#I get that you saw Tom Kings work. So did I. I hate that fuck. But I personally prefer the scene of him in JL with Ace on the swings
batfamfucker · 1 year
There are four main types of Batfam fans in regard to how people interpret Bruce Wayne as a dad (/Joking. This is mostly satire and should not be taken seriously):
Fans that think Bruce is emotionally constipated and isn't the best at being a parent but still tries (Differs per person). Don't necessarily think he's absuive but thinks he can be toxic or have unhealthy expectations for the Robins. Can smell the Oldest Daughter Syndrome coming from Dick and have Family Line (By Conan Gray) as their top song on their Dick inspired playlist and Daddy Issues (By The Neighbourhood) for Jason.
Fans that choose to believe Bruce goes to therapy in their own canon. Love B:WFA. Thinks the comic can be cheesy at times and so find a balance between B:WFA Bruce and Please Go To Therapy BruceTM as their middle ground. He struggles. They advocate that Bruce is not a bad parent, he just has bad writers that seem to forget Bruce wouldn't hurt kids, especially not his own. Love the humane moments and scenes he has in BTAS and the early JL cartoons. He may not be perfect but he's not literally abusive. Whores for Bruce being able to admit when he is wrong and for Jason and Bruce reconciling. I recommend Grow As We Go by Ben Platt for this one.
A mix between the first two. Was fine-ish when Dick was younger. Didn't help him in the healthiest way but eh. Still emotionally constipated but that happened more so after Dick left and Jason died. Started getting better when Tim came back but was still closed off. Should probably go to therapy with the kids so they can drag his ass about all the things he's done that have actually affected them negatively. Understands his mistakes and is also able to admit when he's wrong, eventually. It's not easy but he starts to do better and learns to be more emotionally available. Still has to get chewed out by Alfred sometimes but definitely better than he used to be and it shows. Reconciliation is slow and gradual but progress is made for everyone involved.
The one's I personally avoid for my own sanity and wellbeing:
Think Bruce is a complete bastard and abuser. Want him to choke. Hate any and all interpretations of him. Some of which will refuse to understand how anyone could have a different interpretation. Will point out comics where, in all fairness, he is a dick but forget that characterisation can significantly differ from one series to the next, as comic characters are constantly passed around to different writers and have been for decades. Not to mention movies, shows, etc.
#Bruce Wayne#Batman#Batfam#Batdad#I'm not tagging everyone in the Batfam I can't be assed#Sorry there's like 500#Bruce has a child for every mental disorder he has#Dick is his ADHD. Jason is his C-PTSD. Tim is his Anxiety. Cass is his OCD. Damian is his Autism.#Like bro the therapist is RIGHT there#You have the money just GO#I am a mix of 2 and 3 tbh but more so 2 because he is my comfort fictional father figure. I already have a shit dad irl#I'm not dealing with it in my favourite media too#Type 4 fans scare me I lowkey see so many people like that and I'm like. If the block button wasn't free. I'd be in debt by now#I get that you saw Tom Kings work. So did I. I hate that fuck. But I personally prefer the scene of him in JL with Ace on the swings#Or the one with him playing with shape block toys with a baby whilst Supes and WW handle the questioning#Or when he hugs literally any of his kids#Or the one of him and Jason watching a movie and eating popcorn when Jason's ill. And they have the picture of them posing#Or when he cried in Flashpoint over the letter his dad left him because the little boy in him needed that#Plus any time Bruce and Clark interact as Best Friends. The Golden Age comics where they were basically Dick's gay dads 💀#But yeah. I could make a poll from this tbh.#This is a generalisation on purpose genuinely do not take it seriously#If I see ANY disclosure. It's delete and block on sight#Bruh I'm still recovering from the notes of my Fallout 4 John Hancock in a Drag Race outfit crossover post#I know it sounds like I'm being paranoid but that's because I am. You have not seen the things I have seen in my notes#You do not know of the wars I have fought of over ghoul dicks and high heels#I have seen things I can never burn from my vision. Read things I will never have the mercy of forgetting#Over silly little shitposts. Lmao. Anyway. Here. Have some food.
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byorder-fanfic · 3 years
How They Look After You When it Gets Bad: Tommy
Preference Masterlist
Requested by anonymous
Warnings: Reader going through a hard time, jealousy, doubts
Word count: 1407
Author’s Note: I really hope this is alright! In all honesty, I'm not a huge fan of Tommy but I really tried to do this well! And okay maybe I was a little harsh on him but I did try and make it sweet at the end. I hope you enjoy it and I'm wishing you all my best
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(Gif by @manie-sans-delire-x) (it was really hard to choose a gif for him cause he always looks so mentally distressed)
You always said Tommy was a control freak. He always denied it, of course, hating any opinion that strayed from his own self-image. It took a bite of your lip to prevent the comeback of that proving your point. He wouldn't listen to you- he was, after all, a control freak. Maybe it was because of the war, or simply because with a chaotic family like the Shelbys at least one of them had to try and maintain order. You supposed it was because of the horses. Horses needed to be controlled, didn't they? They needed human hands to brush their manes and clear their hooves and make their iron shoes, they needed leather between their teeth to keep them on their path and jockeys had those whips to spur them on. You thought that maybe if the rest of the world were horses, Tommy would have an easier time. Who knows why he even decided to go into all this business and politics when it, at its very heart, was surrounded by people. But he couldn't make an empire from horses. Maybe he could keep this manor and expand the betting shop to keep his family working and wealthy, but he would just be a lord in his manor. Like that Lady Carleton that he fancied.
You had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop a snigger at the thought of your Tommy living in the stables for the rest of his life, knowing that an expression of anything other than complete concentration would get you a stern telling off. Despite the threat, you looked up from your paperwork. Tommy was at the head of the desk, the smoke from his cigarette trailing around his head like a phantom crown and a pensive look on his face as he rested against his hand. The portrait of the black mare stood behind him, giving him the imposing look of a king. Hell, he was a king, wasn't he? And that made you the regent ruler- the conditional monarch. You wondered if he thought of May Carleton sometimes when he looked at you. Or maybe he thought of Greta, or Grace, or Lizzie, or Jessie or, Christ, maybe even Alfie fucking Solomons for all you knew. Lizzie said he used to fuck her face down so he could think of someone else. Maybe you were a business partner in all things, someone transactional and useful. Maybe you were a horse. He told you what to do, didn't he? He guided you like he were stood behind, holding you by the reigns. The king of all he has, even his own partner. Even you. Even the ghosts in his head that he wouldn't talk about. He never talked about much to be honest. Just sat like he did now, all thoughtful and noble. A pretty deceiving face. You wanted to ask him, to bear your heart and let him reassure you. But he wouldn't like that. And Tommy was a control freak. 
You got back to your papers, thinking you might as well do something whilst you're here. But the buzzing in your mind didn't stop biting at your thoughts, it didn't stop a tremble as you swooped your pen over the page, and it didn't stop the way your knee bounced under the desk. It was a subtle motion, the kind that was obscured and easily hid. It was something you couldn't stop doing in your nervous state, so it was something that'd have to be secret. Tommy had a plan for today: do all the paperwork, have a little chat about the business, get a drink, and then he'll fuck you. That's what he said he'd do, and Tommy like to stick to his plans. That bloody control freak. That king of the castle that left you powerless and petty as you couldn't even bounce your knee without feeling some scorn for his stupid bloody petty-
"Stop doing that."
His voice was cold as his eyes, an iciness that made you freeze with your knee mid-bounce.
"Stop what?" You gave a tilt of your head, gauging this out of him. You wanted him to admit it. If you couldn't say it, then he might as well do.
He gave a little huff, the cigarette smoke following the action like a bull breathing from its nostrils.
"Stop bouncing your knee."
How the hell could he tell? Maybe those superstitious lot were right about the Shelbys having something intrinsically magic and devilish about them.
Pettiness wasn't your thing, but here you were. Tommy sighed deeply, sitting back in his seat and looking at you with a raised eyebrow. He thought you were challenging him.
"Cause I asked you to."
Ah yes, the king's orders must be met. Even by you, supposedly his equal. But who gave the regent title? Who shared his power with you?
You looked up, giving your most argumentative look, dropping you pen onto the paper. He flinched, ever so slightly, telling you the ink must have spilt onto the paper. As if these documents weren't just ink on paper anyways.
"Why the fuck do I have to do what you asked?"
He tilted his head to the side now, eyebrows raised in complete shock. In return, you scraped your seat back on the floor so that he could see you and the knee you were bouncing. The buzzing in your mind still continued, but now there was that little sick joy in defying Tommy that helped ease the insecurity.
"If you're going to act like a child-"
He was going to make a long list of threats, you knew it, but you cut him off with a laugh.
"Please, Tom, you're the one whose acting like a child." His lips pursed in the same argumentative way as when you told him he was a control freak. "You're the one who insists on routines and plans and not bouncing my fucking knee!"
"Christ, not this again Y/N." His hand smoothed over his creased face, looking so tired of this. So tired of you.
"Who do you see when you look at me?" You asked, making him stop completely. You saw the cogs in his mind turning as he tried to understand the words you were saying. Despite everything, you were quite proud at your little victory of rendering Thomas Shelby speechless. "Lizzie said you used to see Grace or Greta when you came to her. Who do you see for me, huh?" He was shaking his head, words at the tip of his silver tongue that you wouldn't let spill quite yet. "Cause it ain't me, is it? Otherwise I could do what I damn well pleased, like bounce my fucking knee! Or spend a day doing what I want, not this fucking paperwork and fuck you like I'm some whore you're paying to fuck someone else!" You stood up from your chair, towering over him as you leaned over the desk. "I won't have it. I won't."
Something in him seemed to shift. Not soften necessarily, just change ever so slightly. Tommy too stood up from his desk taking a few careful strides around the desk until he just in front of you.
"Come here." Being the control freak he was, Tommy was the one that wrapped his arms around you first, pulling you towards his chest. You easily let him, always feeling slightly safe at the way he handled you like this. He smelled like smoke and booze and mint leaves, but you wouldn't trade your place nuzzling your nose against his neck for anything. You never thought of anyone else except Tommy- why couldn't he do the same?
"I think of you, love." He muttered, voice still calm and undisturbed. "I always think of you. At work, at home, at the fucking stables. You're always on my mind." 
You were still close to him, hearing his heartbeat and wishing you had the ability to sniff out bullshit like the rest of the Shelbys could.
"I know I'm a bit of a control freak, alright? But I'm yours."
You weren't certain if it was his confession of possession, or the admittance of his neurotic behaviour that made you lean back and look at him with the biggest grin you could muster. Your hands found their way to the side of his jaw, bringing him closer to you.
"All fucking mine." 
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savageandwise · 2 years
Fucking fabulous, because I swear I can hear him say it
LATE. But here you go!!!
And there he was, Mr. Fucking Fabulous, right in the dairy section holding a fucking family sized tub of Greek style yoghurt. Liam really ought to have thought about it better but he'd run out of pineapple and it just wasn't breakfast these days without it. He'd dropped into the Waitrose at King's Cross thinking he'd just be in and out with no one the wiser. Noel's new studio was nearby, wasn't it? Of course it was. He knew that. Lone Star Studio. Like he was from Texas or summat.
It had been a few days and then some since they last saw each other. And Liam was working himself up to the stage were was starting to think he'd imagined it. It wouldn't be the first time to be honest. Occasionally he'd have a dream so fucking vivid so fucking real, he could still feel Noel, he could still smell him. That Tom Ford scent Liam had hated the first time he smelled it, hair product and sex and that. It wasn't a dream though, it really happened. And then it happened again. And now he was in Waitrose and so was Noel. His whole body tingled. It had been that way since he could remember. Like a compass caught in a magnetic field. He never knew which way was north or south.
Liam ducked into the next section so he could figure out what to do next. Walk right up to him boldly? Drop the pineapples and run? Stroll by him casual-like and wait for Noel to notice? His phone gave a little 'ping' announcing the arrival of a text message.
You hiding from me? Cowardly cunt.
What? Liam typed back at once.
"Hiding," an amused voice said. "Pretending to study the tinned peaches." And there was Noel leaning casually on his cart and grinning.
"Not hiding," Liam said sullenly. "Debbie asked me to buy…" His eyes full on a row of tins to his right. "...fava beans…" 
"Fava beans, eh?" Noel wrinkled his nose.
"You got something against them?"
"Not sure I ever ate a fava bean to be honest."
"Shut up about the fucking beans, you fucking idiot!" Liam exclaimed, flustered.
"Alright, Liam. What do you want to talk about, then?" Noel asked levelly.
Liam shrugged. He wanted to talk about how they'd stood in that hotel room not speaking for ages just sort of circling each other like boxers. And then he lunged and so did Noel and the rest was history. He couldn't exactly remember the details.
That's a lie.
He remembered grabbing hold of every part of Noel he could reach. His brain dimly registering that if he could paw aside all that clothing, it would feel better. Skin to skin. At last. The first time in ages. And they kissed so hard it felt like they were trying to chew each other's faces off. 
"I've forgotten how this works," Noel had said, struggling to open Liam's belt.
"No, you haven't. Like riding a bike."
It was more like Liam imagined paragliding to be. Once you get over the initial fear of falling and let the wind carry you, you feel on top of the world. 
"Smells good, your scent," Liam had said, when he could speak again, when their breathing had slowed. "After all."
"After all? What's that mean? After all? It's fucking fabulous. That's what it's called. Fucking Fabulous. That's the name of it."
"I dunno...didn't smell good at first. But I like it now. Smells of nappies or summat."
"Nappies! Are you cracked? Do you know how pricey it was?"
"Fresh ones. Fresh...I like it…nappies smell fucking good. You know, baby powder...and clean and...I dunno. You smell of pricey nappies sprinkled with cocaine...I like it."
"Nappies and cocaine? You're worse than you ever were," Noel announced. But he kissed him again anyway.
Liam rubbed his nose against Noel's neck greedily, and when he went home hours later he could still smell Noel, even after having a shower.
"What do you want to talk about?" Noel repeated. He'd walked over to take a pineapple out of Liam's hands, placed it in his cart.
"Nappies," Liam said at last, leaning in for a whiff of that heady scent. "And cocaine.
"Fucking Fabulous."
"Fabulous fucking," Liam countered.
"Not here," Noel said warningly.
"In the studio." They said simultaneously.
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call them daddy in front of the team.
Miya Atsumu x Reader
Miya Osamu x Reader
Anon,,,,,, I..... I did not mean to go off the way I did. And for the Miya twins?! This is so humiliatingggggg,,,, ugh I’m gonna go...... bathe in atsumu content. 
S M U T 
WC- 1,919
Miya Atsumu
Atsumu is such a fsfhweufhwei,, I hate him, please this bitch would be soooo annoying
Tsum-Tsum would probably be proud that you called him daddy in front of others, whether it was accidental or not
Even though, he is a little selfish at times and would very much like to keep you to himself,
You and Atsumu are not exactly ‘offical yet’, you might as well be though
I mean, what else do you call two people who fuck around with only each other and no one else?? That’s dating…….
Especially since a motherfucker caught feelings, but you don’t need to tell Atsumu that yet
“Why does he look like a character from a manhwa I read?” Your friend trails off while staring down at the setter, her eyebrows are pinched together in thought
“Please stop talking.” You beg but she simply shakes her head
“Who does he look like….” She mumbles and you roll your eyes, Atsumu does not need to get his head any bigger by knowing that he looks like a handsome cartoon character “This is going to bug me all day”
“Why did we come to their practice match?” You ask instead and she clasps her hands together excitedly
“Because Oijro is a hottie!” Her voice echos throughout the gym and you bite your tongue to stop yourself from laughing at the way multiple people turn and look at her
“You got a point there,” You can’t help but admit, Ojiro is hot
“But Atsumu, ah!” She starts fanning herself and your face pinches with disgust
“Atsumu is not hot and has the personality of a toothpick” Your insult sounds throughout the gym, not that you or your friend noticed, your friend simply scoffs and flips her hair
“I don’t want to hear it from you, ‘miss I would call Atsumu daddy’!” Your jaw drops at her words and you immediately sputter excuses
“I never said that!”
“Yes, you did!” She pushes
“Why the fuck would I say that I would call Atsumu ‘daddy’, do I look like the type of person to do that?” You screech and your friend nods slowly and places her hands on her hips
“Uh yeah” She answers like it is the easiest thing in the word, she interest herself in her nails rather than your seething form in front of her
“Fuck you” You gasp mockingly, placing your hand over your heart in feign hurt
“Why don’t you fuck Atsumu first” She retorts 
“Already did!”
“You motherfucker-“ 
You aren’t sure what you’re scared of more, the look of horror on your friend's face or the volleyball that hits the railing you were leaning on. However, when you see the look of anger on Atsumu’s face, you know which one is more terrifying. Your eyes trail to his figure and notice he is in the corner of the court, fuck he was serving.
The rest of his team are trying to hold back their laughter, even Kita is laughing loudly at you and your friend’s bickering
“I interrupted his serve,” You gasp in horror and your friend pinches her lips together, her eyes filled with guilt
There was something deep in Atsumu’s eyes and you could tell just by the passive look on his face that tonight he is going to ruin you
“Nice and loud for daddy.” Atsumu plunges deep inside of you, his hips ram into the back of your thighs over and over again. Your eyes prick with tears at the sensation and you moan loudly while squeezing around his length. “There you go, baby.” 
This is so humiliating, the way Atsumu has you positioned. You’re on your hands and knees while he mounts you with the ferocity of a beast.
“You know I hate it when little girls disrupt my serve,” He growls out, and you whimper when his hand comes down to strike your ass. “so why did you do that? Hmm, squealing with your friend like a little pig?” Atsumu spits his words and you feel your heart clench at his anger and disappointment.
“Atsumu, I-I’m sorry-“ You begin to apologize but he simply interrupts you with another slap. “Daddy.” You whimper and your eyes fill with tears at the sting, at the sound of your sniffles Atsumu pulls out of you. He gently places his hands on your shoulders to rest you on your back before climbing on top of you.
Atsumu eagerly fills you once more, this time more gently, while he kisses the tears off your cheeks.
“You’re sorry, baby?” He grunts and you nod too many times, the guilt in your eyes makes Atsumu’s head hurt. “It’s okay. Did daddy hurt your feelings?” His question almost sounds sarcastic and you’re not sure how to respond. “Awe, sweet girl. Let daddy take care of you now.” 
Atsumu moves one of his hands down to fondle your clit while slowly thrusting into you, allowing you to feel every inch of his hard cock toying with your walls.
“Thank you, daddy,” Your back arches off the bed and Atsumu is quick to take one of your nipples into his mouth, rolling the nub into a peak with his tongue. The moan that leaves your mouth bounces off the walls of his bedroom and you feel Atsumu twitch inside of you.
“That’s it, baby, let it all out.”
Miya Osamu
Osamu probably wouldn’t care, maybe he’d laugh at the embarrassed looking on your face but other than that, he thinks it’s funny
Though if Atsumu teases him enough, he will cuss a bitch out
Myaa-sam is such a cutie, much more of an angel than his demonic brother 
It’s a random Saturday afternoon and you’re hanging out with your boyfriend in his room, with his brother….. of course
Osamu has his window slightly open and the summer air flows into his room, you’re laying upside down on his bed while playing your switch
Atsumu is scrolling through YouTube with his back resting against the bed and Osamu is at his desk ‘trying’ to do his homework
Keyword : trying
“Now a loser who can’t even set the ball,” Atsumu narrates the video he is watching and you lean over his shoulder to look at the player
“Who even is that?” You ask out of curiosity and Atsumu shrugs
“Just some player I know from the training camp I went to” His reply is so nonchalant that you barley even miss the insult
“Clearly he knows how to set the ball if he went to the training camp Tsum-Tsum” You tease and Atsumu groans in annoyance
“Why did you let her meet Bokuto and Akaashi?” The kinpatsu stares at his brother, Osamu simply flicks him off and continues to focus on his book
“Leave him alone, he’s trying to study~” You narrow your eyes at your boyfriend, annoyed that he isn’t paying attention to you
You can’t blame him though since he is working on school work
“(Y/N), he is reading some cooking magazine” Atsumu rolls his eyes and you place the switch down softly before standing up and walking over to your boyfriend “Oh, I’m going to fuck Tom Nook up!” Atsumu grabs the switch and starts peacefully playing the game
“‘Samu,” You groan and wrap your arms around his shoulders, cuddling into his neck and looking at the paper in front of him
Yup, he is actually looking at all the different ways to make rice balls
You know he isn’t going to pay attention to you, but maybe…. Just maybe it will work if you text him instead
You grab your phone from your back pocket to text your boyfriend
You : Tell Atsumu to leave so we can fuck
You : Please, daddy???
Osamu’s phone vibrates on the edge of his table beside his bed, right where Atsumu is
You watch in horror as the setter grabs the phone and you jump on top of him to get it back
“Atsumu, give me that!” You screech and try to grab Osamu’s phone
“You’re one of those psycho girlfriends aren’t you, let’s find out if Osamu is a cheater!” He gasps excitedly and you two barley notice how Osamu’s eye starts twitching
“No!” You cry
Atsumu finally ends up on the other side of the room while you sit on top of Osamu’s bed with humiliation written all over your face
“Oh,” The blonde snickers and screenshots the messages “now that is going to the group chat”
Atsumu laughs once more before throwing metaphorical shame on you, he places the phone down by his brother and skips out of the room
“Osamu do something!” You whine and move to stand next to him, filled with enough embarrassment to last a lifetime
Your boyfriend simply wraps his arm around your waist and brings you down onto his lap, his lips are pressed into the top of your head as he continues to read through the magazine like the unbothered king he is
“Don’t you want to know what I texted you?” You ask and Osamu shrugs
“I saw it when Atsumu put it down”
Ah, fuck.
Osamu stills inside of you, you’re resting on his lap and desperately want to move but your boyfriend refuses to let you. His large hands hold you flush against his chest despite the way you squirm to find any sort of pleasure.
“You wanted me to fuck you, didn’t you?” Osamu asks, lazily glancing at you before going back to scroll through his phone. You know he is just doing this to punish you, you can feel the way he is grinding against you, you’ll need to coax him into moving. Eagerly you nod, answering his question just as quickly as he asked it.
“Daddy,” You moan quietly into his ear and Osamu drops his phone onto the table. He leans back in the chair and brings his hand down to slap your clit, the noise resonates throughout the room and the bitter sting leaves tears in your eyes. “please fuck me.” You beg and Osamu lays another blow onto your cunt.
“Fuck yourself, darling.” He commands lowly and your eyes widen at the task, you lift yourself off his lap before falling back down. Your head leans back at the sensation of being stuffed full, with Osamu’s cock so deep inside of you that you can barely think straight. Your boyfriend leans forward to attach his lips to your throat, sucking deeply into the skin just to make you gasp.
“Daddy, daddy.” You cry out and Osamu moans against your neck, you grab onto his hair and pull tightly. There is something about Osamu’s moans that make your insides churn with need. You need him to fuck you so badly.
Just as you were told, you continue to fuck yourself on his dick. Osamu preoccupies himself with your neck and occasionally lays more blows to your clit in a way that runs you up the wall.
“Keep going, you’re such a good girl.” He praises and you feel the compliment fuel your orgasm. “A good girl with the most delicious little cunt.” He nips at your ear and you fall against his chest tiredly, you can’t do it anymore.
“Please, please, fuck me, daddy.” You weakly clutch his shoulders and Osamu grabs onto either side of your hips with both of his hands while planting his feet onto the floor.
“Since you asked so nicely,”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane
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madswritingvoid · 3 years
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Pairing: Shane “Dio” Morrissey x f!reader
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: Angst/Fluff, hurt/comfort, swearing, Dio being rude
A/N: Hi Anon! Hope this is something close to what you were looking for, I’m still new to angsty things but I hope you enjoy xxxx
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Two weeks.
He hasn’t seen you or heard from you in two weeks. You’ve been together a whole year and this is the longest he’s been away from you, and it’s all his fault.
As he stares into his third cup of shitty black coffee, this diner isn’t as good as your usual haunt, he wonders if you’re even still together anymore? Will he ever get to hold you again? Kiss you? Touch you? Picking at his chipped black nail polish he goes over that night again and again in his head. The sun making the rings adorning his hands sparkle, the skull band you got him for your one-year anniversary offering a mocking smile.
He’d been spending a lot more time at the club lately, more time as Dio and not Shane. Being the Goth King of New York City, loved by the endless hoards of drones, and not as Shane - your boyfriend who went record shopping with you, made vampire fangs out of pretzel sticks to make you laugh, the man you love. Loved?
“What do you mean you’re heading out?” Your voice is small as you stop working on dinner to face him. He doesn’t answer at first, working on fixing the collar of his leather duster and making sure each chain around his neck is perfect, raven locks properly messed up. “Exactly what I said. I am going out, heading somewhere that is not here,” he shrugs at his reflection, still not meeting your eyes.
You scoff, “don’t talk to me like that Shane. I’m not an idiot, ” you walk up to him and place a hand on his shoulder, pushing against him so he’ll turn around and finally meet your eyes. “This is the first time in two weeks you said you’d be home, I rented Interview With The Vampire and made dinner,” you gesture to the meal simmering on your small stove. He shrugs again and takes a step away from you, “what do you want me to say? That I’d rather stay here then go out? Maybe if you had got a better movie I’d stay, but -” Your eyes narrow and you cross your arms over your chest, hip cocked to the side, ready for whatever comes next.
“Since when is that a problem? Since when do you spend every night at the club and act like staying in with me for one night is so painful?” You go out with him sometimes, of course you also like having fun, but you hate how he has to be so different when you’re out. He isn’t as affectionate, barely holding your hand as his admirers swarm around you both. At least when you’re home together or just go out for a relaxing date, you can see how free Shane is. He’s excitable, romantic, always insisting on buying you a little trinket from somewhere to commemorate the date to display in your home.
“Since you’re uninspired! When I go to the club, people made me realize how you’re not with it,” he throws his hands up. You’re stunned, since when did he give a shit about what anyone thinks about you?He said he loved that you’re not exactly like him. “You don’t get it. There they want my attention, crave my approval. You’re just here, going with the motions. I didn’t realize I’ve been wasting so much time with a drone,” he sneers, “so sorry if I don’t give a shit about Tom Cruise in a wig.”
He laughs, “oh what? Now you’re mad? Over movie night?” You’re shaking your head, looking at him but not recognizing the look in his eyes, the eyes you adore. “Why are you being like this? You may have everyone at that club thinking your shit doesn’t stink, but don’t you dare act like you’re too good for me. We share a bathroom,” you smirk. He bristles, yeah maybe he’s wrong. A movie night with you is better than going to the club, but he can do whatever he wants and shouldn’t have to explain himself to you. A King shouldn’t have to explain to anyone.
“Shut up, you think you’re being so clever. But we both know you’re not, always so afraid of what people are thinking about you, about what I think about you,” he sneers. “I said I didn’t want to watch a movie, I want to go to the club, that’s the end of this discussion and you can apologize to me when I come back,” with that he gives you a once over before nodding a bit, deciding he’s done with this conversation.
“Then don’t come back.” You whisper, your voice low but strong. “Get the fuck out Dio,” you growl, you never call him Dio, “I don’t know where this is coming from, but you will not speak to me like that. I love you, but I do not deserve to be treated like this. Not by anyone.” He’s just staring at you, slack jawed. Sure, you’ve had fights before, but it’s never felt like this. So final. Now he scoffs and takes a step towards you, “where am I supposed to go?”
Your eyes harden, “I’m sure the King won’t be left stranded, someone willing to give you everything you’re obviously missing here.” He heads for the door, hearing you finally start to break down as the door shut behind him.
That was it. He tried coming home after his night out but the door was locked, and you didn’t leave his key under your welcome mat like you always did. He slept in the hallway until he woke up to you throwing a bag of his clothes on him, slamming the door shut without a word. It feels like he’s in some shitty movie, just scenes of him sleeping on a different couch flashing by as he thinks about how much he loves you.
He didn’t deserve you. You saw past Dio, and wanted to know Shane, love Shane. You’d dye is hair black when his roots came in and painted his nails while watching some shitty horror movie, always happy to do the little things to make his day easier. You didn’t seek his approval but valued his opinion as your partner, your equal. He didn’t have to be “on” when he was with you, just Shane. And he fucking missed it.
“I’m so fucking stupid,” he grumbles to himself. Throwing down the cash for his coffee, plus a tip (another thing you made sure he did), he went about his new mission. He hit up all your favourite stores, not that you were someone who could be bought, but he made a small basket of things he remembered you saying you loved or were running low on. Things that would show you he listened.
He knew you were home, could hear The Smiths bleeding into the hallway as he got closer to your door and sighed, you onto turned to Morrissey when it was bad. Shuffling his care package in his hands he knocks firmly to cut through “There Is A Light That Never Goes Out”. Shane knows you heard him because it’s suddenly quiet on the other side of the door and the soft sounds of you shushing a meowing Lucifer get closer. He isn’t sure if you looked through the peephole with how quickly you appear in front of him, but the hard look in your eyes says otherwise.
“No,” is all you say. Shane’s knees feel like they’re about to buckle, seeing you for the first time in so long, all he can focus on is how beautiful you are. He wants to drop to his knees right there, bury his face in your stomach as he cries his apologies. But that’s not what you needed. “Please, please let me just apologize,” he pleads, “I was an asshole, a real jerk, a-” you cut him off with a hand over his mouth. “Yes, you were those things then and are probably still those things now, come in and we’ll talk even if you don’t deserve it.”
Following you into the apartment like a puppy dog, Shane waits for you to motion to the couch to take a seat. Lucifer hopping up beside him immediately, happy to see him. “So, what is supposed to be happening here?” You’re rubbing in between your eyes, already wanting Shane gone. You missed him so much, like your heart had been ripped out of your chest, but you deserved an apology and you didn’t think “Dio” would ever admit to being wrong. “What is happening here, is that I’m an asshole,” he says confidently causing you to freeze. 
“These two weeks have been torture, I feel like I’m a hollow shell just waiting to be sucked into the black hole of nothingness. You are my heart, my everything. You deserve the world, and not some asshole telling you that you’re a drone when you are everything. You are all I want and I don’t deserve you, I know that, but please let me try to show you,” he puts the care basket on the table, “please let me be worthy of your love again.” You cautiously start to ruffle through the basket, eyes watering as you realize what’s inside. Taking a deep breath you meet his eyes, glassy with unshed tears. “Shane. I love you, I love you so much it hurts. But you can’t talk to me or anyone like that. You’re so much better than whatever the fuck that was. I am willing to try and work through this, but it will take time. I deserve better,” you sit beside him finally, taking one of his hands in yours.
“Anything,” he promises, dropping to his knees in front of you. “Anything you want or need me to do, I’m ready to do it. I want to be good for you, show you the love you deserve,” he’s kissing your joined hands. He wants to say more but the tears he’s been holding in finally fall and he buries his face in your lap. You free one hand to start stroking his hair and kissing his temple. “We’ll just take it one step at a time,” you soothe.
 “Whatever you want, my queen, my soul, whatever you want.”
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writernotwaiting · 3 years
Loki Meta Nobody Asked For, part 3--All MCU Lokis are AU fan fiction Lokis
There is so much in part 3 that I really wanted to see and I very much want to celebrate, but once again, I am conflicted.
Ok. Good things: Loki and his magic. Loki and fighting. Loki and improvisation. Loki as bisexual. Loki talking about his mother. Loki showing a moral compass.
All of these are Most Excellent Things: • Loki here is finally not a de-powered pushover. His illusions are effective. He teleports over a short distance. He resists Sylvie’s mind control. He stops a multi-ton support tower from falling and pushes it back up into place!!!! • He fights effectively--finally! Granted, his dagger misses its mark, but he was drunk, so I’ll give him a pass on that. Aside from that, he finally shows us some highly effective hand-to-hand combat skills. Thankyouverymuch for acknowledging that Loki survived a millennia of life in a warrior culture. He was raised by a warrior king. His brother is a Hero(tm). There’s no way he didn’t learn some skillz. His ineffective fighting in episode 2 can easily be attributed to the fact that he was pulling his punches when he was fighting the human shields Silvie possessed. • Loki’s character explicitly acknowledged their queerness!!!! This makes my little queer heart glow bright, and I think needs no more comment. Just . . . yesssss! • Loki loves his mom. Loki is conflicted about that relationship because They Lied To Him.  And did I mention that Loki speaks wistfully about his mother and a bit about the fact he was adopted and no one told him until he already pretty much found out (in the most awkward way ever). Even Sylvie thought that was pretty poor parenting. Good stuff. • Loki really doesn’t want to kill innocent bystanders and only attacks folks who attack him first. He is also kind of appalled to hear that the TVA workers are all variants who’ve had their minds wiped. Again, this is all excellent, and fits well with the Loki we met in Thor I who just really wanted to make sure his war-mongering brother didn’t sit on the throne until he grew up a bit, and then Everything Got Way Out of Control. • We see Smart!Loki in action, as opposed to hear Mobius flatter Loki to get him to cooperate. While one of Loki’s attempts at deception fails miserably, the other works (with Sylvie’s help). This is all excellent and made me Very Happy Indeed!
[more below the break]
I also very much liked many parts of his interactions with Sylvie, and the fact that we got a tiny bit of her backstory (and I love her insistence on her own identity--this is very much I think a Loki thing, “I am not you. I am my own thing, thank you very much”). This relationship has a great deal of potential for complexity and depth. I am totally here for enemies to frenemies to allies if that’s where the series is going.
I like the reveal that the TVA agents are all variants themselves who have been “wiped” and indoctrinated. We are finally getting more obvious hints at the insidiousness of the TVA.
So why am I still conflicted about the series? Well, here is what I did not like: • Loki’s improvisation with the old woman--he had too little information to pull off an effective scam like that and he would have known that. He had a photograph. A black and white photograph--no voice, no personality, no coloration, no body language; he didn’t even know if the picture really was one of a husband and not some other type of relation. There was no way it would ever work. He should have known that. Loki would have known that. • His voice and body language when he pretended to be a guard was stupid and unconvincing, not mimicry. That was a joke. • The getting drunk thing. I found this not only disappointing but insulting and also possibly lazy on the part of the writers. It felt completely out of character. In fact, Sylvie felt much more “Loki-ish” in this scene than Loki did. I just cannot in any universe see Loki doing anything like this under these conditions. They are undercover in a high-pressure situation in which they are about to be wiped out of existence if they fuck things up, and Loki decides to get drunk? No. This is a virtually suicidal loss of control. They have no idea how long they would be on that train or what they would have to deal with later. They have no idea what sort of security is in place on the train. Why did they even stop in a bar, of all places? Why not find a sleeper car and stay out of the way? For that matter, why not just find seats? Why would a guard be sitting in a booth at a bar with a prisoner? They wouldn’t. Loki’s sense of self-preservation is stronger than that. He’s smarter than that. It was stupid and out of character and also unnecessary--there are so many other ways they could have gotten them shoved off that train that did not involve Loki making a spectacle of himself. It was, in fact, a very Thor thing to do, not Loki-like at all. • I still feel as though Tom is over-emoting in all of the scenes that are less than life-or-death. It does not feel like the Loki I met in Thor I and The Avengers. That Loki had a length of re-bar up his spine and only genuinely smiled when he looked at Thor (when Thor was smiling).
I feel like Tom is playing two Lokis in the show--the one that fights his way out of tight spots and occasionally deals with his difficult family issues, and the other is a parody of mischief!Loki--whose face is extremely emotive and who wants to bare his soul to whomever looks vaguely as though they’ll listen to him.
So, here’s my mid-series conclusion. All MCU Lokis are fan fiction Loki’s of the comics. Among those MCu fan fics are three distinct AUs.
1. The Loki we meet in Thor I, The Avengers, and Thor II. This Loki works hard to bury his emotions. His body language is generally stiff and prickly. He is the product of growing up in a culture that is driven by a toxic masculinity and devalues those traits that are coded “feminine” such as all of those things Loki excels at. Because of this, he has gotten the message his entire life that he is with less that the Golden Child that is Thor. He loves his brother with all his soul but resents him because his father placed them in competition with one another. All of this was reinforced by growing as the “tag-along” little brother who was tolerated but not embraced by Thor’s closest friends. This Loki becomes self-destructive and suicidal, experiencing a psychotic break as a result of revelations about his adoption and internalized racism. He spends who-knows-how-long falling through the void enduring perhaps months of sensory deprivation only to be tortured and manipulated by Thanos. He emerges from that experience Truly Fucked Up, stopped of much of his power because he’s had the living shit kicked out of him. But his core self is still there somewhere--a core self that loves his brother, that craves affection, that really hates what Asgard has done to him but still has a moral compass in there somewhere that says wiping out the entire universe is a bad thing and I guess protecting helps humans is something he ought to do since his brother loves them.
2. The Loki we meet in Ragnarok and IW. This isn’t really the same guy as Loki #1. It’s a fan fiction AU in which Loki has no trauma to deal with. He is a manipulator. But he is a manipulator because he is a survivor. He does what he has to do in order to be not dead, and if he can also have some luxury while he does it, well, that’s a bonus. Theoretically, he is a powerful mage--since he was able to overcome Odin and place him in a nursing home--but we don’t see any of that on screen. He is revered Mostly Harmless by the narrative. There is no re-bar up his ass. His body language is much more loose and emotive. His characterization has been flattened out in order to serve as a narrative foil for Thor, and will be bridged in IW to serve Thor’s character development (yet another feminization of his character). Many people really enjoyed this version of Loki. But let’s be clear, he isn’t the same Loki we met in the other three movies.
3. The TVA Loki. This Loki is a new fan fiction. A third AU. This Loki is slightly closer to Loki #1 in that his characterization is a bit more complex than Loki #2. He is smarter. He is more versatile and powerful. He has a backstory that isn’t being mocked. His queerness is not being used to villain-code him. But it would be wrong to say he’s the same Loki that we saw in the first three movies. This Loki’s trauma is all family-related, which great, at least they acknowledge that.
However, he clearly is not the PTSD!Loki that we see in TDW. They have decided (at least so far) to completely ignore what happens between Thor I and The Avengers. I’m not quite sure why it’s ok to deal with trauma when it’s Bucky Barnes and Tony Stark, but not ok when it’s Loki, but this is the decision the director made, and if I want to enjoy the show, I have to be ok with that. So that’s what I’m going to do right now. The Loki show is fan fiction. It’s an AU. And it does a pretty good job at doing that.
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Liquid Courage | Tom Hiddleston x Reader
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Summary:  When the hotel loses you reservation, you are forced to turn to the last person you would ask for help, Tom. But you are not facing him without a liquid courage, in the form of whiskey.
Warnings: smut, oral sex, vaginal sex
“What do you mean you can’t find my reservation?” you hissed at the hotel employee.
“I apologize, ma’am but there is nothing in the system. Perhaps another name?” The employee tried to be helpful, but it only caused your anger to grow.
“There is no other name!” you pounded your fists against the counter. A deep chuckle filtered from beside you. You whipped around to see Tom Hiddleston standing next to you, shoulders shaking as the hotel clerk handing him a room key.
“Having a spot of trouble?”
“No.” you responded emphatically. You refused to give Tom the satisfaction of getting to you.
“Well, if you need a place to crash…” Tom smiled. “… I am sure there is a comfortable couch in the lobby.
“Room 205, Mr. Hiddleston. Elevators are to left.”
“Thank you, sir.” Tom gave you a brief salute. “Good luck.”
You returned your attention to the poor clerk standing in front of you. “Can I just pay for a hotel room?”
“We are completely booked for the weekend, ma’am.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. “Another hotel perhaps?”
“On convention weekend, you must be joking! Everything has been overbooked and oversold for months.”
You dropped your head to press against the cool marble counter. “What do you suggest I do?” Your voice cracked as you held back tears.
“Either bunk up with someone or as your friend suggested, there is a couch in the lounge.” He gestured at an uncomfortable chaise in the corner. You swore you could see stains from where you stood.
“Thanks. Where’s the bar?”
He pointed off to the side. You thanked him and lugged your bags with you. Perhaps a stiff drink will help calm you down.
Several Hours Later
A nice dinner and several whiskeys only made you tipsy. You still didn’t have a room. No one could explain where your reservation went, and the clerk was right; not a room to be found anywhere. You decided to take drastic measures.
“One moment.” Tom called to his hotel door. He didn’t expect anyone this late in the evening. Room service already been delivered and devoured.
“Hello, can I…” he smiled as he opened the door to find you standing there, bags in hand. “… help you?”
“They lost my reservation. There are no rooms anywhere in town.”
“Is there a question somewhere in there?”
You took a deep breath. “Can I crash here tonight?”
“Wow that painful.” Tom raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure that you wish to bring yourself down to the level of sharing a room with me?” Tom clutched his chest. “Will you survive?”
“I don’t like the idea any more than you do. But I have run out of options.”
“Nice to realize I am so high on your list. Of course, you can stay.” Tom opened the door wide to allow you entry.
“Thank you.”
You dropped your bags in the front hallway and headed straight to the mini bar.
“What on earth are you doing?” Tom questioned as he noticed the sound of glass clinking.
“If you think I am getting through this night sober, you have another thing coming. I am good for the bill.”
“The money is not my concern. Have you eaten anything today? I would rather not have to drag you to hospital to have your stomach pumped at three in the morning.” You shot Tom daggers. “It cuts into my beauty rest.”
“Yes I ate. And since when have you ever been concerned about my wellbeing?”
“Are you still mad about that? The whole thing happened what, almost a year ago?” Tom settled himself onto a large couch in the corner.
“Twenty minutes, Tom! And all you did was laugh!”
“To be fair, you weren’t in any actual danger.”
“It humiliated me. The crew never let me live the whole incident down! They taunted me until the wrap party.” You flopped down next to him, glasses in your hand. Tom accepted one.
Tom winced, he didn’t realize the extent of teasing. He hated to admit that his own reaction might have spurred on continued teasing.
“I am sorry. I didn’t realized.”
“Of course, you didn’t. Because you are Mister Tom I’m a Big Shot Actor Hiddleston.” your words slurring as the whiskey took effect.
Tom sat there sipping his drink, taking you in. Tom found himself a mix of emotions. He always respected you as an actor and enjoyed your company, when you weren’t mad at him for some unknown reason. But your spark, passion, and fire that haunted him. Sometimes at the most inopportune times.
“Where is your bathroom?” you asked, standing.
Tom rose as well and pointed towards the bedroom area of the hotel room. You made your way in that direction, hips swaying as you wobbled.
“Damn.” Tom muttered once you moved out of sight. This night was quickly becoming a problem for him.
You wandered back into the room, brows furrowed. “When were you going to mention that there is only a king sized bed?” Your nostrils flared.
“The whole sleeping arrangements didn’t cross my mine until you just mentioned it. I am sure we can work something out.”
Your anger bubbled over the top. Between the liquid courage coursing through your veins in the form of liquor and your series of rotten luck that day, you weren’t holding back.
“If you think for one minute, I am sharing a bed with you—” you yelled, stabbing your finger in his direction
“I was thinking…” Tom raised his voice to match yours. He strode towards you, hands balled into fists at your side. “… I would sleep on the couch. But hey, now that you suggested it, let’s bunk up together!”
Tom towered over you and his nostrils flared. You realized you hit a nerve.
“You chauvinistic—”
“Why do you hate me so?! I have been nothing but kind and all I get in return is contempt! What have I done to offend you?!” Tom bellowed.
“Because it is easier than the alternative!” you snapped back, not realizing what you were saying. “That if I let myself let go, I will regret it!!”
“What’s the alternative?” Tom’s tone softened. He stepped toe to toe with you.
“Use your imagination, Tom! You’re a smart guy. Use that Cambridge degree!” You didn’t realize Tom slid his arm around your waist. You were too fired up to notice anything other than his fiery blue eyes.
Tom leaned down and grazed his lips against yours. He pulled you square against his hips and deepened his kiss. You sighed and Tom slipped his tongue in.
You grabbed Tom’s neck and pulled him closer to you, matching his passion. The two of you parted and pressed your foreheads together.
“That is some imagination.” you panted.
“You should see what I can do naked.” Tom flirted.
“Is that an invitation?”
“Only if you want it to be.”
“I would hate for you to get a crick in your neck sleeping on that couch.” You teased the curls at the nape of Tom’s neck.
Tom smiled and took your hand, leading you to the bedroom. You landed on the mattress with a soft bounce as Tom stood at the end of the bed, feet wide. You licked your lips in anticipation.
“If I recall, you promised me nudity.”
“Yes, I did.” Tom pulled off his shirt and shimmied his pants and underwear off. You followed suit, pulling your dress off, leaving yourself in just a bra and panties. “Well, isn’t someone eager?” Tom quirked an eyebrow as he climbed onto the bed.
“Can you blame me?”
“Well not to toot my horn. But no.” Tom grinned.
He hooked his thumbs under your bra straps and slid them down off your arms before unhooking the clasp, allowing it to fall by the wayside. He took one of your breasts into his mouth. You arched your back to his mouth. Tom hummed against you before removing his mouth with a pop. Your other breast received the same treatment.
Tom trailed kisses down your torso and then nudged your knees open with his shoulders. His nose nuzzled against your clit through the lace fabric of your underwear and you hissed.
“Oh do we like that?” Tom teased as he ran his fingers along the waist of your underwear.
You squirmed under this touch in response. He hooked his thumbs and pulled your underwear down your legs, lifting them to assist. Tom smiled and kissed your ankle. His hand trailed up your leg and teased along your folds. He held them up, and you saw them glistening.
“Someone is excited.” Tom commented before he lowered himself between your legs.
You jumped as he licked a wide stripe along your slit. Tom wrapped one arm around your waist to press you against the mattress. His other arm pressed your leg open. Tom continued to attack your pussy and clit with his tongue, lips, and nose. Your release teased closer and closer with each stroke of Tom’s tongue. You came undone as he sucked gently upon your clit, gushing.
“You are a delight.” Tom groaned as he popped his head up, his face shining with your arousal.
He situated himself between your legs. Tom lined himself with your pussy and pushed himself in.
“Fuck, darling!” Tom moaned as he continued to push until he was fully seated.
Tom grabbed your ankles and lifted them to his shoulders, lifting your pelvis. This allowed for even deeper penetration.
“Fuck me, Tom!” you hissed.
Tom snapped his hips against you and chuckled. “That is the whole point of this, darling.”
Tom thrusted into you with vigor. His brow furrowed at the exertion. You moaned and groaned as each movement sent you closer to the edge. You locked eyes with Tom, passion flaring in both of your eyes. Tom tilted his head to kiss your ankle. It was such a soft and intimate act that your head fell back onto the pillows in ecstasy.
“That’s it, love. Cum for me. I want to feel you cum.” Tom pleaded, and he snapped his hips hard against you.
Tom’s words sent you over the edge. You let loose an obscene moan, screaming Tom’s name as you clenched around him.
“God, you are amazing. Your pussy is clenching so tight to me.” Tom growled as he spilled into you. His head fell back as he continued to thrust through both of your orgasms.
Tom stilled and dropped your feet back to the mattress before lying down beside you.
“That was better than the couch.”
You smiled up at him, dragging your fingers across his chest. “Oh I don’t know, small spaces. Very sexy. Needs a lot of creativity.” you teased, a glint of mischief in your eye.
“Why don’t you follow me to the shower and I can show you.” He gave your ass a playful swat.
“Lead the way.” you giggled. Tom grabbed your wrist and snapped you to standing, pulling you to the bathroom, the two of you laughing the entire time.
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leejungchans · 4 years
juliet’s relationships with ateez.
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they’re so beautiful i’m gonna fucking cryhdjhfjshsjs i’m going through it 💔
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juliet is the self-proclaimed favourite child of hongjoong
she was very shy pre-debut and was scared of clashing with him, so they never fought
they became a lot closer when she asked hongjoong to help her with her rapping; she was always trained to be a vocalist so she thought her rapping needed work and (shyly) approached him asking for his advice
as they became more comfortable with each other, she learnt to honestly communicate her thoughts with him
makes sure hongjoong doesn’t overwork himself; brings him food, coffee, or just accompanies him silently when he’s working; will not hesitate to use her sad puppy eyes to convince him to go back to their dorm so he can get proper rest
she always looks on with a very proud smile when she hears hongjoong speaking in english; he picked up a little bit of her aussie accent too :>
actually doesn’t mind being a little shorter than him but she wears platform shoes a lot to tease him; he has jokingly threatened to throw them away
she is very worried about his scalp; but she loved his red and blue hair, and of course the famous mullet
with hongjoong especially it’s literally “juliet see, juliet do” :c
hongjoong dotes on juliet especially because she will always be a baby in his eyes; when they first met she was around 15, so he has always been really gentle with her; he looks after her extremely well
never lets her pay for anything despite her protests
she wants to treat him to stuff too :<
overall a very wholesome relationship
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another very, very wholesome relationship
he’s so, so gentle with her but will goof around with her too :(((
is the one who brings snacks, an extra jacket or blanket for her because she always forgets
when they first debuted, juliet would be very uneasy before public appearances because of the hate and comments she’d get; seonghwa was always there to calm her down and support her
when she was still in school he would nag her to do her homework hajshwjsj
she’s close with all the boys’ family but perhaps the closest with seonghwa’s and will sometimes visit his family with him during breaks!!
seonghwa is usually the first person juliet goes to if she’s having a bad day
she clings to him a lot, like, a lot; she will attach herself to his arm like a koala any chance she gets
sharing almost identical disgusted expressions
he always makes sure she’s eating; he gets sad if she doesn’t
late night talks with warm tea
each other’s #1 hype man; as much as she acts disgusted when seonghwa does aegyo or purposefully acts sexy, you can always hear her cheering him on in the background
that doesn’t mean she doesn’t tease him though
“excuse me, please put your tongue away” “mY hiPs aRe fLeXibLe” “sO hAwT” “wOw, AmAziNg” “...please stop”
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two babies
juliet lives to see yunho smile and it’s her life’s mission to make sure he stays happy forever
yunho always gives her piggyback rides
the height difference between these two is the funniest thing ever because she isn’t even that short but she always looks like a dwarf next to yunho
“uh...excuse me, you’re forgetting something :/” “huh? ohhh...[crouches down to match her height]” “thank you :D”
yunho brings out juliet’s happiest side effortlessly because it’s just impossible to be sad around him
that being said, yunho is her designated giant teddy bear whenever she’s sad
they always start dancing out of nowhere
you will hear her whooping and cheering very loudly in the background whenever yunho twerks and stuff
yunho’s fellow harry potter fan
he likes pinching her cheeks, patting her head and playing with her hair
but if he tries to use her head as an armrest she will kick him (out of love :3)
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someone save ateez from these two because they love roasting everyone
will not hesitate to roast each other as well
best friends who judge people together
when the others say or do something questionable, you can sometimes see yeosang and juliet exchange looks or hide their faces from secondhand embarrassment
little beans who get shy easily :(
she is yeosang’s biggest hype man; he could literally just be breathing and she will still go “wow, a living statue, absolutely breathtaking” “an angel sent to us from the heavens above” “yes, vocal king! yes, dance legend!”
they do everything in tiny :((((((((
they dance to the ponytail song together
she loves his birthmark so much and practically tells him that every day; she thinks it makes him even more beautiful and unique
he likes her cooking a lot so she always makes him food and lets him help out
“please don’t cut off your finger...” “do fingers grow back?” “i don’t know but i don’t want to find out from you.”
The™ best comedic duo but no one is ready to admit that yet
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juliet constantly judges san jokingly but she’s honestly just as chaotic
he once spun her ipad on his finger and almost dropped it; she didn’t speak to him for an hour
like hongjoong, san also picked up on her aussie accent a bit
juliet goes :OOOO every time san shows off his martial arts skills
if they’re not wreaking havoc together, then one of them is filming the other wreaking havoc alone while laughing hysterically behind the camera
she looks up to san so, so much; the way he improved his dancing tremendously through hard work and determination inspires her deeply
they learn other groups’ choreographies together
hypes the other up for everything
loves his voice so much; listens to him sing with heart eyes and vice versa
so, so clingy :((( they’re just tiny babies who need a lot of love and affection
juliet loves san so much and it breaks her heart knowing that he struggles with self-esteem like she does; they have a lot of deep talks where they talk for hours in the dark
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2Min!!!!!! 🥺
a giant and a baby
that only applies to their heights, though; because they’re both babies personality-wise
juliet is either being loud and dumb with him or she’s going “ahsjajsj please stop, we’re idols •_•”; there is no in between
she’d let mingi give her more piggyback rides but the first time he gave her one he almost dropped her
juliet never shuts up about how good mingi is at rapping and dancing; she’ll tell you that at least once a day
“anyways, mingi is such a good rapper and dancer. did i mention how phenomenal he is? because he is the best rapper and dancer :]”
whenever juliet sings/dances, mingi always looks on very proudly
“our main vocalist/dancer, everyone!”
her designated giant teddy bear number 2
like with hongjoong, she makes sure mingi is eating and sleeping because he works a lot too :(
it makes mingi really happy when she tries to rap his parts
juliet is the leader of the mingi protection squad, if you hurt him she’ll actually k word you in your sleep
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2Young; when they get paired up together for stuff, they introduce themselves with “2!” “Young!”
dear god, they are so loud
she’s either the first one shushing him or the others are telling both of them to shut up
wooyoung screams a lot so to juliet the only solution is to be even louder
siblings who annoy each other but also love the other to bits and will kill for each other
one time they did a v-live together and an atiny pointed out how when juliet says “no” it sounds like “noerrrrr”; wooyoung hasn’t let it go since and clowns her for it every chance he gets
one minute they’re bickering over something stupid and the next they’re cuddling on the sofa and laughing at random stuff on their phones
wooyoung teases her for literally everything, from her height to her australian accent; it’s a miracle she hasn’t killed him yet
“wooyoung dance king!”
she loves his vocals so much :(
she also loves his laugh; she thinks it’s very contagious and it always makes her laugh even harder
very clingy pt.2 :(((((
they like to cook together; despite juliet’s constant teasing, she genuinely loves his cooking
the biggest army’s
the duo that has everyone wrapped around their fingers
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they’re the youngest ones so they’re bound to be chaotic together
they have a secret handshake!!
since they’re the only ones who don’t share a birth year with anyone in the group, they call themselves the “21st century duo”
another tom-and-jerry relationship but they love each other to bits i promise :’)
high note battles that make the others go •_•
their duets though :’)))) a blessing
when they sang miss a’s “good-bye baby” together at mama 2019
vocal legends
jongho always use the fact that she’s the youngest against her, especially when they’re asked to do aegyo
“i think the maknae should do it >:)” “jongHO SHUTUPJAGSJAJS”
“well, he’s the youngest among the boys, so i think he should go too”; cue his look of ultimate betrayal
imagine her face when she saw his red hair for the first time :(
“omgomgomg now you’re a real apple!!!” :(((((
more piggyback rides!!
okay, but juliet is honestly so grateful for jongho; they’re the closest in age so it’s always very easy for her to talk to him and she loves him a lot :’(
they understand each other very deeply and usually they don’t need to exchange words to know what the other is thinking/feeling
she can overthink a lot and in those moments he’s her voice of reason and is always there to help her through those times
partners in crime :>
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wesavegotham · 3 years
I've been out of the loop about what's been happening with DC and the Bats.
Thomas Wayne's alive? And he beat up Damian? And now he's run away? Bruce being...typical and constipated Bruce? (Ok, the last one's no surprise).
Do you know where I can find a decent summary of all these events? Thanks!
Main universe Thomas Wayne is still dead. But DC brought Flashpoint Thomas Wayne over from his universe to the main universe during Tom King's Batman run.
The run was 85 issues long and I hated it, so I don't really feel like writing a summary of the whole thing and I don't know where to find one😅
I think I remember most issues with Thomas in it though.🤔
I guess I can try to summarize those.
I remember Flashpoint Thomas Wayne first showing up during the crossover with Flash aka "The Button" early in the run. He told Bruce to stop being Batman before Bruce returned to his universe.
Then Thomas suddenly showed up in the main universe at the end of Batman #50 after Selina left Bruce at the altar. I think he reappeared in Batman #60 when he knocked Bruce out in the batcave. Then we had 9 incredibly boring issues about Bruce being stuck in fear toxin nightmares. I forgot if he showed up in Batman #69-#72, but Batman #73 and #74 had Thomas Wayne dragging Bruce and a coffin with Martha Wayne's bones in it through the desert to resurrect Martha in a new lazarus pit Tom King pulled out of his ass. Bruce stopped him from bringing Martha back, they fought, Thomas beat Bruce and left him in the desert. Idk, it was boring. King never does things in one issue if he can drag it out for two or more.
No idea if Thomas was in Batman #75 or #76. In Batman #77 Damian entered Gotham, which had fallen into Bane's hands after Batman #72, and fought Gotham Girl, a mentally unstable Superman knock-off that Thomas Wayne made into his Robin for some reason. After constraining her with magic Damian went to Thomas Wayne to fight him. Thomas didn't want to at first because he knew Damian was his grandson, but Damian provoked him until he did. Thomas beat Damian and took him hostage. To teach him a lesson he made Bane kill their other hostage, Alfred, in front of Damian since they had threatened to kill him should a bat enter Gotham previously. Alfred got his neck snapped and Damian had to watch.
Batman #78 and #79 were absolutely terrible issues, but we learned that they actually took place before Batman #77 and that Bruce had ordered Damian to go to Gotham as part of his plan in #79. In Batman #80 Bruce and Selina finally went to Gotham and fought some people working for Bane, which lead to Bane ordering Thomas to go to the batcave to execute Damian, something Bruce wanted to happen. Thomas went to where Damian was held captive and put a gun to his head. He was unable to shoot him though, Damian then freed himself and it turned out he managed to get the rest of the batfamily inside at some point before that. According to Bruce's plan they were all supposed to take out Thomas together as Bruce explained to Catwoman. Everyone was pretty mad at Thomas because of Alfred's death and they beat him up, but because Tom King is a bad writer Thomas was suddenly able to beat them all easily. Thomas went to where Bruce and Selina were fighting Bane, shot Bane in the head and Bruce in the gut. Selina already got knocked out by Bane or something, who cares.
Thomas locked Bruce in a room with Alfred's corpse in Batman #83 and made him listen to the message Alfed recorded as his last words to Bruce. Alfred explained that he couldn't escape from Bane as he was supposed to, so he lied when he sent the signal that he was safe, which had prompted Bruce to set his plan to take back Gotham into motion by sending Damian to go to the city. Alfred basically admits to comitting a pretty stupid suicide, but that is a whole other topic. There is also some pretty weird stuff in there about how Bruce was never truly happy or had a true smile on his face since the day his parents died, but when he thought he would marry Catwoman Alfred saw it again because fuck the batfamily I guess. Together with another retcon King did early in his run (changing Batman's history so that Bruce had tried to commit suicide as a child before deciding to make his vow for vengeance to his parents instead) the issue also ended up implying that Alfred watched while Bruce was contemplating suicide as a child and did nothing about it. I did not like this issue.
Batman #84 finally explained how Thomas even got to the main universe in the first place. After 34 issues🤦‍♀️
Tom King showed us that he did zero research into the Flashpoint universe and got basically everything wrong about it for no reason, but most importantly we learned that Reverse Flash rescued Thomas from his collapsing universe and brought him to the main one to fuck with him.
We learned that Thomas was kinda in love with Selina Kyle in his universe and in order to get Bruce to settle down and marry her in the main universe he joined Bane in his plan to...stop the wedding and convince Bruce to stop being Batman by breaking him emotionally and physically so that he would marry Selina? Yeah...it didn't make a lot sense. But that applies to most of King's run. The whole run falls apart if you use your brain for a few seconds.
Anyway, Bruce fought Thomas, managed to win with the help of Catwoman, Thomas went to prison or Arkham, idk, and got his back broken by a Bane with brain injuries. Bruce got his undeserved happy ending and spent most of the last issue sitting in a sports bar. Because fuck dealing with Alfred's death and the trauma he put his own child through I guess.
Thomas has not appeared again since then, we don't know if he's still alive or not.
Alfred's death was later retconned to be the reason Damian became a villain in Teen Titans, but going into detail about that would be worth its own post. As of now Damian has quit as Robin, is hiding from the batfamily and has his own ongoing with Robin #1, in which he is supposed to return to being a hero according to the writer.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 5 years
Princess of Atlantis
 Marinette has always been fully aware her father wasn’t fully human- or Tom. Her mom had met Arthur- her bio dad- on a trip to Hawaii. They’d had a whirlwind summer fling that ended with Sabine going back to China for her move to France unaware she was pregnant.
 When she discovered she was pregnant she’d contacted Arthur who had gone right to France to explain some things. Learning about the fact there was an entire world underwater? Was… interesting. Learning her daughter may be in danger because of her heritage?
 She was not happy. 
 Marinette was five when her uncle Orm attacked the surface and her father became King of Atlantis. When they’d learned he had a daughter on land they had all decided that she could not be heir given her only Atlantean abilities were breathing underwater. 
 Marinette, even at age five, had no issue with that. She did not want to rule Atlantis. She wanted to be a fashion designer. She said that to her dad when he’d broken the news. 
 “I’m going to also redesign your suit.”
 “It’s not-“
 “It’s ugly daddy.”
 She still was a princess though and had to sit in on lessons given to her by Mera, her father’s betrothed/girlfriend. Mera at least was fun. 
 She learned Atlantean design and etiquette. It was fun and enjoyable and she got to design her new step-mother’s wedding dress and her daddy’s suit for their wedding at age ten which she was thrilled about.
 Marinette grew up learning about her heritage from all sides of her family, her dad fIrm on the idea. She spent time in Hawaii with her grandfather, and later her grandmother, and time in Atlantis. She learned her Hawaiian heritage, her Chinese heritage and her Atlantean heritage from a young age.
 Children though can be cruel. Especially when afraid. A little girl with crazy wavy hair and the ability to swap between multiple languages is fun, but when a girl whose daddy has power and has taught her she can do no wrong decides she doesn’t like you… no one does.
 Marinette grew up being taunted for her differences. She saw how some people side-eyed her and her mother while walking around, how some Atlanteans sneered at her for her mostly human heritage, saw how some of the people on the islands seemed to hesitate around her. She tried to smile through it but…
 Well, in the end, it was easier to pretend. She was white-passing enough that all she needed to do was straighten her hair and stop speaking other languages.
 Her mother hated it. Her papa- Tom- did too. Her daddy did, her step-momma did. Her grandfather and grandmothers did. Kaldur, the boy who became her daddy’s apprentice and a big brother figure to her, hated it too.
 But she couldn’t keep going, couldn’t keep being taunted. So she plastered a smile on her face and pretended. And it worked- Chloe, the bully, backed off and she made some sort of friends. She even became a hero like her daddy and slowly gained actual friends. She got to make her own team like Kaldur, she got a partner she could count on, a mentor to help her out. She was happy.
 Or so she thought. 
 A liar came to school and things went all to hell. She lost everything. Her friends, her comfort she felt in her hero partner being there to help. Her team, her mentor…
 She was left holding a box full of power, tears in her eyes and a scream in her throat. She took off to Atlantis where she collapsed and sobbed into her step-momma’s dress and her daddy raged. 
 It was Kaldur who helped her.
 “Fuck them,” Kaldur told her. “They don’t deserve your tears.” He sat with her and wrapped his arms around her. “They weren’t friends. Friends don’t betray you like this. Friends stick with you even when things go to hell.” He kissed her forehead and promised to be there.
 And he was. He was there when she herself decided fuck it when she stopped straightening her hair and cut it into an undercut with one side framing her face. When she started wearing eyeliner- he even went and got some help from Nightwing for learning some dramatic ways to make her eyes pop.
 Kaldur helped her figure out how to find good people to fight with. Kagami, Luka- they were good fighters, good friends. They had her back. Luka got into fights with his sister about her and never back down. Kagami punched Adrien and told him how little she cared for him seeing how he never backed up his friend.
 Marinette started smiling again soon enough.
 “I hope Marinette doesn’t make this difficult,” Lila told Alya, pouting. “I know she has Italian heritage too but I’m fully Italian…”
 “Don’t worry girl, we’ll make sure Marinette doesn’t start anything,” Alya promised as they all sat in the classroom about to give their reports on their cultural heritage. The others nodded and all turned to the front just as Marinette walked in. She’d changed- everyone knew it. Gone was the kind girl… sort of. She was still kind, but she stopped looking like she used to her. Her hair was short, she wore dark make-up, and she dressed in loose and comfortable clothing that made her look badass honestly. She also apparently had tattoos but no one had believed it- until today when she came in with no sleeves and showing off her tattoos on her arms.
 “Oh god, where did she get those?” asked Juleka in shock. “They’re badass.”
 “Maybe they’re gang signs,” Lila said slyly, smirking as everyone began whispering about this new rumour.
 “Class,” Ms. Bustier- the woman had moved with them to lycee because Chloe had demanded her favourite teacher be moved with her- began. “Marinette will be going first on her report as she needs to leave for a family thing.”
 “What?” Alya asked. “But Lila’s the full Italian! Shouldn’t we learn about the culture from her?” everyone nodded. Marinette stared at them, face blank.
 “...Nino, you’ve known me since we were kids. You know Tom’s not my bio dad.” Marinette said and the class froze.
 “... Shit, I forgot.” Nino admitted while Marinette rolled her eyes hard. 
 “I figured. So no, I’m not doing Italian anyway.” She turned and began setting up her powerpoint, ignoring the class. Lila was angry. She had hoped to whine and cry that Marinette had stolen some of her points about her heritage or make some comment about Marinette obviously having stolen her report. Now she had to actually do it. “As everyone knows- and I did do a previous report on it- my mother is Chinese. What few others know is that my bio father is kānaka ʻōiwi, or Native Hawaiian as some know them as.” Marinette continued her report, showing off interesting legends about her father’s people and even speaking of her tattoos. “They were done in the traditional way and it really hurt but I think they’re pretty amazing. I don’t have much- just a few that my dad thought fit me.” Marinette grinned and everyone looked at each other feeling uncomfortable. When her report was done she left with a wave and a very awkward class.
 Not that she cared, she was busy focusing on the fact uncle fucking Orm wanted to see her. Orm- as in her weedy uncle who still hated all land walkers. And who looked like a dork and still wouldn’t take her advice about his hair.
 Walking up to the living room, she wanted to whine upon seeing him. He was looking annoyed while sitting on the couch.
 “What’s going on that I needed to ditch school?” she asked, feeling annoyed at seeing him. She had stopped wanting to do everything for everyone. She’d stopped trying to be a people pleaser. It was annoying and frustrating. Kaldur had taken her to meet Red Robin who was similar to her in that way and they’d both had a nice long bitch out about everything before they’d both decided to stop it. Stop trying to help people who never said thanks, stop trying to please everyone. 
 She enjoyed the chaos the class had become and loved hearing about how much of a shit show Gotham’s Batfam had become themselves before they actually started trying again.
 “We need someone to run Atlantis,” Orm said darkly. She stared at him.
 “Oh fuck no. No- nope. Nuh-uh. Aʻole, Méiyǒu. NO.” She shook her head, holding her hands up. “I am literally as far from the throne as I can be given I’m the King’s only kid so far? I mean Kaldur doesn’t count.”
 “This is true but your father is needed in space while Mera is still on bedrest as her pregnancy is most difficult currently and Kaldur has no actual relation to the throne.”
 “And you can’t rule because technically you were dishonoured,” Marinette added in, gaining a dirty look from her uncle. “Damn… I’m just the face of this, right? Step-momma is still the one giving orders?”
 “Of course. Though there is a ball with land walkers you need to attend.” Marinette stopped.
 “...Everyone will know who I am then.” Orm shrugged, uncaring.
 “Weren’t you planning on revealing yourself anyway?” Marinette frowned but sighed, her shoulders slumping.
 “...At least I have a dress already designed and half made for this.”
 Telling Bustier she wouldn’t be in for two weeks was simple enough. Ruling Atlantis- or really acting as a mouthpiece for her step-mother? Simple to. Jumping back to Paris when an Akuma happened? Easy. All of Atlantis knew she was Ladybug- they felt the magic. They knew she was the Guardian as well and mostly ignored that as long as Plagg never came near them. Given she was still hesitating on claiming the ring she was okay. 
 She didn’t want to take his ring, she wanted her partner back, her best friend. She wanted him to stop flirting and stop not taking things seriously.
 “It’s annoying,” she told Kaldur while signing some papers. She and Kaldur were in the room Mera was in, the woman annoyed at the bed rest condition she’d been given for her pregnancy and demanding Marinette sign the papers in her room at least. “I mean- it’s wrong and gross and I should take it back but it feels… wrong. Gross to consider it, you know?”
 “That’s the bond of a Ladybug and Chat Noir I believe according to our records,” Mera told her step-daughter.
 “Yeah- magic makes things tricky. But he’s really pushing the boundaries.” Kaldur told Marinette who sighed.
 “I don’t know what to do.”
 “Tell him you’re dating someone,” Mera said. “If he’s a dick still then take the ring.” 
 Maybe she would. Maybe.
 But first, she had the damn ball to deal with.
 “I look terrible in gold Uncle Orm.”
 “Stop calling me that.”
 “Uncle.” Orm glared at his niece as she glared at the gold fabric he’d thrust into her arms to add to her dress. It needed an extra layer, and gold was one of the colours of Atlantis. “I look better in silver.”
 “I don’t care. You need to have the colours of Atlantis on you.” Orm told her. She glared at him and then at the fabric.
 “At least you got the sheer stuff. It’ll look nice over it hopefully.” She added the cloth and did admit it looked nice.
 She still hated gold cloth. 
 But it went with her tiara as she waited for the announcer to call her, a hand on Kaldur’s arm.
 “Relax Marinette- everything is okay,” he told her softly. 
 “I’m about to reveal to the whole world I’m the Princess of Atlantis.”
 “Imagine the looks on your classmates’ faces?”
“...Okay yeah, I feel better now.” Marinette flashed a smile and waited.
 “Her Royal Highness, Princess Marinette Curry-Dupain-Cheng of Atlantis, current regent while her father is in space and Lord Kaldur of Atlantis.” the Announcer read out loud. Marinette and Kaldur walked into the room with their heads high.
 Cameras flashed and Marinette kept her eyes focused. Her dress showed off her tattoos and muscular arms, the entire thing designed to be able to fight in if needed. She was every inch the warrior princess that Atlantis could boast of.
 “Princess!” a man shouted. “Who designed your dress.”
 “I did myself,” she told him. “I enjoy fashion design and sewing.”
 “Are you the heir?”
 “No,” she told that reporter. “Due to the fact I only have a quarter of Atlantean blood I am not the heir but as said I stepped in as regent while my father fights for our galaxy,”
 “Are you and Kaldur dating?”
 “Definitely not- he’s my elder brother in everything but blood and legality.” She told that one before she was led away by Kaldur and had to play nice for a few hours with politicians. 
 There was one face she recognized.
 “Prince Ali,” she said, curtseying like she’d been taught by Mera.
 “Princess Marinette,” the Prince of Achu said, bowing. He looked a bit sad. “I see you aren’t in rehab like Rose is saying Lila is claiming.” Marinette stopped as did Kaldur.
 “Apparently that’s the new rumour that Lila Rossi is spreading.” 
 “...I believe I need to make some calls to various lawyers we have on land,” Kaldur said darkly and strode off to do so. Marinette had her eyes closed and took a deep breath.
 “I hate that girl will all my soul,” she finally said after a moment.
 “I do as well,” Ali admitted. Marinette looked at him in surprise. “I meet many people, your highness. Sometimes- unless they had made an impression- I forget them. When Rose asked if I knew Lila, I said possibly I’d met her. I did not know the extent of her lies until Rose referenced them and then… it was to late.”
 “Not really your highness, you could have said something.” Ali winced.
 “I have few friends, Princess Marinette, Rose is one of the few. And like others she expects me to be a perfect Prince which means not… rocking the boat so to speak.” He looked pained saying so, and Marinette frowned.
 “Then she’d not a friend Prince Ali. Real friends wouldn’t hold you to expectations and ideals. That’s why I stopped being friends with a fair amount of my class. I think only Juleka and I could be called friendly- and that’s because her brother is one of my best friends.” Ali frowned but looked thoughtful. 
 After the ball, Marinette went back to Atlantis with a satisfied smile. She had a nice time, and she even swapped numbers with Ali. 
 Maybe she had a new friend.
 The rest of the time spent in Atlantis was spent texting Ali when bored and ignoring the emails from her classmates who’d realized she’d changed her number. Most were basically begs for her to talk to them, a few saying they were sorry, or asking for an interview. Some accused her of lying or brainwashing Ali (Alya there) while Rose sent a sorry email. Apparently, she’d taken Ali’s message to heart and even Juleka felt bad.
 Marinette didn’t give a damn.
 When her dad came back and she got to hug him and hit him for leaving the planet- idiot- he had a laugh over the emails.
 “Your classmates are ridiculous,” he told her. “What, do they think you’ll dramatically run back to each other, arms wide open?”
 “Probably,” she told him. “I just don’t give a damn.”
 “Nice.” he ruffled her hair and they chatted about seeing grandma and grandpa in Hawaii over the summer again before Marinette headed back to Paris where some of the Atlanteans who could walk on land were guarding the bakery. And where a lawyer was waiting, plus a personal assistant.
 “No,” Marinette whined as her father patted her shoulder. He’d gone with her to explain some things. 
 “Sorry kid. You’re in the spotlight now- and that means you do need to go to a few galas and balls.” Marinette playfully gagged. Arthur laughed at his daughter again. He was happy she was doing better, that things were okay for her again. He’d worried when she was a shell of herself. Worried when she became Ladybug and worried when that Rossi girl came to the class.
 He was happy she was okay.
 Marinette’s new personal assistant was named Stephanie Brown and she was, in fact, Spoiler from Gotham who had agreed to move to Paris to help Marinette out and to be part of her new team of heroes she was putting together. Stephanie was still in school but she was killing it already as a personal assistant.
 “Alright, so school, homework, design time then patrol. Maybe steal the ring today?” Stephanie asked as she checked the tablet.
 “Maybe. I want to give him one more chance…” Marinette sighed. “But that could be the bond…”
 “Hey, up to you but I will follow as the lovely Buzzer to keep an eye on things.” Stephanie grinned as Pollen giggled from the depths of her hair. Marinette nodded as they continued their walk to school, the lawyer following. 
 Marinette ignored the majority of the students staring at her as she walked to class, only saying hi to Kagami who waved her down to playfully scold her for not telling. 
 When she got to class, Stephanie broke off and the lawyer was the only one with her as they entered the room.
 “GIRL!” Alya stood up. “Why the hell didn’t you ever tell me?” she was insulted her friend had never said anything to Alya.
 “Because we’re not friends anymore and I wasn’t sure if I could trust you when we first met. Guess I was right.” she shrugged at Alya who flushed red at that. Lila was staring at Marinette with wide eyes as the girl turned to her. “I heard someone was claiming I was in rehab these past two weeks, plus that my tattoos were gang signs and oh so much more.” The lawyer stepped forward then.
 “You’ve been served,” she told Lila who stared at the lawsuit in horror. Marinette ignored the class’s exclamations and demands she not go through with it, instead going to sit at the back again, uncaring of their words.
Adrien was giving her a look but she ignored it, pulling her phone out to text Ali, who’d texted her asking if she wanted to go for lunch. Checking with Stephanie, she agreed. 
 Still ignoring the class- now with Bustier giving her disappointed looks- she rushed out of the school to where Ali was waiting at lunch. The class followed and stopped, seeing who she was with. 
 “Ah, Princess Marinette.” Ali bowed and Marinette bowed as well, given she was wearing jeans and not a skirt.
 “Prince Ali, it is a pleasure to see you again.” They smiled at each other before both blushed, feeling awkward when they realized they’d been staring.
 “You look like a queen,” Ali remarked before his face went even redder and Marinette’s cheeks flamed before she grinned.
 “Well I am a princess…” Ali stuttered but then laughed, offering his arm and opening the door to all of the possibilities of the two, while the class watched.
No one really realized the fall out that would occur, with Lila’s mother fired, her lies exposed and her dealings with Hawkmoth revealed. No one knew that a new cat would stalk the night one day, calling himself Prince Noir. No one knew how their lives would change.
 Especially not Marinette or Ali.
@vixen-uchiha @persephonebutkore @magicalfirebird @starwindmaden @liawinchester67 @doriebell @animegirlweeb @unmaskedagain
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Demons & Angels
Requested: Hello love ! Hope you’re doing okay, can I please request something with Tommy and angst prompts 2 & 7, thank you ! Take care xx
Hey! could you do a tommy x reader w/ angst prompt #2? I feel like it just radiates his energy in a sad way ;’))
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: language, self hate, mention of suicide
A/N:I was having such tough writer’s block, but once I started this I just couldn’t stop typing. I hope you guys enjoy it. 
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The bed shook as Tommy bolt up, a cold sweat covered his body. His breaths came out ragged, his eyes tarted around the room, investigating his surroundings. He tried to calm himself, but his eyes were stained with the horrific scene that had played out the day before. Hours before he only saw it on the back of his eyelids, but the night had muddled his brain and he was left with a never-ending nightmare. The blood, the blood just kept coming, moving along the hardwood floor.
He often started his day like that. Woken up in a cold sweat to a life he didn’t know how to leave. It was funny how only a few years before he dreamt of the war. The violence that painted his eyelids at night used to be in the name of his country. In the name of his king. In the name of his family. Now… now he wasn’t so sure. 
With every passing day, it seemed that everything he did was in the name of self-preservation. He used to do everything for his family, even if they didn’t believe so. Everything was always for them… but he always got something out of it as well. That didn’t matter though, not when he wasn’t being completely selfish. Recently, though, things had changed.
The Thomas Shelby that did things with only an ounce of selfishness had all but disappeared. He was replaced with a name that only knew how to fight for himself. Every bullet fired from his guy was only fired to keep him alive for one more day. It wasn’t for John or Arthur or Ada or Finn. It wasn’t for Polly or for Michael. It wasn’t for anyone but himself.  The stakes got higher with each gamble he made, but he was willing to accept any risk if it meant he was higher up on the food change. 
Tommy didn’t like that man, though.
He absolutely hated that man, but he didn’t know how to get rid of him. He could drown him in the bathtub but he would come back. He could pour rat poison in with his whiskey, but the man would simply spite it back out. He could jump in the canal with rocks in his pockets, but the man would just strip his clothes off. There was nothing he could do but let that man live.
So that’s what he did, but it was hard once Y/n came into his life.
Tommy didn’t believe that a man like him, a monster like him could ever find love. Lust was the only thing he believed was possible. Love just seemed too foreign. Love was meant for a good ole’ church boy, returning home from war, not a good for nothing gangster. 
Yet, Y/n believed he deserved it.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he slid out from under the covers. Once his feet hit the floor, he made his way to the kitchen. There was no way he would be sleeping any time soon, not when his demons wanted to play. A cup of tea sounded like the only remedy that would calm his nerves. Tommy would normally reach for whiskey, but his mother always made his a hot cup of tea when he’d have a bad dream. And so that is what he always did when he was woken in the middle of the night. 
His nightmare had fogged his mind and he hadn’t realized that Y/n hadn’t been in bed until he saw he at the kitchen table, a cup of tea in her hands and a book in front of her. He stood in the doorway for a minute, watching her. She had yet to notice his presence, so focused on the book in front of her. In her trance, she looked angelic, making Tommy wonder how he ever got so lucky to have her in his life. 
Tommy cleared his throat quietly, just enough to alert her to his presence, but not enough to frighten her. She looked over her shoulder at the sleepy man and gave him a sweet smile. 
“What are you doing out of bed?” she asked and watched as he walked over to the stove and put the kettle on. 
He was silent as he lite the stove and grabbed a cup out of the cabinet. “I could ask you the same thing. I thought you would be cuddled up next to me, snoring in my ear, but I was wrong.”
Y/n shook her head and set her tea down. “I’d don’t snore, Tommy. And you didn’t answer my question.”
He hummed and dumped some tea into his cup. “I wasn’t tired,” he told her. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Y/n with a raised brow, not convinced by his answer. “That’s all, dear.”
“Everyone may think you’re a good liar, but I can see right through you, Tommy. You were sound asleep when I came out here, practically dead. There is no way you weren’t tired.”
Tommy gave no reply, he simply waited for his tea to boil before pouring it in his cup. Once his tea was done, he took a seat opposite of Y/n at the table and sipped at the hot liquid. Y/n rolled her eyes, he often did this when he wanted to avoid a conversation. It was a good tactic, most people would take the hint and simply drop it. He didn’t want to talk about it. But Y/n wasn’t most people. She’d gotten the hint alright, but she knew if he kept avoiding his problems, they would never go away. They would eat away at him until he was nothing but bone.
Y/n didn’t want for him.
“What is it, Tommy? What’s bothering you?”
He let out a long sigh, he should have seen that coming. He knew better than to believe she would let it go. It wasn’t in her nature. “I’m afraid you’ll end up seeing me the way I see myself,” her boyfriend admitted. It was fear that he’d held for a long time. The second he’d laid eyes on her, he was afraid she’d see the monster underneath and run for the hills. Even after she’d witnessed his brutality, she’d stayed. Tommy wasn’t sure why any sane person would have left by now. 
“Tommy…” her voice was soft. 
“Sometimes I wish I could just fall asleep and never wake up. I am nothing but a monster, I don’t deserve anything I have but the pain I’ve been given. I don’t even know how you can stand to be with me,” he said, voice filled with disgust. Disgust of himself.
Y/n shook her head, her heartbreaking. It was no secret to her that Tommy battled with himself more than he did with others. She knew that he would take any risk because he didn’t care if he lived or died, but she cared. She cared if he was dead in a coffin. She cared if he was torn apart by bullets. Y/n cared about what happen to Tommy because she loved him. She loved him with every fiber of her being and to see him hurt, to see him hate himself, it hurt her. 
Standing from her chair, Y/n walked around the table and sat on his lap, it would be the only way to get him to look her in the eyes. “Thomas Shelby,” she said, her voice sweet like a song bird. She used her index finger to raise his chin, forcing him to look at her. “You may have done bad things in your life, but you’re not the only one. And bad actions do not make a bad man. Do you understand me?”
“Y/n-” he mumbled before she interrupted him.
“No, Tom. There is no if, and, or but her. You are a good man at heart. I know that. I know you are.” Tears lined the rims of her eyes. “I know who you are and I love you for that. I love you. I love all your good qualities and all the bad ones. I love all your demons and all your angels. I love everything about you. Do you understand that?”
He snaked his arms around her and pulled her flush against his chest. They sat like that for a long while in silence. Tommy didn’t know what to say. They had both exchanged ‘I love you’ already, it was no milestone in their relationship. But her words… they were what he never knew he needed. It was one thing to know that someone loves you, it was another to know that they loved every ounce of you. The good, the bad, the ugly, the hidden. That someone loved everything you believed unloveable. That, truly, was the best feeling in the world.
“I love you, Y/n. God, I fucking love you,” he mumbled into her hair.
The world wouldn’t get any better, not for Thomas Shelby, but it would always be bearable with Y/n by his side. With her, perhaps he could work past his demons and conquer them.
Let me know if you want to be tagged in any of my fics!
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ealeczander · 4 years
A list of Hufflepuffs my Slytherin heart will die for
In order of number of brain cells
#1 Jason Mendoza
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Do I need to say more? He is the sweetest kindest person. I don’t even know why he was in the bad place. He was a best friend to everybody, ha actually gave good advice regarding friends and relationships, he didn’t hold grudges or hated people, he didn’t have a bad bone in his body, he was just really dumb, which makes me love him even more!
#2 Thor Odinson (Marvel)
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Don’t you even say he’s not a Hufflepuff, I will fight you! Him still teaming up with Loki after being betrayed like a million times is the only proof you need. He doesn’t want to be king, he just wants to save his people. He is a 220 pound puppy and I love him!
#3 Emmet Cullen (Twilight)
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Him and Thor both have dumb-jock energy that is typical for Gryffindor but they’re both too good to be there. They’re literally walking and talking hugs. Emmet is such a lovable puppy. He fights bears for fun, for God sake. He accepted Bella before even Edward did. He has zero beef with anybody. The only reason he has more brain cells than Thor is because he somehow managed to snatch a serious Bad Bitch™ like Rosalie. But as we all know Slytherins are weak for Hufflepuffs.
#4 Beast Boy (Titans)
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A lonely boy with a heart of gold that can also turn himself on into any fluffy anymal on the planet? Sign me the fuck UP! He was the only one Rachel’s father didn’t try to corrupt because of course he couldn’t. He was the only one that didn’t turn against Jason when Deathstroke was playing tricks on them. He was the only one that didn’t abandon Dick when he confessed his secret. He is loyal to everybody because he sees the good in them, not their demons. Seriously, I can’t express with words how in love with him I am! My heart can’t take it!
#5 Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
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His character may have started as an asshole Gryffindor or even a Slytherin but by the end of season 1 and onward Mom Steve has been the best thing this show has to offer! He cares about his friends, he has a giant heart, he never runs from a fight and he will protect everybody. A true hero and an adorable cutie!
#6 Ben Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
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Honestly the cutest, most amazing, supportive brother any of the others can ask for, especially Klaus. He is quiet and doesn’t want to get involved in fights but he will do it for the greater good. He is constantly supporting Klaus and encouraging him to fight his addiction when he could’ve left years ago. He was basically the best friend of all the siblings. He loves fun and at the same time is extremely grounded and smart. I just love him!
#7 Peter Parker (Marvel)
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This boy will kill me with his cuteness. He just wants to help people and that’s the most adorable excuse to be a superhero. I’ve put him before as a Gryffindor but Tom Holland’s Spiderman is just too sweet not to be a Hufflepuff. Him wanting to save the world while trying to be a good person and a good friend just warms my heart!
#8 Newt Scamander 
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I had to put a real Hufflepuff in the list somewhere. Like, who wouldn’t die for this precious wizard. He is so innocent, he just wants to take care of his animals. He characteristically has a Slytherin ex that still loves him because that’s what us Slytherins do. He is just so perfect! I love him!
#9 Park Sae Ro Yi (Itaewon Class)
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If you’re new to kdramas and consider them to be soap operas, STOP everything you’re doing and go watch Itaewon Class NOW (it’s on Netflix). It’s a revenge story of a Hufflepuff! Which is never seen, ever, Hufflepuffs usually don’t do that. it’s so unique in it’s perspective of power, friendship, respect and pride all because of Sae Ro Yi, the main character, being a Hufflepuff. He is good and extremely kind and has a strong moral code. His squad consists of a Slytherin that is in love with him (of course), a trans woman that he supports with all his heart, an ex convict that he inspired to change his life, a black guy that wants to find his family, the son of the bad guy that he treats like family and his long time crush that now works for the bad guy but he doesn’t resent her or hate her, he just wants to help her. Sawe Ro Yi is just the best!
#10 Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)
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Who isn’t in love with this coffee addict? He has to investigate the most gruesome crimes and he is still cheerful and positive. He searches for the good things in life and in people. He makes friends easily and everybody likes him, especially the Slytherin rich high school girl. He will sacrifice himself to stop evil from spreading. He is the biggest sweetheart!
The list is ongoing and open to suggestions... My love for Hufflepuffs will never end...
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britishboystm · 4 years
It’s Always Been You (Tom Blake Smut)
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warnings: angst, smut, death
word count: 4,723
a/n: I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve written for Tom
Tom had always been a good friend. His family did cherries and yours did apples.
Before the two of you were born, your fathers went into business together and shared a booth at the Saturday market in your town. Both your mothers were thick as thieves and had gotten pregnant around the same time, and you were born a month after Tom. It was safe to say you were never going to leave each other’s sides.
You did everything together, well until your father became worried that you were becoming too much like a boy by spending so much time with Tom. You’d fondly remember the times the two of you would go down to the river and stand in the water up to your knees trying to see who could catch the most tadpoles. The two of you would usually come back to yours or his farm around dinner time covered in mud and dirt up your waist. Your mother always complained that she couldn’t see your pretty face due to the muck that was often smeared on it. Because of all this you ended up being sent to a private girls school a few miles south, where you weren’t allowed to see Tom unless it was Christmas.
You secretly wrote to one another though during your time at boarding school and when his father passed away from pneumonia you were his only real support system other than his brother. His mother went into a bad depression after his father's death so he was left to grieve his father's passing alone.
Once your learning was finished, you did not hesitate to come home and help on Tom’s farm again. Tom’s mother would pay you to pick cherries since your father had sold his orchard.
But things had changed when you came home. Tom was no longer the little chubby boy who you could mess around with and make mud pies and pretend to eat with. His hair had darkened and his shoulders had broadened. Not to mention he now towered you. He was a man. And a handsome man at that. You never noticed that about him before.
The glances you shared now didn’t hold the same innocence it once did. There was something different in his chilly blue irises. His gaze would last a little too long when you would bend over to pick up the barrels of cherries and whenever the two of you rinsed them by the big well, he always found a way to sneak a small graze of your hand so you wouldn’t forget he was there beside you.
But those flirtatious moments didn’t last forever when war was declared in Britain. Almost immediately, Joe was sent off to fight for king and country. Tom didn’t need to but because Tom had to always be the same as Joe or one up him, he had kept saying he was going to enlist as well. You didn’t take it seriously until one day Tom came running down the driveway to meet you and his mom, who were depitting the last batch of the season.
“I did it, I did it!” You frowned in confusion at his obvious excitement as he hopped around with a letter in hand. His mother grabbed the letter from him quite quickly and nearly fainted after reading the first two lines. The two of you quickly grabbed her and called it a night, bringing her into the house.
His mother was in shambles and was now seated on the couch while she sobbed into her hands. She didn’t even have the desire to cook dinner. That’s when you knew things were bad.
“What did you do?” You say to Tom as he sorrowfully watched his mom cry.
“I enlisted, I’m leaving next week to fight in France.” It was now your turn to almost faint as you grab the kitchen table beside you.
“Have you gone mad?” You breathe out as you take a seat to steady yourself.
“No I haven’t. If Joe can do it so can I!” His voice raised in anger as he crossed his arms over his chest, obviously upset at the double standards that were set for him and his older brother.
“That is not what this is about Tom. Joe is gone, there is nothing we can do about that. But you? It was so easily avoidable but you’ve gone and ruined everything. How selfish can you be? Who will your mother have if both you and Joe don’t return home? Who will I have?” You begin to choke up near the end and let a single tear slip down your cheek.
Tom sighs and storms out of the kitchen, probably heading upstairs to freshen up while you prepare the dinner since Mrs. Blake clearly wasn’t well enough to.
You focused on making dinner as Mrs. Blake and Tom sat in the living room, not speaking to one another. What was there to say? Tom knew yours and his mother’s thoughts on it all and he was too stubborn to be convinced to not leave.
Once dinner was ready everyone sat at the table and ate quietly. Again no words were spoken and the tension was so thick amongst the three of you. None of you were able to finish due to the unsettling feeling you all shared so you finally gave up and collected the half eaten dishes and placed them into the sink.
“I’m going to bed. Goodnight.” Mrs Blake said as she slowly got up and weakly walked up the stairs to her room. She looked so frail and worn out that it made you even more mad at Tom for the pain he was already causing.
You stood at the sink and faced away from Tom as he stayed put at the table. The only sounds that filled the room was the clashing of dirty plates and running water.
This was all such a mess.
Later that night you found yourself sitting on the haystack in the Blake barn with the doors wide open as you stared out at the navy night sky. Stars adorned the sky. They continued to shimmer, unaware of the fact that your world was falling apart at the seams. Funny how time and space works, you thought. So many other thoughts rattled around your brain, all of them making you want to cry.
You were so deeply focused on your little world that you didn’t initially hear Tom walk in.
“Couldn’t sleep either huh?” He said before walking up and taking a seat beside you on the hay.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” You don’t respond but rather stare out into nothing with an emotionless expression.
“The least you can do is talk to me.” He says, nudging you lightly to lighten the mood.
“I wanted to marry you.” You blurt out of nowhere in a montone way. There was a good chance he was never coming home so at this point you felt as though you had nothing to lose.
He bowed his head in shame and twiddled his thumbs, clearly trying to absorb this big bombshell.
“Really?” He says finally looking at you and trying to hide his excitement.
“Yeah but at this point it’s foolish to think like that, considering I may never see you again.” You finally look at him with hurt in your eyes which he matches almost immediately.
“Y/N I-“ He tries to say something but you are quick to cut him off.
“Why is this so important to you?” He sighs and runs a hand through his hair before getting more comfortable in his spot.
“I don’t know. I feel as though I have lived my entire life being the lesser of the two brothers. Joe has always been the golden child that I wanted to prove myself. That I can be courageous and brave just like him.” You bite your lip from saying anything that may hurt him. It made sense why he would do this but you still hated the idea.
“Aren’t you afraid?”
“Of course I am. I’m scared shitless. But I’ve been scared shitless my entire life.” You sigh and the two of you sit in silence for a while, nothing but the sound of crickets and the warm night breeze floating by.
“Promise you won’t laugh?” He says out of the blue, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. You nod in return, silently telling him there is no reason to feel judged by you.
“There is one more thing I’m scared of.”
“And what’s that?”
“I shouldn’t say. It’s so bloody embarrassing.”
“What? No! You have to tell me now! That isn’t fair!”
“Okay fine.” He sighs.
“Spit it out then.” You say with an urgency to your voice.
“I’m scared of dying a virgin.” Your eyes go wide and you look over to him to see if he is joking or not. When you see him looking down at his lap shamefully, a blush creeps upon your face. You had never really discussed those things before. Especially with him.
Girls talked about it when you were in private school but you didn’t usually have anything to contribute.
“Oh.” Is all that you are able to get out.
“I’m sorry, I should have just kept that to myself. Forget I said anything.” He begins to ramble, clearly trying to backtrack on his last comment.
“There is no reason to feel ashamed of those type of things Thomas. Those are normal worries people have.”
“You think so?” He says hopefully.
“Of course. I also get scared by the idea of never being able to feel that way with someone. It’s natural.” It was now his turn to blush. Oh to be the one to make you feel that way, he thought.
“Tom?” You finally say, bracing yourself for his response.
“Yes?” He says back.
“You know. If we both share this fear, we could always… get rid of it together.” He is speechless and his jaw drops as he stares at your nervous expression.
“Do you really want to?” He finally gets out.
“Well, we know each other and we are good friends. I also feel very comfortable with you which is important.”
“Right but we aren’t married.”
“At this point Tom I don’t really care about that. I need to vent all of these emotions somehow.”
“So that’s what this is about. You want to fuck out your feelings because I’m leaving?” He seemed a little hurt by this. Like this was simply an impulse or an itch that was aching to be scratched. That was part of it but it was mostly the fact that you’ve wanted him to be your first the minute you returned home and saw just how much of man he had become. You loved him and he was now giving you a free pass to finally fulfill your desires.
“No, Tom that is not it. I want to lose my virginity and to be quite honest, I couldn’t think of anyone else I would want to lose it to.”
“Really?” A cocky smirk came upon his lips as he leaned in and nudged you slightly. You rolled your eyes in response and scoffed.
“Okay you don’t need to get all cocky about it.” He laughed before trying to start something by catching your gaze in his.
And with no warning Tom pounced on you and began kissing your neck roughly which caught you off guard.
“Tom get off! What are you doing?” You squeal as you push him away.
“What? I thought you said you wanted to lose your virginity to me. I leave next week remember?” Your glare is piercing as you stood up.
“I didn’t mean here at this very moment! God can you at least give me a warning before you try and pull something like that?” He falls back a bit onto the hay bale with an exasperated sigh, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
“Sorry.” He says realizing his wrong doing. You weren’t just an inanimate object that could just be used whenever. Contrary to what your father always believed, you were a person of integrity and if you needed time, then by god you were doing to get the respect you deserved.
“I think I will go to bed now.” Your words are soft as you turn around and hesitantly head out into the vast land of the Blake farm. You couldn’t help but look back to see Tom sitting there, embarrassed. Millions of thoughts swam around but one kept finding itself coming back again and again. That specific feeling that came whenever Tom did chores around the barn that made his muscles flex was coming back and even though you had just rejected him, the feeling was growing more and more.
“Fuck it.” You say under your breath before you quickly turn around and plop down onto his waist in a straddle, causing him to let out a groan at the sudden impact.
He looks at you in confusion, and right before he could say another word you quickly attach your lips to his. The kiss was aggressive and feverish as your hands threaded through his hair, gripping it tightly to get him to part his lips. As a result he let out a small gasp at your fingers tugging at his roots and your tongue swirling around his mouth. This was your first ever kiss and soon to be first ever time so you weren’t going to hold back. Not if it was with Tom.
Everything felt so right in that moment. Just two nineteen year olds using the last bit of time together before probable tragedy. You had a gut feeling that Tom was never going to walk up that long gravel driveway ever again. You shooed those horrid thoughts away.
“Tom.” You sigh against his plush lips. He pulls away and intently looks into your eyes, worry evident on his face.
“Did I do something wrong?” He asked. You couldn’t help but giggle at his puppy like demeanour.
“Of course not. You are being so kind Tom.”
Your gaze then suddenly becomes transfixed with his white button shirt. Then without a second thought your hands grazed up and down his covered chest before you began to unbutton the first three, exposing his sternum. You look up to see him intensely watching your actions, his breathing beginning to increase.
“Are you sure Y/N?” He says while his hands run up and down the sides of your basic grey dress.
“Only if you are.” You whisper back. Taking this as affirmation he flips you around and lays you gently on the cushiony yet scratchy hay that held the both of you off of the dirty ground of the barn.
“You know I have always, thought, you were, so beautiful.” He says in between kisses along your face. You smile softly at his words and sigh, allowing yourself to fall deeper into the hay.
“Thomas Blake you always knew how to make a girl blush.” He chuckles at this and stops kissing you, holding himself up above your body.
“You remember the time your parents invited the Darby’s to Christmas Dinner. How it was your first year back from St. Clares and because they were the richest family in town, your parents tried to set you up with their son Richard?” You roll your eyes.
“Tom what does this have to do with us having sex right now?” You were growing slightly impatient.
“Wait, let me finish love.” You sigh and shift slightly to grow more comfortable. This may take some time, you thought.
“I remember I was so mad because your parents wouldn’t let me play with you. They basically threw you to Richard and I had to watch them try to play matchmaker. At the time I believed that I was angry because I wasn’t allowed to play with my best friend since you had been away for so long. But years later I looked back at that moment and I realized that I was jealous. Jealous at the fact that you were paying all of your attention to Richard and not me. Of course your parents made you but I remember making Richard my sworn enemy that day. Stupid huh?” You smile and run a hand down his cheek.
“No not at all. I can’t believe you remember that.” His words made you think for a moment. He had been in love with you for so long and you didn’t even notice.
“Tom?” You ask.
“Yes Y/N?” Your body almost turned to jelly at his readiness to do anything for you. The adoration was so obvious that “in love” could easily be stamped on the slightly older boy's forehead.
“Would it be crazy to say I am, whole heartedly, absolutely, in love with you Thomas Blake?”
“No it wouldn’t.” He laughed.
“And would I be absolutely mad to say that I am, insanely, crazily, in love with you Y/N L/N?” You shake your head with a smile and with that he leans in once more and continues the eventful night with a loving yet lustful kiss.
His hands begin to have a mind of their own as they roam your body. After exploring most of your many curves, his left hand slowly made its way under your dress, lifting it slightly and beginning to touch you over your knickers.
“Oh my.” You gasp out as he places a tad bit of pressure on your clit.
“How are you feeling?” He asks, watching your reactions intently.
“Very tingling, ve-very g-good.” You try to get out in between gasps. He smirks proudly at this and begins creating circles against the fabric that covers your centre.
“Off. Off Tom, please.” You slightly beg. Wanting to make you feel good, Tom begins to slide your knickers down your legs and chucks them off to the side.
“Can I see?” He asks sheepishly. You curve your neck so you can see him down between your legs.
“Yes.” You respond. With a steady hand, Tom lifts your dress, dropping it up around your waist and groans at the sight of your exposed, glistening cunt.
“Wow.” Is all he can say.
“Tom!” You whine, unable to bear the throbbing feeling between your thighs.
“Sorry, just got distracted.” He mutters. Tom then leans in and lets out a hot breath. Your legs clench at this and Tom becomes aware with just how sensitive you really are.
“I’m going to kiss you here. Is that alright darling?” You nod weakly and with that his lips attach to your centre. A moan is drawn out of you almost instantly.
“Fuck. This cannot be your first time.” You blurt out, clutching his hair. He smirks against you before he sits up again and places a long kiss on your awaiting lips.
“Just you darling. It’s always been you.” You giggle in response and wrap your arms around his neck and pull him flush against you.
“Y/N I don’t know how much longer I can last without putting my cock in you.” He spurts out in pent up frustration.
“Charming words there.” you scoff before he begins to unbutton his dirty work slack and push them down his legs.
“Can I unlace you’re-“ you sit up, already knowing what he is about to say. Your hands swing to the back of your dress and you quickly begin to unravel the back, letting it fall off your upper body. Your breasts were perked to the air from outside.
“Christ.” He says before leaning down and taking one breast into his mouth. He is slow and gentle with his actions, clearly showing you how important this moment was for him. With small mewls leaving your lips every once in a while, you ran your fingers through his hair again. This time you made sure to be more soft on his scalp.
“I’m ready, are you?” He whispers as he moves his mouth up to your jaw, hands still caressing your bosom. You nod slowly which makes him smile. It was finally going to happen.
He brings himself up again and places his hands on either side of your head.
You take a moment to take in his member. The only time you had seen one was when you snuck an anatomy book from the library when you were in school. Seeing one in real life was a whole new experience
He notices your stare and smirks.
“Everything alright?” He asks.
“I don’t know. It’s so different from the books. This is all so new to me.”
“It’s alright darling. We will learn together.” You nod in response and before you knew it, he was beginning to insert himself into you.
The feeling was so forgein and awkward that you had to smack him to stop.
“Ow fuck, Tom stop!” He quickly removes himself and holds you into his chest.
“Are you alright? Did I hurt you?” You grab him tighter in thanks and lean away a tad to look at his concerned face.
“It feels so tight. Could you maybe use your fingers first?” He nods and slips a hand down your dress again. One finger is dipped inside and you let out a sigh of relief. This was a lot easier to manage, you thought.
“Oh Thomas that feels so good.” You say. He smiles and takes your praise to allow himself to enter a second finger. Your legs clench a tad as he moves his fingers in and out, every once in a while, spreading your increased wetness along your slit.
“I think I’m ready now.” You say. It didn’t take much for him to remove his fingers and lick off your wetness. Then he positioned himself the same way he did not that long before. His member slipped into you and this time around it felt a lot less uncomfortable. It still caused a pressure but not enough for you to scream bloody murder.
“Should I move?” He asks. You were doing it. This was no longer a dream or a fantasy. Thomas Blake was staring down at you with his cock inside at the hilt.
“God yes.” You moan while throwing your head back and closing your eyes. Tom began retracting his hip and then swirled them around before pushing forward again.
“Fuck me.” He cries out.
“I’m so happy we did this.” He says. You grip his shirt and open up the rest of the buttons, allowing the rest of his torso to be revealed to you. Your hands ran up and down his chest and soft stomach.
“Slow down.” You whisper gently. He nods and his movements start to calm. His eyes are entranced by yours and you can’t help but notice tears in his eyes.
“Are you crying?” You ask.
“I’m going to miss you so much.” He whimpers back, as he continues to move back and forth within you. Tears began brimming your eyes and as you both let tears fall through your orgasms, you pulled him flush against you.
“Come home to me.” You kept repeating.
“I promise.” He would say back with as much of a clear voice he could muster up.
And with that your legs begin to shake and you let out an elongated moan. His seed spills deep inside of you and as he removes himself from your core you can't help but feel it drip down your inner thigh.
“I love you Thomas Blake.”
“I love you Y/N L/N.”
You stared blankly out the kitchen window as you dried off the plates from lunch. The sky was a gloomy grey but no rain fell. Mrs Blake sat silently in the living room, knitting a small bonet with yellow yarn.
Your mind was somewhere else that you hadn’t initially noticed a car pull up and a soldier stepping out, letter in hand.
The plate you had been drying crashes in the soapy water beneath you and you quickly dry your hands on your apron as you attempt to run out the front door.
“Mrs Blake?” The man asks as you open the door rather frantically.
“No but she’s in. Iris!” You call out. She walks slowly from her chair and situates herself beside you.
“I’m Mrs Blake.” Her words were shaky. It was almost as though she knew exactly what was about to come out of the man's mouth.
“We regret to inform you that Thomas Blake was killed in action on April 6th. His belongings will be sent to you in the next couple of weeks. We are sorry for your loss and the rest of the information given will be found in this letter.” And with that the man looked down at your stomach and sighed with sorrow before handing over the letter and walking back to the car.
Your legs went numb instantly. The only sounds you could make were loud gut wrenching sobs. You clenched your stomach as you held onto the door frame for support.
“He’s gone Iris! My beautiful Tom is gone!” She grabbed you and mixed your sobs with hers. Myrtle and the puppies were now at your feet, grazing your calves in a calming matter, almost as though they had known what had happened.
“My boy!” She lets out.
“My baby boy!”
Dear Y/N,
I can safely say that this is one of the hardest letters I have ever had to write. I am sure you have gotten the news before this gets to you so I want to say that I am so sorry for your loss. Tom was nothing but a good, selfless man who cared for others so deeply. Before he died, his only wish was that I wrote to you and his mother. He talked about you every chance he could. The stories from when the two of you were little, how you were the most beautiful being that he had ever seen. How him replaying your laugh in his head was the only way to get him to sleep at night when things were tough here in the trenches. He didn’t die in vain. He died knowing that he fulfilled his duty of loving you each waking moment, even if it saddened him he couldn’t do it alive for much longer.
I remember his last words to me so very clearly.
“Tell my beautiful Y/N I love her. That I will always be with her.”
He handed me this picture of the two of you together. There is some blood on it but he would have wanted you to have it nevertheless. I hope this gives you peace during these trying times and god bless Y/N.
William Schofield
“Mommy, mommy look!” A small voice calls out. You drop the letter and picture of you and Tom staring longingly at each other that you had read and looked at so many times before to see your son holding a small pool of water in his hands.
“What do you have there?” You call out. He then runs up from the river and drops down beside you under the willow tree you were situated at.
“I caught a tadpole!” He says proudly.
“That’s amazing Thomas!” He smiles at your encouraging words before running back down to the water. You watched him intently as he giggled in entertainment. Sometimes you had to let out steady breaths to stop yourself from crying. He was truly the spitting image of his father, a mini Tom if you will. The icy blue eyes and the chocolate wavy hair gave him away so easily. It pained you so much to wake up and see your Tom in him every day, but it was also a blessing in disguise. Even though Tom was no longer around, he had left you a gift that you could never thank him enough for. Tom Jr was so sweet and kind and loved making friends with everyone he came across, just like his father. He was your support system and you both adored each other. He was your best friend.
And for that, you were internally grateful to Mr. Thomas Blake.
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evening-starlight · 3 years
Chances {Chapter Fourteen}
This chapter super heavy and long
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T/W: mentions of grooming, domestic abuse, divorce, cursing, sex
Finally Light
Word Count: 2027
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    This chapter is fucking heavy, guys. There will be talks of grooming, sex, abuse, and overall bad vibes. Please be careful reading, and if it's too much, you can skip this chapter. I will never ever hold that over you if this could be triggering. Take care of yourself first.
    I sit with my back to Tom's. We got home a few minutes ago and decided to do a trick Stevie had taught me when I was having trouble opening up. Back to back was supposed to help me feel like I was talking to myself about everything.
    This is supposed to be the part where I spill my guts and everything that happened with Jared, but I can't. I know he won't judge. He's shown that over the last few months of us being together. Tom's taken it slow, and he's shown me multiple times I can trust him. But this might break us.
    I take a deep breath and start from the very beginning. "I was introduced to Jared at fourteen. I was young and naive, and he was an older, wiser man. He told me the things I wanted to hear. But, as I've said before, it was all innocent for a few years. He'd introduce me to his girlfriends as his little sister for the longest time. He'd help me with my homework and would scare away the bullies.
    "He had me sleepover at his house whenever my parents were fighting, which was a lot. It wasn't until sixteen that things started getting weird. I basically lived there from sixteen on. I showered, slept, ate, and hung out there with my friends. It became my home. It was more home than my parents' house.
    "Again, it started innocently. I'd be in the shower, and Jared would need something from the bathroom. I used his a lot just because the water pressure was the best. But it was glass. He'd shield his eyes the first few times and then would walk in without bothering.
    "Slowly, he'd just stay in there and have chats with me. We'd talk about innocent stuff like school or work. We'd talk about how the band was doing and if we found a record label yet. That's actually where he offered to get me a deal with his record label while I was in the shower. And he did. He made good on that promise. Virgin Records signed us the next month for four records. But I thought it was all normal things friends did for and with each other.
    "Jared was a king at making me think I was crazy. He did it all the time that, at one point, I thought I was. He called me dramatic and a girly girl whenever I made a deal about wanting to do something he didn't want me to do. Like, go to prom. I missed out on every high school prom because he didn't want me to go with another boy. Hell, I missed out on graduation because we were on our honeymoon.
    "We had a sleepover the night before my eighteenth. He said it was because he wanted to be the first person to wish me a happy birthday when I woke up, but looking back, he really just wanted to be there when I legally turned eighteen to do everything he's dreamt and said he wanted to do to me. He'd say things all the time like, 'the boy who gets to fuck you first is going to be so lucky.' or 'I'm surprised I don't have boys knocking down my door to come in and take you.' I thought that's just what you say to your friends.
    "But that night, we went to bed in his bed, and I remember waking up to him going down on me. The clock read twelve o'five. He waited until exactly midnight to start, like those few seconds between the 23rd and 24th would mature my brain. At the time, I thought it was romantic. He waited four long years to do this." I feel the cool tears stream down my face as I remember that traumatic night. The rock in my stomach grows with every sentence I utter, slowly causing my voice to become tight. Like the rock was taking up my airways. "And then he started changing.
    "He wasn't my best friend anymore. He was this controlling monster. He slowly drove a wedge between me and everyone I cared about, including Robbie. Granted, Robbie was still reaching out to me every day with stupid memes and horrible jokes. And I saw the band once a week in the studio, but only because Jared would be there with me. He wouldn't let me go in alone. I thought it was romantic.
    "I almost broke up the band because they were always so mean to Jared. They would make mean faces and be short. They'd start arguments when I was in the booth and couldn't hear what they were saying. And they tried to kick him out of Robbie's parents' house when we went over to announce our engagement. At the time, it was awful. My friends weren't accepting of my love for Jared. They were the problem." I choke back a sob, replaying all the fights the band and I had about my engagement.
    "Soon after our engagement," I continue. "Jared started controlling me even more. He sold my car without asking because 'I have him now' and our driver, why would I ever need to drive myself anywhere? He went through and blocked everyone's number that was a guy and the band except Naomi. She was the only person allowed to text me and strictly band things. I thought this was all normal. I thought this is what you do when you're in love.
    "The band came to my wedding, only because I wouldn't talk to Jared until he agreed to have them there. Robbie was actually my bro of honor; he didn't want to be called a maid at the time but now relishes in the term. I wouldn't let up on that either. Jared had drilled it into my head that I was unloveable. That he would be the only man who has ever loved me and will ever love me until I die. Fuck, those were even his vows, 'I have proven I am the only man who can and will ever love you the way you deserve to be treated.'" I sob loudly. Tom reaches back and holds my hand tightly, grounding me slightly.
    "That cemented it in my head. Deserve. Deserve to be treated. I deserved to be treated like he was treating me. I had done nothing wrong my entire life, but obviously, if he puts it into our eternal vows, it's true. I was eighteen. I didn't know any better.
    "My parents were talking to me more, wanting to be a part of my life. But every time I spoke about something bothering me, I was told to suck it up; that's just what a wife does. Suck it up and suck him off.
    "It wasn't until a studio day when Jared was away on a movie set, and Shannon was out of town, that things started coming to light. I was arguing with Robbie about this god-awful melody he came up with. Like to this day, I still think he did it on purpose to start a fight," I say with a  light laugh. "And then Robbie slapped me. Like, hard. Red marks and everything. I gave him a fat lip in return, and the first thing out of his mouth was, 'so why do you fight back when I hit you, but you let Jared abuse you like that?'" Tom squeezes my hand as I choke again.
    "I was with him another six months before he went from slapping to fists." I swallow harshly. I hate talking about this part. The traumatic events making my hands clammy and shake. "I was black and blue for weeks, and after one vicious fight, he wasn't discrete about where they were placed. So I avoided the public for three weeks, hiding in the house as the bruises and cuts went away.
    "I realized I was alone. I was totally alone in this marriage. I didn't have a husband, I had an abuser, and my friends were right. So I called Naomi one day when Jared was gone and had them meet me at her apartment. We came up with the money and the plan to get me out of that relationship. So I moved in with Robbie and Naomi, where Jared couldn't find me, and had my lawyer serve him.
    "And then my parents found me. I don't know how, but they showed up at the apartment door and started berating me about how a divorce will mess up my life and how I can't do that because what will it say about them? That their daughter is twenty and divorced like a slut.
    "I couldn't believe it. Maybe I was supposed to be unloveable my whole life. Maybe my friends were just big dreamers, and I deserved every punch and awful name thrown at me. Jared flipped his tune on a dime after he was served and got ahold of me.
    "He offered me my own place to live, that he'd pay for it as long as I stayed married to him. He'd find the perfect place for me, with a  view and everything. He'd buy me a car and let me drive myself to the studio. I felt like I was falling in love again, but I wasn't. I was falling into a false sense of relief.
    "His name is on the lease and continues to send gifts, trying to buy my love back.
    "It was a messy divorce" I get back on track. "When I moved out of his place and into mine, it became clear what all I was missing. I was missing club nights with the gang, movies, and normal young adult things. I already missed out on my teenagehood. I wasn't going to let him ruin my twenties. So I threatened him that I would leak all the evidence and information I have about him if he doesn't sign the papers. They were in my lawyer's office the next day.
    "He didn't let me read the prenup before I signed it. The entire divorce settlement went to my parents. They got to be filthy rich for the rest of their lives like they always wanted to be. Jared sends them thousands every month that should have been sent to me.
    "He's threatened to take away my deal, my apartment, and ruin my name every day. Obviously, I still live there and have my deal, but he shows up everywhere all the time. He seeks me out and inserts himself into my life. I've tried everything, but even restraining orders can do so much. And I do fall back into that habit when things are hard. He's easy. I know what to expect from him. I know how to conduct myself to keep him happy. I know him." I pause, thinking over if I missed anything with Jared. "So, that's the sob story of my awful past." I finish. I hear Tom sniffling behind me. "Are you crying?" I ask.
    Tom turns around and hugs me. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all that, Love. He's a terribly awful man who should be behind bars the rest of his life." I hold onto him tighter. I knew he cared, but enough to cry on my behalf? "If I ever do anything that reminds you of him, please just let me know. I never want you to go through that again. Especially with me." I let myself cry, releasing all the shame, guilt, and horror that's sat in my stomach my whole life.
    I felt lighter after that night. Tom has this extraordinary power of making me feel like I was a feather and worthy of love. He's never lost it, and I hope I never do.
Tag List: @queenofallhobos​
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Roguish Women Part 30
Summary: Kate is an American who fled to Paris to escape her past life. Now she's dancing and playing the part of a courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. There she meets Tommy Shelby who thinks she can be useful in expanding his empire. But has he been blinded?
Part 30: Tommy admits what he’s done and Kate welcomes the idea of a home. 
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          Kate laughed because she genuinely thought he was kidding. The Shelbys were no different from the other powerful people she knew. People who were so above the law, none of their arrests actually stuck. The police force was far too easy to bribe, as were jurors and judges. She couldn’t count how many times Frank Wallace was arrested, his rap sheet was endless and contained possibly every violation known to lawyers. He was always in and out of Charles Street jail, knew the warren personally and all the guards by their first names. Often times, Kate would pick Frank up from the short stints of being locked up and he’d always say the same thing.
           “Alright fellas, same time next week?”
           It never failed to make Kate laugh.
           But no matter how many times Frank was arrested, he was never convicted. He rarely even stood trial.
           So, to hear that the Shelbys had been arrested and sentenced to death? It was so outlandish.          
           But Tommy didn’t look amused.
           The smile dropped from Kate’s face. “You’re serious? Tommy, you can’t be fucking serious. What happened?”      
           His hand slipped under his glasses so he could rub his eyes. He had hoped they might have a bit more time together before everything about the past month came out. Just to have a few days where neither of them had to worry about anything. They could just enjoy each other’s company and make up for the time that had been stolen from them. There would be a time to address the issues in the outside world. There was always time for that. But there never seemed to be enough time for having a decent relationship. Perhaps that was his fault.
           “There are things in place…”
           Kate hated it when he used that excuse and she knew he knew. And yet, he would always have a plan until the day he died. “I don’t understand what could possibly warrant this.”
           “It’s difficult to explain.”
           He sighed, forgetting how relentless she could be. “They won’t be hanged. This is to ensure that the Crown cannot hold anything over my head anymore once this is over. I have a letter from the king that puts him in a very difficult place. They’ll want these documents destroyed. So I’ll destroy them once everyone is released from prison.”
           Kate fiddled with her mother’s locket, unsure of what to think. “So, you’re getting something out of this.”
           “The family is all getting something out of this. Everyone in the company, everyone.
           “But they’re the ones in prison.”
           “By the time we get back, it will be a few days until their release. Then the matter is done and over with.”
           She chewed on her lip. “I trust you know what you’re doing but did you stop to think about what this might do to them. I mean were they even aware of what was going to happen?”
           “They couldn’t know. They couldn’t look like accomplices to the matter.”
           Kate put a hand over her face. It felt like her life, for a few years, was just a series of tests. Testing her loyalty and love for Tommy. “Maybe I don’t totally understand. Maybe I do, I don’t know. But I worry about what’ll do to your family. I know how important they are to you and how important you are to them. You can’t risk those relationships.”
           “They’ll understand once they know everything.”
           She gave him a worried look but nodded. She couldn’t help but feel like there was nothing of the matter that was in her control.
           Kate had a lot to think about as they disembarked the ship and took the train to Warwickshire.
           When they arrived at Arrow House, Tommy kissed her and excused himself to his office.
           Kate unpacked the few bits of clothes she had and took out the box that held her ballet shoes. She unraveled the ribbon and picked up the shoes. She finally felt comfortable enough to hold them again. But she wasn’t quite ready to wear them yet. So, she inspected them a bit before returning them back to their usual resting spot and placed the box on a nearby dresser.
           She looked around the room Mary had led her to. Kate had a hunch that it wasn’t the master bedroom. In comparison to the size of the house, it was too small to be the master.
           Yet, Tommy’s clothes were in the closet, all neatly ironed and hung up in a row.
           Kate took a spare hanger to place one of her dresses in the closet. She stepped back to see how it looked beside Tommy’s dress shirts.
           Nice, it looked nice.
           Not too long after, Kate knocked on Tommy’s study door. He allowed her in, the lines of worry on his face softening when he saw her open the door.
           “I was hoping someone could drive me into town. I wasn’t able to get my things when I left so I don’t have many clothes to wear.” She explained.
           “Of course, do you want me to go with you?” He offered.
           “You look busy, I don’t want to intervene.” Kate was hoping he was in the midst of getting everyone out of prison, so, she didn’t want to delay him.    
           He nodded and reached into his inner jacket pocket for his billfold. He handed her a good-sized wad of cash.
           She hesitated. “That’s more than enough.”
           He just shrugged but didn’t withdraw the amount.
           “Okay.” She took the money, thinking she could just give the remainder back to him when she returned.
           “One more thing before you go.”
           “I want you to take your time, aye? There’s no rush for anything here. Get settled and make this your home if you’d like. I want you to be comfortable here. But if it takes some time before you feel at ease, then that’s alright.” He said in a gentle voice, his blue eyes on hers. “I’ll be here for you every step of the way. If you need me to wait, I’ll wait.”
           Kate swallowed and felt her eyes prick with tears. When was the last time she had a home? She had lived in so many places but never called any of them home. Tommy was offering her something so valuable. A home.
           She leaned down to kiss him softly. It was still a feeling to get used to, but they had time. Tommy would make sure of that.
           Early one morning, four nooses were put over four necks. But each person walked away alive.
           It all occurred before Kate had even woken up. She found the bed empty beside her. She would’ve questioned if Tommy had even slept if it weren’t for the disheveled sheets next to her.
           She got up and dressed, donning one of the new skirts and blouses she’d gotten a few days earlier.
           “Miss Lynch, would you like some breakfast?” One of the maids asked as Kate came downstairs.
           “Maybe just some coffee, thank you.” It was one thing she knew would take some time to get used to. Having people always at the ready to help her with virtually anything was somewhat off-putting. Her entire life, Kate did everything herself. Even at a young age, she had to learn to take care of herself. But she figured it would be something to get used to because she wanted so desperately to make a home with Tommy.
           “Of course, ma’am.”
           “Is Tommy in?”
           “Mr. Shelby went out to the stables. He didn’t say if he was going for a ride or not.”
           “That’s alright, thank you,” Kate said and found herself going outside to see if she could find him. The lawns were expansive and she couldn’t even see where the property ended from the back door. She followed the path back to the stables and greeted a few of the young men working around the stables.
           It had been some time since Kate had been around horses. She did ride often but attended many races and at one point even owned a racehorse. So, the scent of the stables was familiar and a bit calming to her.
           “Tom?” She peered into the nearest stalls to see if he was around.    
           “I thought you were going to sleep through the entire morning.”
           She smiled when she heard his voice from the third stall from the door.
           It was endearing to see Tommy around horses. He was dressed down from the three-piece suits he was so fond of. Instead opting for an old button-down shirt and trousers that were from his time as a younger man back in Birmingham. His suspenders were lax by his hips and his dark hair was hidden by his flat cap.
           It was Tommy at his simplest form and Kate felt so blessed to see such a vulnerable side to him.
           “It’s been a while since I got a good night’s sleep.” She leaned by the stall door.
           The large black horse that Tommy was grooming stretched out his neck to greet Kate. She held out her hand to let him sniff her before stroking his nose gently.
           “Well, I’m glad you got some sleep here.” It was encouraging to know Kate was already settling into living at Arrow House.
           “I didn’t even hear you get up this morning. Were you off early?” She asked.
           “Yeah.” He hunched over to pick the horse’s front hoof. “Sorry, I didn’t leave you a note but I figured I’d be back before you woke up.”
           “Were you out doing business?” She wondered.
           “Yep.” He let go of the horse’s hoof and patted his shoulder. “Polly, John, Arthur, and Michael all walked free.”
           A wave of relief washed over Kate. “That’s good news. I should go see them I’ve missed them.”
           Tommy looked down, rummaging through the brush box on the floor of the stall. “They might talk to you, but they informed me I wasn’t welcome around them or their families anymore.” He replied. His voice was steady as usual but he sounded grimly disappointed. Perhaps with himself, but she wasn’t positive.
           “Because of what happened?” Kate didn’t want to be the person to say it was warranted. She felt slightly removed from the situation because she’d been gone for months.
           Tommy nodded; his eyes still downcast. “Maybe you could call Ada to see if they’d be willing to see you. She’s been acting as the buffer between us.” He explained.
           “Oh.” Kate hoped the Shelby woman would have some more insight and maybe speak a little more on the matter. She’d never been afraid to call out Tommy when it was necessary.
           “I saw you still have your ballet shoes.” He quickly pivoted the conversation away from his family.
           “Yes, they were the only thing I took from his apartment when I left.”
           “Do you still have interest in joining a company?” He wondered. “There’s an independent group I’ve been donating some money to.”
           “I think right now I’d like to just settle in.” Irrational worries arose. Worries that Tommy would keep her separate from Shelby Company Limited perhaps to protect her or to protect himself. After all, the last time he trusted a woman he loved, it interfered with business. But Kate knew that she had a strong presence in his company, especially regarding Alfie and goods going into America. She doubted he would push her out of that operation, she was too good at it. But perhaps after what happened with Polly and the boys, he wanted her to look the other way so it wouldn’t cause doubt in her mind. He didn’t want his actions to affect their relationship. But that wasn’t how Kate lived.
           “The ballroom is probably the biggest open space in the house.” He said. “If you want to clear out a bit more furniture so you could practice, just say the word.”
           The worries faded from Kate’s mind. He just wanted her to be happy. He remembered what she had said all the way back to the first time they met. When she longed to resume the dream, she lost. Now he was trying to grant that wish. But after everything, Kate wondered if she really could return to that life. It remained to be seen.
           “Kate?” Tommy realized the faraway look in her eyes. “I’m sorry you had to come back to this.”
           Instinct told her to give a fake smile and brush it off. But she valued the newfound honesty between each other. “I’ve been beginning to figure out that things happen for a reason. If you thought this would protect everyone, then how can I blame you? But you can’t expect them to forgive you so soon. You’ll have to mend those relationships with them.”
           Tommy looked disgruntled at the idea. After all he’d done for his family, he thought they would understand. “If they don’t want my apologies then that’s fine. They’re free to do as they wish with the money, I gave them.” He went back to picking his horse’s hooves.
           “Tom, please don’t shut them out because they’re not ready to forgive you immediately.” She begged. “You know how precious having family is, don’t waste it.”
           “They’re the ones holding a grudge, Kate.”
           “Because they feel betrayed.” She unlatched the stall door and stepped inside. “Can’t you see it from their point of view? They feel as though they were used as pawns. You said they didn’t know the plan so they probably thought they would be hanged.”
           He let the horse set his hoof back down and he straightened up to face her. “Everything I’ve done for this bloody family has been done in their favor. If they want to pretend, they don’t need me, then fine.”
           “But you need them.” She reached up to rub a bit of dirt off his cheek. Her thumb passed over the scar. The one she had tended to in the boat headed for London. It felt like lifetimes ago. “Please, try to work on it.” She implored. “For their sakes, for my sake, for your sake.”
           Tommy didn’t promise anything but he kissed her forehead and embraced her. She was definitely the voice of reason in the madhouse of his mind.  
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Tag list: @radical-gecko @actorinfluence @meltingicequeen @merlettina
PB Masterlist
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inkykeiji · 3 years
ME TOO CLARI ME TOO my fav thing to do is making someone watch a film that i’ve enjoyed nd observe their reaction all the time hehehe i watch their reactions more than the actual movie pffft
moving onto ur fav film list, your fav film list made me SO happy!! i was so excited to see that most of them were films i’ve watched&wholeheartedly enjoyed ( ^ω^ ) FINALLY SOMEONE APPRECIATING THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS YES!! whenever i mention anderson everyone talks ab the grand budapest hotel so im so happy to see u enjoyed the royal tenenbaums 🥺 also omg u watched burning?!? isn’t it such an amazing film <3 also reservoir dogs and little women and spirited away and ahh i could go on and on forever ab ur list but this ask would be a whole essay so i’ll force myself to hold in cri cri
horror movies are so fascinating aren’t they!!! i love em sm too <3 ari aster n jordan peele r my fav favs when it comes to horror. +the shining and scream! i enjoyed the conjuring series as well :) wait can i drop u a rec, since u love horror i totally recommend a tale of two sisters by kim. one of my all time favs&i have a strong feeling u would love it too! that film has such beautiful cinematography as well (✿╹◡╹)
ahhh my fav films r like, all over the place cuz i don’t have a strong preference/taste, but some of my fav films (that aren’t mentioned above/in ur list) include jojo rabbit-waititi, the florida project-baker, dazed and confused-linklater, moonlight-jenkins, girl interrupted-mangold, your name-makoto, mid90s-hill, lady bird-gerwig, uncut gems-safdie and etc etc so many more but i feel like im oversharing hehehe i also love action movies too but that’s a whole different discussion ;)
honestly u can recommend me anything u want cuz my taste is all over the place like i said, but to narrow it down, hmmm 🤔 is there a movie that u think is a must-watch? or genre-wise, maybe horror/action/drama/coming of age!! love u so so much clari<33 how is tumblr allowing me to write this much huh -🐰
ehehehe okay i’m gonna answer under the cut because i knoooow i’m gonna ramble
RIGHT and like idek why i guess i just love sharing the things i love with the people i care about and observing how they feel about it???
AHAHAHA YESSSSS oh my gosh i love the royal tenenbaums so much!! like my favourite wes film is either fantastic mr fox or rushmore, but yes!! grand budapest is rly pretty tho and i think that’s why so many people gravitate towards it yk? I DID WATCH BURNING actually i was super lucky and got to watch it at TIFF before it ‘officially’ premiered + there was a lil q&a with the cast and director (w a translator ehehe) but it absolutely blew me away. i’m just in love with korean cinema as a whole. i have yet to watch a korean film that i don’t like!!
little women is just !!!!!!! i love greta so much and i can’t wait to see what else she creates; i just feel like greta is a woman director creating films FOR WOMEN. does that make sense??? well-known women directors are already so sparse, but there are some (ie bigelow) who create uhhhhhh films that cater more towards men and the masses??? and that’s not to say that bigelow isn’t a fantastic director, because she IS, but i really like sofia coppola and greta gerwig because their films are so feminine and focused on feminine issues and relationships that we really don’t see on widespread/popular screens (like at first run theatres ie multiplexes).
RESERVOIR DOGS AAAAAAAH listen listen i have A Thing for mr. blonde ehehehe yeah i really love quentin, as i mentioned. whenever someone says pulp fiction is his best film i really have to refrain from rolling my eyes, and i know that makes me sound like suuuuch a snob but like,,,,,,,,,, pulp fiction is his most popular film, not his best (in MY opinion!! since art is all personal opinion yk etc etc). and like i could go on forever about him, i love every single one of his films, i think he’s such a fantastic writer and just aaaaah <333333 love quentin’s work so so so much.
ARI ASTER AND JORDAN PEELE ARE FANTASTIC. i wrote an essay on get out and it was literally one of my favourite essays to write!! i’m really really really excited to see what both of them continue to create!! OOOOH I LOOKED IT UP AND YEAH IT LOOKS RIGHT UP MY ALLEY i will add it to the list n get back to you!!!
aaaaah ur taste!!! dw clearly my taste is all over the place too ahahaha i just love cinema so much, i’m always eager to watch new films and literally always feel overwhelmed with just how many i want to watch ehehehe. OH MY GOD YOUR NAME MADE ME SOB LIKE A BABY such a beautiful film!!!!!! loved it so so so much. eeeee i actually hate action movies ahahahaha 🙈🙈🙈
hmmm i’m gonna try n go with ‘must watch’ films just because i feel like i’ve already mentioned so many in most of those genres n you’ve already seen most of them, so!!
ladri di biciclette by de sica
masculin, feminin and pierrot le fou by godard
news from home by akerman (if you can find it, it can be a lil difficult to track down but if ur school has a decent film library/collection they should have it!!)
rome, open city by rossellini
in the mood for love by wong kar-wai
the 400 blows by truffaut
hotel by the river by hong sangsoo (i literally love this film so fucking much my gosh like another one we saw at TIFF one year and just !!!!!!!)
full metal jacket by kubrick
apocalypse now by coppola
bride of frankenstein by whale
nosferatu by murnau (honestly anything german expressionism is worth watching esp the cabinet of dr caligari and metropolis, too,, i just really love german expressionism lmaoooo)
peeping tom by powell
king kong (1933) by cooper + schoedsack
aaaah like tbh i’d be surprised if you didn’t know/watch these, too!! like, i feel like they’re fairly common in film programs but!!! recommending films to another film student is hard cause i’m sitting here like ‘well, they most likely know all of the american/hollywood ‘must watch’ films’, but then i’m all ‘but if they’re a film student, there’s a good chance they’ve watched these, too’ so aaaah idk i hope some of these are new to you, at least!!! i kinda just thought about my favourite cinema movements and picked a film or two from each ahahahaha
SORRY I WROTE U A MINI ESSAY LMAO JUST RAAAAMBLING but !!! i can’t wait to hear more about ur cinema adventures!!! lmk if you’ve seen any on the rec list omg omg and once again sorry it took me so long to finish answering this :((
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