#zack van gerbig
staliaqueen · 1 year
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bellzsad · 8 months
there's more but i can't fit them..
put reasonings in comments/reblogs!!
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sapphirebluejewel · 3 months
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silent-saint · 17 days
I have a whole draft about Zack and Lane and why I'm a lowkey Dave hater/ignorer
But focusing on Zack... Finding out that his dad left (the wiki says age 10)... makes me appreciate his character more... He's one of the best example of a Dad in the series. And in a show with so many characters making mistakes/struggling with relationships partially due to absentee fathers and how it impacts them... I'm glad the show demonstrates a character who steps up and loves his family. Both he and Jess illustrate it is never certain that you will repeat your father's mistakes, that you can grow and learn, and achieve something...
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frazzledsoul · 3 months
So a question I was pondering with @saltygilmores last night: where exactly do Dave, Zach, and Brian come from?
I had always assumed that the three of them lived in Stars Hollow and went to Stars Hollow High. However, it is a very small town and a small school and Lane only meets the three of them through the ad: she would definitely have known them before that if they went to school with her. Mama Kim doesn't know Dave or his parents even though he claims he's devout: if they lived in Stars Hollow, she surely would have known of them unless they're a different denomination which would probably factor into whether she would allow him to date Lane (this may be a geographical/cultural issue but Stars Hollow only appears to have one Church which he obviously doesn't attend so I guess it doesn't matter). Furthermore, in the hair dying/who does Jess fuck in the closet episode Lane specifically mentions "my town" to the rest of the band and describes Kirk to them so they obviously do not come from there (and don't even seem to be that familiar with Hartford).
So where did they come from? Did they emerge from the thigh of Zeus fully formed, like Dionysus? Dave goes to high school and lives at home but....where? Hartford? Bridgeport? Woodbridge? It's a mystery. Are Zach and Brian even still in high school at this point?
And if they didn't come from there, why does the entire band settle in Stars Hollow a year later? Brian and Zach live with Lane and Mama Kim obviously isn't familiar with them from before that point. They base their entire life there, Zach and Lane get married there, Zach even brings his pre-Lane conquests by the diner. If they at first lived somewhere else, they completely forget about it after season 4.
So...where did they come from? Anyone got any ideas?
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saltygilmores · 6 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: S3/EP4/One's Got Class The Other One Dyes
Episode titles with 6 or more words (the first four seasons): Season 1: The Lorelais First Day At Chilton, Star Crossed Lovers And Other Strangers Season 2: Red Light on The Wedding NIght, Nick And Nora And Sid And Nancy
Season 3: One's Got Class The Other One Dyes Season 4: The Lorelais First Day At Yale, The Hobbit The Sofa and Digger Stiles, In The Clamor and The Clanger, Girls In Bikinis Boys Doing The Twist, Last Week Fights This Week Tights, Nag Hammadi Is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospel (come on AmyShermanPalladino. Come on. She's just fucking with us with that one. She didn't envision a future where people like me would have to type that shit out). Anyway. This episode is a classic.
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Let's have a look at what Jesstopher is reading...
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That tracks. Lorelai: I think I'm in touch with the other side. Rory: Republicans? Ba dum tsssh.
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What are we doing, naming things we see in the room? Dead cow, dead cow, non paying customer, non paying customer, old timey scale, the only business proprietor in America who purposely tries to drive away his own customers by insulting their selections from his own menu... Lorelai has been having premonitions about her own death. How does she know about the script for my Gilmore Girls horror movie trilogy titled "Blood In The Hollow"?
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No, Lorelai will get a much more dignified slaughtering in BITH (at the hands of Rory? Luke? Jess? Her mother? Crusty? Possibly even DEAN, her jilted lover? The script is still in progress).
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Now you're just naming all the hilarious ways I've imagined Dean's demise. TWWGG is chock full of "Dean Forrester should get eaten by a ____" , Most recently, it was a pair of T-Rexes. I may have suggested Death by Turtle before, I can’t recall. I do know that when he wore this sweater I said he looked like a turtle anus.
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Stars Hollow has never once rocked and or rolled. Lane's got dreams of rock superstadorm. Not if AmyShermanPalladino has anything to do with it. Rory wraps her half eaten burger (The fakest fake burger I've ever seen) in a napkin (this is not a thing) and R&R leave Luke's without paying. INCOMING!
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Lorelai's face. Lorelai mutters that Shane is a freak. Because why...? Sure, she doesn't have the best manners with all this barging through the door stuff, but you wanna talk about ettiquite, Miss Dine and Dash? So what makes her a freak? The girl has (horny, horny) needs and she knows how to get what she wants. Shane doesn't play silly games. On a random Tuesday at 6:17 pm, Shane thinks, "I want Jess Mariano's tongue in my mouth" And then she goes to the diner and gets that tongue in her mouth. That doesn't make her a freak, that makes her an example R&R should take after. Shane is a role model. Shane is Rock and Roll. Shane is a modern woman. Shane is a GOD DAMN HERO. SHANE IS SWAN FOOD (soon).
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Nobody in the diner even blinks while this is happening.
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There may not be any rock and roll in Stars Hollow, but there's certainly free porn, and Rory's going to grab a popcorn and watch the show.
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"That was my intention, Uncle Luke"
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Introducing for the first time, Zack Van Gerbig and Brian Fuller. I don't have any dog in this fight of "Which boyfriend was better for Lane". Well, maybe I do have a dog, but she's a sleepy bassett hound who can't be bothered to choose because anything that happens after season 4 (aka Lane's life trajectory after high school) doesn't affect me in the grand scheme of things. Alright let's briefly rate the members of Hep Alien: Zack: Lane's first sexual experience with Zack is a complete disaster. Zack enters into a teenage marriage with Lane, buys cheap off brand condoms and knocks her up with twins on their honeymoon, derailing her entire life and destroying her rock and roll dreams. (People on this show need to stop getting married right out of high school, for the love of all that is holy. And stop sleeping through Sex Ed! You live in a blue state where sex ed in school might actually be adequate and available! CHERISH IT). Zack is cuter than Dave. Zack is the lead singer, but I tend to crush on band members that are not the lead singers. Lead singers are trouble. That blond floppy hair is trouble. He looks like he might not shower that often. Dave: Dave didn't do any of those things. Dave definitely takes showers. Maybe too many showers + Impeccably clean, geeky clothes. Did you know Dave read the entire Bible in one night to impress Lane's mother? What a guy. He has curly hair which means he's a good guy. Got sucked up by the Male Gilmore Girls Character California Wormhole but unlike Jess and Max, She liked him so much she never spat him back out. Brian:
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Lane gets a taste of the rampant sexism inherent in Rock and Roll when her suggestions for improving the band's sound are totally ignored by the men. Lane's paranoia about her mother is incredibly annoying and stifling to the other members of the band, and they almost walk out, and I'm not saying it's right to ignore her...I'm just saying, I understand.
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In my gritty unrated Gilmore Girls spinoff with cursing and nudity and realism titled the Hollow no one would be shielded from perversion. At one point, Kirk apparently had a rock band called "The Kirk Gleason 5" who played covers of Queen songs and Mrs Kim put the kibosh on them.
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The people of Hartford to the people of Stars Hollow: Please stop coming over here. There are other cities in Connecticut you can visit if you want to escape The Bubble. What about Stamford? We're full. Lane has to find a way to make it to band practice in Hartford 3 nights a week while still under the watchful eye of Mrs Kim. Rory and Lane try to brainstorm how she might get away with this Super Secret Band Thing, even though Lane has no money, no car, and no instrument.
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A circa 2002 Karen (real name: Debbie), calling the Gilmores. Lorelai doesn't remember Debbie-Karen because Rory can only describe Karen-Debbie, the mother of a former classmate, as blond haired and average height. We find out Rory actually had another childhood friend of sorts besides Lane, Debbie-Karen's daughter Kathy. Rory would frequently go swimming at her house. Lorelai claims she can't remember any Stars Hollow Moms because they all look the same, except for Mrs.Kim and a woman with a glass eye. I guess that's Lorelai's way of saying Mrs Kim and Mrs Glass Eye are the only two minorities in Stars Hollow. That tracks. Lorelai doesn't even know Dean's mom? Things might get awkward when Lorelai and Dean have to write out their wedding invitations. Karen-Debbie: The PTA likes to ask prominent locals in business to talk to the students, you know, someone who knows about how much hard work it takes to run a business, and we thought of you. Bahahahaha. Lorelai, a hard worker. Don't make me laugh. Oh wait, I already did. I will laugh some more. Bahahahaha.
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The Gilmore Girls California Wormhole is about to claim it's first female snack, Kathy. Things Googled While Watching GIlmore Girls We Owe You Nothing (first tried I Owe You Something because I couldn't see the cover), major cities in Connecticut, Brian's last name (it's Fuller)
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
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“Maybe you could play some Liz Phair?” Rory offered. Dave rebutted immediately: “Zack doesn’t have the vocal range.” “You don’t know that,” Zack huffed. Brian shook his head. “Yes he does, and so do I and so does Lane. Your rendition of Alanis’ "Ironic” still gives me nightmares.” Jess rose up from the couch and leaned forward with a devious grin. “Now that I’ve gotta hear.”
Songs We Lost in the Fire: A Literati x Hep Alien concept
(Raw images: not mine)
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purplepomegranate08 · 1 month
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-Colors series-
Light Orange + Lane Kim & Zack Van Gerbig
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troublegoblin · 7 months
lane kim deserved better and zack van gerbig can die by my hand
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stellaluna33 · 1 year
Wait. "O, Brother Where Art Thou?" came out in 2000, and most of my audiophile friends in highschool were obsessed with it (they'd play the soundtrack on CD in their cars all the time). In Season 5 of Gilmore Girls, Zack Van Gerbig secretly joins a bluegrass band. You see where I'm going with this, don't you? Clearly, "O, Brother Where Art Thou?" is one of Zack's favorite movies.
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staliaqueen · 4 months
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Mal's Gilmore Girls rewatch: Keg! Max! 3.19
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foreveryoungadult · 11 years
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Gilmore Girls S4.E04 “Chicken or Beef?”
Lane: "We have come too far to let the band fall apart just because Dave... "
Zack: "Hey, do not say the 'D' word, Lane."
Brian: "He just went to college, Zack."
Zack: "He did not just go to college. He walked out on his art, man. He walked out on his sound. We had a sound and Dave took that sound to freaking California. You don't come back from California, man. It changes you."
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Guys, I know we all have our hate for Season 7, but man it has its moments. Just rewatched 7x20 and god! So much of it was so well done. I love seeing Rory struggling in a relatable way. Her in bed hiding from the world, what a god damn mood! Everything with Luke and Lorelai! The comeback of the blue hat, them finding their grove despite how hard it is to find their new normal, Lorelai singing. Wait, I don’t think I showed just how much I love LORELAI SINGING I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU TO LUKE! Yep, all caps, that’s better 😂😂 No, but seriously that moment. Big round of applause for Lauren. The woman is standing there singing her heart out and still acting like the queen she is. Cos all those subtle movements, like her shrugs and stuff like that. All just showing (with the lyrics), that yeah I’ll always love you, it’s just a fact and nothing I can do about it. And then Luke smiling and then getting emotional. I can’t. Someone hold me! It’s too good. And even the stuff with Lane and Zack and granted her whole storyline this season is an unholy mess, but I love the fact despite how much Zack could be better as a character and even a partner to Lane, he doesn’t even think twice in saying they’ll both not go on tour when Lane says she can’t. He was really willing to not do something he’s so excited for so he can be there for his family, and that’s amazing. I know it’s like the bare minimum, cos come on what decent guy wouldn’t? But it’s still nice to see where his priorities are. Also, loved seeing April, even if it was just a small moment. Luke and her are adorable and I love how comfortable and father/daughter they are. Too cute. I find the Chilaquiles part at the end sooooo funny. If you aren’t screaming Chilaquiles back with the guys, then you’re doing it wrong 😂 And I promise I’ll stop after this last bit, but the ending! I just love the way Lorelai is like 😳 and then we hear Logan say her name and then it fades to black and we hear it again! It’s so well done, and obviously it’s the title of the episode which I love. Anyway, I’ll stop now or else I’ll just keep rambling forever. But idk Season 7 has its really great moments, which is great but also damn it had the potential to be really great why did they fuck it with dumb story lines? Either way, yay to the great, cute and fun moments that are sprinkled in this odd season.
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hitchell-mope · 8 months
Zack and Brian.
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imlovelace · 9 months
here is my playlist for gilmore girls rock band, hep alien!!! this includes the rock songs i like. additions are ongoing
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