#12000 is CRAZY
konigsblog · 4 months
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is-nino-actually-luka · 11 months
So I kind of just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who tried to get a tie sweep in the magical boys showdown. Like it really felt nice to see so many people take part in it and sharing the poll and urging their followers to make it happen. And the biggest thing is, I wasn't even the one who suggested we make them tie. People made art and edits and it was all very cool. This felt very much like a community effort, and it just kinda make me feel proud that my self indulgent joke from 3 years ago has been so widely spread. I feel like I really made a mark here. But then again I really didn't do that much, so that's why I just wanted thank everyone again.
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It is midnight and I am once again having inhumane thoughts about Jack Kline before I go to bed cause I have to wake up early tommorow
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whinlatter · 1 year
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Lying back on the pillows, she runs a forefinger over the letter's close. Reckon that means he’s missing you too, he’s written, always the same long loops on the g and the y. And then that last thing. Yours, Harry. She wonders if he’d paused before placing those last two words together. She imagines him considering them like ornaments, heirlooms, packaged safely and dug out of moving boxes, arranged carefully on a sparse new shelf.
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🪶 read the author’s note for this chapter
🐾 listen to the playlist
🦉 thoughts & questions? ask me anything!
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atlabeth · 2 months
going slightly crazy rn because im a chronic slow burn writer but i am need of instant gratification with my new wips
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moptopper · 1 year
I still can't believe that a joke my sister and I had, pretending to ship a couple of historical figures for a laugh, became a legitimate Big Thing last year. And it will probably continue to be big, for the foreseeable future! Wild!
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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wandixx · 8 months
Dani gives people heart attacks and brings down a lot of trafficking rings, making friends along the way. Everything by accident, really
Dani traveled around world, hadn't she? While doing it, she had to meet a lot of interesting people.
Like heroes or villains.
In civies or not or both who knows.
But to actually learn things about someplace you have to spend more than one night there. Like, idk? Month? Probably more but I doubt she would be able to sit in one place for any longer. In many places she is shorter.
Month is long enough to create some connections though.
Enough to get someone to realize when you disappear...
Yeah, Dani on her way of gremlin and self discovery ghosted bunch of people without second thought. They'll probably forget her in few months anyway. And she was everywhere in USA. She didn't left American soil only because she didn't want to be too far from Danny in case of emergency. Before anyone tells me he was in space so he could fly to her wherever on Earth she would be, Earth's atmosphere ends about 100 km above sea level and officially this is border of space. Telecommunication satellites are between 8000 to 12000 km up. It's about how wide Atlantic Ocean is.
Plus y'know, time. If she needs help, she probably can't quite wait until he flies all the way to Hong Kong, Wladywostok, Rio de Janeiro or wherever she is.
So America it is. For now at least. When they're 100% sure she is stable she'll fly elsewhere.
Anyway people who she ghosted are used to batshit crazy stuff but "this tween is alone on her road to self discovery and just left for new city" isn't first thing anyone thought about. Maybe outside of Martians. They know. Everyone else? No idea what happened to this tiny, chaotic, snarky, probably meta child.
First thought though?
She got kidnapped.
So now 3/4 of Justice League, some individual heroes and bunch of less intense rogues are scrambling around their cities tracking every trafficking ring they found glimpses of, trying to find Dani.
Flashes work with Captain Cold on this and seem to slowly descend into madness. At the same time, Dani eats ice cream with nice museum lady from Washington who introduced herself as Diana. Then she helps at animal shelter with kind stuck up boy called Damian. Oh, Danny likes aliens, let's visit Martian Manhunter. Maybe she'll manage to get autograph for her template. Wait Space Cops? Kinda sucks but Danny would probably like their signatures too. Let's go. Oh, Superboys are fun mess with and older one is like her! This Nightwing guy puns like Danny but she always feels like he looks at her weirdly. Billy should eat more, magic or not, fighting is tiring. Good thing she has Sam's money to buy him burgers.
She has time of her life while people she met are slowly dying.
She probably doesn't even hide that she is traveling but for whatever reason they don't think she actually left.
They don't bring it up on any meeting because no matter how concerned they are, it's not really whole league type of business. And Martians just discreetly enjoy chaos.
There is a lot of ways it can get resolved (or not) but I kinda thought about Jon introducing his old buddy Damian to his new buddy Dani because he thinks they would get along and they just stare at each other for long moment before:
Some screaming and revelation that Killer Croc was looking for her too, Dani hits moment of realisation.
"Wait, is this what people think when you just up and go?"
"Honestly? Yeah"
"Oh, Ancients I did this to so many people. So many..."
Idk, just Dani traveling and leaving people behind.
Do with it what you will
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I used to pass by these buildings on my way to St. John's Univ. and never dreamed they looked like this inside. NYC knows how to do a mansion. This is a 1910 Beaux-Arts style mansion, on the tony Upper West Side of New York City, located on the famous Riverside Dr. 8bds, 9ba, $55M. (it last sold in 1996 for only $2.2M!)
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Very elegant, and all original. Renovated in 1980.
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This fireplace is an amazing work of art. Unusual art subject to choose, the landing of the Pilgrims.
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Some of the ceilings in this home are crazy.
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Round dining room with inlaid flooring. I don't care for the furniture, it's too tired and dated looking.
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Beautiful fireplace and tiled doors.
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Glimpse of the kitchen. Wow, it doesn't even look like a kitchen with the fireplace, coffered ceilings, a desk area, and look at the counter on the island.
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This must be the gorgeous fireplace in the primary bedroom.
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What a fancy closet/dressing room.
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This is nice, a terrace above the city.
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There are 6 floors.
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Even this smaller terrace is nice.
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The fireplaces are all different and amazing.
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Beautiful sun room with a view of the rooftop gardens.
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Wow, this is gorgeous.
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A girl can only dream.
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Great views.
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One must wonder who would have the money to buy this and if it would sell quicker or slower than a new, modern place in the city.
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aroacewxs · 7 months
the ruikasa that lives in my head is not romantic in the SLIGHTEST and it cracks me up. sharing my repulsed aro ruikasa thoughts here hehehe don't mind me
first of all i just cannot see tenma tsukasa above all people, the aromantic of project sekai (he's competing with ichika for number one coded aro) sparing one single thought in his empty head for romantic feelings. i feel like tsukasa lacks all common sense surrounding society's idea of what is suggestive/romantic/flirtatious, to the point where if he were to be assigned a role that required him to perform a kiss scene or something of the sort, he'd be all "boy oh boy im going to knock the audience's SOCKS off with this one" and completely disregard that this is actually very very embarrassing for the poor actor that has to be on the receiving end of his rehearsed romantic gestures
oh yeah, speaking of rehearsed romantic gestures
i need you to picture a pathetic tenma tsukasa, specifically kamikou fes tsukasa, on one knee in front of his mirror at 2 in the morning, reciting his cheesy love monologue and chuckling to himself after for how GOOD he is. "just ham it up. it'll look so good. i'm so good. genuinely who else is professing their undying love for their soulmate like i am"
on the other hand, rui actually has thoughts. these thoughts fill him with such distress it makes him feel nauseous. he's really just going about his day, rehearsing with wxs at the wonder stage when he suddenly feels a surge of warmth swirl in his chest whenever tsukasa gladly complies with his wacky ideas. he's just trying to live his poor life when the excitement and adrenaline from performing shows with wxs has him in shambles later because he's debating whether or not this is what everyone calls Romantic Love (it's not. he's just a repulsed aro loser who would die for his friends)
tsukasa: rui, throw anything my way and i'll deliver with 12000% !!!!! guaranteed!!!! as always!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA
rui: (god are you trying to torture me or what. am i deserving of such a person. Goodness gracious i feel like im floating whenever I'm around these guys is this some kind of sorcery I'm unaware of. i think my heart is going to twist and leap out of my chest they're so good they're so wonderful and im really just here aren't I im really just here and oh my freaking god is this what they call having a crush. is this what everyone around me has been hyping up. jumping jellyfish if it is, it feels AWFUL and i can't believe i've been thinking i'm missing out. no but then what really defines romantic feelings because if we're talking pros and cons and hypotheticals and possibilities, i would not want to kiss tsukasa like that, but isn't that a given when you love someone in that way. am i crazy am i broken am i an anomaly. I need to write this down for later and perform a google search)
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work-the-wasteland · 5 days
Working The Wasteland (FO4)
*FEEDBACK* Uh... is this thing on? Ahem. People of the commonwealth. Do not be afraid. I come in peace. I am... Sam! It's me again, back with more tips and tricks to make the commonwealth your bi-*FEEDBACK, FOLLOWED BY STATIC*
-een at that point where we need something done for us, right? Whether we don't have the skills or the scrap to do it, we've all had to ask for help, y'know. Don't be ashamed, it's perfectly normal to underperform your first time. Well, now I've got the perfect solution for all of your problems...
*Sounds of sawing can be heard in the background* *Door opening and closing* A new, state of the art... SYNTH! With my new product called DO-IT-MYSELF (patent pending) a Gen 3 synth will be sent to your settlement to do work for you! This synth's personality will be that of a construction worker, and thus will be able to do any building that you can't do all on it's own! Each synth has it's very own unique shutdown code and module, so if you've got a terminal or a pip-boy, you can shut it down remotely in case things go haywire. Each of these bad boys start at the low low price of 12000 caps for the full package! I know, quite the investment, but with all of the added safety features, it's a bargain!
The full package includes:
1 Gen 3 synth (6000 Caps)
1 extra right arm, left arm, left leg, and right leg (1000 caps)
1 remote disable code (500 Caps)
1 synth shut-down holotape (Free!)
Software that automatically keeps the synth calm (1000 caps)
2 replaceable eyes (1000 caps)
3 different sets of clothing (500 caps)
1 Shovel, 1 Hammer, and 1 Screwdriver (Free!)
and 12 months of Anti-Liberation warranty! (2000)
However, if you just want the basic package:
1 Gen 3 synth (6000 caps)
1 synth shut-down holotape (Free!)
1 set of clothing (Free!)
1 shovel, 1 hammer, and 1 screwdriver (Free!)
1 month Anti-Liberation warranty (Free!)
So, if you're interested, please head to the dark alleyway behind the Cambridge Police Departmen- *whispering*
What? *whispering* ALL OF THEM?
"Is it working now...? Frank here. I think our radio just shut down. Whatever. Back to our regularly scheduled music. Here's You're Driving Me Crazy by... Guy... Lumbago? What?"
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ramenwithgyoza · 2 years
I love ruikasa rooftop scenarios, how these two probably hog it and how rui can watch as the sunset gently hits tsukasas soft features. Its rather romantic, that somewhere rui used to be so alone in is now somewhere he can be with someone he loved. It holds a lot of meaning to him, specially since its where tsukasa declared to give him 12000% to begin with.
But I really think rui’s rooftop days have been over ever since the day he met tsukasa. In most card stories and event stories where ruikasa are together in campus, its often in classrooms or in the courtyard. Tsukasa isnt the type to shy away from the crowd, he makes a room lively. If he needs some peaceful space, he goes to the courtyard (as seen in his 1 star’s side story). And like rui’s personal north star, rui is the type to gravitate to wherever tsukasa is, rather than being the one to bring him elsewhere. Unlike his lonely middle school days, i want to imagine rui to finally have a normal school life. Where his lunches and free times are spent not hiding in the rooftop but being with tsukasa wherever a crowd may be, or setting off some sort of explosive with tsukasa in the courtyard during lunch. Really, if anything, these two seem to be the schools center of attention with how crazy their schemes seem to be, running away from teachers and the disciplinary committee, and theyd definitely not be on the rooftop during those moments.
If anything, i think mizuki’s card story from the hermit event really solidified it. Or so i like to think. Rui himself says that mizuki lost a friend who shares that solitude (but did not lose a friend who understands that feeling). I really think that card story marks the end of rui’s rooftop days, a pivotal and clear mark that his character has moved on from the past. Its been implied for the longest time, but rui isnt alone anymore. I dont think he has much reasons to return to that school rooftop.
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youareinlove · 8 months
the folklore love triangle story puzzle: explained
i think you guys earned it, and we're about 1.5 hours from getting the prologue of the folklore love triangle story on wattpad (before i eventually move everything to ao3 dw)
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294 - october 21st (the release date) is the 294th day of the year
🤡🎂 - in peace, the line "clowns to the west" refers to two specific wests (one former west ig) one of whom has a birthday on october 21st
fireworks over skyline - new years, the prologue takes place at a new years party
teem em ta hidgitnm - a scrambled "meet me at midnight." october 21st is the midnights album release date, and meet me at midnight is the first line of the album
hits different - 10th album, 21st song, 10/21 = october 21
12000 - october 21 was selected to be the midnights release date because taylor turned 12000 days old on october 21st, 2022
clock at midnight and fireworks - a dual hint at the new years party and the story sharing its release date with midnights
apples - october 21st is national apple day in the united states
the story starts lyric - stories typically start with a prologue, which is when we're introduced to the new years party. the rest of the lyric is "the story starts when it was hot and it was summer" and the main story (after the prologue) is in the summer
VMA statues - the 9 VMAs are the 9 VMA awards taylor won this year. she announced midnights, which released on october 21st, at the 2022 VMAs
sorry for driving so many of you crazy, enjoy the chapter whenever my internet and wattpad decides u guys can x
much love, c
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galacticwildfire · 4 months
It's crazy how in a town of 12000 people we went from a 1/25 chance of being a victim of crime to 1/19 in just two days because twelve year olds keep breaking into retirement homes with knives and burning out cars for fun.
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systemrestart · 1 year
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FINALLY!!!! after 12056 encounters, my very first Safari Zone shiny!! i saw it cross the screen and was like ".....that shade seems a little darker" lol
Win, or Fail?
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my "target" was Exeggcute, but really i just wanted anything, and while Nidoran isn't anything crazy, i AM kind of glad i ran into something with a high catch rate....... especially after 12000+
i probably won't return to the Safari Zone until next year's Safari Week, if i return at all. im happy with my prize!!
EDIT: Here is my video of the capture!
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bucketsquid · 2 years
i’m late to the party but. thoughts on story mode (i finished it two days after release i’m just. forgetful)
you know what? i liked it. it wasn’t perfect: it lost the plot thread of “looking for craig” after a bit and just felt like more of “progression for the sake of progression” but maybe that’s because it didn’t stay actively super focused ON looking for craig. i wish we got more reasoning as to why we’re using an OE-style testing system besides “because the humans thought it was fun or something” and “the devs like this style of level design i guess”.
but those are really my only main gripes. if it had been a bit tighter written and fixed up the plot focus + explanation for level design, it would’ve been perfect.
big fan of the logs, the tone and art style were very good while giving us some awesome backstory. the liquid crystal concept is really good, as it being “responsive to electrical impulses” means it can respond to both the brain and muscular activity, so it perfectly explains why inklings + octolings can change ink color in such sophisticated ways. this plot point finally explaining how sapient life re-emerged after only 12000 years is also very nice, i always had a runaway theory that it was radiation or another human influence on evolution. i just REALLY like this plot point it’s super good okay THE CHEMICALS TURNED THE CEPHALOPODS GAY
deep cut’s involvement was.... pretty alright? i don’t see the complaints; they really are just Team Rocket, and while their turnaround near the end feels kinda weak it fits thematically and that’s more important overall. i like how much they care for their community. big man’s boss fight was underwhelming + probably should’ve been first; compared to frye and shiver it was just. eh. even if it is a mario reference
mr. grizz being the Big Bad was really delightful; i actually didn’t expect splatdevs to commit to “he’s just a sapient bear” as a bit and his design is nothing short of the funniest thing possible. he doesn’t really come out of nowhere given the After Alterna logs: being drawn to a hold of human technology in a mammal-less world feels coherent and his backstory as a whole feels fine. the finale in space was great, decently challenging, and all I could think of was “this is just the Sonic Adventure 2 finale. this is JUST finalhazard”. the bear even shoots lasers, amazing
little buddy ascending to divine status? excellent. flawless. i lost my mind when that happened and the Inkantation really does just Do Stuff huh. having a degree of mysticism and magic, very very faintly in the mundane things like the Inkantation or the fax machine, feels very nice. little buddy said “no, i don’t want us all to die, i’ll fight and risk my life” and i have infinite feelings about it
finally YES I GOT MY OCTAVIO REDEMPTION ARC. kind of. him being the first boss was a fun sucker punch and the notion of “i’m looking for my people who got KIDNAPPED. where ARE THEY” --> “oH IT’S YOU. FUCK YOU IN PARTICULAR” is good. i wish we knew more about what he had been up to during the story mode, but we might get info later or something. also others have said this but the fact that he’s the one that calls the Inkantation “that heavenly melody” is really really good because it feels like he’s finally, truly come around, giving a sense of unity to the group in the face of annihilation. i really love that.
tl;dr it wasn’t perfect but as a splatoon worldbuilding and loremonger i am genuinely very delighted. it was a crazy ride and i screamed way too many times over all the crazy twists and turns
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