#booooo cowards
flufflecat · 10 months
this is the most beautiful creature on earth and I will kill someone if it asks me to
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theophagie · 9 months
I've unearthed my copy of kh 3d just to see where I left off and considering that I was 12 and didn't remotely understand the technicalities of the fighting system because English™ honestly not bad
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fuwaprince · 8 months
The more vocal I am about what's fucked up the more the people around me are ready to burn it down together sooooo..... hey wait isn't there a law that says if the school burns we all get a bachelor's degree or something?
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It's just a legend :/
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miraculousbohemian · 10 months
wdym they aren't selling the women's kits???
well fuck everyone then
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latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
in the ballad n brews event when diluc was like hey do u wanna stay over for dinner i genuinely couldn’t tell if he was speaking to kaeya or just the traveller n paimon lmao i might need to rewatch a clip of it on youtube bc i’m still not convinced he Was directing it towards kaeya
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assorted dune 2 thoughts fresh out of the theater
like the direction this version is going with chani. hell yeah let her do something! let her have friends! let her be fucking pissed!!!
hate the stilgar character assassination; i feel like it would've been natural to show his book development from skeptic/pragmatist to follower/believer in tandem with that of the other fremen. i suppose at the end of the day runtime gotta runtime but >:(
related to runtime gotta runtime: booooo show the fremen spice orgy cowards but i do absolutely respect putting off the bulk of the alia situation until the next installment
liked austin butler as feyd-rautha way more than i expected; honestly might be my favorite performance of the movie
(timmy c's is my least favorite. he's not a bad actor so much as just a deeply boring one, imho.)
LOVED florence pugh as irulan; inspired casting
the emperor's eye of sauron-ass ship sent me almost as much as casting christopher walken as shaddam iv. sure. fuck it. why not. (still devastated that josé ferrer had so little screentime in the lynch version)
would LOVE to hear from non-book fans re: how comprehensible and watchable this was for you
the b&w sequence fucked severely
“say the word villeneuve” “h-holy w-w-ar—” “guards!”
agree with other reviewers that it was a bit odd to (under)cut the influence of the spacing guild here given that i remember them being a pretty crucial faction in dune messiah (and presumably children of dune + the other books i admittedly never got to)
overall: very prettily shot, intrigued by but not wholly displeased with the changes made, still felt kinda emotionally hollow to me but at least less so than the first movie
i think paul as a character is just damnably hard to adapt to the screen as so much of his book characterization is accomplished via internal monologue. his actions are indeed very important, the most important, but you miss out on most of his internal/existential struggle, which renders him both more unlikeable and less compelling.
more to come as i remember things probably
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celticcatgirl2 · 13 days
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“…didn’t work for either of us”
BOOOOO! bad writing! DC Cowards!
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ed-died688 · 4 days
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hats-all-de-hats · 2 months
tonight a Jewish holiday partially about hats starts! its called Purim, and we celebrate by making fun of the villain of the Purim story, Haman (boooo) and haman's (booooo) hat!
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here is what his hat looked like
we also make cookies in the shape of his hat (or possibly his ears) called hamantaschen and eat them to celebrate defeating him.
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Purim is celebrated by partying, drinking a lot and being as loud as possible, so I think it could be quite popular with Jagerkin!
Ho, dat does sound like fun! Mebbe hy take a break zo it dun get too loud fer me, but any party iz pretty often qvite fun.
Now, hy dun know about de jewish holidays. Hy didn't get out ov Mechanicsburg much, ja? Und our holidays hy tink iz pretty locally specific. Zo! Hy looks into it, because, vell. Hyu mention a hat zo ov course hy gots to!
Der shtory ov Esther vas a goot read- dat hy gots somevun else to tell me it, ja. Und ho boy, hy see vhy iz traditional to boo dis guy vhen his name iz mentioned. Soch an uptight vun und full ov himself, vhat he do to deserve efferyvun bowink, much less his hat? Ho ja. Boo Haman. Booooo! Hy iz hopink dat efferyvun dat rise op in defense gots goot hats off deir enemies! Und den a verra goot party vit de drinkink und shamink dat guys hat by eatink it! Effen if iz chust symbolically und not as a sandvich. Hyu show him!
Iffen dat vas historical pikture of Haman's (booooo) hat, hy vouldn't fight him. De hat izn't much mine style. Iz a goot simple hat, dtough, de kind dat iz goot fer makink hyu own. But he sounds like he vas a coward, tryink to get odder pipple to do his fightink und fer soch shtupid reasonink? Iz goot he gots executed cause hy bet he vould have been a borink fight.
Und iffen iz appropriate sayink- l'chayim! Have fun vit hyu drinkink! Hy vill have a drink in spirit! Iz alvays fun to learn new tings.
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quackle · 5 months
If there’s a third season in the future, what do you hope to see?
Mine are:
1. More Mkulia. And they somehow find a way to gain control of their team.
2. Raj and Wayne got separated into two teams, I want to see how they deal with their own team and their thoughts of compete against each other.
3. Add two more characters and make it 3 teams with 6 person.
4. An unexpected villain arc for a originally good character and let them win. (I kinda want to see Damien got one after he knows Total Drama well enough.)
gonna ramble about my s3 wishes under cut. i'll probably come up with more as the days go by:
i just think we deserve a girl vs girl finale. too many missed opportunities for one. i need to see girl success.
i love julia, but let's give the main antagonist role to someone like, oh i dunno, the contestant who has sworn vengeance on this cast during both of her eliminations maybe? (i'm looking at you scary girl. keep your word! make it to the dang merge and make their lives hell! i've written an analysis for you and everything!)
i don't even care if nichelle wins anymore (and that's saying a lot coming from me), but can we PLEASE just PLEASE get her to the merge at least? i am so sick of people calling her niche-L like STOP 😭 can we TRY with her character instead of making it into a gag? just a little attempt?? for me??? (as you can see, i am staring hard at the only two contestants from this gen who didn't make the merge in both seasons)
give us a challenge at night. give us a swimming challenge. give us alt outfits. give us new settings. give us some creativity and fun. we deserve it. the island is cool but imagine if we were quite literally anywhere else. your ratings will peak.
i would also like to see the hockey bros on separate teams, especially after wayne has seemingly gotten over his fear of being on a different (hockey) team than raj. it would be interesting for their characters imo!
no central romance plot i BEG. put that big binder AWAY. not saying we can't have a romance plot (i think they can be cute and nice!), but let's just make sure it isn't the central plot or i'll lose my mind <3
make mkulia canon you cowards. i know i just said no central romance plot but like. we can still make this a subplot if we try hard enough.
i need more drama in total drama. like. let's make the drama STICK instead of having it rushed and solved in the span of an episode. long lasting tension leaves the audience gagged and wanting more. if we gotta make longer seasons then so be it! (oh how i miss the longer seasons...)
if y'all don't make emma and bowie talk next season like........... do not separate the besties like this! bring them back!
and speaking of my fav white girly—we need her to get some plot. i do not ever want to see her eliminated the way she was ever again. that was heartbreaking!
if we can't make a world tour/musical season happen again, first of all, BOOOOO THAT SUCKS, and second of all, can we at least squeeze in a musical episode? i gotta hear them sing, i'm sorry... my musical phase is never-ending i fear
you know that one intern? the one with the really good design? it would be soooooo cool if they made her a contestant to fill in a contestant quota or something. it would be sooooo cool 😇 don't you guys think it would be sooooo cool?
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limeade-l3sbian · 1 month
I was gonna go with beast!Adam from beauty and the beast but no actually LUMIERE can get it (but also rate Adam pls)
Lose the attitude, coward. Yell in my face one more time and a dancing knife is going to trying to figure out why he's hanging out of your neck. BOOOOO. 2/10.
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NO. 1/10!!!! He is a player, friend. Don't fall for it!!!!! Plus he's french
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c4nonball · 1 year
Sorry I think you’re a cowardly coward if you refuse to criticise cosmetic surgery boooo bleh you’re sucking the postmodernist american libertarian teat and it’s embarrassing booooo
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murasaki-cha · 1 year
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Jsjskdjdjdkksks he couldn't handle it!🤣
Booooo Caesar you coward!
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stephaniedola · 10 months
i hate when characters in tv/movies say something about another character not wearing makeup and it cuts to a shot of that character wearing the most intense hollywood "natural" makeup
like booooo cowards let her go on screen with just some powder for the lights what are you scared
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accidentalharrie · 2 years
Tell me i don't here people going "Booooo" and laughing like they're funny? Why are they even there?? That is so fucking embarrassing I have no words. If anyone even tries doing that when I go see it. These cowards wouldn't dare if she was there. I'm disgusted, they should have been asked to leave. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cib8RntjlSs/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Taking a hiatus from my tumblr hiatus to put on record that I will absolutely embarrass anyone who does this at the Tyson's Corner IMAX showing on Monday night.
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eightertrek · 1 year
booooo use his sexy theme you fucking cowards
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