#wild spirit wolf sanctuary
wilderun · 11 months
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Yote pal at the sanctuary I volunteer at
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felonious · 1 year
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yorkcalling · 2 years
New Music: Luna Keller - Wolves
New Music: Luna Keller – Wolves
Spain-born, Cologne, Germany-based acoustic singer songwriter Luna Keller has become a favourite of mine since we first discovered her music at the end of 2020. Since then, we’ve shared a veritable cornucopia of her releases, the latest being Wolves, a tribute to Twitch streamers Alex and Lyca. (more…)
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I was doing an artwork for Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary's drawing contest - the Prompt was 'Born To Be Wild'. This artwork is still available as a sticker on their website - as well as many lovely stuff in the gift shop. Feel free to check their goodies out and help their sanctuary even with just a small amount - or perhaps with an artwork or a merch design. ;)
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (20)
Leshy – ‘Forest guardian’, the lord of the forests
The Leshy is a tutelary deity of the forests in pagan Slavic mythology. He is the spirit who rules the forest and the hunt, and the master of the forest animals.
Leshy had well developed polymorphic skills. Mostly, he was appearing as an anthropoid creature, old  man with a beard, sometimes a one eyed cyclops. He could change his sizes due to the height of the forest. Moreover, he could take the form of animals such as wolf, bear, eagle-owl, or even transform into wind. Leshy’s helpers were  various small demons, ghosts and forest imps, such as auk (the ghost of echo), puszczewik, Mochowiks, (guardians of mosses) Lugowoj and Polewoj. There were also caring creatures, for example grybicz (mushrooms), jagodynicz (blueberries), pczelicz (bees), whose names clearly show what kinds of forest “inhabitants” they were taking care of.
Towards people, his behaviour was changing, from neutral to hostile. It depended mostly on how people treated the forest and its creatures. Leshy was especially unfriendly to hunters and lumberjacks, who were clearly violating his inhabited lands. Depending on his attitude, he could either misguide people, or help them to find a way out from the forest, play pranks by, such as scattering forest undergrowth from the basket, or protect them from wild animals attacks. Formerly, the place, where Leshy’s presence, or signs of his activity, were observed, was considered as a sanctuary. It was forbidden to come in to that part of the forest, but more importantly, to cause damage such as cutting down trees, hunt, or collect fruits of the undergrowth like nature reserves.
If you are walking through a deep, overgrown forest and feel someone looking at you or following you, it could be a Lshey. If you turn around to look at him, you cannot see him as he’s much quicker than you.
He may try to misorientates travellers entering the forest and lure them deeper into the forest, but if they wear their shoes backwards and their clothes backwards and forwards, the Laceys will be confused and their magic will be easily broken.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (20)
レーシー 〜「森の番人」、森の主
真っ白な頭髪と長い髭を持ち、足まで届く頭髪と髭で体が隠れている。 森の中では樹木と同じように大きくなり、森の外では木の葉に隠れられるほど小さくなるともいわれる。
レーシーはよく発達した多形能力を持っていた。最も一般的なのは、人間型生物、髭を生やした老人、時には一つ目のサイクロプス、不自然なほど白い顔の人間として現れることである。また、森の高さによって大きさを変えることができる。さらに、狼や熊、鷲のような動物の姿になったり、風に変身したりすることもある。レーシーの助っ人は、アウク (木霊)、プシュチェヴィク、モホヴィク、ルゴウォジュ(苔の守護者)、ポレウォジュなど、さまざまな小悪魔や幽霊、森の妖怪たちである。また、グリビッチ (キノコ)、ヤゴディニッチ (ブルーベリー)、プツェリッチ (ミツバチ)など、世話好きな生き物もいた。その名前は、彼がどんな森の「住人」の世話をしていたかを明確に示している。
深く生い茂った森の中を歩いているとき、誰かの視線を感じたり後をつけられている感じがすれば、それがレーシーである可能性がある。 姿を見ようとして振り向いても彼の方が素早いので姿を見ることはできない。
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autistic-zukoao3 · 3 months
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"I am a Good and Loyal Dog,
I keep those I love safe,
And I bury my snout in the ribs of those who threaten them."
Wanted this to be a wolf dog, but that was weirdly hard to find references for. So, we used a photo of a wolf.
This one!
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This is Artemis and she lives at Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary and is a very good girl.
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icantlose · 7 months
As the elevator door drags open, a familiar silhouette emerges from the headache-inducing fluorescent light. The illuminated lift bleeding into the dimmer, neon-stained dining room of the Sargasso Lounge, the Lord of Sargasso's presence practically announcing itself as he steps through. The lupine's favorite barstool stands as a practical throne to the heart of this celestial sanctuary, worn leather wheezing underneath his weight as he settles into it. Wordlessly the on-duty bartender approaches O'Donnell. Their eyes sharp and knowing, and quickly, a tumbler of Wolf's favorite whiskey is presented to him, the smooth glass sliding against the overly-waxed surface of the bar counter. The cold whiskey glistening a rich gold in the low neon light. Its scent, a potent mixture of aged spirits, grains and smoked woods, offers the lupine a promise of a good time as it envelopes him in a familiar embrace.
With a silent nod of gratitude, the Lord of Sargasso raises his glass to the bartender, the amber liquid catching the fractured light of distant stars that peer though the reinforced glass windows. The first strains of a song echoes from the karaoke machine, a siren call to the many who seek both redemption and release. Tonight, bravery isn't measured in ones strength or selfless actions, how many bullets were spent or spared, or just what kind of unthinkable threats were faced out in the dust storms of the Titania wilds, or deep in Zoness's darkest trenches... instead it is judged by the decibel and many patrons would earn their wings by singing their hearts out.
Leaning back, Wolf's one-eyed gaze sweeps across the lounge. Pool cues meet colored balls with a precision that borders on artistry; all of it mingling with laughter and even the occasional burst of small applause. The Friday night lights paint the room with vivid strokes, illuminating the faces of those who seek refuge in this lawless haven.
A grin curls upon Wolf's muzzle, an acknowledgement of the unique beauty that thrives in the chaos of Sargasso Space Zone. Here, he isn't just the Lord of Sargasso, but he is the steward of a realm where the audacious and the unyielding find solace among the stars, in the vast spaces between worlds. He takes another sip of his whiskey, savoring this peaceful moment.
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"Not bad..." The Star Wolf leader thinks to himself. "You're doin' alright, Wolf..."
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In the depths of a realm devoid of light, Where shadows dance and echoes take flight, A tale unfolds, both poignant and dire, Of souls entrapped, consumed by fire. A bird human, with wings of grace, Yearns for the sky, an elusive space. A human, frail and lost, seeks a way, To navigate this desolate gray. A wolf girl, haunted by the moon's keen gaze, Her spirit broken, a labyrinthine maze. A fish man, longing for the ocean's embrace, His scales now dry, in this alien place. A zombie girl, her memory veiled, Trapped in a cycle, her fate unraveled. Five souls entwined, bound by despair, Lost in the void, their destiny unclear. Like ships adrift upon a stormy sea, They drift aimlessly, seeking sanctuary. Yet, hope flickers, a fragile flame, As they cling to memories, reclaiming their name. A bird human, soaring above the strife, Whispers of freedom, a path to new life. A human, guided by a flickering light, Discovers strength, dispelling the night. A wolf girl, howling at the moon's embrace, Finds solace in the wild's untamed grace. A fish man, yearning for the ocean's song, Embraces the void, where he truly belongs. A zombie girl, her memories restored, Breaks free from shadows, her spirit unmarred. Together they stand, united and strong, Overcoming darkness, their spirits reborn. In the depths of the void, they find their way, From despair to hope, from night to day. For even in the darkest of realms, there's a spark, A flicker of light, illuminating the dark.
Oh do we have a poet here now?
You're just mad your being called a fish man
Shut up Red
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capricornsicle · 2 years
The "Wolves" of Teen Wolf
Let's talk about wolves. No, not werewolves, much as I love to talk about them, but wolves. More under the cut, because this is going to be a long post.
Teen Wolf is no stranger to using real wolves for filming. In this 2013 article by Hypable (unfortunately the super-helpful videos within about this subject are no longer available), the author describes a video of how animal handler and trainer Chris Edrington (his IMDb page), previously working with Paws for Effect and now Working Wildlife, brought two wolves, Shadow and Frankie, to the set of Teen Wolf for shots of Shadow baring his teeth in the "This Might Hurt" Season 3a promo. The video within the article, which would be really cool to watch if it was still available, allegedly features Edrington describing how Shadow was trained to bare his teeth for TV.
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(Image: The trained wolf Shadow bares his teeth. Image courtesy of MTV's season 3a "This Might Hurt" promo, linked in the above paragraph.)
Why use real wolves for TV instead of CGI? Well, back in ye olden times, or 2013, it cost a lot less to hire a real wolf for a day than to CGI one. Nowadays, CGI animals are a dime a dozen (mostly because CGI artists aren't unionized the way set artists and animal handlers in Hollywood are, as touched upon by this Guardian article). This Wall Street Journal article about filming with real wolves for HBO's True Blood asserts that, "The cost of live wolves varies, but they typically rent for under $500 a day, plus the cost of trainers." But also: "Since the animals prefer to travel in packs, six or seven additional wolves may accompany a wolf actor, but producers don't have to pay for the rest of the entourage."
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(Image: Trainers working with stunt wolves on the set of HBO's True Blood. Image courtesy of Wall Street Journal article linked in paragraph above.)
Of course, having real wolves on set poses a problem: wolves are not dogs. And wolves do not act like dogs. They're very cute and fluffy, but try to pet one, and they may just take your arm off. The WSJ article linked above also describes some of Steve Martin's (owner of Working Wildlife) usual suspects for TV wolves, and how they differ greatly in personality and are better suited to different filming locations and different types of scenes. It also describes times on set where actors were stopped from eating food before the wolves were due for filming, because of the safety hazard to both actor and handler.
So what do real wolves act like? Well, citing my experience working at an animal shelter (2 years handling dogs/cats, coordinating/working events, facilitating adoptions) and my experience volunteering at a wolfdog sanctuary (1 year working with mostly mid-content and few high-content wolfdogs, after extensive training about safe handling), wolves are like large Spitz breeds (Huskies, Malamutes, Akitas, etc., the Pomeranian and some other small, fluffy dogs also fall within that category), but on steroids.
I am choosing not to mention the locations or names of places I have worked, in the interest of internet privacy. If you would like to know more about my experience working with wolfdogs, feel free to send an ask! Or, visit the page for one of the following wolfdog sanctuaries/rescues: Yamnuska, Wild Spirit, Texas Wolfdog Project, Shy Wolf
You may know people describing their Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes as many things -- beautiful, majestic, energetic, intelligent, mischievous, and often, destructive. The AKC page for Siberian Huskies actually specifies that owners should never let their Husky off-lead, because of their strong desire to run at any given opportunity, but they are animals that can be friendly and good with children if well-socialized.
Wolves do not do that. They are not friendly with people, and they are certainly not safe around children. Many people keep wolf/dog hybrids (and many keep them poorly, but that's a different subject), most of them rescues from irresponsible breeders or people who thought they were getting a regular domestic dog. While some wolfdogs are incredibly well-trained, able to go on pleasant off-leash walks, and attend educational events about wolfdogs, most require an outdoor habitat with extremely specific fencing, a lot of space, and diligent attention to their mental and physical exercise needs, and may never be affectionate with their handlers.
As the WSJ article describes, Working Wildlife also keeps wolfdogs on retainer, usually high content (a high percentage of wolf DNA compared to dogs, in the 75%+ range), for scenes where wolves may not be able to tolerate actors and their movements. However, even hybrids can be unpredictable and snappy. The article also describes a time when Brit Morgan (who plays werewolf Debbie Pelt on True Blood), shot a scene with two wolfdogs, and one got too excited and snapped at her (the actress was fine, and says it's one of her favorite scenes).
From my own personal experience, wolves and wolfdogs are very skittish, generally afraid of humans, and like to communicate with your teeth. If you've ever tried to take something out of a large dog's mouth (which is incorrect, instead offer something else to pick up and redirect the dog's attention so you keep all of your fingers), well, imagine doing that but the dog is 150lbs (about 68kg) and the something is your arm. If you don't keep your mouth closed, it will quickly be investigated by a wolfdog's tongue, and the only time you should have food near anything even part wolf is when you are carefully feeding it large chunks of raw meat, which, to a wolfdog waiting impatiently for dinner, is not terribly different from the hand that's holding it.
Wolves are fascinating creatures, and generally poorly understood by both TV and by the general population. Dr. David Mech, author of the study that started the theory of "alpha wolves" and eventually was adapted into the "alpha male", has renounced that research (and begged the publisher to stop printing his outdated 1968 book), rejecting the idea of "alpha" wolves in favor of the "adult male" and "adult female", because wolves in the wild actually group into packs by family, not by some constantly fighting hierarchy of pure male dominance. You can read more about his research on his website.
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(Image: Dr. Mech studying arctic wolves on Ellesmere Island, where wolves have little interaction with humans and can be more safely studied up close. Image is public domain, found on the USGS website.)
So Teen Wolf doesn't have a very accurate impression of the social hierarchy of wolves. Ok, it was an MTV show that started airing in 2011, what do you expect, but! Let's bring together Hollywood wolves and Dr. Mech's research to further discuss the "wolves" of Teen Wolf.
Why do I keep putting "wolves" in quotations? Well, because the black "wolf" we start seeing in season 4, Derek's "evolved wolf form" (and is the same canine actor in season 5 when we see Theo's wolf form, and also Talia Hale in 3x08 "Visionary"), is most certainly not a wolf. It looks to me like an all-black German Shepherd or similar breed (GSDs have a good profile for playing a wolf, but the coloring tends to give them away, which is why a lot of "wolves" on TV are solid black or white -- similarly, many horses on the screen are black or white, because it's easier to paint over markings and match colors than with chestnuts or bays, which are astronomically more common colors). However, I was unable to find any information about the doggy actor, and no handler or organization was listed in Teen Wolf's credits for the appropriate episodes, so the actual stats of the dog in question are unknown. If you do have any information, please feel free to share!
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(Images: (top left) Wolf!Derek jumps down from a rocky ledge, showing his size in comparison to Araya Calavera. (top right) Wolf!Derek, with glowing blue eyes, runs towards Kate Argent. The dog is considerably less than waist height. (bottom left) Wolf!Theo chases Mason and Liam through the high school. We can see that the dog is of medium-large size, maybe 50lbs (22.5kg). (bottom right) A closer view of Wolf!Theo shows the same white markings that Wolf!Derek also has. Images are all screencaps from Teen Wolf: 4x12 "Smoke and Mirrors" and 5x02 "Parasomnia".)
Why not use a real wolf for these scenes, when Teen Wolf hired real wolves for the season 3a promo? Well, for the behavioral reasons listed above, it wouldn't be possible for a real wolf or a wolfdog to safely tackle Jill Wagner in 4x12 when the cue is that Derek, in wolf form, leaps up and attacks her, which is why a doggy actor is used, and Jill Wagner does a convincing job of pretending she's not playing with a well-trained dog. Again, CGI was still expensive, so sizing it up or CGI-ing the entire "wolf" would have been a lot of work, when most audiences wouldn't be able to immediately tell a large dog from a wolf.
But most audiences are not me. And I can tell the difference between a wolf and a wolfdog and a dog pretty well, mostly from my experience working with wolfdogs, and coordinating with shelters who believed they had been handed a wolfdog and couldn't adopt it out to the public. For reference, here's a wolf (Romeo, beloved local wolf of Juneau, Alaska, known 2003-2009, est. at least 8yo at time of death) next to a large dog (left), medium dog (center), and several dogs (right). You can learn more about him in this NatGeo article.
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(Images: (left) Romeo, a black wolf, touches noses with a large black dog, who is much smaller than him. (center) Romeo stands next to a sitting medium herding-type dog, which is dwarfed in comparison. (right) Romeo stands with the large black dog, the medium dog, and another medium herding-type dog, all of whom are much smaller than him. Center photograph by Jos Bakker, left and right source unknown.)
So how big would real wolves have been? Well, setting aside anything about Theo, because he's a chimera and who knows whether he's supposed to have a wolf form or a coyote form or a coywolf form, here's my rendition of a size chart containing a real wolf, the "wolf" on Teen Wolf, and Jill Wagner.
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(Image: A size comparison of the Teen Wolf "wolf", a grey wolf, and Jill Wagner. Jill Wagner is 5'8", the wolf is 2'8" at the shoulder, and the Teen Wolf "wolf" is scaled to be 2" at the shoulder. In cm, Jill Wagner is 172cm, the wolf is 81cm, and the Teen Wolf "wolf" is 61cm. The Teen Wolf "wolf" is quite a bit shorter than waist-height, while the real wolf's ears are at belt height. The wolf is from Smithsonian Magazine. The picture of Jill Wagner is one I pulled from Google. The Teen Wolf "wolf" is Talia Hale from 3x08. The poses were difficult to match because Jill Wagner tends to be bipedal and canines tend to walk on four legs.)
In summary:
There's no such thing as "alpha wolves".
Wolves are big. Very big. Much, much bigger than you think they are.
The "wolves" on Teen Wolf are only a little more than half the size of real wolves. They are very small.
Some other trivia for Teen Wolf viewers: The correct amount of whiskey to pour is 2oz (59mL) or about 1/5 to 1/4 of an average scotch glass.
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romanoffstarkovs · 10 months
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Brianna Stark: The Wild Rose
Brianna Stark was born amidst the chill of Winterfell, the youngest daughter of Rickard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and the loving younger sister of the famous Stark siblings - Brandon, Eddard, Lyanna, and Benjen. From a tender age, it was evident that she possessed the fiery spirit that ran in her bloodline, inheriting the wildness of her sister Lyanna, the she-wolf of Winterfell.
Growing up, Brianna's nature contrasted sharply with the traditional expectations for a lady of her station. She defied the norms and societal expectations that tried to confine her spirit within the walls of the castle. Instead, she sought adventure in the vast woods surrounding Winterfell and the snow-capped mountains that loomed in the distance. Brianna was a fearless and agile rider, often galloping through the countryside, her long, bronzed hair trailing behind her like a banner of rebellion.
Yet, amidst her untamed spirit, Brianna held a love for the beauty of the realm. She would spend hours hidden away in the corners of Winterfell's library, devouring tales of chivalry, romance, and courtly intrigues. This passion for stories of distant lands and gallant knights fueled her imagination, making her yearn for the world beyond the North.
Brianna's love for dressing up set her apart from her siblings. While Lyanna favored practicality, donning leathers and furs that suited her adventurous nature, Brianna found joy in adorning herself with elegant gowns and intricate jewelry. She saw these ornate dresses as an extension of her identity - a juxtaposition of her wild spirit and the refined lady within.
Though some dismissed her love for fashion as mere vanity, it was, in truth, a way for her to express herself creatively and embrace her femininity on her own terms. Beneath the gowns and jewelry, she remained a Stark through and through - strong-willed, loyal, and fiercely protective of her family.
As the years passed, Brianna's unique blend of wildness and grace caught the attention of many suitors who sought her hand in marriage. However, she was not easily swayed by societal expectations and refused to be married off solely for political alliances. Brianna dreamt of a love that would match the grandeur of the stories she cherished.
Brianna Stark's journey to King's Landing marked a significant shift in her life. Leaving behind the familiar walls of Winterfell, she ventured into the bustling capital, a place filled with intrigue, power struggles, and the complexities of courtly life. As the youngest daughter of Rickard Stark, she carried the legacy of her noble house, known for its honor, strength, and fierce loyalty.
As Brianna took up her role as a lady-in-waiting to Princess Elia Martell, she quickly earned the trust and affection of her lady. Despite the differences in their upbringings and cultures, the two women found common ground and a deep connection. Brianna's wild nature and love for dressing up added a vibrant and enigmatic charm to her personality, which Princess Elia appreciated in her closest confidant.
Their friendship became a haven for both, a sanctuary amidst the intricate and sometimes treacherous web of King's Landing's politics. Brianna's honesty and candid advice were valued by Princess Elia, who found solace in confiding her worries and hopes to someone who genuinely cared for her wellbeing.
Beyond her duties, Brianna remained true to her Stark identity, even in the bustling streets of the capital. She often visited the godswood within the Red Keep, finding comfort in the presence of the heart tree and its carved face. The godswood provided a reminder of her Northern roots, and she would offer prayers for her family's safety and well-being.
As the events of Robert's Rebellion loomed, tensions escalated, and the realm was on the brink of war. The relationship between Rhaegar Targaryen and Princess Elia faced increasing strain. Through this difficult time, Brianna stood as a steadfast companion, supporting Princess Elia through her uncertainties and fears.
In King's Landing, as Brianna Stark served as a lady-in-waiting for Princess Elia Martell, fate would introduce her to a man who would forever change the course of her life - Ser Arthur Dayne, the renowned Sword of the Morning.
Brianna first encountered Ser Arthur during a courtly event at the Red Keep. As the festivities unfolded, she couldn't help but be drawn to the legendary knight, whose skill with a blade was only rivaled by his chivalry and quiet charisma. Ser Arthur, in turn, was captivated by Brianna's fiery spirit and the way she carried herself with a blend of strength and grace, which reminded him of the legendary Lyanna Stark.
As the days passed, Brianna found herself more frequently in Ser Arthur's presence. He was often at Princess Elia's side, offering his counsel and protection. Their conversations began with formalities, but it didn't take long for genuine camaraderie to grow between them. Brianna appreciated the Knight of the Morning's wisdom and guidance, and Arthur was drawn to her genuine and unpretentious nature.
Amidst the turbulence of courtly life, Brianna and Arthur found solace in each other's company. They would often steal moments away from the grand events, retreating to the gardens or hidden corners of the Red Keep where they could talk freely without the constraints of their titles and responsibilities.
As they shared their dreams, hopes, and fears, a deep connection developed between them. Brianna admired Arthur's sense of duty and honor, while Arthur was captivated by her adventurous spirit and unwavering loyalty to Princess Elia. In each other, they found the strength to face the challenges that surrounded them.
In time, their friendship blossomed into something more profound. Their hearts recognized a shared yearning for a love that defied expectations and transcended the barriers of duty and station. They couldn't ignore the growing affection they felt for one another, but they knew the consequences of acting on their emotions could be dire, given the political intricacies of the realm.
Their love remained a secret, hidden from the prying eyes of court, and they cherished the stolen moments they spent together. But as the situation in the realm grew more perilous with the brewing rebellion, they were confronted with the stark reality that their paths might diverge.
When Robert's Rebellion erupted and the Targaryen dynasty faced its downfall, Brianna and Arthur found themselves on opposite sides of the conflict. Brianna's loyalty remained with Princess Elia and her family, while Arthur fought fiercely to protect his liege, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.
As the war raged on, their love was put to the ultimate test. Despite their differences, the bond they shared never wavered, and they clung to the hope that once the dust settled, they might find a way back to each other.
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wilderun · 1 year
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The wooflings got their first vaccines yesterday! Today they are 7 weeks old. Here they were waiting in the car for our turn to go in. I let them out of the crate they rode in and they sprawled all over the car lol. We'll be driving down to visit our friends at Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary today, where the director will be performing the temperament evaluations (off-site!) for the pups to best match them to homes from the waitlist.
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activist89 · 6 months
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andrejsartclub · 10 months
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2023.08.02. Meitene ar vilka masku The girl with the wolf mask acrylic/hardboard, 40x72 cm
In the moon's tender glow, by the forest's edge,
There's a girl who dons a mask, a wolf in every pledge.
With eyes that gleam like silver in the night,
She embraces her wild spirit, her inner wolf taking flight.
Beneath the mask, her soul, untamed and free,
Roams the wilderness of dreams, where she longs to be.
In the mirror's reflection, she sees fierce eyes of amber,
A creature of the night, a lupine enchanter.
She moves with a grace, both bold and untold,
Her spirit, like the wolves, unshackled and bold.
In the heart of the forest, she finds her sanctuary,
Amongst the ancient trees, she discovers her aviary.
With every step, she's part of nature's grand song,
A harmony of wildness, where she truly belongs.
Through moonlit meadows and shadowy glen,
She lives her life, as a wolf among women.
Her mask is her armor, her cloak of disguise,
Yet, it reveals her true self, to those who have wise eyes.
For beneath the guise of a girl in a wolf's embrace,
Lies a spirit untamed, a wild, running race.
In the heart of her being, she's a creature of the night,
A girl with a wolf's soul, in the pale moonlight.
With the mask as her guide, she finds her own way,
A fierce and gentle spirit, forever at play.
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felonious · 1 year
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Do you have a chainsaw and love to use it? Artists’ Asylum B&B offers you a lovely room and tasty food in exchange for your chainsaw skills. Situated in Western NM near to El Morro National Monument and just up the road from Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary.
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NM True TV - Wild Spirit Wolf Sanctuary
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Watch "February 11, 2022" on YouTube
These growels when they get close to him but if you tell me what you're doing and he goes okay. It is an animal instinct and he is one and he is my wolf it is a timber wolf and he has a name and it's a wonderful wonderful animal the beautiful wolf he's just superb he used to help me all the time and he has his own personality character and won't change for you at all I son and daughter do a little bit but not that much but he doesn't change and he is a fierce fighter it's been around for a long time. Our son's worried because it's Peter and he got too close and staying there too long and Trump is an a****** so he moved off and Peter wonder why and her son said it you're going to get him in trouble and you probably already is it's not your fault he's a great companion and his like a dog but he's not so there's nothing you be thankful for you will never change his a wolf just like to read about it's awesome he didn't listen and said you have no right to separate me but you probably saved my life cuz eventually probably attack me he might it didn't seem like it and if she doesn't have to reason he would attack you would be obscure it's not really something that you're doing or intend to do yourself it's what other people will do and you're not paying attention to his situation and you kind of missed it the first time a little you thought about it said you're right about something he knows that make him in trouble. It looks around and told him and the Wolf understood it and he left and said almost perfect for you stayed too long she wants to make sure you left and he went somewhere else and that's how it is. And Peter is doing pretty good he noticed that it was true he said this guy's pretty cool that wolf is awesome what a wolf said he followed you all the way out and was monitoring you and now he's gone and left the different place this is what the hell second spirit well he was hanging out with Thor and Freya and had to be Sharp, they were and are . You'll see him in action in the movie Thor and his name is there. He looked it up and said wow that's him. And Justins in trouble, well his counterpart he said well this is amazing. They said it's a lot like a dog but if you don't watch it he's going to take your food and other stuff it's very fast and in a way just loyal but no he's smart and understands that if he had to go he'd be the first one so he had to leave and i was in en dangering him. You knew something was up too it was you guys so check me out and it's a lot different than these people but they said that I'm a depression and was doing it too with it seems to be a little bit better now anyways right now and we shall see.
We did have him check them out and it checked out okay for now but it won't be the same shortly and we did see it in him too.
He wore the wolf to watch out try and stay away from them and his name is Fennl it's close there's one n too many. And he is a wonderful wonderful specimen but really it's not a human being and it's difficult to talk to him cuz he has the same reaction over and over one day I thought I had a breakthrough and I was wrong came back around almost blind side of me I heard him and it looks even oh he found me. And you never tried again no it's not true so he's stalking me for some reasons one reason is he's afraid and the other is really bad I'd rather have me out then around as a threat and that's not good. That's why they're wild animals and they should be treated as such is respect the fact that they like that way they don't like what you do them. We thought about it sanctuary idea and thought it was great in the sanctuary could be a good size see him but it's not really time yet we could be building hotels or to be attached and we can have like one with a park it's not a bad idea except animals could also visit the hotels and you can have them in there like rocket raccoon. Those guys get into everything raccoons do. They would escape and going to the rooms and he said you're pretty clever you're walking when you're walking in and stuff like little ghosts. But we have a lot going on.
The blockade is under attack it is unrestrict attack time you have had 20 million down there and 10 million gone he has 30 million left in total from the genre is moving another 10 now down. Which leaves him only ten in space. The saucers are over the cities and people start to feel how it was in the impact of it and it is incredible they can't stand it you're heating up the city it's already hotter than hell.. it's taking him a long time. There's nothing carriers and they're going after him and all sorts of things a few cities hv move them off like DC and New York City, as a result our son got his social security without incident and it proves that you people learn to dress when they do stuff like that
Other things are occurring it's cooling off here and it will be several rapidly cold shortly and we mean it too it's going to start today so this whole area will start to be cold and we mean like 40s at night and 50s and 60s during the day that's just the way it is. Just give me that way until summer.
Other large changes are occurring the morlock are being hunted down and exterminated they don't want to be held under duress by these idiots anymore. There's proof all over the place the biggest they say is the incinerator they watched 200,000 be burned in about 3 seconds that's how fast is and they're burning a lot more now and they are coming from bunkers and they're contaminated but it is gross as I found out other stuff happening here in Florida and it's going on over the world who are on high alert and infiltrated like madness and yes still reactionary we need more troops I need access to all sign on there's a force of these people who are telling us off and their Max and stuff I think with a morllock are gone cuz there'll be in control again. And what we say is they used to do you wanted to run and control the Earth and hold foreigners down so they go bad and depressed and they say it's our fault a little but really they see it
*there's a huge Force trying to get into Florida all day all night for the North north west of fl. Numbers are growing it was very huge but eliminated several thousand octillion
This is come across my desk it looks like it could have been a trumpster or Trump loading the garbage into the truck to go to the incinerator and we looked at it and it was him and he was doing it and it was documented and he seems to be getting rid of his own and yeah he's some moron she wants to be small enough to do something. I think she won't be noticed if he's small keeps saying it too you must be small enough to harm our son so it would be big enough here that trump can't get in.
I'm working on a formula to get in here with no. And we need to use it right now it is here we need to get in here with decent Force decent number of forces. And for me up and I'm calling more and it's a giant giant force on the way outside Charlotte county there's 200 million people gathering going to come in here and surround our son and pull these two out and murder them. At the northern border and Northwest there are about 400 octillion behind them and usually there is a reason is about 7 million octillion each way that's right on the East they came out of the Midwest and the upper Midwest mostly the upper Midwest has the Midwest is emptying completely and on the west of the South they are a massive from the entire West and about a third of from the Midwest they forced theire way out. The blockade has been compromised and they are also coming from there but not on land there are 7 million ships headed directly here from breaking through the blockade full of idiots. They come in and they ruin his situation and we have to get rid of again no pain in the ass. They also really everyone else's but they're not really here our people aren't cuz they're not on the perimeter there's no way so you got to wonder what the problem is they don't do a lot of those people these idiots don't come here it's free this is ridiculous and they face macs he'll probably the worst that's what they want to do and they're heading this way and the ships are all about 2 miles I don't really huge and yeah he puts on 10 million more last night just 10 million in space still but he only has 10 million out of the 20 minute in the ocean last night after he put them in so it's been cut in half enough that they can get through in several places and here in Florida is one of them up in New England's they are entering in Massachusetts Bay north of the cape and in the Gulf they got into the Gulf from Brazil they're going to Puerto Rico Cuba too and Dominican Republic and the reason you're doing that is that the stuff there firstly and the second part is they had to overcome those islands to stop them from stopping them and oddly enough San Juan is on Puerto Rico and that's where the movie is held Black panther forever and the spirit of destiny will arrive there at some point not too far from now the social security director will have, as Trump tries to take her position and role. Those are huge effort which is after her by the Trumpsters and they don't have many people defending them it's just by osmosis, but now it is to do they need to know where Trump is putting things and what his plan is because he had a huge fleet before and the sun says he's putting those out there and still is some kind of ships so they are trying to find what those are.
The morlocks have taken the islands and they are holding them for now. Has there pretty little bastards it went through Connie fadina stuff and they're eating all his food up and cigars and wine. And he is getting mad at that too but really mostly it's the stuff below and it was stashed there by Trump and the islands of Chuck full. And the same with other Islands out by Malaysia and Australia Australia itself still has a huge stash of trump and New Zealand and Madagascar right under the ass of the idiot Garth. He went and checked in there it is so you put an army out there it's getting bigger. We have a huge now Africans too. Trumpsters are moving out thank God they've been located in the Midwest is a giant second sound to their areas and they put the stuff they haven't even empty warehouses in empty factories and they want to go there and they said we could bring you parts for automobiles and you can assemble them by hand and it said what do we do for door panels in the chassis it says we have those they're a bunch of them only about one Octillion. So wondering what is up to and we get it we empty it out and you have to deliver more from somewhere and you have a warehouse space then. And he probably want to take the other ones and they got that too so I'm blame Tommy boy and bja. And it's on soon in the midwest with this little dick I won't get as f****** stupid face out of ours now we want you to leave there we don't want you to come back there and do your little dancing poo you're a loser but how can I really tell someone who's stupid that they are stupid. It says we have a point interesting what else is clearing out what's interesting is why do you think they're doing that. There's nobody out there this is what they saw. She says I'm going to hell so what so you going in there the people are taking over and beating everybody up and you think you'll be there with nobody because they're there beating everybody up. But he actually said back was I don't think they're not there I think they're actually there and that's why I'm doing it so it's a direct challenge
I have more but I want people to see that last sentence
Thor Freya
We do as well but for real this guy next door is the biggest a****** I've ever heard of and we face them all and here he is stuck to our son
Zig Zag
We're very limited furnace and he's helping what can I tell you that's the kind of jerky is Max we need them we need that guy to die that particular person that body and brain right there named Trump we need him to die what the hell is wrong with you people look what he's doing
Mac daddy
You realize who's an idiot it is rudiest and I'm trying to hit all of them but you're right that one there is particularly stupid
Get in pull them out put him somewhere else and force the law is evicted for Christ's sake give him the f*** out of there
The movie right now
It took a very long time so you have to this point and they can really see he's a huge pain to everybody
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