#But what if. Patch 0 pining
jeeaark · 24 days
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I discovered some fun facts while stuck in Patch 0 Hell. Saw some hope even before any oncoming epilogues and patches
So have a Greygold taking it upon themself to set up their own uh-surprise reunion!
Because. Like Hells was Greygold gonna wait. Much less think it through.
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paleopinesofficial · 8 months
Some updates from the Paleo Pines Dev Team
Now that we've got the latest updates out of the way for all platforms, we want to give everyone a quick update about what we're doing and what you can expect in the next week or two. Most importantly, we're continuing to work on crashes.
We've fixed a lot since launch, but we know that some players - seemingly those who have progressed far into the game - are still getting them. Our apologies to everyone affected, we know it's a huge annoyance and can cause loss of progress. Thank you all for your patience and helpful bug reports - we won't stop until all of these crashes are fixed.
There's one other known issue which is important enough to be worth a special mention: rarely, the game day resets to 0, causing the new-game fences and sleeping patches to spawn on top of your ranch. If this happens to you, you should reload an earlier save from before the reset. We'll fix this one as soon as we figure out what's causing it!
Beyond that, we're working our way through all of your bug reports/suggestions and we'll release more updates for all platforms as quickly as we can.
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pruszided · 1 year
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Uh oh, what is this?
It's an England AU, that's inspired by this version of Neru's Tokyo Teddy Bear. Oh, and I have a "sketch" picture as well.
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The drawing with motives and the AU explained:
Basically, the music is about to change the situation the singer is in. It's not explained how though, we can think of several possibilities. The lyrics gave me this idea, the suffering, and the determined decide of end it all. Positive, right?
Okay, the motives, there are numerous of them. Let's start with the ground, from left to right. Yep, bloody tissues, some bandage, a math test (grade: 1/F), and poppy flowers in a broken vase. Poppy flowers' meaning is consolation, on the drawing the consolation is death. Then some cones broken apart. Cones' meaning is life, on the drawing it symbolizes the life's shattering, as the cones are broken apart.
The background has several items, the closer part to the ground. First, the rubbish, with bunch of crumpled papers. I do that, when I'm unsatisfied with something really bad. Then a cupboard, with chess figures, from down to up is pawn, knight, bishop, rook, king and finally queen. It symbolizes a hierarchy stuff. And why is queen upper than king? Well, king is a weak figure, I mean, the queen is much more cooler. England thinks so here, he's rebelling against the system we have (I mean, some people will still be the most precious ones, even when others do much more than them). Then, a drawer that's capsizes. The cones are falling from this drawer. On the top, is a knife, stabbed in the drawer.
Upper background is simple. There's a desk, what every kid has, England does as well. Upper is a telephone in a pocket of a writing that says "Bye". In the original clip, Rin types her farewell in her phone, so in the AU, England did it too. The right side has a poster of a human skull. It symbolizes death. A counting can be seen on the wall, it counts until 5, and a clock that shows 0:00.
The window part is actually easy too. A pine, where the cones are from, and the moon, that gives light in the night. From a physical view, the structure of the window is messed up, but I wanted to make it big, because the kid will jump out from it. Yeah.
And the main figure. He stands rigid, his expression doesn't represents his feelings. His gaze is more sarcastic, but he feels more uncertain about his life, unloved and unsatisfied sentiments are going in him. His clothing is sewed at some parts, the sewing's colour is red, like a scar that won't stop bleeding. He holds a scissor, refering the "I'll find some tougher scissors; And cut out my face" part. His legs are also having some wounds, those are patched.
He holds a Teddy Bear, that representates the singer, here it does it with England. The Teddy is bleeding too, and has sewings, but his head is like having a missing piece of brain, refering to the "Tell me I don't need anything but my brain" part of the song.
Explaining the base TTB England AU:
As I said, he is a kid, 13-14 years around. Arthur wasn't a compeletly normal kid, not then and now. He is a bit schizophrenic, I mean, he sees the flying mint bunny, and some dark shadows sometimes. Normally, he only senses his Teddy speaing to him.
His life was a bit tough. He has a brother, Scott (Scotland) and a sister, Diana (Nyo! Wales). His parents had a good relationship, until they divorced (refering to the falling of the British Empire). Arthur and his siblings started to got always switched between the parents.
The divorce was in the 7-8 years of Arthur, so he didn't really understood what happened. It was surely hard for him, because his grades started to be worse than expected. Then teachers and parents get unsatisfied, and tried to "motivate" Arthur to get better. This was the time when he started to feel unsatisfaction.
Until 13 years, he tried extremely hard. Everyone loved him because of the intelligence he had. He still felt unsatisfied though, so he worked more and more to be better, and being the best.
At 14 years old, he wanted to try something; If he's so intelligent and logical, as everyone told him, he should be able to solve a logical mathematical question, right? So he didn't learned and paid enough attention at mathematic class, so his test became a big 1/F. All the gazes with hatred, from the parents, the dissapontment in the eyes of teachers, the surprised look by his classmates. He managed to think that, because of these actions..That everyone lied to him. No one respected him really, they just passed responsibility on him. This is the time when he started to feel brutally unloved.
He needed to express himself, though he didn't wanted to do it. As early as he could, he found his Teddy bear from his childhood. A beautiful icebear without any damage from the outer world.. He saw his childhood himself in it. But he grew up, so the Teddy has to grow up as well. Arthur harmed himself through the Teddy, that was the first time when he heard the Teddy speaking to him. He stopped, just to listen what the Teddy says. Then, they got used to harm "each other" then talking about literally anything that came to mind.
Then Teddy once came up with the idea.. If no one respects Arthur.. Wouldn't it be easier for him to just end it all? Aand, that was before the drawing's happens.
Yeah. I have happy thoughts, right? But nah, if you have some better idea to the AU, please, tell me! I'm always all ears ^^
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may I perhaps have some rootspring x genderfluid (he/she/they pronouns) shadowsight hypokits?? :0
Warriors Ships Hypokits: Genderfluid!Shadowsight x Rootspring Edition
In this AU, Shadowsight is a warrior instead of a Medicine Cat, and Rootspring and Bristlefrost are just good close friends. Poor Shadowsight doesn't know this though and assumes that the two are in love and together. They push down their feelings and pine after Rootspring in silence for ages until Bristlefrost (who doesn't get her soul destroyed and lives) literally drags the two of them together and tells them that they both mutually like each other and that they need to figure things out. The whole encounter is incredibly awkward but very helpful and by the end of it the two have become mates. Shadowsight moves to SkyClan to be with his mate. Mama Dovewing and her sisters wish her well while Papa Goldenstar ugly cries (one of his babies has found love!!!! he's so happy!!).
They have three kits together:
Bristlewhirl- dark brown tabby molly with unusual swirling stripes and amber eyes (the obligatory Tigerclone of the litter). Cis molly, omnisexual. They use they/them pronouns. Named after their godmother Bristlefrost. Bristlewhirl is very odd, to say the least. They are often found staring into space or seemingly talking to something or someone that isn't actually there. They don't seem to be all there most of the time, and they make a lot of nonsensical comments out of nowhere. As it turns out, Bristlewhirl has the ability to communicate with spirits similarly to their grandfather Tree, but the only spirits they can speak with are from the Dark Forest. Their family worries about them a lot due to the fact that they don’t seem to be able to turn the ability off and that they often experience violent visions due to the influence of the evil spirits. Time will tell what their future will hold, and what they will do with their powers... They are kept closely monitored in camp, and are a Builder.
Dovetalon- small and fluffy gray tabby molly with blue eyes. Cis molly, lesbian. She uses she/fae pronouns. Named after her grandma Dovewing. Dovetalon is the polar opposite of her namesake personality-wise- sharp-tongued, argumentative, and stubborn. Fae hates that fae are considered to just be “small and cute”, as fae wants to become Deputy someday and to be taken seriously. She overcompensates by overworking and being overly argumentative in order to make herself appear more suitable as a Warrior and a Deputy candidate. Unfortunately, this also means that fae have few friends and are not particularly well-liked by many. Dovetalon is also the primary defender of her two siblings and often squares off against cats who mock her brother Goldpatch for being a Den-Father and suggest her sister Bristlewhirl is evil because she can speak to Dark Forest spirits. She is a Climber Hunter, and does eventually become Deputy. 
Goldpatch- dark gray tom with golden patches and blue eyes. Trans tom, aromantic asexual. Named after his grandpa Goldenstar. Goldpatch is a kind and gentle cat who is all-too aware of his faults. He isn't good at hunting on the ground or in trees and isn't a fast runner either. While his talent of being an excellent kit-sitter does a lot to help his clan, he struggles with the thought that he isn't really providing anything and is just sitting around in the Nursery doing nothing while his clanmates do actual work. This is disproven one day when a fox attacks the Nursery and Goldpatch fights it off single-pawed, preventing it from harming the monarchs and kits inside. He becomes a lot more confident after that and is even more happy and content with his role in the clan. He is a Den-Father.
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useyourtelescope · 8 months
yuletide letter 2023
Hello, mystery author! I’m very excited that it’s time for Yuletide again and I hope you have fun writing for it. I’ve a tendency to write a lot here, but if you already have an idea that you’re really inspired by don’t feel like you have to stick super closely to my prompts. All of my requests are for ships so my general preferences are focused on that too, however I have provided some prompts for each that could be taken in a Gen direction if that’s more your thing. And though some fandoms have more prompts and/or explanations than others, please know that’s not an indication of preference - I’m equally happy to receive something for any of these requests.
I’m also useyourtelescope on AO3, you can find me here for reference. My account is open for treats, which are very welcome if you are so inclined! I have chosen 'My gift must feature all of my chosen character tags (if 0: any from tag set) ' for all my requests, but for treats I'm happy to receive only one character.
My requested fandoms this year are: Friday Night Lights (TV), Nancy Drew (TV 2019), Why Didn't They Ask Evans? (TV 2022) & The Borgias (Showtime TV)
General Preferences & Prompts
I prefer third person to first person fic, though focusing on the POV of one or more characters is fine. I love both fluff and angst, though I like my angst with a happy or at least hopeful ending. Below are some tropes/moments I enjoy:
Fake relationship (in all its forms, especially marriage of convenience and undercover as a couple)
Mutual pining (unrequited pining turning into mutual pining also welcome)
Friends/partners to lovers
Hurt/comfort (maybe patching s.o. up after an injury, looking after them when they’re sick or taking home when drunk - emotional h/c is welcome as well as physical)
One partner reassuring the other
Fixing the other character’s clothes (straightening collars, fixing ties)
Clothes sharing/stealing (especially female character wearing male characters clothes, like jacket or sweater/shirt)
One character covering the other with a blanket when they’ve fallen asleep either in their current place or carrying them to bed first and then tucking them in
Domesticity (e.g. cooking together, going grocery shopping, house-hunting, painting their house) either in an established relationship or in the ‘friends’ stage of friends to lovers
Letters / Emails / journal entries / texts
Sleepy snuggles, intentional or accidental
Hand holding (or some sort of significant hand or touch related moment - love me some hand imagery!)
Outsider POV
General DNWs: Darkfic, horror, rape/noncon, torture, suicide, permanent death of requested characters (assumed or temporary death is okay), terminal illness, threesomes/moresomes, pegging, infidelity, genderswap, bestiality, scat, watersports, humiliation, unhappy ending, reader/you fic, high school AUs, mentions of COVID-19.
[See specific fandoms for some variations. Regarding my death DNW, by assumed death I mean its fine to have a scene where characters believe someone has died (angst potential!) as long as its known by the end of the fic that's not the case. And temporary death refers to something like in Nancy Drew when George technically died but was brought back - anything in that vein is fine if it works in the canon.]
Yuleporn: I’m happy to receive Explicit smut in 2 of my 4 requests and mild (Mature rated) smut is fine for the other two. Here are some general smut likes:
foreplay | foreplay/making out without necessarily leading to penetrative sex | communication | enthusiastic consent | dirty talk | sexting or phone sex | praise kink | competence kink | mutual masturbation | oral sex | wearing partner’s clothes during sex together or solo masturbation session | character showing their partner what they like | sex ‘lessons’ | inexperienced partner reassured by their more experienced partner | established couple experimenting in bed together 
And for further info linked here is my letter for this year’s Smut4Smut Exchange; for general preferences/DNWS this yuletide letter takes precedence and only one requested fandom there was the same as in this letter (WDTAE), but the additional smut tags I chose across the fandoms will give you more ideas/prompts for smut fic I would like generally.
Friday Night Lights (TV): Becky Sproles, Luke Cafferty
Fandom specific DNW - Aus that aren’t canon divergence. [Also, High school stories are fine for this request since that's the setting.]
Missing scenes of their relationship in the 8 month time jump between State and Luke leaving Dillon in the finale.
Slowly working out the physical side of their relationship in s5, putting the s4 ghosts behind them (mild smut - prefer rating not to be above Mature).
Future fic - Reuniting years later when Luke’s out of the army (Did they stay together through it all and it's a happy reunion just after he’s discharged? Or did they break up so its many more years down the line & seeing each other again is bittersweet until they reconnect and find there’s still a spark there even though they’ve gone down different paths? Also he gives her his state ring as he leaves, so what happens to it if they don’t stay together?).
Canon divergence - Becky keeps the baby and after a few years of raising the baby together, Becky and Luke fall in love.
Canon divergence/ future fic - Luke and Becky run a business together and their strictly co-workers & friends relationship turns into something more.
Becky turning to Mindy for advice on her relationship with Luke & her own future (missing time in the s5 finale, or post series).
Becky, Luke and Tinker shenanigans on the Cafferty farm.
Years in the future Luke meets up with either Vince or Eric and they catch up on old times.
This is one of my all time fave shows! I’m requesting Luke and Becky as I feel like there’s a lot more to explore with them; the s4 storyline was so emotional and in s5 we’d only really just got to see them get over their issues to get together properly shortly before the season (and show) was over. So there’s plenty of relationship development we skipped and oodles of potential for future fic. If you don’t want to write ship fic for these two, the last three prompts could be written in a Gen way, focusing on one of the characters in a platonic relationship and my other requested character in the background. 
I think it was for the best that Becky didn’t keep the baby, but I also enjoy the trope of two characters raising a baby together and love coming second so I can’t help but wonder about that scenario for these two, perhaps if she hadn’t realised she wasn’t pregnant until later on. My enjoyment of tropes where the characters are friends/partners first and lovers second also inspired the business partners prompt, as did the scene where Luke shows Tinker how to present Mirabel the pig. I have zero knowledge of how pageants and animal showing works, but I figure between Luke and Becky’s respective experience there’s some sort of business that could be had. 
Keeping closer to canon, it would be nice to see how they get from being teenagers not really sure how to do a relationship right to something more established and secure. I’m not sure they would have stayed together after Luke left for the army, but I think that’s okay! They’re so young in canon, they can grow as individuals and reconnect later on. We know Luke likes football but his desire to be great at it seems to stem more from wanting a scholarship to get away, and the army the option taken when he didn’t get a good football offer, so what comes after that? Does he return to the farm, or maybe football via coaching or something else entirely? And similarly with Becky, her pageants seem to be a means to an end for her too, so what does she end up doing later? 
For the last 3 prompts I chose the platonic dynamics I love most for these characters, plus Coach because even though he and Luke don’t have the same bond Coach has with some of the others I’m always down for a scene where he imparts some wisdom to one of the kids (and even years into the future I’m sure Eric would still see him that way). The development of Becky’s bond with Mindy was so unexpected but so touching and I loved Luke’s friendships with both Vince and Tinker. I think if Luke stayed close with any of the players post-school it would have been Tinker rather than Vince, so a reunion between Vince and Luke down the line could be especially interesting, esp if Vince’s star rose in college and the NFL while Luke is living a regular life.
Note for this fandom I prefer not to have the fic be above a Mature rating - mild smut is fine (hence my prompt about their physical relationship in s5, I think it could be interesting to see how they go from kissing to making out & more in a way that Becky is comfortable with) but I don’t want Explicit/PWP fic for this request.
Nancy Drew (TV 2019): George Fan, Ned Nickerson
“Will you ask me again one day? Please, Ned Nickerson?” “You better believe it, George Fan.” - This quote is crying out for a future fic! How do they get there?
Emails/Messages exchanged post s4 finale as they keep each other updated over the years while they’re apart (and eventually leading to a return of feelings…)
One of them turns to the other for advice with an issue in their current relationship and its fine until suddenly the other realizes they want them back and can’t just advise as a friend anymore.
Post-breakup working a case with the Drew Crew where they’re undercover as a couple.
Nick being there for one of George’s sisters when she has a problem and George can’t be reached.
Regency AU where George & Nick were engaged in the past but had to break it off.
College AU where the Drew Crew meet at college when there’s a mystery on campus.
1920s/30s Agatha Christie style AU where the Drew Crew meet because of a murder.
I can’t believe there’s no more Drew Crew adventures ahead! When I first started the show George and Nick were the first two characters I latched onto and I was really pleased when their dynamic turned romantic. I loved their individual character journeys and the futures they had ahead of them at the close of the show, but I do wish they’d had more time to find their way back to a relationship. Of course, they’re still young and I head-canon that one day they get back together so I would love a fic where that happens. However, if you don’t want to write ship fic for them that’s cool as I love the gen relationships on this show - feel free to lean into the Drew Crew/case-related prompts or Nick’s dynamic with the Fan sisters when he and George aren’t a couple.
I really enjoyed how the show could flip between more comedic storylines and also excellent emotional moments, so whichever you prefer to lean into for this fic (or a combo of both) is great. I was ultimately pretty happy with how the show ended, especially considering how late they found out they weren’t getting picked up for another season, and I even loved George and Nick working through their breakup in s4 and confirming they’re still each others biggest supporters and ‘best friend’ despite not being together - and yet! After everything they went through together it felt like such a shame that the show ended with them being with random love interests rather than together (in fairness, I did like Jade but it's hard to compare with the history George/Nick had, and I can’t even remember the name of the person they were suggesting George was into). So that’s why my prompts for ship fic are more related to them reuniting post-breakup rather than missing moments from earlier in the show.
Still, I genuinely love all the leads on this show, so a group fic is very welcome as long as George and Nick are front and center! (Think something like 4.07 where they all played the haunted board game and it was up to Nick to be the hero at the end.) It could be case fic, it could be a virtual game night as the crew keep in touch while they’re separated, whatever inspires you. I also ship Nancy/Ace so you’re welcome to include the pairing if you’re including the entire Drew Crew (and featuring Nancy’s dads as part of an adventure is always fun too). I’m also open to various AUs for this fandom, I’d just like the vibe of the show/characters to be transferred to the new setting and if you are doing an AU with a ship element to it I’d prefer a setting where George and Nick have already got some history rather than it being their first go at a relationship. 
Note for this fandom I would prefer not to have the fic be above the Mature rating - so mild smut is fine (in fact if you do write a reunion fic, I think it could be interesting to explore how their physical relationship is different the second time around) but I don’t want Explicit/PWP fic for this request.
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? (TV): Frankie Derwent, Bobby Jones
Settling into married life and how their different upbringings impact their ideas for the future.
Dinner with Bobby’s Dad or Frankie’s parents (or perhaps all three at once).
(smut) Roleplay with Bobby in uniform.
One of them getting into shenanigans with Knocker and the other having to be the sensible one.
Frankie buys some handcuffs to practise getting out of them after Chipping Somerton (I feel like this could go down the route of working out emotional trauma from nearly dying, or a smutty route of her and Bobby using them in the bedroom - both are welcome!).
Canon divergence where their goodbye at the end of episode 1 is in fact goodbye for a while - how do their paths next cross? 
WDTAE happens in 1936, so it's not long until wartime - how about an emotional reunion after Bobby has been away in the navy for a while? 
AU where Bobby didn’t return from the navy before WWII, so the first time he and Frankie reunite since childhood is during wartime.
Regency AU where Lady Frances and Bobby the vicar’s son fall in love (with or without the murder mystery).
A light-hearted mystery where the leads fall in love while investigating is exactly my vibe so no surprise that I loved this series. Bobby and Frankie have great banter and chemistry, and the show delighted me by including so many tropes I like (Friends to lovers! Mutual pining made awkward through class differences! Casual domesticity!). I’m inclined to assume anyone who matched on this isn’t opposed to the ship since that’s such a focus of the mini series, but if you aren’t interested in writing ship fic for them, you can lean into the gen aspect of the prompts involving their families or Knocker (and even throw in Dr. Arbuthnot for some shenanigans too - shenanigans are always welcome and this is a fandom where they would be particularly fitting).
I think most of my prompts are self-explanatory - I haven’t mentioned the obvious one of them being caught up in another case because I’m not that interested in detailed case fic for this fandom right now, though it would certainly be fun to see them bantering as they try to solve another case this time as a married couple if you want to do something where a case is on the fringes in the fic. I’m also not super interested in a fic solely about their dynamic when they were kids, but I’m down for something set in present day/future that references more details from that time/includes flashbacks. The prompt of them reuniting post-WWII is because I don’t think I could handle a super angsty separation fic only set while they’re apart, but I’d definitely be up for reading something that explored some of those emotions that had a happy ending with them seeing each other once more. Although I haven’t included kids in the prompts I can see Bobby and Frankie having a few and I’m open to future fics that involve their children, I’d just prefer the focus not to be on the original child characters. Similarly, Frankie being pregnant in any kind of fic is fine, but I would prefer the focus of the fic not to be on the pregnancy.
I’m also interested in seeing how their canon dynamic plays out in a different time period - I suggested Regency AU as the class stuff in particular would be felt more keenly, but feel free to explore other timelines. My canon ‘what if?’ prompt is because I loved the angst of the way they left things at Frankie’s house near the end of episode one and I’m curious about a scenario where Bobby went off to London when he’d originally planned and had been working/getting himself set up there for a while before he and Frankie next saw each other. What’s it like for them to meet again there, in a place where their differences are more clearly marked?
I also feel like there’s plenty of possibilities for Explicit fic. The show gave me one of my general preferences having Frankie wearing Bobby’s clothes so I’d love a fic that went one further and turned into smut - or you could lean into Frankie finding Bobby ‘dreamy’ in uniform. Honestly they both have lines that you can take in a smutty direction! Also, we catch a glimpse of Bobby’s tattoo in the shaving scene in ep3 - what are Frankie’s thoughts on it when she’s at leisure to explore it? I could totally see these two having fun in the bedroom, experimenting/roleplaying and figuring things out as they go.
The Borgias (Showtime TV): Cesare Borgia, Lucrezia Borgia
Hurt/comfort - one of them is injured or sick and the other insists on being the one to take care of them.
Lucrezia realising she can get Cesare to do whatever she wants and having fun with it (I’m thinking petty revenges, or you could of course write it in a smutty direction).
Time Loop! This could be centered around something that happens in canon, or something new.
(Smut) Lucrezia accidentally witnesses some debauchery and grows intrigued by a position/sex act she was unaware of - and then goes to Cesare for enlightenment.
Maybe Lucrezia has been behind more ‘accidents’ than what we’ve seen on the show - and her confession of them has been made to Cesare.
(Smut) Lucrezia wants to use restraints on Cesare in bed.
Cesare acting fatherly to Giovanni Borgia or a future child of Lucrezia’s (and maybe that future child could secretly be his…)
Crime family AU (any era) where one of them is struggling with what they’ve been asked to do for the family and so the other offers to do it for them instead.
Modern AU where Lucrezia has a different/more active role in Rodrigo’s empire from the start - how does this affect her character and her relationship with Cesare?
This show passed me by back when it aired, so it's a very recent discovery for me and these two gripped me from the start. I find both their characters fascinating and their dynamic is just too good! I’m open to AUs as long as it translates some of the complicated family power dynamics to a new setting, i.e. DNW mundane AUs. (I just can’t see these characters working at a cute little small business unless it was a money laundering front for whatever shady thing the family is really up to.) Although I am very much here for them being obsessed with each other in a shippy way, some of the prompts could be written in a gen/family way only if that’s your preference.
Some DNW clarification - since this is a canon that has political alliances through marriage I removed my general DNW of infidelity for this request; anything along the lines of what happens in the show where they’re together despite being married to someone else is fine. However, if you’re writing an AU fic where that’s not a factor and they’re properly together somehow, then I wouldn’t want them to be cheating on each other. Similarly, my DNW of Darkfic is removed here as this canon can lean a bit dark/twisted & you’re very welcome to run in that vein, I just don’t want something unremittingly dark with a very bleak ending for my requested characters. My DNW of Rape/Non-Con still applies, but that's not intended to ignore canon - referencing Lucrezia's rape/discussing her trauma from it in either a canon story or AU is welcome, I just don't want a scene involving rape in the fic.
I think this request lends itself naturally to angst more than my others & I am very down for fic of them doing lots of hand wringing over their forbidden desires and/or where they go from the s3 finale, etc. - but I am also a fluff fan so if you have an idea for a fic where they manage to find some kind of happiness together I would love that too. And smut is more than welcome, in either type of fic! It took me the longest to come up with prompts for this fandom, in part because it's so recent for me so unlike the others I haven’t requested it before, but mostly because I simply want more of the insane behaviour I got from the show. Honestly I could boil this down to I think they should just be unhinged, in general and about each other!
I seem to have ended up with multiple prompts about Lucrezia doing bad. I think that would be interesting to play with - she starts the show almost as a symbol of innocence in her family, but I felt like she was intrigued by the more dangerous side of things even early on (like in her reactions to both Djem and Cesare promising violence upon her husband if he didn’t treat her well) - but though I haven’t got any specific prompts about Cesare’s bad deeds a fic focusing on those would be just as welcome. Given the canon I assume anyone who matched on this isn't surprised to receive shippy prompts but obv ODAO and since Yuletide is character matching not ship, I’m fine with the fic being familial only - if you go down that route and want to include other characters, Vanozza is the one I’d most like to see.
I don’t have a lot of detailed historical knowledge of this period & don’t care about sticking to what really happened (certainly any fluffy fics in canon would have to diverge!). If you prefer to keep closer to history my only request is that I don’t want a story set mostly about Lucrezia’s life post the real Cesare’s death (as per my DNW of permanent requested character death).
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petnews2day · 2 years
Rabid Stray Cat Attacks Manchester, New Jersey Residents
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/?p=50077
Rabid Stray Cat Attacks Manchester, New Jersey Residents
Oh no!  Always be careful if you see what you think is a stay cat.  My daughter found a kitten away at college and of course, had to nurse it back to health and keep it but that is not always the outcome. Animal control is in place for a reason, and some residents of Pine Acres now know that all too well.
A cat went wild and attacked several people in Pine Acres Manor last week and unfortunately, it tested positive for rabies according to Manchester police.
If you have been in contact with this or any other animal acting strangely you should call the Health Department right away.  I was shocked to learn that even if you were in contact with the infected animal’s saliva you need to seek attention. The phone number in Ocean County for the Health Department is 732-341-9700.
Sadly, the cat did die, but at least they were able to test it. Once they got confirmation about the positive diagnosis of rabies, everyone at least knew the correct course of action to take.
Of course, acting fast is the key when you even think an animal is rabid.  You can read more about the signs that an animal is rabid in The Patch here.
Photo credit: Unsplash Cedric
Photo credit: Unsplash Cedric
Of course, it is super-important to get your animals vaccinated. I just happened to go yesterday and it is so easy to forget.
If you see an unfamiliar animal do not approach it. Make sure to report any odd animal behavior to Animal Control.  I hope those attacked are treated and doing OK, it is such an important reminder for us all.
Not all pets are allowed here even if they are vaccinated.  Here is a list of pets banned in each state.
LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state
Because the regulation of exotic animals is left to states, some organizations, including The Humane Society of the United States, advocate for federal, standardized legislation that would ban owning large cats, bears, primates, and large poisonous snakes as pets.
Read on to see which pets are banned in your home state, as well as across the nation.
10 Exotic Animals That Are Legal To Own In New Jersey
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balkanradfem · 3 years
The basics of growing food
So, growing food sounds very intimidating, and in reality, it's something people knew how to do thru all history, and it's made even easier by new methods of 'no till' and 'no dig' garden. I didn't know almost anything about it until 3 years ago, when I got a plot in a community garden and started growing food with no experience. Still it went good! Here's what I learned:
The basics are as simple as 'if you put a seed underground and keep it wet, it's going to come out.' If you start off from that, even if you know nothing else, eventually you will succeed. The additional stuff is done to ensure success. The biggest actual issue of gardening isn't how, but when. When are you supposed to put all the seeds underground to get good harvest? For most of the plants, it can be as simple as 'Spring'. For others, it's very important just when in the spring you plant it.
Let's say you want to start your first garden, you want to plant some onions, lettuce, peas, green beans, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini. All of these can be planted in the spring! But these plants are sorted in 2 categories: Those who can survive a frost, and those who cannot. We call these 'frost hardy' (those who survive the frost) and frost-tender (those plants will die if they're exposed to lower than 0 temperatures). From the ones I listed, onions, lettuce and peas are frost hardy! It means you can plant them very early in spring, such as February and March, and they can be hit with snow and ice and be just fine. They can also be planted in autumn, and they only really start growing in the spring.
Green beans, tomatoes, peppers, and zucchini are frost-tender, meaning you absolutely can't grow them before the chance of freezing temperatures is gone. This is known in gardening as 'the last frost date'. Every area has a different last-frost date, so it's good to google yours to be sure you're planting these when it's safe to do so. For me it's mid-April.
Now, since it's a long time to wait for your plants to grow if you've only planted the seeds in mid April, people have found a way around it by planting the seeds in little containers inside of their house, or in a greenhouse, so they grow in a nice warm place on a windowsill, and are moved out in the ground when it's warm and safe. This is a very fun thing to do as you will have bunch of little plants growing in your home. Important thing to know about it is to use really light and airy soil, not garden soil, (you can use forest soil!) and to make sure you're not over-watering them and you give them as much light as possible.
Soil is another big thing in gardening, the grass grows so easily from it, but you can't exactly plant your seeds into the grass; they will get suffocated. For a long time people have tilled the ground to make it empty of all the weeds and easy to handle; however this isn't healthy for the soil, because it ruins the quality of top-soil, exposes it to sun and wind erosion, and it dries up very easily. Here are some beneficial methods of gardening: mulching and no-dig. Mulching means adding stuff like hay, straw, tree leaves, woodchips, pine needles on top of the soil. You're protecting your soil from sun, wind, erosion, drying out, and if your mulch is thick and dark enough, no weeds will grow in your garden. You are gardening by science.
So what does this mean for you, when you're standing before a patch of grass, thinking of turning it into a garden? You need to do this months before the actual planting, using time to your benefit is the smartest thing a gardener can do. You pick a patch of land and bring in everything you can on top: cut grass, hay, tree leaves you raked or found, straw if you have any, woodchips, anything that will stop the grass from growing. If you really want to build up your soil you can bring in compost too! All that organic material will eventually turn into compost and fertilize your garden as it degrades to soil. It's important to not mix it with the soil, and to only keep it on top of the plants. Mixing it will deplete the soil of nitrogen, and you need nitrogen to grow anything green. If you keep bringing in organic material for years of gardening, and on top of that put some compost as well, in 3-5 years your soil will become so rich and soft you will no longer have to use tools to plant in it.
But, hey, if it's your first time, you don't need to aim for perfection. If you didn't prepare your soil in the fall, whatever! You can still pull the weeds, dig around a little to make some clear soil, and plant your stuff! I've done this last-minute planting and it works just fine. Mulching and adding organic material is only the easiest, most scienc-y way to garden.
The next big thing in gardening is spacing and depth: how far apart should your plants be? And how deep to plant them? For depth, the rule of the thumb is 'twice as deep as the seed is tall'. But I've seen people pull various shit in this area and succeed so do what you want. As of spacing, I would also say, try out what fits for you. It takes a year of gardening to get a sense of just how big the plants get, and what would be ideal spacing for each of them. I decided only on my third year to plant tomatoes VERY far apart, because I realized in this case, one plant will give me more than 8kg tomatoes and it's much less work than planting 3 times as many plants that are close together. Peas seem to like to grow close tho, for some reason. Sometimes you can decide you want a bunch of tiny plants because you'll eat them young, so you don't space them on purpose, people do that with lettuce, leeks, spinach. If you want your plants as big as possible with as much yield as possible, give them half a meter and see what happens.
Fertilization is another big thing in gardening; if you add a lot of compost and mulch your garden consistently, you won't need a lot more; however there's a cool free trick you can do (if you're not currently sick): you can mix your urine with 10x water, and water your plants with that. And I really mean mix it with 10x water! Plants can get very fried by it and start to wilt if they're bombed with too much fertilizer at once! There are rules for this: use it when you want your plants to grow a lot of greenery, not if you want them to flower or produce fruit. This fertilizer is rich in nitrogen, and nitrogen inspires plants to grow more leaves! If you wanna fertilize them later in their growth, put a lot of nettle plants in a big container with water, leave it in the sun for 10 days; when it starts to smell real bad, it's ready. (you can also do this with comfrey). Also dilute it with 10x water! Don't use these fertilizers on bean or pea plants, or any legume, they don't like it.
Now I've given you so much info at once, you're probably struggling to take it all in, so here's a good youtube channel where I learned all I know: Roots and Refuge. If you watch this lady garden for long enough, she will tell you all of the secrets.
I remember being a first time gardener overwhelmed with worry; what if I fail, what if nothing grows, what if I kill all the plants, what if I have a black thumb, what if the plants die because I am stupid, what if I put all of this work in and get nothing, what if people make fun of me, what if I run into problems I won't be able to solve. Here are some of the answers to these!
A part of what you grow will DEFINITELY DIE. I can guarantee it, it happens to everyone, every single garden in the world has had plants die, sometimes for no reason at all, but in no case will EVERYTHING die. We all count on a part of our plants dying, becoming slug food, not doing well in general, and we always plant 30% more than we absolutely need. Even if you are personally responsible for killing the plants, the plants will not hold it against you! Plants appreciate you spreading their seed regardless of success, they understand that by trying multiple times you will eventually succeed and they absolutely want you to learn thru occasional failure. The answer is again to plant a lot, and it never ever happened that nothing came out of it. Most often, it's not going to be your fault at all. Sometimes the year will be good for tomatoes and carrots, and bad for peas. It's all okay! Because you just planted extra peas, and you'll get more tomatoes than you expected to have.
If you have the desire to plant food, you do not have a black thumb; the green thumb is in the heart that yearns to grow. You're not stupid if your plants die, plants die for everyone. And people are likely to come at you with million advice; listen to no one, try everything yourself. If they make fun of you, they're gonna look real stupid when you have home-grown food. Any problem you might run into while gardening is google-able! Or you can join a page of gardeners and they'll be happy to identify the issue.
The real main issue with gardening are slugs and bug-type pests, and that is a problem for another day because all I know to do is to yeet those away by hand and shake my finger very sternly at them. Hope this helps!
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wymthatsillegal · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a Batman x vigilante!male reader fic? :0
I think it would be pretty cool if they’re like competitive at first, but then they become two gay idiots pining over one another :]
Anyways have a nice day!
New Gloves
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Battinson x Male Reader
Contains: foul language, fighting, rooftop chases
Content Warnings: fighting?
Summary: You're a vigilante in Gotham, using the cover of your sick-ass Wolf mask (thanks to @kaine1888 for the idea) to beat some baddies up. Well, one night in the middle of a brawl you run into the one, the only, Batman.
No usage of Y / N
Word count: 1264
Author's Response: whats up tit sniper, awesome request!! i had tons of fun writing this, everything just fell together really easy so that was awesome. i tried to keep the reader's vigilante persona ambiguous still so it wasn't like an OC yfeel me, so i hope you like it!! enjoy!
asks are open >:)
Your fists bled underneath your thin gloves, you could feel the split skin over your knuckles beginning to stick to the fabric in your body's attempt to patch itself back together. "Fuck." You muttered under your breath, seeing another dark figure down the alleyway. "Considering how bad I fucked up your friends, I can only assume you like pain with the way you're approaching me." You called out into the alley, the figure freezing. You turned towards them, wiping blood from the snout of your wolf mask. "I don't know whether to thank you or not." Came the gruff voice, bass projecting off the brick walls. You dropped your fists, eyebrows furrowing before realizing you were standing before the Batman in the flesh.
"Ah, no worries, Mr. Vengeance. You don't gotta thank me for anything, I take it upon myself to do this stuff.  Caught these scum trying to rob this woman." You punctuated your words with a swift kick to the nearest guy, just for good measure. Batman had continued walking towards you, his ridiculously heavy boots crunching against the gravel. You studied the bat through the eye holes of your mask, eyeing his square close-shaven jaw and vivid red lips. He parted them to say something before setting his jaw and the sounds of shouting coming from behind you two. "Hey, look what they did to our boys!"
You gave them a wolfish grin, more like a baring of teeth really, your voice echoing down the small alleyway. "Hey, hey! I suggest you all just walk away, keep your heads down like you didn't see anything, no one has to get hurt!" You spread your arms, gesturing widely to the group of bodies groaning in pain on the damp concrete. (It was always fucking raining in Gotham) The Bat quietly eyed you and your tactics, taking note of your incredibly built figure that would be to any other person very intimidating. He thought your wolf mask was fitting to your physique, both giving the energy of a protective and strong character.
Sliding his gaze to the group of people approaching, he realized they wouldn't think the same of your stature and just charge. As if on cue, someone in the back yelled "Get them!", sending a group of about seven armed men your way. Bruce felt a chill go down his spine at the low laugh that ripped from your throat, him looking over at you again to see you stretching your arms and bouncing on the balls of your feet. "No killing." It came out a bit more breathy than The Bat had intended, eyes meeting yours as you turned to face him. "Oh don't worry, pretty boy, I don't kill. Just give them a little... oh what's the word-" Your hand shot out and smashed into the face of the nearest guy, his attempt to grab your shirt gone violently wrong. "Tough love." He scoffed at you, watching you stomp on the guy's head. "Tough alright..." He surged forward, obviously tired of the small talk.
Crunching a guy's head into the nearby wall, Batman took a hit to the cap before uppercutting the poor sucker, laying a few more blows on him when he hit the ground. Taking advantage of his crouched position, you hopped over him leap-frog style and threw your weight onto a guy about to put a bullet in your new friend, grabbing him by the collar and pulling his head into the weight of your knuckles. He cried out in pain when you dropped him, his head hitting the gravel. One guy remained, obviously the youngest one there with shaking limbs and the thinnest frame. "Get out of here." Came that husky voice from behind you again, taking you a little by surprise.
Batman didn't have to tell that kid twice with how quick he booked it out of there, almost tripping on the momentum of his running as he turned the corner. The second you two were alone you hissed, shaking your fists, the blood seeping through the fabric now. "You should get better gloves." You scoffed at him, "Tellin' me, Vengeance. And for the record, even in these shitty things I still kicked way more ass than you." At that he darkened (if that was further possible), a sigh coming out of his nose under the cowl. "Don't let me catch you out here again," He took your hand with surprising gentleness, long eyelashes fluttering as he looked over your knuckles. "It's obvious this is hurting you." You clicked your tongue at him, "If I knew any better, I'd say you're getting a little soft on me." He dropped your hand but still held it, staying close to you he almost inaudibly whispered "Do you?"
It had been a couple of weeks since your run-in with the famous Batman of Gotham City, who continued kicking ass in the night and then poof during the day. You had (obviously) not heeded his "warning" and were continuing your vigilante work, taking special care to look out for the infamous black cape before making a move.
Tonight though?
You made eye contact with him from across rooftops, blowing him a dramatic kiss before tossing your weight down a fire escape. He had begun to chase you, the sound of his grappling hook tearing through the air letting you know you were about to have company. Laughing into the night, you pushed your body forward, leaping off the rusting metal and onto the next building just as you felt the frame dip under his weight. You rolled and hit the rooftop of the building at a wonky angle, your ankle stinging a little as you continue your chase. It spoke for the other man's strength that he was able to relatively keep up with you even under all of his armor and equipment. You starting to try and fathom the idea of being weighed down by all that, but quickly realized you should've kept your head clear when you felt a hand grip yours, pulling you backward.
You used his created momentum to wrap your body around him, sliding behind him and wrapping your arm around his throat, not intending to cut off his air, just intimidate. He figured you would do this and pushed you into the wall behind you, knocking the wind out of your chest and shocking your muscles to give out. Using this opening he brought his hand to your throat, fingers not applying any pressure. You yelped out, breathing heavily and leaving your hands limp on either side of you. Smiling, you huffed out, "Long time, no see, Vengeance." He scowled at you, "It was supposed to stay like that. Why didn't you listen to me?" You snorted at him, "'Cmon, Bats. Do I look like the kind of guy to listen to a stranger in an alleyway?"
He paused for a moment, caught off guard. You used this opportunity to push against his hand, he let you get closer, both of you holding your breath. "I think you don't actually want me gone... no, I think you care about me." He exhaled shakily, "I-" You slid a strong hand gently over his eyes, taking your mask off to free your lips enough to kiss him. He made a surprised noise, instinctively shrinking away before warming into the contact. You broke away, smiling. Slipping the mask back over your features you gave him another one of those big smiles, taking your hand away.
"I'll be seeing you, Vengeance." And with a wink, you disappeared into the dark.
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mandoinevarro · 4 years
Deep into the Wilderness
Words: 4.7k (this was supposed to be short but, alas, i am an asshole) 
Rating: E
Warnings: Smut, sex pollen :0, dubious consent (see: sex pollen), a bit of size kink ö, multiple orgasms :O, light descriptions of blood, magic nature if you’re in the mood, incredible coincidences if you’re not
a/n: i genuinely thought this would be a lil drabble :/, also fuck snakes all my homies hate snakes
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There’s something wrong about the stars.
Nights in the Tatooine desert are usually dim and still, as stoic as the Mandalorian who’s been journeying across the endless dune sea with you in your little caravan of two. These past few days, you’ve noticed that the jagged difference between coarse sand and smooth beskar are no obstacle for his ability to blend perfectly into his surroundings. For days, you’ve seen the bounty hunter cruise the barren wilderness like he was born in it, climbing the mounds of sand leisurely and offering his hand when the treacherous ground gives in under your feet and you tumble forward. Ever the gentleman. Silent and observant, he tends to adapt to the elements around him and mimic their energy, until he becomes part of the landscape. Tonight is no different.
The normally scattered and shy desert stars have all gathered in a cluster right above your modest campsite, blinking down at you white and yellow and red against an electric blue sky, bright enough to spare the need of a fire. You feel watched. The stars’ ghoulish eyes above trail your every movement. Waiting to witness something.
Yes, a meek voice inside lies for you, it must be the stars, as you purposefully try to ignore the crushing weight of the Mandalorian’s trained gaze on you, much heavier than the strong beskared arm resting on your upright knee. The tube of bacta ointment moves awkwardly under your fingers and, Maker, you know it won’t be enough. The small holes on the wool covering his arm reveal two angry red pupils gushing blood where the snake’s fangs pierced him; pupils that stare amused at the medical salve that they know and you know and Mando knows will do little neutralize the unknown toxin. You sit so close to him you can hear the hitch of his breath when you pinch the tube and white balm oozes onto your finger.
“I—Mando, I-I think we should get help.” It doesn’t help your nerves that the man to your left hasn’t stopped staring at you since the ruby red viper appeared from under the sand like a conjuring, going straight for the Mandalorian’s arm and slithering back inside its hiding place beneath the dunes before either of you could react. It was unnatural; desert creatures tend to linger in the shadows and never attack unless provoked. Then again, everything about this particular evening—including the bounty hunter—seems to be slightly off, like when something in a familiar place is moved, but you can’t figure out exactly what.
“We’re in the middle of nowhere,” the voice under the modulator scratches at a  lower register than usual, gruffier in a way that would excite you and warm your belly if you weren’t so worried about the liquid currently poisoning his bloodstream. It must be the pain. “Two days by foot to the nearest town. Just use the bacta.”
You gulp and nod as firmly as you can manage, trying to quiet the whisper saying that bacta won’t cut it this time as you get your finger closer to his arm. It’s strange that he asked for your help—the bite is right on the pulse point of his inner elbow, where he could easily do it himself. Maker, just focus. He must have had a good reason to ask you. Plus, you’re not about to miss the promise of even the slightest physical contact with the Mandalorian, even if the situation is not exactly as you’ve fantasized all these months.
Your finger presses lightly into one of the gaps, and with a bit more force when you hear a raggedy exhale leave him. The opening the snake left behind is too small for your finger, and most of the bacta gathers around its edges, while barely any gets to the wound.
“I, um…I need to cut it—t-the fabric,” you stutter and, stars, you sound like an idiot, getting nervous over applying balm when you’ve seen him cauterize his own injuries with a steady hand, much to your horror. You can feel the way his eyes feed from your words as they study you carefully, somehow strengthening the gravity pining you to the ground. A strange static crinkles in the air between you, so real you almost hear it, and for a moment you feel the weight of his stare move past your face, lower down your body. By the time he finally nods and signals towards the open medical kit with a tilt of his helmet, you’re warm all over.
Stretching your torso just the right amount so that his arm doesn’t slip from your knee, you reach straight for the scissors in front of you. Your fingers pinch the fabric to lift it while your other hand works the clippers, cutting with tiny snip-snip-snips that do little to fill the tense silence between you. Why it’s even tense to begin with is beyond you. Sure, Mando got bitten by some unknown creature that could potentially be lethal, but the invisible rope getting stretched from both ends more and more between your bodies has little to do with the mishap. Stars, it feels like it’s pulling you closer and pushing you apart at the same time, and the arm on your knee suddenly feels like it’s burning through your pants. What would happen, you muse as you crank your wrist, if the rope gave in?  
The scissors close their circuit, and you lift a small circle of cloth, leaving the clippers aside. It’s a little bigger than it needed to be, but the Mandalorian doesn’t complain when you properly apply bacta on the lesion, sitting like a statue with the visor shining dark blue at your face. The stars reflect distorted on his helmet with judging eyes, like they can hear your thoughts. Like they just know how being so close to the man you think about to warm cold nights is making your heart pump more blood that you need. To places that definitely don’t need it.
You raise your other hand and rest it on his bicep. It’s only to pull the sleeve a little higher. To give you more room to work. And it’s only with that touch that he flinches.
You immediately lift both hands. “Sorry, I—I’m sorry, does…does it hurt—?”
“—No.” Mando moves his good arm and grabs your hand roughly, bringing it to rest on his bicep once again. He clears his throat, unable to wash away the grainy strain on his voice. “No, it—it’s fine.” His large palm stays over yours for a moment, before pulling away slowly. Reluctantly.
You nod and continue your ministrations, massaging a little more bacta than necessary on the bite. Maker, you never want to stop touching him. The patch of olive skin burns hotter than the planet’s twin suns under your touch, and you feel under your other hand how every shift of your finger makes his bicep jump in response.
His flesh absorbs the ointment fast, and you’ve now covered even the surrounding area around the bite, so you lift your finger, a bit disappointed that your little moment of intimacy is over. Until you feel him tug at his end of the rope.
“Cut more,” he breathes, and you freeze before you can lift the hand off his arm, staring right at the visor with eyes round as moons.
“Cut—cut more? More cloth? Wh—”
“The venom will travel up my veins.” Mando’s voice is a little steadier, but it still doesn’t mask a strange tint of something that doesn’t sound quite like pain. “You need to check how far up it goes. If…if it goes into my chest…”
He doesn’t need to finish. You shuffle to your knees—a little clumsily because of the sand beneath—and let his arm fall to his side as you squeeze his strong bicep a little tighter. For support.
“Tell me when to stop.” The blades cut away at the fabric, revealing a vertical line of lovely skin with each snip. They go higher and higher, higher and higher, and it’s you who decides to stop when they almost reach his armpit. You rest the scissors next to your legs. The slit uncovers the upper half of his arm’s underside, and you can’t help it when one hand moves to rest on the pauldron and the other slips under the crevice to caress his skin.
Mando’s chest puffs with more air and moves quicker, and—fuck—he looks so broad like this. Sitting and injured, he still towers over you with the beskar and the mass of muscle beaten into him through years of fighting.
He could crush me. The idea pools hot in your core.
“What, uh, what am I looking for?” Your own voice is thick. It’s wrong, but you’re honest enough to admit it’s arousal.
“T-the veins.” You hear him gulp and imagine the apple on his throat bobbing up and down. “Feel around. Che—check if they’re protruding.” You comply, dragging your fingers up and down his burning, strong arm, getting caught up in how he tenses under your touch. He’s pulsing, sure enough, beating like a drum under your hand—you even manage to raise goosebumps when you give a test squeeze—but you can’t feel any veins.
“No.” The hunter exhales with relief and nods once, but his arm doesn’t follow, as it remains taut as wood. You don’t remove your hand. He doesn’t pull away. If anything, he leans into you.
An soft breeze raises a small cloud of sand and cools your face, whistling past you while it orders you to do it. “If it’s not pain,” you murmur, deciding it’s your turn to tense your end of the rope a little, “what do you feel?” You scratch your nails down his arm.
The gloved hand furthest away from you balls into a fist, clutching sand. “It—it, uh. It burns.” The words are dragged out and gritty, like they’re forcing their way out. He shivers and shuffles closer to you. “But—fuck—feels good. You—you feel good.” Encouraged, your nails sink into his flesh, testing the waters. Finally, it earns you a grunt, deep and rumbling its way between your thighs. In a split second, his arms fly to his shoulder, tugging at the cloak desperately, and you remove your hand from the opening to help him. It takes a few rough jerks, but the cloak eventually rips away from his pauldrons, and the Mandalorian throws it back. His hand travels to the side of his torso closest to you and signals. “Cut here.” He doesn’t offer an explanation this time.
Shit, you probably shouldn’t. But wetness is gathering around your folds and you’re not sure if you’ll actually get anywhere, but, Maker, you’re willing to try. Your hand is trembling when it finds the scissors next to you and you crouch slightly to cut away, eager and desperate to reveal more of the mysterious bounty hunter. This time, though, you don’t make a crevice, but instead cut a long rectangle from his waist to the side of his chest. You drop the scissors and the piece of fabric on top of the cloak and waste no time before your right palm crawls into the opening. Boiling skin welcomes your hand as it explores his naked torso, up a sturdy chest rising and falling rapidly, and back down again, savoring the sensation of soft skin over firm muscles flexing under your fingers. You stop at a trail of hair near his navel.
The Mandalorian growls. You scratch the hair lightly. The rope snaps.
Your hand slips outside when two hands grab your hips to lift you, setting you down to straddle Mando’s lap. You fall ungracefully, wobbling and grabbing at him to find your balance, until his steel arms wrap around your waist to press your chest to his. You grab his shoulders for support, and your warm breath clouds the beskar of his helmet. Your hips squirm unconsciously, making your core accidentally rub against something hard between the hunter’s legs. His grip on your back tightens and grinds you against him again, making him release a deep, primal moan against your ear. Fuck, you feel how hot liquid plops on your underwear as he ruts you against his erection, but somewhere in the back of your brain a puzzle solves itself in a snap and sends a pang of guilt to your chest.
“M-mando.” You sound whinier than you intended. “Mmando, I—I’ve heard about this, you’re poisoned, y-you don’t know what you’re d—”
“—Shut up,” he spits at you and pushes you roughly against him as a hand unwinds from your waist and wraps over your mouth. Your moans are muffled against his glove when a current shocks your body as your clit rubs just right over his bulge. You glance up at the stars, looking for guidance around the overwhelming pleasure threatening to break you, but they only stare back, burning brighter than before.
Suddenly, Mando pulls his hands away and pushes you off his lap. You fall back kneeling, worrying you’ve crossed a line somehow, but your anxieties disappear when you see him rip off his gloves and pull at your clothes hastily. You take the hint and help him undress you. The top garments he removes, but your underwear is ripped away and thrown to the side.
He whips around and finds his cloak, laying it on the sand and silently ordering with a finger to get on top. You shuffle on your knees until they reach the soft material, and—just when you’re about to turn around and beg him to touch you—the Mandalorian lifts the rectangle of cloth you cut away and wraps it around your eyes. Your vision gone but impossibly turned on, you feel his hands shove you back until you lay on the cloak.
Sand and hair tickle your face, and maybe it’s not the best idea to lay completely naked in the middle of a desert where you already know dangerous animals hide. The thought is quickly washed away by the heat of humid breath on your stomach. It throws you off for a moment, to feel a human gasp so clearly against your skin, but once you put two and two together the realization hits you so hard you slump limp on the ground.
The helmet…
You barely have time complete your thought. The Mandalorian climbs on top of you, a tuff of hair tickling your stomach. The trail of heat stops at your tits, where he takes a nipple into his mouth and bites down hard. You whimper to the sky.
“F-fuck, what—” He cuts you off when he laps at the injured nipple with fast, wide strokes of his tongue, before sucking hard on it. One palm holds down your chest, as the other comes up to squeeze your other breast, kneading and pulling the soft flesh like dough. You try to bite down your whimpers, but it’s too fucking much and they tumble outside urgent and needy.
Fuck, you should push him away. You both need to calm down before he forgets your body is attached to a living, breathing person and tears you apart. You—you—
The atmosphere seems to fall down on top of you when two thick fingers sink to the hilt inside your open hole effortlessly. You hum at the bliss while Mando’s wet tongue travels between your breasts, up your sternum, and leans into the curve of your throat, stopping only until it reaches your chin. You’re starting to cramp beneath him, trying to push down on his digits, but his body is too heavy over yours and fuck, fuck, you want him inside you.
His hand wraps around your cheeks and presses them together, making your mouth give in to the pressure and open up wide. His tongue—still salty with the taste of your own flesh—barges into the cave of your mouth and messily drags across its walls, your tongue, the roof, somehow everything at once with aimless movements that lack rhythm or pace.
And then his fingers start pumping. They start fast and hard and only get faster and harder, as they curl into a hook and hit something that makes you see the stars outside through the blindfold. Mando moans against your teeth, and you swallow every vibration.
“Yeah? T-there?” His mouth moves away from yours and trails the edge of your jaw, stopping at the edge and biting your neck. The two fingers working inside you push upwards to make room for a third one, and the calloused pad of his thumb rubs your clit up and down. Your scream echoes in the empty space of the sterile desert, now buzzing with life. “R-right there? Hm?” His voice hangs thick in the air, mixing with the loud static in your ears. Through the haze, you wonder momentarily what his face looks like right now. Probably red and sweaty, popping a vein or two.
“Fuck, I don’t k-know…I—I have to…” The Mandalorian removes all three fingers at once, making you yelp at the emptiness that they leave behind. Your pussy clenches a second too late and pulses around nothing, as you move in the darkness to find him again. You open your mouth to beg, but he grabs your shoulders before you can even gather some broken vocabulary together and he turns you around, pressing your chest and face against the cloak.
Resting your cheek on the cloak, you grunt at the abrupt change of position. Five fanned out fingers press down between your shoulder blades, restricting your movements and compressing all the air out of your lungs. You can’t breathe and you can’t wait, too stimulated to backpedal now, but not enough to be satiated.
An arm wraps around your midriff and roughly lifts your hips. You hear heavy breathing behind you and some incoherent mumbling, as a zipper lowers.  
Something round and smooth pokes at your entrance.
Is…is that…?
It definitely feels like the head of his cock as it runs up and down your folds gathering moisture. It even twitches a little against your clit and he’s grunting with every movement but…but even without your sight to help it feels so big. It can’t be his cock, in what universe would he be that fucking bi—
A grunt and a slight retrieval of his hips for impulse is all you get as a warning before he slams into you, lurching you forward. It knocks every single thought out your head, jamming what little air you’d managed to inhale on your trachea. The stretch bites, straining against your walls at an uncomfortable angle. And then he grinds further inside, deeply and hard as the bulbous head of his cock stimulates just about every nerve inside your pussy at once. You choke on your own cry, desperately trying to hold on to some sanity as you focus on processing the burst of pleasure that casts a dark shadow over the pain. The feeling secures every muscle on your body so tightly you think your spine is going to snap.
And he holds there, pulsing angrily and breathing down hot against your shoulders. You feel a slow trail of flames burn your insides with every strong sequence of thum-thum-thums of his thick cock against your walls.
Stars, did he cum?  Is that why he’s throbbing so violently, did he cum? It’s hard to tell when you’re so wet you’re sure you’re going to dehydrate tomorrow and fuck you only get wetter with the strumming and Maker you know the snake was poisonous but…but could he really want you this much?  
He sucks in a gulp of dusty air through his teeth, grunts and holds you tighter, his arm strong as beskar around your midriff and a burning palm pressing you against the cloak, sinking it deeper into the sand.
Finally, the Mandalorian pulls out with a grunt, your hips following his with a sucking sound because of the grip of your walls against his girth. He stops right before the tip slips out, its ridge catching on your opening. And maybe whatever venom running through his veins dissipated because he doesn’t move for a second that feels like an eternity. Fleeting disappointment surges inside you because maybe…maybe it was just the serpent. Maybe he doesn’t really want you. You are the only fuckable thing for miles, and you’ve heard enough about the toxin to imagine how desperate he’d be. Stars, you feel like such an idi—
Mando’s hips suddenly crash against yours, sinking himself to the hilt.
You feel him everywhere. Fucking everywhere, even where he isn’t. The fat cock hammering into you randomly with no pace or metric, seemingly determined to taste every inch inside your cunt takes most of your attention, but the hand on your back kneads and pulls the thin skin there as best as it can. You try to brace yourself against something solid—anything—but when your hands form fists they find only handfuls of sand, and the delicate particles do nothing to steady you from the animalistic thrusts of the Mandalorian.
So you moan, long and high to try and release all the pleasure stockpiling inside of you with no exit routes. Mando answers with grunts all the way down in his glottis. A deep and angled snap of his hips hits you somewhere electrifying, and you feel something hot and liquid knot your pelvic muscles tighter. His skin slaps against yours obscenely, paired with the squelching of your pussy trying to engulf him deeper and deeper in spite of his size.
“T-take it,” you hear him growl behind you. Barely. Your ears ring and you can’t even listen to your own whimpers anymore. His length keeps coming, restless and infinite and fuck, you need to focus on something else, something outside to keep your head from slipping away. “Just—just f-fucking take me whole, you—"
Fuck, focus. Focus, count to ten, do something—
You grit your teeth and you can’t even warn him. Something drops into your pelvic muscles and you swear you can see the blue desert sky in a flash behind your eyelids and feel the blinking stars prickling the nerve endings on your back, making you spasm desperately. Your head spins, and you only feel pleasure. Only him.
Still half-passed out from your release, you hear it before you feel it. The wet sound contrasting the dry dunes of how he keeps using your cunt to get himself off. He’s not letting you come down, fall to the natural next step of your cycle and relax. Breathe. No, he keeps filling every last inch of you, faster now with the help of the additional wetness and holds you in that state of euphoria that keeps hitting you like a tide. Shit, are you cumming again?
“F-fuck—fuck—d-did you—ngh—cum? W-was that—” Another wave hits you and you clamp down mercilessly around him before he can get an answer. His long moan gets you wetter somehow, and you can’t even savor it before the strong forearm holding your waist pulls you upright against him.
Up is down as you try to figure out in the darkness where your body ended up. Something slumps behind you and pulls you down with it hard against the cushioning of the sand. You find yourself impaled on the Mandalorian’s cock, his chest to your back. He bends and opens his legs to grab yours, pulling them back and hooking them around his cuisses. Propped up with most of your weight on Mando’s hips, your feet barely graze the cloak below them.
You reach up to touch him but he beats you to it, wrapping his arms around your torso and grabbing the surely bruising skin of your tits. Your eyes roll back and you try you best to keep your head above the water, which proves incredibly difficult when you feel his lips on your jaw, his drool trailing down your neck. You turn your head and he doesn’t miss a beat before his tongue slips between your lips, tasting and exploring and almost drinking from you like you’re water in he’s been stranded in this desert for years.
Mando thrust up at you, resuming his senseless fucking. And maybe you’re a little greedy. Maybe it’s wrong, especially because you don’t have an excuse to act like this, but you roll down into his cock, wanting him everywhere and for as long as you can get him. His thrusts are almost impossible to meet and his thickness catches at your opening, but you work diligently—determined to have him buried as deeply as he wants to go. The beskar of his chest trembles against your shoulders with a vibrating, noiseless moan.
“You—you pretty t-thing,” he breathes lowly against your mouth. You grab his knees for support and push down harder. “I’ve want—wanted this—w-wanted you f-for so—so long.” He bites your lower lip. His voice sounds delirious.
Maker, it’s ridiculous. You’re bouncing your pussy on his stiff cock like an animal in heat, but his words warm your chest more than your core. You know it’s probably the poison talking, but you indulge in it. You let your hand cradle his cheek and bring your lips sweetly against his, pretending you’re his lover and not just a vessel for his release. He gasps into the kiss.
It’s with your lips that he finally lets go. It happens midthrust, so his cum spurts out of you and dribbles down his cock. It smears on your folds and, surely, on the cloak beneath. Stars, you’re shaking. Your legs spasm with the promise of another orgasm that almost—almost happened. Still holding you, Mando pulls out, and the rest of his seed spills on wool and sand.
What now? If not the sweat and the fucking, then his release surely evacuated the venom by now. The Mandalorian pants behind you, just as spent and exhausted, and what the hell are you supposed to say to each other now? You squirm uncomfortably at the dilemma, and your slit accidentally drags against something upright beneath you. Mando winces at the contact.
Maker, is he still hard? How—?
Fingers dig into your arms and force you forward and away from him. You fall on top of the cloak, barely pillowing your fall with your forearms before you feel the Mandalorian turning you around to face him.
You lay open below him, ruined and confused in the darkness as to what he’s planning for you next. Your clit pulses with equal parts arousal and apprehension at the uncertainty, but it decides for the former when you feel him dip his fingers in your entrance and scoop his cum and yours. The sound of him pumping himself faster and faster is muffled by his moaning. It’s filthy gibberish: loose words of everything he’s dreamt about doing to you; of how he’s going to fuck you over and over again; of how you’re going to take every drop of him; of how good it’s going to be for you.
Four fingers land on your clit and work it wetly up and down. A whine escapes you and you’re so sensible it almost hurts and your head swims and he’s still talking but there’s something…something sincere about his words. Something that hides beneath the frantic movements against your bud that feels almost reverent. Like the snake’s toxin only lifted a veil, revealing the Mandalorian’s pent up lust and primal instincts below his layers of unyielding discipline.
“S-so, so fucking good for me, so—"
You cry out when your walls tighten around nothing with powerful contractions, deciding at some point of the frenzy that consumes you that you’ll take advantage of this queer land and the limbo its night has thrown both of you into. Deciding you’ll let the Mandalorian explore his more primitive urges and fuck you into tomorrow, whatever “tomorrow” may mean for your relationship with him.
The sound of him fucking his hand quickens and you hear it closer to your body. You can’t tell exactly where.
“I—I—gonna c-cum.” His voice tightens in his throat. “Where?”
“Everywhere,” you answer breathlessly, and you mean it.
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infinity train b4 spoilers below the cut!!
these are just my incoherent ramblings about the book after watching it through twice. 
im curious to know what the crew could have done with longer episodes. i think with the way this book played out, it needed to be expanded upon or some information needed to be cut or rearranged. i absolutely loved min and ryan; their dynamic is so wholesome (can you go wrong with childhood friends?) and their more emotional moments still hit pretty hard.
while i do think that the story and conflict itself could be a metaphor for coming out or being gay, of course it would have been great to actually see that on screen. even with the first episode showing some signs that min-gi might have been crushing on ryan? and that was dropped? also in the art gallery car, it felt like kez was trying to set them up together. she even said like “a little birdy told me...” like she was going to say “a little birdy told me you have a secret admirer” or something like that. either way, i am happy with how their relationship was portrayed and i do agree with some of the opinions i’m seeing, saying that their relationship needed to be patched up before they get together. i guess it would have been nice to see the pining played up more idk, i still really liked this book. 
it just so happens that their story does feel a bit half baked in comparison to the other books, even though the story is centered basically on them and only them (outside of kez)? i don’t know why. there were so many one off lines that i think the book could have benefitted from addressing (even just a tad bit more): that line about how they’re just “two asian guys from bc” and that there are not too many musicians who actually look like them, when ryan says that only min-gi’s parents would care if they were gone (what happened to ryan’s family?), etc. also, i needed to be convinced a bit more that min wanted to be in chicken choice judy. again, it was addressed (especially with his stylophone) but not enough! i want to know what was holding him back from going with ryan. was it his parents? his own expectations? was he simply just too afraid? found traveling to be too unstable? i think they were just going to dive into this with the latter, but it’s only scratching the surface. i really think these conflicts could have been fleshed out so much more. 
and this is something that’s kind of confusing me, if ryan’s growth resulted in his realization that he’s not leaving min, i guess his portal opening up was his last test for him to see if he would leave? was his number going back up to like 150 just the reason why he now has to stay or was he punished because he didn’t leave? i dont think i articulated that correctly...but the numbers were very peculiar to me with this book? their numbers would go down maybe to like 120, 150 in some episodes, but later on, it was stuck at 202. especially after the art gallery car it felt like 202 to 0 to 202 to 0. like at the end of the book, they were still where they started? but i’m not too sure i agree with that. i do think they had grown somewhat over the course of the book? but i guess they were still arguing by the maze episode? see i don’t even know.
i can’t help this feeling that kez is almost like the main character to me. even if min and ryan are technically the main duo, kez is the one who is guiding them from car to car, she starts the conflict of the final episodes and then we get an info dump about her past with morgan and jeremy. i also didn’t like how that was done, but trying to think of another way to tell that story...i’m not too sure how it would work. it may be that there are technically two storylines here: kez and the train plus ryan and min’s relationship. i did like kez and even though, i have to agree there weren’t many memorable denizens (and the pig baby and porcelain cow were pretty annoying), this was focused on ryan and min (and kez too ig). i thought the inclusions of amelia were probably added to be convenient for the plot, but i still do like how they were implemented and we did get to see her gradual take over of the car from the passenger perspective, which was interesting. 
the book does feel a bit underwhelming after the absolutely fantastic book 3, but i love ryan and min so much so i cannot be too upset. what i do like about this situation though, is that i was always so apprehensive to rewatch the show because i don’t think i would ever be mentally prepared again (especially for book 3) but with this newest season, i see myself rewatching it all the time because it is so laid back and lighter than the rest? i am curious if anything happened with production that could have held this season back...but i guess we won’t know lol. of course i am upset about the show ending because i really really really wish that we did get that hazel and amelia season, but alas, i have to be extremely grateful for what we have. my ranking at this current moment is 3, 4, 2, 1, purely because book 3 hit me too hard. it is near perfect and unforgettable to me, but book 4 is getting close...
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wisherbysharlight · 4 years
Endgame!LAMP. Dukeceit, Remile
Just 2k stream of consciousness words from a plunny that grew legs TW for v slight underage drinking, one joking mention of violence, and a non-specific discussion of intrusive thoughts
-Janus has just moved there because his parents wanted to start a new "adventure" and he is a Stereotypical Teenager. Very "ugh MOM I wanna go back to my FRIENDS for my LAST SUMMER BEFORE COLLEGE"(most of his friends suck. He should not spend time with them. He does not know this)
His Parents buy him a surfboard and tell him to try it out as a way to get him to Shut Up
Hes a Skater Boy(cue music) so he picks it up super fast from like,,, youtube videos
 -He gets told to Get a Job if he wants to like, keep buying surf gear?
All the local kids work at like one restaurant/yacht club type place right on the beach
Janus gets hired as a host
 -Logan is a beach badge checker, Patton, Roman, and Remus are beachfront restaurant waiters but Roman just Really Wants To Surf, Emile and Virgil are Lifeguards, and Remy is a bartender
 -Janus is Very Good At Customer Service because Fake Smiles
Patton recognizes this Immediately
He shows him the Rage Closet which is a tiny room with an arm chair that locks from the inside where you can punch a pillow on your break when it gets to be Too Much
-Janus is Attached now and there is no getting rid of him
Patton Fully Endorses this and introduces him to the rest of the group
Janus Knows Immediately that LAMP is In Love but says nothing because he aint no snitch
-Remus surfs, but he also always wear a thong while doing it
Roman wears a full wetsuit and somehow still gets Board Rash. Remus is somehow immune and it infuriates him
 -Janus, not knowing that the twins live right on the beach cuz they are RichTM: Hey Ree I kinda wanna learn how to surf would you be able to teach me 
Remus, who religiously watches Janus surf every morning, but is absolutely willing to play this game: Yeah absolutely
Patton, later: “lets rinse off at the twins they’re right here” Janus: theyre.... What?!
 -Meanwhile, elsewhere, Virgil and Roman are double teaming Logan to drag him into the water with them cuz he’s pouting about losing a debate with their manager about how he didn’t really be mean to the dudebro who wanted to get his buddies onto the beach without paying, he was just enforcing the rules. And if the dude was so offended by Logan’s Very Accurate Dragging that he complained to management then, well, that’s his problem not Logan’s
 -Logan is never without a book. Ever. And its always a different book. Janus is starting to think he owns a library
One day he is just... reading a Physics textbook. Not taking notes or anything. Just reading. 
Roman is Very Very Alarmed by this because he is Gay and Math is Scary
"Roman I'm also gay that is not a determining factor"
"Yeah but you can't drive"
 -the first time janus has a shift with the twins, he cant stop staring, not just because hes like,,, super attracted to Remus but also because they are like Chaos Incarnate and yet somehow get the most tips??? He doesn't understand???
It's just cuz they are both Huge Flirts and Flatterers and the patrons dont care that they're not-so-subtly beating the shit out of each other right there on the dining floor because theyre just so charming
 -one of the bartenders gets aggressively snapped at by a customer and called "sweetheart" and before Janus can even begin to react Remy is there, sunglasses off, fire in his eyes, telling them to settle their bill and get the fuck out
Janus, used to City Restaurants- "Wont you get in trouble with the owner?!"
Remy, who knows Nothing Else But This- "What?? Not likely I only did it cuz Thomathy wasnt here to do it himself"
 -the restaurant is closed Monday and Tuesday so that is the Pseudo Weekend for the staff where everyone hangs out at the beach
Emile and Virgil take Tuesdays off but still work Monday’s cuz they feel better being the one watching over their friends
 -Roman, staring at Virgil on the lifeguard stand: ugh he’s so pretty I almost wish I was drowning just so he could give me cpr 
Janus: you wanna potentially get your ribs broken just for lip contact? 
Remy, staring at Emile on the lifeguard stand: listen, if that’s what it takes, I’ll take it
Remus, immediately going up to the lifeguard stand because he has 0 impulse control: hey my brother and cousin want you to break their ribs 
Virgil and Emile: excuse me?????
 -Patton will literally spend hours in the water. Logan physically drags him out to put sunscreen on him every two hours to the minute. Patton does not admit that he purposely "forgets" just so Logan will do so
Logan is Dark and has never used sunscreen ever but Patton is so pale and he just gets so concerned about him. Patton thinks its adorable
He has pages of research on proper spf determination.
Roman and Remus use spf 15 just on their faces and have never once burned in their lives
Logan wants to submit them for scientific study because that shouldnt be possible
Virgil calls Logan out on the fact that he also should be wearing sunscreen and Logan like... blue screens he cant believe in all his research he missed that
 -Patton is like... a ridiculously strong swimmer. Virgil still has a heart attack every time he goes for laps when there is the slightest hint of an undertow
Patton Knows This so he tries to stay in Virgil's sight line for the most part if there is an undertow. Or just dives over the waves again and again.
His nickname is Ariel. He thinks its just cuz of the swimming and the fact hes a red head. LAP all separately also tack on that its the swimming, the red hair, and the hnng pretty 10/10 would follow out to sea ala Prince Eric
 -first beach bonfire Janus goes to Remy is Fully In Emile's Lap like... half an hour in
he has had like maybe a sip of a beer
Remus says he still claims this is because he is a Clingy Drunk
no one will call him on it, least of all Emile
 -there is truth or dare. Roman may or may not skinny dip you have no proof
 -Logan gets infuriated that he cannot roast a marshmallow properly
Patton does it perfectly every single time but its ok cuz he shares and Logan eats it right from his fingers and Roman and Virgil are just in the background Trying and Failing not to be the Most Jealous
Patton thinks theyre upset they didn't get marshmallows and makes some for them too and there is lots of Significant Eye Contact involved
Janus is going to spontaneously combust if they don't get their shit together
 -Janus is out walking on the beach one night on a full moon cuz he cant sleep with everything so quiet around here when he sees a bright green patch out in the water and goes ...wait
he calls out to Remus and he comes into shore and is like "waves are perfect at night you should join me" so janus goes back and gets his board and they surf and chat for like the entire night
Janus finds out Remus couldn't sleep cuz intrusive thoughts were keeping him awake
Janus listens and doesn't judge, just lets Remus talk it out
They go back to shore and fall asleep on the sand next to each other like mid sentence still talking, now about whatever creative business idea Remus had, and get woken up by Logan's morning rounds like "come on guys you know you're not allowed to sleep out here" but they dont care theyre both just *blushing emoji*
-Logan Always Has A Notebook right? And a regular book he reads. And everyone assumes they are like Notions and Observations, but no, it’s actually blank paper and he uses it to sketch and then one day he leaves it behind and someone either Virgil or Patton finds it and flips through it and it’s all sketches of them and Roman and they’re like??? Actually really good? Anyway that’s how they find out Logan is actually minoring in art even though he’s majoring in something Very STEM 
And he never told his best friends because like almost all his pre college art is Them and he doesn’t want to be caught having Feelings and by the time it gets to college it’s been too long and he can’t tell them now 
Roman takes one of the sketches of him surfing and makes it his profile picture on All Social Media He Has and Logan is so flustered he nearly breaks his damn phone
Patton is so offended he didn’t get invited to Logan’s first showcase that he doesn’t talk to him for like two whole hours 
Virgil quietly asks if there is any art of all four of them, finds out there is, and makes a print and keeps it on his bedside table
 -They are all Pining Outwardly Now and its Worse
 -Remus : you have known them since pre-k please ask them out I beg of you 
Roman: You just dont get it 
Remus: I asked Janus out after 4 weeks what is your problem
 Emile: Virgil, I love you, you are my Partner in Anti-Drowning but you are so stupid 
Virgil: What???? All I said is that you and Remy are really cute and I'd love to be in a relationship like that 
Emile: I am not a violent person, Virgil, but I have the strong urge to smack you
 Patton, in the Rage Closet: They're all just so hOT and ReSPEctFUL 
Janus, waiting for his turn, trying to act like he cant hear him: I Am Looking Elsewhere
 Logan: I just don't understand why they were more upset that I didn't tell them than that I'd been making art of them for years?? Shouldn't that second part be worse??
Remy, who has been partial to Every Single One Of AMP Waxing Poetic About Logan: Yeah, no idea /s
 -the twins get into a surfing competition as a pair and everyone goes to see them and support them
Thomas airs the competition on every tv in the restaurant cuz he’s Proud of his Bois
They WIN cuz they are Creative and Talented and came up with all sorts of crazy tricks while they were fucking around in the water but it earns them Major Bonus Points for originality
 -Roman does the run off the podium and into Love’s arms trope with just like... whoever’s closest lets go Patton because he is a Waif and forced himself up front so he can see
The other two are Devastated because well shit but then Roman pushes through the crowd, still holding Patton’s hand, and gives them this smile and is like “remember in like second grade when we said we’d do everything together and made a pact on this beach”
Analogical: uhhhhhh yeah
Roman: holding you both to it. No take backs. This counts. Now kiss me, dammit, we WON and they DO MANY TIMES AND ITS REAL CUTE
 -Meanwhile dukeceit have Mysteriously Disappeared and No One wants to be the ones to go find them. They show back up, eventually. Janus has a branch in his hair and remus' hair is sticking straight up and when he opens his mouth roman glares at him and tells him in no uncertain terms that they do not want to know
 AnYWaY these are my children and I will gladly answer any questions about them. I left out Janus Backstory and Creativitwins Angst and Many Individual LAMP Scenes and Remile/Dukeceit getting together and Epilogue but can absolutely provide such things on request
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lilyhaaron · 3 years
Librarian Idyll - Plants Finally Actually Done
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After a long while of procrastinating working on the plant visual assets, I’m finally done with Pre-Alpha 3.5 of Librarian Idyll! The game’s got plants now!
Everything except grass only has one variant right now, so all the trees of a type look the same, but I’ll go back and add about 3 variants for each once I’ve implemented plant animation and the lighting system (just to make sure I don’t have to redo too many sprites if I find something wrong about them for their normal maps when we wanna figure out how they’re supposed to be lit). That said, the trees still don’t look too bad when tiled densely, despite all being the same:
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The pine trees where tricky for me to make them matched the art style of the deciduous ones, but I think I got somewhere I am happy with in the end.
Next version, Pre-Alpha 3.6, is going to be all about implementing spells and magic, because you are a bibliomancer and a mage after all. For this update it’ll be like a haste spell and a few debug ones, but will then used for resource gathering in the following version.
Patch notes for Pre-Alpha 3.5 under the break.
Librarian Idyll Pre-Alpha 3.5 Patch Notes
This version, one of the longest in terms of number of updates so far, adds plants to the town of Lakeshore. They do what plants do - grow, spread, die when out of season, and the like. Currently they only really exist here to look pretty, but in a couple updates when resource gathering is added, they will provide a key role in getting the library up and running in the form of gatherable resources for use by you.
Core Features
Plants now exist in the world, with some predetermined ones spawning when you first enter a zone.
Plants will, over time, mature into fully grown versions of themselves, if proper conditions are met.
Plants will naturally spread themselves, allowing for fields of grass to naturally expand, forests to slowly spread new saplings and regrow portions chopped down, and so on.
Some plants are allowed to override others as well, such as a forest slowly taking over a field of grass.
Some plants will spawn spontaneously, such as herb clusters for the player to find and gather (actual gathering slated for 3.7).
3 new trees.
2 new herb clusters.
1 new type of grass.
1 new type of fern.
Fixes and Changes
The loading screen is more similar to the look of the main menu.
Fixed the UI click sound being made when closing a book.
Fixed an issue where more than one click sounds was being made at a time in some menus.
Fixed an issue with the library’s capacity being stuck at 0, regardless of modifiers.
Plants are entirely moddable, with the ability to make new plants with a wide range of configurable properties.
The TSV converter handles plant conversions for easy conversion of a spreadsheet to the plant config data.
Plant regions are configurable, allowing you to modify what plants spawn where and how many different types of plants should spawn in a given region.
Scenes can be marked as to whether plants can be planted or spawned in them.
New actions - SpawnPlant, ResetPlants, ClearPlants, GrowthTick, PlantQuotas, BonusPlantSpawn
New console command - PlantCount, PlantRegionCount
New modifiers - Growth_Days_[plantType], Player_Growth_Chance_[plantType], Wild_Growth_Chance_[plantType], Spread_Chance, Spread_Chance_[plantType], Bonus_Plant_[bonus name]
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piratefalls · 4 years
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A McDanno rec list for a new friend. (These are also authors I enjoy, so consider this a blanket rec list.)
The Bareknuckle Poet by pleasebekidding
After a serious accident left Steve temporarily wheelchair-bound, working towards his recovery, he enrolled at Rutgers for a year. He met Danny Williams in his criminology course, wearing pride pins and chipped black nail polish, so sure of himself that Steve found it breathtaking. What happened next redefined Steve's sense of self, his ambitions, and many of his priorities.
Tax Benefits by renecdote
“Everyone already assumes we’re married so maybe we should just...” Danny gestures broadly with his beer. He’s maybe a little bit… Not drunk, but definitely tipsy.
“For the tax benefits.”
Danny gives him an aggravated look. “Yes, Steven, for the tax benefits.”
Danny (jokingly) suggests they should get married. Steve takes him seriously.
ua kaha aku la ka nalu o kuu aina (the surf has pressed upon my land) by icoulddothisallday, TetrodotoxinB
Steve knows, he learned, how a man behaves. He can play his part. Danny, who is a good man and great father, looks nothing like what Steve was taught. Reconciling the two means giving up everything he's clung too for the last two decades, and there's nothing about it that's easy.
*potentially triggery AF (deals with effects of conversion therapy) but beautifully rendered
the art of leaving and saying goodbye by Verasteine
2007 is the year Danny learns that choice can be the worst kind of heartbreak. AU.
*warning for infidelity (not mcdanno)
in jest by apathyinreverie
“No, babe,” Danny shakes his head with a grin. “If the apocalypse were to go down while I’m elsewhere for some godforsaken reason, then you stay put and I’m coming to wherever you are.” His grin widens. “And I expect you to have cleared any aliens or zombies or whatever else might be messing with us off the island and to have set up a nice, comfortable military dictatorship for us to rule over by the time I get back.”
It’s a joke.
Of course it’s a joke.
Until it isn’t.
(A the-day-after-tomorrow-style apocalypse AU, where the world decides to end right when Danny is visiting one of the other islands with Grace. Because, of course, it does.)
not just friendship (romance too) by earthquakedream
Steve's gone and gotten himself a boyfriend. Danny's not sure what worse: the fact that he's stupidly jealous or that he actually likes the guy.
All I Ever Wanted (It Comes with a Price) by leviarty
Steve gets shot. Again. Danny is not okay.
* warning: a young grace shoots someone to protect both herself and a gravely injured steve
After All Our Troubles, We Have This by Banshi13
"I'm ending this," McGarrett muttered after a few moments of silence. "I'm not coming back until Wo Fat is in the ground. I'll dig his own grave and bury him myself if I have to, but my father is dead, my mother is running all over the world in hiding, my sister and I were uprooted from our lives, and now he's got Danny locked somewhere in a basement in the middle of Japan." He looked both Chin and Kono in the eye, deadly resolve in his eyes. "This ends. Now. This is the absolute last time that man interferes with my life and my family."
The Other Guy by haldoor
Danny tells Steve what he thinks is a funny story from when he attended Grace's school play. Steve doesn't think it's so funny; in fact, it makes him jealous.
Strapped by stellarmeadow
Steve's determined Danny's going to be prepared next time.
Warm to the Touch by veronicaluv
Danny didn't think twice about going to North Korea to find Steve. He just didn't know everything would go to hell when they got back.
Me and my heart (We got issues) by SquaresAreNotCircles
“I’m in love with you, Steve,” Danny says. He does it softly, quietly, laying the words into the darkness of Steve’s backyard like they’re something breakable, something to be tiptoed around. “I thought you should know.”
Steve’s heart jumps. It rams against his ribcage so hard it’s going to leave bruises. So hard he startles awake, and he almost yells before he realizes he’s outside because he fell asleep in one of the garden chairs in his backyard again.
how to be gay for your best friend in ten easy steps by commatme
See, the thing is that Danny doesn’t really do gay sex, what with being straight and all, but when Steve says I love you he sounds so earnest he makes Danny want to consider it. Which is crazy, right? He’s pretty sure that’s crazy, or at least a little unhinged.
It’s Not So Easy Caving In by paradis
The one where Danny used to be a heroin addict.
blame it on the ocean view by carryokee
Danny gives in, freaks out, and comes to his senses.
So Have I Loved You by Brumeier
In which Grace has a surprise for Steve's birthday and there's not a dry eye in the house.
take it back to a couple years yesterday by itsrosencrantz
Danny really, really doesn't want to go to his twenty year high school reunion.
Steve decides they're going anyway, and Danny takes it about as well as you'd expect.
View From The Shipwreck by flowerfan
Danny Williams isn’t in a great place – he’s a reluctant transplant to Oahu and an outsider at HPD. Former Navy SEAL Steve McGarrett isn’t doing much better, having suffered a career ending injury. When Danny’s young daughter Grace wanders into Steve’s bar after getting lost on a school field trip, Danny is drawn to Steve, somewhat against his better judgement – he’s got enough on his plate. He’s not exactly sure what Steve sees in him. As they spend more time together, Danny learns how Steve’s injury has changed his life in many ways, but not the most important ones. As one thing leads to another, Danny realizes that things might be looking up after all.
True North by lavvyan
“Tell you what, my dad’s throwing his annual Christmas Ball on Saturday. It’s not a trip to Aspen or anything, but it is nice. Fancy food and everything. You guys should come!”
On the trail of a suspected war criminal, Steve and Danny have to go undercover at a fancy ball. The sacrifices they make for the job.
Oh, and Steve's pining like the taiga. Nothing new there.
outside the lines by withoutwords
“I’m Detective Williams.” Danny says, not trying too hard to keep it smug free. “This is my partner, Detective Mackenzie.”
Ken Doll keeps his arms up, his eyes flickering between them all as if he's only seeing police for the first time. “Good cover,” he tells Danny, and it sets Danny’s teeth on edge.
“This is the part where you say sorry for assaulting a police detective, for compromising an investigation, and for acting like a complete asshole while doing it,” Danny growls, about to change his mind and cuff the guy himself.
“Sorry, Officer.”
The bastard is still grinning.
Boys Like Me, We Try Too Hard by romanticallyinept
Steve's always wound so fucking tight.
And Danny's worried about him. Legitimately worried about him. Because maybe Steve always lays into the perps a little hard, and maybe he follows his own rules and his own morals and doesn't stop to sleep unless his body's actually shutting down around him, but usually, Steve's okay at the end of the day. Usually, Steve's not leaning against the wall of the alley they're in, eyes closed and shaking, with the perp he'd cuffed a minute earlier lying on the ground and crying about his broken nose.
Steve keeps a secret, and Danny does his best to patch him back up when it comes to light.
Transformative by boxparade
“You know, I’d heard you’d changed a lot after high school, but I’ve gotta admit, this is a little weird.”
* trans (FTM) Danny
All the Way by VictoriaAGrey
Danny has lost count of how many times he and Steve have used the sexual tension between them for undercover work, only for it to be bottled away after the op is over. With Saint Michael as his witness, that ends tonight.
Nocturne in C# Minor (featuring Stevie Ray Vaughn) by minor_demimonde
So, to recap, Danny has beautiful eyes, great shoulders, a pleasantly-shaped butt, a delectable mouth, expressive hands, and he smells good.
You know, Steve has gone to bed with women who didn’t have that much going for them.
seen it in the flight of birds by Siria
AU from the beginning of Season 2. The Five-0 task force has been reinstated, but the new governor's determined to shake things up. Facing changes and unexpected betrayals, the team has to work together to face new challenges.
It Ain’t Me Babe (Nah), It Ain’t Me You’re Looking For (Babe) by tourdefierce
A story in which Danny makes lists and can't find his heterosexuality underneath all his homogay, Steve has a lot of faces, Kono is perfect in every way and Chin continues to keep Hawaii safe from the Five-O's general disfunction—Or, a story about Kono being awesome and how she likes her men with hearts in their eyes for each other.
Ratios, Decimals, and Percentages by fuchs
In which Steve takes an internet quiz and slowly loses his mind. Danny's okay with it.
Let’s Dance Like We Used To by AndreaLyn
There isn't a world in which Danny wouldn't go after Grace. So when Rachel moves the family to California, Danny goes with. Steve gets left to process life without Danny.
Gunfire, Rainfall, and Beach Erosion by thegrrrl2002
Steve and Danny are kidnapped. After which there is too much swimming and too much rain and it's all very romantic. If you are Steve, that is.
Moving In (To Every Single Aspect of Danny’s Life, Including the Boring Bits like Dry-Cleaning by westgirl
It felt wrong for Steve to sound unsure of his place in Danny’s life. His place in Danny’s life was at Danny’s side, driving him slowly insane. Steve should feel secure about that.
Always Known What I Wanted To Be by mickeysixx
Grace Williams has always wanted to be a cop.
The Taper Phase by popfly
It’s like being run over by an armored car, like the impact of gunshot to tac vest. The pride Danny feels for his daughter and something else, something about Steve’s tank top sticking to his stomach, the way his shorts stretch across his thighs. The goofy grin that lights up Steve’s face when he sees Danny and Charlie, waving one hand while he nudges Grace with the other.
Pitching Woo by SBG
In which Danny pitches (and then accidentally catches) woo.
clue: four letters, ‘is a many splendored thing’ by armillarysphere
“Crosswords? What are you, sixty?”
“They stimulate brain activity, Danno. You ought to try it sometime.”
Steve doesn’t even look up from his newspaper, half-chewed pen resting at the corner of his mouth in an entirely too distracting way.
That’s Not Just Friendship, That’s Romance by thismuchmore
Danny and Steve start out accidentally dating each other, and it turns into something more.
it’s not what you’re sure of (it’s what you don’t know) by somehowunbroken
Art thief Steve McGarrett and his team come up against FBI Special Agent Danny Williams, and things spin wildly out of control from there.
Same Deep Water by JiM, kalena
This isn't the first lifetime Danny's been in Hawaii. When the stress ratchets up, the dreams get more and more real. Turns out Danny has some unfinished business . . . with Steve.
Warning: Ambien use may lower inhibitions in a wakeful state.
Curiosity Didn’t Kill This Cat by unadrift
"I'm confused," Rachel says. "Are you two dating or not?"
Danny sighs. "You remember that thing with the cat in the box? The one that's both dead and alive?"
"Schroedinger's cat?"  
"It's kind of like that."
"Okay," Rachel says. She clearly has no idea what he's talking about.
2727 Piikoi Street by imaginary_iby
The ways in which Danny makes himself at home by Steve's side, and the family he gains as the years go by. (Featuring Steve in Timberland boots and little else, and happy goofs who like to make out against the front door).
All The Earth Awaits Thee by Portrait_of_a_Fool
Steve knows all about war and willpower, but this is still the hardest battle he’s ever had to fight.
* warning: life threatening illness, no MCD
The Vertical Challenge by AlamoGirl80
Five times Danny thinks about his height, and then realizes that being "not-tall" doesn't really suck at all.
Some Things to Think About When You Decide to Be an Asshole by sutlers
Steve gets high and tries to fuck Danny; things devolve from there.
Inked by thehoyden
Of course Steve is enjoying himself. They're bait for a serial killer who has some sort of serious hangup about tattooing loved ones' names on their skin -- of course Steve thinks this is practically like a vacation, but better, because the chances of collateral damage are higher.
This Thing Of Ours (It Needs a Better Name) by leupagus
Cosa Nostra: (kō'sə nō'strə) etym: Italian n. The branch of the Mafia operating in the United States. Literally, "our thing" or "this thing of ours."
Ho’oponopono by ember_firedrake
Groundhog Day AU. Danny finds himself trapped in the same day over and over again.
Swim for Brighter Days by zarah5
Danny kisses Steve late on a Tuesday, early on a Wednesday. Steve punches him. (Set vaguely post-finale, so spoilers for that.)
All My Guards Away by sheafrotherdon
Tag to episode 1x18, with all the heartache that implies. Now with bonus fixes. With thanks to dogeared for all her suggestions and edits.
Let’s Take it from the Top by pterawaters
Steve goes along with the bachelor-party-in-Vegas, because he chose Danny to be his best man, and that's what Danny wants to do. Unfortunately, the things that happen in Vegas don't necessarily stay there.
How to Keep Your Mouth Shut by primetime
Danny’s sometimes gay. Gay, sometimes. Does dudes. He doesn’t know how to say it right. He doesn’t know how to say it at all.
Don’t Turn Me Home Again by gyzym
After a rough day of island living, Danny wakes up in New Jersey and learns the hard way to be careful what he wishes for.
End-Around by t_fic
Steve hesitates with his hand on the doorknob, looking back over his shoulder at Danny and nodding once before disappearing inside, and yeah, Danny is going to be so fucking lucky to get through this night without a coronary event.
Lonely People Do Stupid Things by waketosleep
Danny decides to show Steve the true meaning of Christmas, and does it by dragging him to New Jersey.
Down Beneath the Waves by samjohnsson
A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes it takes another thousand to explain it.
Love’s a Battlefield (and the Navy Did Not Train Steve for This Shit) by cyerus
The Kalakaua-Kelly clan are determined to matchmake Steve. Out of desperation, Steve makes up a boyfriend named Danny.
It doesn't quite go according to plan.
put your mind at ease by eleanor_lavish
Somewhere in the last year, while Steve was busy killing bad guys, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell has been erased from the books and guys like Jeff can marry whoever they damn well please.
You’ve Got Hawaii (and all I’ve got is you) by queenklu
In which Danny has issues, presents, and Steve fleas, not necessarily in that order.
Jaws by JoeLawson
Danny has a secret.
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tintinwrites · 4 years
Telling Pedro Characters ‘I Love You’ During Sex but it’s Accurate (I’m kidding) and I’m an Asshole to the Characters
Again, I love Pedro and all the fics you guys write, this is for fun!
Agent Whiskey
you enjoy your eight month anniversary at Denny’s, romantically eating from the same Grand Slam meal
yes he takes you there in his car like your first date but
“I ain’t done with you yet, sugar dumplin’.”
y’all go back to your place for another two minutes of sexy fun
halfway through is when he actually does a pretty good thrust and you say it: “I love you, Whiskey.”
“Oh, baby doll, I love you like a hog loves the sound of a red-headed woodpecker as it square dances in a patch of mud.”
6/10 for being in love with even if the sex is mediocre
Dave York
please don’t say it
pLeAsE dO NoT tElL dAvE yOrK tHaT yOu LoVe HiM!!!!!!!
anyway he kills you
-408/10 for being in love with and I don’t have to explain why
Din Djarin
he’s been alone for a long time
there is something so easy about falling in love with this intimidating, yet gentle and patient man if you’re with him
and, hell, maybe it’s only sex because you’re both lonely and you don’t know if he’d ever want more but
“Mando...Mando, I love you.”
the man doesn’t take his helmet off to fuck you and you’re still in love with him like a pining little fool
he doesn’t say anything, but he is more protective of you and more considerate with you and maybe he...
4/10 for being in love with bc the boy is a little awkward but I think he might love you too
I am not sure how you get a word in edgewise with this man and the sonnets he recites when he’s fucking you
“Oh would that I could cut these ties that bind me. Out, damned spot! Out, I say!”
who says that when they come i would like to know please
he makes you cum pretty good tho so yes you’re gonna tell this man who is your fuck buddy? fuck acquaintance? that you love him as he rocks into you
he doesn’t even pause
“If I could love thee any more impenetrably, I think mine heart would climb out of one of my many orifices to allow your full claim upon it.”
does that mean he loves you i dont really know
4/10 for being in love with bc he’s just so confusing let’s not pretend any of us are smart enough to put up with him
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales
you’ve been dating him for a few months when you realize the squeezing in you that you notice whenever you see him means something else
the puppy dog eyes that follow his every move is pointed out by Pope any time he’s hanging out with the two of you
it’s not until he’s asked you to stay the night and he’s slowly rutting into you that the words tell themselves
“I love you, Frankie.”
he pauses and he lets out this charmed little laugh
“Love you too, baby.”
honestly the best sex you’ve ever enjoyed with him
10/10 for being in love with bc he loves you very much too :)
Javier Peña
oh sweetie you knew he was going to break your heart when sex became a casual thing between the two of you rather than a one night stand
Javi is grumpy and he is sad but there are times when he is too sweet and funny not to fall in love with
not to mention that he knows your body like his own and he’s the best sex partner you’ve ever been with
you don’t mean to say it you want want to say it don’t say it dont say it “I love you, Javi.”
he stops, then he keeps fucking you like you didn’t say anything to him
he immediately rolls off you and smokes a cigarette without really acknowledging you
“This was a lot of fun.” he says like you’re some random person he barely knows and you tell him to call you about lunch and he grunts and you cry
1/10 for being in love with bc maybe with some time he could be convinced but I’m not sure
Marcus Pike
it is not you who says I love you during sex
it’s Marcus
he smiles at you as you ride him and just says, “I love you.”
and you love him too because how could you not love this man
lots of kissing and giggling and ooh that orgasm tho
400/10 for being in love with bc he will offer you a life and a home and a family if you want DON’T LOOK AT ME
Maxwell Lord
was it his self-obsession about his looks that made you love him?
maybe the way he liked to slam you over furniture to pound into you?
you probably say it bc he pays attention to you and you don’t know what love actually is
he laughs so hard his thrusts into you from behind are jerked and rough
he thanks you for the laugh and keeps fucking you, letting out a little laugh every time he thinks about it
-4,443/10 for being in love with bc are you kidding me have you seen the man
Max Phillips
he’s really charismatic if not incredibly perverse which is why you fall for him
it’s also possible that he um compelled you
or maybe it’s bc he turned you haha who knows
“I love you, sir!”
he totally gets off on the idea of you being in love with him that he cums right there
and then he drinks from you so oh maybe he didn’t turn you!
he does not love you back tho lmao he just likes the power of someone loving him
0/10 for being in love with bc he’s arguably not bottom of the barrel here
Oberyn Martell
everybody loves Oberyn
you’re on top of him with him doing some fancy orgasmic move to your titties
“I love you” you say bc this man can make you orgasm by licking your fucking knee so
there is a chorus of “I LOVE YOU” from all the other people in the room
it’s not really special when he says it back bc you’re not sure if he LOVE loves you or if he’s saying a general “I love my harem of people”
but then he sucks on some part of you and it’s like whatever
you’re fine with whatever bc he he can also make you orgasm from licking your chin
4/10 for being in love with bc the sex is good and he doesn’t treat you cruelly
Pero Tovar
he’s typical of his time so im not gonna fault you for being in love with him
but he also fucks you so hard i am IMPRESSED that you sound intelligible
“I. Love. You.”
robots weren’t a thing so you don’t sound like a robot but if it was modern days yes you would sound like a robot
you’re probably married so he grunts it back
so sweet
probably turns into a breeding kink kind of thing tbh look at him
7/10 for being in love with okay he will make sure you are fed with a roof over your head along with your 12 children
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wintrymoods · 3 years
29.07.21, 0:25
Maybe I’m feeling like this because of you
Maybe you’re feeling like this because of me
Maybe it’s all a blurry picture
Blue hands without fingerprints
Unable to touch
Never connected
Except through a feeling.
That hole in your soul
It’s just a mix up
Because you got lost
Didn’t you?
Left the path
With a flower in your hand
Desperate to find
What’s buried underneath
Pine cones and plastic hearts
Can you hear them
Right beneath the surface
Your chest
Emptied with a shovel
An earthy cage
Roots tangled all over
Where your heart
Is supposed to echo
On its own
All I can do
Is raise a gaze
Towards the sky
The moon’s yellow eye
Is watching me tonight
And I tremble
Under meaningless worry
About you
Does my feeling reach you?
Does your feeling reach me?
Do our hands
Touch one another?
Under a different moon
Under a different sky
With lungs free of dirt
With hearts made of muscle
With feeling and patched up smiles
Because in another picture
One that misses blue color
One that misses you like I do
One that misses me for you
We’re not as broken, as lost
And I like to believe that
We can’t reach here
Because you’re not hopeless yet
You’re shardless
And I can tell myself
That I’m okay with that.
As long as you’re gifted
With a chance
Of happiness
As long as your heart is beating
And you’re on your way
Out of the woods.
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illogicallyinclined · 4 years
what do the Ocs look like?
i’ve gotten a few asks about this so i’m slowly workin through the boys as we speak
here’s the first batch
Tumblr media
and some general descriptors:
Peter Sullivan
Height: 6′2″
Light brown hair styled in an undercut, hazel eyes
Skipped leg day. And arm day. And ab day. (He’s a lanky, lanky boy)
Wolfman who can grow more leg hair than necessary for any human to ever have
Pine tree tattoo all the way around his lower right arm from wrist-3/4 of the way up to his elbow
Alex Richardson
Height: 6′0″
Black hair, gray eyes
Tim Burton Wants To Know Your Location
Cheekbones that could cut a man (and HAVE)
His eyeliner wings are always perfect, how the hell does he get them so perfect, teach me --
Has cartilage piercings, but can’t wear them on the ice
Has a tattoo of some bats going up the side of his left leg
“My natural expression makes me look like I’m completely uninterested, which is convenient because it’s usually true”
Julian Beauregard
Height: 5′7″
Black hair, dark brown eyes
Baby boy. Baby.
Has earrings, but like Alex, he can’t wear them on the ice
Small. Shrimpy. No one believes him when he tells them that he plays hockey, but What Can You Do
CAN grow facial hair, but “why would i do that to myself”
Payton O’Shaughnessy 
Height: 6′0″
Strawberry blond hair, pale blue eyes
Freckles across face, chest and shoulders
Has nipple piercings because drunk Payton has a lot of thoughts and ideas
BEEFY boy. Beefy.
Fan on Aces Twitter: “WHAT does O’Shaughnessy need that much ass for?” 
David Santos
Height: 5′10″
Dark, curly brown hair and light brown eyes
Has an identical twin named Gabriel who has the exact same haircut. This was entirely by accident.
DOES have a birthmark unique to him and him alone; he’s got a patch of slightly lighter colored skin on his right knee
Would get a tattoo if he weren’t Deathly Afraid of Needles
Bo Anderson
Height: 6′3″
Mid-length blond hair, blue eyes
If he puts his hair in a braid before a game or after a shower, it’ll get really curly when he takes the braids out later on
Has a bunch of hair clips that he switches out for games
Big boy, Big Build, but also a Gentle Giant
Has a tattoo of some little birds flying up the side of his right foot and ankle
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