secular-jew · 2 days
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Who's the aggressor again?
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bobemajses · 1 day
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Kurdish Jewish man wearing a machine-embroidered suit and an overcoat ('abayye) in the style of the Aqra region. Jerusalem, 1980.
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sayruq · 2 months
Never forget that this would not be happening had Biden reined in Israel in October '23 instead of giving them a blank check to attack anyone they please. At the very least there should have been consequences for Israel bombing an embassy.
Instead Biden promised iron clad support for Israel. We're now facing the possibility of a huge regional war that will devastate the lives of tens of millions of civilians in West Asia
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stuckinapril · 4 months
Reminder that the US bombed Iraq a day ago. Reminder that this attack has killed 16 Iraqis, many of whom were civilians. Reminder that Iraq has already suffered enough at the hands of US imperialism, that to this day it’s recovering from the aftermath of being defamed to the world as terrorists, from its cities being destroyed under the guise of “exterminating ISIS” (an echo of Israel decimating Palestine to “exterminate Hamas,” interesting), that the US has so many ulterior motives to continue encroaching upon Iraq that have nothing to do with their seemingly noble rationale, and that it does all this while funding Israel’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians (which are basically doing their dirty work of pushing further in on Arab territory). It’s jarring that this is all happening on a world stage & yet nothing is being done to stop it. Hands off Iraq. Free Palestine. Hands off Iraq. Free Palestine.
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shehzadi · 4 months
the US is directly bombing syria, iraq (x, x, x, x) and yemen simultaneously tonight (very early hours of 03.02.24) while, of course, continuing to proudly fund israel’s ongoing genocide in ghazzah. they’re saying that this is only the beginning of their operations in iraq and syria. meanwhile, israel is increasingly targeting rafah, having just martyred 11 palestinians there in one airstrike alone. as a reminder, rafah is essentially the southern most area in ghazzah and is where israel told palestinians to flee to, calling it a ‘safe zone’. this is all happening the same day israel announced it is preparing for a ground invasion in rafah. allah reham kare
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mysharona1987 · 5 months
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It’s basically the same picture.
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palestinestuffff · 2 months
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Similarities between Iraq War protests and Palestine Protests.
Source 1
Source 2
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tomi4i · 5 months
America has now bombed and conducted illegal wars in:
- Iraq
- Syria
- Libya
- Somalia
- Pakistan
- Afghanistan
- Palestine
- Yemen
But Muslims are the terrorists?
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hyperions-fate · 8 months
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The people of Baghdad demonstrating in their thousands today to support the besieged people of Gaza and Palestine. The West and its leaders may abandon Palestine, but the oppressed of the world never will.
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i-am-aprl · 2 months
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🇮🇷 In less than 24 hours since the Iranian retaliation against Israel, Western leaders and much of mainstream media has already twisted the narrative to frame this as an unprecedented attack.
We now have two jobs:
☝️ To push back and make sure people know this was a retaliation — otherwise Israel can portray itself as a victim to garner sympathy
✌️ Not get distracted away from Gaza. Gaza is the priority
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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This dehumanizing, racist, xenophobic, genocidal apologizing piece of shit.
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mahoganygold213 · 7 months
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meirimerens · 5 months
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Yumna Al-Arashi, Axis of Evil (Yemen, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq), 2020
in Leica Fotografie International (LFI) magazine:
"This photograph was made for my first European solo show in Berlin, in the gallery Anahita Contemporary. It's a self-portrait alongside Anahita Sadighi, Moshtari Hilal and Susu AbdulMajid. We are respectively from Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq. Despite our different roots I noticed that we all share a similar background, having grown up in Western nations that often vilify the places our families are from. I also noticed the strong profiles of each of our faces. So I decided to create this portrait with the title Axis of Evil – a play on the term so frequently used to describe our home countries when we were growing up. It also embraces the beauty of our distinctive noses, which are often treated as ugly, something to be changed. I wanted to embrace these qualities of ours in this image, creating something powerful, defiant."
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sayruq · 3 months
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Don't forget that by clicking the link every dat, you can help Palestinians
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stuckinapril · 4 months
“It’s necessary for Palestinians to die because otherwise Israelis would never be able to exterminate Hamas!” “Iraqi citizens had to die because the US had to retaliate for the Iran-backed drone attack!” When will you learn that Arab people are not just collateral fucking damage. When will you learn they are not a means to an end. When will you stop dehumanizing Arab people in your endless attempts to justify the mindless slaughter that has been taking place for years, but which has intensified beyond belief the last four months. Why do you need to be told to treat Arab people like they’re human. Why do you need to be told this. Why do you need to be told.
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zegalba · 9 months
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Al-Shaheed Monument, Baghdad (1983) Designed By: Ismail Fatah Al Turk
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