sheegons · 2 months
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what type of dinosaur we considering?
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sheegons · 2 months
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i miss them a lot... (trying to draw again after my 1 month hiatus)
w/ "redraw" comparison-- i actually remember sitting down to draw the 2016 one... it was a "thank you tribute" to Pat Gleason towards the end of the R:SoB run and the guy was nice enough to acknowledge my cringe teenage art LMAOOOOOOO
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sheegons · 3 months
(be forewarned, this is long)
now after ignoring batman 666, let's see what we have.
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now, in robin: son of batman #1 It's confirmed that after his death in batman incorporated, damian went to hell. Hell is usually connected with the more magical side of the dc universe, but that's not it.
The entirety of the comic delves into damians connections to more mystical things. mythical swords and magical ancient towers, weird extinct bat-dragons, magical cults that want to destroy the whole world, etc etc.
this is easily regarded as one of damians best comics and having peak damian characterisation, so obviously Damian being magically inclined can easily work well with his character.
Now, after a barrel load of compliments, let's get to the extremely negative side of things.
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Damian's cloned brother has magic and that sentence is about as much as i care for this book. Moving on.
BATMAN (2016)
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Again, dog shit damian characterisation, but here we go. Damian here actually shows an ability to use a binding spell and has a wand, making some sort of deal with a random demon, but a far cry from damian apparently selling his soul in batman 666. Moving on finally out of rebirth because that was a bad time for Damian's character.
ROBIN (2021)
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Now we go back to the good. Apparently from the maternal part of damians family, magic is more commonplace. ra's even having a whole spell book to his name. Robin 2021 kinda toys with the ghul family and the lazarus pits magical and devilish side which isn't new... but it's new to involve damian!
In the final parts of this story, Damian's heart specifically is used as a plot device, lord deathman even dubbing it as "the bloodstream of the demon" and ruh (ra's' mother) uses it as a power source to fuel demon summonings, which started the Lazarus rain event.
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Back in early 2023 (i think) dc teased a sort of "teen titans dark" with damian, black alice and monkey prince. The "dark" moniker referencing Justice league dark, a magic team made up of magic users that solve magical bullshit. It's a good book, recommended read, i just thought I'd add this to the pile.
Detective comics/Knight terrors
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Now, including these two together because they're about the same topic: Dreams.
damian is confirmed to have some sort of control over dreams and sleep, defeating demons that show up in his sleep, yet never actually disappear when he wakes up. He also has an ability to stay awake after a massive worldwide phenomenon causes everyone, even the dream masters that taught damian, to sleep and experience night terrors.
Dreams are, again, connected to the magical side of the dc universe. Now I'm not going to pretend like i actually read sandman to you, i can't lie on ramadan, so let's all give me a pass here for my lack of understanding of all that.
Batman and robin (2023)
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In this, damian mentions a bit of off screen monster hunting with Frankenstein and lays a trap that lights someone on fire. I used to think this was some sort of hex but this artwork is extremely unclear, but since Frankenstein is mentioned and from my knowledge dc's Frankenstein is magic let's pretend this is some sort.
As an extra note: this guy definitely died. There's no way about it, he got lit on fire with nobody helping him. He's gone. Damian just killed a man.
Extra Extra notes:
talia using magic!
now, i haven't included these examples in the "the ghuls have magic" segment because uh...
(batman: the doom that came to Gotham/dc bombshells)
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Not only are these interpretations of talia EXTREMELY orientalist but also just generally out of character and could've been done with any randomly introduced characters.
For the unknowing white american people in the crowd: arabs actually don't only dress in revealing "belly dancer" outfits and lanterns. i know, shocking, we actually wear normal clothes.
And just to add again, there's a lot of stories that include ra's having magic, but I'm not the biggest ra's head (lol) so i didn't read them all, i implore u to do your own research because I'm not doing it.
this about wraps it up. thank you to the magic damian believers may we all win someday.
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sheegons · 3 months
would de-aging damian be possible in future comics and would uou support it
Would it possible? most likely not. Tim only got de-aged by 1 whole year due to the entire universe being reset and jon, even with extreme backlash, still hasn't gotten de-aged then i don't think Damian will.
okay, now let's work with the hypothetical that he does get de-aged, would i like it? depends. I'm going to be bold here and say that damian being ten from 2006-2016? good enough. my goal age for him at the stage would be twelve or eleven at a stretch (not that I'm against him being fourteen currently, i really don't care. any damian content is fine with me) i just feel this is what we would realistically have if damian wasn't thirteen for the sake of him being included in the TEEN titans book. (and boy did that one suck)
Damian being fourteen specifically is probably only for him to enter high school. I feel that yields more writing opportunities than being a middle schooler but, again, this kid is a polyglot who can build cars and worked out wayne finances by himself at ten (IN HIS CIVILIAN IDENTITY, MIND YOU)
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So you could make a good case for damian just skipping a few grades.
Do i feel this is needed? No. Absolutely not. Damian is fine as is, i just feel this would be a slight improvement to how Damian has been ageing so rapidly compared to his family. some are even saying he's fifteen now, meaning the difference between infinite frontier tim and damian is one year when it used to be seven (thank you tim for being my favourite age comparison toolbut just know he's about the only one who i know the confirmed age of from memory.) i think jason is between 21/22 and dick 25~ in current canon, meaning damians age gap with jason right now is now about the same as damians age gap with tim when he joined the family.
After all that, do i genuinely want damian to be aged down? eh. i, again, don't really care either way. I just like talking and Damian's age is a very constant conversation topic so i just had thoughts.
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sheegons · 3 months
Do you think damian should later grow up and be an adult in comics or do you think damian should stay a teen character? so sorry if this is a dumb question!
i do feel damian SHOULD grow up to be something, though i feel that should be something in a VERY far away future. i feel damian currently has grown up incredibly too fast. Between the years of 2016-2021 Damian has grown up four years, and three of them were completely wasted because that was teen titans book.
Damians current age gap with tim is 2 years when it used to be 7. A lot of wasted potential came from the sudden age ups and it just generally felt very rushed and confused.
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sheegons · 3 months
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in the guard's defense, fire ants sting 😔
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sheegons · 3 months
Damian comics coming in june. Yippee!
Batman and robin v3 #10
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Batman #148
no cover or variant includes so here's the pride variant
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Batman #149
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technically not Damian related but. yknow. he's mentioned in the last one so this one could be about him
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sheegons · 3 months
ok ik i don't really post about other comic characters besides damian here but.
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I'm sorry. I can't get attached to characters that don't remind me of damian anymore.
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sheegons · 3 months
Damian, at ten:
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Damian, also at ten:
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sheegons · 4 months
New b&r cover
shoutout to the baseball player damian enthusiasts (all 5 of you)
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sheegons · 4 months
i feel like you could make one thousand pages of damian angst but still nothing will ever hurt me more than putting these two panels next to each other
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sheegons · 4 months
by the way, here are the designs for the new damian 'the boy wonder' comic releasing in may:
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All drawn by the artist/writer Juni Ba
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sheegons · 4 months
Damian comics releasing in may 2024
The boy wonder: a black label comic (meaning not technically a mainline canon comic) focusing on damians relationship with the batfamily made by Juni ba!
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Some previews:
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If the name "Juni ba" or the art style of this comic looks familiar, you might remember them as the person who drew 'truth and justice #6' :D
batman and robin 9!
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the artist seems to be simone di meo again, who illustrated #1-#4 before nikola came in for #5-#6
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sheegons · 5 months
Wait where is the 2nd picture with Damian in an Arabic mansion come from? (or is it AI? Because its looks like AI)
it isn't AI it's actually from "infinite crisis - fight for the multiverse" which is a tie-in for a game called "infinite crisis." a moba that ultimately flopped and got shut down 6 months after release.
Damian isn't exactly a main character but he's part of the main team. Half vampire damian who is the grandson of ra's (Dracula) al ghul and son of the bat, working with nuclear post apocalyptic wonder woman, arcane magical green lantern (hal), gotham by gaslight catwoman and, because we can never have enough of him, prime earth bruce.
The story of the comic follows a basic infinite crisis storyline, it's about 36 issues digitally and 12 physically (same amount of story thought ones just split up very weirdly)
In the actual game damian has three skins:
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Arabian Assassin (unreleased but in the game files):
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and Crimson Dusk
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these were all from 2016 so before the rise of any competent AI, though I'll admit i don't know the actual artist of these by name
I know you didn't ask for this much information i just like rambling
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sheegons · 5 months
if i had a nickel for every time Damian was a vampire that was also a vampire hunter I'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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sheegons · 5 months
one interesting direction i feel DC is taking with damian is a sort of "Dream master" esque role
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take for example damian in the knight terrors event completely escaping the clutches of insomnia
while yes, he had to struggle, he still clearly wanted sleep and was exhausted throughout the entire event, He still woke up longer than other very impressive names. Staying awake longer than his entire family, magically inclined people (Mary marvel, wonder woman, zatanna and even more) and even the damn dream master he went to.
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also also, there's more of this. a continuation of him and his story with a nightmare demon from tec.
We got his role in knight terrors expanded upon a bit, that Damian was plagued with night terrors (haha) and seeing that talia sent him to the leagues psychologists and neurologists so he could understand dreams more. He learns to successfully control his dreams and nightmares, even defeating real life demons that invade his head.
I know these r very sparse and have a big gap between them but i feel it could lead up to something interesting for damian. While damians character right now is kinda trying to make a return to the "Batman and robin father and son" dynamic he had before most of his adventures (Robin: son of batman, Teen titans, Robin) were bringing him everywhere except Gotham, but over all if he had a more magically inclined side to him i feel that would add a lot of good spice to him.
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sheegons · 6 months
i forgot you could do that
extra context: damian and maps were stuck holding hands together due to a magic book that maps wrote in, so they had to undo it. Damian was only in Gotham academy because Bruce told him to investigate someone
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Extra context two: Damian stole maps' scrapbook to write a small map/puzzle/hunt thingie, the entire last few issue of Gotham academy is basically her reminiscing on memories she wrote down in the book as maps and olive try to hunt down damian to give them back the book.
when they find him, he leaves the book behind and flys off with his batglider
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Damian's love language and i have proof
alright let's start off simple:
Damian + colin
Damian giving colin a motorcycle after colin helped Damian in a childrens fighting tournament with zsasz
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Damian trying to help colin find his mother on mother's day, eventually settling for giving Colin the flowers he was planning to give to colins mother
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Damian + bruce
Damian giving bruce Marthas pearls that he dug out of the sewers, the ones Damian searched for in said sewers for hours
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damian travelling to multiple places in the world, finding old memorabilia of martha and thomas wayne to give bruce in a scavenger hunt
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Damian + Jon
Damian giving jon an extremely rare console that even clark couldn't find so him n jon can play games together
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Damian + Dick
Damian finding an old piece of memorabilia from one of the first villains dick fought, just cause he told him the story of when they fought
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there's also too bits with maps that i can't include due to image limit
1. Damian giving maps a batarang after finding out she was a batman fan
2. Damian giving maps a mystery hunt as Robin, letting her find a first edition handbook of serpents and spells (DC version of D&D) and calling maps (who, again, is a known batman fan) his friend in his robin identity to make her happy
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