#why oh why must I be here with my family. these losers want to do things like 'go back to the hotel because it's getting dark'
flufflecat · 10 months
this is the most beautiful creature on earth and I will kill someone if it asks me to
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weebsinstash · 4 months
*strums guitar* you know who would be a total piece of shit, to be stuck up in Heaven fuckin FOREVER with
This douchebag! Gotta get some Adam content out before the finale drops and then I'm sure I'll be back for more then too!
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I was listening to "You Didn't Know" again and I HATE this man, and because I hate him and he's an asshole, I can then see his wretched character doing shitty and debauched things
Which then means he's conceptually fuckable and we must discuss
I was sitting and thinking about. Ok in the most dramatic fucking way possible can you imagine being in the courtroom with Charlie as a Sinner Representative because you're dope like that, and Adam just starts fucking beefing with you on sight and you give it right back to him because HOMIE BASICALLY INVENTED MISOGYNY, you're standing in HEAVEN while an ANGEL looks you dead in the eye and calls you a CUNT like I wouldn't fucking tolerate it I'd be screaming at him like a feral beast, "why don't you look at your FEMALE BOSS and say that again, you dickless loser?!"
But can you imagine just having this insane BEEF, you guys are having MUSICAL DIAGETIC SINGING BEEF, and then, like. Either there in court or later on in the plot, hey, everything is good now, Sinners/you can ascend or we can go from heaven and hell and visit our families and everything is good now, yaaay! Or your name was mispelled on a form and it's like oh shit you were supposed to be in Heaven all along our bad and ONLY you are cool to "go upstairs"
And you can't even be happy about it because it's literally "oh cool I DO belong in Heaven!">wait but my friends are in Hell > oh fuck THAT ANGEL THAT HATES ME IS HERE, and sure enough he's standing there at the pearly gates to personally welcome you into Heaven, grinning like the cat that ate the canary, making it EXTREMELY CLEAR that he's basically gonna be stalking you because he wants to personally witness you fuck up and get sent back to Hell where he can kill you himself
Homie is back at base posting photos of you all over the walls like an insane person, "look at this tricky fucking bitch, fucking scheming, fucking planning something, fucking bitch" and even Lute is standing there, ".... that's a photo of them eating a sandwich, sir" and she's like TRYING to see where he's coming from but these are photos of you like SLEEPING and the suspicion that you might act out becomes an excuse to stalk you as he gets progressively more unhinged and perverted and frustrated (in more ways than one)
Let's also just discuss some baseline ideas! Abso fucking lutely do I see him as some, frat boy piece of shit who is always at least vaguely hostile to women so we're discussing female Reader specific ideas. Like imagine he's trying to actually be friendly and be cool with you or maybe you guys even hang out on good terms or whatever, maybe you both play guitar and he likes how you can shred it, and, he's the kinda guy to invite you to hang out and not specify other people are gonna be there so you get there and he's with his buddies and they're all talking about, gross shit like the size of the tits on the girl they last fucked, "oh hey did you sleep with Stacey" "fuck yeah I slept with Stacey you know that slut takes anyone", like, Adam deadass expects you to stand next to him with your red solo cup as they all talk about "the massive cow tits on that bitch" and if you even mildly imply this isn't entertaining "you're just bein a prude babe!"
Like Adam has no self awareness, he'll be saying horrid shit about women and then one of his buddies makes the most MILD of comments about you, "yeah your friend is kinda fuckable" and Adam is like in a RAGE, "hey man, that's not fucking cool! Let's go, outside NOW, fuckin step up, bro!" and he's brawling dudes for shit he's said about their conquests PLENTY of times
Just picturing the idea of like idk Saint Peter or even Emily flying around and they see you sitting on a bench outside far far away from where other people are and they fly down to greet you with the biggest smile, "hiya, how are you?" and you um look at them with such a genuinely dead, depressed, empty expression that they like cannot even fathom it. You're??? Unhappy??? In HEAVEN??? they cannot even comprehend it.
The real kicker is if you started to CRY and look this angel or seraph directly in the eyes as you ask, "can i... go back to Hell? I'm allowed to leave, right?" and THAT'S what raises massive red flags and sends that angel straight to their fucking boss. Sera would be over here, "oh she's having problems with Adam oh that's unfortunate but they'll sort them out -- WAIT WHAT DO YOU M E A N SHE WANTS TO LEAVE????" And,, oh, NOW they suddenly care about how happy you are, NOW they're suddenly willing to help maybe mildly keep Adam away from you. Because why? Because now you're potentially going to damage Heaven's perfect track record, and, geez they can't have you running around DEPRESSED, with your face looking all... ICKY and SAD! What if you made the other darlin-- I mean other residents of heaven sad and they maybe wanted to leave their precious angel protectors too? Huh? Ever think of that?
I love how I was sitting over here "what if like the entire Spider Society was yandere for the Reader" and ever since then my brain is like a puppy chasing treats, "what if I made this entire community mentally unhinged"
Also. Carmilla Carmine and her family + Zestial protecting Reader from Adam or any other angels because 👏 we can have as many mommies or daddies or fake family members as we want down here and that's the facts on that 👏
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reashot · 10 months
Love at First Bleiss
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Weiss: Attention losers. I want to introduce you to my... I want to say my evil twin sister. But the lore never really went into the detail. Anyway... Here's Bleiss. Say hi to her.
Bleiss: Charmed to meet you all. The name is Bleiss. Weiss much more beautiful half. 😘
Ruby: Hi Bleiss! My name's Ruby. Wow you really are pretty.
Blake: Well, I can see the family resemblance. Anyway nice to meet you too Bleiss. I'm Blake.
Yang: And I'm Yang. Wow Bleiss gotta say you look much better than your sister Weiss.
Weiss: *growl*
Yang: And more well mannered too.
Bleiss: Don't mind Weiss her barks are worse than her bite. And you three must be my sister's teammates.
Ruby: Yep. Nice to meet'cha.
Bleiss: Likewise Ruby... I have to say I like your dress you look so cute wearing it.
Ruby: Oh shuck. *giggle* Thank you Bleiss.
Bleiss: Don't mention it Ru... *See the Dork Knight passes through her eyes*
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*gasp* Who is that hunky blondie?
Ruby: Oh him? That's Jaune. He's dreamy isn't he? 🥰
Bleiss: (mama likey) Yes he is. Yes he is... Say, does he have a girlfriend?
Weiss: Stay away from him you slut!!!
Bleiss: Why so confrontational dear sister? I'm just asking questions that's all.
Ruby: W-why are you screaming at your sister, Weiss?
Weiss: This whore is trying to get inside of Jaune's pants!
Ruby: Uh... What do you mean by that?
Yang: That mean she wants to make baby with him.
Ruby: Oh.......
Blake: Jeez Ruby. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
Bleiss: So I take it you two are in a relationship with him. A throuple perhaps?
Weiss: What! What on Remnant makes you come to that conclusion?
Ruby: W-w-what... M-me with Weiss and Jaune? H-how sinful and wrong and... *imagining herself getting ********* by both Jaune and Weiss* Ahhh!!!! No! No! Weiss and I are not in throuple together!!! Absolutely not!!!
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Blake: Yang, your sis having her Bi-curious episode again.
Yang: Sometimes I worry about her. Why can't she just come out of the closet like we do babe.
Bleiss: So I take it you two are interested in Jaune?
Weiss: No! Who could ever be interested in that blonde handsome oaf! Isn't that right Ruby?
Ruby: Y-yeah me too... 😭 I'm so totes not wanting to be his girlfriend... But stay away from Jaune or else I will get real upset. 😢
Bleiss: (Oh who are you trying to kid. I can see that you two have the hots for Jaune. But thank you because that's what I wanted to confirm. I can't wait to see the look on their faces when I NTR Jaune.) Oh I see... Don't you worry Weiss and Ruby I promise I'm not going to steal Jaune away from you two...
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I will take my leave... Oh, and before I forgot. Yang please keep my number so we can be better acquainted. 😈
Blake: (Oh no, is she's thinking about stealing Yang away from me... 🙀)
Jaune's apartment
*knock, knock*
Jaune: Who is it?
Bleiss: This is Bleiss Schnee. I'm Weiss's twin sister.
Jaune: *opens door* Oh I didn't know that Weiss have a twin sister?
Bleiss: The lore never really explained how, but enough about me. I'm actually here for NTR.
Jaune: What's an NTR?
Bleiss: (He's so innocent... That makes corrupting him all the more worthwhile. 🤭)
If you let me in inside I will tell you all about it.
Jaune: Okay... But would you like to join me for dinner, I accidently made too many. And I don't want it to go to waste.
Bleiss: Oh. Of course. I will gladly join you for dinner. (I can you see through you Jaune. You want to use your "dinner" as an excuse to have your way with me. With this he will be my 100th conquest.😏)
Jaune: By the way I want to apologize beforehand if my cooking isn't to your liking.
Bleiss: Not to worry Jaune I'm not too particular with my food...
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(Oh my Ohm!.what the hell did I just ate. Is he secretly a five stars chef?)
Jaune: Bleiss if you're too full you can lie down on my sofa. And if you want I can give you a massage, and....
Bleiss: Please marry me...
Jaune: Eh?
A few years later.
Bleiss: And that is how I married your father....
You can add more if you want to.
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lemonyko0 · 2 years
Test Dummy - jjk
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college gives you the perfect fresh start, far, far away from your brother and any of his cock-blocking friends. or so, you thought.
» genre: fluff! best friends brother 👀 college au, little steamy and mentions of s3x.
» word count: 4.1k
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Test Dummy - jjk
We’ve all heard about “forbidden love”. We’ve seen all the movies, read all the books, watched all of the predictable tv shows. I mean, what did you think was going to happen, they weren’t going to get together?
And yet, we continue to eat it up, every time, without fail.
“What is your beef with romance? Would you rather it be easy and straight to the point or do you think writers should end every romance in tragedy?” Mina scoffs and laughs at the foot of the bed as she proof-reads my essay. “I just don’t understand your point, y/n.”
I snatch the laptop away from her, “If you’re going to start making comments before you even finish reading it, I’m not going to let you read it at all!”
She laughs and rolls onto her back on my bed, “Fine, whatever, you probably don’t need anyone else to read it anyway, I’m sure it’s great.”
I nod, “You’re right, I don’t, you asked, remember?”
She grins, “Did I?”
I roll my eyes, “Shoo, leave my house.” Her boyfriend had texted her fifteen minutes ago saying he was on his way from her parents house, “why didn’t you invite your new boyfriend again?” I ask, referring to the cellphone in her hand as she slings her coat on and grabs her purse.
Her brows raise and she thinks about her words before speaking, something I most definitely never do, and she reminds me all the time. “Honestly? I knew your brother and his heathens would be back too, and the last thing I want him around is more testosterone.”
She laughs, having previously mentioned this one is the jealous type (which is apparently, something she’s into) and she was correct in assuming my house would look the same it did in high school, Seokjin and his friends all running around the house, being loud, eating all the food, and bothering any other life-forms in the house.
“Yeah you’re right, this place is still a sausage fest. However, I think today only four of seven losers are here. Not sure though, they’ve been quiet the last hour.”
She nods, “Must be eating.”
I shake my head as well, “Food! Oh god I’m totally gonna go crash their party, I’ll walk you out.”
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I bid Mina goodbye and sigh in relief as I close the door. Not that I didn’t enjoy Mina’s presence, we’ve been friends for years and despite going to different schools after graduating, we’ve still kept in touch, but entertaining people for that long, is always taxing on my social battery.
Just as Mina and I make a habit out of reuniting during school breaks and holidays, as does Seokjin and his annoying group of friends.
I stroll around the downstairs area of my family home, parents gone somewhere I’m sure they mentioned but I’m sure I ignored, and no boys to be found. “Must be in his room or something.” I mumble to myself, opening the fridge and bending down to grab a soda.
“Actually we’re in the basement dusting off the pool table, hand me one?” I practically jump out of my skin at the sound of another voice in the room, let alone directly behind me. He grins widely, “Hi, pretty.”
I smack his shoulder and shove a drink in his hand before walking past him, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, and furthermore,” I lower my voice and turn to face him, now separated by the kitchen bar, “why the hell are you talking to me like that here? That is beyond off-limits!”
He’s still sporting a shit-eating grin, “You were actually being serious about not telling your family?” I widen my eyes and gesture around us, he scoffs, “Y/N, seriously?”
I sigh, “Jungkook, this is just,” I pause, “too weird to deal with right now.”
He circles the table coolly, still leaving a respectable distance between us, “I vividly remember you saying something different a few months ago, probably when we were in my bed, but oh! Maybe it was yours?” He laughs, as if what he was saying was actually funny, “Sorry, after so many times I just get confused.”
I scan the room again, my face dark red and my hair falling from behind my ears as I aggressively point my finger, “We already talked about this and you promised me Jungkook! Now drop it.”
He takes steps closer until his chest is brushing against my finger and I drop my hand in defiance, “I didn’t agree to be your sneaky-link, I want to be your boyfriend.”
“No.” I state simply, turning to leave the room.
Jungkook quickly grabs onto my arm, “Come on Y/N, just rip the bandaid off, and tell them you’re seeing someone! Better yet, he’s right god damn here to support you! Aren’t you exhausted from this constant tug and pull thing you’ve got going on?”
I pull away from him and very theatrically tell him, “NO.” He sighs dramatically and I scoff, “What on earth do I have to tell anyone? Not only are we not together, but you are also Seokjin’s best friend.”
He throws his head back in annoyance, “I don’t understand-”
“And I will be more than glad to talk you through it, after break.” I stop him right there, tired from repeating the same argument over, and over again.
Before leaving for university, the thought of ever being with one of my brothers delinquent friends sounded appalling. I had to listen to their male nonsense my entire life, being dragged around and made fun of and simultaneously, extremely cock-blocked. Not a single date-night, crush, date to dances, anything. If I wanted one, he’d be scrutinized and scared off. It was impossible, and incredibly annoying.
So imagine my delight, leaving for school knowing I had successfully avoided both my brother, and every single one of his associates.
That is until Jungkook transfers his second year, and didn’t tell anyone where-to until it was too late.
Which I figured, whatever. The likely chance we’ll ever cross paths is slim to none, no problem!
Except he latched onto me like an actual parasite. It had taken him long enough to find the overlap in our schedules, my study time coincided with his! Oh and his gym-time too! And he liked getting coffee around the same time as me as well! Oh and he doesn’t like the treadmills at the gym anymore, and would much rather run at the same time as me, on the same path, and at the same pace.
I questioned his motives from the start, and eventually gave up on pushing him away. I could have worse company, I suppose. And compared to the rest of his and Seokjin’s friend’s, I did know him the best, and disliked him the least.
We actually grew close in a short amount of time and I found myself enjoying his company, although I still struggle to admit it. I tried so hard to clear my life of my brother's shadow looming over me but Jungkook never mentioned it. He actually seemed to pick up on my avoidance, and what I was trying to do by going to a big school and one I knew no one else was attending. He was perfect in the sense that I never had to tell Jungkook what I was thinking, he just, knew. He also knew what to do, and just what I needed.
As one should have expected, you can’t just fling yourself into the dating world head-first and expect everything to work out how you imagined it would. I had no experience! No precursor, no context clues, no cues, and absolutely zero clue that the rules and expectations of college-dating was completely different to those you read about.
I was on the third failed date when Jungkook decided it was time to ask, even though I knew he was hesitant.
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It was autumn, the leaves turning cool to warm-tones and trees shedding, I remembered the extra crunch during my morning run with Jungkook. He sat against my bed with a textbook in front of him and a notebook in his lap when he looks up at me on my bed, “How did your date go?”
I hum, looking at him questioningly, knowing damn-well I had never mentioned my dating life to Jungkook. “You know, you won’t shrivel up and die if you ask people for help.”
I begrudgingly chuckle at his comment, “I don’t need to ask for help. Men are just stupid and horny.”
He nods, “I don’t deny that, but, perhaps you’re fishing in the wrong pool.”
I sigh, “I’ve fished from different pools! I did the ‘helpful guy in my maths class’ and the ‘cute guy always in the library’ and even dating apps! And one would think if you just wanted to have sex, you would NOT put ‘looking for a relationship’ in your bio, but I suppose some people just aren’t that logically-inclined?”
He grins and leans his head back against my bed, “actual dating isn’t what half of the guys your age are looking for right now. Sorry to say it, but unless flings are what you’re looking for, first-year guys aren’t going to offer more.” He speaks easily, almost tentatively, as if he was breaking hard news to me. “At least, not this early in the year. But I get your enthusiasm, it’s not like you got out much in school.”
I raise my eyebrows to that, “That’s for damn sure.” We both chuckle, and I sigh annoyed, “It’s just upsetting, like everyone is at a completely different place in their lives than me, I mean, fuck I’ve never so much as made out with someone!” I laugh and he hesitantly laughs after me, looking at me with an expression I couldn’t register at the time, but I continued, because he was listening, and for once I felt comfortable enough to tell someone other than Mina, and I needed that. She wasn’t here anymore, and doing things on my own wasn’t working. “I just, feel so detached and angry.”
He nods, leaving a few moments of silence to ensure I was done before speaking, “I mean, if it bothers you that much and you think it’d help, I will certainly volunteer to be your test dummy.”
I smile before his words really sink in and I look down to him with brows furrowed, he’s grinning with a pained expression, “what do you mean by that Jungkook?”
His eyes widen and he raises his hands in surrender, “I-I strictly mean it in a if-it-would-help sense, just, trying to offer solutions! Sorry, that was weird and wrong.”
He slouches back down and buries himself in his work, and it’s not spoken of again.
Two weeks later, and my morning runs with Jungkook have become a given, and as the leaves turn redder and begin to brown and fall off, I find his presence more and more comforting. I’m not sure exactly when the lines blurred. I wish I could say I was on something. I wasn’t sober, I was lonely, I was just being stupid. But none of it was true. Well, that last bit is partly true, I was stupid, for not seeing what was going on until it was right in front of me.
“Why not you?” I speak aloud, almost as if my thoughts had slipped past the gates in my brain and right out of my mouth.
It catches Jungkook off-guard, my out of context bambling. He was just stretching against a nearby tree after our run, and asked me what coffee shop I was in the mood for. “Why not me, what?”
I stare at him, mouth agape, and I’m sure it takes me much longer than it should have to conjure up a response. I ran through my options, lie, surely. It’s not supposed to go like this.
Or, just tell him. Jungkook had been a more than good friend to me up until then, why not? “Why not you?” I repeat. He doesn’t speak, leaving me to fill in more of the blanks. I catch my breath finally, “You, Jungkook.” I say, he nods, slowly, almost like he was worried or scared. “Why not go on a date, with you?”
He stares at me. Emotionless. He doesn’t react. He doesn’t respond. He doesn’t so much as move the stray hair falling into his eyes from underneath his hoodie. I laugh, “Nevermind, that was stupid of me.”
He stills, before shaking out of it then shaking his head profusely, “No no no no, not stupid.” I raise my brows and he looks me in the eyes, “I mean, are you being serious?”
I nod slowly, “Well, yeah, it makes perfect sense, and you even brought it up, a while ago.”
He hums, “Yeah, I’m sure I did, but, when?”
He asks for a reminder, “When you told me you volunteered to be my ‘test dummy’ for relationships. So why not, show me what it’s like.”
Something told me his reaction was disingenuous, “Oh, yeah, sure.”
He smiled anyway, picking up his bag and water, “Well, in that case, let our first date be a coffee date, on me.” He animatedly looped his arm around mine and walked away from our running trail and towards the nearby shop.
Jungkook was, as expected, a perfect gentleman. And I thought, that was what he was supposed to be. We were doing this whole thing so I could get some experience under my belt with less hassle and pressure, it was perfect.
There was always something, though. A little voice screaming at me that something is wrong and needed to be addressed. But neither of us did. Not when he walked me to my ‘doorstep’ (the front of my building) on our third date and told me, “this is when any good man would likely try to kiss you.” He looked at me, I looked at him and nodded, “the third date?” He nodded, “Yep, of course, only if you’re showing signs you’re interested, and even better if he explicitly asks.”
I nod and smile up at him, both of our hands shoved into our pockets, the wind making the nighttime much chillier. He bites at his bottom lip and shifts his weight from his toes, to his heels, and back and forth, until I say, “so, are you going to ask?”
This stops him, “ask… what?”
I laugh, thinking how stupid of a question, “To kiss me?”
His eyes widen, and then he leans back, shaking his head with a grin, “No no, this isn’t-”
“What, did I do something wrong?”
He quickly shakes his head, “No, nothing, you’re perfect.”
I ignore the way my cheeks flush despite the cold, “Okay then.” I lead on, he looks at his feet. He never tried to leave, he never told me goodnight, offered to kiss me on the cheek, he just did, nothing.
And I simply wasn’t having that.
I leaned up on my toes and pulled my warm hands from my pockets and placed them tentatively on his face, and I kissed him.
It was quick, I had kissed someone before, albeit years ago, and I was not confident at all in my skills. But I was confident in myself. I knew he wanted to kiss me but didn’t think it was right.
I bid him goodbye that night, and life went on just as it always did. From that line crossed, every line there on after became more and more blurred. When exactly “trial dating” became real dating, I’m unsure.
It gave me a perfect excuse as to why I was spending so much time with Jungkook, and why I was enjoying it, until I tried wine for the first time. We both had a decent amount, and I had sex for the first time.
That, still, is one of my largest regrets. I mostly wish we could go back, and do it differently. Or had at least weighed the outcomes of putting me, the guy I liked, and a bottle of wine and zero reference of a tolerance in a romantically-set up room.
From then on, Jungkook and I have argued over what we are, what to do, what we were doing, at all. I had made a bubble. A perfectly constructed, safe space. No one holding me back, judging me, or shadows looming. I was comfortable in my bubble.
That was until break came, and my bubble literally, popped.
I told Jungkook, (I’ll admit, rather coldly) that from the moment we were back in our hometown, none of this had ever happened. “If they ask, we kept up with each other on campus as friends, but that was it.”
He did not take well to this, but what was I supposed to do? Re-introduce one of my brother's closest friends as “my friend I go on dates with and kiss and sleep with every so often but he’s not really my boyfriend I don’t know we haven’t figured it out yet.” ???? Absolutely not. It is too complicated, too fast, too much for my brain to deal with all at once. It is bad enough returning home, and even worse knowing my problems were following me and harassing me in my own kitchen.
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Jungkook sighs, having relented, “I don’t know what else to do, y/n.”
I pause for a moment, then shrug, “I’ve told you, i-it’s a hard situation. And any normal guy in your position would most definitely not be invited to my home during holiday, let alone bonding with my entire family and even join us for freaking christmas dinner if he wanted.”
His eyes look past me before nodding solemnly, “I get that, really, I-I’ve kept my distance! I’ve done what you asked, but you’re not even meeting me halfway.”
I put my hands out in front of him, “There is no half-way Jungkook.” I look to the basement door when I hear a voice and the steps creaking, “As of right now, there is nothing to talk about.”
He opens his mouth to complain and I loudly hush him, “Ah! Stop talking.”
He tries speaking again, no doubt further complaints about how unfair I’m being, and thankfully he notices Seokjin seconds before he slings his arm around him with a grin, “Wondered what was taking you so long to grab my coke.”
He laughs it off and Seokjin crosses the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge, and I turn to leave before he calls out to me, “Yeah?”
“There’s still pizza down there, and we found the missing 4 striped ball.” He points at the basement door with the drink in his hand and chuckles, “Which if I remember correctly, you lost when you practically threw it at me.”
I roll my eyes, “I did not throw it at you, you hid it from me so I couldn’t win, I was beating you so bad you had to cheat.”
He chortles, “Yeah, that may be, but I’m nowhere near the best player anymore, you could easily win even if I cheated.”
I nod, “Yeah I’m sure-”
“Actually, Jungkook beat me twice and Taehyung forfeited, that's why we sent him up here, so we could have our own losers match.” He makes himself laugh even harder, walking back over to Jungkook, “We’re gonna go play mario kart in my old bedroom, you can join us or see if y/n is still the best at pool.” He speaks to Jungkook, but looks at me.
I shake my head, “It’s not that deep-”
“Of course! We have to.” Jungkook says quickly. I narrow my eyes towards him and he grins cockily, “unless you know you’ll already lose.”
I roll my eyes, “Comedic, you’ve always been a sore loser, I refuse for the sake of your ego.”
He scoffs, “Nope. Liar. You know you’re no good anymore and you’ll lose.”
I shake my head, “You’ll say anything to get me to play.”
He leans against the table, “Just one round. And I’ll even offer best of three, when you lose.” He grins cockily and I mock him.
“Whatever. ONE round, that’s it.”
Seokjin claps, “Perfect! Winner can run their victory lap around the house and boasting rights until next year, and loser pays our dinner later.” He pats our backs excitedly before jogging up to his room, Taehyung not far behind him.
Jungkook and I enter the basement, setting up the game and talking shit, as one does. “Who’s breaking?”
He smiles, holding his chosen pool cue, “Ladies first.”
I nod, “Such a gentleman.”
He laughs, “Yeah, that’s what got me into your pants.”
I mess up my shot and berate him. “I have half the mind to come over there and use this forcefully.” I lift up my pool cue and he pretends to be scared.
“Oh no! Please don’t!” I walk over to him, slap his chest and I only get one good (albeit, wimpy, compared to his strength) hit in before he grabs both of my hands and backs me into the pool table. He leans into me, our bodies touching leaving absolutely no room, and he kisses me.
I’m able to forget my surroundings and lose all rationality when he kisses me. He licks at my lips and I let his tongue slide past, soon enough his hands drop the cue, mine long forgotten as his hands slide down my body and he lifts me onto the table.
My hands are split, one tangling his hair and the other feeling his chest. He continues to kiss me fervently, hungrily, like he was touch-starved and in dire need of attention. He pulls me close and rubs against me, showing me how bad he wants me and it takes all the strength I have left to pull away, calling out to him. He ignores me the first time, kissing me in response to his name. I pull away again, “Jungkook.” he hums, busying himself with kissing and biting my neck, “Jungkook, w-we can’t.”
My pleas fall on deaf ears. “Jungkook, please,” my hands tug on his arms that are wrapped around me, “not here.”
He buries his face in my neck and leans into me with an annoyed groan. I let him rest like that for a while, waiting until he lifted his head and looked at me. “I don’t actually want to play pool.”
I chuckle, “Me neither.”
He takes a deep breath and nods, “Okay so let's use this table for a much better purpose.” He leans back into kiss me and I turn away, laughing at his desperate attempt.
“Jungkook, it’s bad enough, what we’re doing, let alone to do it in my house, where Seokjin is literally in, right now.”
He whines, “I don’t care! I will go up there right now and tell him-”
“Tell him what?!” Jungkook stops in his tracks. “Tell him what, Jungkook?” He doesn’t respond. “Exactly. We don’t have a label. I’m not ready to figure this out yet, there’s nothing to tell them now.”
His gaze softens and he steps towards me, his hands resting on my thighs as he draws circles on them, “But we’ll tell them eventually? It won’t be like this, much longer?”
I sigh, scratching his head and looking him in the eyes, “if we become official, if we really work out, then yes, of course. We’ll tell them.”
He kisses me again, barely parting our lips, “Okay, I’ll stop.”
I kiss him back and laugh, “Really? That’s all it took?” He furrows his brows. “Jungkook, I’ve been saying that since the beginning. Albeit, quite meaner.”
He nods, “You were being a megabitch, but I really like you so I didn’t mind.” He presses our noses together and smiles. I push his chest offendedly and he doesn’t move an inch, “You were stressed, worried, and confused, I don’t blame you. I should've been more sympathetic.” I kiss him again and thank him, followed by my own apology for mistreating him. “But there is still something different this time.”
I hum, “Yeah? What.”
He grins, “You acknowledged us being together.”
I roll my eyes, knowing I couldn’t hide the way my cheeks heat while trapped in his arms, “Whatever, stop talking.”
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚
heyyy thanks for reading! if u liked it check out my masterlist for more :) also!! i am (tentatively) accepting requests! send them in via dm or askbox! hope u have a gorgeous day! - ara <3
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adrianasunderworld · 4 months
More Isabelle doing Isabelle things
@mangacupcake @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
Isabelle: Are those guys playing poker over there?
Jade: Yes, they like to play every Friday here.
Azul: Excellent customers. Though obviously not a word of their activities to the staff.
Isabelle: They must bring in a ton of cash.
Jade: Oh yes, all of them come from wealthy families.
Isabelle: Hm...Do they ever take new players?
Azul: I never took you for a gambler.
Isabelle: It's not gambling if you know what you're doing.
Isabelle: It's nice having tea with you like this,Trey.
Trey: I'm glad, you know you're always welcome. And I've been looking forward to having someone taste test these biscuits.
Isabelle: I'm happy to help. You know I have a friend,Luke, back home that loves to bake as well. And his mentor was the best baker in all the three realms.
Trey: Really? I would love to learn from someone like that.
Isabelle: I think you'd like them. Barbatos, really loved tea too. I remember he mentioned a tea that he always wanted to try, but it's pretty much impossible to get
Trey: Really? Didn't you say Barbatos was some ancient demon, I can't imagine a tea he'd be unable to get.
Isabelle: Yeah, something about it being brewed from the flowers in fairy rings. Fae don't really exist in my world, at least not anymore.
Trey: I see. Maybe the guys at Diasomnia can make it happen.
Isabelle: Huh. You might be on to something.
Vargas: Come on, Rosa, give it your all!
Isabelle on a broom: I'm *jump* ugh! *Jump* trying! *jump* ARGH!
Classmates: *snickering*
Vargas: Alright, Listen, I know you got it in you. Just focus. Visualize yourself flying.
Isabelle: Okay. *deep breath and focuses*
Classmates: She's doing it...!
Vargas: That's it you're getting it!
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Vargas: .....Well it's a start. I'll go get her.
Isabelle: So do you guys make fairy rings? Is that a thing here?
Lilia: Oh yes, though I will say, you're more likely to find them after some festival days back home.
Isabelle: Do little flowers ever pop up in them?
Malleus: Occasionally, yes. Why?
Isabelle: I was remembering a rare tea brew someone told me about back home and you used the flowers from fairy rings for it. I kinda want to try it.
Malleus: Well, you're not likely to find them here. So all the more reason for you to come visit Briar Valley soon.
Lilia: (so proud of Malleus) Yes, we insist you come for the next holiday.
Crowley: Let me get this straight. A giant fight broke out in Mostro Lounge because you hustled a group of students at cards?
Isabelle: How was I supposed to know they were going to be sore losers?
Floyd: It was hilarious, you should have seen their faces!
Crowley: Not the point!
Lilia: What do you have there?
Isabelle: A journal of all the magic I know and am figuring out. It helps me to keep a record of what to know.
Lilia flipping through it: Ah, so a homemade Grimoire. You don't see much of those nowadays- *finds a page in the back full of scribbles and doodles. Some of which being stuff like Malleus name surrounded by hearts* -and what's this?
Isabelle: *snatches it back* Nothing! A uh... manifestation...page...? Shut up, I got bored! Do not breath a word of this to anyone!
Lilia: My lips are sealed.
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
So, she's still alive, smh.
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The ONE thing I was asking for from this rebellion and they couldn't even give me that 😠
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Didn't your actual WIFE die yesterday? Aren't you supposed to be in mourning, for appearance's sake at least?
I thought we were done with him and his nonsense but apparently not.
She was only PRETENDING?
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Why won't this drama let me have good things 😭😭
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Baby is here to take back his home! He is now best buddies with the new Emperor, evil stepmom can seethe 🤣🤣
Are you kidding me?
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I thought she would have more dignity and be openly hostile, not fawn over him so blatantly.
As if he would fall for her act twice.
Their faces, LMAO 🤣🤣
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Adult!Gu Tingye never really made it onto my list of favourite characters but I absolutely love how Feng Shaofeng plays him 🤣🤣 He's so smooth and charming, an absolute rascal! He smiles and I smile, no matter whether it's genuine or not!
Well, in my view, with all their money and lack of boundaries, these wastrel young masters could be doing much worse, such as raping and murdering (like the gentlemen from the Fourth and Fifth Gu house did in their time).
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Third Brother is at least only out supporting the economy by frequenting brothels and hopefully paying the sex workers well. The Song Empire should send him an Imperial decree expressing its gratitude.
This is the full irony of her evildoing.
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And even if he did not yield the title, what could she have possibly wanted that he would not have given?? She and her incompetent son had it made! But no. Nothing is enough when you're born too greedy for your own good.
Eh... not quite, but almost.
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I am fascinated by these people. "We have spent your whole life hating you and ruining your life for no good reason, but how dare you not love us in return?"
Even Lin Qinshuang had more shame.
I live for beautiful scenery in c-dramas 💚
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I'm more invested in him passing this exam than I am in me passing any of mine, which is obvious from the amount of time I spent watching his shenanigans instead of studying 😕
Cackling 🤣🤣
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He's always so outraged by the lack of propriety 🤣🤣
I love the two of them, they are such a good pair! One is so proper and the other so improper!
LMAO, yes, panic 🤣🤣
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It's episode 36, you loser! How long do you expect the girl to wait for you? You had better hurry!
God, this is nice 😭😭
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I wish I had the skill to turn this into art! 💚
Oh, yes, it is the Old Madam you are eager to visit 🙄
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IDK why, but he gives me the ick.
He hasn't really done anything wrong but he's always so nice and kind and sweet and subservient, plus he's not the OTP. All the alarm bells in my head are RINING!!
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I knew there was something shady about him, smh.
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Where do all these cockroaches come from?? Are there no single men in China to marry and you must go after someone who already has a wife??
LMAO, he at least has the decency to be shocked.
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So, he is not on board this nonsense. Good. But is that what happens to screw up his marriage to Minglan? His family insists on him marrying this woman?
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denim-mixtapes · 2 years
Stained Skin (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson/Reader)
Word Count: 1.8k Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson/F!Reader Warnings/Tags: Language, implied smut, pet names instead of y/n (Sweetheart, angel, gorgeous), alcohol mention, dumb horny distractable boys, one brief mention of blood, improper tattoo aftercare (don't,,,let people touch your fresh tattoo, loser) lame set up for a potential part 2. Summary: The scavenger hunt is on when you tell your boys there's a surprise hidden somewhere on your body, but not what or where it is.
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The second you arrive home from the tattoo shop, you’re reaching for the phone, buzzing with adrenaline as you pull it from the wall. 
You call Eddie at home, no answer, which isn’t a shock. He’s usually never there alone, he’s always either with you at your place or bugging Steve and Robin at work. Then, Steve, again no answer. Finally, punching in the number for Family Video, you find success. 
Robin answers, customer service voice dripping with sincerity when she greets you. You force back a laugh at the fake tone. 
“Hey Rob, it’s me,” you say, and can practically hear the friendly persona melting off of her when she sighs. “Are my boys there?” 
“You want the one that actually works here or the squatter?” 
“Hmm,” you finally let out the laugh and lean on the wall, twisting the phone cord with your finger absentmindedly. “Gimme Eddie, let Steve do his job.” 
“Oh yeah, cause he’s getting so much work done now. Hang on,” there’s a crackling on the other line and a thump where she must have set the phone on the counter. “Hey dingus! No- not you, the pretty one…” Her voice trails off as she walks further away from the phone, there’s a protest from Steve and a friendly argument in the background before the phone is picked up again. 
Eddie’s voice through the phone sparks in your ears and with the excitement already prickling your skin, it sends shivers down your spine. “Hey sweetheart…miss me?” 
“Always,” you breathe. “You keeping Stevie busy at work?” 
He laughs, repeating your answer of, “always,” pointedly. “But I know that’s not why you called.” 
Leaning against the wall, you look down and play with the hem of your skirt to reveal your new ink, biting back a smile. “You’re right. I gotta surprise for you guys.” 
“Oh? Do tell.” 
“That wouldn’t be much of a surprise would it?” 
“Come on, sweetheart, don’t tease,” his tone is hushed, and in the background you hear Steve greet a round of customers. “Give me a hint at least? It’ll still be a surprise to Steve.” 
His tone is so sickly sweet, the way he always sounds when he knows he’s going to get what he wants. You take another glance at the dark ink staining your skin and throw your surprise idea out the window, just itching to hear his reaction. 
“Okay but absolutely do not tell him, I want a genuine reaction from one of you at least.” 
You can practically see him miming the gesture as he says, “cross my heart.” 
“‘Kay,” a brief pause, and you giggle at his patient silence, “I got a tattoo.” 
Instead of a verbal reaction at first, he only gives a light gasp, a slow intake of air that gets caught in his throat as he contemplates all the possibilities of what it could be, where it could be. “Is that why you wouldn’t tell us where you were going after work today?” 
“Mhm,” you hum, “thought it would be fun to show instead of tell, once it was done.” 
“Well come on down!” He says, his volume rising with his excitement, “Why wait? We’re both at the store, why not stop by?” 
Butterflies flutter in your stomach as you think of your response. Dropping your skirt, you shake your head, knowing full well that he can’t actually see the motion. “It’s not exactly…public appropriate.” 
There’s no response. Another long pause and the slam of his open palm against the countertop, and he yells away from the phone, “Harrington! When are you off?” Steve’s mumbled response can’t be heard clearly through the receiver. “Good. We gotta go get our girl. Are you home, angel?” You give another small sound of confirmation, and he continues, “Okay, stay put, we’ll be there soon.” 
Both of you say your goodbyes, and a glance at the clock tells you that it is, in fact, almost time for Steve to be off. Well, in about a half an hour that is, but you’re sure with Eddie’s prompting and those damn puppy dog eyes he could convince him to knock off early. He would owe Robin big time, but she’d let him go and close up alone. 
While you wait for them to arrive at your apartment, you decide to swap out the miniskirt that you wore to your tattoo appointment (now stained with ink and dried up blood) for a cleaner, slightly longer one that covers the whole design. You put on a record, grab a beer from the fridge, and hop up onto the kitchen counter with a wince to flip through whatever magazine is closest while you wait. 
They’re beating down your door in minutes, scuffling with each other behind it, bickering like they always do. Eddie is the one knocking, if the rapid excitement behind it tells you anything. Steve is no doubt trying to push him out of the way to let them in with his spare key. You hop off the counter and go to let them in, only to see both men dropping the play-fight to act as natural as possible, leaning on opposite sides of the doorway and smiling back at you coolly. 
“Boys,” you greet with a smile of your own, backing up with a hand still on the doorknob to let them inside. 
“Sweetheart,” Eddie’s voice is low as he stalks up to you, backing you in against the counter and looking over as much of your exposed skin as he can. Finding nothing, his hungry gaze meets yours and he’s pulling you by the nape of your neck in a feverish hello kiss. 
Shadow covers you both as Steve appears behind him, leaning into the two of you to rest his palms on top of Eddie’s, caging you both in. 
You brighten as he leans down over a leather clad shoulder to kiss you too, happily calling out his name and a soft, innocent, “baby, hi! How was your day?” 
“Would either of you care to tell me why I now owe Robin a no-questions-asked shift change because I was practically dragged out of work early today?” He asks, brow raised and a stern look in his eye. 
You grin at Eddie, lip caught between your teeth, and exchange a playful look with the one boyfriend who is in on your secret. He turns in the embrace as best he can to kiss the corner of the frown pulling at the other man’s lips. “Our angel’s got a surprise for us, Stevie, and I was sittin’ on some delicious information that I didn’t think you would want to wait any longer to hear.” 
“Oh yeah?” Steve’s eyes darken as they turn back to you. He doesn’t know what he’s in for, but the tone of Eddie’s voice and the way you’re looking at them both through heavy lids and fidgeting in the way you always do when you’re hiding something tells him he’s going to like whatever it is. “What is it, gorgeous?” 
“What is it with you guys and surprises?” You chuckle, pushing on Eddie’s shoulder so they both back up and let you stand fully. “If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise! You gotta find it.” 
Another laugh rips through you when Eddie takes your hand and twirls you dramatically, looking your body up and down once again. Your skirt ruffles around your calves and he eyes the newly uncovered patch of skin carefully. When you come to a stop in his arms, he’s rolling up the sleeves of the baggy henley you’re wearing and inspecting the skin there, too. 
Following Eddie's lead, Steve turns his attention to you, hands roaming your body, caressing every curve he finds, smirking at the both of you when he reaches the knot in the front of your shirt. “Is it that you’re wearing my shirt again?” He teases, pulling at the knot until the shirt falls slack on your frame, “that isn’t really a surprise. You do that every day.” 
“Nope,” you grin cheekily, “but it might be under the shirt?”
Arms raised above your head, two sets of hands eagerly pull at the hem of the top, pulling it up and over your head and thrown to the side. Eddie turns you gingerly again, slowly this time, both of their eyes practically devour you. You feel the heat of their stares, and when you’ve done a full circle, hands on your hips bring you to a halt. He’s about to protest that he doesn’t see anything but then you hiss at the touch, the fresh tattoo under Eddie’s tight grip stinging, warm. Knowing eyes fall to where his hand rests on your hip, and he lets go as if you burned him. He falls to his knees and presses his lips to the skin by your waistband, meeting your gaze quizzically when your breath hitches. 
You nod, looking between the two men with a shy, bitten smile as Eddie lifts the hem of the skirt to reveal the new tattoo. It crawls up your outer thigh, up over your hip bone and onto your buttocks just slightly. The view is unobstructed, your panties long forgotten the second you got home. 
They both breathe their reactions, a chorus of “oh” and “fuck me, Christ, you’re gorgeous” that sends heat straight to your bare core. 
With his free hand, Eddie traces along one of the more prominent outlines in admiration, earning another hiss from you, pleasurable pain taking over your senses. The way their eyes are glued to you has you squirming, but Steve still stands rooted to the spot, not having said anything past his initial, oh. Pride swells in your chest at the fact that you’ve rendered Steve Harrington – a man who never shuts up – speechless, not for the first time. 
Reaching down to the one at your feet, you run your fingers through his dark, unruly hair, your gaze still fixated on Steve. 
“We know how Munson feels,” you smirk, nodding toward Eddie when you regard him and nibbling on your bottom lip. “What’cha think, Stevie?” 
Finally, he stalks toward you and grabs your cheeks posessively. He mumbles a broken, “you’re fucking incredible,” before licking into your parted lips eagerly. 
Below you, Eddie tugs the elastic waistband of your skirt down your legs gingerly, taking care to not not to drag it across your tender skin and lips following along behind it on the way down. 
You sigh a soft moan into Steve’s mouth, brain already short circuiting at the promise of what’s to come, and you can’t help but think…if this is how they react to this new tattoo, who knows how eager they’ll both be when you come home next week with pierced nipples.
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medicallymercury · 3 months
Haunted (24/02/24)
I feel ill and tired but I watched the episode when I woke up, so.
I know I normally post this after the episode airs but I'm not worried about spoiling anything because all my discussion of the actual episode is below a cut. Just don't read below the cut if you haven't watched yet. Also, I'm only talking about what I can be bothered to write up (so I’m extremely focused on a few characters) because I'm really very tired and my brain is melty.
Is that really it for Paige? It felt like a pretty un-final final episode. Whether that's actually goodbye or not, PAIGE DESERVED BETTER, she's been treated like a side character in another person's life (yes, I know that person is my fave but I get to give him preferential treatment, the writers probably shouldn't) since the start of AHOV but she at least should've been the absolute focus of this episode, not the love triangle. Maybe Barriers set my standards for final episodes too high with how well they handled Sah’s exit.
The patient plot they had going on with Paige and Jodie didn’t feel like it made sense for the two of them as much as it might’ve made sense for Sah and Teddy during the original iteration of the love triangle. Like, since when are Paige and Jodie comparable to ’rush into a burning building’ friends?
I’m sure there could’ve been a way to make Teddy and Jodie interesting, I still wouldn’t have like shipped them or anything but I might’ve accepted them in the same way I accepted Teddy/Paige happening immediately after I thought we were finally getting our Sah/Teddy storyline in With a Bullet, but they have not done it and I want them to break up immediately.
The crowd's reaction to the explosion sounds like an obvious and very silly added-in sound effect and that isn't a complaint because I found it funny. Also the explosion-y scenes we saw today only represent half the explosion-y scenes in the trailer.
Jan and Teddy can have one scene together and I will love every second of it. Di Botcher and Milo Clarke play them so well, they've got the dynamic on point and I just love them so much. I completely believe, as Jan is dragging Teddy away from running into a burning building, that she has been been putting up with him for 24 years. As silly as that can be, I also think it really adds to their storylines (when they get them...), being able to believe that Jan has known Teddy his whole life fuels the I-need-to-lie-down feeing I get any time I think about Teddy and Jan when Teddy was younger.
I’m interested in Tariq. It must be hard to introduce a new main character who already has a relationship with another main character because you have to really hit the ground running, it's probably why the Holbyverse is so full of estranged families. But they did it well with Jan and Teddy and I hope they do it with Rash and Tariq too.
I think I like Siobhan but in the sense that when I was giving my non-Casualty friends the weekly Casualty update, the overwhelming response to "there's a new clinical nurse manager and she's older" was "GIRLFRIEND FOR JAN??????" which I doubt will happen but it's a brilliant suggestion.
She’s what the ED needs, though. Everything is exploding all the time and she has shown up to try and stop that a bit and I love her for it.
With the Harry and Mel stuff: Stevie will be obviously fucking right and they’ll (Charlie and FAITH) all be like “omg Stevie is overreacting fr” IS SHE???? hhhhhhhh… SIOBHAN KNOWS SHE’S RIGHT THOUGH (I’m happier with how this stuff has been this week, actually, just because the show isn’t also treating her like she’s unreasonable anymore)
I’m sure other stuff, important plot stuff, happened but I've not got much brain power left for words so I'm leaving it here.
OH, WAIT, YEAH. “Must have a hell of a bromance going on to go back in there." Theodore, my love, you got shot for your best friend, though that wasn't really a 'bromance' situation, was it? Aughshsh... I miss them and the get-a-room-losers way they used to stare at each other so much.
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fukuokadivision1 · 4 months
Sanyu's Thoughts on OverDrive
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Eko Seishin
"Why does this guy look so familiar... oh yeah. He's that idol that's been appearing around Fukuoka, as of late. Aoi, I think his name is. Truthfully, I was never really into those type of people. So they can sing, dance, and have a group of fans. Big deal. Do something really interesting, and then I may be impressed."
"Other than that, I don't know much about the guy. He and I live in completely different worlds. ...Still, something about him doesn't sit right with me. I don't know what it is, but the alarms in my body almost always seem to go off when he's around. My intuition has saved me more times than I can count, so if they say something's off about this guy, then there must be..."
Mai Yousei
"Mai? I think they're the only one from this team that I know. Ming once asked them to come to her school to teach her kids how to dance and what-not. They were pretty good, which was kind of ironic considering they seem so weak and tired. I met them when I came to pick up Ming from work, and she introduced us. ...I don't know what happened after that. We kinda just stared at each other for a while, examining each other. I get the feeling that, like their leader, there is more to this person than lets on. I get the feeling they may have been used by Chuohku like I was. If so, they have my sympathies..."
Yuno Kamora
"The only other guy aside from the leader that I know next to nothing about. Apparently, he works as a... 'butler-for-hire'? I didn't think people here in Fukuoka could afford to have someone serve them... at least not in the slums where we live. Now over in the fancy part of town where Chuohku has their HQ, yeah, you may see one or two families that have a steward or something, but not many. You have to remember, Fukuoka, we're pretty much near the bottom when it comes to money and economy, so wealth doesn't exactly flow throughout this city."
"But getting back on topic, as I said, I don't know much about this guy. He looks fancy and courteous enough, but... I don't know..."
"...Really Chuohku? You guys went out of your way to force me and my friends to form a rap team for your damn rap tournament here in Fukuoka. And now, you want to make another Fukuoka team? Why?! ...Gah, what the hell am I doing? I may as well be screaming at myself for all the good it does to ask for a reason from you guys. You'll always do whatever the hell you want with no concern for anyone else, whatsoever."
"As for these guys, I don't really know why they're entering this tournament. Probably at the whims of the government like us. I've nothing against them. Truly, losing to you guys would be the quickest way to get out of this tournament. ...But if I know Chuohku, they probably have something special planned for the loser, and I refuse to have anything to do with those bitches ever again, so... sorry about this, but... only one team can represent Fukuoka. And it isn't going to be you guys."
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rinadragomir · 2 years
Okay🫡 here are my thoughts on the first chapter 🧍🏼‍♀️
Magnus/Will/James interactions are HILARIOUS it's seriously the best part. I love this "two friends vibing while the third one's trying to find the most convenient window to jump out of" energy. Will having fun and asking James "r u still depressed kid?" every few hours is MY family dynamic, I relate so much it's scary.
I just don't understand why Will and Magnus don't try to push him harder? He's on the verge of telling everything and if he doesn't do it in the next chapter I'll blow up this book and then myself🧍🏼‍♀️
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Matthew/Cordelia dynamic is... Strange 👀
So on one hand it's pretty satisfying to watch Cordelia living her vogue model life and her and Matthew eating in most fancy places and just enjoying their lives✨💃🏽 Great to know at least someone is having fun in this book😮‍💨 + now I must have an art with Cordelia in all those dresses, I'd look at them like Matthew did 👁️👄👁️💭❤️‍🔥
But on the other hand, Cassie is making Cordelia blind for the plot sake and it makes Daisy look stupid and selfish which is not her fault at this point, it's for the "OMG HE'S STILL DRINKING?!?🤯 I didn't see him drinking when he was around me which equals he stopped😦he promised to stop why it didn't work 😱🙎🏼‍♀️" twist.
And it's so weird, you can't ask an alcoholic to stop drinking and expecting it's gonna work. It's like that meme "if you're homeless just....buy a house?🙄" Cassie pls stop with that, LET ME ENJOY MY FUCKING FOOD
And I don't understand... She didn't tell Alastair anything? But she admits that now he's in real danger because of Cortana, Lilith and Belial..... Why Cassie's trying to show it like sth "oh well Daisy is upset and she won't handle other people thinking bad of her🥺" when in real life it looks like "I guess my brother and pregnant mother might be attacked by Lilith or Belial any moment but😏 life is a risk hehehe 😏 good luck with it LOSERS 💅🏽"
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Lucie / Jesse / Malcolm✨
Not much to say just 😭Lucie 😭 if you can hear me🥹 I'm here 🥹 I'm taking care of you
I'm expecting a romantic family sitcom and nothing else!!! No not like this: IF IT'S NOT ABOUT ROMANTIC FAMILY SITCOM I DON'T WANT IT! I JUST NEED 200 PAGES OF JESSE AND LUCIE BEING TWO KIDS IN LOVE THAT'S IT🙆🏼‍♀️
Okay we know that Lucie will wake up and for some reason Jesse won't be able to touch her. Now I should say I hope Malcom WON'T be useless🙏🏻 and will A) fix Lucie's condition somehow B) deliver some high quality drama with his Annabel or anything. I just hope Cassie has a bigger plan on him than "well he's here to help Lucie heal a bit and be that minor character who's here to be someone else's background". I hope he has his own little story / development in this book.
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Ariadne and her suspicious AF father
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SO um 1) we found out her mother's name is Flora 🌺🌷🌸 and she's... ok? I guess? 2) Inquisitor is either as obsessed with "YOU'RE SO COOL AND I'M NOT AND GIRLS ALWAYS LAUGH AT YOUR JOKES BUT NEVER MINE" revenge as Tatiana or he works for Belial / Tatiana.
Any of these options sucks because Ariadne will have to lose one of her parents AGAIN. And she has no one to support her, no one she trusts completely. ✋BUT I'm glad Cassie's also focusing on "Ariadne's main goal is to have friends" instead of just adding more drama to her relationship with Anna. I genuinely believe that Ariadne's arc is gonna be one of the best.
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Picking the number 3 for the book u hate
ok im finally home i can answer this now YAYYYY
my summer of love and misfortune by lindsay wong. oh my god. fucking dies i fucking hate this book it can go to hell for all i care.
my summer of love and misfortune is about a girl named iris wang whose summer is going to shit. her boyfriend cheats on her, she doesn't get into any colleges, she racks up $6k on her credit card, and feels like she doesn't fit in anywhere as a chinese-american. her parents decide to send her to beijing to help her connect with her chinese culture, and iris agrees, but she doesn't expect to meet Extremely rich family members who are essentially celebrities in china !!!
i was excited to read this book. the premise was interesting and i like books that have a diverse cast of characters :) but. oh my god. ohhh my god.
this book fucking SUCKED. there is not one decent character in this book. iris is the most vain, stuck-up, self-absorbed, NAIVE piece of shit you've ever met. it's insane how genuinely stupid she is sometimes - she mentions at one point that she doesn't even know how family trees work??? my god you are EIGHTEEN you should know that your cousins have the same grandparents. and she admits to having no idea how global warming works. AND she apparently doesn't know what museums are, and got confused as to why nobody was haggling for any of the relics. she never grows as a person until the last few chapters. her horrible behavior is excused at nearly every turn. her own parents call her a loser to her face which i thought was really funny. yessss you deserved that in full
she's so WHINY about going to beijing too?? like. she starts talking about how cruel her parents are and how she must be adopted, but instead of this being a one-time complaint, she starts becoming obsessed with the idea and starts looking up famous chinese celebrities that she "must actually be the daughter of" and she believes this with her entire heart. not to mention that she has... nearly nothing going for her. she's such an unlikeable character and the only thing she has going for her is how much she likes to shop. she actually compares shopping to an extreme sport as an excuse for not having any other hobbies. i think iris has something called compulsive spending, but not once is this ever brought up as a bad thing, and she never really "learns" to be better at spending.
and she has an INCREDIBLE victim complex AND superiority complex. it's insane. she moans and wails about how cruel the world has been to her while simultaneously calling herself a genius for doing basically nothing. in fact, the love interest of this book exists to basically be iris' doormat and enable her victim complex.
when iris lands in beijing, her rich family members (namely her uncle and aunt) offer to get her a tutor to teach her chinese. iris had been upset about not being able to speak chinese, but then later she acted as if she were too good for chinese lessons. she compared the sounds of chinese to an alien language. she ditched her chinese tutor (the love interest) to go shopping. do you understand how much i hate this book.
there IS a transformation here. her rich uncle wants to bulldoze over poor neighborhoods to build luxury hotels, and when iris visits said neighborhoods, she finally FINALLY gets character development. she finally starts thinking of something other than herself. but this development is so rushed and basically told to the reader rather than shown, making it feel incredibly fake.
im not even going to comment on any other side characters because they sucked. all of them. every single character in this book sucked. lindsay wong you can't write a character-driven book if all the characters suck
okay errmmm thats all i think !!! my summer of love and misfortune is genuinely the worst out of all the books i hate and i don't recommend reading it. at all. find something else to read
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paperclip7805 · 2 years
{Massive Toh s3 Spoilers}
This is just gonna be a diary of my thoughts before and well watching the special, get ready for me to fucking lose it.
Kings tide, and so it begins😀
We’re only on kings tide and I’m already crying cause eda kissed hootys head. I totally forgot that happened and I’m gonna lose it
I’m sorry but hooty in a ball is so funny, like, I wanna know how long he actully is.
Imagine if Luz actually got petrified, like she literally almost died. What would have the hexside squad and every one done.
Her almost getting petrified must have been so painful, remember how painful it was when Eda was almost petrified.
Tera turning to rain and asking “Raine? Belos is giving us paradise right?” Will always be a heartbreakingly good line. I get chills every time.
willow is so powerful I love her
King looked like a bowling ball because of the way he fell down the stairs.
I forgot that Gus saw everything from hollow mind, is he gonna bring it up to luz and Hunter at all?
Ew, I didn’t know that they have earwigs on the boiling isles. I can’t escape earwigs
I love how amity and Luz protect eachother they are literally goals
the collector low key fucked Belos up lmao. I forgot how terrifying they are.
I still love the collector and his little “okay!:) boop:)”
Omg the collector is so cool, I feel like he would be an iPad kid
“I’m so happy I had you as a big sister” IM FUCKING WRECKED YOU DONT EVEN UNDERSTAND
Gus’s little cry I can’t do this.
Okay now thanks to them
I’m so fucking terrified
Amity with the tea omgit’s adorable, I need camila needs to teach her how to cook
Hunter really went “they won’t hate you, they’ll hate us:)”
Gus is so cute ONG but he needs to stop breaking stuff
LMAO CAMILA WAS LIKE “WTF” when Hunter knelt in-front of her
Amity leaving out odalia as she should on the family picture.
Huntlow is adorable
Gus you silly goose
I’m just waiting for something absolutely traumatic to happen and then Disney is like “BUY A BARBIE DREAM CLOSET”
Omg it’s duolingo
Amity you loser, she just ate shit
A MAP?!?!
omg luz has a Fanny pack lmao
Poor luz omg:(
the kid with the gauged ears look so cool
Hunter practicing his sewing skills
Hunter is so happy:)
Oh no, now he’s so sad:(
amity, go check on ur girl
“You don’t want luz to turn out like you did” no that’s so fucking mean
Luz is so adorable saying to give the parliaments a kiss
Amity at the library is so cute
Ew not the historical society freak I fucking hate him
Vee is so cool and smart and I love her
Oh thank god Hunter is okay but he terrified, I would be too
Not the basement wtf
Oh thank god it’s just a possum
Omg hunters crying and I’m crying we’re twins
Why is Camilla so weird ab the comic?
Luz and amity are so cute with the costumes they just love eachother so much
everybody is such nerds
IS BELOS GONNA POSSES HUNTER NO OMG? IS flapjack gonna be okay
Hunter needs to go to sasha for therapy
IK that this is a very dramatic moment ad all but it’s funny to me that he put the wolf shirt on under the costume, he’s adorable I love him:)
FlapjackNO WTF
Fight him Hunter you can do this
flapjack:( this is so not okay I’m so not okay. I will never be okay again
Hunter talking to flapjack:(
Good witch luzura:) that’s so cute
IMG vee I fucking love you
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I’m not gonna be okay ever again
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My cry count is like 7:)
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Ok I’m bored at the airport. Here’s a universe where modern myrah and Aemond are an art teacher and history teacher respectively
Wouldn’t it be nice
“Just buy her flowers?”
“No, flowers may be far too forward if he doesn’t know how she feels. She could report him to HR for being a creep,” Helaena corrects Daeron.
“Buy her jewelry.”
“How is flowers too foward but jewelry isn’t,” Daeron scoffs at Aegon.
Aemond just stared at the computer screen as his siblings bickered. Helaena called Aegon a twat, Aegon says the next time he sees her, he’s gonna sit on her like he did when they were children. Suddenly, a new box popped up on the screen.
A tired look looking Rhaenyra, hair pilled on head and Joffrey swaddled in her arms, narrows her eyes at the casual arguement she had joined.
“Helaena, you said this meeting was an emergency.”
“It is,” Aegon pipes up before Helaena can. “I don’t want our brother to die a single, lonely loser.”
Aemond’s computer arrow hovers FaceTime exist button. This was a terrible idea. Things including all of his siblings normally are. Terrible, loud, and headache inducing.
Rhaenyra raises a brow. “Is this about the art teacher?”
“How did you know about that,” Aemond finally speaks, frown on his face.
“Alicent put it in the family newsletter,” Rhaenyra rolls her eyes sarcastically. “Helaena told me.”
Helaena gives a sheepish look to Aemond through the screen.
“We are trying to work out what an appropriate Valentine’s gift is that says ‘yes, we are coworkers, but we could also fuck in my car if you want’.”
“Aegon,” Rhaenyra hissed.
He rolls his eyes, waving his hand nonchalantly. “Daeron is in high school. He’s heard far worse during lunch.”
“Why can’t you just tell her you like her and go from there,” Rhaenyra shifts Joffrey when he begins to fuss. “I get it is Valentine’s Day but is a gift needed?”
“Because he’s afraid, and a gift is more ambiguous.”
“Am not,” Aemond shoots back immediately.
“Are to,” Aegon shrugs.
“Am not.”
“Are t-“
“Seven Hells, she’s an art teacher right? Just make her something,” Daeron piped up, exasperated. “Better something homemade and from the heart than something that reminds her you go back to your luxury apartment after work. Now if you will excuse me, I have homework to finish.”
And with that Daeron’s square disappears. The older siblings sit there in silence for a moment.
“That’s not a bad idea,” Helaena breaks the silence. “The artsy type normally do appreciate gifts you made yourself.”
“Then it’s settled. Can I go now,” Rhaenyra yawns.
“I don’t get why you don’t Mr. Househusband to do that work.”
She cradles Joffrey in one hand to flip Aegon the bird before signing off.
“Good luck, don’t do anything I would,” she says to Aemond before she goes.
“Do you have a picture of your work wife,” Aegon scratches his neck. “She must be hot if you’re going throu-“
Aemond hangs up. Fucking Targaryens.
— — —
The moment Aemond walks down the fine arts class, he instantly hears the crooning of The Beach Boys coming from the art room.
Aemond leans against the door, biting back a smile when he sees Myrah, in a long red dress over a white turtle neck, humming along. Pink butterfly and heart clips in her hair. Arms stretched as she tries to pin a heart to the top of a board.
He knocks on the door, and Myrah jumps before turning.
“Oh thank god, I need you,” she breathes, and Aemond brow quirks. “To hang this.”
Aemond always though Myrah spelt like nothing he’s ever smelled before. Sweet yet spicy; like how the house smells after a good meal. He pins the heart with a name on it on the top of the wall.
“Perfect, thank you,” her smile falters when she gives Aemond a once over. “Aemond, did you not get the email blast I sent out to all the fifth grade teachers?”
Aemond nods slowly. “I did.”
Her eyes stay fixated on his grey sweater and dark slacks. “So, where is your pink or red?”
“I don’t own anything red or pink.”
Myrah blinks, then blinks again before bursting into a fit of giggles. “Seriously? Nothing?”
He shakes his head sheepishly.
“Ok, well I guess that makes sense,” she smiles. “Here,” She tapes a big red heart to his cheat. “Cute.”
“So, do you have any special plans for tonight,” he winces as soon as it leaves his mother. Smooth. Real subtle Aemond.
“My roommate and I plan on making dart boards with our ex’s faces on them. Oh and then watch 27 Dresses.”
Violent, but at least confirmation she is not seeing anyone.
“What about you,” she begins to set out cups of water.
Aegon would tell him to lie. To say he had some hot date with a model, and see if Myrah cares.
“Probably just order Thai food and watch reruns of the Sopranos.”
“Looks like we both have an exciting night to look forward to.”
He palms begin to itch with anxiousness. Just do it Aemond.
“I.. I umm made you something,” he opens his satchel and pulls out the card.
Myrah looks a bit stunned before taking it from him.
“For the best art teacher ever,” she smiles.
Inside the card, signatures from the students they teach. All of his students always go on about how much they adore their their art teacher.
“Oh, Aemond,” her voice wobbles a bit. “I think is the nicest thing I’ve ever recieved.”
He tries not to become to awkward when she reaches out to hug him tightly. The same lovely smell flooding his nose.
“I feel bad I didn’t get you anything,” she frowns.
“Lunch,” he blurts. Then grimaces before taking a deep breath. “Lunch could work.”
Myrah smiles. “Yeah I’d like that.”
He stands there for a moment, feet a bit numb. He didn’t think he’d get this far, but gods he’s relieved he did. He eventually walks back to his classroom with an uncharacteristically bright smile. Valentine’s Day may be his new favorite holiday.
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Eren rolls a couple notes up and slips them right between her boobs while she’s flirting with another guy at the bar! Said guy is in shock, even more so when she shrugs and gets up and follows Eren to the back!! Tbh, she was only flirting with this guy because she looked hot tonight and Eren wasn’t there, was probably supposed to be out of town for some gang related stuff and when he got back he checked her location and decided to turn up. His dick got hard the moment he saw her tits spilling out of that tight dress that was riding dangerously high up her thighs. Probably didn’t even see the loser buying her drinks, just wanted to show “not his girl” (definitely his girl) his appreciation 😏 this incident does not help his case that he’s paying for sex 😭
I got this idea from your tattoo artist fic where he pays Miki by putting the cash she’s refusing to take in between her cleavage!!
K anon i loved this so much I had to write a drabble for it, sorry anon that's why it took me a bit lol!! but omg aww, i forget about tattoo artist Miki and Eren sometimes, this is a great reminder lol!
It's not like Eren to show affection.
Wait scratch that, it's not like her or Eren to show affection. They just don't. They're not dating, they're not friends, they're not anything really, enemies at worst, fuck buddies at best, and she wouldn't even extend the courtesy that far. But at the same time, she finds herself missing him when he's not around, finds her gaze circling the bar, waiting for him to show up, to take her to the back room and fuck her brains out like she wants. She hasn't seen him in a while, can she really be blamed? She'd covertly asked Armin and the blonde had given her this smug all-knowing look that she wanted to smack off his face, but ultimately had told her he was out on gang business, something about betting, bookkeeping, she wasn't too sure.
So here she is, pouting as she talks to some Eren wannabe, some hotshot waving his vape around like he isn't vaping fucking cotton candy. It's almost instantly offputting, but he's about the only acceptable one in the bar right now, so she powers through, at least it doesn't smell like smoke as she's so accustomed to from most of her family members.
It could be worse, but then again, it could be better, he could smell like mint and aftershave and the heady scent of Eren's cologne.
The guy gives her a slick smile, his finger trailing along her forearm in some pathetic attempt at flirtation as he attempts to flag the bartender down to grab her a drink.
"What do you want sugar?" Ugh, a nickname too? There's only one person she'll tolerate nicknames from, and it's only because he's particularly good at evading her punches and has a nice dick, no one else.
Mikasa grits her teeth, smile tight, "A corona is fine." "Oh a beer girl, you sure you don't want something a little fruitier?" Absolutely not on her life, it's much harder for guys to drug beer bottles in her experience, and although she's not sure if that's what he's about just yet, he clearly doesn't know exactly who he's dealing with.
She maintains her smile, icy as can be as she gives him a delicate nod, playing the part of demure party girl who has no idea what's going on here, that this bar is used for drug deals and money handoffs.
"I'm okay, I like my beer." He shrugs, making another aggressive motion for the bartender, but he's once again ignored in favour of higher paying customers with more clout. Mikasa fights to hold back her chuckle, Eren would never be refused and if he was the bartender's head would be on the counter, knife to his throat.
The boytoy has teeth if nothing else.
It's really too bad he's not here.
But God must be smiling down on her or something, because before her date for the night can say another word, make another smarmy grab for her waist, cop a feel at her ass, she feels the very alarming touch of another man on her breasts, warm paper cylinders slipping down her top. She almost whips out the knives, who dares to touch her so callously, so boldly and as she looks down, who the fuck thought she was worth 200 in her titties just for existing. Irate silver eyes turn and just as quickly as she's enraged, she melts again
"Eren," she breathes excitedly, because he looks exceptionally handsome tonight, his hair windswept and clearly still high on adrenaline, shirt sticking to every crevice of his chest and arms.
He shrugs, not even bothering to greet her date, not deeming him worth the energy, talks only to her in a low brusque tone, "You look hot tonight Mika, get yourself something good from the bartender." And then Eren snaps, slamming his right hand rather aggressively down onto the bartop, one quick rumble and the bartender appears almost immediately.
Her date is shocked still, mouth hung open in awe while Mikasa eyes up her first choice for the night, considering all the different ways she wants to bed him. "Get her a shot, Patron, none of that cheap shit," he mulls the rest of his decision over for a moment, giving her a quick once over, before shaking his head conspiratorily, "And a corona I guess."
Mikasa beams at him, and he gives her hip a quick pat before pulling out another wad of cash, he must have done well tonight. He slaps it on the counter, before leaning over the bar to very casually grab an entire bottle of vodka, probably for his table if she had to guess, but she knows the cash will more than cover it. He looks up at her date finally, as if remembering he was there, Eren's pretty face pulls up into a disgusted scowl as he notes his hand on her forearm, "And you, newbie, you want anything?" The boy swallows nervously, shaking his head and Eren shrugs before giving her ass a quick smack and waltzing back to his table with his entire bottle of vodka, like he didn't just blow her mind, didn't just pop 200 between her tits bc she looked pretty tonight. And she supposes that's what really attracts her to Eren in the end, his ability to take complete control of a situation, dominate her attention, no one else has ever captured her interest in quite the same way. And as the bartender hands her the corona and her shot, she thinks she wants that tonight and not some green newbie. She takes her shot quickly, chomping down on the lime and wiping her lips with her sleeve, before grabbing the bottle neck of her corona, "I'll see you later newbie, I've got business to take care of." And then she trounces off to see her man, cuddle up in his lap and sip on his vodka until he agrees to leave with her.
She thinks he deserves a little something for saving her from the douche bag and well, like Eren said, she looks hot tonight, her little black dress barely covering her important bits, someone should appreciate it.
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overgrownmoon · 9 months
vent post
i’m not allowed to be angry.
how dare i complain. how dare i argue and bicker. how could i act so childish and irresponsible, pull yourself together and act right. dont cuss, don’t hit, don’t yell; stay good. be good. i have better things to worry about. your little brother is throwing a tantrum, i don’t need you throwing one too. you’re the eldest, you don’t need to be crying. behave. act right and don’t make a scene.
don’t be so down on the state of the world. don’t let it get to you. don’t focus on politics. don’t talk about things that upset you. focus on school, you don’t have time for that anger. you have no where to put it and nothing to do with it. you have everything you need, why are you complaining? why aren’t you happy yet? everything is gonna be ok, don’t be sad. don’t be upset.
nononono. no. no. i want to be angry. i want to scream and stomp and yell and cry and hit because i am so. angry at the world and all the horrible people in it and the horrible rules of society we came up with and everything that we do to eachother and the planet and i’m so so angry that i can’t do anything about it. i’m significant. i’m not a rich oil baron that can lobby the government, i j not an elected official, im not an influencer or speaker. i have no power. for every straw that i deny and plastic cup i recycle millions more are manufactured and dumped into the oceans. for every bill i oppose politicians sche on how to add more, do more, get wicked things to pass.
i’m tired and stressed and angry. i want to do something but i have no time, money, or energy to do it.
do i make an impact? do i matter? am i more than a cog in a machine, a number on a document? can i ever be more than a depressed white middle class asshole with a broken brain? who complains day in and day out how fucking depressed they are, oh how bo-hoo sad my life is oh ducking shut up asshole. i don’t know the meaning of suffering. oh lord your parents got divorced we get it and you lived in a nice house with toys and food and a good school and loving family and ooooohhh how hard your life must have been. how much you must have suffered while you went out with friends and had a good dad and a nice computer and good grades in school. what the fuck do i have to be upset about? ducking nothing i’m just a piece of shit loser with such a broken and failed fucking brain that i somehow convinced myself that i’m not a shitty awful person!
what point is there. nothing fucking matters. at the end of the day the fuckers in charge will get what they want while us plebeians get to wallow and suffer for our wages. we’ll beg and grovel at their feet for a luveable planet, drinkable water, a home to live in. so list and fucking doomed we are. i don’t want to participate in society. i do t want to do any of this. i didn’t want to be born. i wish i was never born. i don’t want to be here i don’t want to do any of this it all sucks and unfair and no one ever ducking asked me if i wanted to be here! i am forced into this goddamned nonsense world where profits are more important that morals and i’m sick of it! but the only other option is death and that’s looking like a pretty good option compared to what the fuck is gonna happen to us in the future!
fuck this. fuck everything. fuck your “have hopes” and “look at the bright sides” and whatever the fucking fuck. they won’t change the damn bed facts right in front of us. they won’t stop this fucking garbage fire from burning. i want to be angry. i want to so angry i can cave in concrete and shatter glass. i want to snarl and rip and tear and kill and maim and destroy eveything around me and then finally rip into my own chest and rip out my own heart so i never have to have it hurt from watching everything fucking collapse around me.
privileged fucking asshole. at a good college, don’t have to work, living with my parents. i still have the absolute audacity to be so bitchy and ungrateful. of fucking course. i fucking hate myself
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gurggggleburgle · 1 year
me having a depressive episode and drinking since noon and eating coffee beans because i have so little left to live for in my life and i can't find the motivation to care that i'm going to be homeless and starving in about 3 days because rent no longer includes food and i can't find the will or just ability to get a better paying job so i might as well let my family choose my entire life from here out anyway because that's what is always the most relevant aspect of any attempts of my own to live my life. i fuck up because i'm a worthless loser of no value and should have finished ruining my body forever by sticking my hand in the meat slicer at work since i already can't draw anymore anyway but i can't let anyone know that because i still have to give some illusion that i'm still physically abled but i can't even hold chopsticks correctly anymore let alone draw for ten minutes:
and for the scum villain musical that lives in my head rent free shang qinghua and shen yuan confront each other post the abyss and as they're working on their plan discuss why PIDW became what it did but they discuss it in the terms of the hell of making a stage production and the changes that can happen between previews which implies shen yuan came to literally every preshowing they had which is a psycho move. the dialogue leading into the song goes something like
"What even happened to this play? I saw the initial showings. I saw what you had and every new viewing it got worse and worse! It's hardly the same play" SY
"You think I don't know that? You think I'm not aware of how many rewrites and workshops went on every rehearsal. You think I wanted it to turn out like this?" SQH
"Then why did you let it become like this?" SY
"Why? WHY? WHY?????" SQH we lead into song. i just have lyrics. i'm no composer so go with me on this. I imagine the lead in is like a twangy acoustic guitar
"The nature theatre is cutthroat and sharp. And to make profit you have to play it smart."
"And easy. Ambition is rarely- ever- awarded."
"Get too ahead of the game and you will be just shorted. The stage is limited and the score is set and match."
"You do what you must. The script that we trust, to put us in the place we need to be. Inevitably. A gamble that is meant to fail. But you stand through with and you do it so you can pay the bills."
"So what if the motivation doesn't make sense? So what if the final act is lacking in being tense."
"The sponsors say through out the drama- add a lotta- ROM COM ELEMENTS!"
"You cut and take all the things you like. Praying one more day to keep on the lights. Just for one chance at fame and to have people see your name."
He stops singing to hold up pages of the prop script, "Every showing a new comment from a new critic and investor was piled on. Oh, Shen Qingqui is focused on too much for being such a minor character. Is this supposed to be a thematic parallel? It's not very strong. Maybe just cut it. Maybe you need more comedic numbers in the third act? Have you considered making the play a harem."
"More anime. More wish fulfillment! More things that sell!!"
Lead back into singing but still kinda singtalking, "And you just go along with it. Because it's been three weeks and you haven't eaten anything but fucking ramen noodles and soy sauce packets you stole from work. The heat hasn't been on and it's winter and at this point you're just done trying to have an artistic vision in the collaborative joy that is musical theatre."
"So you cut and take all the things you like. Just doing your best just to get it right. Hoping one more moment that you can make it work all the same."
"The score is mess. I'm doing my best! And if it can still be a hit- that's all I want from this!"
"It's not okay but you go on through it. Push and shove all the thoughts put to it. Knowing that it's for the best to make it all a big success."
"The tentpole is awful which for this is unlawful. The opener's a rip off but you try just play it though. The script is manic- don't worry or panic."
"That's how the whole game is played. If it's a satire too soon on market it will fail. For a social commentary the timing must avail. Romance seems easy but the market is fickle. Hamilton was big but Great Comet still failed."
anddddddd i don't have anymore than that..... please forgive but. basically song is 90% our hamster man being meta about creative industry because my favorite element of svsss regarding him is how he's a complete meta comment from the author about the hell of having to make art that makes money and not what you want. whether the original draft would have been a better book or not is irrelevant to the fact that his motivation was completely based in profit and if there is one thing musical flops make me think about is how being ahead or thinking up a new idea for a musical doesn't mean you'll succeed. Remember Dear Evan Hanson swept the tony's and The Great Comet shut down. The Grinch musical was weirdly a huge finacial hit despite being souless as hell but Elf the Musical which was weirdly a passion project struggled.
good art is sadly not always profitable
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