yannights · 24 days
The Caged Truth
Yandere male X winged reader
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A/n: Hi, it has been a while, sorry for being absent but I am back with a new story. You can imagine any male character for this story, feel free to choose your favourite.
"A caged bird isn't a real bird. A real bird can fly. Those that are trapped lose all that makes them a bird."
Your statement came as a surprise, so surprising that it caught the attention of your captor as he was reaching to open the bedroom door and leave. He stopped, all movements faltered, and a deafening silence created a sense of unease that could almost make you sick. But you refused to show such emotions and patiently awaited his response. A few seconds went by, and the air started to thicken, as if it was warning you. Had you made a mistake? Had you spilled the wrong words? But you had only spoken the most honest truth. Surely he would understand, given the situation.
He slightly turned his head to the side, showing he was thinking about the words he was going to say in response.
"A bird with one wing chopped off cannot fly as well. Does that not make it a bird then?" He asked.
Those words were definitely ones you were not expecting. A simple question that nearly contradicted your own words. You felt stress rise as you tried to find a way to answer without leaving another opening, hoping to make a better point. You realized that the bedroom had now become an arena, where one of you would come out as the victor, and the other as the loser. Your mind raced desperately. If you gave no answer soon, then he would win, and you would face pure humiliation.
"But at least it is still free. Regardless of its disability, it may not fly, but it is outside, living and not confined..."
"But vulnerable." He interrupted.
Your form moved slightly backward as your eyes widened in shock. He turned around, and by doing so, you could have sworn the room darkened. He faced you with a stoic expression that nevertheless had an apologetic tint to it, as if he understood where you were getting at but was still convinced by his own ideal. He adavnced slowly. You instinctively backed away. He watched you while you avoided his gaze.
This lasted until your wings made contact with the cold wall behind you, which signified that it was short-lived. He finally came to a grounding halt as his chest was millimeters away from your form. He leaned forward and slowly reached his hand out towards you. You flinched, not knowing what he was going to do. You closed your eyes tightly but reopened them as soon as you felt the rough hand caress your left wing.
"A one-winged bird can never survive in this cruel world. It would die as soon as it is born," he said as his other hand reached out to touch your other wing, leaving you completely trapped in his hold, too afraid to move.
"Even a bird in its integrity can fly, eat, sleep, but can also die so easily as it has many predators hungrily watching it, as it has many arrows pointing ready to shoot it down, as it has ways to fall and die."
His hand movements stopped, and he let go of your wings. He moved one to your face and tilted it upwards to look into his stone-cold eyes.
"That is the price of freedom, a price I will not allow you to pay. That is why cages were made, to keep it safe."
The word "it" really meant "you," and you could see the sincerity behind his words. His stern expression softened ever so slightly, but yours only grew sadder.
"But at what cost?" you whispered, your voice trembling. "A life without freedom isn't a life at all. Can't you see that?"
His grip on your face tightened momentarily before he let out a long, weary sigh. "I can see it, but I cannot risk losing you. The world out there is merciless and unforgiving. Here, in this cage, you are safe. With me, you are safe."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you searched his face for any sign of relenting, and in the end, they only spilt down your face. He kissed your forehead as soon as he saw your sadness but did not wipe your tears away. Because tears are a sign of realization...
A realization that you would never leave his cage...
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yannights · 4 months
Am I the only one surprised about the lack of Yandere Wriothesley content?
Upon his first appearance in the "Ouverture", i was deeply exited to his full appearance, and when the drip marketing arrived I was bouncing off the walls.
I had always been a fan of Yandere content with the Genshin men, like Childe, Diluc and even Alhaitham, but i had finished all the Yandere content concerning these particular characters and upon laying eyes on Wriothesley, i knew that he would be added to the favourites. I couldn't bare a day without looking forward for the version 4.1 and meet the character and all the stories following with him.
However, despite the amazing fics out there, I was surprised to not see as many as I expected, because most of the fics leaned towards the " sweet devil's tango" side of things, and that may please a lot of people, but I thought it was kind of sad.
I think it is a missed opportunity, he has the prison, the isolation, the handcuffs and a unique personality setting him quite apart to the yandere genre.
This ultimately made me one of the people who sent out the most requests on Yandere Wriothesley. While I didn't force I did hint with a sledge hammer that he is indeed quite the interesting character in that sort.And upon having a lack of it now there's also pushed me to become a writer here so I guess you could say it's good somehow for me right.
I understand that portraying him like this is quite off upon further inspection on his personality. If he were to be reality he would never do such things but I find Yandere genre being different kind of au, and that the way he acts in those kind of things his entirely up to you. I'm also noticing quite the lack of genshin yandere lately so yes, you could say I'm also growing a little desperate myself.
You guys cannot imagine how much I thank all the people who have created fics on Yandere Wriothesley. There are so many good, that I recommend and I think Yandere Genshin writers a should give him a try even if it's short. There are so many things about the character in self that digs deeper than ocean.
I'm not forcing anybody to write about him just for my entertainment if people want to write about him they write about him and if they don't that's fine too but it was just to say that I was actually quite surprised to see that not many people wrote about him. Even though he has quite the big audience I still actually think he's quite underrated.
So yeah hope you enjoyed
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(Also, he is handsome soooooo...)
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yannights · 4 months
First time posting art here!
A little sketch using "toxic love " as a theme. (Based on Yandere content)
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For those who don't understand l, I'm basically portraying a toxic relationship as a drawing. In this case I drew the victim...
Hope you like it~~
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yannights · 4 months
Hi there, I was wondering for Yandere Genshin men, what pet names would they use for their darlings?
Ooh excellent question my friend, my personal answer is right here ↓
I can envision Diluc affectionately referring to you as "Angel," drawing a connection to the Angels Share, his tavern. Given his gentlemanly demeanor, he'd likely use "Darling" as a classic pet name.
Childe, on the other hand, would have a variety of endearing terms, with "Princess" being one of his favourites, reflecting his view of his lover as someone deserving of royal treatment. He'd also use "Angel" but might playfully tease you with "Angel face" to evoke your adorable reactions.
Alhaitham's endearing terms are as complex as his personality, but among them, "darling" and "love" seem to be the ones he gravitates towards most frequently.
Kaeya, with his playful and mischievous nature, would undoubtedly bestow upon his beloved the nickname "kitten" and "sweet cheeks".It's a term that captures both his admiration for your grace and agility, as well as his penchant for teasing and playful banter.
In all honesty I think Wriothesley could use anything since he is not fussed, but with his sophisticated charm and refined mannerisms, would choose to address his beloved with endearments like "babe" and "sweetheart" to evoke a sense of comfort and closeness.
Zhongli and Neuvillette, embodying elegance and grace, prefer to express their love with classic endearments like "love" and "my love" and even "beloved".
Hope that answers it~~~
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yannights · 4 months
Hi, I love your Wriothesley work!I was wondering what would happen if reader tried to hurt Wriothesley during an outburst? Would he be mad or brush it of?
Thank you for the request!!! I love it so much that I think a serves as a great prequel for my "Depth " series, so I wrote a little story around it, and I hope it answers your question
Wriothesley is not a brute, he is not completely delusional either. He is fully aware of how his actions affect you and he knows that you hate him for it. So he allows you keep the dignity you desire, he lets you sleep on the floor, he leaves you to bath alone. However nothing stops him from loving you. Your presence is all he needs from you. He is what can be can considered as a 'chill dude' if you get mad at him, he will mostly like try to brush it off if notihing is at stake. For instance if you demand to go out, he will most likely refuse since he doesn't trust the other inmate's around to not pull a stunt with you.
The more time passes, the more he craves more from you. Your approval, your love. Everything he wants is within your grasp, so he will indulge it from time to time. He will demand hugs, or a kiss, and despite your rejection, he enjoys and cherishes these moments. So, as the days pass, the tantrums will start to get irritating, despite his composure, he will start to feel angry at you for not advancing your relationship as he pleases, and if things escalate to a braking point, he will take action.
As Wriothesley sat at his desk, the weight of his responsibilities pressed down upon him, each signature on the papers before him a reminder of the endless demands of his position as the duke. Despite the tranquility of the day, the constant stream of complaints and regulations left him feeling drained and weary.
You, on the other hand, sat on the couch nearby, a comforting presence amidst the chaos of his duties. With a cup of vanilla tea in hand, which Wriothesley had prepared it especially for you, a small gesture of 'kindness' amidst the hustle and bustle of the day. As you sipped the fragrant tea, its soothing warmth washed over you, providing a momentary respite from the stresses of your position. As you took another sip of the vanilla tea, a sudden vision flashed before your eyes. You found yourself sitting in a café, savoring the same tea as the sun set in the distance. The memory of that simpler time lingered, a bittersweet reminder of the life you once knew before returning to Wriothesley's office.
This reality boiled you with pure rage, you aggressively put the cup down onto the table. As Wriothesley observed your sudden outburst, a faint smirk played across his lips, though he made no overt comment. The silence only fueled the fire of your rage, simmering beneath the surface as you struggled to contain it. Wriothesley on the other hand wanted to see how far your limits would go, so he decided he would partake in a little game.
"Well, well," he began, his voice dripping with mock concern, "it seems our little tea break has taken a rather dramatic turn, hasn't it?" His taunting tone only served to stoke the flames of your anger, the heat of it pulsating through every fiber of your being.
Without a word, you snatched another cup from the tray and hurled it in his direction with all the force you could muster. But Wriothesley was quick to react, dodging the projectile by leaning to his left. A visible unpleased looked appeared on his face. Exhausted and annoyed by your actions, Wriothesley slowly stood up from his desk, and looked down at you with a stone cold expression, intensifying his icy gaze from his frozen coloured eyes. With furrowed eyebrows, Wriothesley could no longer hide the pain arising from your attitude, and had finally decided he would have proper discussion about your childish behaviour.
"My, my," he chuckled though the anger in his eyes unmistakable, "someone's feeling rather spirited today, aren't they? "
So yeah, for me, he would probably try and talk to you first. Unlike a lot of fanfics, I don't think he resort to violence with darling, maybe intimidation. Like I said he's a chill guy, he would either brush it off or just results to a non-lethal way of showing that what you are doing isn't good. But everyone has a limit, right. So if you do manage to make him angry which is rare he would probably try and talk it out and then find another solution if it's not working.
Hope you enjoyed~~~~
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yannights · 4 months
Dance of Blood and Frost
Pairing: Yandere Tartaglia x reader
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A/n: first fic on Childe,let's go!
Warning: trigger warning, blood, panic attack, prolonged imprisonment, obsessive behaviour, yandere themes.
Walking in snow can feel torturous, as each step becomes a battle against the biting cold, with icy crystals seeping into your boots like relentless invaders, numbing your toes and slowing your progress to a painful crawl. The once pristine white landscape transforms into a treacherous obstacle course, where every misstep risks a slippery slide or a sudden plunge into the freezing depths below. Each gust of wind feels like a slap to the face, driving snowflakes mercilessly into every exposed inch of skin, leaving you feeling raw and exposed to the unforgiving elements. As the snow continues to fall, obscuring your path and muffling the world around you in an eerie silence, the seemingly endless struggle becomes a test of endurance, pushing you to your physical and mental limits until the only thought that remains is the desperate longing for warmth and shelter.
As the minutes into hours, the journey through the snow feels never-ending, each step a laborious effort as exhaustion sets in, weighing heavy on your limbs already burdened by the cold. Time seems to warp, distorting reality as the relentless white landscape blurs into a monotonous expanse of indistinguishable terrain. Every passing moment feels like an eternity, with no end in sight, and the once vibrant world now reduced to a desolate, icy wasteland. The anticipation of reaching your destination becomes a distant dream, overshadowed by the harsh reality of the present struggle. And yet, despite the overwhelming urge to surrender to the numbing embrace of the snow, a flicker of determination remains, driving you forward against all odds, clinging to the hope that somewhere beyond the horizon lies the warmth and comfort you so desperately crave.
"Her majesty has assigned with quite a difficult task," he said.
You were sitting on the couch soullessly looking at the floor, lost in a sea of swirling thoughts and emotions, yet your expression remained unhindered and unbothered by his words. These were the consequences of being in captivity for the past month, stuck with the eleventh fatui harbinger. Each day spent in captivity felt like a lifetime, the walls of your prison closing in with each passing moment. The Ajax's presence loomed over you like a shadow, his cold gaze piercing through the facade of defiance you tried so desperately to maintain. Standing by the kitchen counter, he moves closer to you with a smile you wish you could wipe off his face. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he settled himself beside you, and despite your instinct to move away, a firm hand gripped your shoulder, causing you to gasp in surprise. Your attempt to move was futile as his touch restrained your movements, while his other hand firmly grasped yours. He placed his head beside your ear and whispered
"Are you not curious to know what it is? Common, I know you are at least wondering what it consists of, ask me what it is"
You tried to ignore his demand, you had no interest in his little story. However, the hand that held yours shifted towards your chin, seizing it firmly and guiding it to turn, forcing you to face him. You were met by his blue eyes, reflecting a dark abyss of emptiness, no light entered or reflection could be spotted.
"Ask me" he demanded with a colder tone sending chills to your spine. You didn't have a choice but to surrender.
"Wh..What do-o you have t-to do? You stuttered
"I am glad you asked! He mockingly said. Pleased with your question, he let go your chin and turned around to lay his back on the couch, you only wished he could move his other hand.
"You see, a few bandits are indebted to the fatui, and have fled for shelter. The Fatui agents have had trouble locating them and every time a trace is found, they have already fled to another foreign region. This has been going on for 3 weeks now and they are still running around just waiting to be caught. That is why I am being sent off to track them. I am going to have to be more vigilant and careful, I can't lose them as well and fail the Tsarista now, can I? So I am leaving Shneznaya for a couple of days and find them, and when I do... well, you know the rest"
You tried hiding your shock when you heard the words "leaving for a couple of days". Ever since your arrival, never had he been gone for more than two days. A sudden feeling of excitement expanded from head to two. Your heart raced with the possibilities that opened up at that moment. The prospect of his absence ignited a spark of hope within you, fueling your determination to seize this opportunity for escape. As your mind raced with plans and possibilities, you carefully concealed your growing excitement, lest he sense your intentions and thwart your efforts. Despite your growing joy, you remembered currently, that you still had to play the role of his perfect little spouse and forced yourself to ask him where he was going exactly.
"The last few traces indicated that they are in Liyue, so I will pay my visits to Liyue Harbor. Nothing new of course. Why, is my little bunny that eager to come with me?" He says taunting you.
A small feeling of panic started to invade you. You forced a tight smile, trying to maintain composure despite the panic rising within you.
"Just thought a change of scenery might be nice," you replied, your voice wavering slightly. His taunting tone only fueled your anxiety, knowing that any sign of weakness could jeopardize your escape plans.
As he continued to jest, you struggled to keep your emotions in check, the weight of his words bearing down on you like a leaden cloak. With each passing moment, the panic threatened to overwhelm you, clawing at the edges of your mind as you desperately sought a way to regain control of the situation. But deep down, beneath the facade of false bravado, a flicker of determination remained. You refused to let fear dictate your actions, clinging to the hope that his trip to Liyue Harbor could be the key to your freedom.
"As much as I would love to have you by my side, unfortunately, this task remains dangerous, and I won't be gone for too long if that is what you are worried about."
Outwardly, you forced a placid smile, nodding along as he outlined the details of his departure. Inside, however, a storm raged, a torrent of fear and desperation threatening to consume you whole. And as he prepared to leave for Liyue Harbor, you knew that the time for action was drawing near, as you plotted your daring escape from the clutches of your captor.
Hours stretched into eternity as you were forced to gaze out at the endless expanse of white that enveloped the landscape. The monotony of the scene weighed heavily on your soul, each passing moment an agonizing reminder of your captivity. The snow-covered lanes stretched on indefinitely, devoid of any signs of life or hope, and felt like you had not moved a single mile. You were 2 seconds away from collapsing from your weak state. Questions start to invade your mind like parasites, questioning your actions. Are you going to make it? Was this worth it? Was this the end? Despite your warm clothes and your pre-organized plan, your determination was fading away. You halted your movements and played back on the nearest tree to try and fix your broken state. You took a painful but reassuring breath to calm yourself and not let your escape go to waste. He was supposed to come back to the cabin in two days which would leave you still enough time to be long gone, all you had to do was strong and keep going. You decided to rest a bit to recuperate your force and find the nearest shelter to rest for the soon upcoming night. After a couple of minutes of coming to your senses, you placed your hand on the tree as support to put yourself back on track. But near your hand came an arrow that plunged into said tree near your hand.
Your heart skipped a beat as your hand brushed against something hard and cold, sending a shiver down your spine. With trembling fingers, you traced the outline of the arrow embedded in the tree trunk, its presence a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked in the surrounding wilderness. Fear gripped you in its icy embrace as you realized the gravity of the situation upon recognizing the arrow's design. Ajax was out there, watching and waiting with what you estimated a deadly intent.
The arrow served as a chilling warning, a silent threat that spoke volumes about the perils that awaited you beyond. With a surge of panic, you stumbled backward, your heart pounding in your chest as you frantically scanned the snowy landscape. Through the swirling snow, a figure emerged, its form obscured by the wintry mist, steadily advancing towards you. Every fiber of your being screamed for you to flee, to escape the approaching threat before it was too late. With trembling legs, you turned and bolted, your footsteps muffled by the blanket of snow beneath you. Each breath burned in your lungs as you sprinted through the icy terrain.
The noise of an arrow slicing through the air is a sharp, piercing sound, slicing through the tree ahead of you, you could only endure it until you had created a safe distance between the two of you. As you continued to flee, adrenaline pumping through your veins, a sudden, searing pain shot through your leg like a lightning bolt, causing you to cry out in agony. The world spun around you as you stumbled, your vision blurring with tears as the pain radiated through every fiber of your being. Your blood painted the pure colour of snow and you fell into its icy comfort. Every movement sent shockwaves of agony rippling through your body.
Despite the excruciating pain, you forced yourself to press on, driven by the primal instinct to survive at any cost. With gritted teeth and sheer determination, you pushed through the pain and crawled your way forward. Yet, the glimmer of hope that remained was slowly fading as you heard footsteps coming closer behind you.
" You know, had you trained in a form of martial arts, you would have been a great warrior. Your fighting spirits pushing even in the strongest of battles, never giving up" he said.
You were momentarily stunned by his unexpected words, the pain in your leg momentarily forgotten as you processed his unexpected praise. But as his footsteps drew nearer, the weight of his words settled over you like a heavy shroud.
"However, every warrior has its limits, and when faced with stronger opponents, they must learn to give up"
His words cut through you like a knife, sapping the last remnants of hope from you. The weight of his dismissal settled over you like a suffocating blanket, extinguishing the flicker of defiance that had burned within you. As his footsteps drew nearer, a sense of resignation washed over you, knowing that resistance was futile in the face of overwhelming power. With a heavy heart, you lowered your gaze, your spirit broken by his words of condemnation. Every fiber of your being screamed in protest, yearning for a glimmer of hope in the darkness that threatened to consume you.
His footsteps came to a grounding halt as his shadow cast over you, suffocating you with its oppressive weight.
"I'm surprised you bought into my little story, I thought you were smarter than that," he sneered, his voice dripping in mockery. The revelation hit you like a blow to the gut, the bitter taste of betrayal flooding your senses. He kneeled in front of you, looking down at your pathetic form.
"But I am glad we could have a little fun with this game of cat and mouse," he continued, his tone laced with a twisted sense of satisfaction. "Maybe this will be a good message that no matter the act of defiance, action, and many more, I will always find you."
His words sent a chill down your spine, the implication sinking in like a lead weight in your stomach. Despite your best efforts to escape, it seemed that he held all the cards, his grip on you unyielding and unrelenting. As his words echoed in the icy air, a wave of dizziness washed over you, threatening to pull you into the depths of unconsciousness. Your vision blurred and the world spun. With a soft groan, you collapsed to the ground, your limbs heavy and unresponsive. Through the haze of pain and exhaustion, you felt strong arms scoop you up, cradling you against a chest that radiated warmth in the cold. As consciousness slipped further from your grasp, you surrendered to the darkness, the rhythmic sound of footsteps lulling you into a fitful slumber. And as you drifted into oblivion, you couldn't help but wonder what trials awaited you on the other side, and if you would ever find the strength to break free from the chains that bound you to him.
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yannights · 4 months
Requests are open!
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While I haven't been on this app for a long time, I am already out of ideas. So if any of you have good ideas I am willing to write for you scenarios you would like to see if they follow the rules which you can check on my page.
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yannights · 4 months
A Song from the Depth
Pairing: Yandere Wriothesley x reader
Part 1 Part 2
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A/n: I'm very sorry this took long I had lot to do but I finally finished it and tried improving it from the first one
Warning: possessive and obsessive behaviour, prolonged imprisonment, language, threats, manhandling.
Awakening, your head echoed with a rhythmic ache, muscles weighed down by fatigue. The darkness cradling you held a small radiance, enough to unveil the room in which you found yourself lying. The bedroom... Or rather...his bedroom. "After a brief interlude of regaining your composure, you tried to move your limbs to sit up, however, your hands wouldn't budge. You tried again, but your movement was restricted, something prevented them from leaving your back and created the small sound of rattling metal. You tried to wiggle around to see what was going on, but you put the pieces together and everything made more sense. Those fucking handcuffs, oh you wished you could shove them up his...
A sound from beyond the door jolted you back to the present, prompting your body to instinctively freeze, avoiding any movement that might betray your presence with even the faintest noise. You could hear echoes similar to those of footsteps, and only you and the other inmates could recognize the song of steel boots hitting the metal floor. It was Wriothesley. Could you not enjoy a moment of peace without his presence breathing down your neck, albeit an explanation for the situation would be useful? Because no matter how hard you tried, you could not recall the reasoning for the position you currently found yourself in, it was all just a blur. The last thing you did remember was sitting on the bed in the dark, and you believed he was in front of you, however attempting to delve deeper into memories only plunged you into an abyss of emptiness. Your thoughts went silent once the echoes came to a grounding halt and the sound of rattling metal could be heard from outside. The ominous click of the door reverberated through the stillness, sending a shiver down your spine as your heartbeat quickened to an erratic rhythm. Paralyzed by fear, the thought of confronting him now seemed an insurmountable terror. The chilling realization that your very presence in this situation signaled a profound and irreversible error, a message that you had fucked up badly somehow. You quickly positioned yourself lying on the bed and closed your eyes as if you were still asleep, you thought that maybe he would leave you alone and then this would give you more time to grapple with the situation, maybe if you were quick enough you can find something to defend yourself. While the scenario was highly unlikely, near impossible, you still wanted to take any chance to avoid what was coming. You heard a squealing sound indicating that the door was opening. Cold sweat accumulated but you tried to keep your composure, slowing down your shaky breath, and dared not to open your eyes as a glimmer of light invaded the room. Heavy footsteps connected with the floor followed by deep huffs, the sound of metal could be heard from his suit as he walked closer. From the noises you heard, you believed that he had taken off his coat, but what caught you off guard was the sudden weight added on the bed's side, the mattress creaked, and you were forced to slightly tilt towards where he was sitting. Despite the sudden stress, you still managed to keep the act up and stay calm. You heard a low sigh, which sounded like he was exhausted, which was not uncommon knowing that he worked a lot to administer the fortress of Meropide. A couple of dreadful moments passed by in the dark, Wriothesley did not budge much to your displeasure, pretending to sleep with your captor next to you was extremely hard, but you told yourself that if you could keep this just a bit longer maybe he'd leave, you knew you could not keep this up forever, but right now, you just wanted to be alone and not have to endure what he wanted to do to you.
"I know you're awake sweetheart.."
Your eyes widened at his words. He knew, of course, he knew, what were you thinking, of course that creep would know that you were faking it. You turned your head to look at him, and you were met by a tired smirk plastered on his face facing you, looking down at you.
" If you truly want to fool me, you'll have to take deeper and longer breaths, I could hear the stress and fear every time you exhaled, which shouldn't be the case, right?"
Was he mocking you? Did he still not understand why you were afraid. You tried to protest but the words that came out were muffled and were far from understandable. You stopped in confusion and now noticed that you had a cloth strapped around your mouth, playing the role of a gag, stopping you from properly talking. You understood that no matter how hard you tried, he wouldn't listen to you because he wouldn't understand, which was intentional on his part. All you could do now was listen to him, and await judgment.
" Well, now that you are awake, there is no point in keeping you waiting, since you're finally ready to listen, let me explain what's in store"
Your heart raced, like a sprinting heartbeat, unsure of the unfolding scene. Questions lingered, but you were unable to ask. You wore a confused expression to try and give him a hint of your current disorientation state.
" I was deeply unimpressed with your behavior yesterday, gave quite the scare too. And here I thought we were...."
He stopped in his tracks as he took a proper look at your face, noticing your more evidently confused face. It did not take him long to put the pieces together.
"You do know what happened yesterday, right? He asked
You glared at him, your eyes conveying a gentle disagreement as you shook your head in response. He gave a low chuckle to your answer.
"Oh? well then..."
He placed an arm beside your head as support and leaned closer to you. You closed your eyes and let out a small squeal, thinking he was going to kiss you, but you were stunned not only by the proximity beside your ear but also by the chilling breath that left you shivering as if a cold breeze had swept through the moment.
"...Allow me to refresh your memory, darling."
The next words that came out of his mouth awakened your nearly forgotten memories, which made you witness the scenes play out.
" Fuck you"
The twirling stopped and the world went silent.
A few excruciating moments passed by of you two staring into each other's eyes, you could feel the icy gaze of his cold, blue eyes. A small smile formed on his face as he slightly looked down, which was far from a good sign.
" I have to admit that I have always admired your stubbornness." He said, "Back on the surface, when I first saw you, I remember seeing you at a cafe, you were fighting with a worker on paying for the cup of tea you had purchased after they offered it for free as a thank-you for your help in cleaning up their mess..."
The words 'back on the surface' stirred a blend of sadness and nostalgia within you, knowing very well why you were no longer up there. Despite this feeling, you also felt very confused as to why he was telling you this, one minute ago he was mad at you for misbehaving. This situation heightened your discomfort; you wished for his actions to be more predictable than this. However, you internally admitted that it was a rare occasion to see him frustrated. Typically, when disobeyed or screamed at, he would respond with a smile and a casual shrug it off. However, this sudden change of attitude was a direct indication that he was growing tired of your behaviour. Despite his increased recognizability now, you interpreted it more as a warning to cease, or the next response might not be as forgiving. This realization, however, didn't alter the inevitable consequences of insulting him on this late evening.
"However, he continued. It's not going to help either of us. I am sorry, but it's time for me to take action on this matter. I was nice once, twice, you can still consider me nice now."
He advanced, bringing the handcuffs along with him, and extended his arm to snatch yours. You took a step back but ended up hitting the office door behind you, you were completely trapped. However, as he was ready to grab hold of you, both of your movements stopped as a familiar voice came from outside, followed by three loud knocks.
"Your Grace, are you alright?"
You stared into each other's eyes once more until you realised, a person... yes PERSON! You quickly turned around, ready to scream for help, however a large hand enveloped your mouth, muffling your screams as you tried to beg for help. You struggled against his grasp, disbelief, and anger fueling your resistance. His grip tightened, crushing any hope of escape, and you felt the weight pressing down on you.
"Give me one moment Wolsey," Wriothesley said loudly.
No wonder the voice sounded familiar, it was Wolsey, the person in charge of the fortress's cafeteria. When you first arrived in the fortress, you weren't immediately snatched away by Wriothesley, you had spent two days as a normal inmate and had in total of 4 meals from the cafeteria where you first met Wolsey. From what you remembered, his food could be as delicious as the ones served in 5-star restaurants to a meal out of a trash bag.
You tried to fight your captor's strong grip, but that proved to fail miserably. However, you managed to bite hard on his hand, causing him to falter his hand in pain and a bit of blood spilled. You were once more prepared to scream until you heard a small growl beside your ear and a sharp pain landed on your head causing your vision to blur and slowly fade away into darkness...."
" So after that I told Wolsey that your banging on the door was instead me fixing a screw with my bare hands, we spoke about the food supply that was supposed to arrive today but didn't, so I had to deal with that and I don't know about you but I am exhausted."
As he delivered those lines, he pushed himself back up to get a proper look at your face and smirked when he saw your expression. Now, with the context in mind, you observed the small bandage on his hand from where you had bitten him, confirming the truth in his words. You feared what he was going to do, and you asked yourself many questions, was this the punishment? Has it not started? What is going to happen? In your panicked state, your breath started to quicken and become louder.
" So here is what is going to happen. Since you were acting like a child, I might as well treat you like one. In the upcoming days and more depending on your state, you are stripped of the privileges you had. You decided to insult me call me a monster as well as bite me, you will not need that mouth anymore. You decided to run and nearly let others know our little secret, then you will remain here, where I can be sure you are exactly where you should be. On the bright side, you will finally be sleeping on a bed and not the floor."
Your fear transformed into pure rage. You clamped down on the gag with even more force, your eyes narrowing with intensity, and your fists clenched tightly as you channeled your furry.
"What's with that expression? If you hadn't acted like that, you wouldn't be like this. I can't stand seeing you putting yourself in danger, which is why I'm here. I know you might not appreciate it, but I need you to realize that everything I do is because I love you. Your recklessness is jeopardizing that, unfortunately. It's time for you to move on, and perhaps if you're willing to move forward, I'll grant you a glimpse of sunlight."
Despite only catching half of the speech due to irritation, the mention of sunlight sparked sudden excitement within you. The thought of seeing the sun again made you feel as if a heavy curtain of darkness was slowly being lifted, revealing a world bathed in radiants, unlike the profound chasm of solitude you found yourself.
" Well then, it's time to rest." He said. Wriothesley slapped his hands onto his thighs as support to get up and started to undress. You looked away, thinking about his words. If you wanted to be smart, you would have to play his game and hope to see the sunlight. While the thought of being nice and being the perfect little girlfriend for him made you internally sick, you knew that escaping to the surface was going to be hard on your own. The sound of his trousers hitting the floor snapped you back to reality. He was now only wearing a pair of boxers, exposing the rest of his body with black bandages and scars. He moved to the other side of the bed to settle in with you. You tried to move away but a large hand grabbed your shoulder for you to stay put, while he played down beside you and covered himself up. He slowly used his arms to envelop you in a firm embrace. Your skin touching made you cringe and uncomfortable, but remembering the thought of sunlight instantly made you stop. This was going to be a long procedure, you knew you said you were never going to submit to him, but it was your only chance to get what you wanted, and you needed a strategy to get you out. Patience was all you needed.
"Oh and by the way, he whispered. If you ever do that again, consider the next punishment as less forgiving as this one."
The words that came out were like a haunting melody, stirring within you a primal urge to scream along to his twisted song.
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yannights · 4 months
Currently writing part 2 of "a monster from the depth" with yandere Wriothesley, sorry if it is taking long a long time, I am trying to improve my writing from th the first one.
Although here is a title sneak peak :) ->
A Song from the Depth
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yannights · 5 months
These kinds of art make wish he had fangs
Love this art!!!! Go see the users art↑
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yannights · 5 months
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Ok, Sampo is a character that caught my eye in the beginning of hrs, and I would love to write something about him, but he was so mysterious that I did not want to jump into conclusions. I believed ( like a lot of theorists) that he was a follower of Aha the Aeon of Elation, but I am pretty sure that that will be confirmed in 2.0 ( again i am just guessing) after seeing the trailer. For me, he stand out as a character, his unique personality, his odd nature, it would very interesting.
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yannights · 5 months
Welcome 🤗
Hello my name is yanNights, but you can call me Yann. I am a Tumblr writer who focuses on yandere short stories genre. The main media I revolve around is:
Main focus
→ Genshin Impact
→Honkai Star rail
(can add more in the future)
I write stories that on the yandere aspect, but there are limitations to how far I can go, which are the following:
× incest
× pedophilia
× racism
×sexual content ( implied is ok)
× religion
Request rules:
My requests will be open, please do not ask anything related to the words above, otherwise I will not write about it.
Small notes: If I am writing for a request, it will be smaller than when I do more independent work. However there might be a possibility that this will not apply because of an incredible idea.
Will try and answer as many questions if their are any, just please do send anything absurd (mostly on what I will not right indicated above)
That is all...
Enjoy ~~~
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yannights · 5 months
A Monster from the Depth
Pairing: Yandere Wriothesley x reader
Part 1 Part 2
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A/n: this is my first time publishing a story so it may not be as good as future ones, there are many mistakes and problems with the tense. But I am still happy I was able to publish so enjoy!( I am not sure wether to do a part 2 or not)
Warning: Obsessive behaviour, forced imprisonment, intimation, angst, language, panic attack
"You know you can't keep this up forever, right?" he says with a cold expression which was uncharacteristic of him.
You just looked at the floor from the bed and just prayed he would leave you alone. A suffocation silence invaded the room, he was standing in front of you, arms crossed, staring down at your form. You on the other hand, were sitting on the edge of the bed, avoiding his gaze and just stared downward. The darkness contributed to the agonizing atmosphere, however, a small ray of light from outside his bedroom going through the slightly open door that he didn't close properly could be seen. You refused to give him any kind of attention he was longing for, you would not give him what he wanted, since he couldn't care less about what you wanted. Wriothesley was like the devil to you, and definitely had the looks that couldn't convince you otherwise. You were just an angel flying through Fontaine freely until this monster had the audacity to love you and poisoning you in the process. Now you're stuck down below in a place you like to call hell. It was a dark cold place, with you chained to a man you once thought as a gentleman, if only you could have known back then, maybe, just maybe you could have avoided this.
"I've been thinking, your behaviour and attitude have long past their limit. It's been a month and I think it's about time you drop the act. Sulking isn't going to get you anywhere, you are aware of that."
What a joke, is he really that delusional, he can't be serious! Is he really treating you like some kind of child, like this was a sort of tantrum, and an act! As much as you tried to hide your thoughts, your face couldn't stop but slightly change, brows furrowing and biting your lip. He takes notice of this, a small deep sigh escapes his mouth and his arms drop. His hand slowly approaches your face, it takes a moment to realise what he is trying to do, by the time you do notice his index finger already lifts your chin up to get a proper view of your face. This unsurprisingly makes sick, you cringe over the gesture and instantly move backwards and hit the headboard of the bed, quietly hissing at him in the process, like a cat. His eyebrows jolt upwards and his mouth slightly opens, surprised by your action. You could see in that moment his eyes darken
" I have been so nice to you, have I not ?" he says with a deep, cold voice. He starts moving forward around the bed, slowly approaching your cowering form.
"I have endured your little tantrums these past weeks, knowing that it would take time for you to settle in. I have given you what you needed to adapt to this because I am fully aware that this is far from what you want, I am not blind that fact. I have fed you, cleaned, made sure everything was comfortable for you. But you treat me like a monster.."
"That's because you are one!" You shout stepping off of the opposite side of the bed. His movement halts and his face goes back the surprised look he had a few seconds ago, taken aback by the sudden outburst. This was by far the biggest act of defiance yet.
" Do you not realise the torture I have to go through every day when I am with you. You stripped me of everything I possessed. You accused me of a crime I didn't commit, forcing me to go down to the fortress just to be confined in here, i don't even get to go out with the other inmates! What respect do I owe you when the man standing in front of me a selfish pathetic monster ruining my life. How do you expect me to ever love that! I want to go home, I want to be as far away from you you sick freak!"
As you stopped to get a breath, you notice Wriothesley face start to darken, eyebrows frowning and his teeth starting to clench, not to mention that his hands balling into fists. That is when you realised that you had made a big mistake...
"A monster you say? He chuckled with a small smirk appearing. "No, no you haven't seen a monster, sweetheart. But if that is how you perceive me, then I might as well give you a reason to, hm? If that is what you truly desire of course. Is this what you want, a monster?
His movement started slowly moving around the bed. You started to panic, fear englobing you. What was he going to do with you, had you really cross the line with this. You turn your head searching, looking for a way to get aways before he could trap you. That is when you see, the door is still open, if you are quick enough you can go to his office, his office door is usually unlocked when you are in here, maybe you can find someone out there that can help you. You jolt forward to the door, passing him in the process, he doesn't try and stop you but you were to caught up in the moment to care. You opened the bedroom door more and slammed it right behind you. You could feel your heart pounding, your breath turning into loud gasp as you run into his office, forcing your trembling legs to move. You went past his desk full of paperwork, knocking a few in the process. You reached the staircase, moving down and seeing the large door. You jumped three stairs and bolted into the door, taking the handle and forcing it down. But it didn't budge, it was stuck, blocked, as if it were locked.. No, no this can't happen to you. You started banging at the door as a pathetic attempt to have someone hear you from outside. You accumulated enough air to scream until.
"I must say, I am rather disappointed in you sweetheart"
You slowly turned your head, with wide eyes. He was on top of the staircase, one hand on the rail. Your heartbeat was two ounces away from ripping out of your chest, sweat developed and your body shaked against your will. You could here the echo from his steel coated boots hiting the metal stairs as he went down. And that is when you noticed the handcuffs twirling around his fingers. No not that...
" I am going to give you two options here. You either come back with me willingly, and we can discuss this properly. Or you make things difficult, and I force you myself, and I think that is something you would want to avoid since I'm such a scary monster, hm?" He says with a low but mocking tone. He was now standing in front, patiently awaiting your next move. You refused to submit yourself but was it really the smartest option. You could try and fight back or run the other way, but he was a professional boxer, who could easily body you, trap you, slam you against the wall, just the thought of it made you shiver. Wriothesley twirled the the handcuffs even faster, trying to provoque fear to 'help' you decide quicker. You were completely hopeless and weak, but surrendering yourself wasn't going to help you any better, you were still going to be stuck here, no matter what anwer you give, giving up is just going to let him obtain what he wants. You shouldn't let that happen. Your mind started pounding at the thoughts, racing to find a solution to save you.
"Well?" He asks while raising one eyebrow.
" Fuck you"
And that is when you figured it out, the answer he was long waiting for. You took a breath and stared into his eyes and said.
The twirling stopped and the world went silent
Wrong move...
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