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Guess who paid way too much money for alcohol based markers
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What does RLGL mean?
it stands for red light green light au
Its kind of playing on the game red light green light and how they have to be super carefull moving forward with their relationship for various reasons and on them essentially being workers in the redlight district though that doesnt come into it as much as it used to atm im more focusing on the fluff
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Playing skyrim like it was intended
I also have some water with elderflower syrup, tarragon soda and some tea
Calling this a great selfcare day<3
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Bringing this back because i really should write more short form stuff for my AUs like this
In rlgl au how did Y/n meet Moon? What was their reactions?
Okay lil RLGL AU writing
They met a few times after the first "disastrous" meeting y/n had with Sun but Moon never really interacted past a nod and y/n had the biggest inner conflict about not wanting to interact and not wanting to be too rude... but then there was the time y/n and Moon had their first actual conversation...
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Lugging the heavy grocery bags up the last flight of stairs you immediately noticed him. A tall figure stood hunched over at the Door to the neighbouring flat, clad in what you could only assume was a half-undone night gown, the kind of amalgamation of sheer and ruffled lilac fabric you imagined rich widows with a suspicious number of dead husbands wearing. You knew him, recognizing him immediately, the dark blue silicone casing of his arms and legs and the signature star riddled night cap being a dead giveaway, though now the hat was being held up in a kind of loose bun by a hair clip. The way he apparently treated the piece of clothing like some kind of hairdo instead of simply taking it off made you smile a bit into your scarf. Your approach startled the Robot, who uncomfortably shuffled further into the corner, giving you room to go further, there was a moment of awkward silence as you approached the door of your flat, his posture only showing more uneasiness. You feel a heaviness in your stomach as you fish for your keys in the deep pockets of your jacket, feeling the eyes of your next-door neighbour on the back of your head. Is it too late to turn around and say hello? The moment for it to feel organic has gone by too quickly but you do not want to be too rude either. You still cringe at the memory of your first meeting with Sun, weeks had gone by but the feeling that they saw you in a rather negative light only solidified with every interaction. You should be happy about it, the fact that this dislike on their part kept them far away from you could be your saving grace, considering the strict rules of employee and escort interaction at Faz.Co. Especially because you didn’t know if they would follow the rules and go to management with this. You knew for a fact that Faz.Cos management didn’t mess around when staff and escorts interacted without permission, it didn’t matter if it was at work or in private, or if it was just an accident. The rules were in place for a reason, you knew that, to protect the integrity of the escorts, that was the wording used in the terms you had signed when starting to work there.
You sighed.
But it still hurt. Trying to be distant was not something that came naturally to you, even with the stress that came with interacting with others, you still liked making people smile, or at least not hate you, social anxiety be dammed. Seeing Sun making awkward small talk with you, obviously uncomfortable in your presence, and Moon completely shying away from interactions… You surely felt like a terrible neighbour, your chest hurting whenever thinking about making them feel that way. But what could you do, be all friendly and risk them taking a closer look at you and realizing that they had seen you before? No way. But at least saying hello should be fine, right?
For the third time you missed the keyhole, having zoned out at the inner debate of it being awkward or not to say hello this late after arriving here, when a small static noise caught you off guard, almost close to a frustrated sniffle. Head turning automatically towards him you saw the dark blue bot tapping at his phone, the upset clearly visible in his features, just hovering around the door, no keys in sight. You stopped, taking in what you saw for a moment pressing your lips together in an inner battle, he obviously had locked himself out of the flat, looking nervous and rather upset. Finally, your key found its way into the lock, and you entered your flat, a decision had been made, putting the frozen and cooled groceries away you berated yourself, grabbing your tool kit and bringing it to your front door you felt your fists clench. If you were lucky, he would be gone when you’d open this door, the situation averted by the solar bot arriving. This was a lose-lose situation. You obviously knew how to open these old shitty doors even without a key, but you worried, they might want to start interacting more with you if you did them a favour. Or terribly worse, they might start feeling unsafe in their own flat, knowing how easily these doors could be broken into, especially by you, the one neighbour they seem to be weary of.
You open the door, leaving the tool kit behind it as you step out. He is still there, looking up as you exit, his eyes quickly flit over you, stopping at your lack of shoes, he seems to realize that you were not taking a leave, but rather came out to talk to him, immediately as he turned towards you, crossing his arms defensively over his exposed chest, shifting slightly, maybe trying to adjust his robe inconspicuously.
You rub your neck awkwardly and gesture towards the door. “Locked yourself out?”
He gave a quick glance to the door and then back at you, with an unsure expression. “...Yea?...”
“do you uh.. need help with that?” you tried sounding as unthreatening as possible already noticing him fiddling with his hands nervously “Or you know, a place you can sit down to wait? If you want, of course, if you don’t want a stranger to help you with opening the door…”
Oh geez that sounded weird, you immediately regretted saying that part about being a stranger, not being able to stop yourself from blabbering on for better or for worse. “Or well maybe you don’t want help at all that’s fine too… just, you know, I do know how to open these doors….. not in a weird way tough just, you know for when someone well… locked themselves out”.
“heh” Moon made a noise almost like a humoured exhale, his shoulder having gone down a bit in of what could be seen as relaxation. “You know how to break into places? Should I report you or something?”
You halt, not fully knowing if this was a light-hearted joke or a threat. The moment of panic apparently very readable in your eyes as Moon gives you a look.
“I mean, I’d appreciate if ya didn’t?” You chuckle awkwardly “but it’s not like I can stop you”.
He hums as if in thought, “If I let you at it you’re not going to break the door, right?”
You give him a lopsided smile “I mean, yea that’s the goal, not breaking the door I mean, or the lock”.
He steps to the side, leaning against the wall, looking away awkwardly. “I- have something baking in there….”
You nod, so that’s a yes. You get the old paint spatula out of the toolkit that you had used to patch up some holes in the walls of your flat years ago, now it was the go-to tool whenever a door needed to be opened. Which used to be rather often because your last next-door neighbour before these two guys had been an elderly and often forgetful lady, having to be let in every other week or so.
Carefully you shimmy the spatula between the door and doorframe in a specific downwards motion and then give it a hearty smack, hoping that it would work at the first try and not embarrass you. The lock clacks and you press the spatula inwards while pulling the door outwards, closed. After a moment the door opened, and you let it swing inwards. You get up, seeing stars for a moment as usual and then turn to the bot who is staring at you wide eyed. “uh there you go..” You motion to the door, not sure if his reaction was on the positive or negative end of the spectrum, you add a bit of flair, doing jazz hands while grinning lopsidedly.
Moon snorted a bit, “You are a professional I see, well thank you, I’ll go look at my oven now, but yea, thank you…”
His leaving almost felt like he was fleeing the situation, but you didn’t mind. You just hoped he wasn’t freaked out after this. He had looked kind of cute in that robe though but you supressed that thought immediately, feeling like a creep for even thinking like that.
That evening someone knocked on your door and when you opened it Sun awkwardly handed you a plate with brownies giving you a half smile and immediately going back into their flat leaving you dumfounded. The brownies had a bit of an orange flavour when you tried them. Someone had tried to scrape off some burned corners and covered it up with powdered sugar but you still tasted the singed bits. You couldnt help but smile.
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Ayo who let their dog out??
Alt version without the barbwire fence (cuz idk how to feel about it)
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you were cross the border, right? same as us, and that thief over there
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Ugh i kinda miss drawing og dca
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today is my 6th and final exam
it’s been a long time coming, and i find myself more anxious about what’s coming after this exam than the exam itself. technically i still have some courses and administrative stuff to complete before i can start working for real—but it still doesn’t feel real
and maybe it just won’t feel real until i’m thrashing in the deep end
so i decided to draw my "New 'Do, Same You" crew. partly because i’m planning to focus more time on writing their story now with my exams done. but mostly because theirs is a story of change—of accidental beginnings, messy transformation, and uncovering yourself through it all—which i think is appropriate for my final exam
i can’t wait to share this story with you all 😊
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"We're with you all the way."
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nvm i forgot you live in this thang
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HA! Foiled again by my superiour living quaters of, little hay ball, build between wheat stalks!!!
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Oh its me?!
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Subnautica au Sun my beloved
Just immediately getting attached to that weird new fish that showed up in his teritory
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RLGL au guys getting ready to go out on a date♡
My favourite throuple
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carrying my beautiful animatronic bf like he weighs nothing
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What a merry band of misfits
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