acarnivalofstars · 3 years
Do you know where I can find the first part of Various Crossroad? Sorry for bother
The first few parts of Various Crossroads were a collaborative effort and thus subject to removal. Due to the wishes of my partner they have been deleted.
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acarnivalofstars · 3 years
the link to fleur de lis epilogue three is broken, was it simply never translated or is tumblr being odd?
Another anon apparently asked about this but since I rarely check Tumblr I didn't catch it until now. It's fixed on the masterlist now, but here's the direct link anyway HERE
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acarnivalofstars · 3 years
Sorry to bother, perhaps do you have the translation of the Magical Halloween epilogue? The link on the masterlist is wrong</3
aklsdjadj leave it to Tumblr to mess things up for me years later ;; It should be fixed now, but here's the direct link if you want! Thanks for the heads up, and for future reference if anyone else finds a problem on the masterlist do let me know!
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acarnivalofstars · 3 years
hello! not sure if you'l see this but worth a shot hehe I know you said you may not keep collabs up, can I ask specifically about what will happen to the Crossroads story? Thank you!
Hi anon,
The chapters of Crossroads I did solo will be kept up, but the chapters that were collaborated on have been removed.
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acarnivalofstars · 3 years
last anon before, i meant will you be taking down ur translations here 😭😭 sorry its 3 am rn i cant think correctly
Hi anon,
No worries, I completely get being brain frazzled at 3am. If you've seen my latest post, the answer is no, I'll be keeping my solo translations here for the meantime (unless Happy Elements comes out with a stricter policy or I find my translations have been re-uploaded somewhere). That being said, collab translations may or may not be removed. Hope that answers your question :)
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acarnivalofstars · 3 years
About the Recent Ensemble Stars News
Well I certainly wasn’t expecting to return to Tumblr like this but that’s 2021 for you amirite.
Anyway, in case you haven’t heard, Happy Elements has requested that the fandom Wiki remove all their Ensemble Stars translations. From what an admin friend has told me, it’s speculated to be because the wiki has unavoidable ads for revenue, meaning they “profit” off of the translations. Now, please keep in mind fan translations of Ensemble Stars have been illegal since the start. This is not them suddenly swinging an axe at the English-speaking fandom, they are merely enforcing a policy that has been around since the game was launched and it is within their full right.
That being said, I will be keeping up all of my solo work. I may no longer be a part of this fandom, but I had a decent run and put a lot of time and heart into my work so unless news comes out of Happy Elements wanting all fan translations removed regardless of where they’re hosted, they’re here to stay. However, any translations I did with other translators may or may not be deleted. 
Also: PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD MY TRANSLATIONS ANYWHERE ELSE, SUCH AS ANOTHER WIKI OR A PUBLIC GOOGLE DOC. I’d go so far as to ask people to not save them in private Docs, but that’s out of my jurisdiction. That being said, if I catch wind of anyone doing the former, all Enstars translations will be removed. Period.
Thank you for reading, and again, please be understanding of myself and any other translators during this time. 
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
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idk if anyone will find this useful, but this is how i go about planning my stories. i mostly write fantasy, so that’s what this is most applicable to. but it could work with other genres too.
so there’s three major components to a story: the characters, the plot, and the world. creating them individually is the easy part, but they all connect and affect each other in different ways. (like you can’t have a character who loves peaches and eats them every day if they live a peasant in a region that doesn’t grow peaches, for example.)
so i created a cheat sheet to help connect all three components together.
1) the world creates the characters.
this is related to the peach example above. the characters should be a direct result of the environment they grew up in and the environment they currently live in.
2) the characters are limited by the world.
also related to the peaches. characters can’t do anything outside of what the rules of their surroundings and universe allow, such as eating peaches when they’re not available. this also applies for magic users. they can’t have unlimited magic, so keep in mind what you want out of both the characters and the world when creating magic systems.
3) the characters carry the plot.
we’ve all heard it before: “bad characters can’t carry a good plot. good characters can carry a bad plot.” but we all like a good plot anyway. try to make sure you’re not giving your characters too heavy or too light of a plot to carry.
4) the plot pushes the characters.
if nothing in the plot happens, your characters will remain static forever. if you struggle with plots, try starting with what character development you want to happen, then go from there.
5) the plot depends on the world.
you can’t overthrow the evil government if there isn’t one. think of what your world needs most and what your plot is centered around, and fit those two together.
6) the world is changed by the plot.
even if your plot is centered around something most of your world would call “insignificant”, the world will still experience some change from the plot. either the evil government will be gone, or maybe that one teacher is now way more careful about keeping an eye on the test key. either way, the world will be different from now on.
final note: usually people will be able to write one or two of the components with ease, but don’t know where to go from there. i personally can’t write plots, but thinking this way has really helped me actually make a story out of the world and characters because i looked at what i needed from what i had. i really hope this can help you too! happy writing!
tl;dr this is a cheat sheet to help anyone who struggles with writing one or two of what i consider the three major components to a story.
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
How to help Amazônia:
You can donate to SOS Amazônia which is one among the 100 NGOs selected as “The Largest NGOs in Brazil”.
( http://www.sosamazonia.org.br/conteudo/doacao/ )
And remember: 1 dolar is like 4,04 reais. If you donate only ONE dolar you’re helping a lot.
Please. Boost if possible, this is REALLY important.
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
Cheep and easy ways to find a basis for your plot.
When you have characters:
What does your character aspire to do or become? Making that aspiration really hard for them to reach.
What does your character love? Take it away from them and make them earn it back.
What does your character hate? Bind them too it and make them work to get rid of it.
When you have a world:
What is the most chaotic thing that can happen to this world’s politics? Find the character this chaos would effect the most and see what they do about it.
What is the most dangerous thing that can happen within this magic system? Figure out who would come to stop or reverse it and see what they do.
Who is the most damaging person in this world and what are they doing? Figure out who of those they hurt might rise up and defeat them.
When you have only spite:
What story do you absolutely hate the execution of? Take the very basic concept of its plot and build it into the story you wish it produced.
What plot structure do you enjoy but wish writers would be more original with? Take it and then throw a dozen spins on it.
** Remember to mix and match for more elaborate plot structures. Carry on this format with your own tricks to digging up basic plot structures!
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
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Wanted contribute with a draw of my babies in a contest of FGO did in Pixiv, so here is my piece uwu
Sad I not found any Cúcu draws in the entries xd
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
me at 2.37am: okay guess i’ll go to bed at 3
the rational part of my brain: why not right now 
me: logical arguments will only be heard at half and full hours, sorry
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
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acarnivalofstars · 5 years
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