#yandere sim
miserablehoney · 2 days
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Last year, I wrote a hypothetical dialogue between these two characters, and I desperately wanted to make a comic depicting this dialogue, so I did it.
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rinriya · 4 months
You're such a handsome young man! Can you give us a big smile?
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ketketstaber123 · 1 year
No seriously, what did you said to them?
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rose-above-dark · 9 months
Me showing up to yandere dev’s downfall AGAIN
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callie-the-creator · 1 month
ayato aishi dating a yandere!reader hcs
sfw. warnings: yandere & obsessive behavior, jealousy, mentions of elimination of rivals, etc.
author’s note: this was also posted on my wattpad, just wanted to tell you all that beforehand, so no need to worry!
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• when he realized that you were the same as him, ayato turned into the surprised pikachu meme, just looking at you all like: (ʘᗩʘ')
• but how did ayato find out, exactly? well...it took him a good few days to connect the dots fully. he didn't suspect you to be a yandere until well into dating you, that's when he started noticing things. a few of his shirts and other garments were missing— which is to be expected— but when he asked you about them, you pretended like you had no clue what happened to them which further deepened his curiosity. next, ayato began to pick up on things like whenever he wouldn't be hanging out with you and would be out doing whatever, he'd miraculously bump into you. quite the coincidence, isn't it? that's what ayato tried to chalk it up to at first but soon found out that you were following him around.
• soooo, one day when you were out of your house with your family, ayato took it upon himself to snoop
— he climbed into the window leading into your bedroom and practically turned the place upside down. of course, he was careful. he didn't want to give off the impression to you, along with your family, that he was ever here. ayato started by going through your drawers and found some of his clothes stashed inside (which he may or may not have stolen back) before opening your closet where he came face to face with a shrine dedicated to him.
— it was nothing compared to his, sure, but it was still impressive. not only that, but you had printed out some photos of him and littered them around the shrine.
• after he was looking through things, he left with his stolen clothes in tow but when you got back home and returned to your room, you felt something was off because of one thing that caught your attention: the window was open, something you definitely weren't responsible for. afraid that one of your parents was in your room or worse, you began looking around only to find that ayato's shirts and boxers that you had taken a while back had disappeared. scoffing, you pulled out your phone and texted him: "were you in my room??"
— ayato, as expected, tried to deny this but you easily saw through this act of his because you were well aware of the fact that before you agreed to be his girlfriend, he was stalking you. what followed was a conversation where both of you just let things hang out and confessed to a slew of things, you more so than ayato but luckily, you two continued to date after this (but it's not like either one of you would let the other leave willingly).
• you and ayato constantly vie for each other's attention, engaging in elaborate schemes to outdo one another in displays of affection; from leaving love notes hidden in unexpected places to planning extravagant surprises.
• you two are fiercely protective of each other, to the point where you may occasionally clash with anyone they perceive as a threat to your relationship
— ayato is more physical about it though. there will be times when he'll show up at your doorstep all bruised and bloody. he loves how worried you look when you help clean him up! even more when you pout, thinking he was the one who got hurt, and embrace him in a hug as you play with his hair
— when you get jealous over someone, it's the complete opposite. you're vocal about it, maybe not to ayato, but to the person you view as a rival. so, when you find them the next day at school, you'll outright tell them that ayato is your boyfriend. if they continue to be a problem, that's when you'll take things to the next level and eliminate them.
• both of you are skilled manipulators, adept at bending others to their will, testing each other's boundaries, and pushing the limits of control but they would only do the latter to their partner. though, there is really a 50/50 chance that their manipulation and gaslighting would work on another.
• anyway, good luck dating each other because you can't leave haha 🫡
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Yandere Taro & Ayato x male reader
Where reader is a popular guy who’s friends with all the groups. He always has his arm draped around someone, either across their shoulders or around the waist (platonically.) However everyone has developed feelings for him because of it. Especially the yan duo, who aren’t too keen on sharing with anyone else but themselves.
Kidnapped By Obsession
Yandere!Ayato Aishi + Yandere!Taro Yamada x Male Reader
A/N: Hello! This fic was requested over on our Tumblr! Thank you so much for this request, I absolutely enjoyed writing this fic, probably one of my favourites I’ve written yet. This fic is a little over 2.3k words, thank you for being very patient with me, this was delayed for a little while but I hope you guys enjoy it. Any feedback is appreciated!
(I do not support yandev.)
Yandere simulator, Yanderes, Murder, Weapons, Blood, Violence and Kidnapping!
Y/N arrived at school late, a few minutes after the bell had rung for break. He walked over to his locker, putting his bag away and grabbing out his bento box. Just as he shut his locker, Kokona popped up into his vision, a small smile appeared on the female's face. “Hi Y/N-Kun! I didn’t see you in the morning so I figured you weren’t coming to school today.” she spoke softly, taking his hand in her own.
Y/N smiled in return as Kokona started to lead him towards the doors of the courtyard. “I slept in.” he responds, chuckling softly as he pushes the door open, Kokona following after him as they stroll through the courtyard, eyes following the two. Well, more so Y/N. An extremely well known and popular guy at the school, he practically befriended everyone he knew. He was very charismatic and easy to get along with.
Kokona let out a small laugh, slowly letting go of his hand. Osana looked up, seeing Y/N had finally arrived. She groaned softly, seeing the purple haired female there besides him already. She huffed, turning to face Taro who was already watching the two approach them.
“Taro! She’s always with him, practically a fly stuck to a spider's web. It sucks, I never get alone time with him without that idiot around.” she whined lowly, referring to Kokona.
Taro locked eyes onto Y/N, he couldn’t help but stare, completely blocking out Osana’s whining and complaining. He could feel his heart race slightly, he couldn’t take his eyes off him. He was absolutely perfect in every way, shape, and form. Whilst he was lost in thought, Osana grew increasingly irritated with her best friend, she shoved him harshly, Taro suddenly snapping out of his thoughts.
Kokona exchanged a friendly greeting with Taro, trying her best to greet the ginger. Meanwhile Osana snarled slightly, being completely impolite but still managing a quick ‘Hello.’
Y/N greeted Osana with a happy expression, absolutely glad to see his friend after the weekend. Osana’s demeanour changed within seconds as her friend acknowledged her. “Hi Y/N-Kun!” she spoke ecstatic, her mood being ruined when he turned his attention to Taro.
Taro smiled slightly, watching him. “Hello Y/N..” he said timidly, feeling his heartbeat pace faster. “Hello Taro, it’s nice seeing you again.” he spoke, giving a small nod.
The raven haired male’s cheeks lit up, dusting a soft pink coat as Kokona and Y/N started to walk off, Osana walked after them, Taro shutting his book and following closely behind. “Can I come? It gets kinda lonely just sitting here.” he hummed, finding some excuse to come with them.
Y/N gave a small nod of approval, Taro walked behind them, listening in on their conversation, trying to pick out the things on Y/N.
A few minutes beforehand, Ayato was propped up against the tree in the courtyard, stalking Taro as per usual. He didn’t feel the same, not like he used to when stalking him, he wasn’t lovestruck, he barely felt anything anymore for him. His heart wasn’t running 100 miles an hour like it used to.
He was pulled away from his thoughts as he watched two new people enter his vision. He could recognise Kokona, but Y/N not so much. He had seen the other around school, but he didn’t think much of him until now. His heart raced, feeling his cheeks heat up as he cupped them slightly, letting out a sound of frustration.
He shook his head slightly. He needed to remain alert at all times, no time for fussing over Y/N when he ‘loved’ Taro.
Aishi observed them from afar before deciding to walk after them, making sure to maintain some distance. He wasn’t going to let some lousy male get between him and Taro, he would ‘still willingly’ do anything and everything for him.
Once they arrived, Taro took a seat, Osana and Kokana sitting beside him, Y/N sitting on the edge beside Osana, engaging in some small talk with her as he ate his food.
Taro averted his gaze, watching Osana with a loathing look in his eyes. He was vaguely annoyed, not liking how much attention Osana was getting at all. He nearly lost his cool just from the simple touch of Y/N placing a hand on her shoulder in a friendly manner.
Kokona noticed his irritation but decided to stay quiet, not thinking further about it. She was sure the two friends had some small argument earlier, there seemed to always be an issue between those two.
Not far away, Ayato was watching from the doorway to the roofs before moving over to a wall nearby where they sat, glancing around the corner, trying to overhear the conversation. It was when he’d realised that Y/N had his hands on Osana’s shoulders, his face contorting into a look of slight disgust.
Over the last few weeks, Y/N had started to see a repeating pattern of Kokona and Osana constantly ignoring him, or walking off every time he tried to speak to them or anything. In fact, when he would go up to other people they’d just dismiss their conversations and go elsewhere. He was super confused, why were people suddenly avoiding him.
Had he done something wrong? He hadn’t heard anything bad.
He found it slightly weird that only Taro and Ayato had come up to him with no worries at all, but he didn’t want to jump to conclusions, he was sure it was nothing at all.
Kokona and Osana were both absolutely petrified. Not only for themselves but also for the safety of Y/N.
Kokona had received an absolute brutal letter not long ago, threatening to blackmail her or potentially murder her if she got in the way between Y/N and Ayato. Whilst only a few days ago Osana was held at knife point by Taro as he intimidated her, Y/N right around the corner.
It was just a little after school as Y/N roamed the halls in hope to find someone he could speak to. He averted his gaze, seeing Budo just outside of the martial arts club.
Budo looked up, seeing Y/N come over to him. He sucked in a breath, looking around nervously before he spoke. “Haha! Y/N. It’s great to see you! What brings you to the uhm-..martial arts club?” He asked, raising a brow and crossing his arms over his chest.
Y/N observed the others body language, letting out a small groan in response. “You too? Budo. What’s going on?. Have I done something?” He asked, praying for answers. It was really starting to bug him now, he even thought it might have been the bullies doing, but even they turned a blind eye on him and he was respected by them too.
Budo stepped from side to side slightly, trying his best to suppress his nervous fidgeting. He glanced around before grabbing Y/N’s wrist gently, pulling him inside of the club room before shutting the door and looking around in panic.
Y/N slowly draped an arm on his shoulder, tapping his shoulder gently to try and distract him from his worries. “Budo relax, nothings going to happen. Whatever you’re worrying about..I’m here.” He smiled.
With reassurance from Y/N, Budo stopped and looked at him, leaning into his comforting chaste touch. “I overheard a conversation between Yamada and Aishi talking about how to make others avoid you. I’m unsure why but they were rambling on about how everyone is taking you away from them.”
Y/N looked at the other, he wore a blank expression. He was unsure how to feel at the sudden news. But it did make sense why others were avoiding him so much and why Ayato and Taro hadn’t. He could feel himself going to be sick. He gave a small nod, smiling slightly at Budo. “Thank you for telling me, I appreciate it..” he responds, pulling the martial arts club leader in a warm hug.
Budo reluctantly wrapped his arms around his torso, giving a small nod in response. He closed his eyes for a moment, figuring how dead he would be if he were caught anywhere near Y/N. He slowly opened his eyes, fixating them onto a familiar looking silhouette through the doors. He immediately let go of Y/N in panic, pointing back at the door.
Y/N whipped his head around, only getting a small glimpse of the shadow before the person fled. He sucked in a breath, his heart starting to race. He glanced around, grabbing Mastudas wrist as he opened the door and poked his head out before he started to quietly walk down the hallway with him.
The raven haired boy looked around quickly, keeping quiet, as if he was trying not to alert the person. He knew many people wouldn’t be around so he Prayed they would get out of there quickly.
Within minutes, the two had flown down the stairs, running side by side, footsteps trailing not far behind them as they exited the school building, slowing down when they heard the steps come to a halt. Budo leaned over, resting his hands on his knees as breathed heavily, Y/N leaning against the wall as he tried to catch his breath.
“I think..- we lost..them..-” Budo sighed, slowly getting up.”Go home Y/N.” he spoke again.
Y/N raised a brow, he was clearly worried for Budos safety. ���Are you sure?” he asked, Budo giving a small nod of reassurance once more. Without another word, Y/N gave the other a hug before quickly leaving the school grounds. He had great faith in Budo, he was the leader of the martial arts club.
They went their separate ways, Y/N starting to head home. On his way home, he couldn't help but feel tense. He couldn’t shake off what Budo told him minutes ago, he felt weirded out. What would Taro and Ayato want with him? He was convinced that Taro and Osana were in love, he was also sure he had caught Ayato stalking Taro too months ago! He was starting to overthink it too much, he was driving himself down a pothole of anxiety.
Whilst he was lost in thought, someone approached him from ubehind, following closely behind him, awaiting for the perfect moment to strike. Within seconds, the figure wrapped their arms around Y/N, a black glove covering his mouth, the other gripping onto his side tightly to stop him from moving around. “Quit moving, unless you want to die.” The voice spoke, slowly bringing a bloody knife to his neck.
Y/N went stiff in their grasp, immediately recognising the voice. He went into an instant state of panic as he stayed still, listening to every word they said.
There was no way Ayato would actually hurt Y/N! He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He loved him alot, even more than when he had loved Taro previously. Something about the other drove him to absolute insanity, he couldn’t see himself getting violent with Y/N like he thought about with Yamada.
After a few threats and thrashing around, Y/N slowly complied with him and did as he said. He had tried his best to fight back, but the awkward position wasn’t helping him
Ayato grabbed out a cloth which was already covered in chloroform. Wasn’t the safest option, but he figured Y/N could handle it. He held it against Y/N’s mouth and nose. Slowly but surely his body went limp in the other's arms, everything going black.
A soft groan fell from Y/N’s lips, his body aching slightly. How long had he been out for? Just as he went to stretch out his body, his movements were restricted. He hissed slightly, feeling rope burn against his skin. He then recalled what happened, immediately his body going into an utter state of panic as he tried his best to compose himself.
A disgusting scent filled his nose, the smell of something metallic and rusty.
He was snapped out of thoughts as he heard something scuffle nearby, the lights being switched on. Y/N squinted his eyes, allowing him a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the brightness before his gut whirled.
Taro walked in, Ayato following not too far behind him with a small smile. “You’re awake! I hope Ayato wasn’t too rough. He insisted on bringing you here.” He spoke, grumbling softly.
Ayato rolled his eyes, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Y/N looked up at the two horrified. He could still imagine the bloody gloves, the feeling of the liquid leaking onto his clothes whilst he was fighting against Ayato.
Oh he could only imagine whose blood it was…
He prayed that Budo got home safely.
“I didn’t hurt him. He's fine. See, no injuries.” Ayato spoke, kicking off the wall and walking over to Y/N, gripping his chin gently. “You’re not scared, are you?” He asked lowly.
Y/N tensed up, shaking his head. “Whose blood..was that on you?” He asked with a shaky voice.
Ayato chuckled softly, shaking his head slightly. “The martial arts leader, uh Budo Matsuda. That guy who had his arms around you..” he mumbled, his skin crawling just at the thought of others being anywhere near him.
Y/N sunk back into his chair, his breathing quickening slightly. He knew he shouldn’t have left Budo alone. “You’re sick! Both of you- Oh my fucking god..” he yelled out, seeing Taro dragging Budo’s limp body along the floor. He felt sick, visibly gagging a few times.
Yamada glanced over at Y/N, smiling slightly and rubbing his neck. “Sorry Y/N, I gotta get rid of the body.” He hummed. He looked extremely happy, it made Y/N sick to his core. How could someone be so cruel?
Y/N looked away, clenching his eyes shut tightly, hoping that this was just all a bad dream. He shut out the voices of both Ayato and Taro, his whole world going quiet as he sat there in silence.
- Written by Owner 2
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kirnx-art · 1 year
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2022 drawings of male rivals (Ohta, Midai, Muja, Amane, Hanato) that was never been fully posted until now
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bbreaad · 11 months
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canonically47 · 4 days
when you absolutely despise each other because you constantly insult, demoralize and sabotage each other and then one of you takes it too far and you get mutually traumatized. oh and the guy you're fighting over has been here this whole time
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if this sounds interesting to you, you might want to check out my upcoming four-book series, Magic of Love, starting with Book 1: Quest of Harmony!
explanation post for the premise and origins of MoL and QoH coming soon!
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an0nym0us-m0nster · 8 months
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ryoba goes to the convenience store
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vexenya · 9 months
Every year since 2018 Yanderedev has me holding this sign
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miserablehoney · 2 months
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Enemies with similarities.
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rinriya · 4 months
It all started with your wish is my command, but now it's Fuck you Chat. This is my Roman Empire.
This scene made me want to scream my lungs out. I'll be real with you, this DLC is my fav of the entire game. I adore not just murdersim, but dating with yanderes per se, so I hoped for more connection. And damn the way he paused, his 'fuck this', his agitated face, his "mine". He gave up everything for the MC. Sure sure nothing about sweet and romantic, but he put his name on the line and that matters 😣
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ayten-is-living · 10 months
What did I just make
All aboard the toxic gossip trai-
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callie-the-creator · 1 month
ayato aishi being in love with an idol!reader would include...
sfw. warnings: yandere and obsessive behavior but that’s about it.
author’s note: this was also posted on my wattpad account, just wanted to share it here!
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• the only reason ayato knew of your existence was because he heard your name a few times brought up at school. at first, he thought you were a student at akademi but something in the back of his mind told him that he had the wrong idea. he ended up shrugging it off. that is, until he saw a 3d billboard of you in tokyo, telling the watchers below to buy tickets for your upcoming concert.
• this whole time, y/n was an idol? ayato felt like a complete idiot when he realized this and spent the next few minutes, just standing there on the sidewalk, watching the same billboard cycle through other things until you popped up again. when you did, ayato took his time admiring your features. it's no wonder you were so popular at school...you're gorgeous.
• with that, ayato hurried to his house whilst he looked up everything about you and once he was in his house, he listened to every single song that you have ever sung. unreleased, popular, underrated, instrumental, acapella, you name it. you just so happened to have over 45 songs! for someone who was in the music scene for such a short amount of time, you did have a lot of albums...but that's alright!
— while it wasn't ayato's usual taste in music, he was willing to make an exception for you and only you.
• ayato is the type of guy to see someone wearing a piece of your merchandise, walk up to them, and say, "oh, you like y/n l/n? name 5 songs."
— insufferable, yes, but he had to assert dominance and show every single follower that he was your number #1 fan! if someone claims to be it, they're dead wrong. literally.
• he hates how some of the guys at his school also knew who you were and thought you were attractive. ayato knows that realistically, it was bound to happen but he still hates having to deal with it and it's not like he could do anything about it too, just suck it up.
• if you're the type of idol to dye your hair differently with every single album debut, ayato carefully tracks for any leaks on what color it would be because he's been debating on matching with you. he's lucky that akademi high school isn't strict when it comes to uniquely colored hair (as some schools force students to dye their hair black, even if a person's natural hair color is brown). of course, he would stick out more but he didn't care. it's a way he can show his support for you and there's nothing wrong with that. 
• has only been to one of your concerts since, he won't lie, the tickets are a bit pricey and his part-time job could hardly cover it. the concert was really cool to experience— especially since ayato doesn't get out much— and he loved seeing you in person, but some annoying fans in front of him wouldn't stop holding their signs up in the air blocking his view but still tried to have a good thing by waving his light-stick and chanting in perfect harmony with the other fans.
— he would've gone a vip pass instead, but if he did that, ayato would have become flat-broke and that would in turn make him receive an angry lecture from his parents about finances.
• ayato has sent you loads of fan mail, some by name, others anonymously. he's sure that you get thousands by the hour but if there is even the slightest chance that you might read at least one of his, he'll take that opportunity
• whenever you describe your ideal type in a man in interviews, ayato makes it his duty to meet the criteria. you want someone with a little bit of muscle? he can work out more. you want a man who can cook? looks like ayato will be joining the cooking club at school. trust me, he will do anything to be viewed perfect in your eyes
• although his first-ever time seeing you in person was pretty much a bust, ayato made up for it by teaming up with info-kun to see where you would be in japan and finding your location by fan sightings. it was from there that ayato was able to find you in shibuya but it wasn't good news, actually. you were mad at the paparazzi trying to take scandalous photos of you and when ayato realized this, his head began to spin and he, too, started shouting at them to give you some space and to back off.
— when you realized this, you turned over to see just who was coming to help you since you weren't expecting it and mouthed a small 'thank you' which sent ayato's heart soaring.
• ayato has purchased an ungodly amount of merch from you, whether that be shirts, water bottles, limited-time ramen, or soda cans, he's even ripped off pages in magazines solely because your face was on it.
• alas, he still needs to find a way to worm into your personal life. it's a little hard to do that with just how many bodyguards you have and have lots of cameras in your house, too many for him to be able to capture you without any issues...
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biggestxsimps · 11 months
Shin Higaku Boyfriend Headcanons
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Shin surprises you with handwritten letters or poems, expressing his feelings in heartfelt and poetic words.
He enjoys going on spontaneous adventures with you, the two of you whisking away to explore abandoned places or visit eerie locations.
He is a great listener and encourages you to talk about your dreams and aspirations whilst he provides gentle guidance and support.
Shin expresses his affection through subtle touches, like intertwining fingers or pressing soft kisses to your shoulder or neck, creating a comforting and intimate connection.
He leaves little occult themed love notes for you in your locker.
He enjoys introducing you to occult themed- movies, books, e.t.c
He enjoys resting his head against your chest, or nuzzling into your neck when cuddling or vice versa. He doesn’t mind, as long as you're comfortable with it!
As the president of the occult club, Shin has a deep fascination with the supernatural. He loves sharing his knowledge with you and exploring occult related topics.
Shin isn’t really a PDA type of guy, but when you’re both alone he enjoys planning surprise dates for you! He loves creating memorable experiences for both of you to cherish.
-Written by Owner 2
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