#wolf & raven fan comic
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Side note: these are sketches I have done since starting this comic. Many really don't have much context 🙃
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dragonnan · 5 months
Gift art for @wolf-and-raven-dreaming
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022)
Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling, Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Fanart, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Heavy Angst, Protective Hob Gadling, Hob Gadling Loves Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Dream of the Endless | Morpheus Loves Hob Gadling, Dream of the Endless│Morpheus Needs a Hug, Inspired by Fanart, Inspired by the Wolf&Raven Fan Comic, Depression, Blood and Violence
Full image can be viewed at AO3. Please heed warnings (though nothing is graphic)
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mjjune · 11 days
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as requested/voted on for my 1k follower celebration! thank you so much to everyone who voted and who cares enough about this story to want to know more 💕
artists featured: check them out!!!
@neapaulatan, @ichimakesart, @littlestpersimmon, @akiwitch, @vacantgodling
below the cut is a full image description and twtr's taglist! reply here or message me if you want to be added ✨
[Image Description:
A Comic Sans WIP intro of 9 slides with dark gray background and various images.
Slide 1: Title page with a dark background of green leaves with the title "TWTR: a comic sans wip intro as requested by my followers <3"
Slide 2: "So WTF is TWTR?" with an image of illustrated art of a forest scene with a tree growing through a cottage in the background, a silvery ax with a dragon design sticking out of the earth in the foreground. The slide reads, "a retelling, sorta, more of a sequel ! the prologue is a little red riding hood retelling, and the rest of the novel is the aftermath. red is not so little anymore. the wolf is back for blood and the woodsman has to finish what he started 6 years ago." In smaller font, a note in parentheses says, "and no i will not tell you what twtr stands for. it’s an ongoing joke now that half my betas still didn’t know what it meant even though it was on the signup sheet 🫠"
Slide 3: The Story. Has an illustrated gif image of the woodsman facing away from the audience, his cape blowing in the wind. He has an ax in his left hand, a raven sitting on his right shoulder in the woods. the slide reads: "the woodsman, an outsider, saves a little girl from a legendary beast, only to find out that she’s?? whoops?? the nearby kingdom’s princess and only heir??? so naturally, if you were the queen, and some strange outsider dude pops out of the evil magical forest with your 10yo daughter claiming he saved her from The Wolf™ ... uh, yeah, that’s sus. he’s arrested and has to prove (via dark shit i won’t go into) that he’s magic-free before he can join kingdom society."
Slide 4: Yikes, then what? Has a banner image of the woods with a cloaked figure in the center, fog rising from the bottom, with a raven with glowing eyes in the corner. The slide reads: "over the years, he works his way up to become red’s personal guard. he has his first real friend of his entire life?? 🥺 until the wolf shows back up, working its way through the kingdom devouring people. avery must kill the beast once and for all before it gets to red. as he tracks it, though, he uncovers lies that go deep not only within the kingdom, but his own past. he finds The Wolf™ in the woods, where it offers him a deal: the truth, for red. which will avery choose??? 👀"
Slide 5: Wait so who are these people?? Has 3 icon images of the main characters. First is "Avery, The Woodsman. known for being short, baby-faced, and a man of few words; mysterious past prior to saving red and joining the kingdom." His icon is an illustrated profile view of a short dark-haired tan-skinned man with freckles and a bit of scruff and a serious expression. Second is "Red, Princess Anara. the spirited heir to the throne; angry that she’s not included in royal affairs and wants to learn everything." Her icon is illustrated art of a young girl with blue eyes, red hair in a braid, wearing a dark hooded cloak looking at the audience. Last is "The Wolf™, a monster of legend, rumored to be immortal that lives in the dark forest surrounding the kingdom; the size of a room and devours people whole :P yum yum." Its icon is a dark image of a wolf with glowing white eyes looking at the audience.
Slide 6: Surely there are other characters, MJ??? Slide is plain with a bulleted list of info, which reads: "Honorable Mentions: MAGNUS, the elite guardsman who trains avery and has a complicated history (an unintentional fan favorite); QUEEN ETIENNE, the queen of the kingdom and red’s mom; "GRANDMA", an elderly woman who red liked to visit (secretly) in the woods and was devoured by The Wolf™."
Slide 7: Also Featuring. Slide reads "a badass ax, hand-crafted by avery’s long-deceased parents; giant trees the size of houses; giant burrowing lizards; religious coercion :); magic metal; magic plagues; magic soup; intimate platonic hair braiding; cute child cameos; southern hemisphere world (aka the north is warm and the south is cold)". To the right is an illustration of avery's ax, a dark handle with silvery ax with an etched dragon design.
Slide 8: Ok, but is it gay? with small parentheses note: "how dare you ask me this honestly." Bullet points read: "unfortunately this is classified :) (tbf even in the book i keep it loose and open to interpretation), but here are some themes which may or may not be queer: “(unconscious) true love’s kiss breaks the spell” except does it tho???; princess “uninterested in courting”; handsome shy wallflower guy gets asked to dance by 100 girls and declines them all (think cullen from dragon age lmao); shapeshifting as a metaphor for... things :); found family / family doesn’t have to be blood / adoption; lights vs. dark not being a clear-cut good vs. evil, nuanced morality etc.
Slide 9: Art credits! Slide reads: "a HUGE thank you to all the artists i’ve commissioned! they’re all linked below! check them out! in order of appearance: dark forest scene by neapaulatan; avery cape gif by ichimakesart; foggy banner and wolf icon (fan-made); avery icon by littlestpersimmon; red icon by akiwitch; avery’s ax by vacantgodling. Below the credits, it reads, "Thanks for reading! and as a reminder, all my works have a taglist! if you want a notif every time i post about this wip let me know :)"
End Image Description]
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@aether-wasteland-s @annetilney @artbyeloquent @ashirisu @bebewrites
@cljordan-imperium @dogmomwrites @dustylovelyrun @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue
@faithfire-writes @flowerprose @forthesanityofstorytellers @ghafasinej @helioscenic
@isabellebissonrouthier @jamieanovels @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @marlowethelibrarian
@marrowwife @mr-writes @macabremoons @perasperaadastrawriting @phantomnations
@tate-lin @thyroidhormones @verba-writing @vsnotresponding @wildswrites
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jageshemashftw · 1 year
So I was today years old when I found out that the Diamond Cutters in the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comics are supposed to be a wholesale reference to the rogue FOXHOUND unit in the original Metal Gear Solid game.
Whisper the Wolf - Sniper Wolf
Slinger the Ocelot - Revolver Ocelot
Claire Voyance - Psycho Mantis
Mimic the Octopus - Decoy Octopus
Smithy the Lion - Vulcan Raven (Not sure why they changed a raven to a lion, but they’re both big guys who use miniguns, so….)
Even the Diamond Cutter’s abandoned base in the Tangle and Whisper miniseries is straight up just Mother Base from MGSV. Heck, the name Diamond Cutters is a reference to the Diamond Dogs from the same game!
Point is, someone on the Sonic IDW writing team is a serious Metal Gear Solid fan.
So now, that got me thinking….
Where’s the Diamond Cutter equivalent of Liquid Snake?
(Also, how in the hell have we gotten zero fan art of the Diamond Cutters dressed like FOXHOUND?)
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loryn-art · 1 year
A Plague Tale : Fan fictions and other Projects main post :
AO3 page here !
Things have escalated quickly in my head about this fandom and I don’t know how long this is going on. I order to not get lost in my own chaotic ideas and plots, and to share them with you if you are interest in it, here is a my main list of all the upcoming projects I may or may not post with a short description.
I will try to keep this list updated as much as I can, (my brain being a lazy potato.)
DISCLAIMER : major spoils about the game in it, you’ve been warned.
Fanfictions :
A Plague Tale - Redemption : The Main story I’m actually working on. I said in a previous post I had a hard time choosing between two main stories, but I finally opted for the one with the more saddest/hurt/confort/angst potential (what a surprise). -> Lucas shot Hugo, seven years later Amicia and him have to work together again to protect a new Macula bearer. Ridiculous amount of OCs I can’t seriously halp - AmiciaxLucas - might never be finished because the more I think about it the more consistent and long the plot gets - Sophia is here of course and adulting like a boss. Rated M I guess for violence/explicit scenes. Lucas:endingverse. Read here !
A Flame Tale : Three parts fanfiction. I swore I wouldn’t write a sequel to this story because writing explicit scenes between teens sounds weird but I can’t get enough of those two idiots. Set in the Amicia:endingverse. Also it’s not just here for some silly romanced moments but also to share my idea of how and why Lucas left the house in the last part. COMPLETE
No name yet : Some short texts and one shots about an AU where the Plague was delayed for some years (I don’t know the reason yet, but I wanted the characters to be older, around +3 years- ) Amicia is 18 Lucas is 15 Hugo is 7. Guess who wants to write cheesy scenes between two characters secretly flirting when they’re not allowed to ? -> when a young noble girl, daughter of Lord De Rune falls in love with the town Alchemist’s apprentice, rumors spread like a plague.
No name yet : Modern story following the Ascendance main fict. Amicia is 17 year old high school teenager, Daughter of the town mayor and one of the most eminent scientist of the country. Her little brother she barely sees suffers from a mysterious illness, while more and more strange events are happening in the city, people disappear, laboratories are devastated, and her life will soon be tied with other characters, weirdly familiar... I don't know if I will ever write it but I'm really inspired for some comics/fanfarts. Not an AU, just kind reincarnation/ressemblance stuff.... not sure yet.
Comics/Fanarts :
- Some illustrations about the fan fictions above.
- A short comic setting in my main story, kind of a companion piece for it. Lucas is studying in an academy a few months after Amicia rejected him.(Lucas:ending) -> The other apprentices could bully him as much as they wanted, nothing was more painful than her furious eyes meeting his in his sleep or between the lines of his books, where he drew them during class lessons.
- Actually in a Modern-AU obsession, might draw some stuff about it too.
One Shot ficts : “The tales that don’t fit anywhere else”
2 - The lioness, the wolf and the raven, leaving the tower : Short scene right after Amicia and Lucas met Vaudin, on their way back. Is it possible for Vaudin to be even more detestable ?
3 - Setting while Amicia and Hugo are on their way to La Cuna, Beatrice/Lucas, because nothing can escape a mother eyes, mostly when she an alchemist.
1 - The vixen, the wolf and the burning city : What has been told in the narrow alleys of the city that night, stays in the narrow alleys of the city. - Lucas/Melie (Happens when Lucas and Melie are separated from the group at the end of Innocence)
4 - The boy and the arrow : When you have to pull an arrow out of your crush, while her little brother's been kidnapped by a crazy count, hunted by his soldiers right after your ship stranded, what a beautiful day. Happens right after the count attacked Sophia's ship. A dramatic reunion on the shore.
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daisy-thetoxic · 1 year
Light down low
Lana Parrilla x fem Oc
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Warning- age gap, dumb con, degrading kink, praising kink, over stimulation, minor DNI
Ivy was a new main character added into Once upon a time. She played Rapunzel, in the end of season Three did she join, and Season four she became a main character. She didn’t have a love interest, she was more of a bad ass who was sarcastic and had her own lizard.
Rapunzel was known to get shipped with Regina dispute Robin being her one true love. Some say it’s the chemistry between the actresses or that Rapunzel never judged Regina ok other opinion and always believe innocent until proven guilty. Often taking Regina’s side in most scenarios, or both of them.
Ivy ran her fingers through her hair as she got ready for comic con. Her lips their natural rosy color as her bright green eyes stuck out against her dark and thick eyelashes. She had got a wolf cut, her black curly hair framing her face perfectly as she worse a Lacey corset with a leather jacket over it and black jeans.
She was Hispanic, which shocked people when she got casted for Rapunzel but her character had brought popularity and the directors loved it.
“Ivy Gomez!” The announcer calls out, making the crowd scream as she walks out, tailing with the silver ring sim her fingers, which matched her silver necklaces she was wearing.
“Lana Parrilla!” He calls out next, making Ivy instantly look towards the entrance as she sat in her chair, Emile sitting next to her.
Lana was wearing something very similar to her, the jeans a different color and the make up less extravagant, although she still looked beautiful.
Ivy quickly looked away as she noticed Lana meeting her gaze. There were close on set, always cuddling with each other in one of their trailers, always touching, even Lana’s husband would joke about it with the rest of the cast.
Ivy wasn’t very close to them as she was to Lana, she was short and one asides, never talking much, always sipping at some whine or higher than a kite. Although you could tell if she was tipsy or high as she would be stuck to Lana’s side, not talking but just snuggling and watching everyone carefully.
Ivy wasn’t paying attention as he called the rest of the casts names, only focusing on playing with Lana’s hand which as situated on her thigh. She was taking the rings off of her fingers and putting it onto Lana’s.
“Ivy.” Lana whispered, getting her attention. The raven beauty looked up, noticing everyone looking at her. “Oh sorry.” She apologized to the person with the microphone. Feeling bad that she was in her daze again and not paying attention.
“It’s okay.” The girls assures her. “What’s as your question, sweetheart?” Ivy asks her, getting some cheers from the audience but she didn’t know what it was about.
“I was asking who would you sleep, marry and kill with, Emma, Ruby or Regina.” The girl asks, completely throwing Ivy completely off guard. Her eye brows furrowing “oh wow. I was not expecting that.” She breathed out. Slipping her hand out of Lana’s as she debated.
“Well here goes my career.” Ivy laughs, embarrassed slightly. “I would sleep with…. Ruby. She’s definitely my type.” Ivy says, making Meghan cheer as she said her character.
“I would kill Emma, only because I have very different options on whose Henry mother actually is.” She clarifies, wanting no rumors or drama to happen.
“And marry Regina.” She lists lastly, getting a uproar of cheers from the audience. She didn’t clarify why, hell she almost said ‘I mean, look at Lana, who wouldn’t want to marry her.’ But she restrained herself.
“Livy is so real.” Cheers before passing off the mic, making Ivy look around confused. “What’s Livy?” She asks, not understanding the ship name at all.
Some of the fans giggle, only increasing her confusion. By a lot. “What’s Livy?” Ivy asks again, only getting more giggles until the girl speaks up.
“Yours and Lana’s ship name.” Making Ivy’s widen in surprise and her mouth was doing an awkward smile. “I- there’s a ship name? Hold up, I’m googling this.” Ivy pulls out her phone, she wasn’t sure if that was allowed but she was curious.
When she clicked on images after googling ‘Livy once upon a time.’ As she scrolled further she found a lot more inappropriate images can’t sing her and Lana, some were disturbing as someone out in a lot of effort photo shop. There was particular one, it was Lana below what’s as suppose to be her, ‘Ivy’ had her hands trailing down Lana nude stomach while her other hand was aggressively groping her boob. Ivy fav went into one dog shock, surprise, wtf is this and what the hell.
People started laughing at her reaction, she quickly turned to Lana, showing her the image. Lana too stared at it in shock and surprise. “You guys love detail, huh.” Ivy comment, her and Lana looking at it in bewilderment. “Honestly, if I weren’t me I would have thought I did that.” Ivy says, turning to Lana with a cheeky grin. “We could.” “Ivy, no.” Lana tells her, laughing as Ivy pouts. “Way to let a girl down, Parrilla.” Ivy pouts, crossing her arms.
“How many of you do ship Livy?” She asks them, genuinely curious. The cast all look at her, haven’t seen her as oht of her she’ll as she was. Many… scratch that, 95% of the crowd cheers making her smile.
She turns to Lana with a cheeky grin, showing her another one of the photos. “Hey, atleast they made you boobs look nice. Fred’s a lucky guy.” She grins, receiving a slap on the back of her head from Lana. “Your dumb.” She insults her green eyed co-star.
“And in love, according to this article.” Ivy remarks, pointing to her phone. Lana snatches her phone from her, putting it between her thighs, thinking it would stop Ivy.
Ivy huffs, leaning back into her chair as she no longer had her phone. “You’re a child.” Lana teases her, making Ivy pout more. “If I’m a child, that makes your pedophile, and I’ll be damned if I’m being lectured by a pedophile, Lana.” She mocks Peter Griffin, making Lana squint her eyes as the audience laughs, getting the reference.
“Are you serious.” Lana raises an eyebrow at her. “No I’m Ivy, Sirius died, I made you watch Harry Potter Lana.” Ivy jokes more, her and the crowd laugh. “I’m done with you.” Lana says, scooting her chair away from Ivy. There was nothing blocking the audience from seeing under the table, so they know where Ivy phone is and they always watch as Ivy grabs the bottom of Lana’s chair, pulling it right next to her, this time there was no space and the women were shoulders to shoulders. Unknown to the black haired beauty’s, many do the fans took recording and photos of the action.
Ivy smiles at her, it meeting her eyes as she koala hugs Lana from the side. “You love me.” Lana rolls her eyes but patting her hand, leaning her head on Ivy’s. “Unfortunately.” She mumbles making Ivy gasp on offense. “Fed, you can have her back.” Ivy comment making Lana slap her thigh.
Fred didn’t like Ivy, or how close she was to his wife. He was always at Lana’s interviews and in the audience at her comic cons. Lana had told Ivy that he didn’t like her, and Ivy off turned it into jokes. She knew Fred was jealous and she thrives on it.
Posting part two latter 🥰
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Favorite Movie Ramble :Jungle Book
So I didnt plan on watching this one today but I ended up watching Disney's classic The Jungle Book
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In this 1967 film Mowgli (Bruce Reitherman)is a human boy or "mancub " found by Bagheera the Panther (Sebastian Cabot) and raised by wolves until news that the man hating tiger Shere Khan (George Sanders) is nearby ,so Bagheera must take Mowgli to the man village which Mowgli is against and along the way they meet colorful characters :The swinging Orangutan King Louie (Louis Prima ) ,the voracious python Kaa (Sterling Holloway ) and the chill bear Baloo (Phil Harris)
So these are based on the Mowgli Stories from The Jungle Book and Second Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling ,which I have read and I am a fan of.....I will not compare these to the Kipling stories simply because this is by design a loose adaptation ,Walt Disney wanted a more hearted tale ....And I think he and the team of artists and animators succeeded .This is a very fun movie
Now there is one flaw with the film:Mowgli is ....Meh.Reitherman does a good job but the writing is the problem. He is kind of just tossed around with very little agency and I feel like his motive is....Wrong . Like youd think his reason for not wanting to go to the Man Village would be he doesnt want to leave the only home he has ever known or his beloved wolf family ......Ceeeeeeeeeeeept the wolves are an after thought and his motive is more the jungle is more fun .He has more of a connection with Baloo who he meets briefly.I dunno in my mind it mightve been better to scrap the wolves and just have Bagheera and Baloo raise Mowgli .....Yes it would make it less like the book,where Mowglis mother ,father and brothers are a HUGE part of the story,but again this is already a very loose adaptation
That out of the way ,I love this film .There are a few reasons why but most of them have to do with how fun the characters are ,whether they be good or mor dubious.Ones I dont hear people talk about are the vultures ,who are slightly parodies of the Beatles/British pop groups in general ,but I like their personalities ,instead of being vi.llains they are bored but friendly guys who genuinely try to help Mowgli . We also have a herd of militant elephants led by Colonel Hathi played by Disney veteren J PAt O Malley,who is a tone of fun (Also shout out to Disney veteren Verna Felton,whose role as Hathis wife Winifred is her final role and to child actor turned character actor Clint Howard who plays Junior,Hathi and Winfreds son )
Our main supporting characters are Bagheera and Baloo .Bagheera is the uptight grumpy panther trying to keep Mowgli on track while Baloo is the easy going slacker bear who just loves life . I love the way they play off each other ,the more serious minded Bagheera and the carefree Baloo,and you believe both their love of Mowgli and their friendship by the end .Sebastian Cabot makes Bagheera not just a stick in the mud,you really get that he cares about Mowgli and Phil Harris makes Baloo instantly endearing,kind of like that cool uncle
Now Classic Disney is famous for its villains and this film has three . First villain we meet is the comically sinister Kaa,a ravenous python who seeks to make a meal of Mowgli .Kaa is very odd character,definately dangerous with his hypnotic powers and of course being a hungry predator who wants to gobble up our main character.....But he is also a bit goofy,often getting in his own way and incurring his fare amount of slapstick .I think one of the things that makes him stand out is his VOICE ,provided by Sterling Holloway,most known for being friendly characters like Winnie the Pooh ,but here gets to give a sinister performance but while still having a sense of humor. Also the animation on Kaa is amazing ,like he is designed to seem impossibly long leading to some amazing visual
Our second villain is King Louie ,who a lot of people forget is a bad guy simply cause he is such a joy to watch but he has more far reaching goals then the other two villains . Louie wants to be like man,and the way to be like man is to learn the secret of fire ,so he kidnaps Mowgli.Thats pretty sinister.....But he is entirely comedic,with a charismatic performance by Jazz singer Louis Prima .Prima by all accounts LOVED playing Louie ,putting alot of himself into the character and creating a fun charming kind of wild guy who isnt malicious but definately selfish .His scene is one of the most fun in the film,and I will go into why later
The third villain is our main bad guy and my absolute favorite character in the film:Shere Khan . Shere Khan is a vicious tiger who DESPISES humans .....And he is actually barely in the film ,but the movie builds hi8m up ,from the begining of the film we hear many of the characters discuss how dangerous this tiger is ,and when we meet him in the third act we believe it. What I love is he is very calm,intelligent almost gentlemenly.....But with this deadlyness underneath ,that he is a remorseless killer .And the movie makes it clear,it is not about predatory instincts unlike Kaa , this guy fears what Mowgli will become and wants to kill him,eating him comes second .He is played by veteren villain actor George Sanders in what I personally think is my favorite role of his ,his droll delivery makes his menace more casual ....Also while he is intimidating he is not out of tone with the film ,there is a sense of humor to him ,but it is more of dry wit
Another stand out of the film is the CHARACTER animation.Like not only are the voice actors on point the animators show why animation is the same as acting .Of course you have the more wild scenes like Kaas villain song or the battle with the monkies which is a very enjoyable action scene.....But my two favorite scenes are actually dialogue scenes ,where the subtleties of the characters movements are just extraordinary. I love the scene where Kaa has caught Mowgli,only to be confronted by Shere Khan : Kaa is clearly terrified of Shere Khan ,but is straight up lying to him,and Shere Khan knows he is lying but is enjoying intimidating and testing him , while still maintaining his gentlemanly demeaner .My favorite scene however is just Baloo and Bagheera nighttime-dawn conversation about what to do with Mowgli,with Bagheera trying to convince Baloo not to adopt Mowgli,its a scene I find very emotional .Oh I also think the film has one of my favorite endings to a Disney film
Lets end on the songs,cause I think has one of the best soundtracks of Classic Disney .Like Ichabod and Mr Toad lets rank em
6.Colonel Hathis March -Its a marching song ,fun but not as memorable
5.My Own Home:Nice simple song
4.Thats What Friends Are For -A song by the vultures in a barbershop style and I personally think its underrated
Going forward these top three shift from day to day ,so in my heart these are all three number one
3.Trust In Me:this is the villain song for Kaa ,and it's actuall one of the few pure villain songs in the Walt era ,and might be my favorite villain song from Walt era Disney(Though it might be tied with another song in this movie ) .It is both soothing and sinister .Also as I said the visuals during this scene are great
2.Bare Necessities : OK this is the one everyone knows and I think it is a perfect song to sum up Baloo and it is very fun
1.I Wann Be Like You :King Louie's song Louis Prima SELLS this song .It catchy ,its entertaing ,its high energy ,and I always have to sing along when I hear it .I have always loved this song and it is one of my favorite Disney tune
Rewatching this I was reminded why I love this movie and if you havent seen it or its been a while ,watch it
@angelixgutz @amalthea9 @ariel-seagull-wings @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @themousefromfantasyland @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @filmcityworld1
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runekeepershymnal · 2 years
General question for Raven Cycle fans out there- Which of these non-TRC source materials do you know? I’m an addict for crossovers or slapping the characters from one world into the setting of another, but I’d like to spare myself the psychic damage of having no one read the thing. (Please exclude emoji from things you would never read fic for).
🏛 The Secret History by Donna Tartt
🐺 Netflix Witcher
☂️ Netflix Umbrella Academy
🥍 MTV’s Teen Wolf
🪓 John Dies at the End (Movie)
🌭John Dies at the End (Book series)
🍕Borderlands video games
🫰The Wicked and the Divine
🇺🇸 American Gods (Starz series)
🛣 American Gods (book)
🎶 Phonogram (comics)
🗽Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City
☕️ Twin Peaks
🛸 The X-Files
🧛‍♂️ The Lost Boys (1987)
💡 Nightwatch / Daywatch Ночной Дозор / Дневной Дозор (Books or movies)
…I think that’s every back-burnered crossover with TRC that I’ve considered, but there may be more. Anyway. This would be helpful info, if you are down to reblog/tag or reply with one or more emojis for statistics and science. Thanks to anyone who is inclined, or anyone who thinks about it and forgets, or anyone who decides not to but doesn’t mock me, etc.
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New Intropost -> Old
My tags-> #hannimals #hanniblr #dysfunctional dog dude dumbfuckery #dysfunctionaldogdude dumbfuckery #our collective autism synced
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-Other blogs-
@dysfunctional-masterpost - Masterposts
@dysfunctional-reblogs - General Reblogs
@dysfunctional-the-dogdude - Sonic sideblog
@dysfunctional-dog-dude1975 - Hannibal RP (Hanniblr)
@moonyloony-marauders - Marauder RP (Maraudblr)
@yelloweyedsnake - Good Omens RP (Omenblr)
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-My name & Pronouns-
Pronouns.cc - They/He [Generalized - I prefer Ju/Fae]
Rowan/Will - Kiiro/Crowley [Any name that's approved is fine]
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-What I do-
I create anything artistic basically. From drawing to music. I'm the founder of EstuFAWN Studios (@estufawn-studios) which makes VN, IFs, and Books.
I'm a fan of horror, psychology, biology, and slice-of-lifes [Not exclusive]. Some media I enjoy is Hannibal (TV), Good Omens, Merlin BBC, and Deadplate.
I take commissions and plan to put a commission board up sometime -> Most of my services will be free except high time and effort comms.
I do struggle with my mental health quite a bit so comms can be delayed because of that and due to the fact I am busy suddenly a lot. -> This doesn't just include comms I'm struggling to find proper therapy along with managing a world made for nuerotypicals so I disappear for weeks sometimes because I just don't have the energy
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-A bit about me-
I was born and raised in the south in the US.
I'm only diagnosed with ADHD and AD, but I show signs of other neurodivergencies and mental disorders. Most are undiagnosed due to personal reasons.
I'm a Therian and Otherkin - NOT A FURRY - My theriotypes are Red Wolf, Axis Deer, and Carrion Crow/Raven. Cryptid Otherkin (NOT SPECIFYING)
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-My Projects-
SIDE WIP: Hannimals (NBC Hannibal Comic) 17+
YET TO START: Hannibal Mini Comics (NBC Hannibal mini comic collection)
WIP(On Ao3): All of the 'Mermaids' have Sharp Teeth (NBC Hannibal Mermaid Fanfic) 17+
COMPLETED(On Ao3): Silk Sheets (NBC Hannibal Short Fanfic) 17+
HIATUS (On Ao3): Choreomania [Choreo!Omens] (Good Omens fanfic) 17+
YET TO START: Once Upon an Omens [Upon!Omens] (OUAT+Good Omens+Merlin) 14+
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<Original works>
MAIN WIP (@estufawn-studios): Ethereal (Dating sim) 16+
HIATUS (@estufawn-studios): Happy Days (ACOTCI Horror dating sim) 17+
HIATUS (@estufawn-studios): Chew Before Swallow! (Sci-fi) 14+
HIATUS (@estufawn-studios): The Guide to the Universe (Guide for EstuFAWN Universes)
YET TO START: A Collection of the Clincally Insane "ACOTCI" (Horror and Gore) 17+
\-> A Collection of Horror/Thriller games about Clincally Insane couples and their stories.
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[Rating meanings]
12+ (Light language, slight innuendo)
14+ (Mild language, light gore, innuendo)
16+ (Langauge, triggering content(abuse) light sexual content, mild gore)
17+ (Language, triggering content(SA&Rape mention), sexual content, gore)
\-> Not all of the 17+ will have sexual content most of them are rated for gore and triggering content
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So, since I already touched on it in my lyric comic last night, here's some of the characters that inspired Astarte since I know some of you are wondering (Not really)
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The biggest inspirations were The Phantom, Alastor, & Jafar, BTW
& there's actually a story for why Rena is in the bottom right corner for all my Higurashi fans
I wanted Astarte to be really bipolar & two faced, kinda like how Rena is for the different timelines in the Higurashi world. So, it's like how Rena can be as sweet as can be in one timeline only to hack someone into pieces with a giant cleaver in the next one, except you don't have to create different timelines, for Astarte
So, Astarte is a wolf in sheep's clothing. In her human disguises, she makes herself to be as sweet as candy & just a lovely woman, but she's the furthest thing from that
Now, some honorable mentions! (This goes down from biggest to least, BTW)
Morticia Addams (The Addams family)
Astarion (Baldur's Gate)
Raven (Teen Titans [The good one, not whatever TT!Go is])
Nightmare moon (MLP)
Gwen (Total drama island)
Marceline (Adventure time)
Rouge the bat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Mei Misaki (Another)
Zack Foster (Angels of death)
Sōsuke Aizen (Bleach)
I get the feeling I'm forgetting a couple, but who knows?? Besides, this is filler for a drawing, so who TF cares about if I forgot something or not????
But, hey, now you know a little about Astarte!
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dragonnan · 5 months
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Gift art for @wolf-and-raven-dreaming
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evandorkin · 2 years
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My favorite comics artist growing up, a huge influence, the person who's work got me to start reading comics again in high school, someone I was just a huge fan of in general. The first time I saw his work was in Creatures on the Loose, when he took over as penciler on the Man-Wolf feature. I guess I was nine years old when that came out. I missed the Sons of the Tiger and White Tiger stuff for some reason, at the time my comics fix was paid for by my father so my Marvel consumption was mostly up to what the Te-Amo on King's Highway and Nostrand Ave stocked. I bought the following Man-Wolf issues as they came out, and Avengers #141 and he drew my favorite Hawkeye and Beast and then The Inhumans and Logan's Run of all things and The Fantastic Four and that and the later Avengers stuff just cemented everything. The details to characters, costumes and backgrounds, the creativity, energy, enthusiasm, the absolute commitment to the page. Only Jack Kirby loomed larger in my superhero comic pantheon, even during the years I was huge on John Byrne's work. Perez always brought his A game, along with the thunder. I stopped reading comic books sometime after I moved to Staten Island when I was thirteen, I can't pinpoint how old I was when I fell out of the hobby. I drifted away from them for a number of reasons, some of the usual ones, but also because I was becoming increasingly interested in animation (I still wonder if was the youngest subscriber to Mike Barrier's Funnyworld fanzine in the 70s) and wanting to one day become a professional animator (great timing, as the western animation industry was calcified). But when I was 17, two guys in my art class who I was friends with, Tommy Lynch and Mark Amundsen, were still into comics and one day they told me George Perez was at DC. Which was a big deal, at the time, when creators moved around less. They kept pushing New Teen Titans on me, and finally convinced me to pick up a copy (actually Tales of/Raven). And, that was it. I was back into comics, full-time, for life. No insult to Marv Wolfman, but it was really George Perez's doing. Because he was George Perez. R.I.P. to a great one. https://www.instagram.com/p/CdRpUQwsd0B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ivyprism · 2 years
Pets... Because I have more characters
Skeleton and Half-Skeleton Characters -
Papyrus owns a Saint Bernard named Puzzle! (Plus the annoying Dog.) Sans has a pet rock named, expertly, "Rocky".
Cardinal has a pitbull named Spike. Plus a pet mouse that he saved from the jaws of death from Goose (he named this mouse Pikachu). And a cat named Pepper. Captain has a cat named Goose.
Stretch decided to adopt a German Pinscher named Reaper. Blue has no pet at this current point in time.
Airen owns a ball python named Noodle and a cat named Tom. Dolce, ironically, owns a mouse named Jerry.
Caramel has a spider named "Drake". His brother has no pets.
Hound has a possum (he caught in the garbage) and named her "Trash".
Chai is gonna own lots of chickens and his brother, Ceylon, is probably gonna adopt an Australian Cattle dog named Adalaide.
Cinnamon owns a siamese cat named Norris. Clove has no pets currently.
Cassia's Doomfanger (Goose), unfortunately, passed away during the famine. But he does have all of his Goose's litter. He named them Akira, Diva, Everest, Max, and Skadi. Chive decided to adopt a husky named Diesel.
Roscoe has a German Shepherd named Winona. Commander adopted a rescue Ragdoll cat named Peggy.
Griffin owns a messenger hawk named Tweety. Sentinel owns a Belgian Malinois named Magnus.
Conroy owned a goldfish named Goldy. Rain also has a Belgian Malinois named Fudge.
Bliss has a wolf named "Kylo". Comet and Umbra both have Siamese Cats named Milo and Charlie. Dusk has a wolf named Scout.
Sienna has a wolf named Mishka while her sister has a wolf named Katniss.
Citron owns a wolf named Frostine. Vapor has a pet swan named Fenella.
Galactica has a cute little tuxedo cat named "Queen". Her sisters don't have any known pets.
Poison has two dogs one named Bessie and the other named Achilles.
Pike has a mouse named Nugget. Elixir used to have a bloodhound named Otis.
Various Other Characters -
Prism has a cat named Leon. Piper has a mixed husky named Midnight. Ivy has two cats, one named Autumn, the other named Izzy. Ivy also has a dog named Aspen.
Yuki owns a cat named "Snowball". Lucy has a goat named Buttons. Mavis has a rooster named Cloud and Markus has a hen named Sunny. Leo has a lion named Alex. Sakura and Kaede have twin cats one named Cherry, the other named Blossom.
Sparrow has a hawk named Hunk.
Ayla has a fox named Sun. Cyra has a wolf named Moon.
Hydrangea has two cats and a Great Dane. Her cats are named Oreo and Coco. Her Great Dane is named Stella.
Hydra has a cat named Boots.
Harper has a cat named Angel.
Honor owns a cat named Bella.
Terra has three cats named Ares, Athena, and Nemesis. Terra also has a Corgi named Dionysus. Savanna has a Maine Coon named Merlin.
Hala has a hawk!
Nurse owns a white persian cat named Jewel.
Birdie has a sparrow named Angelbird.
Leanna and Louella own twin German shepherds named Ghost and Zoe.
Lotus owns a beautiful white bird named Weiss.
Lilium owns a Rottweiler named Moose.
Pele owns a raven named Robyn and a Bombay cat named Sabrina. Iyla also owns a raven named Tori and a white American Shorthair cat named Bianca. Isaac owns a tuxedo cat named Sylvester. (Faye is always with Sabrina as her mother offered her to her as a gift.)
Bourne owns two flat-coated retrievers named Rusty and Flora. He also owns at least three horses named Sunny, Lady, and Tucker.
Camila owns a dragon named Brenna.
Ariella owns a Burmese cat named Teddy.
@kiokooo/ @kiokodoodles @the1920sisntaphasemom @ratsoh-writes @underfell-crystal @913cell
Undertale by Toby Foxx
Underfell by Underfell Fan (adopted by Fandom)
Underswap by Popcorn Pr1nce
Fellswap Red by… Unknown???
Horrortale by Sour-Apple-Studios
Horrorswap and Horrorfell were made by unknown people.
Mafiafell is owned by Staringback and the comic was made by Cutthroat-Jutsu on Deviantart and by Melikas on Twitter. (However. This is a different AU since this doesn’t take place in the 1920s)
Underlust made by NSFWShamecave (Again. Minors. Stay far away from this AU.)
Dreamtale by Joku blog
Fellswap Amaranth by me!
Angels Fall AU by me!
My Old AU by me!
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thenightling · 3 years
I wonder if some of the more edgy DC fans ever stop to try to describe their favorite Grimdark comics and realize just how silly they sound when actually described?  
For example: Darkseid (Pronounced “Dark Side”) rules a planet known as Apokolips (it’s spelt differently so it’s totally not “Apocalypse”), and it’s essentially Space-Hell.  And he and Space Jesus swapped their sons and formed a pseudo-truce only not really.  Also he has a henchperson named Granny Goodness who turns children into evil soldiers of evilness.  And Darkseid is so totally scarym and awesome in his dark eviliness, and so badass that he has defeated the entire Justice league and in one timeline he turned many of them into part-zombie / part robots. Oh, and he turned Cyborg into a wall.  
There’s also a God-Moddy, bone-white, muscular, space-biker who resembles a band member of Kiss.  He kills and burps a lot. And he’s really cool. Really.   And his name just happens to be another word for Timber Wolf.
This is why I think people like Zack Snyder take themselves way too seriously.      Hell, I’m a fan of Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman and I’ll happily poke at that.  So we have The Sandman, yup, same guy from the Hans Christian Anderson story.  He got captured by a wizard and his very gay son when they were trying to capture The Grim Reaper.  They keep him naked in a terrarium in their basement.  The Sandman escapes and has to find his stuff he was wearing when he was captured.  The Devil looks like David Bowie.  And The Sandman has a pet raven who is the ghost of a human who used to know a plant-man and briefly had God-like powers.
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sunliv · 3 years
Every after high or DC comics for the ask ???
oooh do you mind if I do both?
Ever After High
The first character I first fell in love with: Ashlynn!! Cinderella was always my favorite princess so I always liked her as an extension of that
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: oh I think Bunny!! I always liked her but I never thought I would like her so much!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: I’m not the biggest Dexter fan? he’s cool but I don’t like him all that much haha
The character I love that everyone else hates: I think Sparrow is fun! alloaro icon
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Ashlynn again lol, I still like her but she’s not one of my faves anymore
The character I would totally smooch: Cerise!! *kisses wolf girl on the cheek*
The character I’d want to be like: I’ve always had a thing for the characters that are look slightly cuckoo, but are fun and creative and so unashamedly themselves, so Maddie!
The character I’d slap: Milton Grimm can catch these hands
A pairing that I love: bunnistair!! I think they’re cute!!!
A pairing that I despise: I don’t really like Maddie and Raven. nothing against them, I don’t despise them, just not that big of a fan
Dc Comics
The first character I first fell in love with: I’m not really sure, but it was either Jaime or Billy! both characters that I still love A Lot!!!
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: oh probably Steph. I adore her and I never thought I’d be this gone for her lol
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: oh does the joker count? I despise that sickly little twiggy disgusting man. I know he’s not very popular on tumblr but a lot of dc fans like him
The character I love that everyone else hates: I really can’t think of anyone?
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I think I used to like Babs more? but I think it was mainly because she was the only batgirl I’d been exposed to, and after Steph I just got more attached? I still love Babs ofc, I just can’t think of anyone else lol
The character I would totally smooch: ooh Dolphin!! I really like her and she gets a smooch as a treat <3
The character I’d want to be like: Steph is a big inspiration to me, I would like to be as strong as her :)
The character I’d slap: come here, Arthur Brown, it’s fine. what? my hands? nooooo I promise they will most definitely stay far away from your face. what, why don’t you believe me?
A pairing that I love: I really love dickwally <33 friends to lovers my beloved
A pairing that I despise: I don’t despise it, I’m just not the biggest fan; stephcass. I’m sorry I just don’t like it!!!!
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