#shego and drakken
gofordrakgo · 5 months
Gifted: "Having exceptional talent or natural ability"
(Drakgo Drabble #85)
Drakken had been told his whole childhood just how special he was. “Leaps and bounds ahead of his peers.”
And then, all at once, he wasn’t. He’d never known how to explain that particular agony. 
He’d thought— hoped— Shego would be the one to understand. But as he watched her fighting off a horde of brutes twice her size, he realized that… well, he’d never been special. 
Between her glow and natural fighting prowess, even her penchant for evil, she’d always been the talented one between them. 
But she stuck by him and that was a gift on its own. 
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bcbdrums · 6 months
The Voice - ch. 4
First Chapter | Previous Chapter AO3 | FFn
A Drakgo story.
Suspense/angst, injury, hurt/comfort multi-chap. Spoilers ahead if you've not read the first parts.
"I, um...would you like to hear another story?"
Of course she didn't respond, and Drakken felt the sick feeling return to his stomach. He frowned and looked away to where the red of the sunset had all but vanished. He wondered if he should turn the flashlight on when it got dark... He could still hear the rain through the hole in the cave's ceiling.
"The hover-car really won't take long to fix, as soon as the rain stops. I know you've been telling me to put a dome on it for years... Eddie would call it 'tricked out.' But it does have some utility... As long as I'm adding things, do you think it needs more seats? I know the last model had three in the front... It would be useful if we ever capture Kim Possible...although I suppose we could just stuff her in the trunk... Yes, I know that's what you would prefer... But I'd like her to hear my gloating before we imprison her for life in the dungeon... Oh! That...that was supposed to be a surprise..."
Drakken felt his chest constrict in pain again.
"I built a dungeon, under the new lair..."
Tears came to his eyes again. They would never capture Kim Possible together. Shego would never see the dungeon he had built. But...he could tell her about it.
"You...you might not like it. It's entirely cliche... I even put a fake skeleton in there, hanging from a wall with shackles... But I had it built it out of the natural cave, so lava is running through..."
Drakken realized just then that even though his clothes were dry, he was still very damp. The cave was hot and humid, and his hair hadn't dried at all in the time they had been inside. He tugged at his collar uncomfortably.
"It has those...old medieval cages that are only big enough for a person to stand in...hanging from caves over the lava flow... And it has a drawbridge over the lava, with the controls only on one side. Oh! You'll like this. I calculated the length of Kim Possible's grapple gun from various security footage and made sure the ceilings are higher. Even if she escapes the cages or shackles, she wouldn't be able to use that thing to get out. And I want to find something that she's afraid of to put inside, too... Maybe—"
He had been about to say 'spiders' but stopped short. The last thing Shego needed reminding of was spiders.
"Maybe I can build a projector...or a Pepper's ghost stage... What do you think the odds are that Kim Possible knows about Pepper's ghost? I'm sure her computer kid knows about them, but there wouldn't be anything digital for him to scan. That's what I'll do..."
He tugged at his collar again and suddenly felt itchy all over. He gently placed Shego's hand on her leg and noted how cold she seemed to be despite the heat in the cave.
"I'm just...going to take my shirt off. It's too hot," he explained as he moved off of the wall.
He stayed within her line of sight as he undid the buttons and then yanked the sweat-soaked garment off of his back, the sleeves sticking to his arms slightly. He tossed the shirt away in the direction of the unopened chip bags. He untucked the t-shirt he was wearing from his waistband and pulled at the front of the shirt a few times to air out his chest.
He looked at Shego's still-damp hair and the sheen of sweat over her face. He reached his hands cautiously toward the zipper of her suit.
"Do you want me to... Ah...n-never-mind," he said with a blush, changing his mind. She definitely would not want him undressing her, even if she was hot. And...it wouldn't matter anyway.
He leaned back against the wall and found the stone cool and a slight relief, though his back was still sweaty inside his t-shirt.
"Actually, that...that reminds me of another story. Do you want to hear it...? You probably don't... But my first year in college, I'm sure my dorm room was haunted."
He shifted to put his shoulder against hers, and when he picked up her hand to hold he noticed again how cold she was even through her suit. It wasn't a good sign. Or...maybe it was? Would a quick death be better?
He fought the urge to cry, and leaned his head against hers.
"It's a scary story... You can tell me later if you think so or not..." He paused to gather his emotions as he recalled the memory and decided where to start. "The dorm room I was assigned was on the top floor and in a corner. Oh, I should explain... This was the old building, that had been part of the old campus before MIST was founded. I...can't remember what the old college was called. But my dorm had been part of the original buildings that were built in the 1920's. So it had all the original plumbing, the walls were thicker...the windows had no screens and were single-plate glass... Some rooms, like mine, didn't have a shower and only an old claw-foot tub. And the water was fed from a natural hot spring. It would have been interesting, if not for the haunting...
"When I moved in I also had a freshman roommate. His name was Jonah... He was from Kenya. But that's not relevant... The room was very nice and we both liked it, but all of the upperclassmen told us we had the haunted room. They told us that back in the twenties...a man and woman had been shot and killed in our room, because the woman was the young wife of one of the professors...and the man was a student apprentice to that professor. It was the professor of course who murdered them, after catching them together.
"The story we were told was that the ghosts of the two victims haunted the room, and if anyone ever did anything at all dishonest...horrible things began happening to them. Freak accidents and injuries... Things going missing..."
The light from the sunset had vanished entirely, and Drakken found himself feeling afraid. He turned on the flashlight and set it facing up on the floor right between his and Shego's legs.
"I know what you're thinking. I'm being a baby... But it was really haunted, Shego! After the first couple of months...first, our laundry was destroyed. Down in the washroom... In the same machines we always used. Both mine and Jonah's, but no one else's was ruined. You could say that was just a coincidence... But later that week when I tried to take a bath... I filled the tub as usual while I shaved, but then when I went to get in...the cold water hadn't worked. The tub was only full of hot water. I could have been scalded! And...and before you say it's just coincidence or the old plumbing...that same night the window fell closed while Jonah was studying and the pane shattered. He had so many cuts on his arms and face.
"After that, Jonah admitted he had stolen the answers to the first chemistry test. I was livid. I couldn't believe he had done it, knowing our dorm was haunted! And I know you'll just say...it's still only coincidence. But that night... It was the night before the test... I was asleep, and I woke up when I heard Jonah shout. I saw...I saw two people standing over his bed. It was a man and a woman, and they were wearing clothes from the 1920's. And they both turned and looked at me and...then they vanished."
Drakken turned and looked at Shego's half-lidded eyes. Nothing about her expression had changed.
"I know you don't believe me... Or you think I dreamt it, because of the upperclassmen trying to tease us... But Jonah saw them too! We moved out of the dorm that weekend..."
Drakken's skin was crawling for the horrid memory, and he moved the flashlight closer. But it was casting ominous shadows on the ceiling of the cave and on Shego's face. He noticed how she was much paler than usual, and thought again of how cold her skin was to the touch. He checked her pulse and found it perhaps slightly slower...and her skin was definitely cold.
He realized that in the dark he wouldn't be able to work on the hover-car, even if the rain stopped, which it hadn't.
"I think...maybe we should sleep now," he said as his chest constricted in pain. Was she dying quickly? Would he wake up in the morning to find her gone? "It's too dark to work on the hover-car...and...and you're right, I probably should have just done it in the rain. But...there is no anti-venom for tarantula bites. Because they're..." He swallowed shakily. "They're not fatal."
He let go of her hand as his emotions got the better of him, and he picked up the flashlight.
"I'm turning this out now...um... I'll close your eyes for you, so you can sleep better..." He very gently closed her eyes one at a time with his index finger, and then he took her hand again before turning the flashlight off. He set the light down next to him and then moved closer to her, pressing his hot and sweaty side to her cold one. He leaned his head gently against hers.
"I know it hurts... But that's what it does," he said, trying to reassure her. He hated to lie to her...but he couldn't tell the truth. "And I know it seems like it's not getting better. But the venom just has to...run its course."
He stared into the darkness for a minute and listened to the rain above. He wondered what he would do in the morning... Whether it was raining or not...if she was still alive, he would fix the hover-car. But if she wasn't...
"When I was a child...I would use my glasses to burn bugs and spiders... You know, by focusing the sun's light through the lenses..."
Drakken yawned and let tears fill his eyes as he closed them.
"Don't worry Shego... Try to sleep... Don't worry."
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darkpoisonouslove · 1 year
Little me had such a good taste in ships before she even knew what shipping was. Like goddamn, I liked - and still do - either the healthiest ships or the most tragic, dramatic and juicy ones and that's very sexy of me.
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askdrakgo · 25 days
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"As for me? Well, probably green too. It reminds me of delicious pistachio ice cream."
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benjimatorarts · 1 year
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I know there are other amazing drakgo arts for this trend, but I still wanted to share my own attempt!
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
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The girls brought their boys to the Oh Boyz reunion concert.
"Ron, grab that USB before Drakken can install it into his doomsday device" "On it KP!" Ron tries to get to the work desk and trips slamming face first onto the surface causing office supplies to fall all over the place. Drakken runs over and grabs one of the two scattered -almost identical looking- USBs and plugs it into the device "HA! I'll take that, thank you! And now, behold the power of--" "HEY IS THAT 'I WANT IT MY WAY'?!" "Errr... No, it's not what you think--"
Shego and Kim pause their battle, watching the two men go from bickering to singing in no time. Turns out this doomsday device can double as a mega surround sound stereo speaker instalation set.
Ron starts talking about how they saved the Oh Boyz once and that Rufus is their new manager.
Kim thinks and offers a deal "If you hand us the USB, you two can come with us to the Oh Boyz reunion concert." "DEAL!" Shego almost hurts her neck when she snaps her head in Drakken's direction "WHAT?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!" Drakken picks up the USB from the ground and hands it to Kim, he waves the two teens off.
The moment they leave the lair, Shego grabs Drakken by the collar. "Do you have any idea how annoyingly tedious it was for me to get that stupid USB for you?!" "Up-pupup Shego, I did in fact make a backup this morning" "You wha-?" Drakken opens the desk drawer to reveal hundreds upon hundreds of identical looking micro SD chips. "Now if you can help me find out which one of these chips contain-- Shego?" Shego slams the lab door closed behind her.
"Shego? What a coincidence!" Junior lays down on the sunchair next to her. "Junior? What are you doing here in Middleton of all places? Don't you have your own, I don't know, indoor house spa?" "Ah yes, but my lovely girlfriend Bonnie has cheerleader practice right now and I thought, why not broaden my horizon -like they say- and try out the spas of the common folk. You look upset, what's on your mind?"
Shego regretfully tells Junior about what happened this morning and Junior, in his excitement, almost instantaneously heads over to school.
Junior begs Kim and Ron to please bring him and Bonnie along with them to the Oh Boyz concert. "BUT WE WERE GOING TO THE CARIBBEAN ISLANDS FOR THE WEEKEND JUNIOR! YOU'RE SO RICH, YOU CAN EASILY BUY THE OH BOYZ FOR A PRIVATE CONCERT!" "But my darling! I want to experience the real pop idol experience! I need to know what it is to be amongst the fans, so I can understand what it feels like to them. That way I'll become a more understanding teen pop idol sensation! It's like, what you call it; homework, yes?" "Ugh... FINE! Alright Kim, you take care of everything, we'll take care of transport. I am NOT going to go there by cab. "
And thus all six of them ended up at the concert.
The boys: absolutely starstruck (Drakken eventually gave up on finding the chip.)
The girls:
- Bonnie doesn't like being amongst 'common folk', sure she would've loved this a few months ago, but now that she's dating one of the richest guys in the world. This has become dull.
- Kim pulled some strings with Rufus, asking for a favor to make this night unforgettable for the guys.
- Shego is confused as to why the Oh Boyz songs sound oh so familiar to some other boyband she used to hear on the radio when she was in college.
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dimensionallunemoon · 13 days
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Bro must’ve said smt vile
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creatorping · 3 months
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POV: you’re Drakken and this is her expression only you get to see (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
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tcho-san · 1 month
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Original OTP🧬💥 Drakken and Shego
This is so niche, I'm aware. This post is for me and me alone
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spemtang · 5 months
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hummelimhimmel · 2 days
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Something fast
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gofordrakgo · 5 months
Frustrating: "Causing feelings of anger and annoyance"
(Drakgo Drabble #84)
He drove her insane. Really, truly, insane. He made her want to rip her hair out, quit and never come back, strangle him until he was an entirely different kind of blue… something to make him understand how difficult he was to work with. 
It wasn’t like she expected a lot! Certainly, she didn’t expect a “thank you”. Even if she regarded him as more of a playground pest he still held it in heart that he was evil, so she understood. 
But why, she groused, pulling the blankets over her head, did he have to wake up at dawn?
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bcbdrums · 2 years
The Little Ones Fanfic Masterpost
The Little Ones is my anthology of miniature Drakgo fanfics that just didn't feel like they should be published alone.  
As they are many, jumbled, and confusing, I thought it best to make this post to describe each mini-fic and give their length and categories to make it easier for readers.  Also helps me remember what the heck I've written as I'm at 140 Drakgo fics and counting!  140 published Drakgo fics, that is...heheh.
Links provided are to the FanFiction.net postings, but my full AO3 is here.
For all my other Drakgo/KP fanfics that are not part of this anthology, click here for my other masterpost.
If you are viewing this from a reblog, please check the original post as it will be updated regularly with new fic postings, and updates won't show on reblogs.
Original Post:  6/8/2022 Updated 10/12/2022 new chapter! Updated 12/11/2022 new chapter at last Updated 6/23/2023 oh gosh it’s been too long Updated 2/1/2024 oh gosh it’s REALLY been too long. Updated 2/19/2024 Updated 3/11/2024 (GMT) Updated 4/14/2024
1. What's in a name?  (fluff/headcanon) 464 words.  Drakgo discuss baby names.
2. Sleepless (family/headcanon) 907 words. Drakken finds it hard to sleep with a new baby.
3. And the earth fell away (humor/nsfw) 934 words. Something interrupts Drakgo's intimate activities...
4. The Cure (hurt/comfort/nsfw/headcanon) 2,193 words. Shego has morning sickness, and Drakken has the cure.  Part 1 of The Watermelon Saga.
5. Peekaboo (humor/nsfw/headcanon) 884 words.  Drakken has some fun with their baby and with Shego.
6. Change (gen fic/headcanon) 1,062 words. Drakgo viewed briefly through other eyes... Part 2 of The Watermelon Saga.
7. Lesson Learned (humor/headcanon) 1,588 words. Drakken's frustration with Shego's pregnancy craving leads him to making a mistake... Part 5 of The Watermelon Saga (yes I know they're out of order).
8. Happy (fluff/headcanon/nsfw) 2,381 words. Drakgo celebrate a very important anniversary. Part 8 of The Watermelon Saga.
9. [[Untitled]] (angst) 845 words. Drakken decides he can't work with Shego if his love is unrequited.
10. Perfect (romance/fluff/headcanon) 1,533 words. Shego doesn't enjoy pregnancy, but Drakken is there to help.  Part 7 of The Watermelon Saga.
11.  What? (humor/headcanon) 200 words.  Drakken is getting tired of Shego's craving...  Part 3 of The Watermelon Saga.
12. Only Child (humor/headcanon) 1,400 words. Drakken has a nightmare.  Part 4 of The Watermelon Saga.
13. The Ban (humor/headcanon) 624 words. Drakgo get some exciting news.  Part 9 of The Watermelon Saga.
14. Pancakes/Surprised (humor/fluff/headcanon) 2,555 words.  In the distant future, Drakgo have breakfast with their daughter.  Part 10 of the Watermelon Saga.
15. Enjoy Me (romance/nsfw) 810 words.  Drakken appreciates one of Shego's features very much.
16. Loud (angst/nsfw) 2,700 words.  Drakken questions why Shego is silent during their intimate moments.
17. The Joke (angst) 1,115 words.  Drakken just wants a friend...
18. My Heartbeat (angst/hurt/comfort/headcanon) 3,157 words.  Shego is afraid of pregnancy and Drakken will do anything to help...
19. At Last (humor/fluff) 1,586 words.  Post-Grad karaoke and love confession featuring Motor Ed.
20. Curiosity and Confidence (fluff/family/headcanon) 1,907 words.  Drakgo welcome their second child, and the first meets their new sibling.
21. Level-Up (humor/slice of life) 605 words.  Drakgo play a videogame.
22. Chilly (introspective/fluff/nsfw/headcanon) 1,180 words.  It's an icy cold morning and Drakgo have a chat and decide not to get out of bed~
23. Come to Mama (fluff/family/headcanon) 393 words. Drakgo play with their baby.
24. Future (fluff/headcanon/nsfw) 1,016 words.  Another instance of Drakken helping Shego through morning sickness, with a brief chat about family histories.
25. Date (fluff/nsfw) 1,752 words.  A dinner date doesn't go exactly as planned.
26. Bedtime (family/fluff/headcanon) 643 words.  Drakgo put their baby to sleep.
27. Gifts (fluff/slice of life) 836 words.  Drakken sets up for a Christmas celebration at the lair and gets a pleasant surprise.
28. Baking (fluff/romance/headcanon) 1,387 words.  Drakken is baking.  Shego wants his attention~
29. Next Steps (hurt/comfort/romance/headcanon) 982 words.  Some recent events have left Shego uncertain about going out for Valentine's Day.
30. Everything (angst/introspective) 791 words.  Drakken disappears and Shego has a revelation...
31. Love (fluff/slice of life) 176 words.  Drakgo share a moment of happiness.  (This is my 100th Drakgo fic!)
32. The Floor is Lava (humor) 100 words.  Exactly what the title says...
33. Happily Ever After (fluff/family/headcanon) 1,012 words.  Drakgo put their daughter to bed and share a romantic moment.
34. When the Dust Settles (action/angst/romance) 1,911 words.  A defeat by Kim leaves Drakken afraid he has lost Shego forever...  (Mirror-fic to #30.)
35. All We Need (humor/romance) 623 words.  Drakgo's date in a diner gets intruded upon by Dementor.
36. Learning (slice of life/romance) 825 words. Drakgo at bedtime as a new couple.
37. Caterpillar (slice of life/family/headcanon) 1,404 words.  Drakken takes their daughter on a walk.
38. [[Untitled]] (humor/fluff/nsfw/headcanon) 1,768 words.  Drakken and Shego's romantic resort vacation is interrupted by none other than James and Ann Possible.
39. Melon Misfortunes (humor/slice of life/headcanon) 1,886 words.  Drakken's watermelon shopping gets interrupted by a hated person from his past... Part 6 of The Watermelon Saga.
40. Independence Day (humor/fluff) 697 words. Drakgo have some evil fun at Kim's expense on a holiday.  
41. All the World (romance/nsfw) 812 words.  Post-Grad, Drakken reflects before the UN ceremony.
42. Secure (nsfw/romance/headcanon) 598 words. Shego has a small complaint during intimacies...
43. Calming the Storm (fluff/slice of life) 1,374 words.  Drakgo get stranded and have to wait out a rainstorm in the hover-car.
44. Domestic Bliss (humor) 56 words. Some Drakgo banter.
45. Never Alone (angst/hurt/comfort/headcanon) 568 words.  Something very bad has happened, and Shego needs some comfort...
46. The Right Tool (humor/nsfw) 774 words.  Shego likes watching Drakken work~
47. Evil Starts Eventually (fluff/nsfw) 581 words.  Evil can wait a bit; Drakgo have reasons to stay in bed~
48. A Touch of Warmth (fluff/nsfw) 769 words.  More reasons for Drakgo to stay in bed~
49. Burn Away (fluff/nsfw) 911 words.  Even more reasons to stay in bed, and this time some big news~
50. Distraction Worth Chewing On (humor/slice of life) 1,835 words.  Drakken doesn't want to go to the dentist, Shego is there to make sure he does.
51. Give the World (fluff/nsfw) 932 words.  Oops Drakgo are staying in bed again, and chat about what they want in life.
52. Selfless (slice of life/friendship) 1,432 words.  Before Graduation, Shego gives Drakken a pep talk.
53. Mark of (Dis)Approval (humor) 1,831 words.  Drakken's plan leads to Shego having a laugh at his expense, and he retaliates.
54. Heart Strings (gen/feels) 349 words.  Shego is committed to Drakken.
55. Idyll (fluff/family/humor) 596 words.  Drakgo share dinner with their daughter (NOT headcanon this time).
56. Solid Ground (angst/slice of life/nsfw) 1,983 words.  A hover-car breakdown leads Drakgo to a fight, thoughts on their relationship, and eventual making up.
57. The List (fluff) 705 words.  Just what is it Drakken loves about Shego?
58. Breaking Through the Chill (friendship) 1,428 words. Grumpiness is contagious.  But so is a good mood.
59. [[Untitled]] (humor) 76 words.  The reason why Drakgo and Kim/Ron should not double date...
60. Like Old Times (fluff) 770 words.  Drakken and Shego decide to relive a memory.
61. Lexicon (fluff/humor) 100 words.  Shego loves and hates an endearing trait of Drakken’s.
62. Buddy (slice of evil life/friendship) 572 words.  Drakken is discouraged about his new plan, but Shego knows how to cheer him up.
63. Bad Hair Days (slice of life/friendship) 1, 663 words.  A windy day results in tangled hair for Shego, and Drakken offers some reminiscence of his former hairstyle.
64. Melon Musings (humor/family/slice of life) 2,455 words.  A chance encounter with some old acquaintances and the dreaded craving leads to hilarity and some deep thought.  Part number ??? of The Watermelon Saga, lol.
65. Craving Conundrum (humor/family) 2,570 words.  Drakken’s best efforts to appease Shego’s cravings have an unexpected result.  Part number ??? of The Watermelon Saga, once more.
66. My Favorite Thing (fluff/romance) 100 words.  Drakken muses on his favorite aspect of his life.
67. Heat (fluff/romance/nsfw) 1,043 words. Summer mornings are too hot for Drakken, but he has other ideas on how they can be spent.
68. [[Untitled]] (humor) 109 words.  Drakken has a new plan, Shego thinks he’s gone bananas.
69. [[Untitled]] (humor) 274 words.  Ed Lipsky has some bad news for his cousin Drew.  (not a Drakgo fic)
70. Daydream Believer (humor/romance) 593 words.  Shego walks in on Drakken during an interesting situation...
71. Good Morning (introspection) 599 words.  Reflections on morning salutations.
72. Thank You (missing scene) 437 words.  A missing moment from Graduation that we all need.
73.  [[Untitled]] (humor/introspection) 577 words.  Shego rethinks her craving.  Part ??? of The Watermelon Saga.
74.  Bowling Night (humor) 498 words.  Kim finds herself glad she agreed to a double date with Drakken and Shego for a particular reason.
75.  [[Untitled]] (humor) 148 words.  In which the Possibles regret inviting Shego and Drakken to their family party...
76.  Sealed (fluff/romance) 725 words.  Just what happened after Drakken’s vine pulled them together onstage at the UN...
77. [[Untitled]] (slice of life/romance/humor) 782 words.  A tiny peek at Drakken and Shego’s off-time, and a unique misunderstanding...
78.  [[Untitled]] (humor/nsfw) 692 words.  Drakken and Shego find some unexpected visitors in the lair...
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natfoe · 4 months
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askdrakgo · 17 days
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"Yenno, I think Drakken would've dyed his hair blue in High School."
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antstafersart · 1 month
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Quick redraw of a scene that refuses to leave my head
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