#Fake Family
dcxdpdabbles · 7 months
Hey, I dont know if you are currently acepting asks but... Please can you write something with Clockwork/Alfred? I'll give you a cookie?
I really love how you write and i cant find fics with this ship
Danny gets a cryptic message from Clockwork the night that he, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz are supposed to go on a three-week College tour road trip.
A trip that they were going to use to decide where the three graduating students planned on going to college. Jazz was coming along to ease their parents' worry, mainly as a voice of reason. She had taken time off of work and classes just to make this happen.
It had taken months to plan.
So cryptic messages put a damper on the mood. Granted, all notifications from Clockwork were cryptic, but that didn't make this any less stressful.
He had just sat by his bed, leaning his back onto his lower bed frame and mattress, when he noticed the glowing sticker note on the carpeted floor.
"What does it say?" Sam sighs, closing her suitcase. She was kneeling a few feet away from him, double-checking their luggage. "A warning about the trip? Insight of an upcoming trial? Oh, let me guess, one of us is pregnant?."
"It's me, isn't it?" Tuck asks from where he's lying on Danny's bed. He places a hand under his chin with a sigh. "I've noticed a glow in my reflection lately. Danny, you're the Father."
"Shut it, Tuck." Danny laughs, turning the glowing sticky note over. "It just has an address, a date, and a time. Nothing else. I think he wants us to go there when the day comes."
Jazz walks in carrying a tray. She insisted they all take some bedtime tea to help them get enough rest for the drive. She recently started making her own blends after much research and experimenting. Danny loves it and always begs for a jar of her tea whenever he visits her. "What's going on?"
"We have to add a stop to the road plan," Sam sighs. She takes the black mug covered in white laughing sculls, nodding in gratitude to the redhead. "In one week, we have to go to Gotham."
"That's doable. We'll be going through Bludhaven by then. We would use the following two days to go sightseeing a few cities over, but we can sacrifice one of them to head to Gotham instead." Jazz hums, mentally going over their planned-out map that she likely memorized.
Danny groans, carefully resting the black mug with white constellations on the floor beside him. "I really wanted to see the hot springs resort, though."
"Member next time, Danny." Tuck pats his head while his own black mug- this one with little game controllers- is held carefully in his other hand. "After the baby is born, we'll go again."
"Why are you stuck on the whole baby thing?"
"Danny, that's no way to speak to the father of your children, especially while he's carrying," Sam chided from her corner. "The stress is bad for the baby."
"Please stop."
"But Danny," Jazz cuts in, sitting across from him. She crosses her legs underneath her, and her black mug with white books completes the set. "You should be supportive of Tucker in this very delicate time."
"I'm going to Go Ghost and never come back."
"I knew you be a deadbeat dad," Tucker tsks.
The four burst into impish laughter; the ease of the teasing joke and the calming tea rekindled the mood of excitement, even with Clockwork's glowing sticky note being shoved into their luggage to be revisited in a week.
"Are you sure this is the place?" Danny asks again, leaning forward to where Tucker is driving.
Jaz looks around in fascination at the large houses and spacious yards they pass while Sam sleeps beside Danny in the backseat. She just finished her turn driving for seven hours and wanted to catch up on sleep.
Personally, Danny thinks she shouldn't volunteer for the first shift- they set out at four in the morning to keep to their road plan- but he knows no one else would do it if Sam didn't.
Neither Fenton works well before nine a.m., while Tucker needs help seeing in the dark, so he always gets the day shift.
Tucker's grip on the steering wheel tightens as he grits through his teeth. "For the sixth time, Danny, this is where the GPS said to go. I am literally staring at the icon move on the map as I drive."
"It's just....look at this place! It's rich people. I think they call the cops on us for driving through here." Danny defends, knowing his consent doubts driving his bed friend up a wall but unable to stop fretting.
"I don't think they call the cops....but I think we should move as quickly as possible." Jazz advised as the houses started to grow in both size and property amount. "We're almost there."
"Why would Clockwork want us to come here?" Tucker hissed as their old beat-up fan made a turn into a road that had the trees cut into arches above their heads. It was so obviously fancy that the three got highly uncomfortable. Even Sam's house wasn't so drenched in wealth, and this was just the front entrance.
"Maybe he wants us to investigate a haunted mansion." Danny offers, "Since we're in the area and all."
Danny leans back in his seat. He glances over at Sam; upon noticing the blanket she was using had slid down, he reaches over to tuck her in.
It's just as he sits back that his enhanced sight catches the faintest outline of a man in the trees, crouched down on a branch and watching them. Danny's heart spams, but he has no time to react further as the van moves on and the man's figure disappears in the floral.
"Holy shit!" Danny swears loudly, causing Tucker to jump and tilt the van.
"Dude!" Tucker hisses, "Don't do that! You scared the shit out of me."
"Sorry, sorry." Danny places a hand over his heart, trying to calm the rapid beating. "I think I just saw a demon. Pretty sure that's what Clockwork wanted us to investigate."
"A demon?" Jazz whimpers, eyes flickering all over the trees with unease. "Are you sure it was a demon?"
"It looked liked like a one," Danny responds. "I highly doubt some guy will just go around dressed like a bat for fun."
" Great. Just great. A demon, that's going to be so much fun to deal with," Tucker complains, pressing on the gas more. They don't call him out as the feeling of being watched becomes suffocating.
The sooner they're out of the open, the better.
The end of the driveway opens up to a grand manor that would have made any noble Lord green with envy. Tucker drives around the giant fountain, pulling up to the park in front of the stairway of the main entry.
He squints out the front window as he loops before gasping. "Is that Clockwork?"
The Fenton Siblings each press their noses to the glass of their windows when they come to a complete stop. Both gasped at the exact same time and in the same volume at the man who was casually waiting for them at the door.
It's obviously Clockwork, but he's not in the form they are used to. Not the flouting child, not the sticking middle-aged man, or the aged old entity. No, the form Clockwork uses is a man in his early fifties, with the grace of a sliver fox and, oh, not a ghost.
"Hello, children," Clockwork says, walking down the stairs to meet them. The three are staring at him with slack jaws, half out of their vehicle but lingering in their doors just in case.
Sam snores.
"I'm ever so glad you have come." Clockwork continues, his green eyes flickering with mirth. A smile pulls at his lips, causing laughing lines to appear around his eyes, and it complements his warm bridge skin. He is not blue. "Not a moment too late. Punctual as ever, Jasmine."
"I- ugh, thank you, sir." Jazz shutters before getting her wits about her. "Why did you call us?"
"I will be delaying your trip for the next week." Clockwork lifts up a hand as if to stop any complaints this announcement may cause, which isn't really necessary, seeing as none of them can find the strength to speak. "I will, of course, make it possible to make up the time lost. I just need you four to act as my children for the next week."
"Why?" Tucker's voice is barely above a whisper.
"I can only keep this form for seven days, as I am not a halfa, but in that time, I hope to woo a man. He is a family man through and through, so if I can show him that I am more than capable of caring for a large family, it will help me in the long run." Clockwork then shrugs. "Plus, I need an anchor, and what better than four virgins?"
"Hey!" Danny shouts offended.
Clockwork raises a brow. "Am I wrong, Daniel?"
"No, but you didn't have to expose me like that," Danny grumbles.
"Who are you trying to woo?" Jazz asks, trying to steer the conversation back on track.
Clockwork's cheeks gain a reddish hue, and the three eyes practically pop out of their socket. They never knew the time god could be so...human. It's jarring. "Alfred Pennyworth. The butler of Wayne Manor, four houses down from our manor."
"A butler?" Tucker repeats slowly, "You, the god of time and overseer of all that is, has been, and will be, want to seduce a butler?"
"Yes. He is the love of my core," Clockwork nods determinedly.
Well, who can argue with that?
"Alright." Danny agrees. "So what's our cover story?"
"Yes, my four children- all adopted- and I have recently decided to go learn about our family roots and visit our ancestral home. Only to remodel and check out the family records, we will be out by the end of the week to our next grand adventure. We are old money but one that faded from importance due to lack of contact with the rest of high society. To remedy this, I will be taking you to high-class events." Clockwork sighs dreamily. "We were invited by the Waynes to a gala tomorrow night as a welcome-back party. There, I will see Alfred."
"Alright. And the demon?"
"A man in the driveway that looked like a bat." Danny helpfully says, even though his voice wavers slightly.
"Oh, you mean Bruce. Yes, that's Alfred's son. Don't worry; he can not cross our driveway. I put a spell that causes humans to forget why they were coming here if not invited by us. Also, he is not a demon. He is a human who dresses like a bat to fight crime. Bruce's children dress like birds to help him."
There is silence that sounds louder than it should as they all take in this information. Clockwork smiles at him, mischievous and graceful in equal parts as they try to make sense of the weird kid Alfred the Butler has.
"I'm going to need a lot of stress-reducing teas for this week." Jazz sighs.
"We can go buy some for you tonight," Clockwork promises, pulling out a black card and grinning with all his teeth. "We're old money now, darling."
"oh my god."
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porusuniverse · 11 months
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“…all to move ahead with your plot to hijack my body and soul… to make use of my burning rage to take One for all for yourself.”
I can’t help thinking about the way he said “you groomed me”.
He would have been such a good kid if AFO hadn’t found him. Change my mind 😭
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fangirlingpuggle · 1 year
I am very tired and just had another Metadede AU/fic prompt with Dad meta and Dad Dedede.
There’s a summit for Rulers of different kingdoms/worlds coming up one of the rulers shows up on Popstar and starts making jabs about how weak Popstar is cause Dedede has no heir/lineage he doesn’t even have a spouse.
Dedede ends up panicking and basically saying that he’s married to Meta he claims it was because he was panicking not because he’s been opining other Meta for years.
He ends up also saying Kirby their heir.
The other ruler ends up saying that oh I didn’t know well they better be at summit then.
Thus all of them ending up at the summit and pretending to be ‘fake’ family. With Meta and Dedede in mutual pining oblivious idiots, them trying, or well Meta Knight trying to teach Kirby courtly manners and how to act, and no Kirby I know they’re being very snide and rude but you can’t inhale them and DEDEDE PUT THE HAMMER DOWN! (He’s a total hypocrite because if he hears anyone insult any of them his hand goes the sword)
Them thinking their covers going to be blown any moment but all the other rulers being like Yeah no that checks out amazed they finally got together… good for them’
All of the other Waddledee’s are hoping that this will finally get Meta and Dedede to admit they like each other (They have wedding plans ready, they’ve had them for years and everyone knows they like each other… well everyone except the two of them)
Also are they finally going to adopt Kirby? It’s about time… the only problem after will be stopping them from adopting all of them.
 There ends up being some evil plot that the 4 of them easily stop, the show of power making everyone there agree not to fuck with planet popstar. Especially cause the small pink one who ATE THE ANCIENT ELDRITCH GOD is next in line for the throne? Yeah, no not gonna mess with them just smile and nod and don’t piss them off they could kill all of us.
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romantasyreader28 · 3 days
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smashing-yng-man · 2 years
I don't have time for toxicity, unless it's the System Of A Down song or album.
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sp00kysk3lly · 3 months
You realise no one cares when you’re a type one diabetic, suffering from a virus, haven’t eaten for a week, barely drunk anything for a week, hands and face covered in small red spots and you’re being sick, bang on the floor to get your alcoholic mums attention and she just wakes up and goes to bed….
And this woman is suppose to be my “carer”, yeah ok then. More like she wanted the money, not caring about me.
Pretty much same as my “friends”. One ghosting me, one that doesn’t respond for a week (after reading my message), and one who only wants to talk when they want something.
I’m done. So fuck it. Putting my phone on Do Not Disturb mode and if they want me they’ll have to wait for me to fucking respond to them. I’m done.
My mother’s abuse I can take (barely) I’ve had it all my life. But I thought at least when I got older I’d have decent friends who actually gave a shit about me.
You really know how your future is going to play out once you spend every day crying and alone. Thanks, I guess.
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I have just had a stroke of genius
Enemies to lovers, fake dating is out. Enemies to found family, fake family is in.
Hear me out
A group of friends decide to go on holiday together to somewhere really expensive right. They realise that they can get a family deal where families get discounts on flights and stuff. (Don't know if there are family discounts but shhhh go with me on this)
They decide to commit to the bit and pretend to be a family. Like these two will be the parents, this is the moody teen and these are the annoying children etc.
But they book this two years in advance and during that time they all fall out. They hate each others guts haven't spoken I years but they already put the down-payment on this trip and they're going to Mexico Goddammit.
So they all have to pretend to be a big happy family in public and learn everything about eachothers fake characters in the fake family but then they actually end up learning a lot about each other.
Hijinks ensue where their flights get delayed and then their car breaks down and they're basically stuck in close proximity to each other for hours. They eventually become found family through this and everything ends up great.
Bonus points if there are two ex-lovers who have to pretend to be family in front of strangers but have a passive aggressive secret argument while trying to play it off as family squabbles.
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 10 months
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• NAME: Huata Kanemoto
• AGE: 45
• STATUS: Alive
• RELATIONSHIP W/ AIKO: Non-existent
• HISTORY: There were problems with Huata even before her daughter was born. Her first child, Aiko's older brother, was a nightmare to care for, and it caused her relationship with her husband, Aiko's father, to strain. When Aiko was 7, Huata got so frustrated with her daughter that she had thrown a blade at Ai's forehead, hitting the side of her face. This caused a permanent eyebrow scar to appear and is the reason Aiko fears things being thrown at her. When Ai was 10, Huata was having a heated argument with her son who was 15, and said son accused Aiko for being the reason as to why he had recently gotten involved in a fight which resulted in him getting suspended. Huata believed him and begin to argue with Aiko. The argument escalated and Huata had had enough. She grabbed Aiko and kicked her out of the house, leaving Ai to the world. The last thing Aiko heard from her mother was, "I'm not your mother anymore."
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• NAME: Makoto Shimura
• AGE: 56
• STATUS: Alive
• HISTORY: Makoto was his mother's favourite child and it shows. He expects things to be handed to him on a silver platter, and doesn't take lightly to being given orders. He brought this mentality into his marriage with Huata. He treated her like his own personal maid and never once contributed into the raising of his two children. When his son had gotten suspended for fighting, he was the one that put the notion of it being Aiko's fault, and manipulated his son into turning on his sister. Makoto had always had a distain for his daughter, because in his eyes, she wasn't his. Looks wise, she looks exactly like him, but in personality is where it lacks majorly. He thinks she's 'way too soft' to be his, and so he never claimed Aiko as his daughter.
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• NAME: Kenzo Shimura
• AGE: 25
• STATUS: Alive
• RELATIONSHIP W/ AIKO: Distant but healing
• HISTORY: Kenzo was a bully to Aiko from the beginning. The moment she was brought home from the hospital, he had found a way to drop her from the couch their mother had placed her on. As the years passed the bullying got to the point where Aiko had developed several mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, and he is the reason for her lack in confidence. Years after Aiko had been kicked out and she was now a recently debuted Idol, Kenzo had had a mindset adjustment after realizing the how much he fucked up his own sister's life. He reached out to her and tried to make amends, but to no avail. After some convinced from her boyfriend and fellow member Hyunjin, she agreed to try and mend their relationship.
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trekahouse · 1 year
Some people feel more comfortable with you in your struggle, in your pain and in your uncertainty. So when you feel a shift in their energy as you begin to rise, it has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with how they value themselves in comparison to you.
Treka L. House
— jealousy isn’t always based on material gain.
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thedramafreeclub · 7 months
Betrayal, Fake friendships quote
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amazeicallmind · 9 months
I always thought that
That the saying
Blood is thicker than water
Was never a true statement
Because I have had older siblings
Who never made a real effort to
Be in my life so I knew that saying
Did not hold much weight,
And I also ended up being right
About people on my mom's side
Of the family that never really
Treated us like such
But my mom has always been
A person that would
Put her family first,
But I saw their true colors
When they did not contact us
For three or so years
And with how they have always
Enabled my dad's drinking problem,
Family is supposed to
Help you up
Not do everything they can
To keep you down,
And to add onto that
You guys never made an attempt
To really make me feel like I belong
But I guess that's what happens
When people get used
To having money,
They let the greed consume them
Then treat even their own family
Like they are not family,
You guys have never been
Family to me.
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ashesbreadandbutter · 2 months
Because it's just too real. Lemme go smoke another joint and calm down for a minute.
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hatsumishinogu · 1 year
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Fake Family [Last Volume]
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romantasyreader28 · 3 days
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sufferbuddies · 5 months
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