#yandere jason todd oneshots
thefiery-phoenix · 11 months
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Honestly I wouldn't put it past them to explode with rage and jealousy and act like clingy petty children to you
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Dick Grayson: If there's one thing he feels proud of in life is the amount of love he has for you. He feels like no one else can love you like him and he knows you better than you know yourself. Thr first time he finds out that you really like a fictional character was when you both were having a movie night with the other Titans as a day for rest and relaxation since you guys need some chill in life. The movie you guys were watching was Rapunzel and you really liked the movie. You told Dick that you've wanted to grow your hair as long as Rapunzel when you were a kid and he pretended not to know about it but in fact he already did know about it since this sneaky son of a bish here already read your diary that mentioned it. He feels like there should be no secrets between the two of you since you're destined to be with each other and you're soulmates and one person. He knew you liked Rapunzel which was why he made the suggestion of watching it that day but what he wasn't prepared for was when you suddenly said "Damn Flynn be looking good" and he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat. What exactly did you mean by that comment? Garfield turned to you and spoke "Wait don't tell me you have a crush on him?"as he grinned in amusement as you shrugged your shoulders and replied "Believe it or not he was one of my childhood crushes" and Dick felt his hand twitch with irritation. ONE of your childhood crushes? So that clearly meant that there were more and he was determined to find out who the bloody hell were these pathetic sneaky pests who dared to steal the heart of his lovely angel when it was clearly reserved for him
"How about we watch something else?"said Dick as his eye twitched with irritation but you didn't want to change the movie so he ended up tolerating the damn movie for the next 2 hours for the sake of your happiness. But he swears to get rid of that bloody movie and make you forget about that damned Flynn Ryder because the only man you should be thinking about is him
Jason Todd: He doesn't become delusional and descend down the rabbit hole of madness and chasm of obsession right off the bat yet. There's still time for him to become delusional as hell and it all started when he first met you as Red Hood when he was patrolling the streets around Gotham. It was really late at night and you were coming back from the public library after doing some research for your Physics paper in college that would count for at least 50 percent of your grade. You really needed to work hard and up your game since your Physics professor was a hardass and had no chill in life whatsoever and you didn't want to flunk out of the class. You'd just gotten a headache after studying so much and you were looking forward to relaxing after you went home. You kept walking when suddenly you stopped in the middle of the road to rub your head for a few minutes and your eyes since your vision was starting to get blurred but that was a huge mistake on your part because a car was moving with a really high speed and the driver was honking at you to get out of the way. You'd have been literal roadkill had it not been for the Red Hood himself who pulled you out of harm's way. "W-whats going on?"you mumbled as he chuckled and replied "You're so tired you didn't even realize your life was in danger" and he offered to drop you off home since it was evident that you couldn't be trusted in such a condition. He made sure you were safe in your bed and felt bad when he saw you with no one else in your house. Was that why you weren't taking care of yourself properly and not sleeping early? Jason made sure you went to sleep and he wrote a note for you that said 'Take better care of yourself darling' and placed it near your bed table. The next morning when you woke up you saw the note and you smiled, it felt nice to have someone care for you
You were hoping to meet the Red Hood again the next day evening and sure enough you were lucky since you did end up meeting him. "I have a box of muffins with me that I made. Would you like some? You know, a way of saying a thank you from my side for saving me yesterday" and he was stunned. After all these years of protecting and looking after Gotham you were the first person who actually thanked him for his deeds. He felt happy since a really long time as he accepted it and thanked you for it. The next day you met Jason at the library but not as Red Hood, as regular Jason though and you both bonded over the books there. He offered to help you with some stories you were working on and he was like your second pair of eyes offering you constructive feedback of your works and he loved reading every line and word you've written
The two of you bonded over a period of time and you decided to have a movie night one day after your college's term finished. You invited Jason over and you already had snacks and drinks ready. Jason was just glad you didn't invite any of your pesky little friends over he despised them from the bottom of his heart. To him they were nothing but corrupt leeches who wanted to ruin you while he was protecting you from all the negative and bad things in the world. You didn't need to know all the dark stuff happening around you, and you can also thank him for the cancelation of your newspaper subscription. Who needs the news anyway, it's filled with utter nonsense and garbage these days anyway according to him
You both watched some movies and then this show called Supernatural popped up on your recommended list so you both decided to watch that. Jason actually liked Dean Winchester he thought he was cool and he could actually relate to his problems in a way. At first when you started gushing about Dean Winchester he didn't seem to mind. It was just a little fictional crush but when you told him that you had all the merchandise of his and you even had a freaking body pillow of Dean that's when things took another turn. Jason couldn't help but feel jealous and he knows it's silly being jealous of a fictional character but he can't help it. As selfish as he is, he wants you to think of him, the only man you'll ever need in your life. When Jason sees your body pillow of Dean Winchester his hand twitched with irritation and made a mental note to burn it to ash when you weren't noticing. He doesn't like it when you ignore him for your fictional characters, just pay him some attention as well and you're good to go but if you keep gushing about those fictional crushes of yours he might have to step in and when he does you'll have to say goodbye to your movie watching marathons
Tim Drake: I can imagine Tim actually vibing with you and your fictional characters that you're so fond of especially if they're anime characters. He really loves anime. You guys met online on Discord in an anime server when some random bozo was saying stuff like how Eren Yeager sucked in season 4 but you had a different take to that opinion and when you put forth your opinion you revived some major hate and backlash from that person calling you a dumb person and a bunch of other nasty names that made you feel pissed off. Fortunately for you, someone came to your defense and that someone was none other than Tim Drake himself. He called him out for behaving like a douchebag and basically started an internet flame war with that person. Then you thanked him for sticking up for you and you both chatted with each other for a while at a private chat room till you had to get going but you felt happy that you'd gained a new online friend. You both chatted with each other for a few weeks and you were ecstatic when you'd learnt that he went to the same school as you, Gotham academy and you were determined to meet him so you arranged for the two of you to meet at the music room of Gotham Academy too which he'd agreed
Truth was, Tim already knew who you were right off the bat without your knowledge. There's a reason he's called a whiz with technology you know. He was just keeping his identity anonymous to humor you and wanted to see your reaction when the guy sitting right next to you during your Advanced Calculus class was your online friend. You waited for your online friend to show up and sure enough he did and it was none other than Tim himself. Your eyes widened with surprise and you spoke "Tim, I can't believe you're the one I was talking to this whole time, this is amazing" you smiled and he felt glad you saw this as a positive scenario. The two of you had your lunch together and started spending more time with each other in person. The thing about Tim is that when he falls in love with someone, he falls in love really fast and hard. He loves someone with a lot of intensity and passion, words nor numbers couldn't describe the feelings he felt for you. He was also someone who believed in love at first sight and when he found out that you were his online friend from Discord he was extremely thrilled and his joy knew no bounds. Of course he had to keep you a secret from his brothers since they'd tease him and they'd try to flirt with you and steal you away from him which is something he doesn't want happening at all
He's so used to being the replacement in his life but for once he wanted to be selfish and have you for himself. He was growing obsessive over you and his affection for you might be deemed as suffocating for other people but you failed to notice the red flags in his behavior like him being clingy to you when you talked to someone else and when you you him about the guy who flirted with you during your biology lecture he got suspended for the possession of drugs that Tim may or may not have planted in his locker and anonymously tipped off a teacher. He was just trying to keep you safe in this dark and cruel world, and he should know how bad the world is because he's Red Robin
Your exams were done and you'd decided to have an anime marathon with him and he invited you over to the Wayne manor. Of course Dick, Jason and Damian were cocky when you'd shown up and started flirting with you just to tease and rile up Tim because watching him getting riled up was the amusement of the century according to them. Tim's face grew red and he 'accidentally' spilled some water on Dick and Jason as he stepped on Damian's foot and he dragged you inside to his room and shut the door. He could hear them snickering to themselves as Jason howled "Use protection" as he just rolled his eyes and you looked confused. "They're immature jerks, so should we get started?'' and you nodded as you watched animes like My hero academia, Haikyuu, Demon slayer, Bungou Stray dogs and many more. You wanted to watch Kakegurui as well but Tim didn't want you to taint your innocence and it was filled with some not so wholesome content according to him that wasn't suitable for your delicate eyes
You had some favorite characters from different Fandoms and the character you were really fond of was Daisuke Kanbe from the anime Millionaire detective balance unlimited. Tim could get why you liked Daisuke a lot and he vibes with your choice too. He will however get a tad bit jealous that you're not paying attention to him and he'll do something or the other to interrupt your anime fest and make sure you pay attention to him. Other than that he's actually pretty chill with you crushing over animme characters but like every other possessive yandere dude he will have to curb it and make you forget about your anime crushes if it gets too out of hand. He doesn't want to lose you to some Pixelated non existant 2D picture on a screen
BONUS: Damian Wayne: Oh boy, I can say for sure he won't be too happy about this whole ordeal of you simping for non existant Pixelated fiends according to him when you have THE heir of the Wayne family and the Al Ghul heir himself. It's been a few months since he's kidnapped you and taken you for himself and he had to do it you know. The first time he met you was when you were about to climb a huge rock ready to dive in because a puppy was drowning. As much as he was touched with your love and concern for animals he couldn't let you just endanger your life like that which was why he had to step in and do something before you'd ended up getting hurt. Damian raced to where you were about to jump and pulled you back in time and before you could say a word he dove in and rescued the puppy. The poor puppy had a bleeding paw and you let a soft gasp of despair when you saw its bleeding paw
You really loved animals and that sight just broke your heart. "I have a feeling someone must have done this to the poor thing, why else would a puppy intentionally go to the middle of the river if it doesn't know how to swim?" you asked Damian as you snuggled the little thing against you, the puppy grateful for the warmth it was receiving from you. "Take care of it and yourself too, I hope you don't do something as reckless as that ever again" said Damian with a serious note but you looked at him indignantly and replied "The poor thing would have drowned had I been a second late. Besides I know how to swim" you grumped a bit and Damian found it to be endearing and the two of you exchanged numbers and parted ways after that exchange took place. That night he wasn't able to forget about you and he made sure to visit the same place next day to make sure you and the puppy were doing all right. He didn't even know why he was so concerned about someone he just met but seeing you do something as reckless as that made him want to protect you and just wrap you with his arms so you couldn't endanger yourself. What were you making him feel?
Sure enough the next day Damian saw you and the puppy and he was glad to see it doing okay. The both of you spent some time together and you liked spending time with him. Though he had a stoic expression most of the times you could tell deep down he cared for other people. He took you to a Cafe where you both ordered something and you went to see Titus his dog. Titus seemed to take a liking to you immediately and the puppy too. Titus kept wandering near your legs and Damian thought it was adorable when he tried to place his paws up on you as if he was asking you to lift him up like a child. The puppy was a bit shy around him but Titus didn't seem to mind
Soon it was time for you to go home and Damian didn't want you to leave. He wanted you to stay with him and with a heavy heart he had to bid farewell to you. However it didn't mean that his mind and heart rested though, Gotham was a dangerous place and in the little time he's known you he's already taken a liking to you which meant that he's appointed himself as your guardian and protector to keep you safe from this twisted world and so day by day he kept stalking you and kept an eye on you to make sure you were all right
Finally he reached a point where his obsession could no longer be contained and he needed you like a dying man needing air so he kidnapped you and took you for himself. Does he regret it? Not an inch because the way he sees it is that you both are destined to be together forever. He felt his heart break when he saw you crying your heart out, begging him to please take you back and even after he bought you your puppy for company you still avoided him like the Corona virus. However you just started opening up to him recently and that was something he felt immensely thankful for. You finally saw that he loved you with all his heart and he wouldn't harm you and besides you were tired of being alone all the time
Currently the two of you were watching some shows together and you decided to watch Austin and Ally after you'd insisted. You loved Austin and Ally since you were a kid it brought back so many memories and when you accidentally let the fact slip that Austin used to be your childhood crush Damian felt like someone had knocked the wind out of his chest. Just what EXACTLY did you see in that immature blonde haired Walmart Ken ripoff he didn't know but he needed to make sure you'd forget about this Austin fellow effective immediately. Damian doesn't care if he's being petty, he doesn't want your heart getting stolen by someone else. Your heart is reserved only for him and he'll have various tactics to make you forget about Austin. He'll either make sure you watch something else that's different or when you try to see Austin and Ally he'll just start bragging and boasting about how much better he is than him and pin point and nit pick EVERYTHING wrong with Austin. Like mentioned before no man can steal your heart as long as he's with you
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blue-sadie · 11 months
.Request page.
.Second Master.
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut = 🌹
Lime = ⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere = 🍁
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I Choose... - Aonung 🌺
The Heat Cycle - Jake 🌹
Evil No More - Jake 🌹
Never Alone - Kiri 🌺
Too Late - Lo'ak 🥀
Wild Animal - Lo'ak 🌹
BFF To Lovers - Lo'ak 🌺🌹
Broken Girl - Miles 🥀🌹
Tied To The Bed - Miles 🌹
Unplanned - Miles 🌺
Run!!! - Neteyam 🌹
Jealous Boy - Neteyam 🌹
The Distraction - Spider 🌺
Demon Blood - Tsu'tey 🌹
Different Kind Of Lessons - Aonung, Rotxo 🌹
Commanding Officer - Ghost, Köing, miles 🌹
It Was An Accident - Jason Todd, Lo'ak 🌹
Pride And Joy - Jake, Neytiri 🥀🌺🌼
Something In Your Eyes - Jake, Neytiri 🌹
Lust Filled Beasts - Neteyam, Lo'ak 🌹
Second Glance - Tonowari, Ronal 🌺
One Room - Tedros, Jamie, Neteyam 🌹
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To Many To Count - Jake 🌹
A Last Goodbye - Neteyam 🥀
Two Masters Now - Anakin skywalker & Jake 🌹
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Is That So - Aonung ⚘️
Dilf Material - Jake 🌹
Eye To Eye - Jake 🥀🌺🌼
The Heat - Jake 🌹
(🍗) Thanksgiving Stuffing - Jake 🌹
Confession Time - Lo'ak 🌺
Only Us - Lo'ak 🥀🌺
Broken minded - Miles 🥀🌹
Tears Of Gold. Prt 2 - Neteyam 🥀
Never Be Ashamed - Neteyam 🌺
Bully As A Brother. Prt 2 - Neteyam 🥀🌺🌼
Spoiled Brat - Neteyam 🥀🌹
Our Love Is Pure - Neteyam 🥀🌺
A Distant Memory - Neteyam 🥀🌺
Back Off - Neteyam 🌹
Five Stages Of Feelings - Neteyam 🥀🌺
Beyond The Shadows - Norman 🌺
Hope - Trudy 🌺
Hidden Surprises - Tsu'tey 🌺
Injured - Tsu'tey 🥀🌺
Na'vi At Heart - Tsu'tey 🌹
Different - Tsu'tey 🌺
What Is This? - Tsutey ⚘️
Badly As My Heart Does - Tsutey 🌹
Intriguing - Tsu'tey 🌺
At Fault - Tsu'tey 🌺
Lesson learned - Aonung, Rotxo 🌹
Sun Bathing - Aonung, Rotxo, Lo'ak, Neteyam ⚘️
Parents Love - Jake, Neytiri 🥀🌼
Tied Down - Jake, Neytiri 🌺
Chained - Jake, Tonowari 🌹
Hard Stares - Jake, Neytiri, Tonowari, Ronal 🌺
My Our Plaything - Neteyam, Lo'ak 🌹
Temperamental - Neteyam, Aonung 🥀🌺
The Blurriness - Sully Family 🌼🥀🌺
Connection. Prt 2 - Tonowari, Ronal 🌺
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Fucking The Nerd - Lo'ak, Neteyam, Aonung, Rotxo 🌹🥀
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Modern Day
Aonung x Crush Reader 🌺
Jake x Fan Reader 🌹
Lo'ak x Ex Reader 🌺
Neteyam x Girlfriend Reader 🥀🌺
Spider x Dog Lover Reader 🌺
Tonowari x Student Reader 🌹
Knight Jake x Princess Reader 🌺
Worshipper Neteyam x Goddess Reader 🌺
God Neteyam x Offering Reader 🌹
Unclaimed Omega - Alpha Neteyam x Omega Reader 🍁
I thought- - Alpha Neteyam x Omega Reader 🥀
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Stuffed - Anakin Skywalker & Jake 🌹
Unknown Planet - Cal Kestis & Neteyam 🌺🥀
A Bit Feral - Ethan Landry & Spider Socorro 🌹
When Stars Aligned - Stark Reader x Neteyam 🌺
A Gift From The Stars - Togruta Reader x Jake 🌺
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Alleyway Sex - Jake, Miles, Lyle, Neteyam, Aonung, Spider, Lo'ak 🌹
Breeding Kink - Jake, Tsu'tey, Miles, Neteyam, Aonung, Lo'ak 🌹
Childhood Room - Lo'ak, Spider, Aonung 🌹
Locker Room - Jake, Tsu'tey, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Aonung, Rotxo 🌹
Shower Sex - Tonowari, Tsu'tey, Aonung, Jake, Lo'ak 🌹
They Wake You Up By Eating You Out - Jake, Miles Tonowari, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Aonung, Spider 🌹
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NSFW and SFW alphabet
NSFW - Jake Sully
SFW - Norman Spellman
NSFW - Spider Socorro
NSFW - Tsu'tey
SFW - Lo'ak, Tsireya
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How He Asked You Out - Lo'ak, Neteyam, Jake
Yandere vibes - Aonung, Rotxo, Tsireya, Kiri, Lo'ak
Yandere Vibes 2 - Spider, Neteyam, Miles Jake, Tonowari
Their Kinks, Turn Ons/Offs - Tsu'tey, Tonowari, Jake
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@greekgods15 @erenjaegerwifee
@sweetirilly @neteyamyawne @laylasbunbunny
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whore-for-slashers · 2 years
Women (fem aligned) and minors dni
I only write for men and non-binary people
I am going to start writing for slashers so heres some info if you want to request something<3
Includes : oneshots | hcs | preferences | prompts sfw/nsfw alphabet
Requests can include : gore/dark themes | Yandere themes | sfw | nsfw | poly relationships |oc welcome | plot idea welcome
Slashers Include :
Michael Myers (OG and RZ)
Lester, Bo and Vincent Sinclair
Pyramid Head
ji-woon hak (the trickster)
Jack Torrence
Jason Vorhees
Brahms heelshire
Bubba Sawyer
Thomas Hewitt
Billy loomis
stu macher
Billy lenz
Asa emory
The lost boys (Marko,Paul,David,Dwayne)
Sweeney Todd
Hannibal lector (NBC)
Freddy Krueger
Harry warden
Albert wesker
If you request a character that isnt on the list i will consider accepting them<3 (And i will add more people later on)
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wifeofmarch · 5 months
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ꕥ - Fluff; ☂︎ - Angst; ☀︎ - AU; ✰ - Oneshot; ꔛ - drabbles.
Every art is tagged as #margosart24
Any heavy contents will be marked as დ
Jason Todd
→ Yearning ☂︎✰
Dick Grayson
→ on coming.
Tim Drake
→ on coming.
→ Jason pecsꔛ
→ Yandere ratings of the Robins.ꔛ
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saturn-nite · 7 months
"dream perfect..." - rules .
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please DO NOT ask me to write your ocs + overly specific/body type readers . slow writer but will try to respond to asks . thirsts are always welcome . will write hcs, drabbles & oneshots/minifics - i'll choose which format to use unless you mention it in your ask .
do not write;
pedophilia . rape + anything non-consensual . gore + body horror . dddne . yandere . race-play . sexual assault . drugs + alcohol . vomit . feet . body-specific readers . ocs . abo . period sex . piss kink . daddy*/mommy kink . mafia au . breeding kink .
*will depend on the character but largely no
characters i write;
childe . cloud strife . dazai osamu . dick grayson . ezreal . getou suguru . gojo satoru. jason todd . kaminari denki . marius von hagen . miya atsumu . rody soul . roronoa zoro . sakusa kiyoomi . takami keigo . todoroki touya . vanitas .
for requests;
please DO NOT ask me to write characters i have not stated in the above . generally will try to write gn!reader for hcs/thirsts . will choose amab/afab for oneshots unless specified in the request . word your ask nicely - dont order me around .
bear in mind;
i may not write every request . this is largely due to how busy i can get & that i will only pick requests i want to write - if not, i'll just respond to it as a thirst . may also edit your request a bit if im uncomfortable writing it . be respectful - these are just my interpretations of the characters . dont like, dont read . list of characters i write for may also change .
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starsscribble · 4 months
Can I request: oneshot of yandere Jason Todd/Red Hood x pregnant female s/o who is gentle and compliant instead of crying and begging to let go she accepts his love and obsession for her, and they have a daughter together.
I don't write yandere story anymore.
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l0verb0t · 5 months
I can write oneshots, drabbles, hcs, & fic series. You can be as thorough as you want when requesting something. Inserts are automatically given they/them or no pronouns if not specified. Requests will usually take a week or two to complete. If you have any questions, please ask & I'll try to reply as soon as I can.
(more conditions + character roster under the cut.)
OKAY WITH DOING: fluff, angst, romantic/queerplatonic & familial/platonic reqs, specific pronoun inserts (ex. xe/xem or neopros.), & polyam reqs.
DEPENDS: coming out reqs, song/lyric reqs, possessiveness/jealousy, && female insert reqs. (the last one heavily depends. if it's for a type of group that's rarely represented, ex. disabled, of color, trans, etc. i'll heavily consider it.)
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES: sexual content (implied is a maybe, but that'll mostly be in a playful/joke form), heavy gore, age gaps, minor × adult reqs, incestous reqs (all forms - step, foster, & familial figure count), celebrity/actor reqs, &&& abuse/yandere.
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[ Mutuals and/or friends can request sources & characters outside this list. | More to be added. | These lists are for characters I know well enough. If there's a character from any of the following sources that you'd like for me to try, request & I'll consider it. ]
Bucky Barnes. (won't do anything that has to do with "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier" series.)
Venom. (mostly based on movie vers.)
Eddie Brock. (mostly based on movie vers.)
Spider-Man/Peter Parker. (won't do mcu vers, uncertain about the other franchises.)
Deadpool/Wade Wilson.
Daredevil/Matt Murdock. (mostly based on tv vers.)
Foggy Nelson.
Wolverine/Logan Howlett.
Rogue/Anne Marie.
Gambit/Remy LeBeau.
Cyclops/Scott Summers.
Jean Grey.
Nightwing/Dick Grayson.
Red Hood/Jason Todd.
Batman/Bruce Wayne. (Esp. Batman Unburied vers.)
The Riddler/Edward Nygma. (Only Unburied vers. atm.)
Poison Ivy/Pamela Isley. (Only Unburied vers. atm.)
Harley Quinn.
Killer Croc/Waylon Jones.
Gentlemen Ghost/James "Jim" Craddock.
[platonic/familial only.]
Robin/Damian Wayne.
Danny Johnson/"The Ghostface."
Susie, Frank, Joey, & Julie/"The Legion."
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ao3feed-birdflash · 7 months
0 notes
When You Lose Something You Can't Replace
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This is a yandere story; it mentions elements of obsession, death, murder, infertility, kidnapping, and past physical abuse. If any of this is triggering for you, I understand, and you don’t have to read it.
This idea popped in my head right after I posted Jason’s part in growing up, and I had to write it.
As always, feedback is welcomed.
Jason couldn’t believe he’d done this to you, he thought while listening to the doctor, talk about the reason why despite over a year of trying, he couldn’t give you the baby you’d wanted more than anything. The doctor said it was infertility caused by trauma to the uterus; in other words, he’d done this to you right after he’d come out of the pit. He felt a knot form in his throat when he saw tears well up in your eyes.
Sure, he’d been nervous about the idea of having a kid, but still, after you’d talked him into it, he was starting to like the idea of having a family. He wanted that picture-perfect American dream life, the one he’d never got to have growing up. He still had the picture you’d described to him in his head.
A warm summer day, your little boy and girl in the back-yard giggling as they played in the sprinkler, a German shepherd trailing right behind them. The two of you watching them play from where you were cuddled up on the porch swing. Neither of you would get to have that now all because of him, he ruined this just like everything else he touched.
Jason hadn’t told you he’d already bought a house in Gotham’s suburbs, he’d just finished renovating it, planning on surprising you with it as a gift once you’d conceived. Jason didn’t know what to do with it now, sell it maybe. Telling you now would only make you more upset, and he didn’t want to do that.
It had been nearly six months since the doctor broke the news; no matter how much Jason tried to convince both you and himself that you didn’t need a kid to be happy, it still felt like something was missing. Mabey that was the reason he couldn’t bring himself to get rid of the house.
Jason hated himself for it, he should’ve tried to be in better control of himself after getting out of the pit, but instead, he’d done irreparable damage to you.
It was a cold night in Gotham when he heard a woman scream while he was on patrol. Not an unusual sound to be sure, but it was always bone-chilling. The woman was dead when he got there, the killer had fled leaving her, and the man who appeared to be her husband on the ground with their throats slit, but that wasn’t the thing that drew Jason’s attention the most.
No, the woman appeared to be at least nine months pregnant. It was an impulsive decision on Jason’s part, but he lay his coat on the ground and pulled out a knife, then he started working quickly. Before Jason knew it, he was holding twins in his arms, a girl and a boy. Despite everything that happened, they appeared to be happy and healthy.
Jason smiled as he lay them on his coat because he needed to make a phone call. It didn’t take long for his family to appear ready to help him clean up the mess. In an hour, there wouldn’t be any bodies to find, and by the morning, Bruce would have arranged for birth certificates for them with you and Jason listed as the parents.
He smiled as he thought about how happy you’d be when he brought home Elizabeth and Atticus Todd, names you’d decided on when trying to get pregnant. For now, he needed to get to the cave so that they could have a checkup.
You’d been shocked when Jason first brought the babies home, but then it didn’t take long for you to realize that they were better off with the two of you than in the system. Really wasn’t this just a roundabout way of adoption?
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jaybirdsdarling · 4 years
Ok but imagine a poly relationship with Jason and Dick (it’s in my drafts btw) 💓
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blue-sadie · 9 months
.Request Page.
A place for my different fandoms brain rots
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut =🌹 Lime = ⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere = 🍁
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(H) kakeru Sengoku - Her Little Merman 🌺
(H) Keishin Ukai - Assistant Manager 🌹
(HMC) Howl Pendragon- A Thing Of Beauty 🌺
(LOK) Mako & Bolin - Brothers Charm 🌹
(MHA) Katsuki Bakugo - Silly Nicknames 🌺
(MHA) Shota Aizawa - Villainous Love 🌹
(MHA) Shota Aizawa - Little Helper 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
(H) Asahi Azumane - Pregnant Hungry 🌺
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(QFC) Garrett Touch Says All 🌺
(A&TAE) Dimitri & Cale Tucker - The Tucker Twins 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
Different Aus.
Nsfw/SFW Alphabet.
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Hayden Christen - Yn Moment 🌺 Jamie Flatters - Admiring The Interviewer 🌺
Henry Cavill - Distraction 🌺
Oscar Isaac - Wavering 🌺
Jamie Flatters,Tedros Pendragon,Neteyam - One Room 🌹
Incorrect Quotes.
Jack Champion - Past Experiences 🥀🌺
Jamie Flatters - Attention Thief 🌺
Jamie Flatters - Bakery Girl 🌺
Jamie Flatters - When Fate Intervenes 🌺
Stephen Lang Hard At Work. Prt 2 🌺
Avatar Cast - Dream Come True 🌺
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(BG3) Astarion - Love From Cold Lips 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - For Your Pleasure 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Flaunting Treasures 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Sweet As Sugar 🌹
(BG3) Astarion - Red As Cherry 🌹
(BG3) Halinsin - Size Difference 🌹
(HL) Sebastian Sallow - Dazzling Smile 🌺
(TLOU) Joel Miller - The Tiredness 🌹
(BG3)Astarion & Halsin - Vampire And The Bear ⚘️
(BG3) Astarion & Gale - Love From The Gods 🌹
(BG3) Astarion & Harleep - Jealous Much 🌹
(HL) Sebastian & Ominus - Bros Before... 🥀🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(BG3) Ascended Astarion - Truly Broken 🥀
(BG3) Astarion - My Darling Baker 🌺
(HL) Sebastian Sallow - Lace Me Up 🌺
(BG3) Astarion & Halsin - Lust Filldd Touches 🌹
Different Aus.
(BG3)God Astarion & God Gale -Praises From The Gods🌹
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
(BG3) halsin - NSFW
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(HP) Draco Malfoy - A Bubbly Companion 🌺
(It) Bowers Gang - Plaid Skirts 🌹
(MR) Newt - Second In Command 🌺
(MR) Gally - Soft Spot 🌺
(RH) Prince John - Fall From Grace 🌺
(T) Paul Lahote - Second Head 🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(A) Kane - Stop Your Breath 🌺🌹
(FG) Walter Mckey (keys) - Cuter Then Puppies 🌺
(MR) Newt - Glow Of Embers 🌺
(TF) Santiago Garcia - Friend Of A Friend 🌹
(TF) Santiago Garcia & Frankie Morales - Movement Of The Hips 🌹
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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(F) Savitar - A New Day Has Dawned 🍁
(OBX) Rafe Cameron - Uncontrollable??? 🌹
(SN) Dean Winchester - Jealous Much 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove - Addicted 🌹
(ST) Eddie Munson - Something A Bit More 🍁
(TVD) Stephen Salvatore - The Classics 🌺
(T) Jason Todd - Cold Stares 🌺
(TW) Derek Hale - Big Bad Werewolf 🌹
(VK) Ivar Ragnarsson - Tracing Tattoos 🌺🌹
(OUAT) Peter Pan & Felix - Princess Treatment 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove & Eddie Munson - High And Mighty 🌹
(TW) Stiles Stilinski & Scott Mccal - Rain Check 🌹
(ST) Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington - You Wouldn't Dare🌹
(T100) Bellamy blake & John murphy - little convincing 🌹
(TVD) Damon and Stephen - Elana Really... 🌼🌺
Incorrect Quotes.
(911) Eddie Diaz & Evan Buckley-Something To Look At 🌹
Different Aus.
NSFW/SFW Alphabet.
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@sweetirilly @neteyamyawne @greekgods15 @laylasbunbunny
83 notes · View notes
itsnothappening · 2 years
masterlist | maribat
requests are OPEN!
rewinder | +0.8k | adrien salt, class salt
summary: an akuma brings people from the future to the past.
broken promises | +1k | adrien salt, alya salt
summary: adrien sees his lady kissing another in the school hall.
dead (or not) | +1.9k | fluff, angst
summary: marinette thought jason was dead.
that's that. | +0.6k | tooth-rotting fluff; [part 2 to ‘dead (or not)’]
summary: "on a scale of one to ten, how bad do you want to kill me?"
handsome strangers and unwise deals | +1.4k | fluff, humour, implied sexual content
summary: marinette gave the man sitting before her - jason todd, he said his name was, and then looked at her as if she was supposed to know who he was - an unimpressed look as she sipped on her sixth coffee of that day.
deceiving carbon copies | +1k | angst, fluff, slight humour [part 2 to ‘handsome strangers and unwise deals’]
summary: dick liked to think of himself as someone who could be as happy as possible after the death of quite possibly — not to be biased — his favourite brother. 
wanted | +1.4k | adrien salt mainly
summary: jasonette with wanted by hunter hayes.
jasonette july 2021 | +11.9k | fluff, angst, humour
the title says it all
jasonette july 2022 | fluff, angst
the title says it all
marijon week 2021 | +4.4k | fluff, angst, humour, adrien salt, alya salt, lila salt
summary: the title says everything.
serendipity | +3.9k | lila salt, adrien salt, alya salt
summary: the last time damian al-ghul saw marinette was when they were twelve. he didn't think he would see her again. so, it's a huge surprise when he stumbles upon her in WE while exposing the liar of the class from France.
the confrontation | +0.8k | lila salt, mild class salt [part 2 to ‘serendipity’]
summary: what a lovely time to run into her enemy that probably wants her dead by now.
secrets and lies | +1.3k | fluff, humour, angst [part 3 to ‘serendipity’]
summary: marinette was sorely regretting her decision to meet the entirety of damian's family, especially when he told her how many people were going to be in attendance.
seventh heaven | +1.2k | fluff, humour, au
summary: "and," marinette mumbled. "i really want you to kiss me."
soulmate au | +1.8k | lila salt, adrien salt, alya salt
summary: tradition says that your soulmate will have another tattoo, something that relates to you. when they meet you, it is said that the tattoos start glowing a bright gold.
jealous damian | +0.7k | alya salt, adrien salt
summary: so can you make yandere damian or one were he is very possessive with marinette and his anger and jealousy hits 1000%?
kidnapped | +0.4k | yandere damian [tw]
summary: damian's habibti is kidnapped.
hogwarts au | +0.6k | a hint of salt, humour
summary: polyjuice potions
i think i could fall in love with you... | +1.1k | lila salt, humour
summary: he was a handsome man, she would give him that, but according to her father - the one of the most important lords of the kingdom - he was extremely stand-offish and cold. she didn’t know if she would get along with him.
just two kids in love | +0.9k | fluff
summary: song-fic of 'kid in love' by shawn mendes.
i'm so sorry! | +0.5k | fluff | genderbend
summary: marin accidentally drops coffee on his new classmate, dahlia.
jealousy jealousy | +0.3k | fluff, jealous damian
summary: damian gets jealous.
overprotective | +1k | fluff, overprotectiveness
summary: clark, jason and tim were more than a little overprotective over marinette. especially when she started dating damian.
arranged marriage au | +1.1k | talia being a lil female dog :)
summary: talia makes a deal with the order of the guardians - in exchange for their not-annhilation, their great guardian will be betrothed to damian.
the great guardian | +2k | angst, adrien salt, hints of fluff
summary: the assassin bows his head. “yes. the great guardian of the miraculous is currently in new york city.”
and we meet again | +0.8k | humour, romance [part 2 to ‘the great guardian’]
summary: "i'm looking for an alien. his name is thanos. or something like that."
colours of love | +3.5k | salt, fluff, angst
summary: damian glared at her fiercely and she shrunk back. “i can assure you, lila rossi is most definitely not my soulmate. perhaps you should check everything she has said on google. it does exist you know.”
hero | +1.8k | fluff, angst
summary: hero by faouzia.
the story of love | +12.3k | lila salt, adrien salt, alya salt, class salt, adrien redemption, class redemption | complete
summary: the story of damian and marinette’s relationship.
gunshot wounds and safehouses | +1.4k | fluff, humour, angst
summary: lovely wasn't it? sleeping in your best friend's dad's bed with said best friend, who you have feelings for.
an...interesting reunion | +1.5k | little angst, fluff, salt
summary: tim and marinette attend marinette's class reunion.
the recording | +1.5k | little angst, fluff, salt; [part 2 to ‘an...interesting reunion’]
summary: the recording (can be read as a stand-alone)
the gala | +1.6k | lila salt, adrien salt, alya salt, class salt [platonic]
summary: timothy drake-wayne was not happy. he had to lead the (according to dick at least, and he was inclined to believe him because he had never seen dick so unhappy) class of dimwits from france because it was his turn. He had put it off all week and now he had to do it as the CEO of WE.
injuries | 1.1k | angst, fluff
summary: a sharp blade was sticking out of bruce’s side and hot, sticky blood was gushing out of it.
luka couffaine wayne | +7.9k | fluff, angst, humour | incomplete
summary: “you really should have sat down,” sighed anarka. “lad, your father is bruce wayne.”
no pairing
the exposé | +5.3k | lila salt, adrien salt, alya salt, class salt
summary: lila was having the time of her life at WE. the class was fawning over her, ready to do her bidding whenever she wanted, however she wanted. she could spout out a ridiculous lie and they'd believe it; they were completely and irreversibly under her spell. but then, of course, things had to go wrong.
pathetic little liars that are squished like ants | lila salt, humour [part 2 to ‘the exposé’]
summary: damian was seething.
hospitals | +0.7k | fluff, crack, humour
summary: marinette wakes up in a hospital, paralyzed.
what a liar! | +1k | lila salt, class sugar, fix-it fic
summary: lila rossi mentally prepared her plethora of lies as she entered her new class. the only thing was, she wasn’t aware they possessed brain cells.
other pairings
cloud nine | chloe and jon | +0.7k | fluff, angst [part 2 to ‘seventh heaven’]
summary: "i said i love you," chloe mumbled now, her secret out in the open. "and i hate that i love you because i know you'll never feel the same."
absolutely & irrevocably | luka and jason | +1.1k | fluff
summary: luka gets over his feelings for marinette, only to fall head over heels again, this time, with his best friend, jason todd.
adopted | maridamijon | +3.1k | fluff, angst
summary: “i mean,” marinette says frustratedly, ready to tear her hair out - you will never believe the number of rants she has told chloe and kagami and the nights she has spent obsessing over it, “i’m in love with both of you!”
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Helloo! I Love your writing! your a amazing writter!! If you are still accepting request it could be a oneshot,maybe, if jason todd was platonic yandere with damian's twin sister (reader). Perhaps when she was a child she was deemed worthless, even by her brother and mother and ran away. And well, Jason found her and raised her as a sister (or daughter). Years later she meets her brother who lives with her father (bruce) but she doesn't want to know anything about them and Jason is not going to allow them to take her away either🤔🤷‍♀️ Thanks!!
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Worthless. Unwanted. Burden. That’s all you were to them. All you would ever be to them. Your own mother and brother, whom you shared your mother’s womb with, who were so supposed to love and care for you unconditionally, were the first to berate and turn their backs on you.
At least your Grandfather had been more tolerable towards you. He saw potential, something neither your mother or brother could see for themselves. He knew you would be exceptional one day; with time, consistency, and intense training, you would have a place amongst the League of Assassins.
But your Mother begged to differ. She knew her children, at least that’s what she said. She knew you wouldn’t amount to anything, not like Damian. And for that you were sure it was only a matter of time before she took matters into her own hands, so you ran.
You ran as far as you could and you never looked back. You never wanted to see the face of the people who hurt you the most ever again.
Never once did you think you would ever feel what it was like to be wanted, to be loved and cared for. To feel protected. To feel a sense of belonging. But that’s just what he ended up having to give.
He was there for you when no one else was and vice versa. He had your back and you had his.
The two of you were a team. A family. You and Jason.
You kicked ass together, taking names along the way. Tonight was like any other; an arms deal was taking place down at the pier. You and Jason were making quick work of all of them and it seemed like things were going without a hitch. That was until a stray bullet pierced through your left side.
You were down. You were bleeding. That’s all Jason needed to see red.
He didn’t hold anything back as he punched, kicked and shot his way to your side. He was quick to tend to your wound, having his own make shift first aid kit on him just in case of something like this.
Anyone who knew Jay would never in a million years imagine him to act so much like a mother hen but that’s exactly how he was with you.
You were always surprised at just how gentle he was with you. Nothing like the people you had left far behind, who would only live on in your more unsavory memories.
“I’m fine, Jay. It’s not as bad as it looks.” You tried to reassure him. You knew he wasn’t going to let you out on patrol for a few days at least. Maybe a week even. If you were lucky.
“I knew I should have had you stay home tonight. Now look at you; you’re hurt. And it’s my fault. I could have taken care of this one on my own.” He seethed, blaming himself like he always did when you got hurt.
“Really, Jay? There was no way you would have been able to take ‘em all out on your own tonight. Besides, we are a team. Remember?”
You didn’t give him the chance to respond before you continued, “I knew what I was getting myself into. I’ve been through worse. I’ve trained through worse. I’ll be just fine, Jay. Don’t go blaming yourself. Alright?”
He looked at you for a good while, staring into your eyes, seeing the life shining through them. But before he had the chance to say what he wanted to, a voice pulled both your attentions away from one another.
“Jason. Y/n. Are you alright?” It was only a matter of time before either of you would have a run in with Batman. You knew Jason had a past with the Bat but you still had yet to meet the Dark Knight. The man who was your father; Bruce Wayne.
Out of your peripheral, you could see Jason visibly tensing. It was almost like he was getting ready for a fight.
And as if things couldn’t get worse, Batman wasn’t alone either. His newest Robin was taking place at his side, much like an obedient dog would.
It was no secret who the all too familiar face belonged too; your brother, at least that’s what you once referred to him as. But now he was just Damian to you. Nothing but a stranger.
“Father, is this really necessary? Can’t we do this another time?” Damian inquired.
“No. We’re doing this now.” Bruce answered, never taking his eyes off you. Jason wasn’t liking this at all. Not one bit.
“Is your side alright, Y/n? If I could look at it, I’m sure I have something to treat it.” He said, taking a few tentative steps closer, reaching into his utility belt, but Jason wasn’t having any of that.
Stepping in between Bruce and yourself, making sure to shield you, Jason replied for you, “It’s already been taken care of. We don’t need your help.”
Pulling yourself up onto your feet, used to pain by now to easily push through it, you choose to speak for yourself, “Jay’s right. We’ve already tended to it. Thank you but your help isn’t necessary.”
It was silent for a while. Tension was filling the air, heavy and thick enough you could cut through it.
It was Bruce who spoke first, “I would like to discuss something of the utmost import-“
“Don’t bother. We’re aren’t wanting any part of whatever you have going on.” Jason interrupted.
Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes, “Like we would want you, Todd.”
“Damian.” Bruce warned. “I wanted to discuss this with Y/n, Jason.” Jason glared at both Bruce and Damian but stayed silent.
Taking a few steps closer, Bruce was directly in front of you now. Not too close for comfort but close enough to still be towering over you. “As your father, I want you to come live in the manor. We want you to be part of the family. Our family. Both Damian and I would prefer you to be with us. We can discuss patrol and everything else later, but right now there is a room already waiting for you.”
You looked from Bruce to Damian, to the hand Bruce had placed on your shoulder during his speech, to Jason’s hand tightly gripping Bruce’s wrist. You didn’t have to think twice about your decision.
“No thank you. Honestly, I don’t want anything to do with either of you. I cut ties with Damian and Talia a long time ago for a reason. Although I will admit there was a time I wanted to meet you, to see if maybe I could be a family with you but I came across Jason instead. And I couldn’t be more thankful that I did. He is my family now. And that is just where I plan on staying.”
Jason couldn’t hide the shit eating grin that had spread across his face, not that he wanted to anyway. The thought had crossed his mind that he may have to use his guns once more tonight ‘cause he sure as hell wasn’t going to just let them take you. He wasn’t going to standby and let his family be ripped away. Not now, not ever.
“Let’s get back home, Little Stunner. I think we both deserve some much needed rest after tonight.”
It was just you and him again.
Just how he preferred it.
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Could I ask for reader (preferably she/her pronouns but gn work too) cuddling with yan!batfam pls? Like at night she sleeps with one of them because she just loves to cuddle (I’ve been thinking about this nonstop lol)
This is for @multifandomlover1998 I am going to do headcannons if that ok but in the future I will make it a oneshot if that ok with you. And I didn't know if you wanted romantic or platonic. so I just did platonic I hope that ok? And I am only doing the boys
Damian Wayne
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Would absolutely love to have the reader cuddles him
Basically when ever she feeling like cuddling he pop up out of know where.
Will make sure you cuffy and have everything you need
Damim : ùkht you ready I got pillows , blankets , movies,food and Alfred the cat and Titus here
Will not let anyone else join the only ones he will make the exception for is alferd and his dad Bruce. And of course his pets!
Will not fight with his brothers
Becomes a little kid who just wants Lovins
Your the only one who he lets cuddles with
And when he gets a girlfriend who will gladly join he will take both of you to cuddle. No if or buts.
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Tim Drake
Oh boy this one
One make sure you have a crowbar with you cuz once he a sleep you stuck and no one can get you out.
Will only Superman but time has the kryptonite on him cuz of daiman asking his friend for help.
You want to cuddle his room open 24/7
Don't worry if he asleep he wakes up when you come in and grabs you to cuddle
Tim : little Bird you can come anytime to cuddle even when I am asleep. Your the only one that I will let you in my room.
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Jason Todd
Ok this boy will fight the others for the reader to go to him frist!
Like it on like donkey Kong!
The only one he will share you with and don't mind if you go to him frist is Alfred.
Jason will have video games junk food and Nice cover's and pj's
He will let you wear his red helmet
But boy did Bruce have to make a rule for him cuz of cough poor Grayson we do not speak of it.
No I will not make this in the chapter
Dick was on bed rest for a year cuz of well let me just show you a flash back.
Nananananananannanananananna BATMAN!
Jason you good my little sis
Reader : yeah jay all set let cuddles .
Jason : my sister so cute
He falls asleep sleeping with his little sis who wearing his read helmet.
Jason he was taking her from me I will take her for cuddles
Hiss at bruce
Nananananananannanananananna BATMAN
So yeah poor dick and well the rule trun in Jason favor!
No taking reader from Jason.
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Dick Grayson
Loves his sister cuddles with him!
In fact it one of the reasons he moved back in!
Will take you to his room!
Won't let anyone but Starfire join
You are in PJ's that is a baby chick
Will fight for cuddles!
Sadly he learn the hard way with his younger brother.
He won't forgive him for that!
Dick : Starfire look at our chick my little sis chick we must call in sick for cuddles with her.
Yeah Bruce has to drags his ass to night work or to go to work at all.
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Bruce Wayne
He is for cuddles 24/7 even longer then that!
Will cuddles you when you and him and your brothers have a slow night of crime fighting!
All ways has a super warm cap then inside very soft!
Will not share you with anyone .... Well maybe Selena!
She a cat she get want she wants so she joins
Most of the time he takes you with him to work and has you cuddles him in his lap.
In the Justice League Tower same thing
Will glare at anyone who will ask for cuddles well not cat women!
Let's the dogs cuddles especially ace
And before you say will he is sharing with someone besides CATMOM. He has a soft spot for dogs especially ace!
Batman at the tower
Superman see Bruce had the Reader cuddling his chest asleep
In her Robin suit.
Superman Batman my I take her you must have a lot of work to....
The whole two months Superman has a black eye that was made by kryptonite Batman fist!
Bruce : no one take my daughter cuddles from me
Bruce at WE
He glares at everyone who aw's at you has to have catmom to be there or he will make bad choices for WE
At the bat cave
In the mason
Bruce : fine I share with you two
CATMOM : yess I want my kitten with my big bat
Alferd I will have her in 5 hours sir
Yes even alferd like cuddling he is Grandpa and he be bloody damn if he miss put on cuddles with his granddaughter!
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I hope you liked it!
164 notes · View notes
violentvaleska · 3 years
Can you do a yandere! Tim Drake oneshot or headcanon? Like he kidnaps reader and the whole typical stuff yandere do. Maybe with smut, because there isn't enough Tim Drake, thanks
𝑳𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ʏᴀɴ! ᴛɪᴍ ᴅʀᴀᴋᴇ x ғᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴀɴɢsᴛ, sᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ, ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ, ᴋɪᴅɴᴀᴘᴘɪɴɢ, sᴛᴀʟᴋɪɴɢ, ᴅʀᴜɢɢɪɴɢ, sʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴅᴜʙ-ᴄᴏɴ ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛs, sᴛᴏᴄᴋʜᴏʟᴍ-sʏɴᴅʀᴏᴍᴇ
ᴀ/ɴ: ᴛʜɪs ɢᴏᴛ ᴍᴇ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇxᴄɪᴛᴇᴅ, ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛɪᴍ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ғɪᴛ ʜɪᴍ ᴡᴇʟʟ...sᴀᴅʟʏ. ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴍʏ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ-ɪsʜ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪᴛ ᴀɴᴏɴ :)
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He was mesmerized by your beauty, by your smell and innocent experience
Tim saved you from the Joker and it was the best decision he ever made
Your name coated his tongue with sugar whenever he whispered (later moaned) it.
At some point the stalking started
He followed you on your way to school or to your flat back, for your own safety of course
Then he climbed on your balcony and started watching you, while you did your homework or laundry, just for your own safety of course
He gained acces to your room, your phone (which he hacked with ease) and you personal data.
After three months he was obsessed with you
He controlled your life and you didn't even notice
Tim decided that you were safer with him
And then he drugged you
He made sure that when you woke up, that you were not scared
But of course you were
The room was dark and your hands were chained to the bed
Waking up like this in Gotham either means rape, death or both, so it was understandable that you nearly died because of a panic attack
When you saw Red Robin you were relieved at first
But he didn't make any move to safe you, he just stood there, staring at you, a light smile on his beautiful pale lips
"Are you here to help me?" You asked the vigilante naively, a hopeful spark in your eyes
"Oh, but I just did."
You never heard his voice, so it surprised you that it was so raspy but smooth at the same time
Tim never had the intention to let you go
At first he didnt really understood why you would constantly cry or starv yourself
But it actually made sense because you missed your firends, or so he thought
He researched allot about the so called stockholm-syndrome and figured that it wouldn't take much longer for you to develop this fascinating psychological effect
And Tim was right
You werent sure what lead you to feel emphaty for him, but you did when he revealed himself to you
Tim Drake was (is) a poor guy. He's parents are dead, his father never loved him, he's adoptive family ignores him
He is the black sheep
You started to understand him and eventually care for his well being
You knew how wrong and toxic your relationship was, but you stopped caring
At some point you had your first time together
It was painful but loving at the same time
Your skin was all black and blue, bite-marks painted your skin and scratches his
You almost forget that you need another human interaction than him
But one of his brothers destroyed your wrong image of your new reality
Jason Todd actually wanted to check up on Tim and broke into his apartment when he found you
You stood in your shared kitchen, cooking Tim's favorite food, when you noticed the stranger
You still remember the scream that escaped you, which woke up Tim, who took a nap after a long time
Jason recognized you
You were all over Gotham afterall
Tim was heart broken when he was forced to let you go
His family made him
You were happy of course
But something was just missing
Or rather soneone
331 notes · View notes
True Master List, Fandom List, And Rules
Hello my sexy readers! You all know Marie my stunning co author. She made her own archives of her own account with her oc which is basically her (aka Marie) she has a very good story for hazbin hotel when Alastor was alive check it out!
This idea and writing is all her own and man is it really good new concept even I did not think about! So excited for more!
[Hello My Sexy Readers, this has the master reading list which is a work in progress and the fandoms I will do list and the rules for requests and so on. Enjoy!]
Now there is no way with My Anxiety and such I be able to create a master list the normal way. but I can send links to wattpad and Quotev where you can read ALL The one shots which are organized in different ones. I hope you all enjoy that.
Yandere DC And Yandere Marvel
now here is a bonus the lists on wattpad of almost every single story I have ever made over 750 stories 
EPICNESSQUEEN/Co Author: Oneshots, Headcanons, Scenarios series
And lastly the completed list of stories on wattpad 
.No Sex Scene with any characters 16 or younger
.No World Leaders or Real People such as youtubers or Celebrities
.Keep It At Least DUB CON or less
-What You Can Request Supporting Hints-
1: Genders and Genderbents
.You may have the reader be, (Male, Female, No Binary Or Transgender) (If Transgender say born as (Fill in birth gender) Identifies (Fill in Gender they identify as)
.Genderbents you make take a character from the list of fandoms bellow and ask if you want them to be the rule 63 aka genderbent version of themselves (Like with Superman Clark Kent being genderbent to Superwoman Claire Kent and anything else)
2: Sexuality
.You can Have Reader be Any sexuality there is (Straight, Bisexual, Pansexual, Gay, Lesbian, Asexual, and so on)
.Same with Characters from Fandoms. Since they are fiction you may make them any sexuality you want (Kinda obvious a yandere is yandere for whatever gender)
3: Roles and AU's
.You can make reader be anything (From Superhero to royalty, from homeless to Villain anything really may it be headcanons or scenarios I even had one story I made reader a chess champion so anything and everything (Except racist and pedo and rapist Obviously)
.Same with the characters from fandoms (Like I have Made priest characters, Dad characters, professors, serial killers and more, anything excpet those three things is good to go)
.You can do au request of like a fandom in a fantasy world or au's with soulmates and so on.
4: OCS
.Yes yes there is OCS and we do better me and my co author writing smut for them here they are
.Marie (My co author as her oc based off of her)
.Mark (My co author with Rule 63 genderbent of her based of her if she was a man)
.Michelle (My Oc based off of me EpicnessQueen)
5: Poly Relationships AKA Sharing
.Yes you can be in a poly relationship where two or more yanderes are dating each other and have the same darling
.Sharing where to yandere decide to share the same darling
.You all know how this goes by now but for anyone new. You can ask for headcanons in many different ways with the rules above and also how they deal with any type of reader like even suicidal or yandere from sharing to single it all works.
.You can ask for a scenario like (Darling finds out (List of yanderes you want) is yandere for them or anything really.
-Questions aka Q AND A-
.How would (Insert yandere or yanderes) Be like as yandere, propose what pet names they have for darling and any other questions you have in mind for the yanderes
-Animes Cartoons-
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Bleach (Seen all the anime almost)
Naruto (Seen all the anime)
Naruto Shippudin (Seen a good amount of it)
Tokyo Ghoul (Only in season 1 right now)
Black Butler (Seen most of it)
Ouran High School Host Club (Seen all the anime and manga)
Attack On Titan (Seen First two seasons)
Death Note (Seen Most Of The Anime)
One Piece (Seen a LOT OF IT)
One Punch-Man (Got The Gist Of It)
Fruit Basket (Read all the manga got to watch the new anime)
Rosario Vampire (Seen season 1)
Vampire Knight (Seen all the anime)
Cells at Work (Watching Season 1 now)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Know The Gist of it)
Future Diary (Seen most of it)
Kamigami No Asobi (Seen all of it)
-Horror Themed Ones-
Movies (TV Series will be after)
A Nightmare On Elm Street (Seen Most Of these movies)
Alien (Seen All Of Them)
Alien VS Predator
The Boy
Carrie (Only the Original )
Child's Play (Seen the original one in 1988 not the sequels and will now do the remake)
Children Of The Corn
Deep Blue Sea (both)
Evil Dead (2013 Remake)
The Exorcist
Final Detestation (Only The Third One)
Freddy VS Jason (GO JASON!!!!)
Friday The 13th (All of Them)
Get Out
The Grudge
Halloween (Seen Them All)
Hannibal Rising
Harry Potter (All Eight movies)
Hellraiser (All of them but cannot remember most of them)
I know What You Did Last Summer (Seen it once)
IT (Original 2 parts and part 1 of the 2017 remake)
Jeepers Creepers (1 and 2)
Meat Train
Orphan (Seen once)
Pet Sematary
The Phantom Of The Opera
Predator (All Of Them)
Prom Night
Psycho (The first and second one)
The Purge (first one)
The Ring (2002)
Saw (All Of Them)
Scream (Just first one)
The Shining
The Silence Of The Lambs
Silent Hill (First One)
Silent Hill (1999)
Split (Yes it is under Horror)
Sweeney Todd: The Demon On Fleet Street (Can't remember which one)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (All Of Them)
Village of The Damned
When A stranger Calls
The Wolf Man
Wrong Turn (Some of them I cannot remember )
Next the tv shows which is shorter for reasons (Dont question me)
Bates Motel
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Walking Dead
Horror Games as I now a lot of you will want that :D
Alice The Madness Returns
Baldi's Basics
Bendy and The Ink Machine (Half of it so far)
Corpse Party (The First One)
Danganropa (all of 1 and some of 2 and 3)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Emily Wants To Play
Five Nights at Freddy (ALL OF THEM)
Hello Neighbor
Little Nightmares
Lucius (The First One)
Mad Father
Resident Evil 2 (The Remake)
Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 8 (Currently watching it)
Ride With Strangers
Silent Hill (A Couple of Them)
Unforgiving The Northern Hymen
Until Dawn
We Happy Few
Welcome To The Game (1 and 2)
-Various Other Fandoms-
Dream Daddy
(TV Shows)
Avatar The Last Air Bender (Not The Legend Or Korra)
Grey's Anatomy
Law and Order SVU
Prodigal Son
The Blacklist
Breaking Bad
Criminal Minds
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
DR. Who
Good Omens
Once Upon A Time
South Park
How To Train Your Dragon (Both Movies and TV and Netflix series)
Rise Of The Guardians
-Dead By Daylight-
all killers most survivors
-Outlast, Outlast Whistlerblower Outlast 2-
all characters
all characters playable or not
all characters will not do the live action remakes
-Star Wars-
Most characters so far
-Degrees Of Lewdity-
All important non playable characters
-Greek Gods, Tales and Mythology-
everything even fucking Greek monsters as long as age is met
all 1ps all 2ps and all their nyotalia and cattalia
most of them
-DC And Marvel-
Most of the characters
-Team Fortress 2-
All characters.
Well I think that is it for this year master list I may add to it but this is it right now. Please Enjoy and stay sexy!]
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