#shego x drakken
askdrakgo · 1 month
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"Send us questions, or else!": Ask a Question
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flowery-laser-blasts · 2 months
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Based on Disney's 'the Aristocats'.
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bexdrey · 2 months
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Oops I totally forgot to add my signature until the last panel and I am far too lazy to add it to the others. Anyyywhoo.. IS DONE HUZZAH!
"You know if you gave the show a chance, you may actually like it, Shego." "Yeah right, I don't do Sci-Fi nerdy crap."
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selfox · 4 months
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I was scrolling through references and I've stumbled upon a screenshot of The Theory of Everything and it being 2 in the morning my brain started to work overtime, the heathen I am, welcome to the Theory Of Everything AU. I was and still am yelling at this (rn its 3 and Sugar Honey Iced Tea I am loopy)
I will eventyally remake it later, hopefully NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT
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rscroogedraws · 10 days
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This was my half of a fun art trade with 4-Hearts
His idea was an early Halloween couples cosplay between Dr. Drakken and She-Go from Kim Possible as Hades from Hercules and the Queen of Hearts from Disney's Alice in Wonderland! Drakken fits the blue flames and robes pretty well in my opinion.
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bilumiart · 1 year
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Commission for @bcbdrums !
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gofordrakgo · 5 months
Impeccable: "In accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless"
(Drakgo Drabble #87)
As the weeks wore on, Drakken became increasingly concerned over his decision to hire the girl. 
For someone who ought not be noticed, he saw her everywhere. The fridge left open, driving up his electric bill for sure. Clothes that certainly didn’t belong to him around his lab. Mud tracked through the halls from her morning run. 
Fiddling with the convergence amplifier she’d successfully stolen for him, he had to concede that despite the device being of military importance no such authority had tracked her back to his lair. 
A messy roommate such as it were, but an impeccable thief. 
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those-other-ones · 8 months
Hover car smit? 🥺
Please accept this very mediocre plot-less story. Wrote this straight through, did not re-read it. Hope it's acceptable.
Happy Smutember.
Everything below the cut is 18+ explicit, nsfw, mature, whatever you wanna call it.
The sand was getting in his flip-flops.
With every step across the beach, the hot grit was getting under his heels and between his toes, with the occasional twig or broken shell digging into his sensitive skin and causing him to curse.
"Whoa, that's a harsh one from you Dr. D.," Shego said.
Drakken could hear the smirk in her voice as she followed after him. True, the words he was mumbling were more intense than his usual 'doodles' but given the circumstances he felt they were warranted.
"Why did we even come to this party," he grumbled as he stalked toward where they'd parked the hovercar.
"Because you wanted to humiliate Dementor."
Drakken stopped and whirled around, his hands on his hips. It would have been a menacing pose if not for the Snowman Hank swim trunks he was wearing and the slight paunch of his belly hanging over the waistband as he leaned forward.
"You knew this would happen, didn't you. And you still made us come!"
"You made me sit through that five hour lecture at MIST."
"You were supposed to be there to watch me heckle James Possible!"
"And then he didn't show."
"Hmph," Drakken grumped, turning around to continue the trek to the parking lot. "You'd think he'd have more respect for someone who saved the world."
"You need to relax Dr. D. So going to Dementor's retirement party was a bad idea…"
They reached the hovercar and Drakken grumbled as he kicked his flip-flops off onto the floorboards. The tips of his ears were flushed purple with his annoyance and his eyes were dark with rage. Shego suppressed a giggle.
She climbed in the passenger seat next to him as he started the ignition, but…nothing happened.
"Oh, great! The engine is overheated!" Drakken groused, throwing his hands up.
Shego bit her lip as she got a devious idea.
"Well, since we're not going anywhere, how about I help you relax?" she said, sidling closer.
"What…? Shego, no! Not here!"
Drakken's eyes had widened and his hands were batting at hers as she pulled at the waistband of his swim trunks. When he grabbed her wrist to stop her she lifted her hand and ignited it in threat. He continued grumbling and crossed his arms, looking around nervously as she slid down to sit on the floor of the passenger seat and rested her arm across his lap so she could get her face closer.
"Someone's going to see this," Drakken said nervously.
"Just put on your sunglasses and relax. Anyone who comes by will think you're taking a nap."
"In ninety-six degree heat!? Onh…"
His thoughts were arrested as Shego's lips made contact. This heat was entirely different on his soft skin, and after a few moments of anxiously glancing around he reached down to pull his trunks lower. He did put his sunglasses on, and then set to watch her furtively, setting one hand gently at the back of her head and weaving his fingers into her hair. It was damp, yet hot from the sun, and he fidgeted nervously with the strands as she began to sweep his mind away with her touch.
Her lips were like velvet on his skin as she placed tiny, suckling kisses along the blue length right down to his lavender tip. He could feel the rush of blood in moments, and it nearly doubled when she glanced up to give him a wicked look before she plopped his tip into her mouth.
"Mmmh…" she hummed deliriously, the same way she did when sucking on a strawberry. She knew exactly what it did to him, and his fingers tightened in her hair and on the side of the hovercar as she began sliding her mouth slowly down and up again, her teeth lightly grazing his sensitive flesh and her tongue pressing against him with precise pressure.
He kept glancing down at the rhythm of her face, mesmerized by the hot, soft sensations as his member vanished inside of her mouth, but his gaze was still drawn out to the beach beyond the parking lot. Casual beach goers were out of earshot by the water's edge, and further down he could just see the stage where Dementor was hosting his retirement party.
Drakken shook that thought away. He was not going to have Dementor anywhere near his mind while…this was going on. But it would still be good to keep one eye on the parking lot.
Suddenly Shego's lips left him.
"You gonna help me relax too or is this all about you?"
"Ngh… What do you want?"
Shego smirked. "You."
Drakken flushed. He needed to get a little harder first. But, a way to discreetly please her quickly occurred to him.
With a slight shudder he let the vine out of his back, and the strange mutation that seemed to act on his subconscious began wrapping itself around her waist. Shego's smirk faded slightly, but then she reached down and stroked the petals of the pink flower that was snaking up to her chest. It sent a shiver across Drakken's nervous system as she continued doing that, looking at him with eyes that simply screamed sex.
"You like that? Maybe you should let him out to play more often."
"Just…don't waste time. Someone could come by."
Shego chuckled and returned her lips to his twitching member. The flower had wandered up to Shego's neck and somehow, undid the tie of her bikini top. The green and black fabric fell away and Drakken watched curiously as the vine wound its way around the soft globe of one of her breasts, the pink petals seeming to rub at her nipple. His hand found the soft flesh of the other and he began kneading.
The moan that Shego responded with was slightly choked by his growing arousal inside her mouth. Their surroundings forgotten, he watched as her legs gradually began to tremble in pleasured response to his touch, and he wanted to give her more.
"Come here," he demanded. Her lips left him with a pop, and he watched her grin as the hard length bobbed back and forth until falling heavily to his stomach, glistening from her attentions.
"I should tie my suit back up," Shego said shakily, reaching for the strings, "in case anyone walks by they'll think I'm just sitting on your lap."
"No one would think that," Drakken said with a slight growl as he pulled her toward him impatiently.
Nevertheless she tied her top back up before moving to sit in his lap, facing the beach. She shifted back and rubbed her rear against his rod with a delighted chuckle, and Drakken growled again as she leaned back fully into his chest, preventing further action.
"We don't have all day!" he protested.
She chuckled again as she shifted up just enough to reach beneath her thighs and grab hold of him, guiding him up past her swimsuit briefs and into the petals of warmth that awaited him.
"Hnngh!" he groaned, his entire body tensing as he filled her. Shego for her part was gasping for breath, leaning against him again as she had taken every inch all at once. The vine, not to be left out, was coiled around Shego's waist and the flower was snaking between her legs. After a moment she responded instinctively, spreading them apart and giving the flower access. It began massaging her peak, and she bit her lip as a hiss escaped her lips.
"Like I said," Drakken breathed, "no one is going to think you're sitting in my lap."
Giving up on any sense of decorum, he wrapped his arms around her and covered her breasts with his hands, beginning to squeeze as she rolled and rocked her hips almost erratically in attempt to bring him in deeper.
Then she braced her hands against his knees to lift herself up just enough, and they both moaned in unison when she dropped herself back down heavily upon his sword.
"This…is a much better party," Shego gasped.
Drakken laughed huskily as his fingers rubbed back and forth over her clothed nipples, pinching lightly as she started them into an erotic rhythm.
A dirty word slipped from Drakken's lips, and Shego leaned her head back next to his and reaching up to grip his shoulders. Sweat was dripping down her temple, and when her lips found his she tasted of ocean salt.
"Someone…" he murmured into her lips between kisses, "is going to see us."
"You still care?" Shego asked.
Drakken's answer was only to grip her breasts possessively, causing her to moan and arch her back against his chest as she rode him heavily.
"I hope Dementor walks by."
"Really?" Shego gasped out.
"He never accomplished anything close to this in his career."
Shego laughed breathlessly, and Drakken kissed her again.
"Turn around," he said.
"That will just be more obvious," Shego said with a grin, already moving to comply.
Drakken shifted on the hovercar's seat to give her legs more space as she knelt over him. His swim trunks at his ankles now, and he nimbly untied her bikini top once more, a thrill running through him as it fell and her soft, green breasts were presented to him.
The vine was still snaking around Shego's waist, but Drakken gave it a light flick with his finger as his arms circled around her.
"That's enough from you," he scolded it, and it slowly slithered away back inside his body, a strange electricity racing over his nerve endings as it vanished.
This time it was he to grip the base of his arousal, pushing it past Shego's bikini bottoms as she pressed forward. It felt like he belonged there, buried deeply within her, and he leaned down to nip softly at her breasts in turn as she began pressing her hips against him, rubbing the peak of her arousal back and forth against his pubic bone.
He licked and suckled one nipple, his eyes on her face as she arched her back again and bit her lip to withhold the screams he knew she wanted to release.
"Drakken…" she managed as she ground her hips against his. It felt so good being engulfed by her, a belonging he couldn't find any other way.
He knew she was close as she suddenly fell forward into him, her hips rocking feverishly and her breasts pressing into his chest. He hugged her tightly and kissed her cheek as she rode herself closer and closer. And that knowledge of her pleasure with him was driving him quickly to his own end.
He hadn't realized he had closed his eyes, but then he opened them with some sudden instinct and saw at the edge of the parking lot none other than Dementor, frozen in place and jaw hanging open, ice chest on the ground where he must have dropped it.
"Drakken…Drakken…" Shego was gasping louder.
"Oh yes…say my name," he said, grinning evilly. He shifted on the hovercar's seat and grabbed her hips, drilling upward in time with her rhythm.
"Drakken!" she screamed, her fingernails digging into his back as she came undone atop him, squirming in her release while he didn't relent, determined to make her pleasure last.
He was thankful for the curtain of her hair that gave them some modesty, but it certainly couldn't disguise what was happening to any other eyes that may be watching. At the edge of the parking lot Drakken could see Dementor still utterly dumbstruck, his expression shocked and clearly the face of someone who hadn't gotten what Drakken was getting in a long time.
Drakken chuckled evilly and lifted one hand to flip Dementor the bird before he moved again, quickly but carefully lying Shego down on the hovercar's bench seat. His one-time rival in evil had had more than enough of a show, and definitely more than he deserved.
Shego was still reeling and breathless from her high, but Drakken wasn't done. She lifted legs and hooked her heels behind Drakken's back as he pumped into her deeply, his rhythm steady and strong.
The vine, seemingly acting on his subconscious once again, slipped out to press a button on the hovercar's control panel, activating the dome cover to finally hide them away from prying eyes. And then it moved to encircle Shego's wrists and bring them up above her head. She blinked up at him in surprise, but not with any protest, and he braced himself against the seat so he could reach up to entwine his fingers with hers.
As she regained her wits, her expression became devious again as they locked eyes, communication unspoken as she seemingly dared him onward. Her breasts were bouncing deliciously below him, the sight of them, the sight of Shego making his blood race. His thrusts increased in speed, and when he felt his release near the vine let go instinctively. Shego's hands moved to his rear and gripped the strong muscles tightly, pulling him deeper as he felt the white hot pleasure explode at his every nerve ending. He was aware of the heat, of the twitching, and of his weight falling to cover hers… Of a pleasure that seemed to melt his very being centering at their union.
His breaths came slow and heavy, and gradually he became aware of Shego's fingers in his hair while her other hand massaged the back of his thigh. Buried within her always seemed the most right place to be, and he was in no hurry to leave her.
"Thank you, Dumpling…" he finally said with a sigh. "You were right…I needed to relax."
He finally began to shift up, but Shego set a hand on his cheek and guided his lips to hers. When he pulled away from the silken touch her eyes held mischief.
"Oh, but I'm not done relaxing."
A grin spread across Drakken's face.
"…Since the hovercar isn't working, maybe we should…borrow Dementor's vehicle."
Shego laughed. "You're very evil for a world hero."
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allabt-drakgo · 4 months
When Drakken and Shego, they're together in the bedroom. And this is a slightly NSFW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and also there was a rude words too. (This is my first time i made a short fanfic :D)
Drakken : Hey Shego, I have a something cool, do you want see it ?
Shego : Yeah sure Drakken, then show me.
Drakken : Okay, here!
*Drakken start turning on the blue light.*
Drakken : what do you think Shego, do you–do you like it?
Shego : Oh my.. GOD DRAKKEN! This is so cool, do it again!! And i love itt
*Drakken is laughs softly with her responds.*
Drakken : Okay-okay.. alright Shego, here ya go.
*Drakken starts turning on the red light. And he start removing his shirt, as he waiting for her reaction.*
*Shego started smile, when he (Drakken) turned the red light.*
Shego : Damn Drakken, the light is red and i really really like it with this ken-
*Drakken starts smiles wicked, and started playing "Earned it" by The Weekend. With red light.*
Shego : Drakken.. what the fuck are you doing?
Drakken : I'm going to making love with you, Shego~ *he grins wider and he start leaning to her.*
Shego : Drakken wait.. what the- Drakken wait, hold on... WAIT DRAKKENN!!! *she start blushing with him (Drakken).*
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theguardianofdrakgo · 5 months
save me
save me drakgo fanfic written in 2001 and left unfinished
save me
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bcbdrums · 6 months
The Voice - ch. 4
First Chapter | Previous Chapter AO3 | FFn
A Drakgo story.
Suspense/angst, injury, hurt/comfort multi-chap. Spoilers ahead if you've not read the first parts.
"I, um...would you like to hear another story?"
Of course she didn't respond, and Drakken felt the sick feeling return to his stomach. He frowned and looked away to where the red of the sunset had all but vanished. He wondered if he should turn the flashlight on when it got dark... He could still hear the rain through the hole in the cave's ceiling.
"The hover-car really won't take long to fix, as soon as the rain stops. I know you've been telling me to put a dome on it for years... Eddie would call it 'tricked out.' But it does have some utility... As long as I'm adding things, do you think it needs more seats? I know the last model had three in the front... It would be useful if we ever capture Kim Possible...although I suppose we could just stuff her in the trunk... Yes, I know that's what you would prefer... But I'd like her to hear my gloating before we imprison her for life in the dungeon... Oh! That...that was supposed to be a surprise..."
Drakken felt his chest constrict in pain again.
"I built a dungeon, under the new lair..."
Tears came to his eyes again. They would never capture Kim Possible together. Shego would never see the dungeon he had built. But...he could tell her about it.
"You...you might not like it. It's entirely cliche... I even put a fake skeleton in there, hanging from a wall with shackles... But I had it built it out of the natural cave, so lava is running through..."
Drakken realized just then that even though his clothes were dry, he was still very damp. The cave was hot and humid, and his hair hadn't dried at all in the time they had been inside. He tugged at his collar uncomfortably.
"It has those...old medieval cages that are only big enough for a person to stand in...hanging from caves over the lava flow... And it has a drawbridge over the lava, with the controls only on one side. Oh! You'll like this. I calculated the length of Kim Possible's grapple gun from various security footage and made sure the ceilings are higher. Even if she escapes the cages or shackles, she wouldn't be able to use that thing to get out. And I want to find something that she's afraid of to put inside, too... Maybe—"
He had been about to say 'spiders' but stopped short. The last thing Shego needed reminding of was spiders.
"Maybe I can build a projector...or a Pepper's ghost stage... What do you think the odds are that Kim Possible knows about Pepper's ghost? I'm sure her computer kid knows about them, but there wouldn't be anything digital for him to scan. That's what I'll do..."
He tugged at his collar again and suddenly felt itchy all over. He gently placed Shego's hand on her leg and noted how cold she seemed to be despite the heat in the cave.
"I'm just...going to take my shirt off. It's too hot," he explained as he moved off of the wall.
He stayed within her line of sight as he undid the buttons and then yanked the sweat-soaked garment off of his back, the sleeves sticking to his arms slightly. He tossed the shirt away in the direction of the unopened chip bags. He untucked the t-shirt he was wearing from his waistband and pulled at the front of the shirt a few times to air out his chest.
He looked at Shego's still-damp hair and the sheen of sweat over her face. He reached his hands cautiously toward the zipper of her suit.
"Do you want me to... Ah...n-never-mind," he said with a blush, changing his mind. She definitely would not want him undressing her, even if she was hot. And...it wouldn't matter anyway.
He leaned back against the wall and found the stone cool and a slight relief, though his back was still sweaty inside his t-shirt.
"Actually, that...that reminds me of another story. Do you want to hear it...? You probably don't... But my first year in college, I'm sure my dorm room was haunted."
He shifted to put his shoulder against hers, and when he picked up her hand to hold he noticed again how cold she was even through her suit. It wasn't a good sign. Or...maybe it was? Would a quick death be better?
He fought the urge to cry, and leaned his head against hers.
"It's a scary story... You can tell me later if you think so or not..." He paused to gather his emotions as he recalled the memory and decided where to start. "The dorm room I was assigned was on the top floor and in a corner. Oh, I should explain... This was the old building, that had been part of the old campus before MIST was founded. I...can't remember what the old college was called. But my dorm had been part of the original buildings that were built in the 1920's. So it had all the original plumbing, the walls were thicker...the windows had no screens and were single-plate glass... Some rooms, like mine, didn't have a shower and only an old claw-foot tub. And the water was fed from a natural hot spring. It would have been interesting, if not for the haunting...
"When I moved in I also had a freshman roommate. His name was Jonah... He was from Kenya. But that's not relevant... The room was very nice and we both liked it, but all of the upperclassmen told us we had the haunted room. They told us that back in the twenties...a man and woman had been shot and killed in our room, because the woman was the young wife of one of the professors...and the man was a student apprentice to that professor. It was the professor of course who murdered them, after catching them together.
"The story we were told was that the ghosts of the two victims haunted the room, and if anyone ever did anything at all dishonest...horrible things began happening to them. Freak accidents and injuries... Things going missing..."
The light from the sunset had vanished entirely, and Drakken found himself feeling afraid. He turned on the flashlight and set it facing up on the floor right between his and Shego's legs.
"I know what you're thinking. I'm being a baby... But it was really haunted, Shego! After the first couple of months...first, our laundry was destroyed. Down in the washroom... In the same machines we always used. Both mine and Jonah's, but no one else's was ruined. You could say that was just a coincidence... But later that week when I tried to take a bath... I filled the tub as usual while I shaved, but then when I went to get in...the cold water hadn't worked. The tub was only full of hot water. I could have been scalded! And...and before you say it's just coincidence or the old plumbing...that same night the window fell closed while Jonah was studying and the pane shattered. He had so many cuts on his arms and face.
"After that, Jonah admitted he had stolen the answers to the first chemistry test. I was livid. I couldn't believe he had done it, knowing our dorm was haunted! And I know you'll just say...it's still only coincidence. But that night... It was the night before the test... I was asleep, and I woke up when I heard Jonah shout. I saw...I saw two people standing over his bed. It was a man and a woman, and they were wearing clothes from the 1920's. And they both turned and looked at me and...then they vanished."
Drakken turned and looked at Shego's half-lidded eyes. Nothing about her expression had changed.
"I know you don't believe me... Or you think I dreamt it, because of the upperclassmen trying to tease us... But Jonah saw them too! We moved out of the dorm that weekend..."
Drakken's skin was crawling for the horrid memory, and he moved the flashlight closer. But it was casting ominous shadows on the ceiling of the cave and on Shego's face. He noticed how she was much paler than usual, and thought again of how cold her skin was to the touch. He checked her pulse and found it perhaps slightly slower...and her skin was definitely cold.
He realized that in the dark he wouldn't be able to work on the hover-car, even if the rain stopped, which it hadn't.
"I think...maybe we should sleep now," he said as his chest constricted in pain. Was she dying quickly? Would he wake up in the morning to find her gone? "It's too dark to work on the hover-car...and...and you're right, I probably should have just done it in the rain. But...there is no anti-venom for tarantula bites. Because they're..." He swallowed shakily. "They're not fatal."
He let go of her hand as his emotions got the better of him, and he picked up the flashlight.
"I'm turning this out now...um... I'll close your eyes for you, so you can sleep better..." He very gently closed her eyes one at a time with his index finger, and then he took her hand again before turning the flashlight off. He set the light down next to him and then moved closer to her, pressing his hot and sweaty side to her cold one. He leaned his head gently against hers.
"I know it hurts... But that's what it does," he said, trying to reassure her. He hated to lie to her...but he couldn't tell the truth. "And I know it seems like it's not getting better. But the venom just has to...run its course."
He stared into the darkness for a minute and listened to the rain above. He wondered what he would do in the morning... Whether it was raining or not...if she was still alive, he would fix the hover-car. But if she wasn't...
"When I was a child...I would use my glasses to burn bugs and spiders... You know, by focusing the sun's light through the lenses..."
Drakken yawned and let tears fill his eyes as he closed them.
"Don't worry Shego... Try to sleep... Don't worry."
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askdrakgo · 1 month
dear Draken Tell us a secret about Shego
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"Next question..."
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flowery-laser-blasts · 4 months
A good night's rest...
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Repeat this 2 more times...
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bexdrey · 1 month
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"Hello and welcome to Blackjack Drakken Casino! Care for some Roulette? Poker? ...Blackjack?" "... I'm sorry but is that an earring?" "If you must know, it completes the look! And... I may keep it after all this." "Nope, no no. Dr. D you are bound to get that thing caught on something in the lab and next thing I know you'll be whining for me to clean your bloody ear." "But Shego-" "No buts! You will be getting rid of the earring as soon as this plan of yours either fails or miraculously succeeds." ----------------------
Haha I had a funny idea. And yes, he totally fails this but he got pretty close! XD
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selfox · 3 months
Ok so...
I've came in today with rather ambitious idea. Been thinking about it for whole work week. And I really hope that we all together would have fun with it ^^”
The idea is a collective music playlist with music associated with Drakken and Shego. Be it them separately, them together, maybe they even sing the song. Anything can go!
Edit: If you don't want to share your account, but still want to add music, then write to me in dms and I'll add it!
Let's share our tunes! Link is under the cut
Anyone who has this link can put music into it.
Shego and Drakken
Thank you @drakgo-reblogs for confirmation that it hadn't been done before ^^”
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vinophidian · 2 years
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I was feeling nostalgic for this ship,,
Still in the process of reposting my old-ish fanart from other sites ^-^
Probably not characters I’ll draw again in the near future but I rewatched Kim Possible for the first time since my teens a few months ago and I was so positively surprised! I might even like it more now than I did back then ><
I tried a more cartoonish approach for these two because I like experimenting a bit and was inspired by some other fanart I’ve seen :3
I also took some liberties with the design and pose as well but it’s based on the end of “Graduation, Part 2”!
But yeah, I love these two together, they are the best part of the series and the rest is a lot of fun as well!
Hope you like it even though I doubt anyone cares for this series anymore but if there is interest, I might make more :3
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