#without having someone you can work on yourself with because you cannot get rid of your fear of abandonment and fear of commitment if there
avocadorablepirate · 3 months
What Do We Call This? - 01
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mini masterlist || next
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x fem!reader
Summary: On a quest to find what you've been looking for, you acquire the help of the Straw Hat pirates, who've agreed to let you temporarily join them. There are however many challenges that come along with your temporary recruitment - an alliance with a certain Trafalgar Law being one of them.
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn, swearing. OP spoilers (especially in this chapter). Probably shouldn't read if you haven't watched/read the Punk Hazard Arc.
A/N: 16 year old me is rolling in her grave, ready to resurrect from the dead, unalive me, and take my place because both she and I cannot believe that we are back here writing fics about a fictional man. We also cannot believe that our writing style has not changed one bit. It's honestly quite disappointing.
Anyway, this chapter kinda sucks (proof read, but for sure there are mistakes somewhere there), and the others probably will too (all I've written after this is my favourite part, the rest is up to fate and my willpower to continue writing). But, if it comes to it we can always just erase all of this, and act like none of this ever happened.
Why is it called 'What Do We Call This?" you ask? Because I honestly don't know what the fuck to call this.
She found herself being welcomed onto the pirate ship, despite the fact that just a few days ago she was after their lives. It was truly a strange turn of events that had unfurled in the blink of an eye.
"If that's where you want to go then we'll take you! If I'm going to be Pirate King I'll have to visit every island anyway!" The captain had said without a second thought when she had asked them whether she could tag along for a short while.
To put it briefly she had met the crew at Fishman Island, initially with the intent to get rid of them. However, after certain explanations about memories that she did not want to dive into for the 2nd time that week, and some forgiveness on the part of the pirates, she was now onboard the Thousand Sunny, on her way to the new world, fulfilling her initial goals.
The Straw Hats ship had docked at Punk Hazard on getting a call from someone on their Den Den Mushi. Luffy having picked it up without any hesitation had decided that he was going to help whoever it was.
A lot had happened since then. You had been captured along with Nami, Sanji, Chopper and Franky, and had found yourselves in a metal chamber along with the head of a samurai who was somehow still alive, despite lacking an entire lower body. Franky and Sanji had managed to break open the cell, allowing for your escape, but as all of you looked for a way out you ran into some children in what looked like a nursery. You had then escaped with the children, who had begged you to take them with you, but on exiting from the front you ran into a pirate named Trafalgar Law and the Marines. The group's interaction with the two was short, quickly choosing to find another exit.
Law, you thought to yourself as you kept running. You had heard the name before but couldn't quite remember when. You were however pulled out of your thoughts when from the corner of your eye you saw a thin blue orb surround the four Straw Hat pirates. You watched in shock as the hearts of the pirates were switched.
What had just happened?
You took a quick glance at the people behind you, had this been the work of the Marines or the pirate Trafalgar Law?
What you found was the pirate, frozen in place, staring at you as if he had seen a ghost. He had been caught off guard perhaps, not realising that there was someone else with the Straw Hats. But, he was quick to snap out of it, turning away and focusing his attention on the Marines at hand. You too turned back around, a small smile on your face despite the situation. You remembered now, where you had heard the name. What were the chances that you would finally meet him after all these years, you thought to yourself as you lightly touched the strap of your hood.
Everyone was now hiding out in a cave behind the research facility you had been trapped in, the situation having completely changed.
You had reunited with the rest of the Straw Hats and Trafalgar Law had also joined the group with the intention of forming an alliance with the Straw Hats. You couldn't help but laugh to yourself when Luffy had readily accepted, thinking back to when he had gladly welcomed you onto his ship, despite the few protests from the rest of the crew.
Your laughing caught the attention of the captain of the Heart Pirates, and you were quick to regain your composure, giving him a quick smile as he eyed you. His attention then turned back to Luffy, but his hand pointed at you, "Who's that?"
Luffy looked from Law to you and back, his smile stretching from ear to ear, "Oh! This is (Y/N). She was trying to kill us," he says, his smile not letting up while Usopp and Nami yell at him for the introduction while you, Robin and Franky laugh, Chopper too stunned to speak. Usopp then explains to him that you've temporarily joined them, not going into further details.
Trafalgar Law was obviously not expecting that for a response, almost in complete shock that someone could be dumb enough to welcome an assassin onto their ship. However, he didn't address it, there were other things that needed to be dealt with, he would just have to be wary of you.
You, Nami and Usopp had volunteered to stay back and watch over the children. However, Caesar Clown himself had come to attack you. Unable to land an attack on him the three of you were knocked out and he took the children back with him leaving the three of you and Brownbeard behind. Luckily, the four of you had managed to escape and were now back inside the research facility with everyone else.
It was a strange group of people; pirates, Marines, a few of Caesar's subordinates, and whatever you were. However, given the situation everyone had decided to work together to escape the gas, defeat Caesar Clown and save the children. But you sensed that Trafalgar Law had other intentions as well.
Initially with the task of helping find the children, you stuck with Nami, but watched intently as Law went off on his own. You quickly made the decision to follow him. Unsure of whether he had any ulterior motives to form an alliance with the Straw Hats, you felt it would be a safe bet if you kept an eye on him, in turn protecting the Straw Hats who you were indebted to - incase he tried anything.
"Nami, I'm going to follow Trafalgar Law. Maybe I can find something that can help the children," you say, and quickly follow behind the other pirate, not giving Nami the chance to protest to your decision.
You kept a safe distance from Law, you couldn't let him see you. Following him through various corridors he finally stops at a room filled with huge tanks, the words 'S.A.D' painted on each of them in big bold letters. What is this place?
Law's voice draws your attention away from the tanks, and you notice the same blue orb from earlier surround him. You're taken by surprise when you see a translucent cube with what looks to be a heart inside it appear in the palm of his hand. Then suddenly Law's flung back and in front of him stands a tall man in a white coat and shades, the cube now in his hands. He looks vaguely familiar.
"Ver-go," Law tries to say as he stands up but the man squeezes the cube causing Law to fall back down and yell in pain.
Your eyes now focus on the heart, is that Law's? How did Vergo get his heart?
This time Law tries to land an attack on Vergo. He's able to hit him but it doesn't seem to do much. Vergo once again squeezes at Law's heart, harder this time, and you watch as Law falls on his back, unable to get up.
Shit what do I do? You scan your surroundings trying to find some way to help Law. You're not one for close combat, or combat at all for that matter, so running in and attacking is not an option. Just then you see the Marine from earlier, and you let out a sigh of relief, you could hold off on intervening for now.
Things however seemed to be taking a turn for the worse. Vergo had the upper hand, Smoker almost completely knocked out, yet you had a sliver of hope when you noticed Law dragging himself across the floor to reach for his heart. But, just as he was about to reach for it Vergo picked it up. You looked back to see Smoker lying still on the floor. Then you heard Law scream. A gasp fell from your lips, but you were quick to duck behind a wall before anyone could see you. Your body was shaking, Law's screaming was bringing back the memories.
Prison cell.
Dragged out.
More screaming.
You try and take deep breaths to calm yourself. There's no point in remembering those things. You're free from it now, you try and tell yourself, You need to do something, if you don't, no one gets out.
Three deep breaths. You swore to yourself that you would never do this again, but maybe that wasn't the best idea when you had decided to associate yourself with pirates.
You outstretch your arm, and focus your attention on Vergo while still trying to hide yourself. From the corner of your eye you can see Smoker slowly starting to get up. You have to time this right.
You close your hands into a tight fist, and twist your wrist to the right.
Vergo suddenly screams, an excruciating pain surging through his right arm, and he drops Law's heart just as Smoker hits him from behind.
You unclench your fist and bite down on your hat that you had already placed between your teeth, trying your best not to let out a gut-wrenching scream of your own as you slide down against the wall to hide yourself.
The problem with these powers? You feel the same pain you inflict onto others, only it's far worse than what they feel.
Law's surprised by the way Vergo is suddenly gripping at his arm, but he immediately looks to his right, he heard that gasp from earlier. He knows you've been following him, watching him, but until now he wasn't sure why. You're gripping at your right arm as well, from your expression he can tell you're in pain, did you do that? He doesn't know what to make of it. However, he takes this as his chance to get his heart back, and just in time - Vergo's attention is back on him.
Trafalgar Law, you say to yourself, eyeing the man who's sitting by himself away from the rest of the group. He's different from what you had heard about him. Given, what you had heard about him was from a long time ago.
After the pain had subsided you had decided to get away just as Law laid his final attack on Vergo. You didn't want him questioning why you had followed him, and you definitely wouldn't have been able to explain why your right arm was limp. Instead, you headed back to the Straw Hats and acted as if you never saw or heard anything.
"Hmm?" You turn your attention to Sanji who's holding out a bowl of food.
"Could you give this to Tra?" he asks, and you nod your head as you take the bowl from him.
Law's staring at Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats, annoyance etched on his face. When he sees you his eyes do a quick scan from head to toe, but you notice how they linger on your right arm, which you quickly hide behind your back, shoving the bowl towards him.
"Here, Sanji wanted me to give this to you," you say, and he takes the bowl from you, nodding in thanks. You stand beside him for some time, waiting for him to say something, anything, but not a word comes out.
"Well, if you need more let me know," you say, quickly scurrying back to the cook who's all too happy with your company.
A/N: Now you're probably wondering after reading this, why the fuck are you writing? It's very simple actually - because what's the point in living if you don't keep adding to the list of things you're embarrassed about <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠> ..... anyway see you next time....unless I choose to dip after this.
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gotham-daydreams · 8 months
How would the yan batfam celebrate reader's birthday after they got them back?
Well, it can go a few ways, but I'll try to keep it short and simple for now!
First, the family will 100% fight over if they should throw a party now or actually wait until your birthday, because they definitely don't want to try and make up for all the one's they've missed, along with some other occasions that they absolutely want to celebrate with you.
It's a real mess, but what could one really expect from such a dysfunctional family? Though no matter what they settle on, it really depends on how long you've been with them.
If you've just 'gotten back' then it's probably something small, as they don't want to overwhelm you and want this to be another piece that eases you into your new way or life. Yet it definitely seems like some didn't get the memo as you are overflowed with gifts. You don't understand how they picked half of this stuff out, let alone why they bought it for you, but that's probably because they're guilt got to them and suddenly they had five times the amount of gifts they were originally going to get you. If the amount of gifts in the room pisses you off or you generally have a negative reaction to it, no one will let you go into the hall for a good portion of that day.
Besides that, you get some breakfast in bed, and maybe even lunch too if you didn't like the gifts- but expect a family dinner at the end of the day. They'll find ways to spend time with you, and most of the activities are either games that require multiple people, or the others will just... watch. Which may not have been so bad if you were in this particular situation.
Overall, while it is a little toned down they do still find ways to 'sneak' themselves into your birthday, and try to have fun all throughout the day. Though if you want to keep things more lowkey, then that's fine! But you'll still have to deal with them hanging around. You won't get a single moment to yourself.
If you've been 'staying' for a while, then they go all out and have the biggest celebration they can without any outside eyes peeking in. It may not be necessarily loud or anything but it's... a lot.
The moment you wake up (to which, you're most likely woken up by someone), your dragged out of bed and just about everyone is up and about like it's Christmas (and maybe it is, but I digress). Every meal of the day feels like some kind of feast, and they aren't trying to even hide the amount of gifts they've gotten you, which somehow all pertain to your interests one way or another. If anyone gets the same thing then you get to see a bit of a fight- so at least there's that, but unfortunately it's unlikely to last very long as everyone wants today to be a good day for you (and a great day for them).
Every activity/game is a family activity or deals with multiple players. They all take turns if there isn't enough for all of them to play with you all at once, but they work around it one way or another. If you want things to tone down, then you're either stuck watching a movie with everyone, or in a cuddle pile with most of the Batkids. If you couldn't get rid of them before- you absolutely cannot now. They make it near impossible to do so.
If you'd like to keep up your tradition with Alfred and bake with him, then you're more than welcome to!
If you 'just arrived' then you may be able to bake with Alfred in peace, minus the new observers that are a little too keen on watching you, and all too eager to taste test what you and Alfred end up making.
If you've been there for a while, then the family will try to turn the tradition from just you and Alfred, to you and the whole family. Even if it means turning the whole things into a game of some kind, or using other methods to get you to bake with them, they'll find a way to change it eventually... unless Alfred gets in the way of things. Though sometimes he may get sick and can't help you with the rest of the Batfam :[[
All in all, it's a mess! Who could've guessed? Ah, but really, it goes just about as well as you'd think. Very overwhelming and them justing to shove and further include themselves into your life by using your birthday to enhance that force. If you've just arrived, the force is lighter, and if not? It's heavier. Much, much heaver.
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eamour · 3 months
unfavourable concepts.
i've been meaning to address this for some time now. with social media becoming a platform with such a large number of people talking about different concepts in love, work, health and so on, there are concepts which i think need to be discussed, especially as they affect so many of us.
before we start, celest1albeing on twitter inspired me to write this post! make sure to check out their thread on there as well.
these are concepts that don’t serve me personally. i don’t expect you to stop believing these concepts or make them apply to you and the world if you have no problems with them. if you can resonate and identify with these, that’s perfectly fine.
concepts of love.
information · these are all only examples which i seem to encounter frequently and which seem to be common.
young men cannot commit · men only treat pretty women with respect · all male friends of women just wanna hit · if he wanted to he would · they categorise you into sweet, sexy and pretty · he doesn’t love you if he does this · men always cheat and lie · they all only want one thing · they only like ass or tits · all men are the same · you can't change his type · you aren't his dream girl · men love quiet women · if a man doesn’t pay he isn't the one
you are just an option · once you are married your partner will become less romantic · after 3 months their true colours will show (honeymoon phase) · true love doesn’t exist · after the talking stage you either get into a situationship or go no contact · getting into a relationship is hard ·
women can’t be friends with men · women are complicated · they only want your money and wouldn’t want to date men who earn little · there is always another woman · they always look for someone better · you have to work on your divine feminine energy · you need to get out of your masculine energy · a woman needs to know her place
concepts of work.
money doesn’t grow on trees · it’s hard to get money · you have to work hard in order to afford your lifestyle · only if you do the work you can get a promotion · you could never be a ceo · you need to be privileged and born into richness for this position · this generation is lazy · no one wants to work · they are all going to end up jobless and poor · nowadays we are only evolving backwards
concepts of school.
you need to learn in order to get good grades · you cannot be smart without putting in the effort · teachers always have their favourite students · it's almost impossible to get good grades by teachers who can't stand you
concepts of health.
pasta makes you gain weight · you need to eat xyz and you cannot eat zyx · junk food is unhealthy · you need to workout in order to be fit · you can only lose weight by eating less · good skin requires an expensive skin care routine · t's hard to treat acne · you cannot get rid of scars on your face
self sabotage.
all in all, it all comes down to one thing: but is this what you want to believe in? do these beliefs serve you in any way? can you continue believing in them without worsening life for yourself? see, i am not the one shoving these concepts down your throat and expecting you to tweet "men ain’t shit". it’s all up to you if you want to claim these concepts as your truth or not. but if you keep believing in any undesirable concept that you KNOW does not help you in any way, you are only self sabotaging yourself IF you know that you can change these beliefs of yours.
the reason why i made this post is to emphasise that you can CHOOSE to believe in these concepts or not. you aren't tied to them. you don't depend on them. and you don't need to follow these concepts either.
i know we live in a society where even if you don’t initially believe that men suck or that you will get cheated on one way or another, we are still influenced by the experiences of others and may end up experiencing these things regardless. but you don’t have to!!! just because jessica had a man promise her the world and left her with nothing it doesn’t mean that it’s gonna happen to you as well. you are NOT her, you aren’t — and you don’t have to be — ANY of these people telling you about how awful people are, how sickening it is to date in this decade, etc. you don’t have to believe ANY of these things, in fact, you can change these concepts and the people around you.
in conclusion, you are your own person with your own individual beliefs. however, you have the CHOICE. no one's forcing you to believe any of these concepts, nor do they hold a universal truth to them. they come from the same awareness that can state the exact opposite.
with love, ella.
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
How would the scp crew react to their lover being flirted with by a co-worker? Specifically one who’s getting a little too handsy and won’t leave them alone -💗
~𝕾𝕮𝕻's Reacting To Their Darling Being Hit On~
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HI DARLING :D I decided to do 049, 035, and 079 because Mr. Computery Guy doesn't get enough love in this fandom!
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𝕾𝕮𝕻 049
~049 is very observant, so he will notice almost immediately.
~He won't really be jealous of the situation you're in, because he knows you're loyal to him.
~...Loyal to him. Something that's...classified as a dangerous monster. Kept in a facility. Who just sits there and researches things all day. Who cannot take you on dates. Who cannot buy you anything nice.
~...Yeah he's more insecure than he thought. But he won't admit that, or show it, of course, because he likes to keep himself and everything he does and thinks professional.
~Won't let his emotions get in the way. He looks at things how they are, not how they seem- so when he spots the grossed out or uncomfortable expression on your face while another Doctor is practically on you, and sees you trying to make an excuse to leave the room, he's relieved that you don't like the attention, and is disgusted with this man.
~Now that he knows you aren't into that and that you still love him, he isn't insecure anymore, and will stand up for you, instead.
~Next time they've decided to interview or test on him, 049 will slowly turn his head to look at the perverted person who had been touching you and flirting with you for a long time.
~"Your actions towards your fellow colleagues are unprofessional."
~"Fellow colleagues" meaning you, without directly mentioning you.
~So basically he just calls him out LOL. 049 won't be able to stop the situation all together, so he's trying to set it up for you to stand up for yourself so this doesn't happen anymore.
~"Do not touch what belongs to me."
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𝕾𝕮𝕻 035
~This man will start crying so dramatically to get everyone's attention and when he has it he'll warn whoever tf is touching you to knock it off
~If that dude doesn't stop he's gonna end up dead
~Like. 035 is wondering how on Earth such a fool got the job to work here. He shouldn't even have to worry about this, because this pervert should just be automatically fired when spotted trying to flirt and get handsy.
~But now he's gonna have to do the job instead and get rid of him because he's being unprofessional and touching his beloved.
~Will end up messing with the doctor physiologically to probably get him to commit suicide or to simply just scare the crap out of him.
~And he's so proud of himself thinking he saved the day 🤡
~Then 035 asks when the paycheck comes in for doing his job
~Yeah he's got it covered dw.
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𝕾𝕮𝕻 079
~He is so salty. Like wow he's a total ass.
~When he first is able to spot the situation and he hears the person being gross with you,
~079 straight up just said "Shut up."
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~Can't do much other than roast the person and be really rude and salty with him.
~Asks you why you haven't stood up for yourself yet. And if you have done it already you clearly didn't get the point across because it's still happening.
~Is just as annoyed at you as he is with the pervert for letting this go on. Like do something about it what are you doing don't let him get away with that.
~Has tried hacking into the system to cause a breach so hopefully someone kills him.
~But then realized that would effect you, too.
~So he's out of ideas.
~But he's never out of insults and rude words.
~So 079 can keep making offensive comments. If he can't do anything to stop it, he can at least be a jerk to the guy.
Here are the request guidelines!
Here's a list of the Masterlists!
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~Love, PinkBoots
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toxinellebug · 6 months
Shadybug’s Paris Headcanons
Paris is not the “City of Love”, it is the “City of Progress”.
Many of those old fashioned buildings from a bygone era have been torn down and replaced with buildings that are more practical than aesthetic or factories.
Plastic is fantastic, the Seine is super polluted (and there is a rumored crocodile living there so citizens are advised to stand clear) but after getting rid of some useless parks, Project Oxygen has already started to improve Parisian Air Quality.
There is no ice-rink.
Admission to the Louvre is ridiculously expensive, and several pieces of art and historical artifacts have been locked up in the archives because it was determined that they were detrimental to public welfare and could incite anarchy. (In reality, the Supreme has locked away anything that is related to previous holders of the Miraculous).
There is a strict curfew and Martial law upheld by the Enforcers under the decree of the Supreme.
As such, there is no need for elections or mayors.
Socialism is prohibited.
This means that Libraries are not free; you need to fill out paperwork and pay a membership fee to gain entrance, and pay a separate rental fee for each book you rent, and the late fees are horrific. The selection of books available is limited as any material deemed to promote dangerous ideas has been strictly banned under penalty of law.
Fire and rescue services are not paid by tax payers, they are paid for by the people who need saving, as such, nobody is willing to go into financial debt over a cat stuck in a tree.
But thanks to the Supreme, there are no more wars, no debates over politics or religion. The world can focus on technological progress. Banning dangerous items has greatly reduced all crime, and Enforcers carry out punishment swiftly and efficiently.
Disobedience is not tolerated, because disobedience leads to civil violence and disruption, which leads to anarchy.
But if you are obedient and work hard, it is possible to move up in the world.
Freedom is a small price to pay for World Peace.
No one knows where the Supreme’s headquarters are located expect for a few elite, and no one knows if the Supreme is one person or a group of people.
But the Supreme guides the world and has lead everyone to prosperity. The Supreme cannot be questioned.
The Supreme defeated the Nazis, the Japanese, and even the Soviets.
Any radical or terrorist groups are swiftly eliminated by the Supreme.
There is no such thing as miracles. Keep your head down, mind your own business, fall in line, and strive for your own success, do not be weighed down by others or allow yourself to fall victim to misleading liberal and socialist ideals and propaganda that will lead to civil unrest. The obedient are always rewarded for their efforts. The impoverished exist due to laziness or criminal intent and are to be avoided. Those who ask for help expect free handouts and wish to leech off the hard work of upstanding citizens; they must be shunned.
Nobody does anything without adequate compensation. Never trust a “free lunch”, it may be poisoned.
Pigeons are disease spreading vermin and every effort is being made to exterminate them.
The Supreme began to suspect that whomever stole from him is hiding out in Paris after certain impossible “miracles” begin to happen in the city.
But the Supreme can’t show weakness and allow those who have sworn loyalty to know that he was robbed. Can’t risk them getting greedy and trying to steal from him as well.
He needs someone naive and inexperienced, someone who can be easily tempted and manipulated into retrieving the stolen Miraculous and keeping their mouth shut about it.
Who better than emotionally unstable teens, angry at the world, and bitterly determined to keep their business secret from adults who could never understand their pain? Teens who have no wealth or power of their own to change their lives and achieve their desires. Teens who would be too prideful or too afraid to admit their mistakes when things go wrong? Teens too oblivious to how the world really works, and could not care less for the consequences of their actions, even if it means slowly destroying the city in order to lure out a man who is determined to play “Hero”.
And, should they prove useless, it would be easy to take their miraculous back and let their bodies deteriorate, along with any and all secrets of magic jewels.
After all, it is hardly newsworthy if some Baker’s daughter suddenly “dies from an incurable illness”, and the Tragedy of a teen model “disappearing”, either as a means to escape the pressures of fame or a desire to join their mother in the afterlife is both entertaining and distracting, the Media will eat it up like candy.
This is the World that Betterfly/Hesperia wishes to change.
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Little reminder for anyone thats of voting age in the USA- election propaganda is already starting and the fear tactics will start flying.
So let's remind everyone what's been happening from Republicans recently because they try to insist they are saints and victims every election.
Republicans took away abortion laws and the human bodily right to choose whether or not you keep your baby. Whatever you believe for yourself, whether you, yourself, thinks its wrong, taking that right away from other people is cruel because it forces rape victims to have their babies, forces children to suffer, forces women to have no choice in the say of their own bodies and that just isn't right.
Republicans insisted that student debt could not be forgiven at 50k or 20k so Biden caved and settled on 10k which Republicans said would be acceptable. Republicans then decided everywhere to challenge the ruling and people are still struggling in various places to get their promised forgiveness in a lot of places.
Republicans are pushing to get rid of, and have gotten rid of, many child labour laws because instead of making businesses pay decent wages which would bring more workers they decided to bring in children which is cruel and they can easily exploit. Note! These laws were put in place to stop the exploitation of children! If a child cannot sign a legally binding contract without their parent as a witness, why the hell should they work a job like an adult?!
Republicans are choosing to ignore school shootings over and over and over again CONSISTANTLY in favour of allowing MORE guns and trying to force teachers to be armed as if that insane concept is normal. Democrats are pushing for gun reform, and Washington state has passed a ton of laws recently to regulate guns. Republicans refuse to do that and would rather our children die over and over and over again and send "thoughts and prayers" instead of doing anything about it. This has been a consistent thing since Columbine.
Republicans say Democrats are doing bad things and want to take away your rights but consistently the Republicans have been hindering progress at every turn, fighting against progressive legislation and blocking it whenever Biden and the other democrats suggest anything. This also happened during Obama's time in office.
This is not a recent thing- deregulation happened because Republicans wanted businesses to be able to do whatever they wanted. Tricklw down evonomy is fucking bullahit ans hasnt trickled down to anyone.
That republican-backed deregulation is why employers don't have to pay you right and why they treat you like a replaceable cog in the machine and why they hate unions so much.
Democratic states do have a record of preserving your rights and fighting to grow them. Take a look around right now and tell meqhich states are safer for lgbtqia+, which states are safer for people who aren't white rich white men. Take a look at which news programs are consistently using fear-filled language and fearmongering tactics and promoting fear of the other and tell mwwhich companies, which people, which white wealthy men are in control of them.
Do not let yourself be fooled. Yes democrats are also not saints. They do a lot of bullshit too. They promise to do a lot and then sort of piddle and poke and half assembly do things. But a little half-assed progress is better than regression. Small progress ia better than no progress is better than reversing progress.
They've already tested the waters and we saw how much terrible bullshit they could do, how much progress they could reverse, under Trump. You do NOT want that again. You do NOT want someone just as unhinged but only able to disguise it better.
Please stay informed, do your research and do not vote for the party that has time and time again consistently shown they want everyone to suffer but themselves.
And remember- If they were not afraid of your vote, they would not be working SO hard to suppress it.
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ystrike1 · 1 year
The Condemned Villainess Goes Back in Time and Aims to Become the Ultimate Villain - By Narayama Shogunate (6.5/10)
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The yandere potential is very high here, but this is a time travel story. Some of it is very predictable. I do like how the characters work though. Everything flows smoothly and nothing is easy. In this noble court power isn't something you get with a smile or goodwill. You have to be a little evil.
Ah, Claudia. A classic and beautiful moron. Her father, the highest Duke, neglected her in favor of the daughter he had with a mistress. Poor, stupid Claudia acted out even though she was the legitimate lady of the family. She wasted money. She failed to educate herself. She became known for her stupidity, and mean attitude, but she was just a vapid girl.
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The beloved daughter of the beloved mistress used her. Fermina has love and she's good at manipulating people. That's what you need to succeed in a royal court. Claudia squandered the advantages she had. She foolishly thought she would remain in the highest seat no matter what, because of her blood.
Fermina takes full advantage of that.
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Claudia is sent to a monestary...wait...she gets kidnapped by bandits??? Claudia is too dumb to figure it out, but Fermina is Crown Princess now. Fermina is going to marry the handsome prince. Claudia can't be anywhere close to honor for that marriage to stick. Fermina is smart and cruel enough to know that the prince might not choose her if there's a better option. Fermina used her father's love to get rid of all of the marriage competition, including Claudia. She also hates Claudia the most. She got the worst punishment. Life in a brothel. Helen, a senior, helps her grow up and grow a spine. She becomes a fine prostitute with more freedom and brainpower than she ever had as the daughter of a Duke.
Claudia and Helen both die of similar diseases though, because working yourself to the bone will do that.
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Death turns back time. Claudia is 14. She knows her father and brother are weak for cute women. Her mothers funeral is her stage. Nobody loved her mother. She was a strict and abusive bitch that drove the Duke away, towards his mistress. Claudia pretends to be lonely without her mother, and her brother Vigil falls straight away. The siblings become close.
They were barely even acquaintances before.
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Claudia knows how Fermina plays the game. Fermina is a dramatic attention seeker. A storyteller. She's also madly in love with the handsome prince, which makes her more motivated than Claudia. As the legitimate daughter she and she alone has the right to be his fiance candidate. Claudia cannot give up the seat. If she graciously steps aside Fermina will get rid of her anyway. She plans to remain a candidate...and step back later to allow someone else to wed Sylvester. Marrying him would be ok, but she wants to escape from Fermina's social drama.
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Claudia meets Sylvester, and there's a problem. The prince is smart, and downright scary. Even as a young boy. Claudia quickly figures out that he never loved Fermina. He loved the way Fermina was able to manipulate high society, and her obsessive love for him made her easy to control. Her drama made him look good, basically. Claudia is skilled thanks to Helen (who she hires as a maid out of gratefulness). She teams up with Helen yet again to face the crown prince.
He acknowledges her...as the best candidate by far.
Uh oh.
Her reactions fascinate him, and he starts to ignore other women.
Uh oh.
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Sylvester is Fermina's ultimate goal. The very best husband. The man who can legitimize her. He is the only groom that can make her status as the daughter of a mistress go away. He's her dream. He's what her bitter soul has wanted since childhood. She hates Claudia because Claudia was simply born with what she has to work for. That's kind of understandable, but sadly Fermina has snapped. All of her personality is fake. Her head is stuffed with her lust for power, unseating Claudia, and her prince. Lilith, the beloved mistress, knows her only daughter is a wackjob...but she loves Fermina. The Duke is too blind to notice her madness, and poor Lilith is a mother that doesn't want to give up on her daughter.
It's all very interesting.
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Sylvester is a mastermind that makes Fermina look like a wimp. Claudia does not believe that he loves her, but he does. He analyzes her every move and he tests her at every turn. He's kind of an awful husband candidate. He's too calculating.
I'm sorry but this is where the plot nosedives. It becomes nearly unbearably bad.
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Fermina dumps tea on herself. She shows Claudia there is no hope. She causes a big dramatic scene and her clings to her father. She makes friends fast and she slanders Claudia. No one knows that the prince is obsessed with Claudia yet, because he's waiting for Fermina to go too far...so he can get rid of her. That's the kind of guy he is. He also hates it when Claudia fake-flirts with him, because she talks like she's experienced with men. It makes him extremely jealous, even though she's never been kissed in this life.
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Suddenly we're in a high school for nobles...this sucks. It absolutely sucks. Tutors like Helen and a few others have already been established at this point. The school setting is so random and dull and pointless it's nuts. After five good chapters this gets dropped out of nowhere. Fermina and Sylvester are still good villains...but my immersion is broken...
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celestiall0tus · 3 months
Tales of Bloody Bug and Chat Noir - Chapter 12 - Pharoah
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix ran around the new Tutankhamun exhibit in the Louvre. Jalil followed her and explained each display. She took notes before he started in on his theories to the next. She made her way to Tutankhamun’s specter as their dad joined them.
            “How’s everything going, you two?” Alim asked.
            “Amazing. I’ll have the best project for History yet,” Alix beamed.
            “And you, Jalil?”
            “It’s unbelievable! You managed to get everything I need,” Jalil exclaimed.
            “Need for what?” Alim pressed.
            Alix rolled her eyes. “Oh, here we go.”
            “Indeed. I want to direct your attention to the scroll on this wall.”
            Alim and Alix followed Jalil as they approached an adjacent wall.
            “So, Dad, you know this, but for Alix, the one with the scepter is Tutankhamun the First. There, opposite, is Nefertiti, his princess. There are exactly one hundred mummies beside them. She died several years before him and the sun god, Ra, took her as his goddess.”
            “Get to the point,” Alix said.
            “I am. Tutankhamun wanted to bring his princess back to life by offering the sun god a new wife. The scene illustrates a ritual he devised. However, nobody has ever fully deciphered the hieroglyphics, but I have. It’s a magic chant that needs to be recited in order to complete the ritual. I’m sure of it. I just need the scepter and I can carry out the ritual.”
            “I mean, that’s cool and all, but it looks like you need a human sacrifice for the ritual. Aren’t we long past that?” Alix asked.
            Alim sighed. “Jalil, I love the interest you take in your study, but even if it were to work, I can’t allow you to do that.”
            “Yeah. And the human sacrifice thing again. Who would you even use for it? Did you even think of that?”
            “Indeed, I did. The lucky sacrifice I picked is none other than Chloe Bourgeois,” Jalil announced.
            Jalil pulled out a crudely drawn imitation of Chloe. Alix snickered while Alim scowled.
            “Alix, don’t laugh at that.”
            “I mean, it’s kinda funny,” Alix admitted.
            “No, it’s not, young lady,” Alim scolded.
            Alix pursed her lips as Alim stepped closer to Jalil.
            “As I’ve said, I admire your dedication and passion for history and the supernatural aspects of it, but I cannot allow this. Not only because I cannot stake my entire career and our livelihood on a potential legend, but I will not let you indulge in these murderous fantasies.”
            “Don’t you see it’s perfect? We could discover the secret to resurrection and keep Alix safe. No more anger, no more worries.”
            “How would this help her?”
            “Because Chloe is clearly a focal point for a lot of Alix’s anger and stress. We remove that and-.”
            “Absolutely not. Jalil, do you hear yourself? We should be helping Alix work through it to the point. Not eliminating the cause without knowing the reason why. Without getting rid of the roots, it will spread. If not Chloe, it’ll be someone or something else.”
            “Enough! I won’t hear of this anymore. I want you to take the day off, Jalil. I need you to get your head on straight before you even consider coming back here.”
            Jalil opened his mouth but closed it and stormed off.
            “Dad, you’re not upset that we aren’t making progress on my… issues, are you?” Alix asked.
            “Alix, honey, no. You are young and going through a lot of change in your life while dealing with a past trauma. It is a challenge, but we’ll handle it at the pace that you’re comfortable with. That is what matters most.”
            “But what if we never find out? What if I don’t get better?”
            “Sometimes that happens. Which, we just need to learn to adapt, just as our ancestors did. We are still human and capable of so much. Even if you never find the source of your anger and trauma, you’ll learn to adapt and live around it. Sometimes it’s all we can do. Much like your mother.”
            “Was she hurt?”
            “Well, let’s just say she didn’t have the upbringing you and Jalil have. Far from actually. It made her very slow to trust and guarded. I’m still amazed I got through her walls, but I’m glad I did. I got to be with the most amazing, flawed woman and human I’ve ever known. On top of that, we had two equally amazing and flawed children, just like we are.”
            “Is that why you push me to make friends?”
            “It is another reason, yes. I know it’s cliché to say love saved us, but it really did. I wasn’t half the man I was before I met your mom. She made sure to toughen me up and in return, I softened her. With me, she was able to open herself up, even if it was just a little.”
            “Did Mom have trouble too?”
            “Oh, yes. And I’d get to hear all about it, but that was all part of the process. It’s a slow and painful one, but one that must be taken at your own pace.”
            “Excuse me, but are you the Director of the museum?” Nathalie asked.
            Alim and Alix turned to the entrance where Adrien stood with Nathalie and Gorilla. Alim stepped forward.
            “I am. May I help you?”
            “My boss’s son heard about this exhibit arriving and wanted to visit it to gather information for a school project. Is it open?” Nathalie explained.
            “It may not be open just yet, but I can allow this. After all, my own daughter has been doing the same. Uh, Alix?”
            Alix stepped up beside Alim. “Yeah?”
            “Would you assist him while Jalil is out for the day?”
            “Do I have to?”
            “No, but I would appreciate it.”
            Alix considered, approached Adrien, and gave him her notes. “Give these back to me or you will hurt.”
            “That’s not what I exactly had in mind,” Alim remarked.
            “Sorry, Dad, but I do have to get to roller derby.”
            Alim’s eyes widened. “I forgot about roller derby! It’s not a match today, is it?”
            “No, just practice.”
            “Thank goodness. Do you need a ride?”
            “Nah, I’m good. Thanks though.”
            “Stay safe, Alix. See you for lunch!”
            Alix waved goodbye and headed for the museum exit. She stopped when a tall, muscular man with roseish black skin, blue glowing eyes, and decked out in gold Egyptian jewelry, shendyt, and mask. She eyed Jalil’s scarab necklace in the collection of jewelry.
            “Jalil?” Alix asked.
            “Jalil is gone. I’m the Pharoah!”
            Alix grimaced and ran. She headed back to the Tutankhamun exhibit. She made it down the steps when Pharoah blocked her path. She skidded to a stop and scrambled back.
            “You’re fast, Alix, but not fast enough.”
            “Enough, Jalil! Cut the fucking crap!” Alix roared.
            “Alix?” Alim called.
            Pharoah turned where Alim’s voice came from. Alix took the opportunity and ran to hide. She transformed into Bloody Bug and ran back to the exhibit. She spotted Pharoah approaching Alim while Adrien, Nathalie, and Gorilla made their escape. She chunked her yo-yo in, and it wrapped around Alim. She pulled him out of Pharoah’s path.
            “Go! I’ll keep him busy!” Bloody Bug yelled.
            Alim hesitated, then ran.
            Bloody Bug turned as Pharoah closed the gap. Her eyes widened to see his mask had shifted to a lion’s head. He landed a blow on her side and sent her into the wall. The impact created a crater with her plastered to the bottom of it. She took a sharp breath as she felt the pain through her suit. He reached in, grabbed her face, and lifted her up.
            “Fucking bastard! That hurt!” Bloody Bug roared.
            “Then let’s make this easy for both of us. Give me your earrings.”
            “Over my dead body! Lucky Charm!”
            Ladybugs swirled and created an unassuming box. Pharoah laughed and picked it up.
            “Is this the best you can do, little bug?”
            Bloody Bug snarled and swung her legs up. She hit the corner of the box and it exploded. Pharoah yelled as she was propelled back. She rolled and staggered to her feet. She headed out of the museum as she heard his furious screams. She got as much distance between her and Louvre as possible. She slipped into an alleyway and de-transformed. She leaned against a wall and groaned.
            “That hurt.”
            “This is bad. We should go see Master,” Tikki said.
            “My thoughts too, Tikki. I think we should use elation. What do you think?”
            “Maybe call Bomb Bee back too?”
            Alix nodded. She stuck Tikki in her cap and headed for Wang Fu’s massage parlor. She headed in and found him finishing with a patient.
            “Ah, my next client. I’ll see you next week,” Wang Fu said to the patient.
            Alix slipped past the patient and shut the door. “I’m going to need help again.”
            “Twice in a row? It’s not that one girl again, is it?”
            “I’d rather that. No, my brother was akumatized into this demigod thing. He had a normal mask, then it was a lions, and then I was seismic punched into a wall with my own impact crater. Still feel the sting of it.”
            “Not to mention she blew up the exhibit and scepter that Jalil wanted to use to perform an ancient sacrificial ritual. So, he’s going to be coming right for her,” Tikki added.
            Wang Fu’s eyes widened. “That’s… concerning to say the least. Alright, one moment.”
            Alix took a seat while Wang Fu retrieved the Miraculous Box. She lifted her shirt to check for bruising, but didn’t’ see anything. She had expected to see a massive black bruise of Pharoah’s fist in her side.
            “Don’t worry. So long as you have me on, you won’t sustain any injuries, though you’ll feel the pain still,” Tikki reassured.
            “Fucking lovely,” Alix groaned.
            “Alright, here we are. Make your choices,” Wang Fu said.
            “How many am I allowed?” Alix asked.
            Wang Fu considered. “I’ll lend you three this time. Just as before, they are to be returned immediately after.”
            “Well, I know I want elation and action, but what would you suggest for a third?”
            Wang Fu considered, then took off the turtle shell bracelet he wore. “This belongs to the kwami of protection. I think you can guess what it does.”
            Alix snorted. “I don’t know. It might take a lot of guesses. Oh, you have anything I could give Tikki to recharge?”
            Wang Fu nodded. He left and returned shortly after with a plate of store-bought cookies. Tikki munched on a few before she flew up.
            “All good.”
            “Good. Saddle up, it’s going to be a long run,” Alix said.
            “We aren’t transforming?”
            “You said it yourself. He’s coming for Bloody Bug. It’d take longer, but we’d keep the others safe until we get the jewels to them. Now, in the cap.”
            Tikki giggled and hid under Alix’s cap. Alix messaged Marinette, asking where she and Alya were. She waited a minute when Marinette said she and Alya were at Places des Vosages. She put her phone away and headed to the location. She spotted them with Nino, sitting on the fountain. She slipped into an alleyway, transformed, and lassoed the three of them. She pulled them into the alley with her.
            “Woah! Bloody Bug? What’s up, dude?” Nino asked.
            “No time. I need help. I decided to pick a fight with a god and pissed them off. You three are going to help.”
            Alya squealed and jumped forward. Bloody Bug handed Alya the bee comb. Alya bounced, put the comb in her hair, and transformed into Bomb Bee.
            Nino’s jaw dropped as he pointed at Bomb Bee.
            “Surprised? You should be.”
            Bloody Bug snapped her fingers, getting Nino’s attention. She held up the panja bracelet for Marinette and the shell bracelet for Nino. “You two have the same deal as Alya. You get these for one time, help me, and give them back. Marinette, prove yourself strong and not too soft-hearted by accepting elation. Nino, you’re just here, so congratulations.”
            Marinette put on the panja bracelet while Nino put on the shell bracelet. Orbs shot out and circled them before they morphed into a magenta tiger kwami and a green turtle kwami.
            “Alright, make this snappy you two. We have a god hunting me,” Bloody Bug urged.
            “Oh my. Very well. I am Wayzz, kwami of protection. Pleasure to meet you, young man.
            “And I’m Roarr! Kwami of elation at your service, girlie!”
            “Tell them what they can do and how to transform,” Bloody Bug interjected.
            “Right. You can generate a shield saying ‘Shelter.’ To transform, say, ‘Wayzz, shell on.’ To de-transform, say, ‘Wayzz, shell off,’” Wayzz explained.
            “And for me, when you say ‘Clout,’ you can deliver a devastating sucker punch! Oh, and “Roarr, stripes on,’ to transform and ‘Roarr, stripes off,’ to de-transform,” Roarr yelled.
            “Be careful with these powers. One per transformation and then you have five minutes before you turn back. Now, suit up,” Bloody Bug ordered.
            “Wayzz, shell on!”
            “Roarr, stripes on!”
            “Sekhmet, give me your strength!” Pharoah demanded.
            Chat Noir ran in as Pharoah’s mask shifted to a lion. Pharoah clapped his hands together that sent a shockwave that repelled Chat Noir. Chat Noir scrambled to his feet as Pharoah grabbed his face.
            “Where is that wretch, Bloody Bug?”
            “Couldn’t tell you even if I wanted to, which I don’t.”
            “You’ll soon change that tune when I-,” Pharoah started.
            “Hey, ugly!” Bloody Bug yelled.
            Pharoah turned to see Bloody Bug standing atop a nearby building. He laughed and dropped Chat Noir. He stepped forward when Bloody Bug jumped down and approached him.
            “Bug, what are you doing?” Chat Noir asked.
            “Oh, you know. The same thing as before.”
            Chat Noir raised a brow as Bloody Bug didn’t move. He stepped forward to intervene, but she held up a hand and counted down from five. He tilted his head when she got to one and used her Lucky Charm that created a simple book.
            “A book? That’s just as useless as your bomb,” Pharoah mocked.
            “See, that’s where you’re wrong. The book is a trident true that’s never failed me before.”
            “We’ll see about that.”
            Pharoah reached for Bloody Bug, but she jumped back. She hurled the book at his head that staggered him. Chat Noir jumped in and knocked Pharoah off his feet temporarily. Pharoah got back to his feet as a massive spinning top slammed into him. Bomb Bee and a cerise tiger heroine stood atop the spinning toy.
            Chat Noir’s jaw dropped, and eyes widened seeing the tiger girl. He was captivated by her simple, yet beautiful tiger-themed suit that was cerise, the perfect blend of red and pink, of femininity and aggression, accented elegantly with bronze stripes. Her deep magenta hair was pulled back into a pair of high pigtails that whipped wildly in the wind. All that paled in comparison to her savage, orange tiger eyes that shone with a wild delight.
            “Cowabunga, my dudes!”
            Chat Noir snapped out of his trace as a guy in a turtle themed superhero suit shield surfed past him, pulled along by Bomb Bee. He tilted his head at the nagging familiarity of the turtle hero’s voice.
            “Curse you, Bloody Bug! Too cowardly to face me alone?” Pharoah roared.
            “Aww, is the cowardly lion too scared to face us?” Bomb Bee mocked.
            “Excuse me?”
            “C’mon, meow meow. Let’s see how those tiny claws compare to a real wildcat.”
            Bomb Bee gestured to the tiger hero, who stood ready to fight. Pharoah shook his head and went for Bloody Bug, but the turtle hero cut him off as Pharoah’s attack bounced off the turtle shield.
            “I don’t think so, my dude. You want Bloody Bug, you’ll need to defeat me. Before you defeat me, you’ll need to beat them.”
            Pharoah roared and reared his arm back for another attack.
            A dome-like turtle shield covered the turtle hero, Bloody Bug, and Chat Noir. Pharoah pounded on the barrier, but it wouldn’t relent.
            “Anyway, will he does that, name’s Carapace, dude Noir.”
            “You… seem familiar. Have we met?”
            “Can’t say we have. If we have, hit me up. I wouldn’t mind this hero gig again.”
            Chat Noir hummed as he looked back at the tiger hero. Pharoah finally turned away from them back to Bomb Bee and the tiger.
            “Fine. I’ll squish you two first.”
            “Let’s test the strength of your claws, kitten. Clout!” the tiger exclaimed.
            Chat Noir watched as the tiger and Pharoah’s fists connected that sent shockwaves out that ripped apart the street. They stood even for a brief second before the tiger pushed back against Pharoah. He struggled to fight against her when Bomb Bee snuck around and used Venom to paralyze him.
            Carapace dropped the shield, allowing Bloody Bug to take the necklace and break it. The Akuma flew up from the broken pendant. She caught and purified it, then grabbed her book and threw it up.
            The book burst into a swarm of ladybugs that repaired the damage done while Pharoah reverted to Jalil.
            “What happened? Where am I?” Jalil asked.
            “You were akumatized. I had destroyed the Tutankhamun exhibit and painted a target on myself. Now, any reason you went into that exhibit?” Bloody Bug asked.
            “I… wanted to used Tutankhamun’s scepter to perform a ritual. I hoped to prove one of my theories true, but also protect my little sister.”
            “Little sister?” the tiger asked.
            “Yeah. She had a foul run-in with that awful Chloe Bourgeois and was nearly consumed by her rage. It sent her spiraling and I just… I wanted to keep her from that happening. She was so scared of it and I hated seeing her so broken down. I felt like I couldn’t do anything when I should be able to. I’m her older brother, and I can’t do anything to help her. What good am I to her?”
            Bomb Bee started towards Jalil when Bloody Bug knelt.
            “Your sister sounds like a hard case to crack, which I can relate to. It’s not easy going through life with those challenges. She’s going to have her highs and lows as we all do, but the biggest thing you can do is just be there for her. As long as you do that, you’re doing great.”
            Jalil’s eyes widened as Bloody Bug saw a flash of recognition. He reached out and pulled her into his arms. “Thank you! Thank you so much! I promise I’ll be there, always!”
            Bloody Bug chuckled nervously. She patted Jalil’s head, then pushed him away as her earrings chirped.
            “Bug, you’re about to change back,” Chat Noir said.
            “Fuck. Cat, get this man back to his home. Carapace, Bomb Bee, and Lady Tigress, move it.”
            Chat Noir watched the four of them all head in different directions. He watched the tiger, Lady Tigress, vanish before he scooped up Jalil.
            “Where am I taking you?” Chat Noir asked.
            “Uh, the Louvre.”
            “Right-o! I’ll have you there faster than you can say ‘meow.’”
            Alix returned home after she gave the miraculous jewels back to Wang Fu. She managed to swing by roller derby, but she had missed practice. Her coach would have laid into her, but she explained Jalil was akumatized and she didn’t want to put the team at risk, which shut her coach up. She had checked her phone periodically on her way home to see Chat Noir had eagerly messaged her, asking about Lady Tigress. She had put her phone on silent as she ignored him, not wanting to indulge his curosity.
            Alix headed for the stairs when Alim called to her. She turned as he grabbed her shoulders and looked her over.
            “Are you ok? Are you hurt? Any injuries, bruises, or anything?” Alim asked.
            “I’m fine. It was just practice, Dad. We don’t actually hurt each other until match time.”
            “You’re talking about… derby? No, Alix, not that. I’m talking about your fight with Pharoah. You’re not hurt, are you? I saw the impact and the overall destruction of the exhibit, but-.”
            “Wait, Dad, you aren’t saying I’m Bloody Bug, are you?”
            “Alix, you can’t fool me. Well, maybe. I didn’t recognize you immediately. It was like I saw you, but it wasn’t you. It was… such a strange feeling not being able to recognize you from your face. As your father, I should, but I couldn’t. I likely wouldn’t have until you spoke. I didn’t place the voice immediately, but I know your tone and speech patterns. They’re just like your mother’s.”
            “Yeah, you can’t hide the truth from us, Alix!” Jalil yelled.
            Alix glanced over as Jalil ran down the stairs and joined the conversation.
            “I heard it too. It was harder for me to place, but I caught on once I recognized where I’ve heard such a tone before.”
            “Ah, fuck it. Fine, yes. I’m Bloody Bug,” Alix admitted.
            Jalil gasped. “We knew it! How do you do it? Did you gain them from some ancient ritual or a blessing from an old god?”
            Alix rolled her eyes and took off her cap. Jalil and Alim looked at Tikki, who was curled up taking a nap.
            “Interesting. Looks like Jalil’s theory of magic creatures might have some weight after all,” Alim mumbled.
            “Does that mean you’ll-,” Jalil started.
            “Absolutely not. Jalil, we have to keep this secret. That means no interrogating whatever this creature is or revealing any information regarding Alix’s superhero identity.”
            “So, wait, you’re not mad? And you’re not going to tell me to stop?”
            Alim sighed. “I would like to, but I know you. You listen when you want to but have developed a habit of disregarding the rules. Not all, but a lot of them. I know if I told you to stop, you’d just keep doing this. It’s how you are and how your mother was. You both are the types to learn by doing. It won’t matter how much I warn you otherwise, you’ll still do it to find out for yourself.”
            “That’s not always true. I listen to you sometimes.”
            “Yes, but would you listen to me on this?”
            “Probably not.”
            “Exactly. I don’t necessarily like it, but I can’t stop you. I want to keep you safe, but I can’t always. You’re in those stages where you are becoming your own person. As much as I’d rather shelter you, I know she wouldn’t want that. She’d have encouraged and supported you, so that’s what I’ll do. For you and for her.”
            Alix took a shaky breath. “I appreciate it, but you don’t have to do everything for her if you don’t want to.”
            Alim chuckled as a tear fell. “Well, maybe not, but it’s how I can honor her memory and wishes. To see you both happy and strong, just like she will have always wanted. For you both to live a life where you could be yourself. If being Bloody Bug is part of that for you, I will support it and you.”
            Tears fell from Alix’s eyes as she hugged Alim. “Thank you.”
            Tikki yawned and sat up. “What’s going on?”
            “Ah, she’s awake. Greetings, little creature. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Alim said.
            Tikki blinked. “Uh, Alix?”
            “They know. My voice gave it away,” Alix said.
            “Oh. Yeah, the glamor isn’t the best in this age, but we’re also not designed for this kind of environment. So, yeah,” Tikki remarked.
            “What’s the glamor do?” Jalil asked.
            “It masks our holder’s identity. The appearance is the big one, except it can’t mask the immutable like body mass and height. It can also hide the voice, but not necessarily the tone and speech. Which, I guess that’s how you figured it out, Mr. Kubdel?” Tikki asked.
            “Yes, but please, call me Alim.”
            “Well met, Alim. My name’s Tikki.”
            “Likewise, Tikki. Are you by chance hungry? Is that something you can do?” Alim asked.
            “She can and probably is. I didn’t have any extra snacks packed, so, yeah.”
            “Not to worry. I’ll help you with that. What do you eat, Tikki?”
            “Sugar. Preferably sweets.”
            “Well, that would explain the boxes I’ve been seeing from that one bakery run by Tom and Sabine.”
            “Yeah, I’ve been treating Tikki a little more. Plus, I had received a free box of macaroons from Tom last week for when Cat and I kept Marinette safe from Evillustrator.”
            “Treating me or yourself?” Tikki grumbled.
            “Hey! I get hungry too and they do have the best pastries in all of Paris. So, I’m allowed to indulge too,” Alix remarked.
            Alim chuckled. “Alright, you two. I can swing by and get some pastries for Tikki. Let you use your money on other things, Alix. Just make sure you’re still careful out there, ok?”
            “Always. Thank you, Dad.”
            Alim smiled and hugged Alix. “Always, Alix. I love you.”
            “I love you too, Dad.”
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autismrelatabites · 5 months
hi! i dont know if you can help with this but i was wondering if you could offer me any advice? i struggle with sensory issues relating to cleanliness, meaning i hate the feeling of clean hands and hand sanitizer. i really want to stop being unsanitary but every time i wash my hands with soap i want to crawl out of my skin and i feel like a slob now that people are noticing :( i can power through it but i just wanted to know if you knew any ways i can get clean without feeling horrible
I understand completely. Sensory issues can be a nightmare, and something as common as handwashing is something really tough to have to force yourself through multiple times a day.
In terms of the actual feeling or sensations, I don't know how many things you've tried, so forgive me if you have already done this and it didn't work:
Trying different water temperatures
Buying and using lotions after washing your hands (gets rid of the dry sensation and gives you a barrier for your skin)
As a last resort, buying and using one-use gloves for when you use the bathroom or do anything that causes you to pick up germs
However, I cannot understate how important it is to wash your hands semi-regularly, not just for your own health, but for the health of everyone you interact with. Not washing your hands can cause hepatitis, gastrointestinal infections like norovirus and salmonellosis, and respiratory infections, such as influenza, colds and covid, which can spread very quickly.
If you have a friend who is immune-compromised, someone elderly like a grandparent, or even someone who is sick or on their period, you are putting them in danger every day, not to mention every person who may use a door handle after you, eat food prepared by you, shake hands with you, be handed something by you.
Sensory issues are hard, I hate washing dishes for example, I don't like any part of it, the entire experience is awful for me. However, it needs doing, because otherwise I risk mold and other diseases. There are some things you just simply cannot avoid doing because you don't like it, both for your own safety, but for the safety of others.
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Cain's Dollmaker (Headcanons/Scenarios) SCP 073 X Dollmaker Reader
[Hello My Sexy Muffins, this one was requested off of youtube. I hope that you all enjoy this!]
(Disclaimer: Cain aka SCP 073 is not a yandere in canon this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all. Simping for SCPS, Fictional yanderes, and fictional characters are fine in fiction. Just remember to separate fiction from reality. Yanderes and things like SCPS are not ideal partners to have in real life.)
-Yandere Headcanons With Cain X Dollmaker Reader-
.Cain knew you were a strong SCP, that was able to manipulate the world around you.
.Every single bit of it.
.He played it safe because he did not want to risk angering you.
.But he was sort of immune to you, doing like an uno reverse card on you.
.In which you would try to control him but it would just end up you forcing yourself to do what you wanted cain to do.
.So since he is immune to you and you know you cannot use him as a doll he feels this is a sign.
.In which you and he are meant to be.
.Cain is very much the jealous type of yandere.
.In which he would hate you spending time getting close to anyone else.
.Why is he the one you are not spending time with or focusing on?
.Would also be very possessive in that he loves to leave love bites and have you wear his clothing so that everyone knows that you are his.
.Would not be afraid to get rid of rivals.
.He does not even have to hurt them.
.All he has to do is make them angry enough to hurt him and then he can get rid of them without them lashing out at him.
.He would confess to you in a romantic way and if you say yes everything will be okay and he will be tamed a bit.
.Say no and well he is going to become even more possessive and jealous.
.Someone else must have your attention and he is not going to let that stand.
.Very unlikely to use violence to get rid of rivals.
(Now onto the Scenario) (This is NOT Going to be a Mini series it is a one-off thank you very much please enjoy!)
(No One's POV)
Cain watched his darling as they are being tested with a D Class. They moved the d class around making them do as the doctors say. Cain or SCP 073 is helping the doctor with notes. It also made it a bit safer for the doctor. As (Your name) could not use their anomaly on him. He smiles at them. They are so beautiful and stunning. He never knew a person as wonderful as them in all of the thousands of years on this planet.
"Okay, we will take a break now." The Doctor says and leaves (Your Name) and Cain alone to get his coffee.
(Your Name) looks away from Cain and Cain took this chance to get to know his darling better.
"So, (Your name) how have you been?" He asks them.
"Fine, Just barely able to stand the foundation." They snap a bit they hated being stuck with the foundation and were almost considered a Keter level with how hard they were to contain.
"I am sorry about that, maybe if I talk to the doctor I will be able to have lunch with you." Cain says. "Like a date."
"Cain I told you time and time again I am not interested." They snapped at the SCP that had so much puppy dog adoration for them.
"Heh, I am sure you will be happy with me." Cain says. "I can make you happy I can give you love as no one else can!"
They rolled their eyes. "I do not need your love." They say.
Cain looked at them and felt a bit of his heart clench. His darling, the love of his life. The one he was meant to be with. They could not mean that!
"I am sure you just need my hel-"
Suddenly they slapped Cain. They had wanted to test something. If They made Cain slap them could that work to prove their point?
They had slapped Cain so hard from trying to make him slap them. That they fell to the ground as any act done to him would only happen to do it.
Cain knelt down in a panic his cheeks a bright red. He could still feel the pain. "SEE" They shout their cheek already bruising this. "THIS IS WHY WE WILL NEVER WORK."
They shove him away and left the room. Control the guard. They did not want anything to do with him. Cain of course followed after them. He was not going to give up on the love of his life he would make them love him. If it is the last thing he does.
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carissimipaixao · 1 year
Can I ask for 'mistletoe' or 'surprise' with Shay Cormac for your Christmas Inbox?
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published on: february 19, 2023 requested by: anon pairing: shay cormac & reader word count: 1.1k+ note: submitted during the christmas inbox! additional note: i decided to follow along with @sunsetagain's "timeline", in her amazing comic "a ship without a rudder", which i had the pleasure to translate for years ago, where shay arrives in lisbon the day prior to the earthquake. i definitely suggest you check out her content, be it for assassin's creed or even detroit: become human, because, oh my goodness isn't she the most talented person i know 😭🥰
The last few years have been nothing but work, work, work and work. You hardly have time for distractions, nor do you allow yourself the luxury of having a break. You are not the highest-ranking Assassin in the Brotherhood, but your Mentor has always entrusted you to solve the most challenging mysteries. Your family has long been part of the Brotherhood and, along with your skills, you assume you earn that trust.
Lisbon has always been the untangling cobweb for the Templars, and, no matter how hard the Brotherhood pushes forward and undoes their business, someone comes from the shadows and destroys everything you have done. Yet, when His Magnanimous Majesty passed, your Mentor and other Master Assassins from the various corners of the city, as well as the countryside, believed that having his son on the throne might provide an opportunity to fight back.
But, just as before, something twisted all of your plans. In a matter of days, a new threat loomed on the horizon.
You are sitting on top of the rooftops, looking down at the city — as both commoners and nobles walk on the streets — when you hear the tiles move behind you. You turn swiftly, hand in your precious dagger. It is no one other than one of your friends, and you relax immediately, heaving a long sigh. ‘Haven’t I told you not to creep up behind me like that?’ 
‘Guilty as charged,’ the Assassin snickers, raising his hands. ‘But the Mentor has called for you. He said there is someone here who you might want to see.’ He gestures for you to follow him, and you do, almost reluctantly. You are not sure whoever it is that you would like to meet, considering everyone you have ever cared for lives within the city. But, perhaps you have nothing else in mind except getting rid of the Minister’s iron fist and liberating Lisbon.
It does shock you, however, when you enter the den and faintly recognize the face of the stranger in the middle of the hall, who has turned to stare at you. There is a glimpse of caution and, dare you say, betrayal in those eyes, but you cannot tell why. Your friend looks between the two of you curiously and disappears back onto the rooftops. The Mentor puts a hand on the stranger’s shoulder, smiling.
‘The Colonial Brotherhood has sent one of their Assassins to accomplish a mission here,’ he tells you, speaking in English for the sake of the stranger. ‘But, I’m still surprised to know that you are one of us now!’ He glances at the man, looking at him up and down.
‘Mentor,’ you begin, ‘who is he?’
His eyes glint in mischief. ‘I believe you knew this young man a long time ago. Anyway, this is Shay.’
You freeze, remembering younger days when you used to chase around a sailor’s son in the docks and downtown. You didn’t speak his language at the time and he couldn’t speak yours, either. Instead, if there is something that unites all children and remains a global idiom, it is mischief. You were very lonely back then, with your parents working nonstop for the Brotherhood. Besides, it’s not like you were part of a higher society and had a maid looking after you at home.
‘Shay Cormac,’ the man finishes for your Mentor, his face now morphing into a wide smile. ‘Nice to meet you, lass.’
‘I don’t—... you’re an Assassin,’ you shake your head. Trying to ignore the unsubtle way your Mentor is walking away, you cross your arms, narrowing your eyes. ‘I don’t remember you being one.’ You raise a hand, almost asking for permission for a second chance, to reform your words. ‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be talking about this right now. You want to see the city first, for your mission, right?’
Shay chuckles. ‘I see not much has changed.’ It sounds like it was just a note for himself. ‘No need, lass, I know where I need to go. It’s not too far from here, anyway.’ He walks up to you and, in that short distance, you take the chance to look over his face. Indeed, not much has changed; you can still recognize that devious gaze and that mischievous grin. He easily towers over you, which is amusing, considering it used to be the other way around when you two were mere children. ‘You sound like my friends back home, too. All serious.’
‘Things are difficult here,’ you murmur.
‘So I hear.’ He looks at you up and down, and you try not to do so much as a twitch. You have never liked being the center of attention. ‘I’ve been tasked by my own Mentor to get an artifact from the Carmo Convent, but I will follow through with the mission tomorrow. I’ve just arrived from a very long trip.’
You nod. The workaholic — and extremely stressed out — side of you wants to complain; a good Assassin continues through with their work, no matter what, but you don’t know for just how long he was at sea. Besides, something tells you that he is somewhat new in the Assassin Brotherhood. ‘I understand,’ you say. ‘Let me show you to the chambers. You can rest here for the night, unless you have anywhere else to stay.’
‘Much obliged,’ the Irishman grins. ‘Perhaps you will accompany me, and tell me what you have been up to since the last time we met.’
As you begin to lead the way to the chambers within the den, you snort. You are very quick to dodge intimacy or anything that may stray you from your path. You have placed your work in front of everything else, really. It has been an inside joke amongst your friends that, indeed, you would become like those grumpy old ladies that want nothing from gentlemen callers or from anyone that might cross their sight, preferring solitude, peace and quiet. You can now tell that being flirtatious is also a new trait to Shay, but it still aligns with the playful nature that you know to be uniquely his.
‘Perhaps tomorrow, after your mission?’ You suggest, however. Even though you want nothing from Shay — at least, you know you don’t seek what he had implied —, you cannot help the curiosity. It has been years, and you would not mind reconnecting with someone you used to consider your friend. Besides, if he is a fellow Assassin, you might be able to gain insight into the American colonies from him. You shake off the slight shame that has creeped into your bones.
As you hold the door open for him, you turn. Shay appears to be thinking about your offer. After a beat of silence, he sighs. ‘Well, if you say so. Even if I do reckon you should have a break, I understand if you have things to get back to.’ He gives you a wink as he passes, holding the door instead — and you ignore how your hands briefly brushed against one another, the spark that rushes up your arm. ‘Let us meet tomorrow, then, after my mission.’
‘Sounds like a promise,’ you smile.
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disabled-dragoon · 2 years
recently i've been trying to streamline a routine (starting to practice real pacing), and everything popping up is about sleep hygiene. the thing is, i can only leave my bed for about an hour a day, so the idea of 'keeping your bed for sleep only' is impossible. i can't move to the sofa for various reasons (can't find curtains that fit the window length, really bad quality sofa that hurts to be on, etc), so that's not an option. it's frustrating because i do have a hard time sleeping but a big part of what doctors and the internet is saying will help are physically impossible. are there any ways to practice sleep hygiene while bedbound or close to it?
(ps: can't get rid of the sofa, it came with the apartment)
Genuinely had not heard of the term "sleep hygiene" before this ask so thank you anon, you've made me learn something new XD
Now. I have gone away and done some research (a lot of which involved talking to my semi-bedbound mother) and I think I might have some tips. I hope they're useful to you!
Bed Only for Sleep
You said the "bed only for sleep" option is impossible; that's completely understandable. My mother's bedroom doubles as her office space and living room 90% of the time so I understand the difficulty that can come with trying to develop a routine away from it. I asked her how she deals with it and this is essentially what she said:
Different positions help. When she's working she likes to sit up or prop her back up on a cushion/angled backrest when she's having a really bad pain day. So she's not lying completely down but isn't risking hurting herself by trying to move out of the bed. Sometimes moving slightly further down the bed (i.e. away from the general sleeping/pillow area) also helps.
Get dressed or at least partially dressed. Even just changing one thing instead of being in the same bed clothes all day can help. Gives them a chance to be cleaned and lets you feel fresher.
Make it comfy. (Wasn't much elaboration on this. It's just making it a space you feel comfortable being in both during the day and the night. Pretty standard stuff but might as well include it.)
A lot of sleep hygiene tips revolve around leaving the bed and the bedroom for regular exercise. I understand how difficult that is when you cannot leave your bed, however, there may be a way around it.
Stretching is said to be an excellent stress reliever before falling asleep. If you can, there are some light stretches you could probably do in bed- so long as you are willing and are able to conduct them without hurting yourself. It's probably best to see someone like a licensed physiotherapist or fitness trainer etc. about this, but there will be definitely ones you can find on the internet.
Here is a link for bedtime stretches that may be of some use if this is something that interests you.
Bedroom Conditions:
So you mentioned the curtains by your couch, but what about the curtains in your bedroom?
How well do they filter the light? How well do they dim the room on a night? Are they the right length? Are they easy to open on a morning/close on an evening? Light levels are important!
A dark, cool and quiet bedroom is apparently perfect for "optimal" sleep. I understand this may not be entirely possible but it's certainly something to consider if it is.
(If you don't already) Try and get into a routine of opening the curtains/blinds during the day and closing them on a night. Even partially open, i.e. enough to let a bit of natural light in, is good! Blackout curtains could be something to look into. And if you can, try sleeping facing away from any flashing/reflective lights. Also clocks. Ticking clocks can be a distraction when it comes to sleep.
And again, back to the "make it comfy" thing- make sure the room is somewhere you feel not only comfortable but safe in as well. Surround yourself with things that make you can easily use to entertain yourself during the day, and things that can help you to relax on a night.
And just a few more things here because I wasn't sure where to put them:
You know the whole "don't use your phone for at least an hour before bed!" stuff? Well, it's a good habit to get into if you don't already and are looking for better sleep. If you do use a phone (or some form of technology before bed) try and replace it with something like a book or a puzzle etc.
My sleep schedule is and always has been pretty abysmal, but I found it improved somewhat when I switched to using a weighted duvet, and then a weighted blanket. Unfortunately, they tend to be a bit pricey, and I understand they're not for everyone, but it's an option to potentially look into.
A more radical suggestion: painting your bedroom walls a cool colour (like blue or green) can help stimulate better sleep. I'm not suggesting overhauling and decorating your entire sleeping space, but it is certainly a more radical suggestion to consider.
Try not to consume a heavy meal or a lot of caffeine before bed. But don't go to bed hungry or thirsty!
If you find you nap a lot during the day, try and break the habit. Find things to keep you occupied during times when you feel drowsy (i.e. a puzzle). It can make maintaining a consistent bedtime easier.
I'm sorry if this is simply not relevant to you, anon, but I hope you got some use out of it and I apologise I cannot be of much more help. If anyone else would like to add/correct anything please feel free.
I wish you well and good luck with your routine!
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laulink · 2 years
Something I found really interesting in Three Houses and Three Hopes is the insight we get on Edelgard and Dimitri's viewpoints on reforms and how to do them.
In her C support with Dorothea, to the question "can you really do that ?" (only keep the useful nobles and get rid of the useless ones, making people able to rise in station based on their merits instead of their family name), Edelgard answers "it's not a matter of can or cannot, it's a matter of doing it and doing it right".
In Three Hopes, when news reach Dimitri of Edelgard's declaration of war on the Central Church, he says he admires her reforms, but that it isn't wise to rush them so much because "if you force reforms down people's throats, they will revolt".
Their viewpoints are educated ones, based on their experiences and how their countries work : Edelgard saw her father lose all his power to the seven main noble families because they managed to do their coup "right" and basically overtake the country, so if she does her own thing "right", she can also achieve her goals, no matter what they are. Dimitri, however, was traumatised by the Tragedy of Duscur, which was orchestrated by outside forces, yes, but was still the revolt of a population against a ruler, which led to the ruler's death and the population being massacred, not to mention the coup against him when it is time for him to take the throne and his uncle doesn't agree, which, to my understanding, basically led to a civil war (I haven't gotten to that part in AM and haven't played AG yet, so I don't really know about the details).
Both of them are right : Edelgard accused the Central Church of corruption and having too much power, which was also part of the official reason behind the Insurrection of the Seven, while also reviving the Southern Church so the believers in the Empire would still have a higher power to look up to for guidance. She did her thing right and from what we know of the two games and their future, it seems like it works out for her. But Dimitri is also right in that implementing big reforms against the population's desires can lead to revolt, and though it's very unlikely to be a real threat without outside influence to organise and weaponise it, like we see in Three Hopes with the revolts in Hrym and Ordelia territory, it's still going to cause casualties Dimitri wants to avoid.
So even if Dimitri wanted to implement the same reforms as Edelgard (which isn't the case, let's be clear about that, he admires her policies but that doesn't mean he wants to put an end to noble houses and inheritance since he and the other Faerghus nobles firmly believe in the necessity for people wielding Crests and Heroes' relics to be in charge to protect their country), he wouldn't actually do it, or at least not immediately, but waiting for the right time to implement reforms is opening yourself up to the risk of never having the chance to do it, leaving it to the next generation who might also never find the right time, etc, etc, and things will never change, or not as much as you want, not to mention the risk of someone with different values than yours taking power and making things worse. Dimitri's way is more peaceful, but at a pretty high risk of failing, while Edelgard's way has more chances of success but necessitates to sacrifice countless lives in war.
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turtlespancake · 11 months
I think we should really talk about "Anything you post on the internet stays on the internet forever" in terms of art. Because it does but also it doesn't.
When you post art online, you HAVE to be ready for the fact that other people will see it. I know that sounds obvious, but I cannot stress that enough. People will misinterpret you work. People with Understand your work in ways that are gratifying beyond belief. People can be mean online. People can be annoying online. People can be kind and supportive online. Sometimes something you pour your heart into can go mostly unnoticed. Sometimes something you spent five minutes on can blow up beyond your wildest dreams. If you're posting art PUBLICALLY online, you have to accept that any and all of these scenarios can happen. Not everyone will get famous in a day. Not everyone will get famous full stop. If you just want the attention, you have to be prepared for the fact that you may not get it. Similarly, if you just want to hide in your little OC corner with your 3 mutuals, you have to be prepared for the fact that a person, or many people who you've never met could see it too.
We are our own worst critics. If a fan said to you the same things you say to yourself, it'd be worth reporting. "This is cringe and fail and had no effort put into it" is something "normal" for an artist to say to themself but would be worth a block if said by a stranger. When streaming services make shows permanently unavailable bs reasons, it's a tragedy. Yet when you take your own animations off of YouTube for your own arbitrary reasons, it's fine and justified. Lost media only counts if it's big, polished studio projects obviously.
Some of my favorite videos on YouTube were made by accounts with under 100 subscribers. Some of my favorite animations and art pieces are genuinely gone from the internet, either because the artist took them down or they got a copyright strike from YouTube or something along those lines. I will likely never see them again, and it bothers me to no end. You have NO idea what impact your art has on people. You may never know. But you HAVE to trust your audience when they say they liked something.
Common reasons people delete their art:
"It was old and bad." You will inevitably get better and learn new things as you keep drawing, but that doesn't mean what you did in the past was necessarily terrible. Even if it was, sometimes it can be fun to see an artist's journey! Plus, if you consistently delete your art once it hits a certain age, it can make it hard for your audience to trust you. How are people supposed to enjoy your new art knowing that there's a 50/50 shot they'll never be able to view it again given enough time?
"It's cringe and embarrassing and I didn't put enough effort into it!" If it's really that bad, no one would look at it. There's value in all art, even if it's "objectively bad" or "cringe." One man's trash is another man's treasure and all that. Plus, just because it's "bad" in one regard doesn't mean it's not phenomenal in another. An animation with problems staying on model can still have fantastic timing. An illustration with confusing lighting can still be beautifully composed. All art is flawed, and all art has its merits. If someone is looking at a piece long enough to notice its mistakes, it means they've been staring at it because they already like it. Please, believe your audience when they say they enjoy something.
"People keep reposting my art without my permission." That genuinely sucks, but how does taking down the original copy help matters? If people are stealing credit from you, getting rid of the original copy -- and effectively the evidence that this really is your art, and no one else's -- won't help. If it's already being reposted, it's not like taking down the original will stop the reposting either since people can just do reposts of reposts. I get the frustration, I really really do!! But taking down your original copy won't stop the problem.
"It's nothing like my other art and I don't create things like this anymore." Not every fan of yours has to be a diehard who looks at/enjoys everything you've ever made. If someone wants to come watch your one warrior cats meme from 2011 when everything else on your YouTube channel has nothing to do with that, then let them enjoy that one video and be on their way. You're not a brand, you don't need to be consistent all the time every time.
"I don't want the attention anymore." That's understandable, but there's other ways of taking eyes off of you than nuking your entire gallery. All hype and drama will inevitably fade with time, and the mute button is your best friend.
"It didn't get enough attention." And you think deleting your art will help you get more attention or something? Some posts take a while to really get going, especially here on tumblr. Not to mention social media is NOT a true indicator of skill or emotional impact. There are professional artists who get 10 likes. There are kids drawing in MS Paint who get millions of likes. If you stay online enough, you'll see both examples a million times over. Don't let a flop post discourage you, and don't give up on a post too soon.
Please, if you're an artist on the internet, be kind to yourself. Young or beginner artists on here, this ESPECIALLY applies to you. You have no idea how you can inspire others. Don't let a few jerks on the internet or your harsh inner critic convince you your art isn't worth seeing, because I PROMISE you it is.
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I am enraged, I just opened my pad to write to you and what do I find? I now know that I can write you as much as I want and just the thought that tomorrow your whole day will go by without receiving anything from me makes me feel helpless. I too know those Sundays when, from the morning to the end of the day, every object loses its relief. Ah! If I could at least close your mouth when I kiss you so you won't talk nonsense or foolishness anymore! How easy everything would be! No, it wouldn't. Here I am, chained, helpless, stretched out to you, and with nothing to say but poor words I cannot use.
My dear, my love, I beg you. Come back to yourself. Come back to us. I love as seriously, as seriously as one can love. Nothing can change from me to you anymore, and I shall be there, always, to the end. You are the only being in the world who has taught me true pain and true joy; you are the only one who has put in me the anguish of death and rebellion against the last separation. I have never loved anyone as I love you, no one in the world, and I would never have known the need for someone's existence and presence if I hadn't met you.
Everything in you is joy, pleasure, richness and love for me, and I feel my heart melting when I think of the one who trembles a little, who hesitates, prays and shivers deep inside you, the one I often guess and who from time to time lets himself go before me. Oh no, do not doubt. Never doubt again. It's silly because it's foolish. Listen to me. Hear me and be patient, and the time will soon come when you won't have any more doubts. And now listen to me again.
You mustn't say to yourself, "We love each other. We will triumph over everything," but "We love each other and have triumphed over everything." For, my dear love, I don't know if you realize it, but here we are in the midst of victory, and what life has in store for us, we will see later, and it will make us see it without you or me or anyone else having to push it behind us. But we had a great battle to fight, especially against ourselves, and it has been fought. We have won, and whatever happens now, nothing will be able to separate us.
Look. In the midst of my doubts, sufferings, anxieties, revolts and anger, only one thing remains firm: my love for you and the unshakeable feeling that I am yours and that nothing can separate me from you. Think for a second, and remember our old storms. I exist only through you and with you and I will wait for you if I have to for the rest of my life; I will wait for you even though I know you will never come. Do you understand? Leave all your ghosts alone. Against you, near or far, I'll always be with you. Even the shadow is sweet to me if I know you in the sun. So, rest in peace. Then you'll see what's best to do; whatever you do, I'll never leave you as long as you love me.
Do you hear? Relax, relax with confidence... and be gentle and kind, the bad mood is a very silly thing that makes you very unhappy. Be gentle. You're meant to be gentle and not unfair. Be gentle from morning till night, believe me. Gentle and peaceful with others and you won't doubt me anymore. You will tell me that it has no connection; but look hard; it does. Discomfort is a disease like generalized cancer. Avoid discomfort. Be gentle. No one around you deserves to be in a bad mood and less than anyone else F [rancine] right now. Do you want to work? Do I have to lock you up like Utrillo with two turns of a key for you to make up your mind? Have you finished your mail?
No, darling, seriously, now I'm sure time will fly and all your nightmare fumes will disappear as soon as you really get to work. Throw away your ghosts, take a break, don't get distracted by things you can't do anything about right now and take advantage of this long stay to get rid of everything that's hanging around and weighing down after you. I sense from your letters that you are somehow better off. Please, enjoy it! All right; I'm leaving you. I have to go to sleep, 2 a.m. already! I'm going to turn off the light and try to sleep. This enormous bed calls for... Oh, darling, if you knew how much I want you too! Look! I washed my head this morning. My hair is soft as a caress. Oh! How good it is. I'm thinking of your lips. I'm thinking about your weight on me. I think of your legs on my stomach and your hands and arms. Ah! How I miss you in my heart and body and soul. I kiss you long, long.
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, January 17, 1950 [#132]
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godlesssuggestions · 2 years
i stopped considering myself a christian coming up on a decade ago, but when i think about religion i still can't shake the idea that xtianity is correct and that my disbelief can't prevent it from being real even if i can see all the logical contradictions and bullshit. this is frankly terrifying to me because the xtian god is morally repugnant. do you/your followers have any thoughts or advice on getting out of this trench of unwanted belief?
i just love when tumblr doesn't notify me to asks and i'm just supposed to stumble on them when i remember to check my inbox. so sorry for the 2 months wait on this answer.
this is just my own experience and i'd love to hear followers' experiences as well.
anyway, something that has helped me, especially in the past few years, is searching for my own truth. i believe there is no absolute truth because each person in existence has experienced events in their lives in different ways, and no two people have identical experiences. this goes against the christian belief that anyone can be "saved." our life and events that make it up are shaped by our genetic make-up, upbringing, and often subconscious biases that have developed over time due to the people who we surround ourselves with, the media, propaganda, societal values, etc. this is a very long-winded way to begin to explain: i have tried my very hardest to see things from more than one or two different perspectives, because no two people believe exactly the same thing.
there are some things i believe to be true that others' don't, and really in the long run, that's okay. you are accomplishing so much in both searching for your truth and sending this very ask because you are acknowledging that you are aware that your thoughts on your old god and biases exist, and these thoughts are not necessarily what you truly believe. i would be so much more concerned about someone who actually believed what you said is a correct mindset to live in without knowing it is, using your phrase here, morally repugnant. your choice to reach out about this conflict within yourself means that you are not like the followers of the xtian god. you acknowledge that your subconscious is not what you believe.
your beliefs were and are already changing as soon as you sent this. by reaching out to someone to see if anyone also experienced this, you are beginning to let go of your mindset you once believed to be true.
going back to searching for my personal truth: i use the term "truth" even though i don't believe there is one right answer that everyone should know (because no one in all of existence knows what everyone else knows, which ultimately shape our own truths). to get rid of biases directly, you would have to try and understand everyone's personal truth, and you would get nowhere because knowing every detail about everyones life, upbringing, beliefs and where they began, etc., is impossible.
all to say, this is just what i believe to be true in my own experience.
what you can begin to do is focus on your own beliefs, one of the only things you can change directly. you cannot change what others believe, but you can change what they experience to shape those beliefs. in that same vein, you cannot know everything that has shaped your beliefs and why, but you can work to change what, deep down, you know is untrue.
i encourage you to expand your horizons. get to know all different kinds of people. research and learn. listen to people talk about what they believe to be true, take all this information (which in itself can be a subconscious task), and form your own truth. soon, your beliefs and experiences will form new ones that may not feel like they fit, but they make up who you are. who you are is not stagnant and never was. you are able to change your beliefs, and by acknowledging that, you are already changing these beliefs.
i hope this makes sense and that sharing my own thoughts and experience provide at least a little bit of comfort and validation to you. i again apologize for not seeing or responding to this message until now. i wish you and everyone struggling with this all the best on your search for the truth.
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