#words are just annoying atm
lazinesswrites · 4 months
I read this amazing Cody-centric wing-fic by @meebles, so now I'm thinking about Clones with wings, and - because I'm me - specifically the Bad Batch with wings.
What would their wings look like? The regs' wings would all be identical/very similar, of course, with the individuality mostly showing in dyes and so on. But the Batch with their mutations will likely have different wings too.
I want Crosshair's wings to be similar to the ice vultures', for obvious thematic reasons, but also because vultures tend to hang around in high places, whether that's sitting in a tree somewhere or circling high up in the air, waiting and watching. Good sniper traits. I don't think we really get to see the vultures in the show, but I assume they're white/grey, to blend in against the snow and ice and white/grey skies. Good colors for Crosshair.
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The rest will be under the cut because this got away from me a little (a lot).
For Tech, I'm thinking common kestrel wings. I don't know if kestrels have any particular behavioral traits that would fit Tech, I mostly just like their colors for him. I did read a little bit, though, and what stood out to me was that the kestrel has multiple hunting methods - it does the usual bird of prey thing, of circling around on an updraft over open land and diving for its prey, or sitting on a fence pole or in a tree or even a bush and jumping on a mouse or whatever that gets too close. The thing it does that's maybe less common is that it will also skim across fields, very close to the ground, to pounce on anything small enough for it to eat. And maybe I'm reaching a little here, but that seems to me like a very resourceful bird which is also a very competent flier, and I figure that does fit our Tech very nicely.
I do kind of want to pick vulture for Tech too, if just to match his twin, but. I like the kestrel better. I mean, just look at it:
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For Wrecker... Maybe something like a white-tailed eagle? Because. Big. And good at fishing. On a more angsty note, I'm thinking whatever happened to give Wrecker his iconic scar/cost him his eye, it probably also damaged his left wing. Maybe not enough to ground him fully, but enough that flying/steering would be harder for him, which is at least part of the reason he's still scared of heights.
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Hunter's wings would probably be pretty similar to the regs', maybe a tiny bit smaller. I'm thinking something like the New Zealand falcon, or kārearea. Bird of prey, dark brown, fairly simple coloring (though still very pretty). According to the NZ Department of Conservation, there are three ecological forms of the kārearea: A large, pale 'eastern' falcon; a smaller, darker 'Bush' falcon, and a 'southern' falcon that's somewhere inbetween in both size and color. Perhaps the regs' wings are more like the eastern/southern ones (left image, I think), while Hunter's are more like those of the bush falcon (right image)?
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Disclaimer: I actually know fuck-all about these birds, only what I've just read - if I'm mistaken about the identity of these birds, I blame the sources, which should all be linked in the images, though tumblr is tumblr.
Echo doesn't get his own picture (sorry, Echo) because he's a reg, technically, so he has wings like the left one above. I... am not sure what happened to them in that explosion, or his time on Skako Minor. Probably not very good things. Maybe his wings are just heavily scarred/damaged, maybe they're gone completely. Maybe he's got prosthetics for one or both of them?
(I'm just now realizing that the Clones having wings would mean some things on that mission to Skako Minor - namely, the escape from the techno Union's facility - would turn out slightly different, since they don't need those flying reptiles to get away when they have their own wings. Though maybe they still do if at least one (Skywalker), and maybe two or three of the people on that team can't fly (Echo, Wrecker). I'm well aware them having wings would completely change the mission to Eriadu in the TBB s2 finale, what with them being able to just. fly over there. and away again. Even if they do use the sky-rail or whatever, for Wrecker and/or Echo's sake, Tech would still have his wings, so... All's good.)
Omega also doesn't get her own image (sorry, Omega) because while she's not a reg, exactly, she's an unaltered Clone, which means... Well. I'm not actually sure what that means. I suppose that depends on whether Fett had wings, or that's something the Kaminoan's added? I'm gonna go with the first one, because I like that better. The Kaminoans may have changed things about the wings, but Omega will still have wings, because Fett did too. But that also means she'll have wings identical, or at least very similar to the regs' (left img. above), though maybe she'll have lighter feathers, to match her lighter hair. Also, since she's still (physically) a child, she'll have wings that look more like the immature/juvenile falcons', which means... less spots and stripes? I think? I'm not sure.
I'm also not sure when this whole thing changed from 'idle musings' to 'full-blown headcanons' but it certainly happened. Let me just go back and add a read-more somewhere. Alright, that's done. I'm not really sure if I'm actually gonna... do anything with these headcanons. I do really like the concept of meebles' fic, though - showing different relationships through the grooming and preening of wings - so maybe I'll write something a la that at some point, just for the Batch instead of Cody. Maybe some hurt/comfort about what the Empire does to Crosshair's wings while he's a prisoner? And how he has to learn to trust people near him/his wings again, and how his brothers help him heal, both physically and mentally.
If I do ever write something about all this, I'll make sure to link back to meebles's fic as the inspiration - and in case you missed it up top, or just don't wanna scroll all the way back up again (that's fair, this got rather long), here it is again: and the stars, like a loved one by firelord_zutara on Ao3, also known as meebles here on tumblr. Go read it, you won't regret it.
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i-am-beckyu · 10 months
Writing for me atm be like this:
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and this
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and also this
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Oh and can't forget this!
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Yeah writing has been going great recently......
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 months
The sims 2 is so funny because you can do everything right, you can make your sims study cooking and go to work on time and micromanage everybody so that they don’t die in stupid ways, and then the goddamn nanny burns your house down
#AN NPC CAUSED THE FIRST FIRE IN MY NEW NEIGHBOURHOOD I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS#so i’m playing the prosperity challenge right. which is basically where you randomise some families and play them in rotations#i’m on the third family atm and it’s a single mom with a teenage son; child daughter and twin toddler boys#she has an ltw to become media magnate but i got her a job as an EMT in the meantime because it didn’t show up in the paper#and hired a nanny to take care of the kids while she and the oldest son were out#nanny was fine at first. she just made sugar cookies and made sure the toddlers didn’t get taken away by social services which i massively#appreciated. but then my sim came home from work and immediately got a promotion#to paramedic; which meant she had to switch over to nights right away. so the nanny came again a few hours later and immediately proceeded#to set my kitchen on fire#thankfully they have a smoke alarm but she sent the two older kids into aspiration failure. SHERYL WHEN I CATCH YOUUUU#bizarrely the person who is absolutely coming in clutch for this family is none of the family members and nor is it the nanny#it’s gerald who is the grandpa of a different family i created in the neighbourhood. he works with the mom (although he’s an intern now)#and she brought him home from work and he has just been here all night#it’s 4:20am and he’s sat playing with one of the toddlers helping him learn words with his bunny 🥹#gerald we looooove you. platinum aspiration for gerald. GOOD THINGS FOR GERALD#the most annoying people in this challenge so far are sheryl the nanny who burns stuff down and jackson; a kid in one of the other houses#who keeps calling everyone at 2am even if he barely knows them. and also at 10am on school days#jackson’s mom also irritates me because she came to pick her daughter up who was just playing chess on a porch at 8pm; bothering nobody#but doesn’t stop jackson from spamming everyone with calls. where is the logic#personal
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viveela · 2 years
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Becky and her friends, how do they put up with her? No one knows...
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non-un-topo · 10 months
At the crossroads between wondering if it's worth it to basically completely rewrite all my WIPs or just take a break from writing for the rest of the summer
#i noticed every summer i get progressively worse lol#like not in terms of writing but in terms of everything else goin on in my head#i mean if anyone is craving some dark and depressing shit i've got bits and pieces here#it's like i'm writing for an audience even in my own mind. can't finish anything because it's __ __ __ etc and my niche is too niche.#did my last fic really burn me out that much?? i mean it was basically 30 thousand words and there was a LOT packed into it#maybe i should finally respond to comments and i'll feel better.#something's been going on with me for the past couple months (maybe longer) and i'm just annoyed ALL the time#feel like i want to give up everything and stop talking to everyone. ((it could be my out of whack hormones mind))#so if i haven't been as active and haven't drawn or written much that's why. i'm pulling away and curling in like an atrophied limb.#my brain is just permanently in school mode. i can feel it gearing up for the oncoming year that's going to be super intense.#like would it even matter if i post any more work before september? idk why i can never seem to chill or take a break for even a minute.#i still have drawing projects i want to finish at least! taking me literally all summer because of surprise health problems.#partner was consoling me about how i feel for writing '''weird''' stuff with almost no focus on romance#saying that SOMEbody has to write what i write so that should keep me going. i just tell myself that it could be worse -#- i could be primarily a femslash writer. they are the real heroes and they get no respect.#idk why i'm getting so angsty#i think i might be romance/sex repulsed atm. not in real life at all but in fandom. i'm bored of it. and i'm bored of conversations about i#i'm sure i'll change my mind in what two weeks or so.#maybe i'll try to write something original#i have things in my ask box i should respond to. like asks about my writing. i just haven't been feeling well#so i haven't had the right brain to respond :( but i see the asks and i'm grateful <3#anyway peace and love
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andthebubbles · 2 months
i really need to write more anthony and benedict fics but i'm arse deep (haha) in a/b fic so...
like. there's not enough on ao3! not where they're the main brotp pairing and there's (preferably) no one else. there's plenty with them as the side brotp pairing though but that's definitely not what i want to read.
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appalachianapologies · 10 months
Paradigm Check-in
welcome to a new series- that i'm going to call "paradigm pwednesday" because there aren't any days of the week that start with p so pwednesday is just going to have to- where i write something in paradigm and share it because otherwise i'm never going to finish this book
8/2 (somewhere in chapter seven)
But now she's at the motel, alone, and it's been hours. Sid had two people to take down tonight, so it certainly makes sense that he'd be taking longer than Delilah, but it still doesn't make it any easier to handle. She's not so much worrying about the man as wondering what it would mean in terms of Marcus. If Sid got caught, would Marcus blame her? Probably not. They're partners, sure, but it's clear that Marcus thinks of Sid in a higher regard than Delilah. It might make sense for Marcus to blame Sid if something went wrong with her, but not the other way around. Sid has at least twenty years of this under his belt, which means if anything happens it's his own damn fault. Somehow, the thought isn't as comforting as she thinks it should be. 
#i have this thing where i find it unreasonable for myself to not write a book quickly because somewhere along the line#i have equated fic writing with novel writing#and my brain goes ''if you can write a book-length fic in a few months why can't you write a book-length book in a few months?''#so anyway now i feel guilty for writing fics and bad for not writing books#congrats girl you ruined the one hobby you love#i tried to write some mac fic the other day and instead just felt dread and guilt#because i knew there were numerous other things i should be writing with my limited free time#i think i just need to get it in my brain that working on certain projects doesn't mean i don't care about other projects#it just means at that moment that i have inspiration for thing A and if i tried to work on thing B all that would happen is#i'd feel super frustrated and want to bang my head against the computer#i need to shake my reflection in the mirror and say ''it's okay if you work on other projects if that's what brings you joy at that moment'#wips are never abandoned they are just patiently waiting their turn and i will stand by that fact forever#ugh. anyway i feel anxious this morning thinking about this so good for me you took a perfectly good morning and you gave it#anxiety. look at what you did.#and it's so stupid because it's not like i don't want to write this book#if i didn't want to write it i simply would stop writing it. it sucks because i really DO want to write this book it's just being annoying#atm#anyway the moral of the story is sometimes writing happens and sometimes writing doesn't happen and sometimes it happens to the wrong thing#and i'm just going to have to live with that#ok i gotta get out of these tags now. final words being: be kind to yourself be patient with yourself love yourself you got this#(to both myself and to you <3)#also for the record i am totally okay lol. every author goes through mental blocks and this is hardly my first and it won't be my last#i know it'll pass i just need to take a breathe and be kind to myself#ok new wednesday challenge everyone take a moment to take a breathe and be kind to yourself. this is a threat
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ew why do i have to drive everywhere i wish i could just get wendy's spicy nuggets within walking distance
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@chaos-event-horizon I think op blocked me or something? idk?
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here's the version of the post I was linking, by @fatboytitty
but @trans-euclidean-raven brings up good points about it too
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mactavishsgfandwife · 4 months
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley Comforts You
i’m on my period atm and it’s that mental state where you just want to curl up forever and you forget to take care of yourself and i wish i had a big sexy military man to look after me :(
simon comforts a sick reader who’s been struggling to care of herself 💞
not proofread - comfort, angst, alluding to bad mental health but simon is so sweet
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Coming home from a week away, working, Simon quietly unlocks the door. His heavy duffel bag weighs him down, and his dark mask and military boots make him seem almost terrifying, the humanity in him hidden behind cloth and eye black - but under his mask, his thin lips smile softly, already imagining how you’re going to greet him… how you’ll be waiting by the door, like you always are, like some sweet puppy waiting for her master to come home. Maybe you’ve baked cookies, or lit candles… maybe you’re asleep in bed, the only thing covering you being the duvet cover… all these thoughts run through his head, and he smiles to himself. God, he’s lucky.
The 4am winter cold slows his movements, but eventually the house key clicks into place, and he’s finally home. He places his kit on the floor, locking the door behind him, and switches on the light…
Only to be met with a messy house. No girlfriend, no cookies, no candles, no wet panties… just some papers, strewn about the floor. A pile of coats on the table, ibuprofen on the kitchen counter and dirty cups littered on the floor around the sofa. He almost doesn’t recognise the flat, but those are your coats by the door, and that’s your childhood teddy on the sofa. The one you only get out when you’re really, really sad.
"Oh… oh, baby," he sighs softly. Ashamedly, he’s a little disappointed, a little annoyed. He risks his ass in the field, so you don’t have to work, provides for you… and this is the welcome he gets? A dirty kitchen? Are you a pig?
But he knows you better than that. He knows you’re his good girl, you wouldn’t disrespect him like that, you want nothing more than to make him happy. He can tell by the medicine and the throat lozenges strewn everywhere, and by the fluffy comfort teddy (not so fluffy after all these years) on the sofa, that something is wrong.
He gently opens the door to your shared bedroom, moving softly and taking care not to disturb you as you slept. The room was similarly disorganised - piles of clothes, random things that needed putting back, endless cups of camomile tea on the side. And in the middle, was his girl. In his tshirt, and an unsexy pair of your comfy underwear, lying curled up into a tense ball under at least 2 blankets. A little tear wobbled on your puffy cheeks as you slept, and there was a little blood stain by your thighs.
Without a word, he removes his mask, taking away that element of separation completely so that it’s just you and him. Not Ghost and his bird, but Simon and his little girl. And his girl needed him. Tenderly, he lifted the covers and slipped into bed at your side, wrapping his strong, sore arms around you and holding you to him. He was tired and aching from training, but he would always have the energy to hold you tight. His rough, wide hands traced up and down your back in small steps and his chapped lips met your soft forehead, as he pulled you close into his chest. His body was like a blanket, shielding you from the world, keeping you cosy with your cheek against his heart, that beat behind his muscles that were so soft, and so warm…
"I’m home, love…" he coos softly into your ear, his typically rough manchester accent sounding unusually tender against your temple as he kissed it.
As his warm arms encircle you, your eyes softly start to flutter open, not quite understanding what is happening.
"That’s right."
"You’re…" you look away, ashamed, as you remember the house that he had to come home to. As you remember what a bad girlfriend you’ve been.
"I’m sorry," is all you can manage to say as the tears start to fall again. Your boyfriend realises as your arms relax that you had been curled up so tightly around a little teddy… a bear, in a military uniform, that he’d bought you for fun when you were out one day and had seen it in a shop window. That bear had become your comfort when Simon was away.
"Oh, baby…" he whispers, "don’t be sorry, darlin’, m’just glad to see you."
"But the flat’s a mess… i’m a mess…"
"I’ve got it, sweetheart, we’ll get you cleaned up. Don’t worry that pretty head. Love ya too much t’let you worry about anything," he whispers softly, noticing the hot water bottle at your side, "you got cramps..?"
His thumb strokes your hair behind your ear as you nod weakly, appreciatively.
"Mhm…" you whisper, "bad’uns."
"S’alright," he smiles, pulling you face down onto his chest, and placing a firm hand on your lower back as the other holds you tight, "I can be your hot water bottle for the night."
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thank you for reading lovelies :)
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slut4msby · 5 months
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first kiss. miya osamu x reader
+ tags & warnings; not proofread & v rushed </3 also like quiet a lot of swearing (mainly just the use of the word 'shit')
+ a/n; day 6/7!! one more day to go before i go take a LONGGGG nap (i wish :<) but yeah this isn't the best written but here u go bc im on my osamu shit atm <3
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“So you’re seriously telling me, THE Miya Osamu has never kissed anyone?” You teased the now embarrassed dark harder boy. “Like THE Miya Osamu, like brother to like the schools biggest flirt Miya Atsumu? What’s next your brother hasn’t either? I always knew the Miya twins were FULL of surprises but this, THIS is new.”
“Ew, I don’t wanna know who my brother is kissing and shit.” He said defensively.
“Why?” You questioned.
“Whaddya mean why? Because it’s weird he is like my brother I don’t wanna know what girls he’s snogging and sh-”
“No, I mean like why haven’t ya kissed anyone ‘Samu?” You cut his ramble off, “like I’m sure there's plenty of girls willing to, you have just as many fangirls as Atsumu, just his are louder and more annoying. And apart from that there’s no denying you're an attractive man. I mean you take care of yourself as well.”
“I-I don’t know, Y/N. What I do know is I don’t wanna kiss some fangirl or some shit, I want it to be with someone I care about I guess.”
“Awww 'Samu, that's so cute.” You gushed at his response.
“Shut it, Y/N.” 
As the conversation comes to halt the school bell rings, ending your first break of the day. “I’ll see ya later, ‘Samu. You smile walking down the hall to your class. You sit in your seat next to Osamu’s twin brother, Atsumu.
“Hey, Y/N-chan~” He says as you sit down.
“Hey ‘Tsumu? Ya know ‘Samu has never kissed anyone, like isn’t that just kinda bizarre. Like he’s funny, a good cook, handsome, good at sport ya know what more could a girl want? Like I know he’s seen women and shit but I dunno it’s just weird, I kinda feel bad.” You say towards Atsumu.
“If ya care so much Y/N, why don’t you just kiss him or something? I’m sure that’d shut him up. Ya both never shut up about each other, it’s kinda annoying.” 
“He talks about me?!” You say with a pink stain spreading across your face.
“Did ya hear what Y/N-chan said earlier, did you see Y/N-chan today, I think I’m gonna bring Y/N-chan some food tomorrow, Y/N-chan this, Y/N- chan that and every time I tell him to shut his trap.” Atsumu sighed, placing his head in his hands, “and yer not any better Y/N.”
“I don’t talk about him that much.” You say crossing your arms, frowning at Atsumu. Atsumu just rolled his eyes in response. Not long after your teacher began teaching her lesson, you couldn’t stop thinking about the twins' words. “If ya care so much Y/N, why don’t you just kiss him”  “to be with someone I care about I guess” “Ya both never shut up about each other”. There was certainly no denying your attraction to the silver haired twin. But in your years of knowing him, neither of you showed any romantic interest in each other. You had both seen a range of people, every breakup the same. Ending with one comforting the other, “they were such a dick anyway” or “I never really liked them to begin with.”
As the school day concluded, you decided to watch the volleyball teams practice. A common occurrence at this point.
“Oh hey, Y/N.” Suna said as he entered the gym, Osamu behind him. Osamu looked up to give you a smile, which you returned. No hey or hug like you were used to. There was something different about Osamu this time.
As you watched the boys practice, you would have some casual conversation with the team. Giggling and smiling, but never Osamu. It was always Osamu, but not since your conversation earlier.
Eventually Osamu was alone for the first time the whole practice, so you decided to confront him on his weird behaviour. “‘Samu?” You ask softly, his head poking up to look at you, “you’re acting weird, is everything okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, Y/N. Just a little stressed, school and all that,” He mumbled softly before returning back to practise leaving you dumbfounded. 
“You know that’s not the reason right, Y/N?” Suna said from behind you. Causing you to look behind you, giving him a look of curiosity. “Apparently Atsumu sent him a message earlier, I dunno what it was exactly about but it was something about you that’s for sure.” After Suna finished speaking he grabbed his water bottle and walked away.
You couldn’t focus on the last part of their practices, instead you were left wondering from Suna’s words. As practice concluded, you could hear the Miya’s bickering as you began leaving before Osamu called out to you, “Y/N-chan!” You stop in your tracks turning to face the twin jogging towards you, “can we talk for a second, please?”
“Oh sure.”
You and Osamu walked in silence, an awkward silence in drastic contrast to the usual comfortable silence before reaching a private area.
“I uhm- about earlier I’m sorry for like acting weird…” he said fiddling with his fingers, “it’s just ‘Tsumu sent me a stupid text and It’s just like bothering me and-”
“Osamu.” You cut him off, looking at him in the face, “can I kiss you? I know you said you wanted it to be someone you care about-”
Your words were cut off as Osamu placed his hand on your chin, pulling you closer before your lips collided. The world seemed to fade away as your lips met, a fusion of unspoken emotions and shared history. As you both pulled away, heat rising on both of your faces. Before Osamu let out a chuckle, “did ‘Tsumu get you too?”
“Mhm. Glad he did though.” You say wrapping your arms around, Osamu. 
“Fucking finally. You owe me some puddin’.” Atsumu said towards Suna, who just rolled his eyes in response.
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inchidentally · 16 days
(anon charmingly asked for a "ramble" from me about this video and like I even need the excuse tbh)
literally one of my favorite qualities of their dynamic is Lando mercilessly nagging Oscar and bossing him around and Oscar dutifully obeying and finding Lando constantly fun and charming no matter what. it's a trait that Lando only brings out around very select people and tbh I can only come up with Max F atm tho I'm sure there are others. but normally with his friends Lando is the little brother who's just happy to be included and he might be annoying or stubborn sometimes but mostly just to wind them up. but The Nagging? is reserved only for people who can handle it. and Oscar handles it far, far too well.
I love that Oscar has clearly been told to lead these videos more by the McLaren social media team and given guidance about things like using his hands and being more animated … only for Lando to interrupt and huff out "do you want to start or do you want me to start?" bc CLEARLY Oscar isn't doing it the way Lando wants !!
Oscar's fumbling little "ahh ahh I-I can start?" literally "yes dear sorry dear"
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OKAY SO THE FUNNIEST PART !! is Lando's absolute OUTRAGE when he spots the hangers and immediately accuses Oscar of stealing them even though ! the hangers are empty and clearly Oscar isn't lying when he says had no idea they were there - oh and Lando steals them all for himself anyway
BUT OSCAR LAUGHS AND GOES ALONG WITH IT "apparently I stole his hangers" meanwhile Lando is literally still grumbling "goddd!" behind the camera bc he is SO MAD
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Lando picking around Oscar's sink before he gets caught out and
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interrupts Oscar again bc TIME FOR LANDO
"it's a bit cleaner!" oh the satisfaction we all felt when Oscar pointed out that Lando hadn't actually unpacked yet
oh my god !!! the way they pick up on these little domestic bits "my morning latte" "2 in the afternoon" "AHEM afternoon" like this is clearly what's going on when they do the thing of looking at each other and giggling and no one else knows why
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Lando's pride in his new bed and Oscar narrating along to how it's set up
OSCAR GOING "DONK" WHEN LANDO DESCRIBES HITTING HIS HEAD THAT'S SO CUTE and absolutely going in my Oscar Narrating Lando's Life list
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the synchronized "two other driver rooms" oh my god they're so scary sometimes they even looked at each other like wtfff
Oscar is boring about wood trim and Lando looking at the camera like wowww interesting huh? - oh my god let your boy be dull it's just how he is !!
Oscar's sleeping space being deemed "cute" by Lando ;__; just like his BK order
the way Oscar keeps providing along words for Lando in Lando's room and yep sure enough, Lando needs him for 'hammock'!!
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no seriously Oscar having learned to track Lando's meandering thought patterns so closely bc ha as if Lando will be doing that and not losing track completely
Oscar literally did not need to laugh like that at Lando pretending he had a console and PC set up for gaming but well Zendaya laugh down bad etc
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Lando having fully taken over starts the full outro and Oscar returns to his beloved spot watching Lando and saying "yes" over and over like literally McLaren just follow them around with a camera you don't need to prompt them with challenges they do all this on their own
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leighsartworks216 · 7 months
Darlin' I'd Wait For You
Astarion x gn!Tav/Reader
Requested by propertyofjmiller on AO3:
“hiya ^^ super duper simple request; softly singing astarion to sleep as he's laying on tav's tummy and she's playing with his hair :) it could be set after his ‘good ending’ where you talk him out of ascending, so the relationship is established (if that's easier from a writing perspective) but i'm always for an emotionally constipated astarion who's still learning how to accept non-sexual intimacy 🤗 absolutely obsessing over your writing atm
JUST HAD A BRAIN WAVE. https://spotify.link/oCo4B63H0Db this song completely encapsulates the vibe”
It is currently 1 am I really wanted to write something and I'm so sleepy it only felt fitting to do this request. I have not proofread it at all but if I try to I will pass out so ✌️
Title based on "j's lullaby (darlin' i'd wait for you)" by Delaney Bailey
Warnings: none
Word Count: 943
Main Masterlist
First Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist - Second Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
Tag List Form
He’s utterly restless. Maybe that shouldn’t be surprising - he was an elf who didn’t need to sleep like you did. A few hours’ meditation and he’d be perfectly fine. But it’s not like he’d never slept before. Even on your adventure, he found some solace in sleeping instead of meditating. So why couldn’t he sleep now?
Astarion sighs quietly, trying not to be loud despite the frustration that burns him up inside. He tries rolling over again, like it’ll help. He bites back another frustrated sigh.
You roll over to face him. Your lids are heavy and you look the embodiment of tiredness, but you smile softly at him. “Can’t sleep?” you whisper.
He does sigh this time, long and annoyed. “No,” he grumbles. You chuckle, but he knows it’s harmless. Still, he can’t help being a little hot-and-bothered by it. A bit ruder than is appropriate for so late at night, he bites out, “Sorry if I woke you.”
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep either.”
With a stifled yawn, you sit up. He watches, intrigued, as you prop up pillows behind you and lay back into them. Then you delicately touch his shoulder. Always so gentle. You never wanted to overwhelm him or overstep. It was still a new concept for him. You’d brush a finger against his while walking side by side to see if he wished to hold hands; you’d hover a hand near his lower back when you had to slip by, never quite touching; you’d reach a hand up toward his hair and wait for him to lean in or verbally tell you he wanted it, and if he didn’t respond at all or even slightly shook his head, your hand would drop back down and you’d smile so brightly at him. It made his head spin.
With your other hand, you pat your belly. “C’mon, I’ll sing to you.” Even this is an invitation he could refuse. But how can he, when he is so restless and your plush, warm skin is calling to him?
He crawls to lay on top of you - though, it’s more like he pulls himself across the space until he can drop his head into your stomach. You lightly trace your hand from his shoulder to his upper-back, giving him a warm sense of security. Your other hand brushes a curl from his face. He looks up at you, not fully resting his chin on you, for fear of pressing too hard.
You drag your fingers through his hair, lightly scratching your nails against his scalp. He leans into it, eyes closing at the sensation. When you reach the hairs on the back of his neck, you scratch and twirl your fingers to capture the stray little curls.
You hum as you finally pick what song you want to sing. You weren’t a bard, nor had you taken any voice lessons, but Astarion can’t help thinking you have the most perfect singing voice he’s ever heard. You can’t reach all the notes you want to, your voice warbles and falls a little flat, and sometimes you don’t remember the words. But he loves it all the same.
Darlin’, I’d wait for you
Even if you didn’t ask me to
Tie a lasso around the moon
And bring it on down to you
He turns to rest his ear against you. His arms slide underneath you, between your back and the pillows, and hold you like a child’s favorite toy.
I’d bottle the feeling you give me
And shelve that stuff for years to come
‘Cause, baby, when your arms are around me
I’d swear that I’m holding the sun
He smiles at the lyrics you sing so softly. You can’t help but smile, too.
You play with his hair unhurriedly, lazily. It’s always so soft. Your other hand rubs circle designs in between his shoulder blades. You easily avoid the scars beneath his sleep-shirt, so intimately familiar with his back in a way he would have hated before. He thinks he can make out sloppy elvish writing, but it’s hard to say. His mind is too sluggish to recall if you even know the language.
I’d give you the sun if you asked me
You could have all of time
You could have the stars and the trees
When dividin’ up the universe
You could have mine
You could have mine
His entire body relaxes into yours, until where you begin and he ends becomes a blur. Neither of you are eager to figure it out. Instead, you continue to sing your quiet lullaby. Your voice begins to trail off somewhere along the way, hands slowing and losing their rhythm. He can hear your breaths even out until you can no longer sing, fully claimed by your exhaustion.
He continues to lay there for a bit longer. He counts the seconds it takes for you to breathe in and out. He counts the beats of your heart as it slows to a steady pattern. Every so often, your fingers twitch in his hair or against his back, as though part of you is fighting to wake up again and continue taking care of him. But he’s already perfectly content right where he is. He is warm and safe, and you are warm and safe.
The dark tendrils of sleep crawl in from the outer edges of his mind until they overwhelm him. His dreams are filled with you - your voice, your smile, the way you feel in his arms, the way you touch him so tenderly. Come morning, he can experience it all for himself, but for now, he cherishes every second.
Tag List:
@hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @kindadolly @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @black-star1472 @sessils @olitheghostboy-blog @puppyg1rl666 @maruichio @cyber-dump-171 @katharynmarie @twinkliker3000 @cherifrog @catching-fire-in-the-wind @phantoms-fandom-blog @thespectacularspaceace @lynnlovesthestars @sylverqueen_cosplay @yarn_yogi @tototini @teardropcup
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heavenlyvision · 5 months
I’m literally inlove with your writing! Anyways I was wondering if you could maybe do a Kuai Liang x reader one shot where he’s had like a stressful day and basically goes crazy with back shots. English is not my first language so I’m sorry if this does not make sense.
Thank you sm !!!! Kuai is a little ooc because he is a bit grumpy in this but he is a little sweet in the end (kinda) 🫣 This fic is shorter because I got brain rot for Kuai atm and I can only write on my phone. Also, your English was great !!! Thank you heaps for your request and I hope you enjoy it <33
Not sorry
Wc: 2.7k
Pairing: Kuai Liang x Afab!Reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, no use of pronouns, p in v sex, creampie, biting, minor burns, no use of y/n, Kuai is a little mean… sorry !!!
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When Kuai Liang walks through your front door you can immediately tell he’s had a bad day, mostly because the door slams behind him and he doesn’t even flinch; he just walks over to where you’re sitting on the couch and drops down beside you.
“By the way you’ve just slammed my door I’m guessing you had a great day,” you speak sarcastically; not looking up from your book.
He sighs beside you, “Sorry… today was… trying.”
He sounds drained from beside you but he also seems angry, like something happened to royally piss him off; well, something or someone.
You go to ask him, “Do you want to talk about–”
“–No.” He cuts you off.
You drop your book and look him in the eyes, “Yes, clearly whatever happened is not an issue that should be discussed.”
He doesn’t look at you, instead keeping his eyes on the wall in front of you both. The frown resting on his brow is prominent and you feel the need to reach over to smooth it out but as your hand reaches for him he grabs your wrist and holds it up.
His eyes lock onto yours, “What are you doing?”
You feel a bit flustered and you don’t know how to tell him you were going to touch his face, “Nothing, don’t worry about it.” You mumble a bit before pulling your wrist from his hold.
His eyes are examining you, trying to understand your intent but you’ve looked away and started to read your book. Or you’re pretending to read your book, you’re a little preoccupied by his heated gaze on you.
You sigh, “Why’d you come over if you’re in such a bad mood?”
“Because I always visit you around this time,” he’s snippy, whatever happened has obviously pissed him off severely.
He does always visit around this time, though you wouldn’t think he would come around when he’s in this bad of a mood. How kind of him to subject you to his incredibly annoyed demeanour. It’s a bit irritating but you also think it’s a little bit sweet, his want to see you outweighing his poor mood.
“I don’t know how to help you when you’re like this,” your eyes are still on the book, not reading any of the words on the page.
He’s stoic beside you, still watching you, “For starters, you can stop pretending to read.”
“I’m not pretending,” you lie.
“You’ve been on the same page since I walked in,” he observes.
You scowl at your book, “No I haven’t,” you double down.
From beside you, he grabs your book and pulls it away, chucking it across the room.
“Hey!” You exclaim at him, you move to pick up your book but he pulls you back onto the couch. Making you look at him.
“I also came here for a specific purpose,” his eyes are hard, looking at you firmly.
You’re unamused, “And what’s that?”
The way he’s looking at you is setting you on fire, he’s making you flustered and it’s completely unfair. You have been carrying a torch for this man for many years now and he’s never once shown signs of reciprocation but with the way he’s eyeing you right now, you feel completely exposed to him. He’s looking at you like he wants to eat you alive, and you might let him.
“Something happened today and I want to– need to know, how do you feel about me?” His question stuns you.
You’re unable to speak for a few moments, lost at where his sudden question has come from. “W–What prompted that question?”
He doesn’t answer you, just looking you head on, waiting for your answer. An answer you don’t really want to give.
You deflect instead, your confession coming in a non-committal way. “Well, I love you of course, I always have.” You make it sound as casual as possible, hoping he doesn’t see through you.
“I see,” he replies, his tone even.
You’re both sat looking at each other, not sure where to go from here. Unconsciously, your eyes flick to his lips, lingering for a moment too long, giving away your desire for him. You look away quickly, wishing you still had your book in front of you.
“I think you are lying,” his hand reaches towards your face and pulls it back to him, “I think you have feeling for me.” The emphasis on the last word confuses you for a moment but before you can ask him about it, his lips are on yours.
He leans in closer and pulls you towards him by the hand on your face. His kiss is harsh and needy, his bad mood still lingering under his lust for you. He pushes you back onto the couch, following you down; his lips never leave yours. When your back hits the couch, you gasp against him and he shoves his tongue into your mouth. The shock of it has a whiney moan pulling from you, the sound you make has an appreciative grunt coming from Kuai.
Your hands grab at him, holding onto his shoulders, needing the leverage. He is so large above you, his body heat consuming you, his mouth overwhelming you, he’s driving you insane. He’s taken over all your senses, when he pulls back, you’re huffing underneath him. His kiss has taken your breath away, you’re dazed by the way he’s just kissed you. You can practically feel the hearts in your eyes as you gaze up at him. His own are filled with a desperate heat, dark and lustful.
“I need you… on your stomach,” his voice is deep when he speaks.
You feel the blood rush to your cheeks, heating your face up. Taking a moment to look up at him, completely dumbfounded. He leans down again and kisses the look off your face, his hand moves to your neck and hold you as he does.
When he pulls back again, he tells you, “Roll over.”
You immediately roll over for him, lying on your stomach beneath him. His hands pull your hips up onto your knees, the dress you’re wearing falls upwards and pools around further up your body. Your arms move to hold yourself up slightly, your back arched low. The position has you feeling completely exposed to him. His fingers graze over your core through your panties, the slight touch makes you twitch.
He hums at you, “Already so wet, I’ve only kissed you.”
His touch moves back to your core, firmer this time. The feeling cuts off your words, he pushes the tip of his finger into your pussy hole, held back by your underwear. The action results in your panties getting wetter. He’s toying with you, playing with you over your panties. His touch grazing over your core, making you twitch and squirm for him. He’s making you moan for him, purposefully touching you so you’ll whimper out his name.
His touch withdraws before he leans down, his face pressed to your core, his mouth over your panties. His tongue licking at you over them, the stimulation has you jumping forward and moans tumbling from your lips. His mouth soaks your panties completely, ruining them. Ashamedly, he gets you impeccably close to your end like this, so close to cumming in your underwear for him. Your moans reaching a higher pitch, coming more frequently.
Suddenly, he pulls back, removing all stimulation, your cunt pulsing from your almost orgasm.
“Mmm I bet you were close,” he comments, his observation makes you huff at him, your hips moving back at him, trying to entice him.
He hums and then his mouth moves to your arse cheek and bites down, you gasp and jump at the feeling. He’s no doubt left an impression of his teeth in your skin. Once he’s pulled back, he borderline moans at the state of you.
His tone is dark and pleased, “You look great with my teeth marking you.”
“Kuai, please, do something.”
He seemingly considers your words for a moment before answering, “Remember, you asked for it.”
The shuffling of his pants can be heard behind you and then he’s pulling your panties to the side. The head of his cock sliding through your slick for a moment before notching on your pussy hole, he slips the head in, giving you a moment to adjust to the stretch. The sensation is burning, he’s large in every way apparently and you really wish you could see him right now. What kind of face is he making, what does his cock look like entering you.
Your thoughts almost have your mouth drooling, instead, it’s your cunt drooling on him. Your wetness leaking from you onto the head of his cock. The sight of your obscene arousal has Kuai twitching inside you and a moan pulling from his chest. He can’t help the way he stuffs more of himself into your small pussy. His length opening you up, your cunt taking him as he inches into you. You’re pulsing around him in need, completely desperate for him at this point.
“Gods, I wanted this to be different but you drive me crazy,” his words are hissed out between his teeth.
You don’t have the time or brain cells to pull apart what he means, your hips push back on him, taking more of him. He moans and meets your thrust, pushing his cock all the way into you. Stuffing you full, your arse rests on his pelvis. He grinds into you, his hands gripping at your hips, holding you flush to him.
He groans reverently at the way your cunt grips him tightly. At the way you’re throbbing around him, you’re driving him just as crazy as he is you.
Whimpers spill from you as you try to speak, “P –hah– lease, move~” you squirm against him, grinding back on him, needing the friction, desperately.
His fingers dig into your plush skin, holding you tightly, “Give me a second, pretty. Gripping me so –mmmph– tight, I nee –ah– d a second.”
His words broken by whiney sounds set you on fire, you need him to move. Now. You draw forward, aiming to fuck yourself back on him but he grabs you and pulls you back forcefully, the sensation exactly what you wanted. A moan tumbling from you at the action, you want more. Greedy for him and his fat cock.
He grunts, “You’re needy –hah– fuck.” He pulls out slowly; leaving only the tip inside you, “–mmph– I’ll give you what you need,” he promises, before forcing himself back inside you.
You moan loudly, your fingers grip into the couch, your forehead pressed into the cushion below you. Kuai’s thrusts are harsh and fast, fucking you silly, using your body as a fuck toy. His hands holding you and fucking you back onto him, his cock hammering into your cervix. Your cunt pulses around him, your slick coating his dick completely. Lewd noises fill the room, wet slapping sounds echoing in the lounge.
He grunts and moans from behind you, the way he’s shoving his dick into you has you willing to worship the ground he walks on. He’s in the same boat regarding your cunt, obsessed with the way you cream around him, the way you grip him, the way you’re so wet he’s slipping in and out of you with ease.
You cry out his name, almost literally, eyes wet and glassy, “Kuai~”
“Hmm?” He asks mindlessly, too obsessed with watching the way you suck his cock in to pay attention to anything else.
“I wanna –hah– see you,” you whimper out to him, wanting to see him, to touch him.
He chuckles at your desperation, “Next time.” His promise of a next time makes your pussy jump, “You like that? The idea of me fucking you again? Having you regularly take my cock?”
You moan out shamelessly, not even trying to hide the way you’d love to be fucked by him daily, loving the idea of being stuffed full of him. Sitting on top of him with his cock in you, not moving just full of him. Your own imagery has you clenching down on him again, your whimpers spilling from you, a tear slipping from your eye at his relentless thrusts.
His hands on your hips are hot, his body heat in general making you sweat. His pelvis slaps into your arse consistently, you’re spasming around him. So close to finishing.
“Kuai~ I –mmph– I’m close–” Tears fall down your cheeks.
“Cum then,” he grunts out, encouraging you to finish on his dick.
His thrusts and the moans he’s letting slip have you cumming for him, hard. Your cunt grips down on him tight, vice like. Your own orgasm has him grunting loudly, his dick twitching inside you. Ropes of his cum filling you, he continues fucking it into you. Prolonging your orgasms and enjoying the way his cum leaks out around you both when he pulls out and stuffs himself back in.
The heat on your hips burns and you wince in pain, a small whimper exiting you at the feeling. He removes his hands suddenly, “Fuck, sorry. I’ve burnt you.”
“It’s okay…” you huff out, dazed from your orgasm but also okay with the burns.
He pulls out of you slowly, both of you groaning as he does. He pulls his pants up, taking his time to enjoy the view of his cum leaking from your pussy hole.
His hands gently trace over the burn marks of his hands, humming appreciatively. Enjoying the way his hands are burned into your soft flesh, “It’s a good look,” he comments.
You laugh airily at him, “Help me up?”
“Of course,” he pulls your panties back into place and then moves you into a sitting position on the couch.
“Thank you,” you smile at him.
He looks at you thoughtfully, his hands pulling your dress off completely out of nowhere. Your hands go to cover your chest at the sudden exposure, “What are you–”
“Wanna see the burns,” he frowns, looking you over, his hands so gentle with you. “I’ll be back, gonna get you some ice.”
He wanders off and grabs some ice blocks, wrapping them in tea towels and coming back to you. He holds them against your hips, soothing the burns. You aren’t bothered though, you like knowing that his hand prints will be seared into your skin for a while.
“I’m sorry, for burning you.”
“It’s okay… I liked it…” you shy away from his gaze, looking off into the distance.
He takes in a deep breath from beside you, “I didn’t say earlier but… I love you too.”
You look back at him, a shocked expression on your face, “You do?”
“Of course,” he smiles softly at you, “I was rough and didn’t express myself in a healthy way.”
You implore him, “What happened today?”
He frowns, “You know that guy, the one you hang out with.”
“My friend? Yes…”
“He… was boasting about you liking him, about how obvious it was. When I told him you did not, he called me jealous… He is not a good person, but I realised I was jealous. Because I want you. And I want you to only want me…” His words are filled with annoyance, getting angry again at the memory of your so called ‘friend’ being a pompous ass.
Your hands move to hold his face, making him look at you, “I do want only you, always have.”
He melts for you, “Good.” His smile is soft but then his eyes wander down, staring at your uncovered chest. It makes you roll your eyes at him.
“Eyes up here,” you joke.
He doesn’t look back up, gaze staying on your tits, “I know.”
You move a hand to his chin and use it to tilt his eye line back up to yours, “Don’t be a perv.”
He raises his eyebrows suggestively at you before he holds the side of your face tenderly, serious as he says, “I know I’ve already said it but I am sorry about taking my anger out on you.”
“And like I said… I liked it.”
“You’re making it hard to be sorry,” he sighs, amused by you.
You smile coquettishly at him, “I don’t want you to be sorry.”
He leans in and kisses you, it’s tender and warm. He makes your brain fuzzy and you’re happy, always happy when he’s next to you.
You can feel his light smile against your lips when he pulls back, “Then, I’m not sorry.”
₊ ⊹
A/N: Thank you for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed it :)) and I should have access to my laptop tomorrow so hopefully ‘Bare’ pt 2 will be up sooner rather than later <33
As per usual, if you have any thoughts, feelings or requests feel free to slide into my inbox <333
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i-cant-sing · 9 months
Okay okay, time for me to word vomit an idea:
So imagine that after Dabi does his whole vengeful arc, kills dozens of people and publicly calls out Enji's abusive ass, my man just gets caught by the cops and he's like put in a psychiatric hospital (because obviously Enji pulled some strings to save his son from death row to ease his own guilt).
Anyways, Dabi is like majorly depressed obviously and he's like "well, I've done everything I wanted to, so I might as well off myself" and cue reader's entry.
So basically, reader could be a nurse/doctor(NOT A PSYCHIATRIST) and she's all warm and fuzzy and a literal Ray of sunshine and Dabi hates her, but he doesn't give a crap atm.
And like everytime Dabi tries to kill himself, reader is there to stop him. It obviously started with "nooo, please don't kill yourself🥺 you are precious🥺🥺" to reader just swooping in and foiling his plans like "can you not die during my shift? I need an early night off🥱". Dabi is actively trying to kill himself, like he's standing on the ledge to jump, and reader is tackling him down and then punching him for making you run all the way up to the roof.
And like reader is bandaging him up with great gentleness and care and Dabi is staring at her being all close to him (he is mesmerised), and he goes-
"I'll be successful in my suicide one day."
And you just smile and shake your head. "Not as long as I'm praying." And at first, Dabi is super annoyed because he's think you're into the whole religious mumbo jumbo, but he actually caught you one day praying (insert whatever religion) and he's bewitched by the sincerity you pray for his (and others) well being. As if you believed with your whole heart that someone up there is listening to you.
He doesn't know what or when exactly he fell for you, but he did. And he decides that he'll confess to you after he gets out of psychiatric hospital (after tugging at Rei's and Enji's heart strings and them using money and influence to free their menace son). After spending 6 years in the hospital, 6 years where you were the only one who truly cared for him, he'll finally confess to you.
But then you don't come. Not even the next day, or the week after that. Turns out, you left your job.
Out of the blue? Dabi's suspicions rose.
He got out of the hospital and began doing his own research on you until he found your address and well... he sort of came in unannounced (look he knocked, you didn't answer, so he melted the lock and let himself in. At least he came in bearing flowers and wine).
He wasn't expecting you to be at home, but there you were, lying in your bed, a little too still for someone to be asleep.
He throws the covers off you, eyes narrowing on the red stains on your sheet before moving to your bleeding wrists.
Dabi's world stops, every cell in his body stops before every fiber in his being screams and makes him move. He doesn't check for pulse, doesn't check if you're still breathing, perhaps he'd die himself if he didn't like the answer he found. He picks you up and immeadiately goes to the nearest hospital, which fortunately was near.
While you were being operated on, Dabi sat outside, heart thumping as he prayed to whatever deity you did.
Please... not yet.
His prayers were answered as tge doctors told him that you're going to be alright... physically that is. Mentally? Well, Dabi is about to figure it out.
He sat by your side waiting for you to wake up. When you finally did, he saw how different you looked. Obviously he had noticed that you were physically weak, but your eyes... they lost their shine.
Your eyes turned to confusion when you looked at him. "D-Dabi? What are you-"
"I found you." That was enough for you to put together what he meant. You turned your eyes away from him, ashamed.
"Why?" He asks in a quiet tone. "What made you do it?"
"My choices." You whispered. "Bad decisions in the past."
Dabi wanted to pry more out of you, but he knew you wouldn't explain more. So, he takes matter into his own hands and leaves the hospital, telling you that he needs to run some errands, but he's actually going back to your apartment and starts rummaging through your stuff to find some clues as to what exactly caused you to do this.
He didn't have to look around too much because he found your phone and snooped through your messages. Someone was blackmailing you. They had some explicit pictures of you, seems like a toxic ex who was threatening to share these photos with your family and social circle.
So Dabi pays a visit to your ex, takes care of him and the pictures he had,making sure to get rid of all the copies too. All in a day!
By night he had returned to the hospital, you were asleep. He slept there too, in the uncomfortable hospital chair, heart at peace as he watched your chest rise and fall steadily.
Next morning, when it was time for you to leave, Dabi helped you and took you home. You thanked him for everything, and Dabi made sure to tell you that he'll be picking you up for lunch later. You agreed hesitantly. And at lunch, he finally revealed that he came to you because he wanted to ask you out.
You look surprised, more so when he reveals that he had fancied you for a while and that he understands that relationships might not be a priority for you at the moment but-
"I understand if dating is not a priority for you right now but if you ever do consider falling in love, know that I've been on the top of your wait list for the past 6 years and will wait another lifetime if that's all the time you need."
You're in tears at his words, and you have a hard time not breaking down as he takes your hands in his, his thumbs carefully tracing over your bandaged wrists as he promises to wait by your side, that he'll always be there to help you with anything, that if you gave him a chance, he'll spend the rest of his life trying to make you happy.
"Dabi, i- I am not good for you." You say, voice wobbly. "My past, it'll always haunt me and I care too much about you to let it haunt you as well."
"Your ex? His pictures?" He asked watching shock appear on your face. "You won't ever have to worry about him, Y/n."
You shook off your surprise. "That's not it. It's not the only problem I have!"
"Then tell me. I'll fix all of your problems." Dabi promises with such sincerity that you're compelled to believe him.
You don't tell him obviously, saying that it is your burden, your mess to deal with. Dabi doesn't push more, only because he knows he'll figure it out later anyways. Hey, he may be a criminal but he was once the son of the top hero who trained him, so Dabi's IQ is through the fucking roof.
And a man in love has no limitations.
Had a DUI? He deals with it. Parents disowned you? He'll make them regret it. Killed someone? He'll make sure you have an alibi to prove your innocence. Cheated off a test in grade 2? He'll make sure there are no witnesses alive. He'll burn the world- burn himself if it means keeping you warm.
You don't wanna date a criminal? Fine, he's working a cooperate job and since he's so smart, he'll be a fucking CEO in no time and have enough money and time to spend on you. Youre crying because you feel ugly when you see your scars? Dabi makes sure to kiss them every day and pulls out his turtleneck (aka the trademark Todoroki fit) for you, while he buys the best treatment money can buy for your scars. Mental health is going down? He's taking you to the best therapist in town. You're sad he's an atheist because it means you won't be with him in heaven? Damn, he's a convert now.
I just adore men in love :(
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Okay but I don't think we're focusing on how scary smart Dabi actually is😳😳😳 I just know it, I KNOW he's super smart but he downplays it all the time because he's depressed or whatever.
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spiteless-xo · 10 months
3 and 122 with geto 🙈
yay another geto request, ty anon 🥰 i am a little bit tipsy atm (i had a beer w dinner and apparently it's hitting me hard???) so apologies in advance if there's more mistakes than usual
list of prompts ⋆ masterlist
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╰┈➤ smut prompts - 3 & 122. “Aw, your legs are trembling~ does it feel that good?” “Look how good you take it.”
ft. geto/fem!reader cw. unedited, not proofread, explicit sexual content (drunk sex, semi-public sex, vaginal, tiny bit of choking), explicit language. 1,907 words.
bonus. art by @toxrez
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"aw, sugu! your little girlfriend can't hold her liquor!"
"says the man who's been sipping on diet cokes all night."
"hey, what can i say? my body is a temple."
"oh, come on, don't give her such a hard time!"
it's hard to tell who's talking amongst the chatter at the bar and the haze in your mind from all of the alcohol. but you smile and laugh along when you see the others break out into giggles and geto's warm hand on your knee gives you a grounding squeeze.
when geto invited you out for drinks with his friends, you didn't really know what you were signing up for. geto was a moderate drinker, usually wine with dinner or a glass of whiskey before bed -- but shoko and utahime were party girls and gojo was a pusher.
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"look! she's laughing!" gojo says, slamming his fist on the table to draw attention before pointing across at you. "uta, go order another round!"
"why do i have to do it?"
you try to follow their squabbling as the room spins around you but your breath catches in your throat when you smell geto's bold, cedar cologne and feel his warm breath on the shell of your ear.
"are you ok? you don't have to keep drinking."
"uh huh!" you say cheerfully, shooting him a lazy grin as you reach forward to grab a glass of water from the table.
he watches you in amusement, eyes crinkling as you bring the glass to your lips -- miss completely -- and then spill all over your shirt.
before you can even set the glass down, he has a handful of napkins and he's dabbing at your shirt. the water is icy cold and shocks away some of your drunken haze. you feel a flood of heat burn in your cheeks as you look around at geto's friends, embarrassed.
"shit, are you ok?" shoko asks and you try to wave her off.
"i'm ok, just a spill!" you say, grabbing some of the napkins from geto's hands to work on cleaning up the mess yourself.
she nods toward the bathrooms in the back of the bar. "they have one of those air dryers in there, you could use it to help dry off," she suggests before nodding toward geto. "smoke?"
"no, i'm gonna stay to help her clean off," geto says, still looking over at you with amusement as you try to dry yourself off.
"go hang out with your friends," you whisper, hoping that you're quiet enough that shoko doesn't catch the waver in your voice. "i'll be fine."
"i want to be with you," he insists, shooting another smile at shoko before she shrugs and walks off, cigarette already pursed between her lips.
"i'm going to the bathroom anyway, i'll be ok," you say. you stand up from your seat and geto mimicks the action.
"perfect, i'll come with you."
gojo howls from his seat at the table. "where are you going?"
you try to stumble out a response, but geto presses a warm hand on your lower back and guides you away from the table without a word. you can faintly hear utahime scolding gojo for being annoying before it's drowned out by the chatter of the bar.
"it's ok, suguru, i can clean myself off -- it's just water."
"i feel partially responsible," he admits, ducking his head to speak into your ear as he guides you to the bathrooms. "i should've warned you."
when the two of you walk down the hallway to the bathrooms, the loud music in the bar is immediately muffled. you let out a sigh of relief at the peace and quiet -- you hadn't realized how overwhelmed you were until you found yourself somewhere quiet.
along the hallway, there are several doors leading to single-occupant bathrooms with a small sink, toilet, and mirror. you duck into the nearest available room and find a little hand dryer in the back corner -- perfect for the water spill on your chest.
"take your shirt off, it will be easier."
you turn around in alarm when you hear the sounds of the bar disappear completely when geto closes the door behind him, leaning back against it as he looks down at you.
the room is small, there's barely enough room for you, let alone your six-foot-three boyfriend. you gulp nervously.
"i'm ok, suguru," you say again, but you grab the bottom hem of your shirt to pull it up over your head. "i don't need your help."
"what if i just want to take a break, too?" he hums, cocking his head to the side.
he watches you with careful, narrowed eyes as you hold your shirt over the fan. you palm at the button and a blast of air shoots out of the machine -- and you immediately drop your shirt.
with a huff, you snap at the hips to pick it up, bending over until your ass is pushing against geto's crotch. he makes a pleased grunt in response and settles both hands on your hips, holding you close even when you stand up tall.
"sorry," you breathe, turning your head to the side to look up at him as he holds you tight against his chest.
"don't apologize," he hums, and he lowers his head down until his lips meet yours.
he tastes like whiskey -- the warm oaky spice flooding your senses as his tongue brushes against yours. one hand slides up from your hip, over your breasts, until his large palm is wrapped around your throat.
you moan into his mouth as he gives you a small squeeze, his other hand dipping low between your thighs, and you can feel the warmth of his hand, even through your jeans.
"is this why you followed me in here?" you ask, breathless when he pulls away.
he smiles, eyes still closed from the kiss. "not entirely... but why waste an opportunity?"
"won't your friends notice we're gone?"
"don't you care?"
"i only care about you, princess."
he dips forward again, capturing your lips in another deep kiss. he starts rubbing you firmly through your jeans and when you rock your hips against him, you can feel him hardening against your ass.
"just a quickie," he whispers into your mouth, and he guides you forward against the sink, sliding both hands back to your hips to spin you around to face him.
your chest heaves as you look up at him and you watch his gaze travel from your face to your exposed breasts, only clothed by the bra you put on earlier this evening. he bites his lip, sliding his hands up your waist until he's palming at your breasts, gently thumbing at your hardening nipples through the thin fabric.
"beautiful," he whispers, pulling your bra down to expose yourself to him, just as you hop up to sit on the edge of the sink. "beautiful."
he dips his head low, wrapping his lips around your pert nipple and tonguing at the bud softly as your hands reach down between your bodies. you fumble with his belt, unbuckling it slowly between stuttered gasps as your shoulders fall back into the mirror behind you.
undoing his button and sliding down his zipper, you slip your hand down the front of his jeans and palm at his cock. geto groans in satisfaction around your breast, pressing his hips forward for more as you rub him through his underwear.
he pulls away just enough for you to work on the button of your own jeans, slipping them down off your hips to your knees as geto pushes his down around his thighs.
grabbing your legs, he throws them both up over his shoulder, pushing you hard against the mirror and sliding his cock along your entrance.
"you ok?" he asks, looking down at you with hooded eyes and a dark flushed face.
admittedly, you're contorted into an awkward position, but you don't see any other way of getting this to work with geto in such a small room and the ache between your legs is too needy to be ignored at this point.
you brace your hands on the rim of the sink as he guides his cock between your folds, pushing gently at your entrance until he slides inside.
geto groans from deep in his chest as you gasp at the intrusion, pussy squeezing around him tightly as he rocks his hips into you. you watch the muscles in his jaw twitching as he clenches his jaw, eyes fluttering as he pushes deeper and deeper.
"you ok?" you ask in a breathless pant and he shifts his gaze from where you two meet, up to your face.
"always," he smiles, face softening as he looks at you.
"quickie, remember," you say and he nods.
he thrusts fully into you, then, and the feeling of being filled has you gasping out. you throw your head back, slamming into the mirror with a dull thunk! as geto's hips shift against you -- pulling back before slamming forward again.
he groans, one palm pressed into the mirror beside your head while the other holds your legs in place on his broad shoulder. "shit," he hisses, "you feel so good."
you can only offer him a whimper in response, feeling the head of his cock hitting that soft spongey wall of your cunt. you scrunch your eyes shut, brows furrowed as you bite at your lip, trying desperately to hold back from screaming out his name.
his hips slap against your thighs with every thrust and you can feel your gut tightening, heat flooding between your thighs as your orgasm builds.
"fuck," he moans, his voice slipping into a velvety purr. "i wish you could see this -- see how good you take me."
you nod, biting at your lip as you struggle to hold back your moans, listening to geto's voice as it fills the small space.
"making my cock so wet -- squeezing me so tight -- that's my girl, taking me so fucking well."
your head falls forward into your chest with a choked sob when you cum, squeezing impossibly tighter around him as your pussy flutters through the waves of your orgasm. he moans in approval, fucking you harder and sending jolts of electricity through your body.
"that's it -- cum for me," he grunts, leaning forward to speak into your ear. "your legs are shaking, princess -- does it feel that good?"
"suguru," you gasp, hands slipping from the sink and reaching up to grab fistfuls of his shirt.
geto presses forward, bending you in half and pushing you into the mirror as he fucks you deeper. he groans in your ear, pressing his forehead against you as he nears his release -- you notice that he's shaking, too.
with a gasping groan, he pushes his hips flush against you. you can feel each twitch of his cock as he cums deep inside of you. his hand balling into a tight fist against the mirror as he pants against your ear.
the two of you hardly have time to catch your breath before you're startled by a pounding fist against the door.
"suguwu!" calls a voice from the other side. "are you two done fucking? the girls want to go to the club, let's go!"
geto pulls away just enough to look down at you, face scrunched into an embarrassed frown. you giggle in response.
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