mistype360 · 2 months
how mbti types procrastinate
entp, enfp, intp, infp: considers possibilities of what to do instead of said task. starts typing but gets distracted when trying to choose a song to listen to. probably scrolls through tiktok. thinks that said task is too overwhelming. can't schedule an appointment on the phone by themself.
intj, infj, enfj, entj : plans out everything, but doesn't actually do it. wayyy too perfectionistic. has a bunch of pinterest boards (or playlists) related to said thing. not inspired. not enough pressure. "scheduled procrastination."
estp, esfp, istp, isfp: thinks the task is stupid and boring, and there are more fun/interesting things to do. also thinks that they have enough time to get it done but actually only has 2 hours. doesn't narrow down priorities. probably forget it existed in the first place
isfj, istj, estj, esfj: associates task with bad past experiences and avoids it. thinks it's not important + a waste of time compared to other things. keeps getting stuck on minor criticisms or flaws. doesn't put said thing on their to-do list (not in sight, not in mind!)
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intpconvos · 11 months
Unexpected MBTI Qualities of People I Know
ENFP: Can be real scary when serious
ENFJ: Apologizes at the most minimal mistake
INFJ: Can get really obsessed
ISFP: Wants to be babied
INFP: Can be real scary when angry
INTP: A closeted crybaby
INTJ: When their partner goes all cutesy, they go all cutesy
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celexia · 2 years
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redheaded-weirdo · 2 years
things every writer should know their character
how tall are they?
what colour eyes do they have? (note: unless they have an unusual colour like purple or yellow, chances are people won't notice)
do they have any hobbies?
is there a secret they're embarrassed about?
what are they afraid of, and why?
do they have any mental/physical disabilities?
what are they good at/bad at?
what's their personality? (you can use the 16personalities website to find out - just answer the questions as though you were the character)
what's one mental flaw they have? (e.g. hates studying, worries about schoolwork)
what's one physical flaw? (e.g. large nose, large nose, freckles, a mole, pimples, long limbs)
are they popular? lonely?
how well do they do in school?
do they stick out in their homeland? (e.g. tris in the factions, sophie in the lost cities)
you can also give them a bad habit like biting their nails or cracking their fingers :)
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antheiantics · 1 year
Things I would do as an ENTJ parent
Educate them on "The Art Of War" from an early age. If it's hard for them to get it, I would go as far as publishing a children's version of it.
Teach them proper manners and etiquette.
Gift each of them a plant, they must keep alive to develop a caring mechanism.
As soon as they prove to me they can take care of it, I'll get them a pet of their own choosing. Preferably a dog, if our household doesn't have one already. An animal of whatever kind, teaches responsibility
Read them fairy tales and mimic the voice of the characters for a full-blown experience.
Drink tea/fresh juice with them every morning and ask how they plan to spend their day. Later when they grow up, we'll have coffee.
Family dinners. That's a must.
Always urge them to communicate with me and their father about their feelings. It's important to me that they realize that we're not exactly mind readers and neither are other people.
Make sure they know what sarcasm is from an early age. That ages well, I promise you. And besides with me being their mother, they can't escape it either. Better get used to it.
Teach them to always fight for what they want and achieve it through any means necessary. Killing is off the table (we're not in The Purge, darlings, it's still illegal) Unfair play is off limits too - we honour truth and justice in this house. Otherwise, there are no limits whatsoever.
Talk with them like they are adults. The dog doesn't say "woof woof", it barks.
No matter what anyone says, they'll get their first phones when they turn 6 or 7 (meaning when they enter school). Before that, screen time will be minimized to certain movies and tv shows that I may make a separate list for (comment down below what movies and tv shows you would play for your kids so I can include them; would be nice if you write your MBTI and enneagram as well)
On the subject of phones: if they don't pick up the first time, I can take it. But if they don't pick up after 30 minutes when I call them again, I will come to the school or wherever they are and they will be grounded for life ( That's extreme, I know, maybe not grounded but definitely scolded)
I will make sure they know how to observe their surroundings.
Teach them to take charge when they believe is necessary. They don't have to be leaders but they must know how to be ones in case of need. This ages well, I promise, pt.2.
Make sure that they know that for school projects everyone must do their portion of the work unless their teammates are incompetent and lazy. Then, they would have to push themselves more to make the project succeed. Doesn't have to be perfect or the best one but if my kids are doing it, it probably will be *hair flip*
Teach them to handle money wisely. I didn't develop that habit even though my parents advised me a lot and at 20 I still find it difficult.
Introduce them to basic medicines they sell at pharmacies as soon as they can understand me. I grew up in a family where at 6, I knew what homeopathic medicine to take, depending on my symptoms. My mother and grandmother have medical backgrounds so I always knew what to do and therefore was calm. My children will definitely know that too.
If I have more than one kid as I wish, I will teach them to look after one another and protect each other. They must understand that a brother or a sister is the mightiest weapon anyone could have.
Get their aunt aka my best friend to teach them martial arts or at least basic self-defence.
Make sure they read a lot. Any kind of book, whatever book they are interested in. I'm all up for it. Not liking books isn't an option because in my opinion there is a book for any taste.
Make sure they forge their own style but still dress with taste and elegance.
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argiphon · 6 months
(This is just me having a stereotypical day where I felt, yet again, what grotesque things outsider’s emotions could be)( in this case it’s my parents)
For those who have similar experiences and also want free from violent, unpredictable and scary emotions, hope this picture soothes you like it brings me solace.
The goggles are from the INTP avatar from the 16personalities website
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You are no warrior, and you harbor no hope. Your rest is no rest, and your battle has no intervals.
Your enemy is inescapable, undefeatable, so you learn to half ignore it and carry on. Inwards, there is sanctuary. You turn surviving and coping into a puzzle, sometimes it works, sometimes you’re just sorting out patterns when there is none. You try anyways, it tires you yet you won’t stop, it’s who you are.
You learn to knock on the hollowness that is your heart. It burns cold, calm — indestructible. You know that’s just an illusion, but the thought warms you through the night. It soothes you, watching all the shards burning through your horizon, believing that it’ll never disrupt the surface.
If there’s a meaning of all of this, you’re willing to wait for it.
You gaze back at the eternal enemy.
You feel no despair.
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booindonesia · 9 months
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Mood Board/Wallpaper Tipe Kepribadian INFJ
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stormysage99 · 3 months
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That's me!
Picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1265749
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sashaart · 2 years
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ENFP doing the presentations for us ~~
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mbticatalog · 2 years
10 Things INFPs Wish More People Knew About Them
Being an INFP comes with its share of ups and downs. Here are 10 things you probably didn't know about being an INFP:
1. We're introverts... but we also like people. A lot. Sometimes, we just need our alone time to recharge, but that doesn't mean we don't enjoy being around others.
2. We're dreamers... but we're also doers. Just because we spend a lot of time daydreaming doesn't mean we're not capable of getting things done. We just might approach things a little differently than others.
3. We're sensitive... but that doesn't mean we're weak. We feel things deeply, and sometimes that can be overwhelming, but it also allows us to be compassionate and empathize with others.
4. We're idealists... but we're also realists. We believe in the power of positivity and hope, but we also know that the world isn't always a fair place.
5. We're quiet... but that doesn't mean we don't have anything to say. We often prefer to listen and observe rather than talking for the sake of talking, but when we do speak, it's usually because we have something important to say.
6. We're creative... but that doesn't mean we're not logical. We often see the world in our own unique way, and while that can make us seem a little out there to others, it also allows us to come up with creative solutions to problems.
7. We're independent... but that doesn't mean we don't need or want help. We value our independence, but we also know that there's nothing wrong with asking for help when we need it.
8. We're introspective... but that doesn't mean we're self-absorbed. We often spend a lot of time thinking about who we are and what we want in life, but that doesn't mean we're not interested in others.
9. We're intuitive... but that doesn't mean we're always right. We often trust our gut instincts, but we also know that they don't always lead us in the right direction.
10. We're INFPs... and we're pretty awesome. We might not be the most outgoing or outspoken people, but we're pretty great just the way we are.
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highlyspecificsigns · 2 years
the signs as the 16personalities avatars
this has nothing to do with the myers briggs stuff I just find the avatars incredibly funny for some reason
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mistype360 · 4 months
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intpconvos · 9 months
INFP apparently being rude
INFP: Have I become rude?
INTP: What? How do you say so?
INFP: Cos I don't reply quickly anymore, and I don't think I hype up your posts anymore, and I mostly keep to myself these days, and I'd rather watch my favorite shows than talk to you guys
INTP: Congrats
INFP: What?
INTP: You now have boundaries. I'm so proud of you
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celexia · 2 years
INTP x ENTJ 💗✨☁️
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typefy · 2 years
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Did you know that personality frameworks are divided into two categories? 🤔 There’s so much to uncover in the next couple of weeks, but I’m laying down the groundwork for anyone who’s keen on typology.
Follow me for more Type related content!
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antheiantics · 1 year
Breaking down ENTJ stereotypes to uncover the true face of the type pt.1
1. ENTJ individuals are cold and emotionless
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Okay, that's by far the most idiotic stereotype of them all and one I haven't been shy to object to in this blog of mine. That's the main reason why I chose to cover it first.
First things first:
No one is emotionless. We all feel things. ENTJs just choose not to show it that much. We are analytical, observant, and what one might call stoic. It's not like there isn't something that has hurt, bothered, or offended me, I just try and find a way for it not to prevent me from doing my day-to-day tasks. No one likes to have to work or communicate with openly emotional messes. Of course, it's a good thing to express yourself... shutting yourself out or pretending everything's fine is an option but never a solution to the issue, and we ENTJs love solutions. They're practically our drive for anything which kind of explains the fact that we're good at finding and establishing them. Being able to control ourselves in tight situations or around certified stress inducers, as I'm keen on calling humans, is essential to us. Anyone can lose their composure, it's always easier to let go than to keep it down. ENTJs understand that and sometimes even unconsciously strive to achieve it, whilst still being on the job to look presentable and socially active. That's where it becomes tricky - to look like you have it together when you don't, to maintain the appearance of the "fine and successful way of life".
Smiling, actively participating in conversations, sharing ideas and opinions, debating when needed, backing down (reluctantly, if it must be somehow defined), taking charge or navigating others while they lead are all part of the things we make ourselves do, to maintain our image of the always prepared person that's capable, well-organised and a tower of strength. To other people, we might seem proud and conceited at first. Sometimes we appear as robots because we take on situations a lot more different than how it's normally expected. We take in shocks well and are durable. Sometimes we think so much, that we forget to react appropriately because we were busy thinking about the possible outcomes. To put it simply, brainstorming is on 24/7. ENTJs are prone to a lot of overthinking. If there are three possible scenarios of how a certain event might go, we come up with four. That's not to say that we're the only ones capable of doing that, a lot of people are overthinkers too, but the main difference between them and us is that their overthinking is derived from possible past experiences (traumas, toxic relationships, anxiety) and ours is more like a personality trait. I can't recall a moment in my life when I wasn't thinking of possible scenarios for all the different kinds of situations I was in. Sometimes it even became too much. I was too aware and that slowed my reaction time to a negative number because my brain was so ahead of the present moment that it already counted the event for passed, finished achieved, you name it - in other words, over.
Being emotionally strict with ourselves isn't an ally to us either. I've had moments in which I've hardly managed to get a word out because I'm so confused about how I feel that my brain just stops working.
When it comes to feeling spectre ENTJs are as well developed as any other person out there (excluding the issues, varying from person to person). However, if we speak about the full emotional spectre, our operating system starts to glitch. Emotions are not unfeelable but are hard to process and when they are hard to process they become a burden. And what do ENTJs do about burdens? Yep, you guessed it right, we remove it.
That's all there is to it. Emotions are not a burden, but when they do appear as one, we push them away for later so we might navigate smoothly throughout our lives. The coldness that's negatively looked upon, is the fruit of the constant thinking of possible outcomes, statistics, and solutions.
Part 2 will come sooner or later, depending on the interest this blog gets. Hope you enjoyed reading, thank you in advance for appreciating my work.
See you soon.
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