skelegold · 2 days
Y para cerrar con el "AU" de Batman, incluyo su tercera entrega, incluyendo aún más personajes, tantos que creo que tendré que dividir este blog bua
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Incluye a:
-Red Hood
Es mi AU y wawawawa puedo hacer los cambios que quiera
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jpv-isms · 1 day
guess what i have set up! my bigcartel!! i’ll be adding more products soon (get excited for buttons & keychains) but for now my kandi is up :3 if you want a specific bracelet that isn’t available on the site, feel free to dm me and we can work it out :3
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shop link ^^^^^
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havendance · 1 day
I took inspiration from @fancyfade and tried out binding some single issues together into a book! My end goal is to bind all of my Huntress comics together, but for a test run I picked up a bunch of issues of Azrael for 50c each on the philosophy that I can give this to my little brother who likes Azrael.
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The cover's a little uneven and there's definitely room for improvement where I joined the text block to the cover, but it's a real book and I'm proud of how it turned out.
More pictures/notes on the process below the cut:
I mainly used this tutorial which fancyfade recommended. I knew this first one was going to be more practice/proof of concept so I didn't want to spend a ton of money on it. I did buy the bookbinding ribbon and the PVA glue recommenced, but I used cardboard instead of bookboard for the cover. I did layer a couple types together to make it sturdier though. I had trouble finding/figuring out what sort of fabric should be used for the mull that supports the spine, but I saw some people on reddit suggesting cheesecloth as a substitute so I went with that because it was cheap and I could find it at the supermarket. I sacrificed a old stained sheet my mom had lying around for the cover. (A non-stained portion--the smudges you can see are from the glue.)
Here's the text block all sewn together. I used some extra embrodiary thread to sew them up.
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Here's the block after I glued on the mull and some paper to secure the spine. The cheesecloth shed a bit, but it got the job done.
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And then here's after attaching the cover while waiting for the glue to dry. I'm putting my No Man's Land omnis to good use! (Though I did end up switching them out for my Sandman omnis later because I wanted read the NML ones.)
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kartsie · 10 months
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The sword said so…
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catboymoments · 5 days
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I felt like I needed to draw something different so I went ahead and finished that inverted fate/swap au screenshot redraw from Eclipse Lake I started a while ago :] this was a lot of fun!!
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libraryraccoon · 3 months
A Penguin And The Angel Of Death
Gift for : @deadghosy
Gender : Penguin
Pronouns : They/Them
Message of Raccoon : I just really wanted to write Azrael with Penguin!Reader, so I try.
TW : bad english, english isn't my first language.
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How you met Azrael is a mystery for everyone.
Azrael had heard about Heaven and Hell fighting over a penguin, and he decided to go check it out.
"So you're the famous Penguin." -Azrael, seeing you for the first time.
Friendship. Instantly.
He was your platonic soulmate.
I can see Azrael taking you flying with him. Imagine being a normal angel or demon, looking up and seeing the angel of death flying, holding a penguin in his arms.
The day of the trial, you and Azrael were watching everything from the sidelines, eating popcorn.
“Do you think they know you’re going to stay with me ?” -Azrael, watching the scene while eating popcorn, amused.
You made a penguin noise that can be translates as "Sshh, this is starting to get interesting." -Penguin!Reader, watching the scene like a TV novela.
Azrael speaks penguin. Don't ask how, he just do it.
"Guardship returns to.." Sera paused, either in disbelief or to be dramatic. “Azrael ?!” Certainly the first.
“Yo bitch.”
They looked at him as if they were seeing him for the first time- they hadn't even noticed him.
You worried for a second for Azrael's safety before remembering that he was the Angel of Death and that he was in no danger.
Lucifer looks at his brother, feeling betrayed that he is taking one of his children away from him.
Azrael walked out of the room with you in his arms, happy of the trial he saw today.
Azrael is like your cool dad who takes you everywhere with him and takes you wherever you want.
Azrael can go to Heaven, Hell or even Earth just with a snap of his fingers, say your destination and he'll take you there with no problem.
You often go to Hell and Heaven because you are attached to the people that are there.
Azrael only leaves you alone with Lucifer or Emily.
Lucifer is basically your uncle who babysits you all the time.
You have met Big G and the other archangels. I don't make the rules, as soon as Azrael won your guardship, he introduced you to the rest of the family.
You are the archangels' favorite nephew and Big G's favorite grandchild.
I just know that you and Big G spent hours on grandpa-grandchild outings. You go to the beach, get ice cream, play jokes on others... until Azrael comes to pick you up.
I headcanon that you help Gabriel in his work as a messenger.
It was you who passed the message of Sir Pentious being in Heaven to Charlie, telling her that redemption was possible.
It was your first message, Gabriel and Azrael were very proud of you after you managed to successfully transmit it.
They had a party to celebrate it.
No one can fuck with you.
Literally, you have Azrael, Big G and all the archangels on your side. Upsetting you/being on your bad side is a death sentence.
Lute and Adam are so disgusted that Azrael stole you - like you can feel their jealousy at 3000km/h.
Azrael just smiled at them before calling you “his son/daughter/child” in front of them just to piss them off.
And it works.
I can see Alastor trying to make a deal with Azrael for you to stay at the Hotel, Azrael just looks at him like "Really now ?"
Needless to say, it never worked and if it wasn't for you, he would have already killed the deer demon.
The angels find it adorable that the fearsome angel of death is walking around with a little Penguin, it's just too cute for them.
Family dinners are ✨️beautiful✨️
Beautiful in the sense that it's chaotic and it's never bored.
Usually family dinners are you, Big G, Azrael, Lucifer, Charlie, and the other archangels.
But one day you invited Emily, Sera, Adam and Lute to join you..
Let's say you weren't bored during all the dinner.
The best moments are those of hugs.
Hugs with Azrael are the best because he wraps his wings around you while carrying you. It's so quiet and peaceful that it puts you to sleep, which is very useful especially when you can't fall asleep.
Hugs with the whole family are... interesting ?
I mean, from the outside it looked like a mess of nameless feathers-
You are always in the middle of family hugs.
Azrael almost executed all the exterminators after learning about the extermination that was directed against the hotel when you were in it..
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lichnayaluna · 2 months
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silentzound · 3 months
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Leo and Azrael Sibling things 🖤💛
Leo being the amazing strategist he is, comes up with a secret technique that will shock the enemy demons.
Just throw your brother at em.
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wh40kartwork · 3 months
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by Zhang Bozi
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cacartoon · 4 months
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Smurf Angst
Back when Papa Smurf was younger, his previous village was destroyed by evil and selfish wizards, some of whom were considered his friends. This left Papa with scars that never truly healed. Eventually he would build a new village and care for the new generation of smurfs, but he dreads the misdeeds and cruelty of humans. Gargamel doesn’t help with that point of view either.
The other Smurfs had no clue of Papa’s pain.
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boxbusiness · 8 months
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3.) The Devil
He come dat boi~
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magicalbunbun · 3 months
I need some Azreal x Y/n
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elirium · 7 months
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maplecaster · 2 months
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foolsocracy · 6 days
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redraw dump of my favorite tortured soul
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