shadowviixen · 23 days
Dear 3rd Arcana [Destiny Matrix]
How does it feel to be ignored when you ask for the world a reward for the hard work you've done, only to be met with silence...
And then you decide to relax and don't give a damn... And all of a sudden... You're met with grand rewards that bear fruit of your hardwork and labor?
Exactly... exactly.
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shadowviixen · 1 month
INTJ Lover
In a committed Relationship...
INTJs are definitely the type who'd tell their partner to shut up when they act cute and flirty.
Don't worry... they actually really like it. They just can't handle feeling giddy and they have difficulty wrapping their heads on how to respond to your affectionate advances. They're skimming the back of their head on how to best counter you. But they're failing miserably in this category. (They're INTJs afterall)
But if you're just starting dating or getting to know each other. Don't even try to win them with your flirting game. They'll cross you off their list without hesitation.
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shadowviixen · 1 month
Insistent Capricorn Venus
As an Aries Ascendant with an Athletic Build, it's soooo difficult to find flattering designs here in my country especially because fashion production caters to trends that undoubtedly do not suit everyone. So as a Capricorn Venus... I like to style myself and draw or design what would suit me and the type of style that I would definitely wear to feel good. Because if anything... as a Cap Venus... I'm not gonna wait for a shop to miraculously sell what I want. We gotta do it from scratch. So here's a draft... I hope I'll be able to finish this... color it digitally... buy the materials... I'm currently living in the city so I hope I find a good seamstress
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shadowviixen · 2 months
A quite-literal Mercury Retrograde Experience
I get that Mercury Retrograde means problems in communication, messages, the mind... the expression... But I didn't expect it to be so literal... I have a sore throat and an intense cough... and I don't have my phone anymore because I lost it... so all of my communication is limited FOR REAL. And literally, I'm not frustrated nor upset because it's... all... so predictable? Like of course this was gonna happen?!!
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shadowviixen · 2 months
Solar Eclipse Blunts
Guess who thought it was okay to go out and make a 3 hour PEACEFUL visit to my hometown...
And when they say stay still during the solar eclipse... They really mean it.
The eclipse in my country begins around April 9 early morning... I ACCIDENTALLY LOST MY PHONE, during this eclipse. And now I'm doing my best to recover my accounts and my money, and filing for transfer of accounts, and gonna have to go to lawfirms
AGHHHHHHHH. And I have to buy a new phone now UGH.
But I do admit that some of my work has been dealt with already so I can't really be upset, and somehow I expected this to happen which is why it feels so-so...? Take this as a sign and lesson lovelies. FREAKING STAY STILL or atleast protect yourself and DON'T underestimate the eclipse. Sincerely, Your not so slick big sister during the solar eclipse
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shadowviixen · 2 months
Embodying for Manifestation and Confidence Pt. 1
A little disclaimer again... I am in no way a professional astrology reader however I do my research and take into account my personal experience and observation... so some things may vary for others, but I hope a part of this post can also help you. To begin I want to highlight that this is focused more on our physical appearance... I will probably get into further sections over time...
We'll get into two things: Ascendant and Venus Sign As individuals, our sun, moon, and specific planets will give us our own personal fingerprint which at the end of it all will definitely be unique and different from others' experiences. So simply having the same sun or moon or rising sign will not be duplicated by others. But I want to touch more into the Ascendant and Venus sign.
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The Ascendant sign (Rising Sign) is the expression to which we have become an independent existence in this world. It is also the behaviors and characteristics that enable us to cope with unfamiliar territory.
It is responsible for our self-awareness, identity, and our self-sufficiency. Furthermore, it reciprocates our goals, objectives, personal philosophy, mannerisms, physical appearance, etc. And our Ascendant is how we PROJECT ourselves to the world.
The Venus Sign is what we are attracted to in all senses. It rules... our nature of LOVE and LOVING... Our Venus sign shows us what we desire personally. It is our aesthetic. Our ALLURE. Our natural affection and beauty. At the same time, it reflects what we give importance to and how we take care of and prioritize ourselves. I believe that how we love others by nature-- is also a reflection of how we love ourselves.
We should understand that manifestations come at a different pace for each one of us. But the more comfortable you are and trusting with the universe, the easier you manifest. This is relational to what we want and who we want to be...
Wear materials that you can combine with your Venus and Ascendant... For example, I am a Capricorn Venus and Aries Ascendant. I like wearing Capricorn Venus-esque clothes: clothes that look smart, professional, girl-boss, mature, elegant, and timeless. However, I would choose colors that reflect the nature of my Ascendant... so powerful colors especially and specifically DEEP RED(s).
I apply the same rule to makeup and accessories!
Intuitively, our Venus is not only what we are attracted to but also how we attract things, relationships, and experiences from the universe, and our ascendant boosts our power without compromising our safety and comfort.
The only way we can ever feel confident... is when we understand ourselves and what benefits us without compromising who we truly are.
I want to get into each sign via Ascendant and Venus but that'll be in a separate post. So I'll see you guys on the next reading.
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References: Woolfolk, J. (1982). THE ONLY ASTROLOGY BOOK YOU'LL EVER NEED.
First three (top) - Pinterest. Belongs to respective owners. Last two - Mine lol. (literally Cap venus and Aries Asc vibes)
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shadowviixen · 2 months
How to start witchcraft/occultism
In this post, i’ll be sharing how to start witchcraft/occultism but before we start, i want to say that there’s no right or wrong way to start. In fact, everyone starts differently. This is just how i think you can start. And all the information in this post might not apply to you because they are all based on my personal studies and experiences. You should never think my opinions are the only truth. Now let’s get straight to the point.
What should you learn first?
I personally think that all types of magick requires mastering your own mind, understanding & directing your will, and imagination.
Mastering your own mind is a never ending process. You need to be able to fully focus on one task in order to make magick happen. No other thought should come into your mind during your ritual. It can be really difficult at first however, as you practice meditation and energy work, it will get better.
But do not judge yourself just because your mind wandered a little during your practice. It is completely normal. Just observe and put your mind back to where it should be.
You also need to understand your own mind. Understanding your own mind will let you sense your personal power. You need to be able to feel your power so that you can direct it and understand how to use outside energy sources. How can you do this? Again, through meditation and energy work.
I’ll not be covering everything because that would take me forever to explain. Plus, my answers are not always right. As i always say, most of my knowledges come from my personal studies and experiences. They may not apply to you. And that’s why you should read lots of books and articles and find out what works for you and what applies to you.
As you practice meditation and energy work, you should research on the topics you want to learn. My biggest tip is to focus on only 1~3 topics at a time.
If you’re interested in spellcasting, you should learn
• types of magick & methods
• magical theories
• correspondences (pre-maid correspondences and how to make your own correspondences)
• energy work (charging, programming, grounding, centering, visualization, raising, releasing, shielding)
• cleansing
• warding / protection
“Can anyone become a magician?”
Well my personal opinion is no. Now don’t come at me like “ANYONE CAN BE A MAGICIAN DONT TRY TO GATEKEEP IT” because i have reasons.
We all like to think that we are all equal but just like there are some people who are more talented in arts than us, there are some people who are more talented in magick than most people. Unfortunately, some people have no talent in magick at all. No matter how much effort they put, their skills won’t get better. Now, i’m not trying to gatekeep. I’m just stating the truth🤷🏻‍♀️ if anyone could practice magick easily, why in the ancient times, only certain people practiced magick? Hm? So how can you know if you can do magick? Well the answer is simple. Try it and see if it works. I’m not saying that you should just give up right away because your first spell didn’t work. Honestly i think if you don’t have any talents in magick, you’ll automatically know it as you practice so just keep practicing. You’ll know it.
Now that i have explained basic things you need to know, let’s talk about where you should get your knowledge.
Simple answer : anywhere.
Books, internet, people, ANYWHERE
Just remember that not everything is correct and you should always cross your reference. Just because someone said they have been practicing over 25 years, doesn’t mean they are always right.
I have already done a book recommendation before but it seems like many people haven’t seen it so I’ll make one again.
‼️I do not agree with everything in these books. These books are just great starting point. So take the info in these books with a grain of salt.
For foundations
Sorcerer’s secrets by Jason Miller
Six ways
Mastering witchcraft by Paul Huson
The complete guide to psychic development by Cassandra Eason
Energy work
Psychic witch by Mat Auryn
The casting of spells by
The elements of spellcrafting by Jason Miller
Pure magic by Judika Illes
The crooked path
Protection & reversal magick by Jason Miller
Psychic self-defense by Dior Fortune
Spiritual Cleansing by Draja Mickaharic
Okay these must be quite a lot of information for you! I hope i didn’t overwhelm you. Remember that you don’t have to rush anything. You are not competing with anyone. I personally think that magick is discovering your true self. Take as much time as you need to learn and I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Thank you for reading this long ass post and i’ll see you in my next post😵
[If you want to give me a tip, here’s my paypal account😉 of course it’s not necessary though!!]
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shadowviixen · 2 months
Lunar Eclipse: Full Worm Moon
To all, How is everyone's experience with the Lunar Eclipse? Before the strike on March 25, I felt a surge of enthusiasm and energy. Acknowledging the upcoming event.
Lunar eclipses reveal the truths behind our shadows, reintroducing our fears and what we lack in life. As a woman of pride, it has been hard for me not to be critical with people in terms of competence.
This lunar eclipse heightens people's energetic vibration, at least that's what I believe. The stronger energies will overwhelm the weaker ones.
And... as a woman, with a 10th house(Capricorn) stellium and strong Aries placements... It is, without a doubt, that my influence will be a tad bit intimidating at this time.
I believe this eclipse will portray how you stand in the world and around people, and that most truths will be blatantly visible.
This is just... a rough draft that I wanted to put out... I'm certainly not a professional astrologer, thus... I do hope my words will be taken with a grain of salt... But at the same time, I hope I can make clearer content about the lunar eclipse and the full worm moon later.
See you later and I hope you guys can share your experience as well. Sincerely, Your big sister~
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shadowviixen · 3 months
2nd Letter for Venus Capricorn
Dear Capricorn Venuses,
Go... and love... when your heart calls for it. You're one of the people who are afraid to talk to that person you genuinely like. Because your past experiences have traumatized you and made you build walls around people. Let go... Learn to love yourself, and once you do... love people... love experiences... LOVE SOMEONE. Love for the purpose of building a connection with someone. Love in ways that you want to grow with someone who understands you... fall in love with someone who can sit down in silence and appreciate just being around you and your presence. But love in return without expectations. Yes, continue to be rational and acknowledge the feeling of a small crush--a quick attraction. But also recognize that intuition of wanting to get to know someone. Don't risk missing the chance when the universe calls you to take action. One day you'll look back, only to tell yourself you wished you had been less afraid of letting yourself... genuinely FEEL and LOVE. Be wise and let the universe help you. Love you.
With love, ~Your big sister in Capricorn Venus.
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shadowviixen · 3 months
This is one reason why we're single
cute guy smiles at me through the office window
Me slowly sliding backward to hide from his vision
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shadowviixen · 3 months
Letter to Capricorn Venus
Dear Capricorn Venuses, For the love of God (if ever you do believe in one)... Don't! and I mean DON'T ever give into the social and peer pressure of falling in love and all that generic romance nonsense that others are trying to convince you with... You have high standards. You will need time to find THE ONE that's meant for you. AND NO... You're not delusional for wanting a true love that makes you feel safe, reassured, cared for, and loved. Your love is mature, subtle, stable, calming, assuring, safe, practical, wholesome, considerate... every other description that makes you feel as if your heart will never make you unnerved or afraid. And if YOU exist, then someone out there EXISTS just for you. So be patient, especially to my young Capricorn Venus girlies... Work on yourself. Love yourself. Feel secure of your own existence and provide for yourself to the point that you don't look for a man/woman by necessity but by choice of having a partner to grow with.
You are romantic and you deserve romance that's aligned for you
Take it from me and my experience. Sincerely,
A Capricorn Venus in the 10th house big sister
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shadowviixen · 3 months
That ironic moment
when you're an Aries 1st house/Aries Ascendant who's really passionate, loves giving information and offering advice to people, you're outspoken and will ALSO listen to anyone... But you also have Saturn 1h... so once something or SOMEONE triggers you... All of a sudden you become colder than usual. And when they do apologize you already have a pre-imposed dialogue such as "Apologies mean little to me... I need to see you actually act on it".
What is everyone else's astrology paradox? I'd love to know!
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shadowviixen · 3 months
No... because... Lord Lucifer is strict and quite harsh in the most positive sense. But he can be quite sweet and gentle especially when you commit to enlightenment and actually do the inner work. He's undemanding, or better yet, understanding...
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shadowviixen · 3 months
Does anyone else agree that having a Pisces mercury makes you a magnet of manifestation out of your words?
We can speak anything into existence as if predicting it. We have a way of talking and the universe is literally attracted to how we speak. We're so dreamy... mysterious... alluring... eloquent... idealistic when we start opening our mouthes. Our words are sometimes out of this world but somehow.. it makes sense! Like yes you are that girl/guy/non-binary/extra-hot extravaganza... and I'm also referring to prominent pisces placements too. And don't even get me started with the intuition ma'am/sir like woooooh... give everyone else a breather (affectionate)
Extra notes for the signs: I love you. You guys are up in your heads too often and we live for it... try to put it into action too for... optimum magnetism and attraction.
~Kisses and loves
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shadowviixen · 3 months
Y'know they weren't wrong when they said Aries and Capricorn placements will not hold back this week with whatever they want to say and are irritable and will call bullsht. Bc I swear to G— that if this person doesn't fix her unhygienic behavior I'll lose all the patience I've worked on for years
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shadowviixen · 3 months
Can't believe I express my inner rage as a burning passion of working more until I feel tired and burnt-out in order to defuse all of the pent-up aggression
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shadowviixen · 3 months
INTJ : The calm and affirmative
INTJs have this annoyingly calm demeanor that perceives everything will be alright. A plan fails? It's a learning experience.
You did not achieve your goal? It's still part of the stepping stone towards better progress.
You overlooked the details? Then it will be considered the next time. Do we think we're better than you? Hardly! INTJs are just competent and we trust completely in our skills and intellect.
Do we want to be better than everyone else? Well, we can't really lie about that category however it barely scratches the surface of our sense of purpose, integrity, and philosophy...
If we think we have things, actions, habits, etc. to improve for necessary means--as we see fit, we simply will. Keep an intj close and earn their trust... and you'll surely find yourself a valuable piece to their grand schemes in life. Per se, INTJs believe in equal exchange... trust that you won't be empty handed in any bargain.
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