a113cowgirl · 1 year
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I’ve been reading fanfic of these two at LEAST 3-4 times a week every week for over 10 years, and out of NOWHERE we’re randomly granted what we’ve always begged them for?!
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bcbdrums · 9 months
The Voice
A Drakgo multi-chapter fanfic. Suspense/hurt/comfort.
Read on: FFn AO3
Part 1
Drakken pushed his wet hair out of his eyes as the warm rain came down heavier. He looked up into the towering trees of the jungle and through the foliage to the blazing sunset sky above. The occasional melodic, alien sounds of unfamiliar tropical birds broke through the heavy dripping of the rain. He looked over his shoulder to where Shego walked behind him.
If circumstances were different, and if they weren't being rained on... The setting could be considered romantic.
"I can't believe you!"
Or not.
"I did tell you before we left that the hover-car was acting up..." Drakken said as he turned back to watch his step. The ground was thick with greenery and finding a path was nearly impossible.
"But...seriously, how many times now have we crashed on deserted tropical islands? It's almost like you plan these crashes on purpose."
Drakken grimaced. It was true, they'd had more than their fair share of crashes recently. "Most of our lairs are in tropical locations... Because someone likes to sunbathe," he reminded her, blinking through the heavy rain to glance over his shoulder again. "Besides, this island is huge. I doubt it's deserted."
Drakken paused to look around again and Shego stepped up to his side, holding the soaked curtain of her hair apart in front of her so she could see. Drakken noted the scowl on her face and took a cautious step away from her.
Just then, something dark dropped from above and landed next to Drakken's shoe. He let out a cry as he jumped and threw his arms around Shego in fright.
"Get off—!"
Shego's protest was cut off by her own gasp as both of their eyes drifted to what had fallen. It was a spider. A very large spider, about the size of a dinner plate. And it was crawling towards them.
"Nyahh!" Drakken shouted as Shego shoved him off and darted away into the jungle. Drakken was only a few steps behind her, passing her quickly when she paused to look back with narrowed eyes.
"Shego!" he cried as he stared at her in shock, wondering why she had stopped.
Her eyes were focused on the giant tarantula. Its body was very dark brown and it was soaking wet from the rain, just as they were.
"Shego, what if there are more?" Drakken said as he turned his eyes skyward, looking frantically at the high branches.
Shego pursed her lips and shook her head, looking up warily along with him. Her eyes slowly fell to his, and the dark look she gave him caused him to step back. She wordlessly passed him and continued into the jungle. Drakken understood the threat that had just been leveled against him. Whatever happened while they were lost, she would repay him with the same severity whenever they got back.
He turned to follow her and looked around with a far greater alertness than he previously had. Amid the hot rain, he was suddenly hearing all sorts of sounds that he hadn't before. Growls and screeches and hisses and slithering...and he wasn't sure how much of it was real, and how much was in his head.
He let Shego lead the way as they trekked through the jungle, the orange of the sunset blinding them at points as they were forced to change directions by the density of the foliage. Neither of them knew where they were going, except that they were looking for some place to shelter until the rain stopped. The hover-car had been damaged in the crash and it was very unlikely he was going to be able to repair it during the storm.
Drakken stopped short as he almost crashed into Shego's back. He was about to why she had stopped, but then his eyes widened. Over her shoulder he could see that the trees and bushes were covered in the shining white tangles of spider webs. He swallowed anxiously and looked up to see that the branches and trunks above were covered in webs too. The webbing was so thick, it looked like the fake webs used for Halloween decor.
He set a hand on her shoulder and pulled gently, trying to turn her around. He watched as her eyes flitted nervously back to his, and then forward to the webs as she took a cautious step back. A crunch sounded beneath her foot and they both looked down. She had stepped in the web-covered carcass of some type of four-legged animal the size of a large dog. The animal was mostly decomposed except for the fur, and the bones shone white beneath the webbing.
They both looked up and their eyes met in fear. Drakken dropped his hand from her shoulder as he turned around to retrace their steps. The pouring rain at the edge of the forest where they'd crashed would be better than an army of plate-sized spiders...or worse.
He stopped short as he heard Shego gasp and he whirled around as a strangled scream left her throat. Drakken's eyes widened and he fell backward and landed on his rear as he stared in shock.
A giant spider was hovering just above them in the trees. And it was giant—the size of a car—as its legs suspended it between two tree trunks. And Shego was standing directly beneath it, looking up. Almost faster than Drakken could blink, the spider had grabbed Shego with its front legs and pulled her up to its jaws.
She screamed again and green flashes illuminated the large dark eyes of the monster and its glistening black fangs as it clutched Shego beneath it. Less than a second later it had fallen to the ground and was using more of its legs to pin Shego beneath its jaws, making her nearly invisible to Drakken behind the thick limbs and long, spiky hair of the beast. The green flashing continued and Drakken stood up and frantically began looking around for a weapon.
There was none.
Suddenly what had been a violent fight abruptly stopped. Drakken's eyes widened in horror as both Shego and the spider nearly stilled, her hands still glowing bright and pushing hard into the spider's face but the dark, spindly legs no longer grappling to hold her...because she had stopped struggling.
Drakken gathered his courage and rushed forward. He kicked one of the spider's legs. It didn't react. His heart pounded as he stepped nearer and kicked past the legs against the spider's body. It was like kicking a wall, and he recoiled in pain as the spider again didn't react. He ran around to the spider's backside and started kicking hard against its spinnerets. It finally shifted in discomfort, but didn't release its prey.
Drakken turned and frantically looked around for a weapon again. The groundcover was too thick, and the trees too dense. He felt his heart would burst from panic as he spun around, seeing nothing but green...and the thick webbing that had alerted them to their potential danger to begin with. He remembered the large carcass Shego had stepped on only moments ago and he rushed towards it.
Drakken knelt down, and with a grimace of disgust he reached through the webs and fur to pull at the rib-bones of the deceased animal. They didn't want to move, and Drakken placed both feet on the dead creature's spine and grabbed only one bone, yanking furiously with both hands and bending it in awkward directions until he heard a snap and the bone dislodged from where it was attached.
He ran back with his makeshift weapon and stopped as he saw a great horror. The spider had begun to slowly wrap Shego in its silk. He watched her glow go out and her hands fall limp against the sticky threads. Drakken ran to the spider's backside again and looked at the bone in his hand, only as long as his forearm. He gripped it tightly and then mightily thrust the sharper end downward toward the spider's abdomen. The bone pierced the hide, and Drakken drove it all the way down until only the knobby end of the bone was visible.
The spider dropped Shego with a hiss and turned on Drakken, raising its forelegs up in menace. Drakken wished he'd grabbed a second bone. But in the next moment the spider dropped from its offensive position and began crawling up the nearest tree trunk. Drakken looked up as it retreated, seeing the webs above that indicated its haven.
Before the spider had vanished he ran to Shego's side and gingerly lifted her up by her shoulders. Her head fell back limply, and he stared at her half-closed eyes and her still, expressionless face.
"Shego! Shego!" he shouted at her.
His eyes drifted down to where four wounds on her body were bleeding. The first was below her collarbone and the next was near it, but closer to her right shoulder. The others were just below her sternum in the soft flesh of her stomach, side-by-side. The spider had bitten her, twice.
"Oh... Oh no..." he muttered as he looked at her blank face, and then down to her limp arms lying in the dirt and foliage and sticky with webbing. He nervously looked skyward. The spider was gone.
He shifted to be on his knees as he pulled her closer. As he looked at her half-lidded eyes that were still frozen he was sure he could see fear, and pain.
"Shego..." he said slowly. He knew she could hear him. "I...I know it hurts. Don't worry."
He turned his face away just in case she could see him as he started to cry. The words were empty. He knew about spiders. He hoped that she didn't...
The giant tarantula would have injected her with a paralyzing venom with its first bite. That was how they incapacitated their prey. But the second bite... That one would have injected digestive enzymes, to liquefy her organs so that the spider could later drink her as a meal.
She was going to die. Her death would be slow, and painful, and would take several days. And there was nothing he could do to stop it.
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sharperthewriter · 2 years
Proposal From the Inside
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14006697/1/Proposal-From-the-Inside (FFnet link)
From the Desk of Sharper
"Proposal from the Inside"
Here is a Drakgo short story (my very first Drakgo story by the way) in which Drew and Sheila go out on a double date with both Adrena Lynn and Francis Lurman (which have since all given up villainy, by the way). Drew decides to pop the question in a subtle way to Sheila, but it hilariously didn't turn out the way that he planned it.
It takes places 18 months after the events of Graduation, during the winter of 2008 of the Christmas season. On that note, it is going to be for Whitem's Holiday Story contest.
Special credit goes to BCBDrums for helping me out on the fic, especially the outfit.
The fanfic is rated K+ for some brief  language and some suggestive dialogue.
The Kim Possible characters and settings are created by Schooley and McCorkle and (c) by Disney. Any OC I create is my own.
Chapter 1- Getting Ready
(December 13, 2008, Lipsky apartment, 6:15pm)
On the eastern side of Middleton, Drew Lipsky and Sheila Goforth were getting ready to go out on a double-date with Francis Lurman and Adrena Lynn. Francis had given up being the bargain-brand villain known as Frugal Lucre after the alien invasion and decided to go legitimate with being a manager of 30 Tool Time big box stores throughout the eastern half of Colorado and around the Denver area. Adrena decided to become a real estate agent after her villainous career stalled out. Francis first met up with Adrena right around July 2008 at a birthday party for Drew and the two seemed to hit it off.
As for Sheila and Drew, they have been working for the side of Global Justice, busting up villainous schemes and often working with Team Delta, a group of some of the best agents GJ has. This included several schemes by Sheldon Director, aka Gemini, and his organization, the WorldWide Evil Empire. Of course, this being 2008, WWEE was commiting small-time robberies as opposed to grand world-domination schemes because of the recession and that a majority of the villains, with the exception of Dementor and Gemini, have gone into hiding.
In their apartment bedroom at the Middleton Arms, a large 416-unit apartment complex that was spread over 26 16-unit buildings, appropriately named from A-Z.
The apartment itself, located in building L, unit 12, appropriately, was a bit large with 1,200 square feet and it had two bedrooms and two baths. Drew and Sheila had their master bedroom together and they usually reserved a guest room for any visitor who wished to stay overnight. It also had a combined living room/dining room/kitchen, laundry room, and a small balcony since the apartment was on the second floor with a set of 15  other apartments.
Drew was getting dressed for the occasion.
He chose to wear a blue button-down shirt with black khaki slacks.
“Sheila, have you seen my shoes yet? “ Drew asked. He had his black socks on, but was currently looking for his, what he would like to call, 'date night' shoes.
Sheila was in her closet, getting ready.
She called out, “Did you look in your closet?” “I'm looking!” came Drew's reply.
Drew went into his closet to look for his shoes. He finally found them on the floor.
“I should have been looking for there in the first place.” the former mad scientist replied, grabbing the shoes and putting them on.
“Goody! You found them at last!” Sheila sarcastically replied. “It didn't take you an expensive gizmo-whatchamacallit to find them!” “Sheila, we're going on a double date with Francis and Adrena!” Drew exclaimed, tying the knot to the shoes. “We have to be on our best behavior!”
“Yeah, but with the economy in the toilet, where are we gonna go?” Sheila replied from her room. “We can't go to Chez Couteaux as of the moment! Even with the bank we're making with GJ, that place is solidly going to be booked for months with the fancy-schmancy 1%!” “That is the reason why that, if you recall last week, that you, me, Francis and Adrena all agreed to go to a steakhouse and that me and Francis would pay for the both of us.” Drew replied.
He quietly went to his nightstand and pulled out  a special small black box and put it in his khaki pocket.
Sheila then called out, “Okay, Dr. L! I'm ready to come out now!”
“All right, Sheila!” Drew exclaimed, “Do indeed surprise me!”
Sheila came out of her closet. She was wearing black leather overalls over a green silk blouse. She hooked both straps of the overalls. She complimented the outfit with gold hoop earrings, a statement gold necklace with green and black jewels on it,  a CB woman's watch, and a ring on her left pinkie. Sheila finalized the outfit with black boots. Her hair was in the style that was similar to that of her Miss Go outfit.
“So how do I look, Dr. L?” Sheila asked for her boyfriend's comment on the outfit.
“It looks so perfect on you, Sheila!” Drew remarked, hoping that she'll accept his comment. “A perfect mix of green and black, the way I like it!” “And I like the way you mix blue with those slacks!” Sheila remarked slyly, twirling Drew's ponytail.
“Anytime, Sheila!” Drew nervously giggled.
“I'm detecting a little hesitation there, Dr. L!” Sheila grinned, “What's on your mind tonight.” “Oh, you know, a lot of things! Working for Global Justice and all! And how the last 18 months have been crazy!” Drew nervously chuckled, scratching his back.
“And yet, we're still here, together!” Sheila said with a smile, holding out Drew's hands.
“Yep, we indeed are!” Drew grinned, looking into Sheila's eyes.
Sheila then looked at her watch.
“It's 6:20 now!” she said, “You wanna wait downstairs?”
“Yes! Lurman and his lady are supposed to arrive at around 6:30.” Drew replied.
“So what are we waiting for?” Sheila asked. “Smarty-Mart to have a Brain Storm sale?” Drew groaned, “You had to use his old employer for a quick joke, do you?”
“Always!” Sheila laughed. She got her green heavy coat, for it was very cold outside and tossed Drew his blue heavy coat.
The two of them  turned out the lights, armed the alarm, and locked the door to the apartment, hoping that no one would break in.
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aleego · 5 years
Best Drakgo moments?
A lot of shippers of any fandom can be like OMG THEY SMILED AT EACHOTHER IT MEANS THEY ARE TOGETHER! But in reality this is silly. What moments in KP do you think really shows the Drakken/Shego relationship becoming or being more than work partners?
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majordrakkenfangirl · 6 years
Shego: Do you see that skull and crossbones there? Doesn't exactly say, 'open me'
Drakken: Yeah, since when have I ever cared about warning labels Shego?
Me: Was that how his skin turned blue then?
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benjimators · 6 years
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Green and Blue
Warm up... An idea that hit me today.
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Art: @captain_butter_buns (LunaTheFox ) Got another request done! This time it's from Leopardprint11(leopardprint11.deviantart.com/ ). She requested that I draw Drakken and Shego from the awesome TV show Kim Possible. I was all to happy to agree since I haven't drawn this duo in ages. However, this time around I decided to draw them in my own style instead of the TV Show's animation style. Personaly, I'm quite happy with how it came out. Enjoy! #art #sketch #doodle #cartoon #kimpossible #disney #disneychannel #shego #drakken #drakkenxshego #drakkenshego #love #playingwithfire #fire #glow #tvshow #show #fanart #artrequest #requests #lunathefox #lunathefoxgamer #smoke #passion
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wastelands-knight · 6 years
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A little fanart of my most favourite villians duo. I love them since forever. They’re so so amazing together and I never can’t get enough of them=D I’ve made this piece just before New Year but remembered to upload it here only now.
Hope you guys like it!=D
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bcbdrums · 9 months
The Voice
First chapter: Part 1 Read on: FFn AO3
A Drakgo story. Big long multi-chap. Suspense! I hope, lol. Spoilers abound if you haven't read part 1, so here we go.
As Drakken's tears fell he tried to think of any way to comfort Shego, and what she might be thinking.
"It's gone... I...um...you're right, let's get out of here," he said, imagining her yelling at him that they were still in danger, and that the spider would undoubtedly return.
He scooped her up in his arms and began going back the way they had come, toward the crash site of the hover-car. He positioned her head against his shoulder to try to give her some comfort through the movement. He was glad she couldn't see the tears streaming down his face.
"It, um...it paralyzed you," he said after a minute of running through the pouring rain, the orange of the sunset having turned to red as the bright orb sank further in the sky. "That's what they do. Don't worry."
He hoped she didn't know the rest.
As they passed from the thicker jungle into the more sparse trees near the cliffs where they had crashed, the rain fell in great warm sheets again, forcing Drakken to put his face down to see. He watched as the rain hit Shego's body, mixing with the blood of her wounds. The thin red streaks slid off of her body and hit the ground below, some falling on his lab coat as he ran frantically.
He wasn't sure why he was running...since there was no hope. But he didn't want her to know she was dying... The idea of her being paralyzed and in great pain that would only grow, as her body's functions gradually shut down... He couldn't add the certainty of death to the pain and fear she was already experiencing.
When he arrived at the hover-car he took stock of where he'd opened the hood trying to repair it, and never had the chance. The rain had started almost immediately, making it impossible to work, so they had turned inland.
He wondered if he should keep trying to repair it...or just flip it over and try to shelter beneath it. That would be uncomfortable... And very difficult to do without Shego's help. He decided instead to look for alternate shelter options. He could get Shego out of the rain, and then...then decide what use to make of the hover-car.
As he scanned the edge of the cliff he saw a place where the rocks rose higher in the distance. Perhaps there was a place to shelter there... He mentally debated for a moment, and then carefully set Shego down inside the hover-car.
"I...think I see a place to shelter, over that way," he pointed broadly within her line of sight. He pushed her hair out of her face as the rain plastered it down again. "I promise, I'll be right back! I know you don't like it, but...there has to be a better shelter than this. I'll be right back."
He turned and ran over the muddied ground toward where the rocks rose higher, hoping for some sort of overhang or place where the trees were more dense. He hated to leave Shego, and he was sure she was furious with him for it. But just standing in the rain wasn't an option either.
As he approached the higher rocks he held a hand over his eyes to block the rain as he looked closer. It looked like...
He stopped a moment as he stared. There was definitely an opening in the cliff face, low to the ground, as if it had been made by a burrowing animal. Except the ground beneath was solid and dry.
It might be a cave?
He started forward again and then stopped short.
Maybe it had another large spider in it. Or something worse.
He snarled as he hurried forward toward the opening and dropped down to his knees. He grabbed a small rock that was nearby and tossed it into the hole that was easily large enough for him to crawl in on hands and knees. But what was beyond, he couldn't tell. The setting sun wasn't providing enough information.
The rock he'd tossed echoed far distant, which told him that it was indeed a cave. But it didn't tell him if anything was inside.
He scowled and ran back toward the hover-car. He would have to explore with a flashlight...
As he got back and saw the rain had moved Shego's hair into her eyes again, he decided it was worth it to bring her with him. He pushed her hair back and then opened the glove compartment for a flashlight.
"I found a cave, but...I don't know if it's safe yet. But it's near some other cliffs, so there should be someplace dry," he said.
He pocketed the flashlight and carefully picked Shego up again. Her expression hadn't changed, and she'd shown no signs of movement. As an afterthought he stepped around to the trunk and grabbed the two bags of chips that were inside and dropped them on Shego's middle. And then he turned back to go to the caves.
He moved more slowly this time as the mud made his step uncertain, and he was more aware of Shego's head tending to drop backwards from where he had leaned it against his shoulder. He didn't want to hurt her any worse than she already was.
When they reached the cliff with the cave, he positioned himself so she could see the hole at the bottom.
"See? It's...it's a cave. But I have look inside to see if it's safe, first. So...ah..." He set her down to lean up against the side of the rock carefully.
He turned on the flashlight where she could see it, and then moved to the cave entrance. He shined the light over the ground and only saw dark earth and rock. After a moment of consideration, he lay down on his back and pushed his way into the cave and shone the light upward. He saw a low ceiling that wouldn't allow him to stand, but then to the left he saw a secondary tunnel where the ceiling rose higher and there was a hint of light coming through. His brow furrowed as he pushed his way into the rest of the cave and went to examine the second tunnel.
After crawling for about five feet he was able to stand up, and then turning a corner found himself in a much larger cave, about forty feet square. The ceiling rose very high, and up in one corner was a hole that was allowing the red light of the sunset inside. Rainwater was also trickling down and forming a puddle at the bottom of the cave from where it ran down against the wall.
There was another tunnel still, but Drakken didn't investigate it; he wanted to get back to Shego. He carefully made his way back out of the cave, noting the mud on his lab coat and on his knees due to the messy effort. Less than five minutes later, he was back at her side.
"The cave seems safe, and it's dry," he said, looking at her still face through the rain. He studied her eyes again and saw the fear and pain that let him know she was still aware of him.
He looked at the two bags of chips he'd left sitting next to her and first grabbed those. He went back to the cave entrance and tossed them in toward the tunnel, and then went back for Shego.
"I'm sorry, there...there isn't an easy way to do this," he said. He picked her up and held her upright in front of him and facing away. Then he lay down on his back in front of the cave entrance with Shego on his chest. He held the flashlight in his mouth as he needed both hands to hold onto Shego and keep her hair from getting pinned or snagged as he scooted on his back through the small entrance and the beginning of the tunnel, bringing them into the dark cave.
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those-other-ones · 2 years
Drakken catches sight of Shego after she's showered and gets horny.  This one goes back and forth between points of view for a change.
Everything under the cut is Not Safe For Work, lemon, adults only and so on.
She was too hot.  She felt sick to her stomach. But having escaped the steamy shower, donned a short, thin robe, and finally flopped on the bed, she felt she could begin to recover.
Shego leaned up on her elbow with a pillow beneath her armpit, her wet hair fanned out above her across the mattress with her sun-lamp directed over the raven tresses as she read a fashion magazine.  She wasn't about to make any moves until her stomach settled and her thick, heavy locks got a little less damp.  The long shower had unfortunately been necessary to get the strange, yellow goop out of her hair after the explosion and the failed heist, and the hot water cascading around her for over an hour had taken her body to a breaking point.
After a few minutes she shifted to lie her head on the pillow as she stared blankly at the gowns in the tabloid.  She was used to heat overwhelming her often enough, and it wasn't like she could do anything until her hair dried.  Time and rest would cure the swirling in her stomach and in her head.
Her hair was an exhausting chore, but with the way she always caught Drakken staring...it was worth it.
Drakken had entered the bedroom grumbling to himself over their defeat, but he stopped in front of the moat and did a double-take when he saw Shego lying un-moving upon the bed, a magazine open under one of her hands.  She may have been asleep, and the state of her hair showed him she had only just started on her unique hair-drying routine, but that wasn't what had caused him to pause.  
She was lying on her side very near the edge of the mattress with her knees bent, and the short, thin bathrobe she wore wasn't fully covering her below the waist.  From his angle of view, her rear was partly visible, but more than that...with her legs pulled up he could see the darker green of what lie between them where they began--a frequent center of pleasure for them both.
All thoughts of the humiliating failure left his mind in an instant.  He grinned devilishly as he stared at her, sleeping, peaceful...and his for the taking.  He was already growing hard just thinking about it, and he took his gloves off and tossed them carelessly to the ground at his feet.
He startled slightly as Shego revealed she was still awake, stretching in an appealing, feline manner when he finally dropped his lab coat to the floor.  She leaned up on her elbow and blinked at him in groggy curiosity, seeming to come to a bit more awareness at the sound of his zipper going down.
She was aware of Drakken's intentions by the look on his face as he crossed the moat, even before she heard him undo his pants.  She watched him pull out the semi-erect blue member and step up to the edge of the bed, but it wasn't until she felt the tip pressing at her entrance that she really woke up from her heat-induced fog.
"Don't even think about it."
"Shego..." Drakken whined.
"I'm not remotely in the condition for it," she said in a mixture of complaint, explanation, and annoyance.  In truth, the mere press of his tip had started sending a familiar electricity across her nerves and a pleasurable pain to her nether regions.  But she wasn't ready, and if he tried too soon they'd both be unhappy for it.
She lifted one leg up, pointing her knee to the ceiling and setting her foot flat on the mattress.  The robe fell open below her waist, revealing everything it apparently hadn't really been concealing, and she waited for Drakken to make the familiar moves to prime her.
Drakken stared at his green goddess with her wet, black hair as he rubbed his tip back and forth across her folds.  She was right; she wasn't ready for him yet, but he also wasn't in the mood for a lengthy foreplay.  After a few moments of thought and watching her looking a mixture of expectant, tired, and even bored, he decided to change tactics.
He stepped back until he was fully in her line of vision and tucked his growing erection painfully back within his pants and zipped them.  Shego raised a quizzical eyebrow until he stared at her lustily and slowly began unbuttoning his shirt.
Shego grinned softly as she understood and lay her head back upon the pillow, stretching again as he embarked on the new effort to tantalize her.
It wasn't often that Drakken put on a show of that nature for her, and she watched with delight as he meticulously took off the shirt, even turning his back to her to give her another angle and make the slow striptease that much more alluring for what wasn't shown.
He pushed out of his boots before turning back to face her and kneeling on the mattress, crawling toward her as he pulled the tucked shirt from his waistband and let it hang open on his shoulders.  His eyes were dangerous with desire, and before she could voice that he didn't need to go to such lengths, he'd reached down to rub her crotch slowly and firmly.
The departure of his hand was almost painful, and as he slowly let the shirt fall from his shoulders and down his back, his masculine form gradually becoming visible, she couldn't help herself but to stretch an arm across the space still between them and rub the stiff length trapped again behind the fabric of his pants.
Drakken hissed at her touch even through his pants, and a chill raced across his skin as her hot fingers traveled upward to the trail of hair below his navel.  He tossed his shirt aside and kept his eyes locked on hers, knowing the very simple act was accomplishing its purpose.
He took her hand from where it was dragging up to his chest and put it back on his waistband, and obeying the unspoken request she began to undo the button of his pants.  He sighed through his nose in relief at the release of pressure, but then he moved back, turning away to entice her again with what wasn't seen.
Her soft sound of protest gave him further confidence he wouldn't be waiting much longer.
Shego frowned and curled her legs up higher as she watched Drakken slowly slide his pants down.  There wasn't anything truly sexy about it, but she admired the strength in his legs and their shape as he moved, until soon he was left facing away from her in only his black boxers.
He turned around, and she tried to see through the flap in the thin garment to the large blue treasure within the tented fabric, but he made no move to get fully naked yet.  Instead he crawled back onto the mattress and reached down to cup her mound again.  She gasped softly at the contact, her flesh trembling and now most definitely ready, but he let go in seconds and reached instead for the globes of her breasts that were scarcely better hidden by the thin robe than her privates had been.
"Mmmh..." he hummed appreciatively, smiling as he admired her body both with eye and hand.
She was now quivering with desire and leaned up on her elbow again as she looked at him desperately.
"Drakken!" she fairly growled, and his grin became devilish again as he moved back off the bed to his original position standing behind her.  She leaned up higher to watch his erection spring upward as he finally pulled the boxers down.  She reached back to set a hand on his chest and feel the strength of him, of his muscles and heartbeat, before collapsing to the pillow again.  The heat from the shower was still affecting her.
But she knew that in moments, she wouldn't care anymore.
Drakken gently lifted the thin material of the robe up and away, fully revealing Shego's backside and everything else.  She had set her leg down moments before, and again the glistening dark green folds that would soon encompass him were presented like an offering.  When this time he guided the fully hard member to press at her entrance, she moaned, and he felt the slick moisture signaling that he would be able to enter with ease.
Sinking into her was like coming home, and they were both already gasping for breath before he'd even completed the stroke.  He tugged her hips nearer the edge of the mattress where he stood, knees bent slightly to get the perfect angle, and she whimpered slightly at the almost imperceptibly deeper push.
He looked down as he slowly pulled out and watched the action as he measured his slide back in, unused to being in a position where he could watch.  There was a certain thrill in seeing the source of the physical pleasure that would bring him to near delirium, and it only heightened his arousal to watch the green petals accept his blue rod over and over, gripping him tightly even though he moved with ease.
"I want to see," Shego gasped after nearly a minute of Drakken staring down at the action instead of at her.
He startled slightly, but then lifted her leg up to rest on his shoulder and held it there.  His free hand brushed her dark curls aside at the center so she could have a better view before gripping her thigh to keep her firmly in place.  Shego let her head drop to the damp pillow again, putting in no effort at all but to watch as Drakken filled her over and over, each thrust bringing a new heat to her core that she knew would spill over into indescribable ecstasy far too soon for her liking.
They both watched the rapid vanishing and reappearing of his hard length, the drilling happening in time with each slap of flesh as their lust was steadily satisfied.
"Drakken..." she began to gasp his name, and he tore his eyes away from the act of sex to find her eyes.  He took her hand as she stared at him with all the desperate desire in the world, almost in pain for her need for him as he took her over the edge.
Her screams of exhilaration never ceased to thrill him.  To know it was he who fulfilled her, him whose eyes she stared back at with the same depth of love he felt for her.  It had never been lust for him, until after he knew her heart.  He could never have let that part of him free without the security of knowing she felt the same.
And he was sure of it as she lie on her side on the mattress, freshly washed hair spread out like a curtain around her with her thin lilac robe barely hanging on by the belt, the fabric having even fallen from one shoulder now to reveal the delicious bounce of her breasts as he sank into her over and over again.  
She was exhausted, overheated, and uncomfortable.  But her voice praised his name and skill repeatedly, overpowering the quickening squelches and slaps of their union below.  And far, far more than the validation her cries gave him--her eyes shone back at his with love.
Shego watched bleary-eyed as Drakken's face contorted with his release, smiling at the nonsensical syllables that left his lips amid repeated moans of her name until he was spent.  He rested his face against her ankle where it was rested upon his shoulder, his fingers holding hers tighter where their hands were still clasped.
As Shego felt the waves of euphoria begin to bubble away, she wiggled her hips slightly to tuck herself even closer against him.  His eyes, which had fallen closed, popped open to watch her as he gasped for breath.  She grinned at him as she stretched slightly to get more comfortable, and an elated laugh fell from his lips.
Her arms went around him eagerly as he moved to cover her and she lost herself in his kiss as his fingers caressed her shoulder, her breast, even weaving into the damp hair at her scalp.
"Drakken..." she said almost pleadingly between kisses.  His lips started to trail down her body, electrifying her nerves all over again.
"Just give me a minute," he murmured.  To her relief, she could already feel him stiffening within her.  "And I'll be ready again."
She sighed and closed her eyes, taking solace in his every loving touch.  She knew he'd take his time more in the second round, and her heat sickness would soon be forgotten.  
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bcbdrums · 1 year
Just Love Me
What, an actual fanfic and not just tiny quotes? It's a mediocre offering but yes, an actual story.
Anyway, this fic is a direct sequel to Just Hold Me. You need to have read that story first to understand this one.
This fic includes the warnings: non-graphic mentions of sexual assault; mildly descriptive sex scene. This fic is an extremely solid M-rating in my mind.
Writer's honest opinion, I feel like I didn't wrap this up well enough and that it needs a third sequel... I only addressed one of the issues, and I'm not sure I addressed it well at all. But. This fic has been sitting "complete" for over two years now, I've no one to beta, and it's time to get it moving. If it's lousy y'all can be brutally honest, lol.
Okay, on to the angst...
Read on: FFn AO3 My Fanfics Masterpost
Just Love Me
Drakken stood silently in the bedroom doorway, watching his wife. She lay on her back in their bed, blankets askew at her waist. Her hair was mussed all around her where she had tossed and turned, and her palms lay flat on her chest and abdomen where her dark gray t-shirt was also a bit twisted from her restlessness. She was wide-eyed and staring at the ceiling.
Drakken had been watching her for nearly thirty minutes. Her eyes had been closed when he came back to the room, though she hadn't been asleep. And it was clear she hadn't slept at all for the hour he had left before that, working quietly in the den in hopes that she might finally sleep.
He glanced at the clock on the nightstand. Only 2:46 p.m.
Shego never slept anymore. Not since... Since the incident.
Things had only gotten worse since the interrogations by Global Justice and the police, inquiring into Sangerson's death.
Drakken had been offended that neither organization seemed to put any weight on the attack against his wife that had led to her accidentally killing Sangerson in self-defense. And when he had finally exploded at the authorities after their insinuation that she had acted deliberately, they had finally apologized. Or rather, offered the excuse that since no prison on Earth had ever been able to hold the former villainess, it seemed unbelievable that one average human, criminal though he was, had managed it.
On the bed, Shego suddenly lurched onto her side. Drakken's eyes widened and he made his presence known.
"Shego?" he asked in fear.
"Gonna throw up..." she mumbled as she held her stomach and her breaths became heavy.
Drakken grabbed the wastebasket and held it beneath her face where she had leaned over the edge of the bed. She recoiled only slightly, and then stared past him at the floor as she tried to steady herself. He watched as her breaths gradually began to slow, and then after about a minute she cautiously lay back on the bed. She set one hand over her abdomen again, but the other she placed on her forehead as she closed her eyes, her lips parted and her brow furrowed as she continued to struggle.
Drakken's heart was racing. She hadn't been physically sick in the days that had passed. It didn't make any sense... Except...
"Morning sickness?" he asked carefully.
"Maybe," she said softly, her eyes opening briefly as she considered. After a few seconds she closed them again, her voice falling to a whisper. "I think it's still too soon."
Drakken's heart sank in despair. She barely ate. She didn't go to work anymore (per his demand, she was on stress leave). She lay in bed for half the day more often than not, but never napped and could barely get a few hours of sleep at nights. Now she was getting ill.
As fearful as he was for her, he had an equally great fear for the new life that was growing inside her.
Drakken was a scientist. As soon as they had learned Shego was pregnant, he had started his research. He knew how important it was for mothers to have stress-free pregnancies in order for the healthy development of the baby. Especially in the earliest weeks.
He watched for another minute as her breathing gradually evened. She swallowed slowly, and he saw how dry her lips were. He glanced at the two nightstands and saw no cup indicating she'd had water that day. He looked back at her as she switched which hand was on her abdomen and which was on her forehead.
Drakken felt the fear begin to tighten his chest. He cleared his throat softly and then set his hand softly next to hers over her middle. But at the moment his fingers made contact, she startled slightly. His heart hurt even more. Despite the audible warning he'd given, she still hadn't been sure...
He looked at her face. Some of the worry lines in her forehead had faded. He hoped his touch was helpful... No, he knew it was. But she was still struggling a lot more with all that had happened than she had expected herself to. It made him wonder at times if she'd actually told him the entire truth of what had happened. He would then immediately remind himself she had no reason to lie. Unless to spare his feelings...
He went back and forth over it in his mind for several minutes. But as he had gotten the train of thought going, he suddenly found he couldn't shake it as he looked at her distressed face and listened to her shallow breaths. He pinched his eyes shut, furious with himself. But his lips moved anyway.
"Shego... Are you sure you...told me everything, about what happened? I mean...was there anything else you...should have told me?"
He wasn't sure about his phrasing. He didn't want to sound like he was accusing her of anything at all.
She looked just as confused as he felt. She studied him for a long moment trying to decipher his meaning, and then her eyes became a bit clouded.
"Did you...want to hear the details...?" She looked very reticent. He quickly shoook his head.
"No, I...I just..." He looked down. He looked up again. "I just want to help you. I don't know what to do, Shego... And I don't want to make you have to think about it. But I can't figure out what's wrong..."
Shego looked back at the ceiling. She gave him a brief, knowing glance. Yes, he knew that her nightmares were part of why she couldn't sleep anymore... But he was losing her in the daylight hours too. He was losing...all of her.
Her hand slid atop his on her abdomen and she laced their fingers together.
"Actually...that might help."
"What?" Drakken asked. Her cautious but hopeful eyes met his.
"Talking about it... Maybe then I won't think about it every time I close my eyes."
Drakken's breath caught. He...he didn't actually want to hear it. Just the thought.... Knowing that another man had touched his wife, was bad enough.
The hope began to fade from Shego's eyes. He tightened his fingers on hers.
"If you think it will help you..." he said quietly, his throat tight.
She gave him a grateful look, even though she appeared uncertain herself. Her other hand left her forehead and hugged herself across her chest.
"I remember pain when I came to, from the knockout stuff... He was digging his fingers into my hip, and yanking on my zipper. But he'd already broken it..."
Drakken watched a broad array of emotions play across her face as she recalled all of the details of the horrendous event. He knew his own face was a mirror of hers at times with the horror and fear of what she had endured as the tale drew out to be several minutes. But he also grew angrier as she began to confirm many of his assumptions. The thought crept into his mind again that if the vile criminal weren't already dead, Drakken would have killed him himself.
Suddenly, Shego squeezed his hand hard.
He startled from his thoughts and felt the furious grimace on his face. He forced it away before meeting her eyes. She looked afraid, disturbed...sympathetic, and even hopeful.
"I'm going to be okay. Don't...don't be like that," she said, reaching her free hand to his cheek.
He mirrored her gesture and then let his hand come to rest on her shoulder as his face fell.
"But you're not okay..." he whispered. "You're not getting better. You can't even sleep..."
Fear of losing her suddenly assaulted him like an enveloping darkness. He sank down to sit on his heels next to the bed, closing his eyes against the dreadful sensation. Every moment of every day, she seemed to be slipping away from him. And he didn't know how to bring her back.
He carelessly brought her held hand to his lips and kissed her fingers as his mind continued to race. She was his entire world... He could have only her and nothing else, and he would still feel he had everything... And he was losing her.
"Do that again?"
He opened his eyes to the sound of her quiet voice and looked at her in question.
"Kiss me."
He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them long and slow, feeling the strength in her bones while his eyes never left hers. A yearning and a desperation was building behind her dark gaze, and a moment later her hand was behind his neck, gently pulling him to her.
He met the warmth of her lips in a soft caress, pouring love through the tender touch until they both needed to come up for air. Drakken gasped softly, breathlessly, and stared at her. The hopeful look in her eyes had faded, and she was looking past him, away at a point in the room.
"I think I know what would help..." she murmured.
Drakken's brow rose. If she thought something would help, why did she look so...?
"I think..." she said hesitantly, "if we made love... But..."
"I don't think I can," Drakken blurted out. A moment later, he blinked as he realized Shego had said the exact same words in unison with him.
It wasn't even a question in his mind. Of course she couldn't, how could she possibly want to with the dreaded memories so fresh and their pain still affecting her?
Shego was shifting over, and Drakken crawled up onto the bed to lay next to her, leaning up on his side as she continued to speak, staring wide-eyed at the ceiling again as she usually did throughout the days.
"I don't feel like me anymore. I feel like...like part of me was stolen. Except...somehow, it was part of me that...that wasn't really me. It was you," she said, turning her worried eyes to his again. "I know that doesn't make any sense..."
Drakken watched her as he tried to process her meaning. It was undeniably true that there was something special and transcendent about...being one with her. He wondered not for the first time if that was something normal between couples, or unique to them. He'd only been with Shego, so he had no basis for comparison. But it was unquestionably, the greatest feeling on Earth.
"It...makes sense..." he said slowly.
And it did. Because he had repeatedly and angrily had the thought that she had been stolen from him; that something rightfully only his had been forcibly removed, torn out with a dagger and leaving her with jagged bleeding wounds that no medicine knew how to heal. Except that the wounds were also in him somehow.
When he considered his own pain, it was always followed with the very primal thought that he needed to reclaim her; that although the other man had only gone so far and that his actions were hated, Drakken still needed to take his woman back in a very physical way, proving that he had the only right to her.
It was a strange thought that slightly disturbed him if he thought about it for too long. But now, looking at the desperation in Shego's eyes... Somehow and inexplicably...it seemed to be exactly what was needed. And she felt the same way.
"But...I can't," Shego said quietly, her gaze becoming half-lidded as she stared sadly at the ceiling.
Drakken kissed her cheek. "Neither can I," he said with understanding.
Shego took a breath and her lips parted, but after a long moment she let the air go in a wordless exhale. Drakken watched as her eyes began to take on the same worried expression they had held for over a week now. His heart sank.
She suddenly looked at him. "I think talking about it helped," she said quietly.
Drakken's brow rose. "It did?"
Shego nodded, and then her gaze returned to the ceiling.
Drakken sighed, although his chest felt slightly less tight. That was at least a tiny move in the right direction. But would it be enough?
As the familiar fear of losing her came over him, he lay down and slowly pressed himself closer to her, releasing her hand and draping his arm over her and holding her gently. He closed his eyes as he felt her begin to relax against him. That was one constant that always helped soothe his fears. He could only hope it had the safe effect on her.
"Try to sleep, please Shego," he said softly.
He felt her sigh, and he barely moved or said another word as several minutes passed. But finally, he felt her breathing even out. He waited another several minutes before carefully removing his arm and moving away from her warmth. He didn't want to leave her, but he needed to get back to work.
As he crept away from the bed and out of the room, he missed Shego's eyes staring after him in silent desperation.
Over the next few days, Drakken was saddened to find that not much had changed. If talking through the ordeal had helped her, there was no outward evidence of it. The only thing he noticed that was different was that Shego seemed to be watching him more, rather than staring away at nothing.
If he was moving around in the bedroom, she was watching him. When he was cooking and when they had their meals, she watched him. And she even sat in the den more often and watched him working.
He didn't have to wonder what it meant for long, as at the end of the third day when he had entered the bedroom after finishing his work for the night, Shego was sitting up in bed waiting for him. She was wearing a lacy, sky-blue nightdress that was designed to entice.
"I need you!" she blurted out with quiet urgency before he had finished closing the door behind him.
He paused and stared at her, his mind immediately racing through the various things he thought may go wrong with that particular endeavor.
"Are you sure?" he asked cautiously. He couldn't bear the thought of further traumatizing her by unknowingly...touching her a certain way, or saying the wrong words in the wrong tone, or something.
"Yes," she said almost anxiously. She leaned back on her elbows in the bed, bending her knees and pointing her toes. The pose was sultry and alluring. But her eyes were worried.
He approached the bed anyway, not willing to deny her anything that might help by that point. It had been over two weeks now. He was so worried for her, and the baby...
When he sat down and scooted nearer to her, her arms were already outstretched. She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down before he had even gotten his feet off the floor, and began kissing him. Drakken answered her touch and was surprised at how quickly she began untucking his shirt and undoing his buttons.
The familiar touch of her hands was like salve on a wound. But that feeling instantly brought confusion. It wasn't supposed to be about him feeling better. It was supposed to be about healing her scars.
That thought threw his mind into clinical mode, and as he kissed her he became less aware of her hands pulling off his clothing and her lips meeting his adoringly. He was too busy wondering exactly what he was supposed to do in order to most safely accomplish the goal.
"What's wrong?" Shego asked, her lips finally releasing his and her head falling back to the pillow. She looked confused and concerned.
"What do you mean?" Drakken asked as he sat up and finished pulling off his shirts.
"You're not... You don't seem very..." she paused and looked him over as he kicked off his shoes slid out of his pants, "interested."
Drakken looked at her uncertain expression. He didn't need to look at his crotch to know nothing was happening there. He realized that the way he had been thinking, he was never going to be able to get focused enough.
"Sorry, I was...I was just worrying," he said honestly, leaning over her to kiss her again.
He tried to focus on what he was supposed to feel. The touch of her lips meeting his so perfectly, her hands running up his arms and holding his shoulders, and her knee pushing between his legs and trying to move him closer to her.
None of it was helping. He'd been stuck so long in a state of concern, that he was barely affected by her attentions. He sighed in frustration and sat up again, his brow furrowing. Shego looked at him in confusion and sadness.
"Hold on..." he said, looking down at her and starting to let his eyes roam over her body.
"Do you...not want to?" Shego asked, a hurt and even more worried look coming into her eyes.
"No, no I just...sorry, give me a second," he said, letting his eyes take in every inch of her.
He looked at her feet, and the perfect symmetry of her shapely legs. He looked at the way the hem of the short, lacey nightdress fell over her thighs at just the right spot to entice, but still left everything to the imagination.
As his eyes continued upward his goal of arousal was interrupted again by the memory of bruises on her skin. His gaze fixed on her clothed hip, where he had seen the dark bruises in the pattern of fingerprints weeks ago. Where her attacker had simply taken out his fury at not being able to do worse to her. It made Drakken's heart beat harder.
The uncomfortable, primal desire he'd been having to reclaim her started to return. He latched onto that feeling and forced it to grow by recalling the horrid memories she'd shared with him of her experience. Of words spoken that were nothing but hate, and of violating touches of hands and lips.
It made him angry. She was his wife. His only. No one else had the right. And the recollection of her descriptions was indeed starting to stir something in him that he could only describe as territorial. He needed to reclaim her as his own. And that thought was finally building his arousal.
He brought his eyes up to her face and he was instantly shaken out of his thoughts. Shego looked...afraid.
"What's wrong?" she asked, leaning away from him slightly. Her voice was thin.
He shifted toward her, beginning to comprehend his mistake, and with the movement caught a glimpse of his reflection in their vanity mirror. He met his own gaze and saw the cold anger he had allowed to build, mixed in with an almost blind determination... And then seeing the confused and frightened look on his wife's face...still trusting, despite how he looked...
"I..." He turned back to her, forcing everything he had been thinking out of his mind. "I'm sorry. I was...thinking about what happened, since I was having trouble..." he said with a gesture. "But when I think about everything, I get angry, and it...it makes me want to..."
He paused and frowned at himself. Would she like the words that had been running through his mind? Thoughts of claiming her, possessing her, and making her his again? Even though she'd not really been taken from him...
He saw Shego shift away again and his eyes snapped back to focus on hers. She wasn't happy.
"You have to...be angry to...?" she asked. Her gaze darkened and she looked past him with the worried and fearful stare he'd become accustomed to seeing on her. "I don't...want you angry."
Drakken reached out for her, desperate to erase the last few moments and apologize. But Shego lay down and turned away from him, curling in on herself.
"I need you," she said quietly.
The sound of her sniffling was what brought the lump to Drakken's own throat. He slowly lay down and cautiously set his hand on her bare shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Shego. I'm so sorry."
Her hand reached back and grabbed his, and he took it as a sign that it was okay to be closer. He slowly curled up against her back. And when he felt her frame shaking with silent cries she was struggling to control, he couldn't stop tears from coming to his eyes.
"I'm so sorry..." he repeated, putting his arm around her and pulling her close. He was relieved that she leaned into him, rather than pulling away like he feared.
"Can't..." Shego said tearfully, "can't you...just love me?"
Drakken's heart broke at her words. He held her tighter as he silently cried into her hair.
He realized then that the horrible things she had endured wasn't something either of them could just get over. The sordid incident was something they would both have to heal from and work through. And probably for a long time.
He also realized that she had been right about him that night everything had happened. He was bottling it up, just as she'd thought. He was trying to be strong for her. But he was just getting weaker for the both of them.
"Can't you just love me?"
Her sad, desperate words resonated in his mind. Couldn't he?
He thought of the way she had first kissed him when he sat down on the bed minutes ago. The way her lips had poured adoration and desire into every touch, and the way her hands had spoke of yearning and need as she had embraced him and tried to pull off his clothing.
She...'just loved' him. And in those moments she hadn't appeared worried about memories or pain, the way he was. She trusted him. She trusted his love. And he had very nearly violated it.
He scowled at himself for a moment before shaking it away and focusing again on what she wasn't saying explicitly, but what was implied. She trusted him to heal her mental and emotional scars. She wanted him to. And he didn't need to worry in excess about being careful as long as...all he did, was...
"Yes I can," he said aloud into her hair.
"What?" Shego murmured, sniffling again.
Drakken leaned back and gently pushed her shoulder until she lie down, looking up into his eyes. He rubbed his face to get the tears away and then gently used the back of one knuckle to dab at hers.
"I can...just love you."
Her brow rose slightly, and her eyes remained uncertain. Drakken ignored the fresh damage he had caused in favor of sitting up, taking her hand, and kissing it.
He kissed the back of her hand, and along the length of each of her fingers. His caresses were slow and lingering, giving attention to every joint and muscle and inch of lovely green skin. He turned her hand over and gave the same attention to her palm.
Instead of worrying about what she may not want, he thought of how lucky he was to have her. How lucky he was that she had chosen him, when she could have had her pick of men. And that her choosing him was the result of nothing less than a deep, passionate love she had expressed to him from their first kiss, to the simple gestures she made for him throughout each day.
"It's all I've ever wanted..." he murmured absently, only realizing he'd spoken the thought aloud when he felt Shego shift nearer to him.
As he kissed her wrist he looked up into her eyes, and he saw that the worry was fading. He continued his attentions, kissing the soft, pale skin on the inside of her forearm, and then gently turning her arm to kiss the slightly rougher skin at her elbow.
"You're beautiful," he said shakily, smiling down at her as he continued the rain of kisses over her flawless green skin. It might be too late that afternoon to redeem the precious moment of normalcy she had initiated, but he would try as long as she let him.
She pulled her arm out of his grasp and looped it around his neck, pulling him down to kiss her lips. Again her touch was nothing but loving, and full of need. It fueled his desire, and also his determination to demonstrate what he had failed to do before. He loved her with all that he was, and he wasn't going to let her have any doubt that love was the only reason he was in their bed preparing to ravish her.
He leaned away and out of the grasp of her fingers, despite the small whimper she gave, and he moved to sit up between her legs. He picked up one of her feet and set it atop his shoulder and then turned his head to kiss her ankle. She smelled of fresh apples, the scent of her soap, and he knew she had just come from the shower. He lifted her foot again and kissed its sole. The tiniest and briefest of giggles was the response, since she was ticklish there.
Drakken grinned, calm beginning to return, and he set her foot back on his shoulder and held it carefully with one hand so he could lean forward to kiss along her calf. His free hand began running up and down the inside of her thigh, massaging the firm flesh as his lips attended to the rest of her leg.
Shego's fingers wiggling into the elastic band that held his boxers at his waist broke his focus, and he paused and rested his cheek against her leg as he smiled at the happy and yearning look on her face. It was only the relief in her eyes that reminded him that all was not well, and there was more weight to his actions now than perhaps any of the other intimate times they had shared.
He set her leg down and moved to divest himself of his last article of clothing while she pushed herself to sit upright. She lifted her arms, and he gently pulled off her lacy blue nightgown. As soon as she was free, her arms went around him. Drakken had expected a kiss, but she instead she clung to him tightly and rested her head on his shoulder.
He held her close in response, his hands pushing her hair aside to feel the warmth of her back. He rested his cheek against her head as he slowly rubbed up and down her smooth skin. He hoped he was finally helping her... He hoped his foolishness of before, despite the insistent thoughts in his head, wouldn't further harm her.
His thumb and fingers massaged the base of her neck while his other hand traveled in long and slow broad strokes over her back. After several passes he boldly slid his hand down to grip her rear, and after another slow rub of her back he added kneading the softer flesh to the routine.
Shego sighed into his neck and relaxed heavily against him, her tight grip loosening to be merely firm as her fingers moved to clutch his shoulders. He was forced to shift as she suddenly snuggled nearer, bringing them as closely together as she could while they were sitting up, and then pressing her cheek to his.
Drakken wasn't sure how long they sat simply holding each other, but he spent the time forcing his mind to calm. Shego was safe, in his arms. Despite how she had been slipping away from him for days, somehow...she was finding her own way back to him. And all she wanted from him, and was eager to give, was love...
He turned his head to kiss her temple, and then continued to place small, soft kisses over her face. He felt her relax even further, and soon she was returning the kisses across his jaw and cheekbones. When their lips finally met, the passion was a familiar yet soothing fire. He focused on that sensation, and the desire for her that bloomed in his chest with the tender caress of her lips.
She still clung tightly to him, kissing him deeply as he finally lowered them down and reached back to tug the blankets over them. And then he braced himself on his elbows as he stretched out and settled comfortably to look into her eyes. The faintest hint of worry had returned, and he leaned down to kiss her neck and shoulders briefly as he wove his fingers into her hair.
"Okay?" Drakken asked softly, bringing his eyes back to hers.
Her response was to tighten her arms around him and kiss him with yearning, and he closed his eyes and placed his forehead against hers as he tentatively completed their union. He held back his instinctive moan of pleasure, but his eyes fluttered open when he heard her familiar, softer one. It was an assurance he needed, and with his fingers in her hair beside her face as he stared down at her, he made love to her with gentle slowness.
Of all people in the world, Shego had chosen him. The perfect woman had chosen him, and wanted him. It was with that immense feeling of gratitude that he poured love into her and hoped she knew how happy her love made him.
Yes, he could just love her. He would love her no matter what. It was all he ever wanted to do.
He only broke eye contact with her to blink or to kiss her, their noses touching briefly in between with each of their joint movements. He felt a thrill when she began to sigh softly with pleasure and responded to him with like passion. And as the minutes passed he watched the change take place in her eyes far faster than he'd expected. Her worry dissolved as she gazed back at him, her verdant eyes staring back into his and searching for love. With each passing moment, everything about her calmed, the remaining tension in her body vanishing and her gaze becoming adoring and grateful as he stared at her with all the love in his heart. When tears started to brighten her eyes he kissed them away, and her soft sighs grew slightly louder with her happiness. He was surprised to feel his own eyes stinging as they stared at one another, but he didn't care as he smiled both in relief and in their shared joy as their eyes communicated the answers they had both needed.
She was going to be fine. And as long as she was, so would he.
Drakken woke up with a start, but then relaxed with a deep sigh. He lay on his back, his arms surrounding his wife who was also on her back and half-atop him as she slept soundly. He wasn't sure what woke him, his heart still calming from the sudden change from deep sleep to staring at the early-evening light in the bedroom. But sudden realization caused his heart to leap again in a massive wash of relief.
The worry lines were gone from Shego's forehead. Her eyes weren't pinched shut in pain, and her mouth wasn't fixed into a permanent grimace. For the first time since that horrid day she looked to be at peace. And finally, she was asleep.
Drakken carefully tugged the blankets higher around them, and then settled back into the pillows as he watched the gentle rise and fall of her chest with her peaceful breaths.
He watched her for what may have been hours, afraid of something waking her and determined to lull her back to sleep somehow should that occur. But when the light under the curtains finally faded to darkness, he couldn't fight the pull against his eyelids. As he slipped back into slumber, he found her hand with his and laced their fingers together in a solid reminder of what he now understood he had irrationally doubted: she was, had always been, and would only ever be his.
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bcbdrums · 1 year
Bowling Night
Read on: FFn AO3 Little Ones Masterpost
The hubbub of the bowling alley was secondary in Kim's mind as she shifted in her seat, still a little uncomfortable with present company even though it was their second game.  She listened as Shego noisily sucked the last of her drink through her straw, and then glanced over at the older woman's face and watched her smirk broaden.  She followed her gaze to the even older man whose turn it was.
Already holding his bowling ball, Drakken was sizing up the shot he was about to take.  Kim nibbled a french fry and mused that it was still strange to see Drakken and Shego in civilian clothing rather than their familiar villain attire.  She also hated to admit that Drakken looked quite nice in his maroon button-up, but it was his blue jeans that sold Shego's point to her when she'd talked her into the evening out.
Drakken stepped forward, bending low as he expertly rolled the ball down the lane.  Kim watched the way Drakken's jeans accentuated his...figure, and cringed as she glanced over at Shego, who looked over at her with a smirk and a raised brow.
Drakken cheered for the strike he had scored, and the red-head's thoughts were interrupted by her boyfriend's sudden approach.
"You're up next, KP!"
Shego's brow rose higher as Kim's gaze rested upon her.
"Ah...you can take my turn this time, Ron," Kim said, turning to face him finally.
"You sure?" Ron said worriedly.  "That's the third time."
"Yeah, go ahead.  The uh...fries gave me the belly-flips."
"Shego!"  Drakken interrupted.  "Did you see my strike?  Our team is going to smoke yours, buffoon!" he finished, turning suddenly to poke a finger in Ron's chest.
"Oh, I saw.  Wouldn't miss it.  You can have my next turn after Kimmie's."
Ron was already approaching the ball return to select one for Kim's turn, a small scowl on his face as Rufus stuck his tongue out at Drakken.
Kim took a deep breath and hurried up next to her boyfriend, lowering her voice.  "Oh, and Ron?"
He whirled around and offered her the ball.  "You change your mind?"
"Tuck in your shirt.  We are on a date and I, uh...don't want Drakken outshining you."
"Good point," he said as he complied, and Kim hurried back to her seat, heart pounding.
"I'm enjoying watching you," Shego was saying to a pouting Drakken.  "You're gonna win for us."
"Oh, all right," he said glumly.  "But what's the fun in group bowling when only two of us bowl..."
Ron stepped up to the lane, shirt freshly tucked in, and bent over to bowl.  Kim's heart fluttered as she stared at her boyfriend, and she sucked the last of her drink up noisily through her straw.  She glanced at Shego, who was giving her a knowing smirk as Drakken turned away to watch Ron bowl.  Shego's gaze lowered notably to Drakken's backside.
"Don't worry, Dr. D.," Shego said as Kim blushed.  "We're having a great time."
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bcbdrums · 8 months
The Voice - ch. 3
Previous Chapter | First Chapter Read on: FFn | AO3
A Drakgo (Kim Possible) suspense and hurt/comfort story. Spoilers here, lol. Enjoy.
A/N: So like....my writing style... When I first wrote this I wrote it as one giant narrative, like most my stuff. So breaking it into chapters is kind of tricky. If it feels like they start and end abruptly or something...it's cuz this was never meant to be chapters. But posting 50K word fics in one lump (like I prefer...) is kinda frowned upon I guess, lol. So chapters it is. Anyway, hope y'all are enjoying.
Part 3
He paused a moment before standing as the cave opened up, catching his breath. Dragging Shego with the rain pouring down on his face had been difficult.
After he stood and carried Shego into the larger chamber, he debated a moment before setting her down at the highest and driest spot, propping her up to face the side of the room with the puddle and the ray of red sun that was bringing a bit of light to the cave.
He sighed shakily when the task was done and reached up to wipe his face...and then paused as he found one of his gloves to be muddied. He looked at Shego and saw streaks of mud on her legs and on her arms and middle from where he had carried her. He moved to kneel in front of her and started to wipe the mud off.
"I'm just...getting the mud off of you," he said, looking to where her head had lolled to the side. He also noticed that the four bleeding wounds had darkened where the blood was starting to coagulate. He couldn't decide if it was good or bad...because if her body's functions slowed more gradually, it would only prolong her suffering.
He scowled and took his gloves off and tossed them aside, and then took off his lab coat, which was covered in mud. He noted that the inside was still dry and clean, and after a moment spread it out against the wall. He almost moved Shego to sit on it until realizing that she was still wet. He would move her when she was dry.
He picked up one of the bags of chips and was about to tear into it when he realized it would be unfair to eat in front of Shego when she couldn't.
She would never eat again.
Feeling sick to his stomach, he tossed the bag aside. He pushed his hair out of his face, and then did the same for her. He thought a moment and wrung the water out of her hair, and then lifted her head to try to lean it in a way that was more upright.
"So...so the paralysis...will last a long time," he explained. He tried to think of what she may be thinking and what questions she would ask. "I'm not sure how long since...we don't know how much venom the spider injected."
He looked at her still face. In his mind, he could hear her yelling about how it was all his fault, and how if he knew about spiders then he should be doing something to solve the problem.
"Um...when the rain stops, I'll try to fix the hover-car again. And then we'll go to a hospital. We're close to home. I know it hurts, but...it won't make a difference if we wait."
He stood up quickly and moved out of her line of sight as he felt the threat of tears in his eyes again. He was lying to her, but he also wasn't. It wouldn't make a difference to wait...because nothing could be done.
He turned and looked down at her again and made the decision not to be quite so selfish. He sat down next to her and cautiously held her gloved hand in his bare one. He moved near enough to press his dry shoulder into her wet one, and reached up again to brush the damp hair back. That time he pulled it all the way back so it wouldn't fall in her face again, and he stared at her half-lidded eyes.
"Would you like your eyes open, or closed?" he asked. He knew she wouldn't be able to answer. "If it keeps raining...and we have to sleep here, then I'll close them for you. Uhm..." He looked down to where he held her hand. He wondered if she wouldn't like it, and if she would rather he wasn't leaning up against her side. "If...if you don't like me being so close, you can...use me for target practice later. I was just thinking...if the spider had gotten me and I was paralyzed, I would want someone...I would want...you...close to me."
He bit his lip and mentally kicked himself. There couldn't possibly be a worse time to be talking about his feelings.
They had been on three dates. Only three. And each had only gone 'okay' as far as he was hoping. Shego hadn't left the dates early or set anything on fire, but she hadn't seemed as thrilled as he was either. None of the dates had ended with her smiling. But, she kept saying yes to his invitations... They were supposed to have gone on another at the upcoming weekend.
Tears filled his eyes again as he realized it would never happen. He would never get to tell her...that he loved her.
He wiped his eyes as quietly as he could with his free hand. He couldn't do it... He couldn't tell her something so important when she couldn't respond, and when she was dying... It wasn't fair. Especially if she didn't feel the same, then it would only make everything worse.
He sighed and looked back at her still face. Her lips were slightly parted, and he could see wetness at one corner of her mouth. Rain? Saliva? He held his breath and set his fingers beneath her chin and felt for her carotid artery...
"I'm just checking how fast your pulse is..." he said as he stared into her half-lidded eyes. The fear that he could have been talking to a corpse for the past twenty minutes nearly choked him, and he sighed in relief as he felt her heart beating strong, but far too rapidly beneath his fingers. He let himself gently stroke her cheek before he returned his hand to his lap, and then mentally kicked himself. That could have been very unwelcome.
"Sorry..." he said.
He took a deep breath and thought about what he would actually do when it stopped raining. He would have to fix the hover-car eventually...since he wasn't about to leave Shego to find help without any transportation. And not when giant monster-spiders were around, and perhaps even worse things.
"I think I can have the hover-car fixed...pretty quickly, when the rain stops. I really think it was just a blown fuse... I can replace it with another from a non-essential feature..."
Drakken's brow furrowed as a memory suddenly struck him. Of all things to think about, on the very worst day of his life...
"That actually reminds me...of this one camping trip with Cousin Eddie... I know you don't like him, so...so you'll like this story," Drakken continued. "It was the summer before I moved to Colorado. He said I needed to have one last adventure since I had...become so nerdy and lame, and that he was going to rekindle my wild side. He did that air guitar thing, you know, where he plays it really lamely... That's how he described me.
"It started badly since he insisted we just take the bikes, and I knew we couldn't take enough camping gear on motorcycles. But he insisted. He said we didn't need tents, that real men just slept in the dirt... We started at a camp site and then hiked out to be in the woods and somewhere more private. I was glad for that since the camp site was full and...it was embarrassing just to come in on motorcycles with almost no supplies. And there were...some really cute girls at one of the camp sites. Th-that's important."
Drakken swallowed nervously as he recalled the memory. He wondered if it was okay to talk about past romantic interests with Shego... His chest tightened in pain again as he realized that his relationship with Shego was over. He tried to shake off the thought and continued talking.
"And...I promise I'll get to how this is relevant," he said, knowing Shego would be complaining if she could. "It was all fine at first... I was cold at night since we didn't have sleeping bags, and Eddie ate all of the snacks that first night. And drank most of the booze... Not that I wanted much, I was never much of a drinker... And I was nervous since we didn't have any tents or other protection. Eddie told me that real men wrestled the bears into submission."
Drakken rolled his eyes. He glanced at Shego. "I'm rolling my eyes right now... So anyway...the next day Eddie went for a ride while I had no food. I had already decided the trip was worthless and was getting ready to leave. But then Eddie came back and said the cute girls from the other camp site were in the lake...s-skinny dipping. And he hauled me up onto the back of his bike before I could say no, and we drove to the lake. Eddie..." Drakken sighed in disdain, "didn't waste any time. He took his clothes off and stepped out of trees in full view of the world... He has a very overrated opinion of his body, if you want to know. I was so mad at him that I...nyeheh...I pulled out one of the fuses on his bike and tossed it away into the forest. It only took a second, he didn't notice. But then he had turned around and grabbed me and...started pulling my clothes off too. Please...don't picture that, I looked awful before college.
"So Eddie pushed me out of the trees with him to join the girls... I think he had been drinking that morning too... I kept trying to hide behind trees, and the girls saw us and...after they'd hidden themselves in the water they started laughing. Eddie tried to play it off... Tried to make jokes about how good he looked... He wouldn't let me go, so I finally ran down into the water to hide. Eddie stood up on a large rock and started flexing, and posing. The girls kept laughing and Eddie finally got in and approached them. He was actually able to strike up a conversation. But when he tried touching one of them they got into a splash fight. Two of the girls ran off, but the others stayed... One of them even apologized to Eddie for the splashing, which I thought was completely absurd... And it turns out— Ah...I won't get ahead of myself.
"Anyway, Eddie is talking to them and then he mentions me... He said that between the two of us we could...we could satisfy all of them. I have never wanted to kill my cousin more than that moment..." Drakken grumbled. "And one of the girls said that wouldn't be a problem, that we'd already given them enough entertainment. They said if we came near them again they would call the police. And then they got out of the water and left. Eddie tried begging...and cat-calling them... I was too embarrassed to even look. And after they left I ran back up to where the bike was parked. Do you remember...I said two of the girls had run away before? They stole our clothes. The others were just distracting us. They stole my clothes and I hadn't even done anything! But..." Drakken sighed, "remember I had pulled out a fuse and thrown it away? We couldn't find it. We searched for over an hour. So we had to walk...back...to the camp grounds. Naked. Eddie yelled at me the whole time for how uncool it was for me to sabotage his bike, and I yelled at him for forcing me to join in on all of his stupid ideas... We've never gotten along as well after that."
Drakken sank back against the rock with another sigh as he finished the story. The memory wasn't nearly as amusing as he'd remembered.
"I'm sorry, that...probably wasn't a very good story after all..."
He looked at Shego's still face. He felt her pulse again and found it a bit slower. He wondered if that meant she was relaxing...or dying.
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bcbdrums · 2 years
What do you think of the age difference between Shego and Drakken? Can they have a real relationship?
your question is a little vague, but based on evidence in the show which i'm too tired to get into, i firmly believe that shego is in her mid-late twenties at the start of the series, and drakken his early forties. i personally headcanon their age gap as about fourteen years. i've previously written on the topic of pinpointing their ages near to exact, so if you're interested, send another ask or a PM and i'll get into it.
on the topic of age gaps in relationships, well... i've personally been deeply attracted to someone nineteen years my senior, but due to the age gap the pair of us chose to be friends only. we were in very different places in life anyway, it probably wouldn't have worked. i know another couple who have been each other's one and only all their lives, and he's fifteen years older than her. they're great together. it doesn't always work this way... i knew a couple where the woman was only nine years older, but she ended up more a mother to her husband and he never quite stepped up into an equal role in the relationship. i could give other examples of couples i know but eh, you asked about shego and drakken.
for me personally, yes i think there's a clear age gap. and i don't think it will hinder them at all. clearly, the depth of their association goes beyond age. the things they have in common, the way they relate to one another... in my experience, the older folks get, and the...closer in relatable life experiences people are...the less important age becomes. it's like...once you get the street smarts, the life experience to know how to relate to people, it's easier in general and age kind of vanishes. it's the same thing that allows a person to have lunch with a coworker twenty years older or younger than them and still have plenty to discuss, if they've had enough relatable life experiences. the same way you can have major age gaps in friendship, it can work for romantic association too.
shego and drakken have been through it all together, have plenty relatable experiences they can talk about, even experiences prior to their getting together... conversations about topics which may deepen the relationship... yes i think there's a big age gap, and i don't think it'll be any issue for them.
as a fanfic writer, i find it a unique and interesting challenge since there's a lot more to be potentially explored when you have an age gap, versus not having one.
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bcbdrums · 1 year
I didn't edit/proofread, so this may change slightly later when I feel like reading it.
Read on: FFn AO3
Shego leaned against the kitchen counter in the lair, waiting for the microwave. She set a hand on her swollen abdomen as she stared impatiently at the counting down of the poorly-lit neon numbers on the dirty screen, willing them to move faster.
Her back ached. Everything was sore. She'd not wanted to get out of bed to get her snack, but when she'd woken Drakken to set him after the task he'd only gotten as far as sitting up before falling asleep again, head jerking back every few seconds and mumbled, unintelligible words slipping from between his lips.
That was why she had ended up in the kitchen at three o'clock in the morning, cubing watermelon herself and then dirtying her fingers with the moist grittiness of goat cheese as she sprinkled it on top of the fruit in the bowl. In her opinion, as pregnancy cravings went, there were far worse things than watermelon.
She opened the microwave at one second to go, avoiding the annoying beeping that couldn't be stopped, and then drizzled balsamic on her small delight before grabbing a fork and heading back to the bedroom. If nothing else, at least Drakken had gained a multitude of new recipes from her single fixation during pregnancy.
When she re-entered the bedroom, she was surprised to still find Drakken upright. More surprising, and confusing, was watching him attempt to brush his hair with his tired eyes pinched shut in frustration and a frown wrinkling his features. Shego's lips slowly curled in amusement as she realized that he was holding the brush backwards, the bristles facing outward, and it was the wooden paddle he was stroking against his wild black locks and failing of course to pull through.
"Drakken," Shego said as she approached, chewing a bite of her warm concoction. "What are you doing? Go back to sleep."
"Can't…" He grumbled, not opening his eyes. "I'm combing the watermelons out of my hair."
Shego nearly choked as she began chewing another morsel, watching again the agitated look on her husband's face as he seemed intent on yanking at his hair with the wrong side of the brush. In her own sleep-deprived state, she could picture what must be in his mind--tiny green-striped orbs tumbling over him, their vines entwining in his hair and clothes.
She watched his distressed features for a moment longer before setting the bowl down and moving to take the brush from his hands.
"I'll get them for you," she said, settling in behind him and beginning to run her fingers through his hair.
A long sigh, more coherent than his words, left his lips, and he slowly sank back against her. Even in his exhausted state he was somehow mindful of her large baby bump and didn't put his full weight on her. She felt a pang in her heart, and instead of offering a quip about his ridiculous imaginings, his tiredness, or his falling asleep against a pregnant woman, she kissed his cheek and carefully shifted over to help him lie down again.
He was snoring before his head hit the pillow, and she wondered how they were going to manage when the baby actually arrived if this was as well as they got along in just the third trimester. But that was a question for later, she mused as she snuggled up against Drakken's side. For the present, she decided that she may have finally had enough watermelon.
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bcbdrums · 2 years
New Heights (Drakgo fic #150!!!)
A/N: This...is my 150th Drakgo fic, AND...today, publication day, is my birthday. (My 150th Kim Possible fic overall is A Knotty Situation for anyone curious, and it's hilarious; this new one is KP fic 153 overall.)
I honestly never expected to write for this fandom at all, let alone write so much. Thank you to those who have supported me from the beginning, both those still in the fandom and those who are enjoying other things now. I cherish you all.
An extremely special thanks to everyone who has ever drawn fan art for me. That's a special honor that I treasure deeply.
And now, on to the story... Evil date nights for Drakken and Shego are...unique. Hope you enjoy.
Read on:  FFn    AO3
New Heights
Despite the tight seal on the dome of the hover-car, Shego could feel the ominous chill of the air up higher in the atmosphere than she could recall having ever flown before in such a small craft. She couldn't help herself but to look down into the dark, the Earth below too distant to be seen, and layers of clouds so far they appeared as puddle-like lakes hovering somewhere above the planet's surface.
"Doc... Are you sure this is worth it?"
She hoped he couldn't hear the anxiety in her words, but, for how often Murphy's Law seemed to follow them around, she couldn't help but voice her caution. Especially when looking back up was just as frightening as looking down. It was a sea of inky blue emptiness in all directions, distant stars revealing themselves as pinpricks of light twinkling through the vast curtain. Perhaps, if the more familiar glow of civilization was visible below she would have felt more at ease. But Drakken had insisted on flying far out over some rural state, to a place with minimal light pollution.
"You won't be sorry, Shego. These cold plasma phenomena are like nothing you've ever seen. And if we're lucky, we'll see multiple types of transient luminous events."
Shego blinked across the seat at Drakken, the starlight reflecting in his eyes and his giddy grin.
"Come again?"
"There could be various sorts of transient luminous events. Of course, the stratosphere isn't necessarily the best place to view all varieties, but for these specific ones the conditions are perfect. Oh, I hope the dash cam is working... Did you charge the battery before we left?"
Shego blinked and shook her head, both in confusion and marveling at Drakken's perfect rattling off of the complicated words.
"Yeah... Yeah," she answered, still a bit stupefied as he continued to ramble about short-lived electrical-breakdown phenomena in combinations of words she didn't realize he was capable of and didn't fully understand herself. Meanwhile he was using a remote control to adjust the angle of their camera, aiming it upwards in the sky. Below them in the lake-like clouds, a brief flash of lightning illuminating the irregular shapes proved that the world still in fact existed below them.
"...And of course, there is always the possibility of elves and ghosts, but they are less common."
Shego tuned back in as his science talk switched suddenly to the fanciful.
"What? You mean like...like...?"
"We might be able to see a troll as well. There really isn't a chance for pixies and gnomes, but from here we could definitely see—"
"Doc, you've totally lost me."
The excitement in Drakken's eyes didn't wane, and he merely lifted a finger in a gesture for patience as another distant flash below heralded a building storm. She wanted to question again the safety of flying above what would be a turbulent event, since that was apparently needed for whatever it was Drakken was insistent upon showing her in the upper atmosphere. But for all he was going on about, whether it be science or whimsy, none of it was making sense.
She was internally debating insisting they just leave, concerns about the dome failing, asphyxiation, and even lightning strikes (if it could reach that high), rattling her nerves. But before she could open her mouth to voice any of her objections, Drakken set his arm around her shoulders and her thoughts were arrested. Suddenly all she could see was the deep of his eyes staring down warmly into hers.
"The sprites are the most beautiful."
"I think it's a ridiculous name personally, along with the rest. But one must stay on theme, I suppose. It leaves out jets of course, they don't fit. But they are the most obvious of the TLE's after all."
Shego shook her head and moved nearer to him, her brow twisting in confusion and worry. She couldn't see below anymore, the vast blue emptiness that faded to black above overtaking her vision. It was unnerving, seeming to be suspended in nothingness, the hover-car a mere speck that somehow was still operational some 50,000 feet above the planet's surface.
Her stomach turned, and she desperately wished for what wasn't feeling at all like an evil date to be over, despite the smoldering of feelings Drakken's look had ignited in her chest. She needed further distraction.
"Tell me more about these...what are they? TLE's?"
"Which ones?"
"The uh... Whatever we're up here to see?"
Drakken held her shoulder more tightly, smiling happily.
"It's really quite simple, Shego. A large polarity change in the electric field after a lightning strike sends an abrupt negative charge into the stratosphere..."
He was going too fast, and she still couldn't keep up with his scientific chatter. Part of her wondered if he was making it all up, but the precision and rapidity with which he rattled off the complex and detailed explanation suggested otherwise.
"The imbalance from the top of the storm and the charge in the ionosphere are the ideal conditions for these TLE's," he said, as if in conclusion, but then he took another breath and continued.
Shego rested her head on his shoulder. Listening to him speak with such excitement and confidence was, she realized, gradually calming her nerves. And she couldn't help herself but to be pleased seeing him so happy. Amid their seemingly endless defeats and failures, it was rare to see him so thrilled and with absolutely nothing standing in the way of his joy. This wasn't a world domination plan that hinged upon tiny, variable details. It was just a date, which she had agreed to without hesitation, and he had promised her the show of a lifetime.
She tuned out the actual words, giving up trying to understand the science he was explaining while equally impressed that he knew so much. She fully believed of course that he was a genius; he couldn't invent and build all of the devices he did otherwise. His sudden frequent shifts into nonsense words and talk of ridiculous things like gnomes and pixies would always confuse her, but...as he talked animatedly about whatever it was he had determined was worth risking their lives for an evil date, she found herself smiling.
In truth, she loved hearing him talk. Not that she would ever let him know.
"...And the higher in altitude, the nitrogen will excite red. But it would show up blue and even perhaps purple if excited lower. Should we see any green, that of course is oxygen. And—"
"Are you sure this is safe?" she interrupted after a faint rumbling of thunder reached her ears from below.
"...It'll be worth it," Drakken said, his smile not faltering.
Shego turned her head and looked at him.
Before another word could be spoken, a flash of lightning revealed Drakken's reason for bringing her up into the sky.
It was over in an instant, but it was impressed upon her mind like a photograph. A massive wash of translucent glowing red that overtook the sky like a dome but without borders—a three-dimensional presence that seemed real and non-existent all at once. Bright beads and tendrils fractured down and away from the dome like lightning, only far more delicate like the roots of a flower. At their tops they seemed attached to the dome by a cone, and at the very lowest tips of the wire-like structures that sizzled in the icy air was a faint purple glow.
Shego rose up and bumped her head on the hover-car's dome as she peered down in attempt to see the full extent of the thing, but it had vanished like a vapor, the star-studded indigo skies filling her vision once more. She had scarcely taken a breath when another of the red wonders flashed in the sky, further away but no less magnificent. And then another, and another. Each the same, and yet each unique as they came to life and then danced away before she could even fathom what they might be.
She sat down again, Drakken's arm ready to receive her, and laughter bubbled delightedly from his lips as he stared wide-eyed with boyish excitement at what had clearly been his reason for flying her up there.
"What are they?" she said, the words sounding alien as they seemed to come from some other source than her mouth.
"Sprites," Drakken said, holding her closer, the continuing flashes of red making his skin look purple when she glanced at him.
A lingering green mist appeared above the next otherworldly flash before vanishing in a seeming swirl, and Drakken let out a gasp of excitement.
"That one is a ghost! You know, they were only recently officially discovered—"
"Ghosts? Sprites? Who names these things?" Shego asked with a mild scoff, still watching in fascination as the show continued, the phenomena appearing and vanishing across the vastness of the ocean of the sky, seeming almost like animals bobbing up out of the seas to reveal a secret before hiding themselves away again.
"Hn... Scientists, I suppose," Drakken replied.
"They look more like jellyfish," Shego declared as another appeared and then blinked away, another tiny trail of purple and even blue faintly showing at the bottom of the tendrils of light with a boundless dome-like mist at the top.
"You know, Shego, you're right," Drakken said with a smile.
"Seriously, who thought sprites was a good name? They look exactly like...creepy jellyfish out of some nightmare. Jellyfish lightning."
"Ah, but it isn't lightning, Shego. It's more of a cool plasma phenomenon."
"Whatever," she said, moving nearer to him as a rumble of thunder followed a particularly bright red flash, topped again by a green ghost. She couldn't think of a better name for those, so kept her mouth closed on the matter.
They watched the display in silence for several minutes, the dancing of the strange red lights making it seem to Shego they had left the Earth for some place far more wonderful. And with Drakken's arm warming her against the invasive chill of the upper atmosphere, she found she didn't mind anymore having been brought up into the heavens. It was dangerous, risky, and beautiful—everything an evil date should be.
Drakken peered down over the side of their tiny craft through its protective dome as a rumbling of thunder lasted especially long that time, and then he smirked and hummed to himself in amusement.
"What?" Shego asked.
When he turned back toward her, his expression showed that his next words would cause her to either laugh or hit him, and she wasn't sure she wanted to hear whatever thought had entered his mind.
"You know, since we're renaming things..." he began, barely containing his mirth, "clouds are really just...fluffy water."
She stared at him as he held back his laughter, waiting for her response. Red flashed above them again and he glanced away to the skies.
"Shego, you're missing them! Shego...?"
She threw her arms around him and kissed him, as suddenly the only danger and beauty she was interested in was further opening her heart to the mad scientist who both calmed and fueled her flames.
He kissed her back, but after a moment broke away to look desperately into her eyes.
"But, Shego! The sprites!"
"Guess we'll just have to come back during the next storm," she said with a grin.
Drakken's smile returned as revelation reached his eyes, and it was but a moment before they melted into each other's arms and she gave herself up to the passion she too often held back as his lips caressed hers while around them, the lights still danced.
'Transient luminous...whatever,' her mind tried to fill in from Drakken's earlier intellectual talk, but all of it had fled in favor of memorizing the feel of his mouth upon hers and his fingers kneading her flesh. And as she glimpsed the red flashes turning his skin purple once again she couldn't help herself but to chuckle into the kiss.
That night, all she would remember was fluffy water, jellyfish lightning, and the love in his touch.
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