#infj empath
poetrybyonur · 1 year
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Have you ever been held like this by anyone? Not physically, but having a soul wrap around you like a warm blanket?
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g3l3mb · 2 years
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What does it mean to be ‘sensitive’?
As a personality trait, scientists define high sensitivity as taking in more information from your environment, processing it more deeply, and doing more with it, according to Andre Sólo, coauthor of Sensitive and one of the founders of Sensitive Refuge. Sólo says that the sensitive brain is actually wired to process all information more deeply — effectively spending more time and mental resources on doing so — which means sensitive people tend to notice details others miss and make connections that others don’t see.
Because of this deep processing, sensitive people tend to have certain traits. Many are creative deep thinkers who pick up on subtle details and nuance. Most have high levels of empathy, because they process emotional cues more deeply, too. And many are highly attuned to their physical environment, noticing even the tiniest changes around them. These are all advantages, but the sensitive brain can get overstimulated in loud, chaotic or emotionally intense environments. They do best in calm, quiet settings with plenty of time to think.
Of course, everyone is sensitive to some extent. Sólo says that researchers now see sensitivity as a continuum, with most people in the middle, a few at the low end, and about 30% scoring high for sensitivity. These highly sensitive people, or HSPs, are what we mean when we say “sensitive people.”
#1 Most Sensitive Type: INFJ
INFJs usually exhibit high levels of sensitivity and have a deep affinity for other people’s feelings. INFJs have strong emotional connections to both their own feelings and the feelings of others. They are incredibly sensitive to suffering and are unable to just turn away from someone who is in pain. They tend to experience sadness about the cruelty they witness in the world which can lead them to have isolated periods. It’s this intense empathy that pushes INFJs to the top of the sensitivity list — they are often deep thinkers like INFPs, and are also incredibly attuned to the needs of the people around them. INFJs are highly sensitive to the words and deeds of those close to them. INFJ is regarded as the most sensitive personality type. Some estimates suggest that 80 to 90% of people who test as INFJs also test as highly sensitive people, because the traits of the two overlap so much.
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Living with a personality that is so rare is a struggle because it is hard to find someone who has the experience. My personality, INFJ, makes up 2% of the population.
INFJ stands for:
      - Introverted
      - Intuition
      - Feeling
      - Judging
People with INFJ are very complex people with an array of emotions, interests, and talents. Though they have a reputation for being reserved and quiet, they can be some of the most highly respected and admired people in the world.
Like all personalities they have their strengths and weaknesses. The strengths in this personality trait are:
      - Zealous and enthusiastic
      - Perceptive and deep
      - Compassionate and peace loving
      - Decisive and pragmatic
      - Virtuous and Noble
The Weaknesses are:
      - Perfectionist and too specific
      - Over sensitive and opposed to conflicts
      - Repressed and too private
      - People pleaser and meek
      - Overworked and burn out
With INFJ there are 7 signs you can pick up on if they're unhappy with their life. They are:
      - They become impulsive
      - They're tired all the time
      - They're detached
      - They ghost you
      - They see no future
      - They're always around people
       They can't concentrate
Instagram @Chameleon_Personality
Facebook @ChameleonPersonality
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sadiahakim · 2 years
Stop battling the wrong battles. Stop entering the wrong battlefields.
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Many pieces of you would stop suffering the day you would stop battling the wrong battles, so, stop battling the wrong battles. Stop reacting to every action. Just like not every opportunity is for you to grab, not every risk is for you to take as well. Stop carrying the emotional baggage of everyone you come across in your life. Not every battlefield is for you to enter. Be an empath, but learn what empathy is, and what it is not.
Sadia Hakim (📸 Via Instagram)
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ursulawhosoever · 1 year
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Hummm 🤔🤔 Im a INFJ 4w5 and I LOVE physical touch when it comes from people (very) close to me 🥰 HUG HUG🥰 🤗
Whats your personality type and like you physical touch?🧐
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poetrybyonur · 2 years
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I not only see that beautiful light emanating from within you, I see its source, the fire burning inside you. And I will risk getting burnt just to feel your heat.
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theregencyreticule · 1 year
Personal Mod Post: (feel free to scroll on by…)
I really really really wish we could catch a break.
2 kids with chronic illnesses that require many many appointments, 1 with mental illness struggles who also is a home learner due to the chronic illness. A caretaker (me) with long Covid who has been trying to stay on top of everything this year and failing miserably. My partner has had a head injury for 5 years and can do very little outside of working.
He rides his bike almost every single day and it is one of the only things that brings him joy and also makes him feel symptom free. He just called from the warm up ride for a race he was planning to be in tomorrow.
He crashed and has likely broken his collarbone. He broke his hand in January in a crash and those 6 weeks not riding were so hard.
And fuck. I’m tired of it always being one more thing loaded on to us; to me. Tired of being the only one who is able to do all the things that need doing. Tired of never getting better cause I have no time to rest.
And…. I feel guilty for feeling irritated at his injury. He’s going to be in pain and upset with himself and I do feel for him.
I’m just so tired.
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phoenixxxrizing · 1 year
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If INFJ were a flower……..
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theysayimtoomuch · 9 months
where r all the new streamers and gamer girls pls algorithm ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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thecolourofguilt · 1 year
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antisocial-shilo · 1 year
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caurmela · 2 years
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sagittarius rising
cancer sun
aquarius moon
cancer stellium
moonchild 🌖
life path 11
enneagram type 2 6 1 7 (2w1 & 6w7)
fan girl
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