#David Frum
fallensapphires · 3 months
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Foods: Cakes
So if I have two pieces of cake, do I have twice as good an experience as the first piece of cake? One of the things I've found in life is that the first piece of cake is the best.
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
We have less than 11 months to keep the United States from slipping into totalitarianism.
Waiting to get involved until the traditional election season starts in September is for losers. The further away an extinction-causing asteroid is, the easier it is to deflect it. We currently have an orange asteroid on route which could cause American democracy to go extinct.
Elect Trump and the country will have a leader who will pardon himself for past, present, and future crimes and will have a submissive Supreme Court which will uphold those pardons.
It will require an increased amount of civic involvement, not slacktivism, to prevent this. Don't wait for the next person to become more active. Lead by example.
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porterdavis · 7 months
Stop panicking
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odinsblog · 2 years
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Thread continues:
“That really is the key difference: What is the message behind describing DeSantis as “normal” – “We just need to defeat Trump and the emergency is over” or “Even beyond Trump, the GOP has fully been taken over by Trumpism and the party represents an acute threat to democracy”?
The latter is a lot more plausible, empirically and historically, as it acknowledges not only the extent and depth of the GOP’s radicalization, but also the long-standing anti-democratic tendencies and impulses on the Right; it describes Trump as symptom rather than cause.
The former, however, is more attractive to all those who want to define Trump as more of an aberration, a clear departure from a supposedly venerable conservative tradition, someone who has hijacked the GOP’s noble project - a perspective that has some self-exculpatory appeal.
It’s imperative, analytically and politically, we make the case against Trump without providing cover for DeSantis, without presenting DeSantism as anything but the danger to democracy and the civil rights order it so clearly is. It didn’t start with Trump. It won’t end with him.”
David Frum is trying to position Ron DeSantis as a “normal” Republican; a “moderate” who is “reasonable” and less dangerous than Trump. The thing to remember about “Never Trump” Republicans is, they are still Republicans. Even the “good” ones still want Roe v Wade overturned. They still vote against the Voting Rights Act. They are still against most reasonable forms of gun control. They are still homophobic and transphobic. There is no such thing as a “good” Republican. Not even the ones who hate Trump. Liz Cheney, for example, voted with Trump’s policies 93% of the time while she was in office. And Liz Cheney also failed to call out Trump’s birtherism against the first Black President. Because she is a Cheney and a Republican.
I know that a lot of Reagan Democrats will fall for the okie doke, but it’s a whitewash; it’s revisionist history that leaves out all the bad (but true) parts. So whenever you start hearing political pundits start calling Cheney “the next Lincoln” or referring to DeSantis as a “moderate,” you know they’re full of shit. As always, look at the policies, not the person.
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imkeepinit · 2 years
[It's] sometimes useful to be reminded: if “left” means “replace the market economy with some other form of social organization,” then there’s a lot of air-miles between most American liberals and “the left.”
David Frum
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arcticdementor · 2 years
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thenewdemocratus · 2 days
Early Start With Kasie Hunt: 'You're Lying': George Conway Clashes With Republican Commentator Over Donald Trump Guilty Verdict'
Source:CNN with a George Conway vs Scott Jennings live TV debate. Source:The New Democrat “Lawyer George Conway and CNN Senior Political Commentator Scott Jennings joined “CNN This Morning” to discuss Donald Trump’s guilty verdict in his criminal hush money case.” From CNN I’m not going top try to play mindreader and argue that Scott Jennings is lying here. He just might be complete idiot when it…
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gwydionmisha · 6 months
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The post-Trump right has a style as distinctive as its authoritarian substance: trolling, ironic, evasive. It expresses itself in rhetorical questions, in false alternatives, in sleights of phrase, in mocking deflections. It does not openly declare its intentions, in part because it does not dare to—and in part because it itself does not yet fully know. Those of us who have walked away from this betrayal of our earlier beliefs can discern the resemblance to the fascism of the last century. But those heading toward the new destination do not see so clearly, distracted as they are by the wisecracks that they are tweeting as they trudge.
  —  Don’t Let Anyone Normalize January 6
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vhstve591 · 1 year
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Every day I wish for nothing more than for David SCum to be found guilty of crimes against humanity and shot like a dog by an Iraqi firing squad. Cruel, but immensely satisfying.
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reportwire · 2 years
What Comes After the Search Warrant?
What Comes After the Search Warrant?
If Donald Trump committed crimes on his way out of the White House, he should be subject to the same treatment as any other alleged criminal. The reason for this is simple: Ours is a government of laws, not of men, as John Adams once observed. Nobody, not even a president, is above those laws. So why did I feel nauseous yesterday, watching coverage of the FBI executing a search warrant at Trump’s…
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"100-200 years ago, people ate organic unprocessed food and didn't have vaccines... ... and lived to the ripe old age of 'died in childbirth.'"
"Nature wants 5 of your 7 children dead. It wants you dead by 50. Everything better than that is brought to you by science & technology." -- David Frum
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meret118 · 16 days
David Frum: “The Revenge Presidency”
Anne Applebaum: “America Will Abandon NATO”
McKay Coppins: “Loyalists, Lapdogs, and Cronies”
Caitlin Dickerson: “The Specter of Family Separation”
Barton Gellman: “Trump Will Get Away with It”
Sophie Gilbert: “Women Will Be Targets”
Zoë Schlanger: “Climate Denial Will Flourish”
George Packer: “Is Journalism Ready?”
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david and angel are literally branch and poppy frum trolls. goodnight.
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unbidden-yidden · 7 months
I dress hilariously frum for someone who isn't even orthodox, like:
Exhibit A: today I wore a long black skirt, black leggings with sneakers, pale green long-sleeved crewneck shirt, silver magen david necklace and tichel.
Exhibit B: yesterday I wore a dark grey suit dress with a shell underneath, leggings, tichel, Oxford flats, and suit jacket.
This is just... how I prefer to dress tbh? I value tzniut and I've been covering my hair for about a decade, well before I even started converting, and don't plan to stop now. Long A-line skirts with pockets and leggings underneath have all the benefits of pants without any of the downsides. Fully covering shirts mean I'm not self-conscious and am physically more comfortable pretty much always. I can move around without any fear of exposing anything I'm not comfortable with people seeing, I never have the same problems I used to with men treating me like an object (very important in my line of work what with all the men I have to stare down and have take me seriously), and physically I have relief from sun, sweat, rain, bugs, and humidity. Women feel safe around me and compliment my scarves, children sometimes are curious about them in a good way, men feel too ashamed to say anything sexual to me or give me creepy compliments, conservatives see me as Religious(TM) and liberals see me as non-Christian and therefore Marginalized(TM)/more likely to be a safe person. There are no downsides to this.
(Well okay actually the only downside to this is that I feel compelled to dress differently for marit ayin reasons when I'm doing something that is within my own Conservative practice but not up to orthodox halachic standards. But, y'know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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radicaljewishness · 7 months
Since the Hamas terror attacks, I am doing my damnedest to be even more Jewish than I already am.
I cover my hair. I dress modestly. While I look quite frum to most people, I'm not. I actually attend a reform shul. (It's the only one for over an hour drive.) Although, I am probably more Conservadox than anything.
I am very much pro-LGBTQ+. Also, I am a total metalhead with tattoos.
My Magen David is out and being shown off.
I am wearing every tshirt or hoodie that has something on it that identifies me as Jewish when I can.
Because fuck Hamas.
Because fuck antisemites.
And fuck anyone that doesn't stand up for Jewish people.
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