#mbti humor
classic-entp · 5 months
Classic-ENTP #43
ENTP: the system should be as disposable to you as you are to the system.
INTJ: *thinking they've finally found a like minded individual*
INTP: she's talking about Minecraft don't bother being impressed
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antheiantics · 2 years
Some things I found out after I started getting into MBTI (ENTJ observations) pt.2
INFP put aside their true thoughts because they feel like everyone deserves a chance to speak up except them. Extremely infuriating, yes, and making them look like they have no personality.
INFJ are the Obi-Wan Kenobi's of MBTI. A stereotype going strong, I guess.
ENTJ gets along with INFJ but it has to be in a setting where we, ENTJs, can't assume active leadership, meaning we must be calm which is not exactly easy, but also not a hard thing to achieve.
ISFJs can be men, apparently. I thought only women got that type, well, I guess not. Explains why dad sometimes finds me uncontrollable and aggressive. He's a teddy bear with a shield that I constantly hit, when I'm angry.
ESTJs, ISTJs & INTJs are the most competent, efficient and thinking types. A true pleasure to work with, in a team.
INTJs do tend to have great ideas and withhold them, but with proper encouragement and a good approach towards their pride, ego and mindset, projects result in being outstanding.
INTPs can make ENTJs laugh too hard in serious situations, and it's a gigantic problem.
ENTPs are so viciously entertaining, that sometimes it's too much to handle which makes people generally dislike their "The Greatest Showman" type of attitude.
ISTPs are very, very mysterious individuals. It's hard for me to know what they are thinking which makes them unpredictable and I dislike surprises.
ESTP + ISTP = power combo
ESTP + ISTP + ENTP however = a destructive combo
Never partner an ENFP with an ENTP. It's either going to be a huge success or Hiroshima all over again and the odds fall mostly towards the latter scenario.
ENTJs absolutely detest repetitiveness of mistakes, whether it's our own or of others.
If ENTJ lays and mops around the couch all day, then something is very dreadfully wrong.
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intpxenfp · 2 years
INTP: remember that time when I told you I had never been kissed and you changed the subject?
ENFP: what. I literally replied with "I volunteer". How is that changing the subject?
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art-ro-vert · 5 months
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Yes, that’s it! That’s me, a true ENTP 🤣🤣🤣
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chhagiya · 2 years
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He’s either having fun or plotting murder ….. either way he’s having fun….
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nitwitthegrey · 1 year
*ENTP & INFJ accidentally end up under mistletoe*
ENTP: *knowing look*
INFJ: "Who would put this here? I can't believe anyone would still be upholding this stupid tradition. It's demeaning."
ENTP: "Couldn't agree more."
INFJ: ...
ENTP: "Let's kiss tho"
INFJ: "Yeah okay."
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luv3art · 2 years
Mbti relationships that i think would work pretty well but others deny it:
Estj x Intp:
Estj with good communication skills will get the heart of intps because Intps might look pretty passive and not interested in social activities but they admire people who are passionate, hard working and ambitious. Intp can make Estj think out of the box and get rid of their annoying trait as being unnecessarily stubborn.
Infj x Enfj:
Infjs can make Enfjs get down on the Earth from clouds of their ego and tell them truth without making them feel dumb. Flashy Enfjs can make Infjs appreciate their skills that Infjs mostly find useless and not developed, Infjs can get a great life lesson as not caring as much as they do from Enfjs.
Entp x Infp:
These two crazy ass people can become a great duo if Entps act like a normal human being rather fake joker and infps are not sleeping in their useless dreams. Entp is a great example for infp not being embarrassed for their failure and dramatic about daily events, infps can make entps shut up and listen to people around them instead of cutting their words without understanding anything.
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MBTI Community: INFJs are lovely beings, truly a celestial body incarnate. They are so perceptive and can look into your soul with their piercing gaze! But they are so sensitive and secretive, if only we could get this closed book to open *dramatic sigh*.
The entire INFJ community : *side-eyes Hitler*
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deviliciousdev · 2 years
mbti✨ The Debater vs. Illness 🤧🤒
entp (the debater)
infj (the advocate)
ft. intj (the architect)
[ entp bundled up in coats, scarves, and winter hats; face pale and eyes blood shot. sitting shivering in their office]
[infj (who is a nurse) enter's]
infj: entp, you've been sweating in here all day... are you drinking fluids?
entp: yes. *pulls out a rocks glass full of whiskey 🥃 and points*
infj: ok, no. you need to drink water!*sets a cup of ice water on desk*
entp: usually i take mine neat, but i will make an exception, in the name of health. *takes ice cube out of water and puts it in whiskey*
infj: *like they're talking to a stubborn child* ok, you need take off those layers, rehydrate, and to go to the doctor.
entp: thank you for your concern. now please turn the thermostat up to 90(F) and leave me alone.
infj: *crosses arms* entp, this isn't safe.
entp: i am a fully grown human adult. i have had a cold before. therefore, i need no help! *stands up* so, if you don't min- *passes out taking chair with them*
infj: *unfazed* yep, that seems about right.
[later, in the exam room at the hospital infj works at]
entp: i would once again like to object to being brought here against my will. *handing infj their finished hospital form*
infj: entp! you redacted (blacked out) all the information!?
entp: i answered some of it.
infj: for date of birth you just wrote, springtime...
entp: which is true!
infj: *again with a voice like talking to a stubborn child* everything you write down is confidential, we need you to give real answers on the form.
entp: *gruff groan like a small bear* mmf fine.
infj: ok, *starts filling out form for entp* how many drinks of alcohol do you consume per week?
entp: one.
infj: *surprised tone* that's it only one drink?
entp: one shelf.
infj: *disappointed but not surprised expression*
infj: do you exercise?
entp: yes. wood working and love making. *winks at infj*
infj: *rolls eyes and writes on chart*
infj: do you have any mental illness in the family?
entp: *nods* i have an uncle who's a flat-earther.
infj: any allergies?
entp: cowardice and weak willed people. oh, and hazelnuts.
infj: sexual history? *looks up with just their eyes from clip board*
entp: epic, and private *small smirk*
[intj doctor comes in, with no greetings or small talk and begins putting on gloves]
infj: entp, this is Dr.Intj. they're going to evaluate you.
entp: before you begin, some ground rules. first i need you to explain everything you are going to do before you do it. so i can determine whether i will allow you to- uargh! *intj sticks tongue depressor in entp's mouth*
entp: *intj removes tongue depressor* uggh. balsa-wood? you could at least used mahogany.
[has entp lay down and check for abdominal pain]
intj: *presses on left side of abdomen*
entp: *child-like giggle from being ticklish*
intj: *presses on right side of abdomen*
entp: *child-like giggle*
[intj gets entp sat up and starts writing on prescription pad]
intj: you have strep throat. writing you a prescription for penicillin.
infj: your other test results will be ready in 20 mins. your cholesterol, your-
entp: not interested. *stands up and takes prescription from intj doctor* [cheerful voice] good day. *leaves*
intj: wow.
infj: yeah, sorry about them, they-
intj: i wish all my patients were like that. *walks out*
infj: *camera looks* 😐
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classic-entp · 7 months
Classic-ENTP #42
Any Ixxx Type: That's my new friend!
ExxP: ???????????????I thought you had social anxiety???????????????
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antheiantics · 1 year
Some things I found out after I got into MBTI (ENTJ observations) pt. 3
INTP are literal study monsters if the outcome is worth it. With that being said though, they still get good grades even without studying.
ENTP/ENFP love a good scandal. The first have a thing for controversy, the latters see it as a emotional outlet.
INTJ tend to seem open to conversation when in social situations or working but when it comes to people who are really close to them, they hold back and isolate, a lot. Same could be applied to ISTP.
Sometimes ISTJ are even more productive than ESTJ.
ENTJ have their productive and non-productive days and while it sometimes cause us stress, we always manage to catch up with unfinished business in the following days.
The love ISTJ and ESTJ have for charts, sheets, organising and planning is indomitable.
INFP are too good at empathy, that it makes me sick. These people could feel happy over their second cousin's child passing exam and it would be like a fiesta lasting for two days. Some days I almost wish I could do the same, but then I remember I'm me and as long as the kid is healthy and thriving I would be fine without making anything of it. (not trying to offend INFPs in any way, just mad respect for managing to hold onto an emotion for that long)
ISFP would finish the job and then forget to tell you they finished the job. Happened twice with a friend of mine in the past month.
ENFJs tend to save the situation by making a random comment and then somehow turning it into a full-blown discussion without even trying.
ENTJ get the "slip of the tongue" around 10-15 times when talking to a crush... Or presenting something of a high importance.
I'm astonished as to how easy ESFJ accept mistakes or rather seem to do it. Never seen a more unbothered person. Failure is more like a misstep to them. Also mad respect.
ESTJ stress out the whole room until the job is done. If they are stressed, then the whole room must be stressed.
When under pressure, INTJ shout. It's something along the lines of: "I CAN'T THINK WHEN ALL OF YOU ARE THINKING NEXT TO ME, GET OUT!"
This, I'm not sure if it applies to all ENTJ but: I was told that when I think about solving something like a problem or a creating a design (I study interior design), I tend to look straight ahead and move my eyes as if there are multiple boards in front of me. They told me my eyes darted up and down and from right to left the entire time, as if I was searching for something. Entering the mind palace is apparently how I operate.
Following that train of thought, I tend to "jerk awake" from that thinking process by suddenly getting up from my seat and saying "Alright, got it. We should do-"
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intpxenfp · 1 year
ENFP: if you weren't studying Chemistry what would you study?
INTP: bakery. I'm pretty good at making cakes.
ENFP: WHAT. Wait. It actually makes so much sense.
INTP: it's like doing an experiment. You have to use the exact amounts of everything and you must follow the instructions to the letter.
ENFP: otherwise you'll face terrible consequences.
INTP: exactly. Bakery is the safer version of Chemistry.
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correctquotesarein · 2 years
Isfp: You are a very smart person. You know lots of things, and you put the things you know together in interesting ways. But there are many things you don’t know… and you’re also low key sort of an idiot.
Intp:…. Might be my favorite compliment ever. Please continue
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mackio-o · 2 years
The AOT characters and their MBTI types:
Warnings: none really except for swearing and major spoilers on season 2 and 4 for the show
Eren: ESFP
(extroverted • sensing • feeling • perceiving)
Some may disagree but I feel like eren could be both introverted and extroverted honestly. However I believe his true true self is in fact and ESFP especially in a modern universe. And the rest goes unsaid. He’s definitely more of an observer than he is intuitive he has a thick skull and he’d have to really pay attention to something to understand what’s going on. His emotions lead him more than anything and I mean its pretty self explanatory he committed mass genocide just to protect his friends.
Armin: INFJ
(Introverted • intuitive • feeling • judging)
I say this with my chest. Mans is an INFJ. Introverted as fuck. Intuitive as fuck smartass. Feeling as fuck sensitive mf. And very outspoken. There see. I’m right.
Mikasa: ISTJ
(Introverted • sensing • thinking • judging)
I really don’t wanna have to explain myself this is very self explanatory.
Levi: INTJ
(Introverted • intuitive • thinking • judging)
Fight me. Everybody argues that Levi is an ISTP bitch where. Literally where. This mf is intuitive as fuck he can smell bullshit a mile away. This man would sense ur bullshit right away and call you out on it infront of everyone. Intuitive judger. Don’t fuck with him he’s scary. Have you seen his bitch face ??? Also the classic INTJ cold exterior warm interior signature is here which only makes my point ten times more accurate 🙄🙄
Hanji: ENTP
(extroverted • intuitive • thinking • perceiving)
God this is so so so so so self explanatory and clear. I’ll just say this you know who else is an enfp? Gojo and Ryuk. That’s literally all I have to say.
Erwin: ENTJ
(extroverted • intuitive • thinking • judging)
Scary politician man. Ten steps ahead. Kind of toxic and really annoyingly persuasive, you can’t even argue with these mfs it’s so hard to articulate a good counter argument literally the best comeback you could come up with is “ur mom”.
“…Therefore I hereby sentence you to 10 years in prison, do you have any final statements?”
“uh ur mom”
“…make it 20 smh”
Jean: ISFJ
(Introverted • sensing • feeling • judging)
I really really can’t explain this it just makes sense to me. He could possibly be an estp???? I mean he’s a player and he’s full of himself sorry for using stereotypes it just makes sense to me that he’s an ISFJ but I could be persuaded otherwise.
Sasha: ENFP
(extroverted • intuitive • feeling • perceiving)
Ah the best personality type 😌 totally unbiased. This is very very very clear and self explanatory so cute and pure and sassy. Sunshine.
Connie: ENFP
(extroverted • intuitive • feeling • perceiving)
It might be cliché that I put Sasha and Connie as the same type. But it is completely accurate and true and you can take it up with Isayama for making them soulmates and completely perfect twins. I miss them
Historia: ENFJ
(extroverted • intuitive • feeling • judging)
the classic angel, swan, dreamy, piscean vibes that goes with enfj. She’s a classic classic enfj and it’s so pretty and cute and just very fitting (can u tell I like enfj??) #enfjenvy
Ymir: ISTP
(Introverted • sensing • thinking • perceiving)
I know I know. I’m a genius 😌 this is so accurate it’s not even funny just to show u how much this is true here are some ISTP characters; Say-beok from squid game, Rue Bennet from Euphoria, Toph from avatar, Ash from banana fish, Dabi from mha and fucking Eminem bro. I’m a fucking genius. Thank you and goodnight.
Reiner: ESFJ
(extroverted • sensing • feeling • judging)
I really really can’t explain this I just know it in my heart to be true. Do ur own research abt them if u don’t believe me 🙄🙄
Annie: INTP
(Introverted • intuitive • thinking • perceiving)
This is completely an opinion I haven’t really analyzed her character that well but I genuinely believe she’s an intp. It’s just so fitting for her character and I doubt she would’ve gotten away with being the female titan and hiding it so well if she wasn’t intuitive. Also it’s very in character of an intp to isolate themselves when they don’t want to get attached to the people around them.
Anyway that’s all I’m gonna do for today if you have requests for any more characters leave an ask or something. Same goes for requests. I hope you enjoyed me ranting abt mbti lol byeyyeyeyeyeye <33
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