#I’m all for getting together with your family and sharing a meal and being grateful
jujumin-translates · 6 months
Event | Act 3.5 Event - NEW ERA GARDEN | Chapter 7
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*Contains spoilers for Act 12 - eternal moment*
Yukio: Everyone looks so cool.
Costume Manager: The fit seems fine too.
Syu: Yeah. Thanks for gettin’ this all pulled together in such a short amount of time.
Costume Manager: No, no, it’s nothing! It’s not every day I get an opportunity to do something like this, so I’m honored!
Yuzo: I’m used to wearin’ Japanese-style clothes, but the Shinsengumi’s haoris still feel too youthful.
Kasumi: Let’s take a commemorative photo together!
Hiro: You’re putting that on the web version of “Spotlight,” aren’t you?
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Kasumi: Ehe, how’d you know?
Yukio: How about striking a pose and saying “Go, Shinsengumi!”?
Kasumi: Join us, Yukio-san!
Yukio: Eh, me too?
Costume Manager: If that’s the case, I have a spare dandara haori, so why don’t you put one on too, Yukio-san?
Syu: Sounds like a great idea.
Zen: Who’s Yukio playing?
Yuzo: Yamanami-san maybe?
Yukio: But I’m not an actor--.
Reni: …
Yukio: Umm… I just won’t do it! It’d be like having a tourist in the mix!
Yukio: Just go ahead and take the picture!
Zen: …
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Yukio: Well then, let’s end rehearsal here today. You can all put your costumes away and head home now.
Yuzo: Good work today.
Kasumi: Good work, everyone!
Zen: Nice work.
Yukio: Ah, Zen-san.
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Zen: Hm?
Yukio: It’s your turn for a one-on-one interview, Zen-san.
Zen: Oh, gotcha.
Yukio: Should we go to the usual bar?
Zen: Let me decide where we go.
Yukio: That’s fine, where do you want to go?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Zen: Here you are.
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Yukio: Stew…!?
Zen: It’s been a while since I’ve made somethin’ like this for you.
Zen: The recipe is the latest version of the one that I’ve been workin’ on since you nagged me about it back then.
Yukio: Zen-san…! I never thought I’d be able to eat this again! I can’t wait!
Zen: …
Zen: (It was really hard to come up with this recipe.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
That day, for the umpteenth time, we met to review the stew before dinner.
“How is it?”
When I asked that, Yukio smiled as he sat alone in the dining room, eating the stew.
“…It’s really good. But… I think it could use a little more white wine and maybe some more miso. Maybe a little less butter too. But just a bit!”
“…Got a long list of demands for your stew, as usual.”
“I’ll try that recipe next month.”
I sighed as Yukio held out his empty plate.
“Seconds, please!”
“You literally just had lunch. This is what I’m makin’ for dinner.”
Yukio pouts, insisting I was only doing that because of what he said.
“C’mon, just a little bit? We can have some together, Zen-san.”
“Fine, but just a bit.”
I ended up putting some more stew on Yukio’s plate and put some on my own before sitting down with him.
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“It’s better to have a meal with someone else, after all.”
“Doesn’t matter if you eat with me, it’s boring either way.”
Yukio smiles at me while I silently return to eating my food.
“That’s not true. Generally speaking, you want to eat with other people, don’t you, Zen-san?”
“You sayin’ I’m a loner?”
“Yeah. I’m with you, so I guess I kind of get what you mean. The MANKAI dorms were built because I wanted a place where all the troupe members could live together like a family.”
Yukio looked right at me as he said that.
“People like you should create a ‘place’ like that for yourselves someday, Zen-san.”
“A place?”
“Yes. This place I created is unique. I’m forever grateful for the precious time you all share in my life.”
I was a little surprised that Yukio would think about such an admirable thing, given the way he was always pushing everyone.
“The only way lonely people like us can be at peace is by making a place for ourselves!”
“…I ain’t like you.”
“Ehhh, I think we’re pretty alike.”
Despite my denial, Yukio’s opinion got some nods of approval.
But being lonely just doesn’t match with me.
No one else thinks of me like that.
Yukio is a strange man. He so easily opens up and shows what he’s feeling inside without even realizing it.
Despite having been betrayed before, I’ve been tempted to rekindle the bonds with the others that I never thought I’d want again, since joining this theater company.
I guess Yukio is right, maybe I am a lonely person after all.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Yukio: …Snf.
Zen: Old age makin’ you weepy?
Yukio: …This taste never gets old.
Yukio: You’ve had the love of my stomach ever since the day we met, Zen-san. The fried rice from back then was good too.
Zen: Oh, that store went outta business.
Yukio: Eeh!? Really!? I had no idea… That’s shocking.
Zen: The owner seemed happy at the closing party because a lotta the former staff was there, me included.
Yukio: I see. So you didn’t end up missing it in the end. You used to get so mad while you were working there part-time…
Zen: …You’re a lonely guy, too, but you’ve done well enough on your own for so long.
Yukio: By the way, it’d be a shame if this long-awaited stew were any saliter…
Zen: Don’t cry into the stew. It’s gross…
Yukio: Ehehe. Even back then I was making a place for myself, you know. I thought I was doing okay, but…
Yukio: When I was allowed to come back to Japan, I was thinking about what I’d even do when I got back.
Yukio: I realized that the first generation MANKAI Company was really the best place I had in my life.
Zen: That why you’re afraid of fightin’ with Reni?
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Yukio: --Ah, yeah.
Yukio: …I’m kind of tempted to talk with you more, Zen-san. About a lot of things.
Zen: Even back then, I told you to tell me if somethin’ was wrong, but you never did.
Yukio: It’s because I couldn’t do it back then
Zen: …Why?
Yukio: I think maybe you’re right, because I was scared. Our bond was reconnected, but if something happens to break it, it’ll all fall apart again.
Yukio: If I get into a fight with Reni, I’m sure everything would happen all over again…
Zen: …Yukio Tachibana’s a human being too, ain’t he?
Yukio: You’re right. I forgot that while cleaning the costume.
Zen: Because it was broken once but brought back together, that bond must be stronger than ever. And each one of us is even more developed as a person.
Zen: Ain’t no way somethin’ like that is gonna be broken so easily. So confront it head on. It’s not with the Reni from then, but with the Reni now.
Yukio: Right…
Zen: The one and only place where we belong will probably never be taken from us again, so we should cherish it until the day we die.
Yukio: …That’s the way of a lonely man’s life.
Yukio: Seconds, please!
Zen: Hmph, you still eat as much as ever.
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ghostofskywalker · 2 years
Hello, Tori. I got a request for ya: unfortunately, I don’t have a writing prompt but I got the comfort trope. Basically I’d like a fluffy Anakin x General Reader.
Maybe with a Thanksgiving theme at the Jedi Temple? ✨ Love your work!
hello, thank you for the request!! i tried to work thanksgiving as seamlessly as i could into star wars canon, so this is a post-clone wars au where anakin never turned evil and him and the reader are secretly married. i hope you enjoy!
words: 830
summary: a new tradition for the jedi involves attending dinner and talking about what you're thankful for, and your husband almost reveals your relationship to everyone at the table.
anakin skywalker masterlist 
Thankful For You 
When you and Anakin walked into the room, you both stopped at the sight of the absolute feast that adorned the large table. Neither of you had ever seen this much food before, and coming right out of a war only made your recent experiences with nutrition that much sadder. But now that the war was over and the galaxy was finished rebuilding from the chaos of the past few years, it was time that the Jedi came together once again.
You couldn’t remember the planet that this tradition originated from, but Master Yoda spoke of a celebration where those involved acknowledged the things they were grateful for over a shared meal with their families, and it was decided that the Jedi would host one of these events. The war had hardened every one of you, and it was the desire of the council to return to the peacekeeping ways of the past, something to which you agreed.
You were cautiously optimistic about this evening, but Anakin wanted nothing to do with it. He sulked and sighed when you first informed him of the invitation, and grumbled in annoyance when you told him that attendance was mandatory for all Jedi. He understood why he had to attend, as this was also serving as a memorial for those that had been lost since the outbreak of the war, but that didn’t mean he was too happy about it. He wanted to process his grief for his fellow Jedi and his fallen troops privately, rather than attend this kind of spectacle, and it had taken several kisses to get him back in a good mood.
It didn’t help that Anakin held some resentment towards the Jedi Code, specifically the part about not forming attachments. Despite your best efforts to remain a perfect rule-following Jedi, you had fallen in love with him as the two of you grew up together, and you had gotten married just before the beginning of the war. You were incredibly grateful that both of you had lived to see the conflict’s end, because your master had been one of the fallen, and both of you had come close to death on several occasions.
“I don’t know how I’m going to survive this dinner,” he said as the two of you were getting ready to leave. “Can’t we just tell them that we won’t be able to make it?”
You raised your eyebrows at him. “And when someone asks why both of us couldn’t attend, what are you going to say?
He was silent for a moment, then gave a (wholly unconvincing) fake cough. “We were sick?”
“There’s no way Master Yoda is going to buy that banthashit excuse.”
He sighed. “You’re right.”
“Come on, it won’t be all bad,” you said. “We can see if Obi-Wan sets a new record for most glasses of wine drank in one sitting.”
You took your place at the table between Anakin and Obi-Wan, Ahsoka across from you. The food was delicious, with half the dishes on the table being things you had never heard of before, but everything went together perfectly. You held Anakin’s hand under the table whenever you could, a slightly risky move given your present company, but you didn’t care.
When Master Yoda suggested that everyone go around and mention one thing that they are thankful for, Anakin slipped up for a moment. “The people I love,” was his response, and he quickly added “including my close friends in the Order and those who helped me during the war.”
You held your breath as you attempted to nonchalantly look around the table, wondering if anyone was going to say something to him that might expose your secret. For a second it looked like Obi-Wan was about to open his mouth in response, but he seemed to decide against it at the last moment. You wouldn’t be surprised if Obi-Wan had his suspicions about the two of you already, but you were glad that no one voiced any concerns.
You went next, and you chose to cite your current company as what you were thankful for, as well as all the fellow Jedi that had been lost during the war and all the clones you had grown close to throughout your time as a general. That seemed to user in a solemn moment for everyone, and your husband’s little slip up wasn’t brought up again.
That night in bed, you laid your head on Anakin’s chest, truly thankful for the comfort and warmth that sleeping next to him offered. “I really hope they don’t make that a regular event,” he said, moments before turning the lights out.
“I didn’t think it was that bad,” you said. “But I would prefer if you managed to keep the fact that we’re married a secret in front of the entire Order if we have another one though.”
“Hey! No one noticed anything.”
You stifled a laugh. “Sure honey. Just go to sleep.”
- the end - I no longer have a taglist! If you're interested in being notified when I post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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xsezzie · 7 months
Profile Tag Game
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Hello: My name is Sezzie, I know I can be rather blunt and robotic at times, but I promise you I don’t wish to intentionally hurt you. I am always open to having a chat whether it be in my DMs or through asks.
Chat: Tickling - Of course I like tickling, no shame in that. It’s completely normal… some people get flustered by it? Oh well, those people are the cutest~ Hm? You aren't cute? Well, I guess someone will need some tickles to convince them otherwise!
Chat: Identity - I wonder who I was yesterday, who I’ll be today, and what I’ll be tomorrow… I wish I knew who I was.
Chat: Masking - That thing I just did now, it was incorrect. I will be sure to act correctly in accordance with societal norms next time. If I do not act correctly then others will become disgusted or angry... Just as I would if you were to do the same.
When It Rains: Ugh, this would be nicer if it was at night time…
After the Rain: Everything either looks really clean or really dirty depending on the area… oh look, the birds are coming back out.
When Thunder Strikes: Ah… so relaxing.
When It Snows: What’s that?
When the Sun Is Out: Everything is as it should be…
When the Wind is Blowing: Ugh, my hair is messed up now…  
Good Morning: Get up already, the world is perfect at this hour. The bad people don’t come out until later so it’s best to enjoy it while it lasts! 
Good Afternoon: So hungry… must do my best to not eat a big meal…
Good Evening: Better get inside… they will be coming out soon.
Good Night: The optimal sleeping hours for those who suffer from depression are 10pm to 5am. Setting yourself a strict bed time will do wonders for your mental health, so hurry along, time for sleep.
About Sezzie: Alphabet - A fellow neurodivergent coworker taught me to think of all my disorders as “my alphabet”… so my alphabet currently is GAD, MDD and BPD… with ASD and ADHD in the process of being diagnosed.
About Sezzie: Writing - I actually hate that I’m the writer in the family and cannot physically draw. But, having a high literacy IQ certainly comes in handy when I’m creating. I’m glad people are able to feel my writing when I put the effort into it.
Something to Share: Name - My real name means “princess” apparently… I hope I don’t come off as one.
Interesting Things: Senses - Ah I love exploring sensory things. Honestly, I believe that feeling sensory pleasure is very soothing and not always supposed to be NSFW as most see it.
Sezzie’s Hobbies: Each of my personalities seems to have different hobbies, but if had to take a guess on the true me… writing, worldbuilding, and video games would be on top! I do also enjoy learning new things and gardening.
Sezzie’s Troubles: My existence troubles me… too dark? Well, deal with it. Life isn’t sunshine and rainbows, and I’m tired of coddling the special ones.
Favourite Food: I do not have the ability to have a favourite food due to my sensory eating issues… my addictions and interests change constantly. Ah but if there is one I’ll always come back to… Chicken Kievs hehe
Least Favourite Food: All of them! I like the art of food but eating? Bleh. I wish we didn’t have to.
About @otomiyaa: Ahhh she is my idol! I have been following her for years.. and only recently got the courage to begin talking to her more. I get nervous and think I come off as some weird fan that thinks they are friends with their idols. Forgive me Otomiya-SAMA!!
About @ticklystuff: He is the first person I began talking to when I joined the community. I feel like I owe him something for all the kindness and chats we have had together. I wish I could talk more often about hot MEN with him hehe
About @ticklish-n-stuff: Sakura-chan is one of the few people I can let my guard down and show my more "embarrassing" or "fangirl" sides to when it comes to characters I like. I am grateful to have her in my life. She also gushes about MEN with me and we have a blast discussing tickling.
About @nataliewritez: Nat is my adorable little sister and is a joy to chat to about anything. I can't believe we have known each other for nearly 2 years already!
About @fanfic-chan: Dessie is so adorable and such a comfy person to be around! Also the biggest lee ever hehe
About @ticklygiggles: Little does she know how cute she is. Perhaps I should go tease her sometime soon...
Tagging @fanfic-chan @nataliewritez @ticklish-n-stuff @ticklystuff @italeean @thatonetickleblog @anzynai @stopiteatpopcorn
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queriesntheories · 2 months
From that ask dingus: 11. something on your wishlist? 21. how do you like your pizza? 27. what fascinates you about humanity?
11. A binder TwT but it’s costs quite a bit to get (and I am undecided on a style) so I’m holding off for now
21. Preferably I like thick chewy crusts but I don’t mind if I get thin ones
And honestly with me and pizza toppings anything goes as long as the combination isn’t disgusting! Hear me out on this: pear blue cheese and walnut pizza. Nobody understands that combination but me and my family! It’s freakin’ delicious! Try it I dare you
27. The capacity of the kindness and care of strangers.
I visited America once, and was using cash to pay for a meal at an automated order machine thing but it wouldn’t recognise my twenty dollar bill. A kind man swapped his bill with mine seeing my struggle ^^
Another time, I was really upset that I’d lost something important on public transport and a nice girl asked if I was okay, and told me how I could get it back when I explained everything.
But I think the event that stands out to me the most happened last autumn.
I was on my way back from a concert with a friend. It was your worst nightmare: phones are dead, it’s a Sunday night with work the next day, and we had to keep a family member updated with whereabouts for safety stuff. I wrote down the route back home on a piece of paper, and after accidentally going the wrong way on the bus, we managed to run into some other people from the gig who got on when we headed back the right way.
Now this is where fandom is very helpful; one of them let me borrow their phone and call home because I was wearing a Toby Fox pin. The shared understanding of something like that can bring people together, like allies helping allies.
The bus got to the station we needed to be at, and we then found a few more people who were all travelling the same way, so naturally we banded together. It was a tiring, but still enjoyable trip back chatting about the concert, the artists featured, the set list etc. Before we parted ways, I called home again to update them, thanked those lovely people for their help, and changed trains to head home.
We made it back in one piece despite the emotional turmoil of being underprepared and going to a gig on a freakin’ Sunday. If it weren’t for them I think we might have been in a bit of a bind…
If somehow the people who were there see this and remember us, thank you for sharing your phone and your company with us!! Still grateful after all this time 💙
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vizthedatum · 9 months
As artist and advocate, @courtneyahndesign says, “there is no self-care without community care.”
Last night, I had my Divorcée Soirée, and there is truly no greater love for me than being surrounded by the warmth of my community.
Everyone looked awesome and there were amazing outfits, conversations, and vibes. And my friends met my other friends and my ADORABLE godson!!!! It honestly was such a good time, and the perfect way to end this chapter of my life.
Grieving and healing won’t stop, because they go hand in hand. However, I am able to feel such joy - that was severely lacking in my life… and more horrifyingly so, I was also walking away from that joy in the past.
I am working on my sense of self-worth and walking away from my ego instead to truly discover who I am and who I can be in this world.
I don’t have all the answers, but together, my community can come up with solutions. I will always be so incredibly grateful for those who housed me last November and December after I left (what I thought) the best relationship of my life. I was trying so hard to hold it together but I was falling apart, riddled with internal and external vices, one of which was crippling codependency with my ex and family members - something I was abused as a child to become a professional at and then later it simply became a tool for self-harm.
I thought, even intellectually, that I would never know how to repay all the acts of kindness - from my friends sharing resources with me, people messaging back to my texts, donations, people getting me things that made my life warm and fuzzy, random hookups, my ex-partners and current partner from this year supporting me, words of affirmation and support, listening to me, and acceptance of my (very messy) healing journey.
It hurts to say because this is how I’ve been conditioned, but I don’t need to repay this unless explicitly stated. How you repay love? Throw a party and hug your friends as much as you can? Try to buy them meals and gifts? Try to catch up on all your messages?
The party was great but not repayment.
I mean, that’s all great and good, but I know that my friends showed me love because they could and wanted to help me out because I was in trouble. It was care.
And I’m learning how to receive care. And it’s helped me learn how to calm my nervous system about how I show my care.
It’s so hard being yourself.
My friends make it easier.
Thank you to everyone who showed up last night and also everyone everywhere who showed me care. Even a positive thought sent my way made a difference. I am so much happier now. ❤️❤️❤️
Also this is my outfit today! And makeup! Featuring the decals that my friends put up at my place!!
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deepdeepjoyandpain · 2 years
Back in the woods and at the beach, year 9 of camping with the pals I call my college friends. We originated during that season.
The whole group is 30 when together, kids range from 17 to 5. They are just amazing together and play so well. Feeding them gets more intense every year!
Tonight Lou was corrected by 4 of our friends for how she talked to me. Her peer- whoa why do you talk to your mom like that- and three of the other moms. One followed her to the bathroom and asked some good questions. The feeling of support is priceless and amazing. This is what the daily grind lacks. Being seen. I’m so grateful.
And she definitely simmered down as the night went on. Her and one of the boys are the die hard look for frogs kids and they had a blast. She went to bed so sweetly— not our usual!
First night in a tent of the year- and it’s a new tent! The old one was fabulous but the zipper died. New one is a dark tent by Coleman and I like it. We sleep on double high air mattresses, I’m high maintenance like that. The friends are all in trailers and we have a grill so I will happily use their supplies for food. We are sharing meals, I’m doing brats/buffalo chicken dip/broccoli pasta salad/street corn salad/blueberries tomorrow with another family.
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halfseoulco · 2 years
Chuseok (추석): What it means and how we celebrate
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Published Friday, September 9th, 2022 — Chuseok (추석) is a major Korean holiday that takes place in autumn. This year, the celebration runs from September 9th through the 11th, although the dates change every year with the lunar calendar.
Also known as Hangawi (한가위), this holiday is a time for family, with many Koreans returning to their hometowns to celebrate and pay respects to their ancestors. Calling back to a time when Korea was founded on farming and agriculture, it was also a time to give thanks for the year’s harvest. The acts of memorial services for ancestors, charye (차례), and family visits to ancestral graves, seongmyo (성묘) are the two main traditions associated with Chuseok; and it is also customary to even prepare your ancestors’ favorite meals as an offering.
Many people present gifts to their family, friends, and coworkers during Chuseok, including high-quality cuts of beef (which is highly prized by Koreans as a people), fresh fruit, snacks, and items that the recipient would consider useful. After paying respects to one’s ancestors and eating together, it is then common to also spend some time playing games such as yut nori (윷놀이), ssireum (씨름) (Korean wrestling), and juidarigi (줄다리기), which is similar to tug of war, just to name a few. Games usually vary by region; and in some areas, village folks dress as cows or turtles and go from house to house with a nongak (농악) band playing pungmul (풍물) music, which is called sonori (소노리).
How I Celebrate Chuseok
I hope to be able to spend Chuseok in Korea with my family one day (most of them are in Seoul), but this year, I am spending the weekend with my mother. I’m not a huge fan of the sweet rice cakes filled with sesame seeds, chestnuts, red beans, or other ingredients—called songpyeon (송편)—but I did make the request for the large, round, golden Korean pears that are also often eaten during this time. Since I started living on my own, it’s been very rare that I get to spend Chuseok with my mother, so I’m very grateful that the timing was perfect this year. Being Korean-American presents obstacles to fully celebrating traditions but it also presents the unique opportunity to celebrate in the best and most available ways you can. So I will pack my bag with my yut nori kit from last year’s Dalmajung (달마중) collection [that BTS released], my hanbok RJ, some soju (소주) and Yakults, and enjoy my mother’s company during this family holiday.
Final Notes
(In regards to the Dalmajung collection released by BTS and HYBE both last year and this year, I did want to touch upon a couple of critical points. First, when the collection was announced last year, there were some comments made by non-Korean ARMYs who looked at the traditional clothing-inspired pieces and other items with traditional Korean motifs [such as the norigae (노리개) style keyrings] and expressed their plans to “dress up”. It is extremely important to remember that while the collection was, and is, available to ARMYs around the world to purchase and appreciate, it is not in any way acceptable to treat these aspects of Korean culture as a way to play pretend or appropriate them, as they all have significant meanings to Korean people. Second, HYBE left out some of those more traditional pieces from the collection this year, but please still remember that if you are a non-Korean ARMY who purchased something or plans to purchase something from this year’s Dalmajung collection that BTS and Koreans are sharing their culture and therefore their trust that consumers will treat them respectfully. Thank you and happy Chuseok!)
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Lessons learned from blood.
How your family presents life to your matters and there is no perfect family. There is no flawless family.
My mom’s side of the family is a big blessing of mine. Though they’ve had their share of drama, nobody on my mom’s side of the family has ever held a grudge against one another. They might take a few days, maybe even weeks to get over things, even during this time they don't drag out negativity. When were brought together as one during the holidays or any family gatherings, you can feel the peace and serenity around you. Everybody moves with grace, love and gratitude. Everybody is humble, genuine and welcoming. My family prays and says grace before every meal, they welcome everybody even guess with hugs and endless options of food. My mom’s side of the family is the definition of hustler’s. People meet my mom’s side and the first thing they think is “Your family has money”, but little do they know, nobody came from money and everybody has what they have because they worked for it, nothing was given to them. Nothing has been given us or me, besides the gift of life.
My mom’s side of the family has taught me so many things that I incorporate into my everyday life till this day. To sum it up, they taught me:
You determine your success and nothing will be handed to you. If you work hard and do what’s hard, you won’t regret it when you start seeing the outcome. Success takes time.
Patience will get you further than moving on to the next spark of interest in life. When you give up on being patience because it’s hard or exhausting, the next spark will provide you with a temporary high that will later require the same patience. If you can’t practice consistency and patience, you can’t practice anything. Life success and outcomes are based on consistency and patience.
We’re human and will feel emotions ranging from sad, depression, anger, laughter, happiness and peace - and that’s okay. If i’m angry with somebody, I shouldn’t hold a grudge and carry it with me anymore past that same day, because holding onto the negative feelings day after day can lead to a bad week, weeks or months - and when were upset, we’re distracted from the end game rather than focused. These feelings themselves are a setback. Forgive anything and move forward, the way god forgives everything.
Always be warm and welcoming, always been full of love because all that matters in life if the impact you made on others. Everything you do to somebody, affects them. If you hurt them, you can cause trauma or despise. If you love them, you change somebodies life.
As long as you move with grace, grace will always move with you.
Never go out of your way to hurt somebody, because when you do, you’re no better than them. You should always pick how you spend your time wisely, and it shouldn’t be spent trying to break another’s soul.
It’s better to be sensitive then insensitive, being sensitive shows the heart you carry, but so do being insensitive. Being insensitive resembles a cold heart.
They’ve taught me the humbles of life, the key to being a genuine person.
My dad’s side of the family is divided into two - one half that resembles the same principals, morals and actions of my mom’s side, and the other, the complete opposite. From my dad’s side, I can genuinely say I’m most grateful for my grandma and grandpa. My dad’s side is a bit much. There’s endless drama, endless gossip, endless judgement, endless “only these family members can come”, endless “you’re not good enough”, endless disowning, endless sins, ending love. There is no forgiveness on my dads side, there is no peace, there is no laughter, there is no family gatherings, there is no genuine love. There is endless despise and wishing the worst on each other. Despite this, I can still say they’ve also taught me a lot of important key piece of advice to life.
They taught me that -
You can’t impress everybody.
You will not be in favor of everybody.
You will not be good enough for everybody.
You won’t be welcome around everybody.
Not everybody will like or love you.
Not everybody will be proud of you.
Not everybody will think that you are worth your value.
Not everybody will forgive you.
Not everybody will support you.
Not everybody will wish you well, but will pray for your down fall.
To live in a judgement free world doesn't exist, but you can surround yourself with judgement free people.
I use to despise the negative energy from my dad's side when I was growing up, but as the years go by and the more I mature, I realize that both sides taught me valuable life lessons that I'm grateful for, good or bad.
It's true when they say that god places people in your life for a reason, and in this case, my mom's side was for a blessing and my dad's side was for a lesson.
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mekominthecritic · 1 year
Recipe for Farewell
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Review: Oneuleun Jom Maewoolji Molla - Lee Ho Jae
Drama Recap: A story about how a family comes together when one member is diagnosed with cancer. Da Jung is an editor that has been separated from her husband Chang Wook. They have a son, Jae Ho, who lives with Da Jung. After being diagnosed with cancer, Da Jung seeks aid from her husband, not having anyone else to turn to. He complies and moves back in with his family to cook and care for Da Jung. Through out the drama we get to see Chang Wook’s cooking skills improve, which is surprising as he wasn’t much of a cook. We get to experience the hardships and the journey of Da Jung’s cancer progression, and the effect it has on her, her family, and her friends. By the end of the drama Da Jung passes away but is grateful that her cancer helped her foster a greater bond with her husband. She is also relieved that Jae Ho and Da Jung have become closer. Her husband ends the drama by showing us his longing for his wife, his cooking, and his first draft for a cookbook.
Opinions: I found this drama through one of my favourite actresses Kim Seo Hyung, and boy am I happy to have watched it. To make this easier to explain (because filled with so many emotions right now), I’ll organize my three topics below:
The Universal Love Language: Food
At first, I really liked watching Chang Wook cooking, and listening to him narrate the recipes with an almost poetic approach. Seeing such an organized kitchen, and the process of making food made me want to cook as well! However, as I kept on watching I found that I was looking forward to the people that he was cooking for instead. In the show we get to understand that although Chang Wook may seem like a very sweet person, he wasn’t always like that. Even by the end of the show Da Jung is consistent to point out his flaws, especially his communication. You would think a talented writer and lecturer like Chang Wook would be good with words, but according to their split up, he obviously didn’t use it when he needed it the most. This may seem depressing, but it is why watching this show was all the more special. Da Jung was able to see how much her husband loved her through his cooking and the effort he put into it. Through that I believed is one of the biggest reasons they were able to love again. This part of the show also hits home for me. Since my parents are also very bad with verbal affection, but always tried to make up for it by cooking or buying me food. When Da Jung said, “it’s sharing food that makes us family”, it had never felt so true to me. As all of my good memories of being with others had always contained food. Another remark that I really liked was when the doctor express that even though Da Jung cannot eat, it doesn’t mean they need to hide food from her. This is because good memories don’t only come from eating food, but the enviroment that forms around it. Lastly, it is important to show love to others, but most importantly to yourself. To see Chang Wook’s meals change from instant ramen to actual healthy meals even after his wife’s passing was relieving to see. I think one of the reasons Da Jung was so adamant on Chang Wook’s eating habits was that how you eat can reflect how much you care about yourself. We learn later that one of the big fights that occurs between the couple had to do with Chang Wook’s self confidence with his writing. Unable to accept criticism and unconfident to make his own book, Chang Wook is unable to truly appreciate himself. If you really think about it, properly nourishing your body is one of the most basic ways to show self love. I strongly believe that Chang Wook’s first book draft and his continuous cooking is correlated to how much he’s come to cherish himself. I hope that as I grow older, I will have the ability to show my love to others, and myself, through my cooking.
Repairing Relationships
Although I’m not married and don’t plan on being married, I would say I am quite knowledgeable about relationships. Seeing how much my parent’s relationship failed, made me curious if they could have ever been a happy couple. I love seeing series like this drama that allow us to explore what it means to be married, and what it means to truly love someone. Da Jung is a confident, organized book editor, and publisher that likes to take care of herself. Meanwhile, Chang Wook is a somewhat mellow, unorganized book translator that does not take care of himself well. Da Jung and Chang Wook are portrayed as almost polar opposites, with writing being the only thing they have in common.  So, when the only thing they have in common is removed, it was only natural that their relationship came crumbling down. However, are relationships just having things in common with your partner? I would say initially the commonalities between people are what brings them together, but its caring that truly makes the relationship last. I agreed with Da Jung when she said “there are infinite reasons to breakup, but its courage that keeps you together” to her son when he was breaking up with his girlfriend. Both couples cared for each other before, during, and after their fights. Their inability to admit their caring through apologies and confrontation is what makes their relationships fall apart. The subject here doesn’t matter, the important thing to take away is that you can’t expect your partner to know your intentions without properly discussing it. There is actually a scientific formula for marriages that lasts, and that report a higher satisfaction. The secret is that the couple can fight as much as they want, but they need to have a caring mindset, and have actual respectful conversations to solve their arguments. I’m happy that this show portrays how to have a proper relationship, and that its never too late to reach out to a lover or loved one.
The Journey of Cancer
I’ve known two people in my family that have passed due to cancer, my aunt, and my grandfather. I missed my grandfather’s journey of bone cancer but was present for my aunts. I remember her slowly being unable to hide the fact that she was in pain and was terrified of her disease. I can’t ever imagine the fear of having such a diagnosis, knowing that your time is almost up. Through this show I got to get a glimpse of the true needs of a cancer patient and their loved ones. Cancer doesn’t need to be sad; cancer doesn’t have the right to take everything away from a person. Instead of focusing on the negatives, we should focus more on the positives, and what we can do before our loved one’s pass. One of my favourite scenes in the drama was when the trio were out on the parking lot grilling sliced pork for Da Jung’s cravings. In that moment of happiness, they were able to forget about the hurricane, and instead created a beautiful memory. Its important to remember that a cancer patient still has time, and they can still be happy. I also liked how Da Jung was slowly preparing to say goodbye by moving into the care home. In the beginning, I couldn’t understand why she would want to leave her family and live elsewhere. However, now I understand that she was doing it to help comfort herself and her family. Sometimes its really important to think hard and try to understand others before judging them. Speaking of which, the last scene I also loved was when they allowed Da Jung to see others eat the food that she couldn’t. As mentioned above, some things are more complicated than they seem. I actually recently got visited from my friends, and we went to eat together by the riverside. I don’t think we talked much, but the feeling of being together, enjoying the view, and the overall atmosphere felt almost as good as the chicken that I had. I’m obviously joking. Anyway, I think that I understand that point of view a little better now. I’m glad that I learned that cancer doesn’t have to be a road filled with sorrow, but with joy and love as well.
TLDR: A show that gives the viewer a great perspective on love, marriage, and cancer. Acting and the filmography was great. 10/10
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project-offline · 1 year
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It Starts With Hello
Taylen's point of view on how she met this person.
I first met Amanda back in the early years of high school through a mutual friend, but what was funny enough was that our friendship could have started 10 years earlier.
Upon getting to know Amanda further when we met, I learned that we grew up in the same hometown for a few years before moving to the town where we went to high school. We went to the same school for Kindergarten, however as we were in separate classes, we never managed to cross paths. It was the craziest thing when she showed me her yearbook for that year, as I never got one, but there I was listed in my Kindergarten class; a five-year-old girl with my name that was on the page across from where her photo was in the other class. It was even crazier to find out that we had a mutual family friend and that we were able to connect by talking about how we knew the family.
Throughout high school, Amanda and I had a few classes together and we shared the same mutual friend groups. Although after high school, we drifted apart due to our focus on our studies but found a way to rekindle our friendship in the past couple of years after one day finding out that we both had class downtown together once a week. Catching up when we can, it’s been really nice reconnecting with Amanda and nice to reflect on how far we’ve come in growing as people…
This or That
You can only choose one...
Salty or Sweet
Winter or Summer
Air Guitar or Air Drums
Coffee or Tea // Neither, but I guess coffee – otherwise juice!
Dogs or Cats // Probably just cats because I have cats right now, but I love both.
Sleeping or Eating
Five Facts of Fun
What are 5 facts about yourself?
I’m going to be a high-school teacher!
I like cooking, especially veggie meals – I’m a veggie gal.
I’m a Zolas [music artist] super fan. I think you should know that I was in the 0.001% of their top Spotify listeners for last year and I’m trying to out-do myself [for this coming year]. And they know who I am, so…
I think I’m like the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, like everything is going right. Cause I was just reflecting the other day as we do a lot of reflection for PDP (Professional Development Program for Teachers) and I was like, wow like I kind of have everything that I wanted going right now. I have the program and I’m in it and I’m working towards my life-long goal. I’ve always been like, “when I’m in PDP, that’s the last step I need to what I’m going to do forever”. I have a supportive partner and I feel good about that. I have good friendships with people, so I guess I’m really happy and grateful for life right now.
I feel like I’m a city person. I drive being out and about, and I’m happy that life is getting back to normal and I can go to Vancouver whenever. Like I took myself on a Vancouver date the other day – I just went alone and I went to Cartem’s Donuts, went to Starbucks and just sat downtown for a bit.
Drop a Bop
Pick a song that is the theme song to your life and discuss why.
Of course it’s a Zolas song, I literally just went to the Zolas playlist. It’s called “I Feel the Transition”. I think I’m in a really big moment of transition in my life right now. Cause within the program, we are going from being in a student to being the teacher, and that’s a huge change and mindset of how you carry yourself. So, I’m feeling the transition like that; and then now I’m finally going to be out of school and going into a life-long career now, so it’s finally all coming together and my whole life plans. It’s all right there.
Debate Time
What is your perspective on the following question: Is a hot dog veggie dog a sandwich?
Well… see. I don’t even eat hot dogs so…
Taylen: “Okay, what about a veggie dog”
There we go, so you’re gonna have to write that there. *Laughs*
I think it’s like it’s own category. Cause like for me, a sandwich has to be more than just like the protein and sauce. Like you got to have some veggies in their for it to be a proper sandwich, or like a piece of cheese or something. So no, a veggie dog is not a sandwich.
Some Deeper Small Talk
Chosen from a group of questions, the person answered the following question: What’s become more important to me recently than ever before?
I think now that I’ve had a long term partner and being [in a relationship] with Braeden for over a year now, I think more than ever before, I’ve had to learn how to prioritize someone else in a different way than a family member or a friend because we are in each other’s life in a different capacity than that. So, that’s something that I’ve been having to place more importance on than ever before in my life cause I’ve never had someone in my life like that for that long.
The Final Spotlight
If you had the final opportunity to say anything to the world, what would you say?
Take more time to reflect on what you have going for you. Because, obviously when you make goals for yourself, especially long term goals, it can seem like they’re really far away. But if you narrow it down to where you are now, you can realize how far you’ve come to get to where you are now. I think I felt that way for me because it was such a long time coming for the PDP, and I was just waiting and waiting for that. But now that I’m there, I’m like “wow, I did so much to get here”; and even though it seems like there’s a lot left, it’s not that much in the scheme of things.
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grunklebooberty · 4 years
Mmmmm I love Thanksgiving. Something about celebrating the whitewashed genocide at the hands of colonizers really gets the glutton going doesn’t it?
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simpforgojosatoru · 2 years
FAMILY MAN (Nanami Kento x F! Reader) (One-Shot)
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A/N.: Feeling inspired after seeing a series of amazing and brilliant fan-arts portraying Nanami as an awesome, doting and sexy father to a baby Yuji~~~
Summary: Your adoring and doting husband- Nanami insists on you having a girls’ night out, while he stays home to look after the kids.
Pairing: Nanami Kento x Reader/Reader-Insert/Nanami Kento x Original Character
Rating:General, just fluff
DISCLAIMER: I do not own characters of JJK, they are all works of Akutami Gege
All rights reserved. Plagiarism is a crime.
You and your husband- Nanami Kento are former Grade-1 sorcerers, both having to constantly risk your lives fighting curses, and having to constantly worry about each other, this all changed when you got pregnant for the first time, while both of you were ecstatic, it also prompted your decisions to retire and quit risking safety for the sake of the growing family. Well, Kento took a little more persuading, since he thought being a stockbroker is a shittier job than being a jujutsu sorcerer, but then you had reminded him time and time again that a child needs both of his parents alive and well, he finally relented; at the end of the day, he knows in his heart that he’d love to spend the rest of his life with you- his darling wife and kid.
And years later, you two are as strong and loving together, with Kento having gone back to work as a stockbroker, earning much more than enough to support his family, and with a rambunctious lively toddler- Kaito; you and your son always ready to welcome Kento back home when he gets off work. Kento remains a very loyal, loving and doting husband, and when you found out your second pregnancy, both of you cannot be more excited, and when you reached your third and final trimester, he had applied to work-from-home so he can be with you 24/7, which you don’t mind one bit; you would find yourself waking up with Kento beside you, working on his laptop while running a hand soothingly over your pregnant belly, he had said he likes to feel his baby girl kicking and moving inside your tummy. He was by your side when the due date came around, he let you squeezed his hand as hard as you could while he waited with excitement, as you gave birth to your baby girl; you were elated when the labor was over, and Kento had burst into happy tears when he first held baby girl Yuki in his strong arms.
Kento went back to office work 3 months after Yuki’s birth, and you remain the dedicating and loving housewife and mother, with the occasional outings for grocery shopping and dropping off and picking up Kaito from school depending on the plan between you and Kento, and definitely always at home ready to welcome him home from work. He really appreciates it, and he’s ever so grateful to have you as his other half, he loves coming home to you and your children, he is very grateful that you always prepare and cook a hot, delicious meal for him to come home to, and of course, the bedroom stuff. He knows that while you miss hanging out with the girls- Ieiri, Utahime and Mei Mei, your housewife duties have essentially occupied most of your time, and he knows that you totally deserve some ‘me-time’, so he arranges for the girls to take you out on a Friday night, which they were more than happy to oblige, since they also miss hanging out with you.
As you are getting ready, you are excited about seeing the girls again, but at the same time, you are wary of leaving Kento alone with the kids, “Honey, are you sure? I don’t have to go out, you know.”
Kento, who’s leaning against the doorway of your shared bedroom, he smiles at you reassuringly, and he walks up to you, wrapping his arms around you lovingly, “Yes, babe, I’m sure. You are not worried about me looking after the kids, huh?”
You shake your head with a soft smile, “No, of course not, I trust the kids with you completely, it’s just that Kaito can be such a handful at times.”
Kento chuckles at you, “Baby, I’m sure that I can handle both Kaito and Yuki. Just go and have fun, enjoy a girls’ night out, you deserve it.”
You smile and kiss him on the lips, but you look at him with a raised eyebrow, “What’s this about, though?”
“I know you miss hanging out with the girls, and I know that being my wife, looking after me, the kids and the penthouse have been depriving you of your own ‘me-time’,” Kento replies with a gentle smile. “I am really thankful for always having you welcome me home, and for feeding me with your amazing cooking.”
“Honey, I love you and the kids so much,” you smile at him lovingly. “Of course, I am doing all those…”
“And we love you so much too,” Kento responds with a smile. “You deserve to have some time to yourself.”
“Go on, get ready, the girls will be here soon,” Kento smiles. “And oh before I forget, here, take my card.”
Kento takes out his black credit card from his pants pocket and hands it to you, which you immediately refuse.
“Honey, it’s fine, I don’t need your limitless black card,” you say, rolling your eyes.
Kento grins, “I know, but it’s my treat, and I both know and trust that you won’t go Mei Mei-crazy.”
You roll your eyes, “Don’t let Mei Mei hear you say that.”
The girls arrived just a while later, laughing and chatting excitedly.
“You finally decided to share Y/N, huh?” Shoko jokes.
Kento rolls his eyes, “I don’t keep my wife prisoner, ladies.”
“We know,” Utahime says. “But you have had her all to yourself for years, since she married you.”
“I hope you gave Y/N your black card,” Mei Mei states with a grin.
Kento rolls his eyes, “Have drinks on me.”
You soon came out, dressed and ready in a pretty and casual summer dress, with a pair of killer Christian Louboutin heels, you greet the girls happily, and then you call over your older child, who was watching TV, the little boy obliges and runs over to you, and peaks you on the cheek as you kneel down to his level.
“Kaito, darling, mom is going out with auntie Utahime, Shoko and Mei Mei,” you say. “Now, daddy will stay home with you and Yuki, be good, okay? Listen to daddy, alright?”
Kaito nods obediently, “Okay, mommy, I’ll be a good boy.”
“That’s my boy,” you smile happily.
Then, you stand back up as you let him run back to his cartoon, you smile at Kento, and you kiss him and baby Yuki in his arms.
“Love you, have fun tonight, babe,” Kento says with a grin.
“I love you too, honey,” you promise. “I won’t be away long.”
Kento chuckles, “I trust you, baby, go have fun.”
“So...how has married life been treating you?” Utahime asks, as you and the girls sit down in a restaurant. “I can’t remember how long it has been since our last hang-out!”
You grin, “It’s great! Well, I’m extremely lucky to have a loving and loyal husband like Kento.”
“We still all miss the both of you at Jujutsu Tech,” Shoko says with a sigh. “Not just the students, but the staff as well.”
“Can’t say that we miss being jujutsu sorcerers,” you chuckle. “We don’t want to live worrying about whether any one of us will be able to come home safe and sound to the kids, and Kento is now well settled back in his finance job.”
“But we do miss you guys,” you add with a sad smile.
“When Kento called us to take you out for a girls’ night out, we were really surprised,” Utahime says happily. “It’s so great that we can hang out again!”
“Can he handle the kids by himself tonight?” Shoko asks as she drinks from her own glass of wine. “You are not worried, are you?”
“No, not worried,” you reply with a wry smile. “More like they can be quite a handful at times.”
“I’m sure a powerful former Grade 1 sorcerer, if he could handle curses,” Utahime says with a wink. “I’m sure he can handle his own two boisterous kids.”
Meanwhile at home…
Kento is feeding baby Yuki who is sitting in a baby high-chair, while Kaito is sat at the dining table toying with his half-eaten dinner, i.e. pushing around the uneaten veggie on the plate with a fork as his eyes glue to the cartoons on the TV.
Kento frowns, “Kaito, boy, why aren’t you eating up the veggie?”
The little boy pouts, “Da...daddy, I don’t like veggie…”
Kento rolls his eyes, “Vegetables are good for you, come on, eat up, kid.”
Kaito whines, “I don’t wanna!”
“Nanami Kaito, you are not being a good boy right now,” Kento says in a warning tone.
Kaito, sensing the tone, quits whining, but continues to pout, eyes glued to the TV, still refusing to eat up the veggie on his plate.
Kento, seeing this, sighs in frustration, and goes to pick up the remote and turns off the telly, causing his young son to whine again.
“Daaaaadddddyyyy, I want the telly please!!” Kaito begs.
Kento turns to his son seriously, “Look at me, son, finish up your veggie first then you can watch the telly.”
Kaito pouts and looks at his father with a kicked-puppy look.
“Don’t give me that look, it doesn’t work on me,” Kento says and looks sharply at his son. “No veggie, no telly.”
Kaito frowns with a pout.
Kento rolls his eyes, “If you are a good boy and eat up the veggie, you can have dessert afterwards.”
The little boy’s eyes light up at the word ‘dessert’, and he looks at Kento eagerly, “Really?!”
Kento sighs and rolls his eyes, “Yes, daddy promises you, you can have ice-cream after you finish the veggie on your dinner plate.”
“And the telly?” Kaito pleads with eager eyes. “Please can I have cartoons on while I eat my ice-cream?”
Kento rolls his eyes, and relents, “Fine, kid, you can, but…”
“Only after I eat the veggie,” Kaito finishes smartly.
“Right, yes, only after you eat up the veggie,” Kento agrees with a helpless smile.
Therefore Kaito diligently finished up the veggie on his plate, and is now sitting in front of the telly watching “LooneyTunes” as he happily eats a bowl of ice-cream, Kento places baby Yuki in the baby pan as he goes to clear up the dirty dishes and do the washing up. Kento’s eyes flash to the kitchen clock as he washes up the dishes, there is about another hour and a half till the kids’ bedtime, he sighs and rolls his neck, mind wondering how on earth do you handle the kids when he’s not at home.
“DAD! Daddy!” Kaito yells from the lounge.
“What is it, boy?” Kento asks, as he walks out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel.
Kaito holds up an empty bowl with a pout, “No ice-cream...please can I have more?”
Kento sighs and shakes his head, “Sorry, buddy, no more ice-cream. It’s too much.”
Kaito whines, “Pleeeeaaaasssseee, daddy!”
Kento frowns with disapproval, “You will get tummy ache if you eat too much now, you don’t want to get tummy ache, do you, buddy?”
Kaito shakes his head ‘No’, but still pouts cutely.
Kento smiles helplessly, “Sorry, buddy, you can have ice-cream tomorrow again, but now is enough. Okay?”
Kaito nods with a pout, “Okay, daddy.”
*Time skip*
Kento spends the time playing with Yuki, while Kaito continues watching his cartoons until it came to the kids’ bedtime…
“Kaito, buddy, time’s up,” Kento states. “Time for bed.”
Kento is heading to Yuki’s baby room, preparing to put her down for her nap, when Kaito whines out again, wanting to watch a bit more cartoons, he rolls his neck and sighs, wondering how many times had his son whined for the evening. He hushes and coos to baby Yuki before putting her into the crib, and heading back out into the living area to see Kaito still glued to the TV.
Kento rolls his eyes and looks at his son with narrowed eyes, “Come on kid, turn off the TV, go brush your teeth and get to bed.”
“I’m...not...sleepy, daddy,” Kaito protests with a pout, but funnily is also yawning at the same time.
Kento chuckles at his son, “See, you are yawning already, come on buddy, head to bed.”
After more coaxing and prodding, Kento finally successfully gotKaito to go brush his teeth and go to bed, Kento goes to check on baby Yuki in the baby’s bedroom, to find her still awake and whimpering, and his heart immediately breaks, and he coos to his baby girl and picks her up from the crib, and she immediately smiles and coos, and very quickly closes her eyes in his arms. He smiles lovingly down at his daughter, sways her for a few more times before trying to place her back in her crib, however once her head hits the baby pillow, she immediately whines and cries, and he sighs and smiles helplessly, and picks her back up and coos to her. He has lost count how many times he has tried, but every time he tries to put Yuki down back into her crib, she cries and whimpers, and he would pick her back up, and she would immediately settle down and close her eyes in her father’s embrace.
Kento essentially gives up, he holds Yuki in a secure hold, and heads out to the living room, where he sits down to continue some work on his laptop, and looking down to see her sleeping soundly in his muscular arm, Kento sighs with a chuckle, “Oh, Yuki, what am I going to do with you?”
When you and the girls finally called it a night, and promising to arrange another date, you come home to a sight that totally melts your heart; when you walk into the penthouse, taking off your killer heels, tip-toeing since it’s already past the kids’ bedtime, when you enter the expanse living area, you are greeted by the sight of Kento sitting down at the dining table, tapping and working away on his laptop, with one hand, his other arm occupied with hugging your new bundle of joy to his chest.
“Hey, babe! How was the girls’ night out?” your husband looks up and greets you with a smile.
You smile, and walk over to him, and kiss him lovingly, “It was wonderful, we had a great time catching up, had a delicious dinner, and then some luxurious shopping. I bought a few things, and oh, the girls asked me to tell you ‘thank-you’ for the dinner and drinks.”
You return his black card and kiss him, “Thank you very much for tonight, honey, I didn’t realize I needed it.”
Kento chuckles, “You’re very welcome, baby, glad you had fun.”
“How was it tonight? Were the kids well-behaved?” you inquire.
“Well, Kaito is already in bed, he was a good boy this evening, aside from whining about the veggie in his dinner, whining about wanting more ice-cream and wanting to stay up longer to watch more cartoons,” Kento replies, lips quirking.
You shake your head with a helpless chuckle, “I swear Satoru has ‘infected’ him with his mega sweet-tooth.”
“What about Yuki? Why isn’t she sleeping in her crib?” you ask, looking sweetly at your baby girl asleep soundly in her father’s loving arm.
Kento chuckles and smiles sheepishly at you, “She would not go down for sleep in the crib, I’ve tried, but every time I put her down in her crib, she cries.”
You sigh and shake your head with a helpless smile, “Honey, you’re lucky we don’t have to worry about spoiling her yet, you need to start reining in when she reaches 9 months old.”
Kento smiles ruefully, “Yes, baby, I get it...I will...”
“Come on, let’s put her down in her crib,” you say. “It’s late, you need to get to bed too.”
Kento listens to you, and shuts off his laptop, getting up and heading into Yuki’s baby room, Kento tries to move and place her in the crib, but as soon as her head is on the baby pillow, she immediately starts whining and crying, and your husband immediately responds by picking her back up in his loving arms, and Yuki immediately calms down and coos softly in his loving hold.
Kento turns to you, and chuckles awkwardly, as you stare at him knowingly, “I will stay with Yuki a little longer, I will come to bed soon, I promise, baby.”
You smirk, “Wanna bet how long will you be in here, honey?”
“No, babe,” Kento frowns. “I can do it, I want to do it, I’m the father. I can get her to sleep in her crib.”
You smile at your husband knowingly, and suck your teeth, “Good luck with that, honey, if I’m not mistaken, I believe you secretly enjoy baby Yuki holding onto you like a koala bear.”
You walk off leaving Kento staring after you bashfully, and as you sat in your shared bed waiting for him, you wonder how long it will take him to get Yuki to sleep soundly in her crib. You lost count of how long it has been, when your husband finally comes into the bedroom, and your eyes widen at the sight of him still holding his baby daughter, you raise an eyebrow at him and he smiles bashfully at you.
“Just for tonight, baby, please,” Kento whispers and begs as he slips into bed beside you.
You chuckle and roll your eyes, “You better take a vow of abstinence if you keep giving into Yuki like this.”
“Huh?! Uh…” Kento gapes like a goldfish at you, as you shut your eyes to sleep with a smile.
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
XxXmas Stream with V | KTH
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Stuck in Quarantine for the Holidays you decide to use this opportunity to hold a special X-Rated X-Mas cam show. You wanted to treat your friends and family to really nice Christmas presents this year, and Santa’s not paying your bills! So you’re going to have to be a little naughty. V has been a good boy (so you think) so you give him extra attention this holiday.
Yandere!Taehyung x camgirl!reader feat yandere!Yoongi
Sorry for the delay, I tried to make this a text fanfic to continue my ‘trying new writing styles’ series, but...it was a disaster :'). Holy moly I never knew how complicated making those fake group messages were?! Authors who make those kind of fanfics I have a newfound appreciation for your stories!!!
Warnings: yandere story!! Lots of Tae's POV so it gets intense and creepy fast o.O unhealthy obsession, reader manipulation, sharing nudes without consent, voyeur, masturbation, sex toys, stalking, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, dacryphilia
Word count: 2k
Beep. Turn off the music? Or, shit, keep it on? No.
Beep. The Christmas lights feel hot against your legs.
Beep. It won’t burn, right? Does this look stupid?
You feel stupid. The Christmas lights click together as you shift into position.
[V has entered the chat room.]
“Hey V.”
You gave up on decorating cookies. You take an angry bite out of the still-warm-cookie-blob, the store-bought sugary dough had transformed from cute raw cut-outs into massive cloud-like figures instead. ‘Oh well,’ you were the only person who was going to eat them anyways, you think, dipping cookie-blob-man into the accompanying premade white icing tub.
What the fuck is cheerful about being stuck inside alone during the holidays?!
Your groceries sit on your stovetop because you’re too annoyed to put them away yet.
What the hell is merry about eating a Christmas meal for one, alone, in your tiny ass apartment, away from your family and friends on Christmas day!?
At least you didn’t have to work during the holiday rush hours…mainly because your hours had been cut down to zero. Hmph.
But you didn’t care, you were making a killing, more than twice as much as you used to make before the pandemic, even after all the overtime and holiday pay, with the added bonus of not having to deal with entitled screaming customers taking out the stress of their lives on you.
Your new customers had a very different kind of entitlement now, transactional favors meant your time and body were theirs, if only for a few hours every night. But you didn’t care, you couldn’t afford to care, and now, with Christmas just around the corner, and the opportunity to be able to buy your friends and family really nice gifts this year...you know, the kind of gifts that make them go, “Wow!” Maybe shed a grateful tear, appreciate you as their daughter. Maybe return the favor next holiday... Well, you didn’t see the harm in indulging your new patrons a bit more this season.
Logging into House of Cards, you search through your mailbox, now full of new messages. Sweet offers for ‘alone time,’ donations disguised as Christmas presents, well wishes and dick pics.
‘Special xXx-Mas Stream tonight for one lucky follower!’
You type the announcement out, pinning it to the top of your message board, making sure to attach your donation link, the most important part.
Taehyung checks the time and notices messages from Jungkook. Earlier in the day he had sent pictures, he had promised the younger man screenshots, lovely pictures of white and lace and spread legs. Looks like Jungkook was no longer preoccupied with the images.
fuck. please more
new Dahlia live, but only one viewer
who do you think will get it?
Taehyung texts back, ‘I’m going to win it don’t worry :)’
Jungkook responds in string of texts
good luck. Min is obsessed
do you think she will wear red tonight?
she hasn't answered my messages yet :(
Jin told me she has private sessions with him!!! he’ll probably win this one too!
‘Not this time,’ Taehyung thinks, and let’s Jungkook know his plan.
Taehyung sends the man in question a simple text: ‘pull your bid’
Fuck off?
Taehyung takes a deep breath, composing his next message: ‘Or I could just outbid you :) I have all the transaction logs pulled up’
Your point? So do I
Taehyung can't believe it; That asshole! What he is doing is totally off limits!
‘ugh Min, just let me have her for tonight’ ‘you really want to spend all day in a bidding war?’ ‘I will win’ ‘and I’ll make sure to outbid you by a dollar :)’
Taehyung's cell finally lights up with a notification.
We’ll see....
‘What if a promise to send you screenshots??’
Yeah, sure. Merry Christmas, asshole.
Taehyung knew Yoongi would fold, he just knew it! That egotistical prick thinks he has the site's top streamer wrapped around his finger, it makes him too indifferent about you. Does Yoongi even know anything about you?
Taehyung knows you, he listens to your grievances when you talk about your friends and family, he's compiled a list of descriptions every time you mention someone, getting closer and closer to seeing the full picture of your life, what goes past the boxed-in screen your pretty body fits into. Taehyung sees past your act, he studies the way you pause and look to the side right before you tell a little white lie, he knows when you wake up and when you go to sleep, tracking the times you're most active on the site.
Does Yoongi know the songs you like to hum to fill the awkward silence? Your favorite drinks, the ones you reach for when your throat is dry? Taehyung can even tell when your orgasms are fake, rewatching your streams for hours, edging his body to your soft moans. Taehyung might not be your number one donator, but he's getting there, and he wouldn't treat your precious attention so carelessly like Yoongi, never! Which makes tonight so important.
Taehyung makes a quick call to Jin.
“Hey, I need a favor.”
“You already owe me for your last favor,” Jin clears his throat, with the unspoken promise to collect.
“Oh! Did you convince Hobi to give you the CC database?”
“I'm working on it, these things take time, stop being so impatient.”
“Anyways, can you come up with some way to distract our Engineer? I made a deal with him to stay logged off tonight, but I don’t trust him.”
“Just lock his account?” he offers.
“It would be too obvious it was me” he frowns. “I just need him distracted enough not to change his mind.”
“Alright alright,” Jin smiles, “You're going to owe me big time.” Taehyung agrees with him hurriedly, blinded by his excitement, unaware of how much debt he's racking up with the eldest, who despite his aloof demeanor, expects retribution when the time comes, and will make sure he gets it.
Floating in warm soapy water, soaking skin in calming lavender. You felt much better now. The relaxing bath had calmed you down, loosened your tense muscles, washed away your anger with cute bubbles.
It had become a nice routine of self care before streams. It helped with your nerves, allowed you to feel your best, your sexiest. It was a definite contrast to the cold showers you took afterwards, where you washed the lube and sweat off your spent body, hurriedly removing the evidence of your debauchery.
Reaching for your cell you check the website, answering new messages.
Suga: work is stressful, remembering last night is the only thing that's keeping me sane
Dahlia: last night was fun. don't want to do it again?
You noticed Suga never commented on your announcement or donated, and he always donated.
Suga: can't tonight, I am so busy
Dahlia: too busy even for me?
Suga: I always have time for you, baby. Tell me what you're doing.
You lean against the tub's edge, take a photo to send to Suga.
Suga: baby Suga: baby Suga: what are you doing to me Suga: how am I supposed to concentrate now
Falling your body back into the water, you can't help but giggle. You know you shouldn't, but you wonder what he was like in person. He clearly had a lot of money for someone who was so down to earth. Speaking of money, a ding from your phone alerts you of a sizable payment to your account.
Suga: what about a quick one right now?
You think it over. Two streams in one day, well, there's a first time for everything. And you're feeling extra naughty.
Propping your phone at the foot of your tub, Suga gets a screen full of tits, soapy and wet, bubbles obscuring the rest of your body as your seductive voice fills his speakers.
“I was thinking about what you said last night, about living life with no regrets.”
Suga: So will you accept my House invite? So I can finally meet you in person, I promise you won't regret it
Your coy laughter rings through as you splash around, moving your body away just enough to show your inviting lips to Suga, smiling seductively. “I’m thinking about it, is all.”
Yoongi leans back on his chair, his hands cupped under his chin and listens to the soft splashing of water, your fingers slipping over your wet skin and the perfect curves of your breasts, and he thinks about how one day it will be him touching you instead. Yoongi knows eventually you will say yes, he knows you're willing to do anything to keep your viewers happy.
He just has to push a little bit more, make you feel guilty for rejecting his offer so many times, do you not want to make him the happiest man in the world? After all he’s given you? He just has to make you think he's getting tired of you, you're no longer as desirable as you once were, if you can't keep the attention of your biggest fan, how can you keep anyone's attention? You’ll do it, Yoongi knows. You’ll do it to make him happy, to boost your ego, to silence your insecurities. Everyone goes to The House eventually, everyone. But right now, Yoongi just wants to watch you fall apart in front of his eyes, your soft wet body moaning out for him
Suga: and all I’m thinking about is you Suga: turn around, let me see more of your beautiful body
You follow his orders, you bend over when he tells you to, squeeze your tits, suck on your fingers, fuck your fingers into yourself with your legs propped up on either side of your tub, moan louder for him, swipe your thumb over your clit. You imagine it's a handsome stranger using his fingers to bring you to orgasm instead.
And when you come, pulsing around your digits, and realize the water is now cold and you're all alone, it's Suga's words that makes you feel better.
Suga: I don’t ever regret a moment with you, Sweet Dahlia. If you were here with me, I’d give you everything.
Taehyung sorts through job tickets, he's come a long way as the website's webmaster. Now he has scripts for his scripts and Taehyung can do whatever he pleases while his coding does the job for him. He has so much free time now, too much free time. He devotes himself to you instead. Hyperfixates on you for hours. Two more hours to go.
And then he sees what he's been waiting for, a message from you inviting him to your xXx-mas stream.
V: I'm so happy, wow I never expected this!
Dahlia: see you tonight, V ;)
You were happy too. You liked V. He was pleasant to talk to compared to most. He was friendly and sweet, and he was very generous.
You rushed around your apartment, dismantling your tiny Christmas tree like a real scrooge, pulling off the string lights wrapped around. This was a bit gimmicky, but you figured V would like it, he always wanted to dress you up. You didn't mind doing it (as long as he paid for it) and some of the costumes he picked out were cute even if they were sometimes a bit too frilly and lacey for your liking.
But it's almost Christmas! So, time to get into the Christmas spirit!
“Hey V.”
Taehyung licks his drying lips, your image filling the black screen on his computer. The string lights wrap around your legs and stomach like ropes, giving V all sorts of depraved ideas, his cock already painfully hard, he immediately starts stroking himself to the sight of you.
V: Hey Dahlia V: You look beautiful as always V: A present just for me tonight
“I'm all yours tonight.” Widening your legs, the lights dig into your thighs and Taehyung watches transfixed. So excited, it's easy for Taehyung to let his desires take over his mind, that when you run your tongue over the tip of your vibrator, he can almost feel the warm wetness of your tongue lick over the head of his weeping cock too.
He imagines your mouth hallowing out over his cock instead, lips stretching over and down his length, sucking him into your mouth. You would make that exact noise choking on his length, except louder. That noise, fuck he wants to hear it again and again as he rams his cock down your pretty throat.
He wants to make you so sore you can't speak for days, only so he can take care of you. Then he would fuck you as hard as he could just to hear your raspy whispers cry out every time he fucks you full-
You drag the vibrator to your core, stretching your panties to the side, letting it slip along your wet folds.
“Tell me what you want, V”
V: take your panties off, let me see all of you
Dammit, you didn't think this light thing through! The string lights hinder your movements and make it so you can't remove your undergarments. Thrown off, you look at the camera dumbly.
V: rip them off
Your core tightens. You've never done anything like that or had it done to you, and now you wish for the second time today that you weren't doing this alone. You sacrifice the lace thong at V's request, your arousal heightened.
V: open your legs wider, in the air, I want to see your legs shake V: higher, be a good girl, don't let them drop V: now, turn on the vibrator, put it to your clit
You jolt, gasping. The string lights jingle softly as your breathing escalates and body begins to shake. Biting your bottom lip, head falling back, the ding of V's messages snaps you back into your body.
V: Oh baby girl, you didn't cum already, did you? V: put it inside and cum again
Taehyung adds lotion to his hand, gripping his cock tighter, watching proudly as you convulse, a pained expression on your face in your overstimulation. If only you were here, fuck if you were riding his dick instead...
Taehyung snaps his hips up at the thought, letting his cock slip across his fingers. He imagines filling your pussy up instead, your body bouncing on his cock, his large hands squeezing your thighs so tight the string lights crack in his grip. You wail his name, tears leaving your eyes at how deep his hits up into you. He can see you, feel you, hear you, his pretty baby doll riding him-
“I'm s-so c-close,” you stutter, body tensing, your tired legs still haven't dropped. You lean back.
V: pull the vibrator out, finish yourself with your fingers.
You whimper, wishing you had the electric toy to make yourself come easier. You run your fingers back and forth across your throbbing clit, mewling at how sensitive you are now.
Taehyung pumps himself faster, moaning loudly as he watches your hole clench. He would do anything to stretch you open, fill your tight little hole with his thick cock, feel the warmth of your sex around him.
He watches as you spasm and shake, orgasming a second time. His own body about to go over the edge at the sight of your hole rapidly clenching and your whimpers.
“C-Can I put my l-legs d-down, p-please...” Your pleading voice and the way you obeyed him perfectly sends Taehyung over the edge. He drags out his orgasm, smiling and watching your body tremble and pant for relief.
Your kept your eyes shut tightly, so when you heard a familiar ding, your limbs automatically relaxed. You look up and sigh, thankful you had been right. You notice the time and smile, “Merry Christmas, V.”
THIS WAS SO FUCKING HARD TO WRITE HOLY FUCK I REWROTE THIS 4 TIMES OMG. So I really really really hope you like it :'D. Also, I am still organizing the next chapter of HOAL, forgive me, so I decided to release this next instead!
This story is set in C!HOC universe, if you like this drabble and want to read more, READ HERE.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Meeting in the Middle
Pairing: Sakusa x reader
Genre/Warnings: NSFW, Yandere, Misogyny, Controlling Behavior, Degradation, Non-Con/Rape, Spanking
Summary: Sakusa shows you that he’s more than capable of meeting you in the middle and listening to you for a change. But be careful of what you ask for.
A/N: This is for the Poly Wives Angst Collab~ RIP us and our never ending collabs we create for ourselves.
If someone had told you five years ago that you’d be dating one of Japan’s most eligible bachelors, a professional athlete fawned over by media and fans nation-wide, the epitome of the strong and silent type, you would have laughed in their faces. What is this? Some silly fairytale? The childish checklist of “things I want in a boyfriend” you’d written in middle school?
But life has a funny way of working and you find yourself in an obnoxiously lavish and rowdy nightclub, made only more crazy by the surprising appearance of some VIPs.
It seems like volleyball has somehow become Japan’s national sport overnight and although you aren’t necessarily the biggest follower of anything remotely athletic, even you know exactly who the rambunctious trio catching everyone’s eyes are.
You can’t deny there’s more than just a bit of appeal in the way their button up shirts cling to toned muscles, but you’ve never been one for crowds and you stray to the emptier corners of the establishment to avoid being swept by the crowd of excited fans. But when Atsumu cheesily winks and flirts as he signs scandalously bared skin of female fans, you mockingly gag, only to whirl in embarrassment when you hear an amused snort from behind you.
“Not a fan of Miya Atsumu?”
Staring wide-eyed and slack jawed when someone asks you a question is very rude and you want to answer. But you don’t trust yourself with basic human speech when Sakusa Kiyoomi is staring at you expectantly. So you shake your head side to side instead, heat rising to your face at the small upward curve of his lips.
“Neither am I.”
Atsumu never lets the two of you live down how he’s the one who technically brought you together, even if it was at the cost of his pride. (You chuckle when you remember his loud squawking when Sakusa recounts the dialogue exchanged at your first meeting.) But even months later, even after Sakusa has officially introduced you to the rest of the MSBY team, even after they’ve accepted you as part of their cozy and rowdy family, you can’t stop feeling impostor syndrome.
Dating Sakusa still feels unreal and you can’t help but feel like you’re living someone else’s life, stuck in a rose-tinted dream, playing dress-up and make believe as you parade around in clothing far more luxurious than you’re used to, whisked around on your lover’s strong arm as you follow him around the world from match to match. And as lovely as it is, you long to truly make this relationship your own, to feel the rawness and grittiness of love and life, to experience the charm and comfort of being true to yourself and knowing Sakusa loves you just as you are.
But your desire to be with him, to call him your own trumps your own wishes and you find yourself quickly backing down everytime you suggest something that he’s quick to turn down, desperate to appease and please him even at the price of your own desires.
He’s never outrightly rude about his preferences, never raises his voice. But somehow that makes the judgement and disdain in his dark eyes that much more apparent. You remember a rough day of work you had, the relief you had felt about being able to swiftly swap your constrictive work apparel for a pair of worn-in shorts and a baggy t-shirt. Your outfit would certainly not win any fashion awards, but you blissfully sigh at how comfortable you are as you call a local pizza shop, ordering delivery self-indulgently.
You could feel yourself becoming one with the couch you’re lounging on, the television playing in the background. But even in the hazy in-between of sleep and alertness, your eyes snap open when the door opens and you lazily smile as your boyfriend enters your shared apartment, returning from another grueling practice.
“You look like you’ve had better days.”
Your smile slips, anxiety flooding through you as you self-consciously curl in on yourself while his lips purse, eyes scrutinizing your sloppy appearance.
“Umm, yeah...tough day at work-”
“Maybe you should freshen up with me. You might feel better in a...real outfit.”
You know better than to think that it’s really a suggestion, cursing yourself, humiliation coursing through you when you think of how foolish you were to get so comfortable so quickly. You’ve seen the caliber of the women who lust over your boyfriend unabashedly despite his long-time relationship with you. You need to try harder. You need to be better.
Self-deprecation rips you to shreds as you painstakingly groom yourself, donning a dress you know Sakusa loves, applying a full face of makeup and a spritz of his favorite scent. And despite how exhausted you are, how much you’d rather be slumped on the couch, gorging on a slice of pizza, it’s all worth it when you see the appreciative look in his gaze as his eyes rake over your figure.
But worry gnaws at you once more as the doorbell rings and his eyebrow raises questioningly at the interruption. It’s a painful walk of shame as you plaster on a fake smile, tipping the delivery boy, the usually tantalizing smell of cheese and grease only making you nauseous as you bring the box to the dining table.
“What is that?”
Your voice trails off and you feel so small, so pathetic as Sakusa’s face borders disgust as he observes the offensive item.
“You didn’t cook?”
The disappointment in his voice has you spewing excuses and apologies, your heart shattering when he merely waves off your ramble, telling you he’d order a salad from elsewhere and to enjoy your meal.
You never order pizza again and a steaming hot plate of freshly cooked food is always waiting for Sakusa when he returns home while you patiently wait for him with a painted face and impeccable outfits.
Your friends and family tell you how grateful you should be, how envious they are as they oggle your latest high-end designer pieces, cooing over how picture perfect the two of you always are, staring wide-eyed at your gorgeous home, not a speck of dust or object out of place. Who would have thought that you would be the epitome of the ideal housewife in such a short time?
Yes, you wonder. Who would have thought? Certainly not you.
If only they knew how deep down the deception goes, how lost you are in this pretend world you’re stuck in. And your heart twists and turns when your friends share about the little and big spats that happen behind closed doors, giggling and sighing in an understanding you’re not part of when they playfully complain about how much work love is.
But it’s always worth it in the end because the good always outweighs the bad if you’ve found the right person (not to mention the makeup sex is a bonus). Or so they say, but you wouldn’t know what any of that feels like. Sakusa doesn’t leave room for any arguments, any disagreements, any hint of anything less than a perfect relationship.
Even in the privacy of your bedroom, you feel like you’re in a cheesy porno, dressed in the prettiest white slip dress decorated with dainty lace and a string of pearls around your neck. You feel like a doll as you’re positioned on the bed, eyes demurely looking down, letting Sakusa do as he pleases while he guides you, calloused hands roaming over your skin. You’re sure he means for it to be pleasurable and intimate, and you can’t deny that he knows your most sensitive areas, shuddering when he grazes over your hardening nipples. But there’s a coldness to his movements, a calculating aspect in the way he examines you, dark eyes scrutinizing every inch of you as if they’re looking for a blemish, a reason to lecture you on not taking care of yourself.
Yet as predictable and standoffish as he is, he does know how to pleasure you and you writhe underneath him, moaning, lower lips dripping in your own arousal. But you whimper when he growls at you to stop moaning so loudly, to stop acting like a slut.
“I’m dating a lady, not a whore.”
The words cut you, pain and emptiness mixing with the rising pleasure, muddling into a confusing and overwhelming mess insides of you. You don’t trust yourself to speak, hot tears pricking at your eyes, unsure whether a moan or harsh words would slip past your lips. But you know that neither will work in your favor, so like always, you hold your tongue, doing whatever you can to keep your lover happy. You close your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the tightening knot inside of you, submitting to the waves of pleasure that crash over you as you cum, fingers tangling in the rumpled sheets, back arching in ecstasy.
Only when Sakusa is asleep, his back turned to you, the two of you cleaned and freshened up, do you let your tears stream down your face, feeling more alone than ever in your shared bed.
You hold out longer than you should, much longer than you should, in the hopes that things will improve, that Sakusa will loosen up, reveal his true self to you, let you reveal your true self to him. It’s just early dating jitters, early relationship issues. Things will get better.
Except it’s months later and things aren’t better. If anything, they’re worse and you can feel the weight of his expectations and the stress of perpetually living by a prewritten script crushing you.
It’s time to put an end to this charade.
It’s just another uneventful night and you idly stare up at the ceiling as you wait for Sakusa to join you in bed. Your heart is racing, throat feeling dry and choked up as he slips under the covers. You’re terrified, of Sakusa’s reaction, of ending everything, of starting from scratch. But you know it’s the right decision and when he finally settles in beside you, you begin to speak.
There’s only the sound of your trembling voice as you quietly tell him how you’ve felt all along, how everything has felt so prim, proper, fake, how everyday just feels like another session of rehearsing your lines, making sure you meet whatever standard he’s set for you. You want passion, real love, fights, laughter. You just want to be yourself. You just want to be with someone who loves you exactly the way you are.
“Kiyoomi, maybe we should break up. I don’t think we’re right for each other. I don’t think I’m what you want. I don’t think I’ll ever be what you want.”
“You’re right. Despite how much time, work, money, and patience I’ve spent to better you, you haven’t changed at all.”
You’re left reeling from the matter of fact harshness of his words, the slight exasperation in his tone, as if this is all your fault, as if you’re just a bothersome misbehaving pet.
“Prim and proper? Passion? Fights? So you’re tired of manners? Tired of being a respectable woman? You just want to fight and fuck like animals?”
You open your mouth to protest, anger licking at the open wounds his verbal assault leaves behind. But before you can retort, the air is ripped out of your lungs in a stunned yelp as your body is swiftly flipped over, your face shoved into the mattress until it’s a struggle to breathe, fabric and cushion all you can taste.
Your arms flail as you struggle to breathe, nails clawing at the sheets, arms trying to push yourself up against. But it’s no use against Sakusa’s strength and just as specks of black begin to enter your vision, fingers tangle with your roots and you gasp as your head is harshly jerked up, neck bending painfully back, jaw forced open from the strange position.
You whimper, tears beginning to blur your sight as a calloused hand turns your face until you’re staring at a condescending impassive countenance.
“If you want to be treated like a slut that badly, I’ll be a good boyfriend and give you exactly what you want. Ass up. Now.”
There’s no room for disobedience and spurred on by fear and pain, you listen, awkwardly shuffling into position, shame heating your face at how exposed you feel. But it’s only the start and you scream as a heavy strike lands on your bare ass, more and more blows raining down upon you, until you’re sobbing for mercy, agonized cries forced from your mouth, thighs trembling at having to support yourself through the torture.
Your upper body slumps in relief when the hits finally stop, but you flinch when fingers methodically prod at your entrance. You instinctively try to lurch forward, away from the touch, but it’s no use and you clench your eyes in humiliation at the sloppy wet sounds betraying your arousal.
“This is the wettest I’ve ever seen you. You really do like being used and treated like a bitch.”
You wish you could deny it. You wish you had the spirit to talk back, maybe even spit on that handsome face. But all you can think of is how full you feel as Sakusa’s cock slams balls deep inside your dripping hole, how deep he is inside of you from this angle, how overwhelmingly pleasurable the mix of pain and lust is as he uses you like you’re nothing more than a warm breathing sex doll.
All you can do is lewdly moan and take it, tears slipping down your face, drool seeping into the ruined sheets, eyes rolled back in your head. The coil in your stomach tightens and tightens no matter how hard you try and hold it at bay, desperately trying not to cum, not to inadvertently admit your body’s betrayal as it succumbs to every thrust. But it’s too much, the unfamiliarity of this brutal pace, the overpowering sensation of his tip reaching new depths inside of you, and you shatter to pieces, pussy convulsing, body twitching, pleasure like you’ve never felt before surging through you.
All through it Sakusa continues his relentless rhythm, a sneer marring his flawless face as he watches you suffer through your orgasm, writhing underneath him. It’s disgusting how much you love this, pathetic, pitiful, and yet he’s harder than he’s ever been, more turned on than he ever thought possible. And all it takes is a few more thrusts before he’s spilling inside of you, a strong hand holding you still and tight to him as his groin presses against your ass, not an inch of space between the two of you as he paints your insides white.
Maybe you had a point all along. You’re absolutely filthy and wrecked and he grimaces at the tear, sweat, and sex stained mess he touches as he shoves your exhausted body away from him. Yet there’s a certain appeal to your disheveled appearance, how ruined you are because of him.
How beautifully you break.
Well if you have no desire to improve yourself, he can learn to meet you in the middle, learn to let you be the low-life whore you have no desire to move up from. After all, that’s what you said love is, right?
Accepting each other’s differences.
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domesticnct · 3 years
Thanksgiving with NCT Dream + Sungchan and Shotaro
For the sake of this post, I’m imagining all of the characters as American or spending the holiday with their American significant other. Written in collaboration with @ackermansupremacy
Thanksgiving would be hosted at your house and he would go all out. 
He would pull out the best dishes, fancy wine glasses, and would buy a beautiful centerpiece that he would make adjustments to make it more unique.
He would be the husband that is in the kitchen all day wearing an apron.
He goes ALL out on the meal and despite your family coming over he would insist that he makes the important things such as the turkey, pumpkin pie, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and dinner rolls. He would task you with making the vegetables and sweet potatoes because you can’t really go wrong with that. He is more of the cook in the relationship.
He would spend the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving on pinterest looking for the perfect recipes and would present them super nice.
He would make super aesthetic pies with leaves made of extra crust on top.
He would buy the best selection of wine and would spend an extra hour on food presentation.
He would play soft jazz music and have a candlelit dinner with both of your parents and all of your siblings as none of you had kids yet who might disrupt the peaceful and fancy environment.
Sits on the couch and watches the game with your dad and your son. They all get way too into the game and you and your mom get pretty mad because they’re not helping.
They would be all decked out wearing jerseys and drinking beer and you would scold him and tell him not to drink his dinner away.
He would have your newborn son dressed in his favorite football team’s jersey and would even have a themed pacified for him.
But you wouldn’t mind because he was watching the baby while you and your mother worked in the kitchen.
You would have a really laid back super early dinner right as the game wrapped up.
It wouldn’t be or feel formal at all, it would be very casual and feel just like a family function.
Dinner would be spent discussing the game as him and your dad were rooting for opposing teams and it would overall be really fun.
Helps your mom in the kitchen.
Takes every chance to tell fun facts about the food and the history of Thanksgiving.
Is just trying to impress your mom.
But he didn’t need to because they get along great.
He would be singing and messing around and making sure your mom had a good time while he helped out.
Before dinner he would pop out of the kitchen to check in on you and play with your little niece to give your sister-in-law a break and would ask your brother and your father how the game was going.
During dinner he would brag about and pride himself on the dinner rolls he’d made and teased you about being lazy as the only work you did was set the table, but then he would stop and tell you it was beautiful.
Dinner would be really enjoyable and your mom would go around the table and make everyone say what they were grateful for. 
Jaemin would probably give a little rant about how grateful he was for your recent marriage and how grateful he was to share a home and a life together, but he’s even more grateful for the family he married into because he truly believes when one gets married they also marry into the family.
You would leave and your family would somehow love him even more.
Doesn’t lift a finger and has his staff cook everything.
Has more traditional thanksgiving foods but with a fancy twist. 
Like cranberry vinaigrette, candied sweet potatoes, a slow roasted turkey and wine aged longer than either of you have been alive.
Invites his parents rich friends and has a suit and tie dress code
Gives a whole thanksgiving speech on what he grateful for that lasts too long 
Throws a whole after party with a ton of games and drinks 
Donates all the extra food 
Brings one store bought pie that turned out to be a duplicate 
Follows you around like a lost puppy and feels too awkward to sit down alone. 
Not super social, but likes to listen to the conversations and participate in the family board games. 
Literally shook when he overhears the family drama 
Somehow diffuses the fight that your mom and aunt start getting into 
He’s not good at cooking, but he feels bad about not contributing, so he helps wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen after. 
Probably just sits with the kids and dog the whole time 
You spend it at your house and invite both of your families. 
He keeps trying to pull you into empty bathrooms and closets and continuously jokes about how excited he is to ‘stuff the turkey’ which does NOT go unnoticed by your father
He cooks the cranberry sauce and calls it his signature dish and doesn’t help or cook anything else 
Despite the sauce itself being slightly burnt 
Keeps dinner really lively and makes everyone laugh while trying to avoid eye contact with your dad whos staring daggers 
Your cousins all love him and invite him on ‘The Walk’ 
You would spend Thanksgiving with Sungchan’s family who you hadn’t spent much time with since your marriage as they lived far away. You had spent the day on the road for four hours with both of your kids and your dog. 
When you arrived at his parents house his mother was a little cold towards you, but eventually warmed up. 
She wouldn’t let either of you help out in the kitchen as she claimed it as her own space so you spent much of the time socializing with other relatives and making sure your kids played fairly with their cousins.
The traditions would be very different from your own that you and Sungchan normally spent at home with just your children.
Its a lot more formal with people wearing nice clothing and a fancy table set up. 
Eventually it would start to feel like any other family gathering despite Sungchan’s mom being a little cold towards you as she feels you took her son and moved far away, but you get along great with all of his other relatives.
Dinner would go very nicely and you would end up being happy you went after all because you were able to get closer to his family and learn more about the traditions he grew up with to incorporate them into your own.
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beskarhearts · 3 years
soft javi idea!!! he confesses to you about his crush on you and how you make him not want to be an asshole anymore 🥺
Bad Coffee (Javier Peña x reader)
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Word count: over 2.8K
Warnings: cursing, mention of sex/brothels, drinking (nothing else I can think of but let me know!
Summary: Javier Peña wasn’t the type to ask people on dates or have feelings. At least that was what you thought.
Notes: UM I LOVE THIS AND I HOPE YOU DO TOO! I am an absolute sucker for soft Javi so this was soooooo fun to write and definitely helped. Pretty much I am ALWAYS willing to write Soft!Javi because it is the greatest. (also haven’t really proof read this yet so please excuse any mistakes!)
Late nights at the office with Javier has become the usual for you two. You were both hell-bent on catching Escobar and if that meant spending every second at the office and getting maybe an hour or two of sleep each night, then that was what it meant. So even when everyone else left the office and Murphy retired for the night, you and Javier would be sitting at your respective desks and mull over paper work and evidence and information and anything you could get your hands on.
You didn't mind it though. Sure it was exhausting and your mind never seemed to stray away from work but you felt like you were doing something. You technically could go to your apartment all alone and get some sleep or maybe eat a proper meal but that felt ridiculous. Why bother with such menial things when you had much more important things at hand?
Also, it meant you weren't alone anymore. You had started spending nights at the office before Javier had and you can't remember when he joined in but you didn't mind. Javier and you had worked long enough that you had gotten used to his annoying, bothersome characteristics. He was hot-headed and flirtatious and sometimes incredibly hard to read but he was good at his job and he genuinely cared, which was more than you could say for a lot of other people working here. You two also worked well together. It was probably a natural result of working together for long enough, though you knew there were some people who had known Peña for longer than you had and could barely work with the guy.
Some people said you worked well together because you slept together and perhaps that was a natural assumption given Javier's reputation with women and the flirtatious quips he would send your way every once in a while. And while you had confirmed that wasn't the case, people liked to gossiped. But really you just worked well with the guys because you both had respect for each other and were what you would consider friends. You could share a drink with the guy and crack a joke at his expense. You could also mull over paperwork into the late hours of the night and go over countless theories and ideas with him, all of which he listened to and never tried to overshadow you.
"Drink this."
You looked up from your desk to see Javier holding a cup of coffee out, the brown liquid steaming and exuding a scent that alone seemed to wake you up. Your greedy fingers snatched the cup up, taking a big gulp of it before sending a small smile to the man who still stood in front of your desk. "Thanks, Peña."
You had come to greatly appreciate Peña's presence during nights like these. He would bring you coffee, let you rant and ramble, and if you drifted off the sleep at your desk, he would sometimes lay his jacket over you as a makeshift blanket. You didn't have a lot of people who looked after you, having left your family behind in the states for the job. So having Javier do even the smallest thing like bring you a cup of coffee was something you were grateful for.
"Did I make it right this time?" Peña asked slyly, giving you a small smirk that you reciprocated. You swore it was on purpose, but something was always just a little off with your coffee. You had told him how you liked him, given him the exact number of scoops of sugar and amount of creamer. Yet for some reason the coffee would always be a little too sweet or wouldn't have enough creamer. You drank it anyways, because you weren't picky and weren't one to say no to even the shittiest cup of coffee. But now it had become a small joke between you two.
"Not enough sugar." you playfully responded, giving him a small chuckle.
Javier looked down at you and shifted in the spot he stood in before responded. "A coffee place would probably make it better."
You snorted, placing your cup down and taking a glance at the watch on your wrist. "I don't think any coffee place is open at 2 am on a Tuesday."
"Well then maybe sometime when you aren't working." Javier countered and you raised a singular eyebrow, cocking your head. He was acting odd. A little too odd.
You shook it off and decided to make a small joke. "Oh, you mean when I'm dead?"
Javier sighed, brushing his hand through his hair before planting both of his hands onto your desk, leaning forward slightly. "I mean maybe sometime when you aren't working...and neither am I. Then I can buy you a coffee to make up for the shit stuff I make."
Your face dropped instantly as you looked up at Peña, seeing the way his eyes wouldn't make their ways to look into yours. You had known Peña long enough to know he wasn't a nervous man, especially not with you or women in general. In fact, sometimes he was too cocky for his own good. "Holy shit." you muttered.
Javier finally looked at you and raised an eyebrow at your shocked expression. "What?"
"Are you asking me on a date?" you dumbly said, not even trying to stop your mouth from saying the question in your mind.
Javier's tongue peeked out as he licked at his lips nervously, hands slipping away from your desk and landing on his hips as he straightened up. "Yeah. I am."
Holy shit. You were dumbfounded, shocked, absolutely 1000% floored. Peña was a flirt and had said his fair share of words to you but you assumed that was just who he was. You had seen him do the same to plenty of other women around the office alone. Not once in your head had the thought of Peña ever asking you on a date even crossed your mind. It seemed like a down right impossibility. He wasn't a 'go on a coffee date' type of guy. He was the 'stop at a brothel and have mindless sex with a woman whose name I barely know' type of guy. You couldn't even begin to imagine Peña on a date. The mere thought of him sitting with a woman at a coffee shop and making that small talk everybody had at a date and then driving them home made you nearly laugh in surprise. While you had come to appreciate the quirks of Peñas personality, he was an asshole normally and everything happening right now was so bizaree. His nervousness and the way his eyes were avoiding yours and asking you on a date?
"This is a joke, right?" you asked.
Javier let out a small chuckle, but not his usually one. This sounded uncomfortable and strangled. "Way to soften the blow, hermosa." he tried to respond as sarcastically as possible but you saw in between the cracks.
"You are serious?"
"Why do you sound so surprised?" Peña asked, a hint of annoyance peaking through as he examined your astonished figure.
You let out an odd laugh of your own, even snorting. You couldn't comprehend how he didn't understand how bizarre this was. Or maybe he did and just wanted to hear it from your mouth. "Peña, you just asked a woman on a date."
"And apparently did a shit job at it." Peña countered back, the wrinkles on his forehead more apparent as he scrunched his brows together.
"When was the last time you even asked a woman on a date?" you inquired.
"Why does this matter?" Peña asked, one hand being thrown up in confusion before landing back on his hip.
"Because never once in my days did I think I would see the day Javier Peña asked a woman on a date." You couldn't help the giggle that left your lips, partially because you were uncomfortable and didn't know what to do but also because this whole situation seemed like some kind of fever dream.
"Glad this is so funny to you." Peña scowled, turning back to his desk.
You bit your lip, trying to think of something to say. "You did a pretty good job actually. Good transition with the coffee and stuff." you offered, trying to lighten the mood and tension in the room.
"Then why didn't you say yes?" Javier asked, turning back to you as he sat on the edge of his desk.
You paused. You didn't say yes initially because you were too shocked to but there were probably a million reasons to not say yes.
You weren't dumb. Javier Peña was stupidly attractive. It was no wonder ever woman swooned over him. And the hair and slightly unbuttoned shirts certainly didn't help. And while many women would probably jump at the chance of a date with the infamous DEA agent just based off looks alone (and his 'sex god' reputation), you had come to admire the other things about him. His dedication and his how no matter how hard he tried to hide it, his compassion somehow always came through. There was plenty to admire about the man.
But there were also so many things that made a date with Javier Peña potentially a very bad idea. He was your co-worker first of all and while you weren't sure if it was necessarily forbidden, it wasn't something you should jump into. Being in this field was hard enough, you didn't need everybody thinking you had gotten where you were because you were jumping the bones of your co-workers. There was also the fact that Javier was the exact opposite of a relationship man. He was practically the epitome of a bachelor. His primary hobbies consisted of drinking and visiting brothels, blowing off steam with a woman withering under him. He was also so closed off sometimes. He kept everything so buried and so hidden and it was impossible to reach him.
"You do realize what a date is, right?" you asked gently.
Javier rolled his eyes. "Believe it or not, but I am very aware."
"And that you are asking me on a date. A date where we would go get coffee in a public place and talk and the main goal shouldn't be to get me in bed afterwards."
"Jesus Christ! I'm not trying to sleep with you!" Peña cried out, throwing his hands up.
"Well, excuse me but you have quite the reputation for being a bit of a man-whore asshole!" you shouted back, feeling the emotion and tension bubble up in you.
Peña dropped his head, looking down at his feet and letting out a long, drawn-out sigh. "I have... feelings for you."
He seemed to say the words begrudgingly, like there was anything he would rather do than have to talk about his feelings after practically getting rejected by a woman who he asked on a date (which he hadn't done in years).
Your mouth kept opening and closing, trying to conjure something to say but finding yourself unable to. if you thought the idea of Javier asking someone on a date unfathomable, then you were just absolutely flabbergasted by the idea of Javier having a crush on someone. You finally closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. "I don't...understand."
"I thought it was pretty obvious." Peña responded, shrugging his shoulders slightly as he slowly looked up at you.
You stared back into his brown eyes and let out an exhausted snigger. "No, it wasn't. Hence my reaction."
Peña pushed himself off his desk, strolling towards your desk and looking down at where you still sat. His brown eyes looked softer than you had ever seen them and it made the breathe in your throat hitch. "Listen, I am an asshole-"
"You really know how to see yourself, Javier." You cursed yourself for your habit of making jokes when you were uncomfortable as Javier looked back at you plainly. "Sorry..."
"I don't want to be an asshole when I am around you. I want to be better... for you. You make me think maybe I could be an okay guy." Javier offered.
You tried to ignore the way your heart had begun racing and the way your skin seemed to heat up slightly. You placed both your hands on the arm of your chair, trying to keep them busy so you didn't nervously twiddle your thumbs. "Alright, well that was kind of sweet in a weird way..."
Javier finally let out a small chuckle and you smiled at the noise, glad to feel a bit of the tension dissipate. "I know I'm a piece of shit and not boyfriend material or anything like that but... just one date. Let me buy you a cup of coffee."
You felt the corner of your lip quirk up into a small smile. "I'm not sleeping with you no matter how charming you are."
"We will save that for the third date then." Javier joked and you let out a small gasp.
"Bold of you to assume we will make it to a third date." You jested, giving him a teasing grin.
"It took me months to finally ask you out so this better work for me."
You leaned back. "Months?"
"Shut up." Javier huffed back as soon as he saw the smile on your face.
"Has the Javier Peña been pining for me for months?" You meant it as a joke but when his face softened and he looked back at you, you tried your best to wipe the smile off your face.
"It's... been awhile." Javier looked at the way you expectantly looked back at him and sighed. "Since the Christmas party."
Your jaw dropped. Steve had insisted on inviting you and Javier to what he described as a Christmas party Connie had set up but when you showed up, it was just the four of you. Murphy joked around, saying he didn't have many friends. But you didn't mind. It was one of the first times you had seen Peña out of the office and he seemed relatively relaxed for the first time you had seen him. You had both sat on the same couch together, across from the Murphys and every once in a while you two would whisper teasing jokes to each other about Steve. You thought back to the night and remembered how he had insisted on pouring your drinks for you and had probably been sat a little too close, his thigh nearly grazing yours. How his gaze had lingered on yours because it was the first time he had seen you wear something other than office clothes and shit, how did you somehow look even better? How he had insisted on driving you home once he realized you had walked there, saying it was because you shouldn't be walking around in the dark but also because he just wanted to spend more time with you, even if it was only a few more minutes.
"Javier, that was months ago."
Javier slowly nodded. "Yeah. I tried to at your birthday dinner."
That had been another thing that had been planned by Connie and Murphy had required you guys come to. You honestly didn't even know they knew when your birthday was, never once mentioning it because birthdays weren't your thing. But Murphy had somehow found out but you didn't mind. It was only a dinner with you four and some drinks, no big party and nobody made a big deal with it. The Murphy's had bought you a present despite you saying you hated receiving gifts.
Once again, Javier had insisted on driving you home and this time walked you to your door. You thought that would be it until he handed you a gift. Your watch had been broken and you needed a new one but had been too busy to get one so Javier had taken the liberty of doing so. You remember him insisting you open it when he was gone and not thank him for it. He had seemed a little off that day but you had thought it was just the drinks getting to him a little. He lingered and you both spoke about work until he eventually drifted away.
"Holy shit, Peña." you muttered, feeling the weight of the watch on your wrist even more.
"It doesn't matter." he huffed.
"It does to me." you softly said. Javier only sent a small glance your way and you gave him a smile before turning back down to your paperwork. "Pick me up on Friday."
You didn't look up to see the smile on Javier's face as he made his way back to his desk. "Yes ma'am."
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