 1 month
They're at a restaurant, enjoying some soup !
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whereisshinyduo · 29 days
They are escaping from prison in a getaway car driven by Lizzie(ldshadowlady)
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Don't ask me why Lizzie is in her Empires 1 era
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whereisshinyduo · 1 month
"where are they?" Why, they're right in front of you, silly!
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whereisshinyduo · 1 month
They’re right behind you
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whereisshinyduo · 2 months
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Shiny duo has visited a place full of memories in the desert!
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whereisshinyduo · 2 months
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Ice cream toppings!
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whereisshinyduo · 1 month
The bank robing goes poorly and they get caught
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whereisshinyduo · 15 days
Every single Pokemon vs shinyduo, who would win?
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