thebigbadbatswife · 3 hours
Diana of Themyscira Masterlist
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One Shots
🗡Be Safe
Diana Prince x GN!Reader
Warnings - Angst and Fluff. DCEU.
🗡Watch Me
Diana of Themyscira x F!Green Lantern!Reader
Warnings - 18+ ONLY! Kinktober 2023. Exhibitionism. Voyerism. Mutual masturbation.
Diana of Themyscira x F!Reader
Warnings - First meetings. Reader has social anxiety. Fluff. Humour.
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thebigbadbatswife · 4 hours
Pairing(s): Diana of Themyscira x F!Reader
Summary - Bruce introduces you, his oldest friend, to the one superhero friend of his that you haven’t met yet.
Warnings - First meetings. Reader has social anxiety. Fluff. Humour.
Word Count - 1.5k
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“Are you sure about this, Bruce?” you ask, looking yourself over in the mirror, frowning. You’re still unsure about the outfit you have picked out for the party tonight. “It’s been forever since I’ve been to one of these things.”
Bruce chuckles and gently pulls you away from the mirror, turning you to face him. “You look great and keep in mind this isn’t a fancy party filled with upper class dickheads. Just friends and family.” 
You know that he’s right. This is supposed to be a more laid back type of party. Even his outfit is laidback. A black shirt and slacks instead of the usually suit and tie. It hasn’t stopped you from working yourself up though. Your palms are sweaty and your heart is thumping hard against your ribcage. Already your mind has conjured up and played out a bunch of scenarios. Each one going worse than the last one. It’s more than enough to make you feel like running back to the safety of your room.
Being one of your oldest friends, and therefore knowing you the best, Bruce can see every little sign of your anxiety building up and threatening to consume you. The rough feeling of his calloused thumb against your cheek helps with grounding you. 
“Breathe,” he reminds you. “Everything will be fine. You do know most of them.”
“Except for the one you seem most excited for me to meet,” you reply. 
“I just think that the two of you will hit if off,” he shrugs. 
“So you’re playing matchmaker now? What, did you get bored of your cowl?”
“Everyone needs a hobby.” He links his arm with yours and begins to lead you toward the manor’s garden, where everyone else is. “Besides, if you really do start to panic you know that either I or Selina will step in and whisk you away to a quiet room.”
“I know and I’m so grateful to the both of you for that.”
Since your diagnosis, the both of them have gone above and beyond to make sure that you feel safe and supported whilst you seek help and figure out how to manage it. Even being miles away from them, you haven’t been left to feel like you’re all alone. You don’t think you’ll ever be able to repay them for all everything they’ve done for you.
Before you know it, you and Bruce have reached the doors to the garden. They’re wide open, letting the summer air into the manor and you could easily hear the conversations going on. Taking a deep breath, you let him lead you outside. 
He’s right. You do recognise almost everyone and they recognize you, despite the fact that it’s been a few years since you last saw any of them. Barry gives you a toothy grin and waves while the rest take a more reserved approach. A smile here or a small gesture of their hand or head there. Doing their best to not overwhelm you. 
“I’m glad you decided to come,” Selina says as she pulls you away from Bruce and into a hug. You hug her back. Thankful to see your other old friend after so long.
“It’s good to see you, Selina.” 
She smiles at you as she pulls away. “Diana’s over there.”
“Thank you,” Bruce tells her. He leans in close and presses a kiss to her lips. You’re glad that the two of them finally stopped dancing around their feelings and actually got together. They deserve to be happy. Though that very thing is probably why Bruce is playing matchmaker with you right now. He wants you to be happy as well. Like he is.
While you have never met Diana, you have seen her on the tv and the web. Various news reports and footage that spreads across the internet every time that the Justice League stops some alien invasion or super villain attempting to take control of the world, again. In truth, you’ve always had a bit of a crush on her. Thing is you never thought anything would ever come of it until Bruce decided to start introducing you to aspects of his superhero life. Though, now that you think about it, you probably should have suspected something a month ago when he kept bringing her up. 
“Diana. This is…” Bruce introduces you to her. You feel your mouth go dry. She’s even more stunning in real life. Long black hair, the ends dip dyed blue, a red tank, blue jeans and her silver bracelets.
“Hi,” you just about manage, hating how pathetic you must sound. All you want is for the ground to open up and swallow you whole. At the same time, you know now that running away from everything constantly isn’t a way to live.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she says. “Bruce has told me a lot about you.” 
“Same here,” you reply. 
You both side eye Bruce, who’s doing his best to act completely innocent, like he hasn’t been planning this meeting for ages, but his act is completely transparent. Before either you or Diana can say something, there’s a loud crash. You all turn to where his two eldest sons are suppose to be helping Alfred with setting up the grill, but only seem to be making an absolute mess of it. A long, drawn out and tired sounding sigh leaves Bruce as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“If you’ll excuse me.” 
You and Diana both chuckle as he walks away and both of his sons scatter when they seem him approaching. 
“So, Bruce is playing matchmaker now,” she says, drawing your attention back to her.
“Apparently. He’s happy so everyone else has to be as well. Which is better then him making everyone else miserable.” 
She nods in agreement. 
With the ice now broken, the conversation between the two of you flows easily. Bit by bit your anxiety slowly starts to dissipate and you are not over analysing every last thing that you say. Diana is completely intrigued by your job as a wildlife photographer and the various situations you have managed to get yourself into during your job. From close encounters with the very animals you’re photographing to poachers and trophy hunters. The mention of the latter two visibly angers her and you share her sentiment. They had not been fun encounters at all.
“And you got out of those situations unscathed?” she asks. 
“Mostly. Selina taught me how to defend myself while we were growing up on the streets,” you reply.
“And the men who attacked you? What happened to them?”
“Most of them are behind bars–” you gesture toward where Bruce and Selina are–“Their handiwork as soon as they found out what happened. They’re now trying to forbid me from travelling to the Amazon Rainforest because of it.”
“What if I was to come with you?”
Her offer takes you completely by surprise. You have only just met each other and she’s already offering to travel to a rainforest with you. A trip that’s bound to last a few weeks. 
“I’m sure that it would soothe any fears they have and it would be an opportunity for us to get to know each other without so many other people around,” she continues. “If you want me to join, of course. I don’t want to pressure you.”
“I mean, I’ve only ever gone with colleagues on these trips, but I think it could be a lot of fun if you came along. It would also stop Bruce from constantly blocking me from charting a flight.”
She nods. “It’s agreed then. We’ll go together.”
Afternoon quickly turns into evening and one by one the rest of the leaguers say their goodbyes and leave until it’s just you, Diana, Bruce and Selina. The four of you have long since come inside and have settled in one of the lounges. 
You decide that now is the perfect time to mention what you and her talked about earlier. As soon as you mention the rainforest you can see Bruce visible tense until you say that Diana has offered to come with you. He relaxes at that and even looks a little smug. Sometimes you could really deck him, but you would really rather not break your hand on his face again. 
“It was an absolutely pleasure to meet you,” Diana says. The two of you are standing outside of the manor to say your goodbyes. It’s got quite late and your social battery is so drained you’re ready to curl up in bed and never leave it ever again.
“Same here. I’m glad that Bruce managed to talk me into coming today.” 
“As am I. You’ll text me the details?”
“Yeah. ‘Course.”
You wave goodbye to her and watch until she reaches the end of the drive, then you’re turning away and heading back inside. Bruce is waiting for you, leaning against the bannister of the grand staircase, grinning.
“I told you the two of you would hit it off.” He sounds as smug as he looks.
“Oh, shut up.”
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thebigbadbatswife · 7 hours
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Bye mom, bye dad
Meow, cat, please, meow back
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thebigbadbatswife · 23 hours
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batman: the last halloween covers by tim sale
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Could you please do a part 2 to Simon -grumpy x sunshine
Thanks so much 💕💕
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Part 1
Of course I can do a part 2! I’m really grateful that so many people enjoyed my last post! 🤍
Here’s part 2 of Ghost x Reader - Grumpy x Sunshine.
Content: Pure fluff
Ghost still hates you, well, not as much.
You and the Task Force 141 were sent on another mission. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned.
Because of an unexpected ambush, you and Ghost got separated from the rest of the team.
It seemed like the universe wasn't on your side today. Both of your radios weren't functioning even though they were perfectly fine. You tried to call for Price, Soap and Gaz but all you got was static.
On top of all of that one of the enemies managed to cut your arm with a knife.
All of which lead to your current situation. The two of you are stuck in an abandoned warehouse with broken radios while Ghost patched you up.
You were sitting on a chair while you kicked your legs back and forth, patiently waiting for Ghost to finish.
"Quit moving," he said as he glared at you. You followed his orders and stopped. He's already pissed off and you don't want to make it any worse.
"Why can't we just go out there and find them? Who knows how long we're gonna be stuck here," you huffed.
"We're waiting for Price's orders. It's dangerous to go out there blindly."
He was right, there were probably enemies lurking outside and who could easily outnumber both of you. But at the same time you can't stand being in the warehouse anymore. You wanted to get the job done and go home.
Ghost finally finished wrapping the bandage around your wound. "There, how's your arm now?" He asked.
You move your arm around slightly. "Not bad, still aches but it'll do," you shrug. "Thanks, Si."
"Should've been more careful and I told you not to call me that," Ghost sighed.
"C'mon, lighten up a bit! Let's have some fun at least." Just then an idea popped into your mind.
"How about this, where do Generals keep their armies? In their sleevies!" You laugh uncontrollably at your own joke.
Ghost hated to admit it but your joke was a little funny, even your cute laugh got to him.
He managed to hide his chuckle but that didn't go unnoticed by you.
You stared him with a shocked look on your face. At first you thought your mind playing tricks until you see his eyes squinting a little.
"Did you just laugh?! Was that a laugh?!" You exclaimed.
Luckily, his mask was able to hide the dumb smile he had on his face. "Don't know what you're talking about, that joke was stupid."
"You did laugh! I can tell you're smiling, Si!" You grinned.
He shook his head before finally caving in and letting himself laugh. His cheeks began to hurt just from how hard he was smiling.
He gently pulled your head to his chest before wrapping his arms around you. You could feel his laugh vibrating through his chest. Now you were a hundred percent sure that you weren't seeing things.
"Shut up, you're losing your mind cause of the blood loss, love," he chuckled.
Maybe he doesn’t hate your laugh as much as he thought he did.
He wouldn’t admit it out loud but he does love you with all his heart.
・゜・。. .・。.・゜・゜・。.
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Locker Room: Part Two
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader
Content & Warnings: swearing, rough kissing, unprotected piv (wrap it up irl), creampie, desk sex
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: originally for @glitterypirateduck 's Ghost Writing Challenge, this is the follow-up to Locker Room
Part One // SImon's POV
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
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Like the steam from the locker room, your irritation soon evaporates. It floats away until all that’s left is this gnawing, twisting sensation in the pit of your stomach.
What the fuck were you thinking storming into the men’s locker room like that, demanding that Lieutenant Riley show his face?
You weren’t thinking. That’s the entire problem. You were angry—and rightfully so—but you didn’t even consider where your actions were leading.
The reports are just fine, sweetheart.
Just thinking those words sends your stomach twisting all over again. You need to cool off. To calm down. While you’re not exactly angry anymore, there is a needy sensation crawling beneath your skin.
Lieutenant Riley was entirely too forward. And this nonsense about staking a claim? Hardly. You are your own person. Lieutenant Riley isn’t allowed to have a sliver of you unless you say so. Speaking it into the air doesn’t make it the truth.
You slam your office door shut and lean against it, resting your head in your hands. Taking a deep inhalation through your nose, you exhale through your mouth. Repeating the process helps, but it is momentary. Fleeting.
You’re tense the rest of the day. On edge. You keep glancing over your shoulder thinking that Lieutenant Riley will appear like a phantom. It’s silly, because he doesn’t. You don’t see him at all. Even as you push through your lunch and consume dinner in your office, you don’t see him.
He doesn’t come by. No one mentions him.
But the sticky note is there. It’s still stuck to the front of the manila folder.
The reports are just fine, sweetheart.
With your newly blooming irritation comes the creak of door hinges.
“What?” you snap, glancing up.
Lieutenant Riley stands in your doorway. He as one hand on the handle and the other on the doorframe. For some reason, you expect the towel, his wet skin, and the steam from the locker room, not this behemoth of a man covered nearly head-to-toe.
He does not reply to your sharp tone. Lieutenant Riley saunters in, shutting the door behind him. Without looking, he pulls the little strings on the blinds, cutting off the view of the hallway. He even locks the door, and in this, he still doesn’t glance back. Every movement is fluid. Smooth. Natural.
It’s sexy. And fucking irritating.
“Come to fix your reports?” you ask, leaning back in your chair. You twirl your pen end-over-end. It’s keeping you from looking away from him.
Lieutenant Riley says nothing. He strides forward—all of three steps as the office is a fucking closet—and snatches the manila folder off the desk. He opens it up, glancing down at the content.
You cross your legs and attempt to relax your shoulders. You don’t want Lieutenant Riley to know that he has an affect on you. Already, your body wants to lean in his direction. It wants to give him attention.
And that will not do.
“What’s wrong with them?” he finally asks, flipping a page.
You stop twirling the pen. Start clicking the end. “My notes are right there. Can you not read?”
It’s not very nice of you, but it’s simply defense. Fuck the reports. If they’re garbage, you’ll submit them anyway. You just need Lieutenant Riley out of your office. You need some goddamn space. It’s far too hot in here. Too cramped.
Lieutenant Riley glances up from the report, and it is then that you know you’ve completely fucked up. It’s that same piercing stare from the locker room. You’re stabbed through. Gutted. He sees you for who you are, and there is no way out. No path for you to take.
Slowly, Lieutenant Riley closes the folder. He holds it out and then drops it onto your desk. His arm returns to his side.
He is so large like this. So much more intimidating.
“Are we fucking here? Or elsewhere?” His delivery is so bland and straightforward that you don’t believe you’ve heard him correctly.
You stop clicking the pen. “What?” you nearly squawk, sitting up in your chair.
“I said—”
“I fucking heard you, Lieutenant.”
“Simon,” he growls. “I told you to call me Simon.”
In the steam and heat, he did say that. And you grabbed his dog tags, yanked him down to your level, kissing him through the balaclava in response.
You also told him to fix the reports. And here he is.
“Simon,” you begin, and then pause because his hips sway slightly as he shifts toward you. “What are you doing?”
Simon comes around to your side of the desk. There is a sultry sway to it, a confidence that steals your autonomy. He walks right up to you. Leaning forward, he reaches out, placing his hand on the top of your chair, boxing you in.
“Are we fucking in this room?”
“We’re not—”
“—or am I taking you home?”
You swallow, heat flaring up your neck to flame your cheeks. “Aren’t you here to fix the reports?”
It’s a diversion. A way to turn the conversation. But Simon doesn’t take the bait.
“Pick,” he says, voice low.
“Want me to pick for you?” He arches a single eyebrow.
All the steam and bluster are gone. You’re melting. Submitting. You feel it deep in your bones.
“Back up,” you murmur, but even you hear the weakness in it.
Simon shakes his head. His other hand comes up, the backs of his fingers brushing along your jawline. It’s a gentle touch. You reflexively lean into it.
“I think you want my cock now, love.”
You jerk backward, but Simon is quick. He has you out of your chair and sitting on your desk in moments. You’re completely flustered, hands digging into his biceps as Simon settles himself between your legs, his hands on your waist.
“Better,” he says, sounding content.
You blink and then smack his chest. “Simon Riley!”
“My full name?” he purrs. “That’s a nice change.”
“You presume too much.”
“Do I?” he counters. He releases your hips, placing his hands firmly on either side of you. “Then explain that kiss earlier.”
You swallow, knowing that he’s caught you. There is a need that sits between your bones. A need for him, even if you don’t want to admit it.
“It meant nothing.”
“No, love.” He shakes his head. “It didn’t. Try again.”
Simon is caging you in. Splitting you open. Why should you run? Why should you not admit your feelings? If anything, the two of you can fuck on this desk and get whatever this is out of your system.
“I was angry. I wanted to push you.”
The balaclava around his mouth stretches. He’s fucking grinning.
“Here I am.”
“Here you are,” you agree.
Simon’s dark gaze shifts to your lips. “Without the balaclava this time?” His gaze returns to your face, and there is intense need there.
You reach out, slip your fingers underneath, and push the balaclava up. Slowly, you reveal Simon’s chin and lips, then the tip of his nose. There are scars, but that is not what you’re focused on. You’re focused on his lips, and he yours.
Leaning in is agony. You long to close the distance, and yet there is hesitation in the way you bring your face closer to his. Simon senses it too, because he grabs the back of your neck, and closes the distance.
There is no gentleness in the way Simon kisses you. His need is apparent. Aching. He is a devouring beast, and you meet him with equal enthusiasm. Simon’s tongue passes between your lips and you open for him. You taste mint and black tea with the faintest hint of smoke. You commit this taste to memory.
Simon’s hands are everywhere, squeezing waist, thighs, and hips. There is no pattern to it. There is only desperation.
Growling, Simon pulls away. He grabs hold of the collar of your button up shirt. Tugging, Simon pops the top three buttons. They go flying, disappearing from you.
“Simon,” you gasp, but it’s all you can manage. His mouth is on yours again, and that large hand is slipping inside, palming your breast.
“Fucking hell,” he moans into your mouth. “I need to be inside you.”
Begging. Simon is begging. You’ve never heard this. Simon is the stoic one. Calm. Cold. Calculated. But he’s kissing you with hunger, and his hips rock against you, the sensation almost more than you can handle.
“Then fuck me, Lieutenant.”
Simon chuckles, and he smiles—actually smiles—before grabbing your waist and bringing you to your feet. With his hands still on your waist, Simon turns you around, facing you away from him.
His hand slide forward and easily undoes the front of your slacks. Simon tugs them down enough to expose you to him.
“Fuck,” he mutters, fingers sliding between your thighs to play with your pussy.
The contact is electric, and you push back against his hand. Simon rests his face against the back of your neck.
“You’re already so fucking wet for me,” he says against your skin.
His fingers find your clit, and the moan you let out is obscene. Simon strokes until your pussy clenches as your wetness floods his palm.
Glancing over your shoulder, Simon brings his sticky fingers to his mouth. He sucks them clean.
“My turn, love.”
With a sharp tug, Simon forces your slacks down to your knees. He bends you forward slightly and your hands press into the top of the desk to keep yourself steady.
The angle is tight, overly so. When Simon notches the head of his cock at your entrance and beings to push in, it feels far too large.
“Simon. Simon. Fuck��oh. Fuck.”
“You can take me, love. Just breathe. That’s it.” Simon moves your hair to the side and his mouth comes down on your neck, leaving behind gentle kisses as he rocks his hips.
Once he’s in to the hilt, Simon adjusts. One arm crosses over your stomach, his palm coming to rest between your hands that are pressed against the top of the desk. His other hand is on the front of your throat.
His lips brush against your ear, and then Simon thrusts. It’s not slow. It’s not gentle. This one makes him grunt with effort, and the desk hinders all forward movement.
Simon’s teeth nip at your earlobe. The distraction works, causing your mind to temporarily drift from his withdrawal. The thrust forward makes you gasp, and then it is unending.
There are no words spoken, only heavy breath. Sweat blooms on your brow, and runs down the back of your neck. Simon’s weight is relentless, and the pleasure building in your core again is a taunting thing. It wants to explode, to roar outward, to consume you.
You don’t have space to slide your hand between your legs. Instead, you arch your back, bringing your ass up slightly. It gives Simon a different angle, and this time you shiver. Shake. Thighs quivering as your orgasm crawls up and out your throat.
The moment you start to cry out, Simon turns your head toward him, his mouth coming down on yours. He swallows your pleasure, matching it with his own. He grinds forward, his release flooding your pussy.
Your chest heaves as Simon pulls back.
There is nothing else in room. There is only him, and his dark eyes.
Slowly, Simon eases himself from your pussy. He reaches over and grabs a tissue, cleaning you up the best he can before tossing it into the trashcan beneath your desk. Then his hands are drawing your pants into place.
He guides you around to face him, closing the zipper and putting everything to right. He even fixes your buttonless shirt as best he can.
“I’ll replace it,” he says.
“It’s fine, Simon.”
The two of you stare at each other, the silence stretching. You’re not sure what he might be thinking, but his gaze hardens.
“You’re off tomorrow,” he states, not asking.
“I am. How—what are you doing?”
Simon has his phone out. He’s tapping away at the screen and then the little whoosh of a text sending off reaches your ears.
“You’re coming home with me,” he says, slipping the phone into his pocket.
“Told Price I’d be in late tomorrow.”
“You can do that?”
Simon shrugs. “Price can manage.”
He takes a step back, his gaze observing you. “You’re a right mess.”
“No thanks to you,” you mutter, smacking his chest as you push past him.
You snatch up your purse and work bag, glancing up at Simon just as he returns the balaclava to its original place.
He saunters up beside you and extends his hand. You take it, and Simon draws you against him, gaze never leaving your face as he guides you to the door.
You doubt that you will come back from this.
Simon is not out of your system.
@km-ffluv @tiredmetalenthusiast @coffeecaketornado @miaraei @cherryofdeath
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Locker Room
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Content & Warnings (per the warnings MDNI): canon-typical swearing, enemies-ish to lovers, sexual tension, arguments, suggestive themes, intimate touching, teasing, dirty thoughts
A/N: For @glitterypirateduck 's Ghost Writing Challenge. I used prompts 43, 97, & 99. (I had so much fun challenging myself to do this all in one go. I set a timer and everything.)
After finding an infuriating note on your desk, you confront Simon in the communal locker room.
Part Two // Simon's POV
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
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Beneath your skin is an inferno.
It’s not the kind that blazes for another, or burns in tandem with a deep yearning. This is just seething anger and blunt frustration.
You’re ready to knock out some fucking teeth.
How dare he? Who the fuck does Lieutenant Riley think he is?
When you return reports to Captain Price, you point out all the inconsistences and errors. The lack of accountability and absolute carelessness has been scratching at you for ages, and this time you had enough. Usually Price shrugs, fixes whatever you’ve marked—to a degree—and then returns them without argument.
This time? Price took one look at them and told you to talk to Simon.
Not a problem. No issue at all. You and Lieutenant Riley have always been on good terms. Sometimes, it’s been more than good. You’ve caught him staring for far too long, or he stands a bit too close as if the two of you are a couple and not coworkers. And while you’ve internalized the fantasy, it’s not like you’ve ever acted on it.
But now you’re just irritated.
You handed over the files yesterday evening, and this morning you found them back on your desk. It’s not the turnaround but Lieutenant Riley’s audacity of placing those files back on your desk with a singular sticky note.
The reports are just fine, sweetheart.
Sweetheart. Sweetheart?
The other day you imagined what it might be like to have the burly, masked man call you a pet name, but this is just fucking condescending.
Your heels clack sharply against the linoleum floor. Perhaps it’s the rage in your face, because every person you meet on your rampage steps out of your way, their gaze averted. Rounding a corner, you exit through a side door and into one of the hangars. A few people glance up, frowning, but return to their job.
Sighing heavily, you approach the nearest person. “Where’s Lieutenant Riley?”
The young man—who looks right out recruitment—glances up. He swallows and peers over his shoulder as if he’s not sure he’s supposed to say. “Locker room, ma’am?”
“Thank you,” you reply sharply, turning on your heel and heading for another door leading to the communal gym.
“But—” he begins, stumbling to his feet as you charge on. “Ma’am! You can’t—”
The door slams shut behind you and you don’t look back.
This is one of several communal spaces. There are the usual training areas on base but there are also a few gyms for those that want to get a bit of extra work in. Every head turns toward you and many don’t look away. This one is just for the men, and you’re the odd duck.
And fuck it. You don’t care. You’re too fucking mad right now to think of anything else but giving Lieutenant Riley a piece of your goddamn mind.
With everything pumping in your veins, the reality of you storming toward the locker rooms hasn’t even dawned. Hasn’t clicked. Fury laces your every step, and even here, where you’re not supposed to be, the men in your path move as if they sense the rage.
When you burst through the door and meet a wall of steam, all the heat suddenly extinguishes. Glancing around, you’re met with wide-eyed stares and surprised expressions.
Keeping your gaze as upward as you can, you clear your throat. “Where is Lieutenant Riley?”
There is only silence. Maybe if you stare at the top of the lockers for long enough, you’ll somehow gather your courage again.
“I asked where Lieutenant—”
“I’m right here.”
You turn abruptly and freeze.
Lieutenant Simon Riley stands before you in nothing but a towel. It hangs low on his hips. Other than that, the bottom-half of his face is covered up by a black mask and his dog tags dangle from his neck. His hair is a wet, tussled mess, and his chest glistens with water like he just stepped out from the shower.
Simon simply stares at you for a moment as you stand in utter silence. His gaze, which is piercing and fierce, slides away to scan the room. He doesn’t have to say anything. The rest of the men in the room grab bags and clothes, rushing to exit through the door you just entered from.
When the last man leaves, Simon rolls his shoulders, straightening his spine. It makes him appear larger, more intimidating, and that one movement draws forth a heat in your belly. This isn’t anger. This is need.
“I know what you came here for,” he says, and it’s so casual a tone that the earlier rage comes rising up.
“I’m sure you do,” you snap, crossing your arms over your chest.
Simon says nothing. His dark eyes remain on you, unmoving and cold, yet pinning you to the spot as if you’ve been impaled by a spear.
“Are you going to apologize?”
“Why?” he asks automatically.
You scoff. “Are you fucking serious?”
“You didn’t come here for an apology.”
You uncross your arms and hold them out in front of you, bent at the elbows. “The reports—”
“The reports are fine.”
You roll your eyes and throw your hands up in the air. “There are inconsistencies everywhere. I can’t submit them as they are.”
Simon rolls his neck and then strides forward. Instinct has you stepping back, moving away, but you bump into a row of lockers. He doesn’t stop until he’s leaning over you, one large hand pressing into the metal to the side of your head.
“You’re nitpicking,” he replies.
“About lazy writing?”
“Oh, love. I assure you. I’m thorough.” At that, Simon leans in, and your hands rise instinctually, pressing against his firm chest.
Simon’s gaze doesn’t drop from your face. His entire attention is on you and that heat is back, twisting in your stomach, stirring up a slickness between your legs.
“Lieutenant,” you breathe, wanting the need between your legs to leave but also loving how close he is.
Sure, you’re pissed off but my god. The fresh scent of him is intoxicating, and you’re doing everything in your power not to lean in and lick up the droplet of water running along the side of his throat.
“Why did you come here?” He waits a beat, and when you don’t reply, Simon continues. “To argue?” He lightly pinches your bottom chin, his thumb pressing against your bottom lip, dragging it down a bit. You open your mouth involuntarily and Simon makes at sound in his throat that makes your legs weak. “To see me?” He leans in like he’s about to kiss you. “To be alone?”
“I didn’t ask for this,” you whisper.
Simon has you caged in. Pinned. The only thing separating your body and his is that towel.
“Why do you think everyone left when they did?” Simon’s thumb drops away from your lips only to press at the hollow of your throat. “It’s not because you walked in.”
“Why?” you ask, as Simon’s thumb drags lowers over your top to the space between your breasts.
“Because you’re mine. And they know it.”
“You—what?” Without anywhere to go, you can’t escape his intense stare.
“I’m staking a claim.”
“Simon,” he growls. “Call me Simon.”
“Simon,” you say, and he groans.
His dog tags brush against your fingers. The metal is slightly cool and damp. You curl on finger around the chain, and tug, bringing Simon’s face down to yours. If he can tease and touch, you’re going to do the same. He can’t have all the power.
Your lips brush against his through the mask, and Simon’s eyelids begin to close, revealing his gentle submission in this moment. Deepening the movement, you kiss him as if there were no barrier. This time, he truly groans, and you’d give anything to remove the barriers between you and find out what it’s like to feel him deep inside.
Fisting his dog tags in your hand, you shove him away, but only enough that there is a fraction of distance.
“Fix the fucking reports, Simon.”
Instead of kissing him again, or even touching him, you unclench your fist, releasing the dog tags. Slipping under his arm, you exit through the door and out into the gym, leaving a trail of steam in your wake.
@glassgulls @km-ffluv @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @childofyuggoth
@miaraei @coffeecaketornado @wren5650 @aykxz98 @kayden666
@unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @enfppuff
@cinnabeanz @berarenado @rogerrhqpsody @josephquinnschesthair @saoirse06
@therealbloom @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @marispunk @thewulf
@lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos @enarien
@xxkay15xx @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666 @lifes-project
@burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67 @jade1605
@contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @leed-bbg @blackhawkfanatic
@suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe @jaggersinclair @nomercyforthewarrior
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You put a target on your back
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‘why do you read “various x reader stories?”’
first, i’m a narcissist and will not read it if it’s not about me
second, I love the feeling of people liking me
third, I was ignored as a child
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Loom :)
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Bi characters + saying bi(sexual) [part 1 of 2
From left to right: Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin, 5x01), Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine, 5x10), Michael Guerin (Roswell: New Mexico, 1x11), Grace Choi (Black Lightning, 1x04), Maya (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, 1x14), Anna Taggaro (One Tree Hill, 2x15), Thirteen (House M.D., 6x17), Darryl Whitefeather (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, 1x14), Miles Hollingsworth (Degrassi: Next Class, 4x03), Callie Torres (grey’s anatomy, 11x05)
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“They can bury me in the ground, as deep as they like. But I’ll grow back. We always grow back.”
DC Universe: Poison Ivy
Female Awesome Meme: LGBTQ+ Characters (4/5)
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thebigbadbatswife · 2 days
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— My Adventures With Superman "More Things in Heaven and Earth"
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thebigbadbatswife · 2 days
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The first image is a prompt I posted on my prompt blog LAST YEAR.
The second image is from an application called c.ai. On MY post, a viewer commented, telling people that there’s a character with this very dialogue.
Mind you, NO ONE ASKED ME FOR PERMISSION. Though it wasn’t stolen word for word, this is very obviously taken from my prompt which I took the time to write and publish. This is MY writing, and though I share it publicly, that does not give anyone the right to make money off of it. I did NOT CONSENT TO MY PROMPT BEING USED IN AI.
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I honestly am not even sure what action to take but please please please bring attention to this and reblog. We need to end AI and the act of stealing artists’ work. I can’t believe this.
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thebigbadbatswife · 2 days
Rb if you’re bisexual and bad at math
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thebigbadbatswife · 3 days
Easy Access
Task Force 141 x Female Reader
Content & Warnings: explicit sexual content, canon-typical swearing, oral sex (female & male receiving), F/M/M/M/M, unprotected piv (wrap it up irl), multiple creampie, multiple orgasms, group sex, praise, restraints/restraining
Word Count: 3.7k
A short dress is your idea of an invitation for a bit of fun.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // spring 2024 masterlist
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Under the shade of a tree, you inhale deeply, savoring the fresh spring air.
This is a party. A gathering. A break. A reward for a job well done.
But it’s not like you’re the one in the line of fire. That isn’t your job. Your one and only endeavor at work is making sure Kate Laswell has everything she needs while at the office. Field work is not your specialty, and you’re thankful for that.
You make phone calls. You bring Laswell her coffee. You keep her appointments and meetings. It’s office work. Clerical. But it keeps you safe, fed, and paid.
Amongst the crowd are familiar and unfamiliar faces. There has to be at least sixty people here in total, and yet the space doesn’t feel cramped. You were given an address, and this has to be someone’s backyard, but you couldn’t say who. And if anyone knows, they aren’t saying.
To your left is a large wood patio. It expands across almost the entirety of the back of the house. Most of it is covered by two connecting pergolas. Underneath the pergolas is a massive buffet and open bar. People loiter there, talking and laughing. The patio opens up to a large green space with a small pond and garden near the back fence. The majority of the space is open but there are a few tables and chairs set up. Music comes from speakers you can’t see, and lights line the fence.
It’s all very pleasant, but crowds are not your thing.
You scan the crowd but no one is looking in your direction. Bringing your plastic cup up to your lips, you scan the crowd one more time. Your gaze falls on Captain John Price. He’s having a conversation with someone you don’t recognize, and out of uniform, he’s even more handsome.
There is no silly, floppy hat or beanie. No windbreaker or boots. Price wears a button up shirt, the top two undone and slightly open with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He appears so casual and calm, a cool sexiness that instantly sparks heat low in your belly.
Your cup is almost to your lips, pausing as you gaze at him. In this moment—this fleeting second—Price’s gaze finds you. He winks. Smirks. Returns to the conversation.
Your heart drops into your stomach, and you nearly drench the front of your linen dress with red punch.
Glancing away, you only find the rest of Price’s team. Kyle Garrick, John MacTavish, and Simon Riley loiter near the deck. Kyle and Johnny talk, their faces animated and engaged. Simon stands with his arms crossed, but he’s not listening.
He’s staring at you, those dark eyes of his piercing you down to your marrow.
It’s silly, really, how all four of them make your stomach flip. How they each in turn seem to awaken something dark and primal in your blood.
While it doesn’t shame you in the least, you have flirted with all of them. It’s hard not to. Price is the one you see the most, and always makes an effort to stop by to see you if he has business with Laswell. Kyle, Johnny, and Simon all have to go out of their way to see you, but they do it. Often.
And it’s not just the flirting or sultry glances. You’ve allowed them each a touch or two. Of the four, you gave Johnny permission to kiss you. It was chaste. Quick. Nothing that curls the toes. But it turned his face beet-red.
But being with any of them is just a fantasy. It’s unprofessional. And you don’t need to know what Laswell might think of you for taking any further action with them.
Sighing, you turn away from Simon’s penetrating stare. You knock back the red punch, the alcohol in it hardly registering on your tongue. Removing yourself is the best solution. Perhaps you could hide in the bathroom for a bit. Splash some cold water on your face.
Depositing the empty plastic cup in the nearest trashcan, you head for the patio, passing the buffet and open bar, striding inside through the open kitchen doors. You nod in acknowledgement to a few people there, and they match it, but they immediately return to their conversations, not all that interested in your presence.
The nearest bathroom is just off the kitchen, but you want to hide. You aim for the hallway with the intent of entering the bathroom at the very end. No one is really using it, and it’s the perfect place to catch your breath.
As you reach out for the golden bathroom handle, a large hand shoots out, encasing your wrist, haling all movement. You turn sharply, ready to bite back at the man who decided it’s okay to touch you without your permission, only to freeze.
Your eyes widen as you realize who the hand belongs to.
“John,” you whisper. You didn’t even hear him approach. He completely snuck up on you.
“Where you off to?” he asks softly. He looks a little concerned, but there is something else under all of that.
While you want to answer his question, to give in a bit, you don’t enjoy being grabbed.
“Is that your business?” you reply, arching one eyebrow, chest heaving slightly as your heartrate quickens.
John’s head tilts slightly, his gaze assessing for a moment. The two of you are locked in, and you’re not sure if you’ve completely fumbled the exchange. John releases you from his stare but he doesn’t release your wrist.
Instead, he glances over his shoulder, and you follow the movement. Right there, in the hall, are three familiar people.
Kyle and Johnny casually lean against the wall while Ghost stands in the middle, watching the opening of the hallway.
You’re not frightened. Not afraid. If anything, you’re becoming slick between the thighs. There is a reason they’re here, and you want to explore what it is.
Price’s gaze returns to you and his gaze is soft. “Do you want it to be my business?”
You press in a bit, and Price’s mouth forms into a self-satisfied grin. “Does it include all four of you?” you counter.
“It can.”
His grip tightens slightly. The hold is almost desperately possessive.
What the hell. You should just do it. Have some fucking fun for once. If anything, this will be the one and only time. Get this ridiculous need out of your system all at once and be done with them.
“Then make it your business,” you murmur.
Price’s grip remains firm as he pulls you away from the bathroom door. He spins you around, his free hand reaching out to open the door that’s across the hall from the bathroom. You hear the creak of the hinges as it swings inward, and then you’re walking backward into the room, Price herding you along.
Behind him follows Kyle. And behind Kyle, Johnny. Then, finally, Simon. He’s the last to enter the room and the one that shuts the door, locking it without even glancing at it. He leans against it, crossing his arms over his chest.
Once the door is shut, you expect Price to release you. But he doesn’t. He keeps hold of your wrist, drawing you against him, pinning your arm to your chest. With his other hand, Price clasps your chin between thumb and forefinger, keeping your face pointed in his direction.
“You want to back out?” he asks. “Just say the word. We’ll stop.”
Do you want to stop? No. Your blood is buzzing, nearly burning beneath your skin. You want to see where this goes, and how much you can take before you’re unable to understand reality.
“Nervous, Captain?”
He laughs, throaty and low before his lips come dangerously close to yours. “No, love. I like that you’re willing to share.”
Someone shifts behind Price’s shoulder. Your gaze starts to drift but he jerks you back to attention.
“You’ve been teasing us with that dress,” murmurs Price.
Releasing your wrist, Price drops his hand to lightly tug on the skirt of the linen dress you wear.
It’s incredibly comfortable. The color an off-white. It stops at about mid-lower thigh, a bit above the knee. The top of the dress is solid fabric back and front except for the straps which are crisscrossed, leaving your shoulders and arms mostly bare.
“Didn’t do it on purpose,” you reply just as softly.
Price makes a sound in his throat that goes straight to your pussy. “Somehow I believe that,” he chuckles, fisting your dress even tighter. It only pulls you closer, and even like this, you feel his hardness.
You’re so focused on Price that when another pair of hands join his, you almost jump. Price eases his hold on you a bit, and your body twists in the direction of these new hands. It’s Johnny. He has one hand on the back of your neck while the other plays with the hem of your dress. It’s just a gentle toying, one you don’t entirely notice until his fingers are slipping under it, brushing against your bare thigh.
“You want this? All of us?” Johnny sounds skeptical.
Your lips part at his question, the very image of them taking you one after the other only making you slicker.
You nod, chest heaving. “Yes.”
Price’s thumb brushes over your bottom lip, drawing your attention back to him. There is a pause—a second of breathing—and then he releases you. He walks backward toward the door as Simon moves away from it and Kyle closes in.
Johnny sidesteps, placing himself directly behind you. His hands slide over you, finding new homes. He wraps one around your waist, hand splaying wide over your pelvis. His other reaches down to dip beneath the hem of your dress just shy of your left leg.
You believe that Johnny is going to slide his hand between your clenched thighs. But he doesn’t. His arm hooks under your thigh, pressing up, lifting your foot from the floor. You’re forced to balance on your right foot. You instinctually reach up, grasping the back of Johnny’s neck.
But with Johnny’s support, you don’t topple over. His strength keeps you grounded.
With his hand on your pelvis, Johnny begins to bunch the fabric in his fist, lifting it away from your body. It is slow, almost agonizing in how all of their gazes are fixed on that one point.
You don’t need to see to know when you’re bare. You feel the air against you.
You are open for their inspection, and they do not appear disappointed. If anything, they’re fucking hungry.
“She’s wearing fucking nothing under there,” growls Simon, almost like he’s upset but doesn’t want to be.
“Teasing us on purpose,” says Price not to anyone in particular but to reiterate what he said early, that the dress is a tease, and this is just one more thing to add to it.
Simon moves, striding toward you like a predator. Slowly, his hand clasps the front of your neck, and you instinctually arch into Johnny. Kyle sinks to his knees before you.
“Gaz is gonna eat that pretty pussy,” murmurs Johnny in your ear. His breath is a whisper, sending a shiver down your spine. “And then we’re all going to fuck you. One after the other. Fill you with our cum. You want that, love?”
You crave them like a nourishing meal. Accepting won’t hurt. It’ll only fill the gap, satiating the thirst that boils in your blood.
“Yes,” you affirm, putting all the control in their hands now.
“Good girl,” growls Simon, gently squeezing, those dark eyes of his locking in on your parted lips.
Kyle’s hands are on your thighs. They rotate. Squeeze. Slide toward your hip bone.
“Look at that,” he says, absently. Kyle’s fingers lightly brush over your sex. Then, he is parting you with two fingers, and in that glide, you can hear just how wet you are.
“Hardly touched you,” croons Kyle, his mouth dangerously close to what’s aching for him.
He leans in, and goes in for a taste. It’s tentative. Testing. Just a little touch of his tongue against flesh. But it’s enough for your pussy to clench, for you to whimper as if he’s completely pressed his mouth to you.
“Fucking hell,” mutters Johnny. He nuzzles your neck, gaze downward.
You’re watching too. Everyone is. There is no point in hiding anything. You are spread open.
Kyle’s tongue dips again, this time tracing a line between his two fingers. He starts at your entrance, teasing it before moving upward to circle your clit slowly. He is languid about it. Taking his time like there isn’t a party happening just outside the door.
“Oh, you’re sweet, love,” he murmurs before going in fully.
There is no tracing of his tongue. It is only steady strokes and gentle flicks against your clit. Kyle knows what he’s doing. He knows to stick to a specific pace. To not change course. He feasts until your legs shake and it is only Johnny’s strength keeping you aloft.
The clench comes, shuddering outward. Your breathing intensifies, becoming desperate gasps as Kyle continues to work your clit. Simon still holds onto the front of your throat, and he does not let go.
“Look at me,” croons Simon, tilting your head in his direction. “At me. My eyes.”
Johnny murmurs sweet nothings against your throat as he watches Kyle lick and then suck your clit into his mouth.
Your hips buck against Kyle’s mouth as your orgasm consumes, absorbing all your strength, turning your muscles into sticky goo.
There are lips pressing against your inner thigh, and then Kyle’s voice drifts up from between your legs. “She’s ready.”
“But we aren’t,” replies Simon.
Johnny guides your leg down until your foot is flat again. From there, he presses on your shoulders, and you automatically sink to your knees.
“Be good and suck Gaz’s cock,” commands Simon as his hand slides from the front to the back of your neck.
Johnny steps back, his presence evaporating as Kyle undoes the front of his jeans. You are hungry. Feral. Desperate. The moment Kyle’s cock his free from his jeans, you’re reaching for him, sucking him down.
Kyle groans loudly, head tilting back as you throat him to the root.
“Fucking beautiful,” comes Johnny’s voice somewhere behind and to the right of you.
Simon grunts in agreement, his hand still firmly planted on your neck. His fingers dig into your hair, and even though you have some control, Simon has the rest.
He keeps you on your knees and your head still as Kyle thrusts shallowly into your mouth. You are wet between your thighs, the skin there rubbing against itself. Your hands rise to grab the front of Kyle’s jeans, but Johnny tuts, grasping both arms and holding them behind you.
“Breathe through your nose. Good girl. Like that.” These praises are all Simon, and you desperately want to please him.
You’re nearly still as Kyle claims your throat. But he’s careful. Thoughtful. He’s fucking your mouth yet he knows your limit. When your throat contracts, wanting to gag, he retreats until you’ve caught your breath, only to return to his pace from before.
“Fuck,” he mutters, abruptly pulling out of your mouth. You cough, saliva and cum coating your lips and chin. “Bend her over the edge of the bed.”
Johnny releases your arms and Simon is the one that helps you to your feet.
“Look at me,” says Simon, drawing you attention to his face. “You good?”
This can all end if you want it to, but you don’t. You’re not full. Not whimpering. You want them inside.
“I’m good,” and your answer is a bit raspy.
Simon nods and then he’s turning you around, his hands pressing on your back until you’re completely bent.
The bed is a bit high, and you have to go up on your toes. Your hands dig into the comforter, but you don’t feel stable. Not really.
There are hands on your thighs. They drive upward, flipping your dress up to expose your ass to the room. One of those hands comes down on the right cheek. It isn’t hard, just enough to bounce it.
“Open for us,” says Simon. You wiggle your hips, sliding your feet outward slightly. “More, love. Yes. Perfect.”
Simon shifts partially into view, and then he’s grabbing your forearms, holding you down to the bed itself. You have no idea who is behind you, but you feel the head of their cock at your entrance.
There is no condom, and you do not give a fuck. You want to feel each of them in turn, to feel them fill you up, to fuck each other’s cum deeper into you.
The head presses in. Enters. And then you’re being filled, being fed more and more until you’re stuffed. You moan loudly.
“Taking me so well,” groans Johnny as you clamp around him. “Bloody hell you’re tight.”
Johnny squeezes your ass, guiding your hips up slightly as he starts to drive in. The angle is deep, and your feet slide against the floor. He isn’t soft, but he’s not rough either. Johnny is steady, rolling his hips deep enough to hit that sweet spot.
You are soft. Pliant. Smiling against the comforter as Johnny fucks you. His soft grunts become gentle groans. Then his hips stutter, thrust forward, creating a seal. You feel his release flood your pussy, and you purposefully tighten those muscles, encouraging him to stay inside.
And Johnny does, for a moment.
He lightly pats your ass before withdrawing. The loss of him is immediate, and yet there is another ready to take his place. Simon does not move from his spot. You turn your head and find Price still leaning against the door. There is an apparent bulge in the front of his pants.
It is Kyle that settles behind you, and like Johnny, he finds the same rhythm. While Johnny felt girthy, Kyle is absolute perfection. The stretch is good but not too tight, and even though every stroke is pointedly deep, there is nothing but pleasure.
Kyle’s hand slips between the bed and your body. He finds your clit. Toys with it. Plays. You’re still a bit sensitive from your last orgasm, and the next one comes up suddenly. You cry out, squeezing on him as he finishes.
In that blissful state, you don’t notice Simon removing his hands from your forearms. It isn’t until he’s driving inside that you realize it, and you nearly come off the bed. Simon is absurdly large, and your back arches, fingers digging into the comforter as your groan into it.
Simon is not as gentle as them. He fucks their cum into you like he’s made to do so.
And Price is still off to the side. Still watching. Almost indifferent except for that outline in his pants.
Simon’s only tell is a low grunt before he too is finishing inside you.
You are overly stuffed. Full. Simon removes his cock from your pussy as their mixed cum begins to drip out onto your thighs.
You think Price will come. That he will take Simon’s place. Instead, you’re being moved, flipped onto your back. Your legs are brought up, and then Johnny is back, sliding home again. Simon stands to the right of him. He reaches out, runs his hand over your stomach before delving down to find your clit.
Simon circles it as Johnny’s cock pistons in and out of you, his hips smacking against yours sharply with each thrust. It isn’t long before the muscles in your body seize and then relax. Johnny doesn’t find his end until Simon has you clenching a second time.
Johnny steps back, a pleased grin on his face as he stuffs himself back into his pants. Your legs are weak noodles and you’re thankful for the bed beneath you.
Price pushes off from the door. He walks casually, his hands slowly undoing and then removing his belt. You push up onto your elbows, adjusting. Price observes you. His gaze is on your face and then it drops to your pussy.
Reaching out, Price runs his fingers through the mess between your legs.
“Mind if I add to that?” he asks, gaze returning to your face.
You smile and spread your legs wider.
“Good fucking girl,” he croons.
Price grasps your thighs and drags you to the edge of the bed. Shoving his pants down enough to free his cock, he rubs the head over the mess, coating himself in it.
He lines himself up, and then buries himself to the hilt. Your fingers dig into the bed and then reach for him. Price adjusts his grip on your thighs, pressing them up a bit and toward your chest.
You are at his mercy as he drives into you. The only sounds in the room are your breathy moans and the obscene wetness that is your pussy.
All those flirty invitations and teasing smiles has led to this. And you don’t entirely mind if this is all it is. That the five of you are just working it all out of your systems. You’re completely satisfied.
As Price’s thrusts becoming erratic, he lets go of your thigh only to grasp your throat. He leans forward as he brings you up off the bed. You are scrunched, and when his lips meet yours, you come undone just as he does.
You hang. Suspended. And then you’re melting into the soft comforter.
Someone is cleaning you up, wiping away the excess mess. And then you’re brought to your feet. Everything is unsteady as you focus on who it is holding you.
“Good? Or you need a minute?” Price’s palm runs over your hair, smoothing it.
“I need a minute,” you murmur, because it’s true.
Kyle, Johnny, and Simon all start to file out. With the balaclava you can’t discern Simon’s expression. But Kyle is smug. Content. Johnny is almost sheepish, his cheeks slightly flushed as they leave.
It is over. Done.
Price runs his thumb over your bottom lip. “If you ever want this again, you know where to find me.”
He leans forward as if to kiss you but instead brushes his lips against the curve of your cheek. He gives your hand a squeeze. A silent goodbye.
Then he too is gone. The door shut.
You place your hand over your chest and laugh as a trail of cum slips down the inside of your thigh.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @coffeecaketornado @miaraei
@cherryofdeath @sapphichotmess @saoirse06 @haven-1307 @ferns-fics
@spicyspicyliving @unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett @ravenpoe67 @tulipsun-flower
@sageyxbabey @cod-z @keiva1000 @littlemisscriesherselftosleep @umno-yeah
@mudisgranapat @ninman82 @blackhawkfanatic @contractedcriteria @talooolaaloolla
@sadlonelybagel @lxblm @beebeechaos @lifes-project @lulurubberduckie
@lovely-ateez @kidd3ath @leed-bbg @suhmie @jaggersinclair
@dakotakazansky @hantheconqueror @certainlygay @sammysinger04 @iloveslasher
@yawning-grave81 @ash-tarte @azkza @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi
@no-oneelsebutnsu @kayden666 @aykxz98 @soapyreaper @statixx-x
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thebigbadbatswife · 3 days
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My Adventures with Superman S2 | Ep2 | Superman’s Strength
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