#I’m so bi (also we both ace so it works)
astral-catastrophe · 1 year
Goodness, we slow danced
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AITA for being condescending towards an asexual kid in GSA?
🙃🏳️‍🌈 to find later
Long post so buckle up.
I (17, they/it/he) am one of three co-leaders of my school’s GSA, along with R (18, she/her) and N (17, he/him). All three of us are openly bi, and I’m also openly trans and (most importantly) very loudly aromantic. We’re all in 12th grade now but we were leaders last year (in 11th grade) too. The school/GSA is small enough that all four grades (9–12, so around 13–18 years old) are in the same GSA, there’s no separate upper grade and lower grade groups. We also have two advisors, both cis queer teachers; and some younger queer faculty members also join sometimes for formal events. We take turns running events during club time, such as fun crafts or watching music videos. Sometimes we also do educational stuff or documentaries, including having teachers come in to facilitate discussions.
I’ve been planning (since early December) to run a two part series of discussions about asexuality and aromanticism (separate discussions of each). I really just wanted to do one day about aromanticism, but R said that if I did that, people would derail it and just talk about asexuality anyways, which both N and our advisors also agreed made sense. So, it’s two days, and the asexuality one is first so that the aromanticism one can be closer to Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week (ASAW).
There’s a girl in GSA, let’s call her A (16, she/her), who’s in 11th grade. She’s very socially awkward and if someone points out that she’s accidentally said something rude or offensive she’ll make a big deal out of not knowing and generally derail the conversation. Also, two years ago A made a ton of “jokes” about me and my little sibling (16MtF) being “secretly dating.” When I asked her (politely at first) to stop, she said she was just joking around, and kept doing it. I asked her again and also asked the theatre teacher and school counselor for help, and eventually she did stop. But A kept following me around and trying to be friends with me, and I was super uncomfortable to the point that I asked the school counselor to facilitate a conversation between A and I so that I could ask her to fucking stop. It somewhat worked. Now she still keeps trying to start conversations with me in the hallways and such, but I just brush her off or ignore her.
The one place I can’t do that is during GSA. Since I’m a leader, I have to be civil to everyone and actually talk to people (R, N, and I set norms at the start of the year during our planning meetings). A is asexual but not aromantic, and today she showed up like 5 minutes into lunch (cafeteria lines are annoying) and loudly asked if she was late. We weren’t doing anything in GSA today, just chilling. At some point during the meeting I announced casually that next week we’d be discussing asexuality, and then the week after that we’d talk about aromanticism, which leads nicely into ASAW during February break. When I said this, A immediately said that she would be extra ace that week [during ASAW]. I was like, “during aromantic spectrum awareness week?!?!” in the same tone of that “during pride month?!?!” meme. She looked like someone had just given her an F on the most important test of the year and said she hadn’t known.
I also made a comment about how there’s way more openly aspec people at our school than at most schools, and N said that maybe the presence of role models is part of that (clear subtext: he was referring to me). I said pretty loudly (more people could hear) that it was kinda funny that I’m the “ace role model” when I’m literally not asexual. A looked super lost and confused at this, and I think she might’ve thought I was ace, even though I’m super open about not being ace, and have told her directly more than once.
Here’s where the potential assholery comes into play. There’s an ad for PrEP that was fairly common on the back covers of theatre playbills in the past year. The ad shows a Black man dressed in ripped leggings with fishnets, shiny knee-length heeled leather boots, and some sort of white leather harness, doing a bridge pose with one leg extended upwards so that the “r” in PrEP is resting on the sole of the boot. The ad has a bright red background and text that says “you cast of PrEP options is changing” along with a small QR code and website link. The pose is somewhat provocative, but not out of place on a playbill for an all-ages show.
During GSA, A was saying that she thought the ad was bad, because of the leather being “fetish gear” and “weird” (basically the same arguments people use to say that gay people shouldn’t be allowed in public). I told A that there’s nothing wrong with someone wearing leather, and she said that “it’s fetish gear and that’s disgusting and degenerate and just bad advertising!”
I explained calmly, like I would to a child (although I probably wouldn’t talk about this topic with a child), that PrEP is a medicine that people take if they anticipate having sex with someone who’s HIV-positive, so it’s okay that the ad is somewhat suggestive. She seemed to accept that, but still said that the leather was weird, and the ad should’ve shown “a diverse group of people getting pills at a pharmacy” instead, because “fetish gear” was too much.
I asked if she thought that all leather clothing was inherently fetishistic, to which A said yes, and then I asked, “do you know that people can’t just choose fetishes?”
She hadn’t known that, but she still said the ad was too sexual. I pointed out that it was a fairly well-targeted advertisement, using theatre references, but maybe A was not part of the target demographic. I also said that sometimes outfits are just hot without there needing to be any fetishes involved, which she didn’t refute, and that even if it was a fetish, that wouldn’t make it inherently “bad” or “degenerate” at all.
A said that she still didn’t like it, and I told her that she was entitled to have whatever feelings she wanted to have, but that doesn’t mean the advertisement itself is a problem.
Another person (17, he/him) called out “[OP], what do you think about kink at pride?” in a sort of nonchalant way, so I walked over while saying “i’m pro–kink at pride.” The conversation eventually moved in other directions, and then club ended and we had to go to our next classes.
TL;DR: given my position of power and responsibility as a GSA leader, AITA for being kinda condescending towards an ace person who’s 2 years younger than me because she was being very sex-negative about an ad for PrEP?
What are these acronyms?
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avenpt · 4 months
Hi asking a question here because google is not enough I wanted real people’s opinions.
My partner and I have been together for almost 3 years; they are asexual, I’m not but I don’t care for having a relationship with sex anyway, that’s not important to me and I respect the boundaries we’ve established together (ex: we’ve never had sex; we don’t kiss all the time and I wait for them to make the first move if they want to show that kind of affection; we sleep in different beds and both enjoy the space). We have a romantic relationship, but I feel a disconnect sometimes and most recent events have led me to question wether or not they might be aromantic as well.
I understand aromanticism is on a spectrum, I’m wondering how and if I should ask them about it and from my experience I know there are right and wrong ways to ask questions related to LGBTQIA+ topics.
I just don’t know how to ask them if they would prefer us to keep being a couple or if they don’t feel the same way I do about our relationship and if I need to change something I do if it makes them unhappy or uncomfortable. Whatever their response is I would respect it and their boundaries, even if it means that we simply stay friends (we have been friends since 2010 I value their friendship very much).
Basically, how do I go about asking them without being unintentionally rude/offensive and without sounding like I’m saying “you don’t seem to love me like I love you”? I just want them to be happy in life and in our relationship, whatever the relationship ends up as. I also don’t want to accidentally pressure them into showing affection they might not want to get into because they think that’s what I meant. I just want to know where were at.
PS for more context: From what I understand when we started dating they didn’t know they were asexual, we talked about it so that’s why I know but we never talked about aromanticism. I’m trans non-binary and pansexual, they are also trans and initially said they were also pan or bi, but I haven’t asked more info of it and it hasn’t come up naturally. I’m also not sure they would outright say something about aromanticism because we both have this issue where we are scared of talking about deep feelings and emotions unless someone asks us direct questions. Otherwise we have good communication it just takes some time to find the right questions to ask.
Any advice?
Hello, anon. Thank you for reaching out! First off, you sound like an awesome partner, wanting to be understanding and respectful of your partner. I mean, that is how people *should* be, but they aren't always like that. So this is great you're taking the time to find out what is best.
Your partner could be aro-spec, and I understand you wanting to know how to go about this so you know that you're not making them uncomfy or anything. Aro-spec people can be in romantic relationships--I just wanted to put that out there first. It is just like aces being in sexual relationships. So your partner might be fine with how things are, even if they are aro.
If you would like to talk to them, perhaps you could bring it up in this way..."I know that you're ace, but have you also ever related to the term 'aromantic'? I just want to make sure I'm not making you uncomfortable by being in a romantic relationship. I want to learn and be the best partner I can be." Or something along those lines. That way, you allow them to say if they can relate, and also you're not putting anything on them (like making anything out to be their fault).
Best wishes to you!! Just do what you can. I hope it works out. :)
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compacflt · 9 months
I was wondering if you had thoughts about how Ice and Mav's politics don't fully align with their actions? There was a post where you said Ice's politics are more socially liberal than Mav's but Mav is also the one who goes out to La Jolla to hit on guys before Ice, and later again when he's broken up with Ice, but Ice only goes out with women out of fear for his honor or whatever. Same with their respective thoughts on feminism, with Mav's mild respect for Charlie (telling Ice not all women fit the stereotype) but later Ice is the one who sends Juno to Mav's Top Gun class without telling him she's a woman and Ice has a respectful friendship with Juno. I think you said Ice is vaguely on the ace-aro spectrum (demi-homoromantic) which is a sort of fascinating irony that he doesn't have the words for it whereas Mav is the one with the theories about Ice's sexuality. Though with their hypocrisies and inconsistencies this all just feeds into their characterizations of the fact that they keep divorcing their actions from their spoken words from their identities.
okay going to take this point by point
1. yes i have addressed their politics in relation to their actions before, so maybe read this post and this post before you read this one, just to see where my other thoughts line up
2. gay republicans and conservatives do exist (at the very least certainly republicans and conservatives who have gay sex in secret)
3. before maverick is a political actor he is a human being, and the characterization that we are primarily given for him is that he is impulsive and reckless and doesn’t think through his actions. As ive written about many times before—from a story construction standpoint, his thoughtlessness is his number one most important character trait. He is both thoughtlessly dangerous (his hero’s “fatal flaw;” he can’t stop himself from making bad decisions) and thoughtlessly brilliant (the navy’s best and most daring and heroic pilot). He does what he wants without thinking about it; and he makes excuses and hollow promises whenever that plan doesn’t work out (“I know better than that. It will never ever happen again;” [it happens again] “I’m not gonna let you down. I promise.” [goose dies shortly thereafter]). His thoughtless impulsiveness overrides everything else. Maybe the act of having gay sex (to address your “he gets fucked in La Jolla before ice” point) is politically subversive, but for Maverick’s thoughtless character that we are shown in Top Gun, the most subversive possible thing would be to LABEL the gay sex and think through the consequences of it. To call a spade a spade and call himself gay or bi or queer or whatever. That would be the most subversive (and with mav, entirely unbelievable imo) possible thing. That takes conscious effort of thought, something maverick is near-incapable of doing. As long as he can get away with it without thinking about it, he’s politically in the clear, with regards to his character & character arc. If that makes sense. “Don’t think. Just do.” That’s literally his motto lmfao. He represents thoughtless action as an archetype; his politics come secondary to his desires
4. Their “respective thoughts on feminism” are divided into two camps: 1. “Professional as required by the law” and 2. “Sex pest mode.” They’re naval officers in the 1980s. Whether republican or democrat, that’s kind of par for the course. How men treat women can be a performance to other men. Any respect i made them show towards women had broader, more metatextual “need to move the conversation/story from A to B” reasoning behind it. See the first post I linked for much more on that.
5. i never said ice was on the ace/aro spectrum, or if i did i DEFINITELY meant it sarcastically. That could not be further from what i believe. This isn’t something I’ve ever discussed on this blog before, but a MASSIVE part of the philosophical discussion I’ve been trying to moderate within this project over the last year is the question— “do labels even work with characters under these very specific and extraordinarily extreme conditions and societal pressures?” It’s a question I took from my time studying early American history—the contexts of certain environments, and I would definitely count the elite officer ranks of the navy in the 90s and 2000s as one of these certain environments, simply Are Not Conducive to the easier (path of least resistance maybe) ways we civilians handle sexuality and friendship and trauma. There are so many variables and external and internal pressures within an environment like the upper ranks of career navy officers that sexual orientation labels lose all nuance and accuracy. I don’t think Ice (as i have written him) is gay. I don’t think he’s straight. I don’t think he’s bi. I think he’s an unlabelable product of too many variables for labels to have any effect on how he is perceived. Which, in our society built around labels and categories, is admittedly difficult to wrestle with. But doesn’t make it any less worth wrestling with.
6. Yes, ice and mav’s hypocrisy is the linchpin of the entire story.
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They’re both trying to have their cake (“honor” and moral superiority based on the harmful traditional subjective morals arbitrated by elite navy officership) and eat it too (a fulfilling relationship with the love of their lives). & the point is that they cant. they have to settle for one.
#adam & eve can either stay in eden or eat from the tree of knowledge. but the moral authority told them not to eat; so they can’t have both#or—they can have both but they can’t ACKNOWLEDGE having both; they have to keep it a secret even from themselves. that way it’s not sin.#(the navy is ice/mav’s religious institution as i keep repeating)#re: ice and labels.#like i am both joking and not joking when i say he’s mavericksexual#simply because maverick represents both the guilt Ice must deal with re: the death of a friend#AND the recklessness that would inspire him to realize (in the actionable sense of the word) the full extent of his sexuality#no one else can do that. he and maverick were made for each other like that.#same thing where ice is the only one who can legitimize maverick in the eyes of their overbearing institution.#they’re made for each other in a way that imo transcends sexuality and labels.#I’m not going to touch the politics of ‘demi-‘ labels because i know people feel very strongly about it#and you come to me for Top Gun not necessarily my thoughts on modern identity politics#but suffice to say i don’t believe either ice or mav are demi anything.#they’re just guys. they’ve killed people and killed with each other and killed for each other. they don’t need labels. just let them be#tom iceman kazansky#pete maverick mitchell#top gun#icemav#top gun maverick#asks#edts notes#thanks for the ask! hope it isn’t coming off as aggressive or argumentative#* argumentative yes. you can argue with me.#but the labeling issue has been on my mind since DAY ONE & influenced much of how i wrote the story#human beings are so much more complex than most labels give us credit for
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Hi, I love your blog!!! It's so tubular to talk to fellow Stranger Things and Byler enthusiasts and you really get the characters. I wanted to ask, when do you think Mike and Will started liking each other, when do you think they realised it, and how oblivious are they to each other's feelings? Also any opinions you have on Mike's sexuality and his feelings for El? I'm aro-spec ace and way too fixated on analysing the platonic/romantic nuances of relationships, and it would be so cool if you could break those down in Mlvn and Byler. Make the answer as long as you like, I could talk about Byler for hours! This blog is totally sweet!!! Oh, any Byler headcanons you have too, sorry for such a long ask, lmao.
Sorry, i haven’t been checking my inbox and completely missed this ask 😭
I think Will has had a crush on Mike pretty much since he can remember, but it’s around s3 that he starts to realise it, with everyone growing up and having to see Mike in a relationship. He represses it throughout the summer, and it’s in s4 that he’s consciously aware and accepts it. Will is still dealing with his own internalised homophobia though, and fully believes that Mike will never reciprocate, hence him giving away his feelings in the painting scene and essentially resigning himself to helping fix Mike and El’s relationship, since he wants them to be happy and thinks this is how that can be accomplished.
Mike is more complicated, but I do believe that he realised he was in love with Will/gay/bi/however you interpret it in the s3 finale. Just the flashing between his and Will’s faces as the van drives off, focusing on him looking back at the Byers house and hugging Karen, and also him looking like he’s having a *realisation* when El says she loves him (while kissing him in front of an open closet with “The First I love you” playing - the song which also plays when Robin comes out to Steve in the episode prior). He’s aware of it then, but I think he seriously represses it and also doesn’t think Will is gay. It’s cool to see him leaning back into his more nerdy interests and being influenced by Eddie to be more carefree in s4 though, since we see him start to shed the idea of being “normal” and conforming (which is a big theme for Karen and Nancy too. That damn Wheeler family 😭)
I’m still torn as to whether I see Mike as bi or gay. Pre-s4 i was firmly in the gay Mike Truther camp, but I can see them going either way and I think there is evidence to support either reading. S1-3 he comes off as possibly being bi, but s4 it seems like he’s been written as gay. Either way, i hope they do it justice, as it will recontextualise his actions and his relationship with El differently depending on what his sexuality actually is.
Regarding El, I do think that he and El have work to do if they want to have a proper friendship after they break up. I don’t think they’re immediately going to fall into being besties, since they don’t share a lot of interests, and we don’t actually see much of their dynamic as friends, since the romance overshadows it. Regardless, they care deeply for each other and I’d like to see them start to make up for lost time and form a friendship.
And finally for headcanons, we know Will gives art to Mike, so I imagine Mike also gives Will little stories and stuff he writes. After the stuff with Vecna is over, i love to think of them starting a comic series together, maybe taking inspiration from their own experiences with the UD and their friends. They’d probably go to the same college too, and would move to a city, but still live a relatively quiet life and maybe adopt a dog. I think Mike would also start to listen to some of Will’s music. We know he calls Should I Stay or Should I Go “that weird song” in s1 and if we take his playlist as canon he seems to personally prefer synth music to rock, but I think he’d probably listen to some of Will’s faves to feel closer to him. They’d both also love 90’s music, and we see that there’s a guitar in Mike’s room in s4 (probs Eddie’s influence) so maybe he’d try to play something for Will.
That’s all I can think of for now, but I hope this is fun to read and I answered everything well enough! Sorry for leaving it so late lol
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bluedalahorse · 11 months
wlw in the sad swedish teens show: some thoughts
I’m going to share some stedrika thoughts, not as a meta, just as a kind of… sharing of my unsolicited personal opinions. There was a thread going around with some idea-provoking discussion, but I also feel like I’d be hijacking said thread if I weighed in. So I figured it was better to make my own post and chat there.
So I’m aro ace, but I also kind of identify with the label sapphic. I’m more gray ace than full ace, and that grayness of ace identity is 90% of the time directed toward women. I was in a romantic-sexual partnership with a woman for 2.5 years before figuring more things out. (Also, my ex was pretty toxic, so there was that.) I attended a single-sex college, continue to hang in groups of women today, and just generally exist in a social culture that leans more sapphic/wlw, homosocial, and ace. Probably the most masculinity-dominated experiences I have are logging onto my dash and watching fandom interaction that is a lot more mlm-focused than the rest of my life.
In the gap between seasons 1 and 2, I wasn’t hoping for stedrika as my wlw representation. I was hoping we would get gay or bi or ace or otherwise queer Felice. It isn’t too hard to make up a queer narrative for Felice. She connects with Wilhelm, who’s also figuring himself out, and we know how it is with the queer kids all finding one another even before they fully understand themselves what’s going on. Felice’s pursuit of Wilhelm and then pivoting to August also feels like she’s hitting the two ends of the spectrum of compulsory heterosexuality. Wilhelm is that nice, approachable boy where it’s easy to convince yourself you have a crush on him, because who wouldn’t? Also he’s a prince! August is that guy where you’re like “well if the idea of dating men is generally unpleasant all around, then dating the most unpleasant one is doing heterosexuality right, isn’t it?” Felice’s mom also puts a lot of pressure on her about boys (and that line about whose babies are royal feels like it’s something Felice would have been told growing up) in a way where you can parallel it to Kristina putting pressure on Wilhelm. There’s a lot of good queer and wlw material to work with for Felice! And I’m glad fandom hasn’t entirely given up on that, even if it doesn’t seem like canon is going that direction. (Send me your gay Felice fics where she’s the center of the story, btw. Send themmmm.)
Stedrika as wlw representation brushes up against the archetype of two femme best friends who are also roommates, one of whom is secretly pining for the other, one of whom may or may not be pining back. That archetype in its requited form is… not my favorite wlw archetype. I don’t mean I hate it, but I do mean I’m pretty “meh” about it. I read a lot of YA fiction, for both personal enjoyment and career reasons. Best-friends-to-lovers wlw comes up a lot, especially in stories where a wlw couple isn’t the center of the story. It can be enjoyable for me, if the characterization is complex enough overcome the trope itself. But I can’t help noticing how many mlm YA stories let a boy crush on the hot new boy, or someone outside his usual social circle, whereas the message for girls is “the one for you has been near you all along! Girls achieve an adventure by clicking their heels and saying There’s No Place Like Home!”
I understand that the sapphic girl with a crush on her bestie is a trope that has some basis in reality, and for some folks it can be really empowering to see those kinds of pairs get a Happily Ever After together. I also think it can be empowering for the female character with the sapphic crush to come to the realization (either through rejection or other circumstances) that her bestie isn’t going to like her back that way, but she does understand herself better now. And she’s going to use that knowledge to build herself up and explore new values and seek out new wlw relationships and join the queer revolution. Hahaha you can tell what sort of storyline I prefer. Truth be told I would be more interested in a story where Fredrika doesn’t requite Stella’s feelings and Stella has to reinvent herself than I would a story where suddenly they love each other. I’m sure the YR writing team would make the latter interesting too, but if they gave me a choice between the latter and the former and promised they would be equally well written, I’d pick the latter.
Here’s the other thing about stedrika. I don’t entirely find them boring. I do like them! This is going to sound like me being a problematic queer, maybe, but… I like the fact that they’re mean. Not in a “you go girl!” sort of way where I’m cheering on their meanness and tendency to gossip. I don’t want them to stay mean. But I do find it interesting that Stella at least is hiding some part of her authentic self, and she and Fredrika haven’t gotten to discuss something honestly, and the price they pay is lashing out at others for their authenticity, especially their authenticity around romantic feelings. I think there’s some interesting narrative questions to explore then, in terms of how do you learn to embrace others and yourself? What toll does it take, being closeted? How do you empower yourself within structures that are harming you—is hurting other people going to do it? Like gosh, that’s a whole character arc! I also think it’s really interesting how Lisa and the writing team have addressed the role that misogyny and assumptions around sex and physicality play in oppressing wlw queer folks. Like that whole discussion around what counts as “real sex” and losing one’s virginity that we see at Sara’s birthday sleepover. That was interesting to see play out onscreen and I’m glad they went there! (Send me your fics about messy stedrika, send themmmm. Send these girls on some kind of journey.)
Anyway, I’m also glad that stedrika is not the only wlw representation we have in Young Royals. Because we also have Rosh, who I absolutely adore with every fiber of my being. Rosh isn’t white or upper class, and she’s more tomboyish and comparatively less femme. She talks about her rebound after dating Yasmin/Yasmina, and there’s this wonderful sapphic chaos quality to it. She’s an openly queer girl in a best friendship with an openly queer boy, and you can tell that she and Simon lean on one another and probably came out to one another in middle school. (I think I have read this fic a few times, but I will always read more of it!) I love Rosh’s sense of justice and how committed she is to athletics and making sure Simon succeeds on the rowing team even if, as we all know, rowing isn’t a sport. Overall Rosh feels very specific and that makes her very real. Also I can’t resist a confident soccer lesbian, obviously I imprinted on Keira Knightly and Parminder Nagra in Bend It Like Beckham like every other queer girl born in the late 1980s.
Anyway. I actually think YR has a ton to offer us in terms of potential wlw representation, and interesting stories and characters that can be explored. (It has a lot to offer us in terms of female characters, period. I wish I had the time and fandom knowhow to create a female character centered ficathon. Is there any interest out there?)
The weird thing is I don’t know if I would feel confident writing this post at all if I hadn’t put in over 100k words of effort in fanfic for this fandom, most of it from female characters’ POVs. Some of that is het, sure, but I’m really, really proud of the sapphic self-discovery arc we gave Felice in Heart and Homeland. We let her struggle with her feelings at a time when she didn’t have the vocabulary for her feelings. We let Felice have a 19th century romantic friendship with Sara while also having sex and romances with other women, because lesbians can do both dammit. We let her kiss other women on the page, and do additional things beyond kissing also on the page. She was the first character we upped our rating to M for! We let her have friends-with-benefits hookups (because wlw characters shouldn’t always have to meet their forevergirl in their first girl) and we’re developing a new relationship in the upcoming chapters. (Okay, we did accidentally erase stedrika, because we wrote the first 19 chapters of our fic before season 2, and made occasional blink-and-you-miss-it references to a Stella/Henry sideplot. But let’s just say additional things are happening in the coming chapters.) I’m really happy with Felice’s storyline. I’m also happy that for a long time, I was the kid in fandom sighing and wishing there was more femslash, while feeling bad bad because I hadn’t written any myself. But now I have, and it feels a bit like achieving a Life Goal. I’m proud of myself!
And if you want to write femslash of your own, but you’ve always been a little scared or unsure of how to start? Hi. I’ll be your sounding board and your biggest cheerleader, if you want that. Tell me and we’ll have a lot of fun planning and writing! I BELIEVE IN YOU AND YOU ARE AMAZING.
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tabl3 · 1 year
Lab Rats Ask Game
by @texanmarcusdavenport (your name and bio made me spit water lmfao)
⛵️ Favorite ship? Least favorite ship? (Doesn't have to be romantic.)
-Chase/Kaz, Bree/Skylar, Leo/Logan, Tecton/Megahertz, Horace/Bridges
-DAVENPORT SIBLINGS (love their dynamic. I have three siblings of my own and it’s too accurate lol)
- MM trio (nuff said lmao)
- EF (done correctly)
Least Favorite:
- Incest (obviously)
- Kaziver/Chaziver (no hate to those who ship it :) just not my cup of tea)
👀 Characters whose relationship you wish was more explored?
- Leo, Logan, and Taylor (next gen spinoff fr)
- Leo and Kaz
- Kaz and Skylar
- Kaz and Bree
- Chase and Oliver (literally the copy homework but change it up a lil bit meme)
- Skylar and Chase
- Adam and Skylar (bff material fr)
- Jordan with literally anyone (love she)
- Techertz (gay old men. the end.)
- Chase and Taylor (I have a comic in the works of them setting up Leogan. they 100 percent would meddle lol)
- Bree and Taylor
- Adam and Logan
- Horace and the trio
💥 Favorite crack ship / characters that never met in canon but would've been best friends if they had?
- Spark and Reese (idk why. I cannot remember who did the incorrect quote that implanted the brainworm but)
🐀 Favorite season of Lab Rats? Least favorite?
- 1 and 2 :) (1 was so cute, and Douglas/Marcus as antagonist were really entertaining in 2)
- 4 (said almost everyone lol)
🏥 Lab Rats or Mighty Med?
- both
🏳️‍🌈 Favorite LGBT+/neurodivergent headcanon?
Idk tbh lol, so here’s a few of mine:
- Chase: bi disaster, trans, autistic, OCD, insomnia
- Bree: pan, ADHD (hyperactive)
- Kaz: gay, ADHD (switches between hyperactive and inattentive), dyscalculia
- Skylar: lesbian
- Oliver: trans, OCD, monophobia
- Adam: aro/ace, ADHD (inattentive), dyslexia, dyscalculia 
- Leo: queer
- Tasha: bi
- Douglas: bi, OCD (maybe schizophrenic. not sure on that yet)
- Marcus: aro/ace (some form of nd lol)
- Daniel: also nd in some way (it’s genetic lol)
- Taylor: lesbian
- Logan: gay
- Horace: ADHD
- Alan: aro/ace, OCD
- Jordan: aro/ace
- Gus: omnisexual, autistic
- Tecton: bi
- Megahertz: gay
- Solar Flare: lesbian, nonverbal
- Gamma Girl: lesbian
📖 An AU/fanfic idea you'd love to see but don't have the motivation to write?
- literally my whole rewrite lmao (i have the motivation but this timeline is murder help)
💭 Favorite headcanon overall?
- soooo many. one that’s fun is Oliver literally never being spared from walking in on horrors lol
🔥 Hot take/unpopular opinion?
- not sure how unpopular this is, but Bree is written poorly. she can have more personality than just “girl”
❤️ Favorite character? Least favorite character?
- EF (in character), Horace, Adam, Leo, Tasha, Jordan (Wallace and Clyde are fun too)
- not sure on the least fav
- actually EF Oliver lol
⏱️ When did you start watching Lab Rats?
- 10 years ago (I’m an og baby let’s goooooo)
🟢 Any crossover ideas? Are there any shows you think would've made a better crossover than Lab Rats/Mighty Med?
- okokokok, hear me out.... how about a crossover between two hit sitcoms: Mighty Med & Lab Rats, BUT we don’t ruin the characters? I know it sounds like madness
🎼 What songs do you relate to the characters/ show?
- Bloodpop (Davenport Family)
- Feel Invincible (MM trio)
- Waiting for the End (EF)
- start//end (for my Decimation work)
- Dollhouse (Davenport Family)
- Training Wheels/ Line Without a Hook/ Sweater Weather/ I Like Me Better/ Mirrors (Chaz)
- Tongue Tied/ Everybody Talks/ Falling For U/ she/ sofia (Brylar)
- Gasoline (Adam, Bree, Chase)
there’s like a billion more but I’m tired atm lol (drawing and writing causes one to make playlists haha)
🟠 Which character is the most like you? Which character is the least like you?
- really when I write I heavily project to all of them lol, but probably Chase in canon. I’m the thirdborn, autistic, OCD, and super sensitive to light, sound, smells, etc. (I’m also the “smart one” too lmao)
- Idk really lol
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rubykgrant · 2 years
Some RVB Gender/Sexuality thoughts~
Simmons; OK, we all know he’s trans, right? At first I almost worried thinking of him as trans would be kinda type-cast-y, but... come on. He named himself Dick. Also, he’s very much gay (just in super-extra denial, and oblivious about romance)
Grif; Bisexual (he’s had bad luck with dudes when he was younger, and his thought process basically was “OK, all these guys were jerks, and I’m also a jerk, I’m just gonna avoid guys” which was why he’s so defensive about the idea of having a boyfriend... but obviously things improve~)
Sarge; Also bi (had some old-fashioned notions about sexuality, but after seeing the young ‘uns getting more comfortable with themselves, he figures things out). He is somehow GNC and also the most man-tastic dude at the same time (if you try to get an answer out of him, regarding if this means he’s nonbinary or genderfluid or WHAT, he speaks in riddles and avoids a label... which, y’know, is fine. Yee and Haw!)
Donut; Gay (not as a joke, not in an ironic way- he is a man who is romantically and sexually attracted to men, heck yeah)
Lopez; He would claim that all “human identities are unworthy of HIM, a MIGHTY ROBOT”... but he’s bi
Sheila; Nonbinary and genderneutral (still mostly uses she/her pronouns, and even when she’s one of the bros, she’s still a Lady~)
Church; Bi-bi-bi! Also, nonbinary (there’s an AI joke about binary code in there somewhere), and when he thinks about it, leans toward bigender too (Epsilon would also be bi and nonbinary, but perhaps more comfortable with genderfluid. both are just Some Dude, but in very GNC ways)
Tex; Bi and nonbinary as well, also vibes with genderqueer
Tucker; if somebody twisted my arm and demanded that ONE character be the token cis/het... I guess that would be Tucker (but honestly, every single person who thinks of him with any other orientation? you are 100% correct. in my own head, I feel like he just never had a chance to even fully think about his sexuality beyond “women hot”. like, every dude he had the beginnings of a crush on? it was never at the right time for either person, so nothing ever happened)
Caboose; Bi and polyamorous (he’s actually had more luck with past relationships when he was younger than most of the others... does he understand Tucker’s weird perv-jokes? nah. does he understand, very intimately, how romantic and sexual relationships work? absolutely)
Kai; She’s tried several different identities in her life, usually just jokingly saying “My gender is HOTTIE, and my sexuality is MORE PLEASE”. In seriousness, she’s bi (and when somebody else explains the colors to her, she also likes using pansexual- it has blue like her team, magenta/hot pink that works as her brother’s team, and yellow like her armor). Also, she’s intersex~
Carolina; Realized she’s bisexual (back in the day, they never got to talk about it much, but York was genderfluid and bi. South was a lesbian, and North was ace. Connie was bi and trans. Wyoming was bi and aro... and somehow homophobic at the same time. Maine was gay and polyam. Florida was pan and genderqueer)
Wash; Asexual, gay, and trans!
Triplets; We know that Ohio is a lesbian, while Iowa is bi, and Idaho is ace
Doc; Aromantic and Asexual (O’Malley is as well, but they both still enjoy affection... O’Malley just won’t admit it)
Locus; Gay (despite having a life full of many experiences, he never explored much with sexuality or relationships, and had bad info when he was younger... he’s figuring things out now, and also finding better quality men~)
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asukaskerian · 2 years
monthly word count - july
TOTAL: 7 111 huh! i'm okayish with this because while there were weeks i didn't write a damn thing i managed to edit and complete two stalled oneshots AND two stuck multiparts. progress was made! POSTED -What Brings Us Together (1 721 words) madara/tobirama externally-enforced marriage, some-kind-of-ace!tobirama. Oneshot, complete. -match & mix (715 words) gen, founders, DBZ fusion as a naruto-verse tradition. Oneshot, complete. IN PROGRESS -days on a wire chapter 7 (2 299 words) mada/tobi/izu ABO YEEEE PROGRESSSSSS. >:E -howling outside your door (101 words) bleach pack fuckening ABO - gonna delete most of it, redundant -bleach suburban ot4 (2 005 words) (grimmichinelhime being bi disasters) -bloodsport chapter 4 (131 words) grimmichi in space -- gonna have to delete everything, ain't working. :/ -the thirteenth hour (139 words) tobirama fucks with time to get his brothers back. (why do i keep getting distracted writing this fic. is there a reason my brain doesn't wanna. hhh.)
cherry wine ABO -- Izuna took his stance and braced for impact. (No sword, no jutsu, somehow believing -- how? -- that Tobirama would offer him the same consideration.) They crashed straight on, forearm to forearm; Tobirama's superior weight and his momentum shoved Izuna back, but he'd been expecting it and rolled backwards, catching his sleeveless gi by the collar and using it to flip him along. They rarely used pure hand-to-hand against each other and it wasn't hard to remember why; with the Senju's greater muscle mass and no sharp-edged equalizer it was like wrestling Madara, but he only needed to hold on to this whirlwind of elbows and feet long enough for Madara to -- Tobirama slipped out of his gi, leaving it behind in Izuna's hand, and dived through the door. Madara landed with both heels striking hard on the spot he'd just vacated, growling high and eager, and chased. Izuna followed, the shirt in hand. (He wasn't about to leave it in Higashi's room.) For a long and silly moment they just circled the garden from inside the house, dodging around tables and leaping silently over precious vases, and Izuna wondered -- hoped -- if the both of them were just enjoying it, too, just enjoying the movement and the play of their own muscles under the skin and the anticipation. If Madara was enjoying the sight of the mesh shirt on bare skin, the lines of his back, if Tobirama wanted -- Tobirama passed through the front room, and casually tossed his shoes in the entryway. That infuriating asshole. Incensed, Izuna leaped over Madara with a burst of speed, ricocheted off a wall, barely avoiding planting his feet on a hanging scroll, slingshotted himself around a pillar, and flew heels first at his unprotected back. -- suburban ot4 - grimm&hime -- Orihime laughs, swallows her nerves. "Well, I like my father in law! He's friendly and laid back and generally pretty nice, and if you need help he'll be here in a flash and never mention it afterwards!" His eyes are so piercing. "Yeah, but?" "But he also thinks men who are manly don't actually have feelings about other men. Like, father and son feelings, or friend feelings, or anything. I mean, he knows they have them but they can't say it! It has to be a joke or a jibe or friendly brawling or whatever. So then we had Kazui, and Ichigo was trying to tell him it was okay to feel your feelings, while thinking somehow it wasn't okay for him. And he's not good at being a hypocrite! So. It was hard." It might be hard the same way for Grimmjow-san, she thinks, if they have a son too. "... Yeah," he says reluctantly, like he's thinking the same thing. "And your da -- your brother?" Same thing, she wants to say, and her throat tightens briefly, thinking of Sora. She thinks it always will. It's alright, though. Sora was the best man she's ever known. He gave her good standards. She could talk about him for hours. "I think my brother decided to become nice and sweet just to piss off our parents, honestly! And then he just really committed to it. He was so good." Grimmjow-san snorts a little, like he always does when she swears. Not that she swears a lot -- maybe she should do it more, so he gets used to it? Adopt his dialect, and, hm, embarrassing, but-- "He was just -- a really gentle man." She pauses, brow knitting in thought, weighing her words. "My biological dad's a total asshole though!" The widening eyes she gets in response are so funny. She makes sure to keep her face ultra-serious. "A huge dickbutt. If he was on fire I would not pee on him!" Grimmjow-san starts laughing all at once, rusty-sounding and chest-deep. "Yeah?" "Yeah!" She shrugs. Ugh, he needs to stop being so pretty. "He broke my first bone when I was a toddler, so..." She's a little sorry to sober him up, to end the joyful moment, but the way he looks at her then -- straight on, like he's taking her seriously. "... Hah. Mine waited until I was six. Well, we've got an idea where the bottom of the barrel is, then. Your brother," he says with a hand raised flat over his head, "your dad," and curls forward to touch the floor.
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charincharge · 1 year
advice time! you are the nicest, coziest, most helpful person on this site so hopefully you can help :)
there’s this guy i’ve been crushing on for a while. i liked him in 8th grade, and that was the year covid hit and schools went out, and i was fully virtual the next year, so i didn’t see him at all until last year (10th grade). we became a lot closer and i didn’t start liking him again at that point, we were just good friends. i’m in 11th grade now and we’ve become even closer this year except i started liking him again and i’ve tried to ignore it bc i hate having feelings for my friends, it makes things so miserable for me. it’s grown to the point where i think this is the largest crush i’ve ever had on a person, and i know that’s not necessarily saying much since i’m still in high school (and have never dated anyone btw), but at this point in my life it still feels really meaningful to me. anyway, tl;dr of that was there’s a boy that i’m pretty good friends with who i have a massive crush on.
so today i found out he’s asexual. i was supportive of course when he told me but, especially later when i was by myself and had time to process it, i am so upset about this. i’m not upset with him ofc, i have nothing against ace people and i’m bi myself so it’s not like i’m bigoted, it’s just that this guy i’ve liked so much and for so long (relatively anyway) can’t like me back. i was never under the impression he did, he never acted like he had feelings for me in return so i’ve never shared my own feelings, it’s just that even though i knew he didn’t like me there was still the possibility of it, and it’s gone now. i’m just so frustrated with the circumstances, that things had to work out this way. i feel so selfish for worrying about my own feelings while he’s coming out and dealing with the stress of that, it’s just so unreasonably sad to me.
i could never tell him any of this, both because it would be so embarrassing and awkward for me, and because he’s such a kind person and i know he’d feel (unnecessarily) bad. so i will do my best to get over him while supporting him through this. i guess what i’m asking for isn’t actually advice since there’s nothing to be done about it (although maybe you have some tips for getting over him?), but really all i need are some words of comfort if you don’t mind <3
Oh my goodness. First let me say that I’m so incredibly touched that you reached out to me as a safe person. I am honored.
But then let’s address your problem. I totally get why your instinct would to be upset, but take a step back and take a breath and reevaluate. There is an extremely wide spectrum of asexuality and what that means. Instead of just being sad, it might be worth asking your friend what his asexual identity means to him. It differs from person to person. I have an ace friend who is in a committed relationship and they kiss, hug, etc but sex is not a priority but they do occasionally have sex.l bc their partner wants it. I also have an ace friend who doesn’t like to be touched and their partner has to understand that. Being ace doesn’t mean they can’t want you back. They totally can. It doesn’t mean your friend is suddenly off limits to a relationship it just means the boundaries of behavior are more specific. So there’s really no harm in asking what that means to them so you can figure out what that means for you if you were to be their partner. That being said, being ace is hard. We live in an Uber sexualized world and especially as an ace dude who is expected to be sexual, it might be nice to be a friend who assures them it’s okay not to feel that way. Even if their feelings aren’t reciprocated.
That said, if that’s too much I totally understand. Relationships are hard. Friendships are hard. Being a teen is hard l. You have to do what you feel good about and tbh if learning your crush is ace closes that door, it might open a new one. You have no idea. You’re so young and have so many people left to meet. You’re going to figure it all out and be okay. And if you need more assurance or help, I’m always here.
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intothehedgemaze · 1 year
So I saw your tags on your most recent reblog on how your fb was all pan and bi, family would say you’re a lesbian but you’re more multi gender and some type of ace…. Relatable. Except im cisgender. But sometimes I think I’m bi/ pan and others I think I’m some type of ace…. which are like polar opposite of each other 🙃 anyway I try not to think too much about labels and just be like ‘if I’m single forever I’m ok with it and if I fall for a man, woman, NB, that’s cool too’ but it’s overwhelming. Your tags was the first time I saw someone else say they fit in the ace and bi/ pan boxes and it just felt comforting so I wanted to say thanks for sharing that 🥹 this stuff is overwhelming atm
hi anon! I’m glad you could see a little of yourself in me and know you’re not alone and I have good news. From what I’ve seen, it’s remarkably common to be ace or aro (or some flavor of aroace) and also bi/pan! Of course, common is relative, but as far as people on this site and in otherwise queer spaces, I think it’s not out of the ordinary at all. My partner is on the aromantic spectrum and bi! And quite a few of my friends are aces of various orientations. We don’t have to be opposites! And honestly, it’s okay to be a seeming contradiction - that’s what queerness is here for!
I’ve always had very mixed feelings on sex and relationships - I find crushing on/pining for someone altogether more satisfying than actually attempting to date them in most cases. The reason my (current, getting close to a decade long) relationship works out for us both is that we were (and are) 100% best friends who want to spend their lives together first and foremost. I also think feeling okay with not having that kind of relationship, but not being against it is very common, too! Honestly a lot of people would be much happier if they were not overly concerned with finding a relationship.
You’re welcome to come back (anon or not) to talk more if you’re feeling too overwhelmed or have questions. I’ve been trying to reconcile all the different aspects of myself for years and have been through a lot of exploratory phases with friends and partners as they’ve tried to make sense of things for themselves, too. 💜
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fool-of-a-took1 · 1 year
Homophobia and transphobia is honestly really weird. If we have examples with the same principle but another subject not many people would think it makes sense.
For example, if we compare which hand is dominant. The norm and most common thing is being right handed, we’re gonna pretend that equals straight people. Same thing goes for left handed people corresponds with homosexuals. We also have ambidextrous people let’s say that’s people who like more than one gender.
Now I don’t think anyone will judge you on which hand you’re more dominant in (if it’s not a case of copying you while you’re writing and you have your hand covering the text(left handed struggle,believe me)), no one will go “oh you don’t write with you right hand, that’s weird/wrong/disgusting” right?
(Now this is in no way accurate statistics of course, just a comparison)
(I couldn’t really get in ace/aro spectrum example on this one without making it sound like a disability or something in style with “and then some people don’t have hands” and that is in no way what I want so I’m sorry)
We can also use food as an example:
(Once again only comparisons)
Homophobic person: my favourite food is pizza
Homosexual: I enjoy hamburgers more
Bi: yeah I like both
Pan/omni: Mhm me too, I also like sushi
Ace/ aro spectrum: I don’t really like any of those.
(Now I am not saying that everyone that likes pizza are like that, there are a lot of pizza lovers that support other foods too.)
And then we have another one.
Let’s say that a person grew up with mostly crime novels to read and didn’t really like them. But then they realised that oh romantic slowburns are more their type of books. And then someone else realise that they don’t really like to read at all. And someone don’t really know so they go back and forth between different genres.
Now imagine someone going I there being like “Why do you not like the same genre, something is wrong with you” or someone being like “why did you realise you like this genre more than the one you had at home, that you never liked anyway, weirdo?”
Now this works as an example for both homophobia(other sexualities included) and transphobia.
And if you say that “liking the same gender isn’t natural” I’ll tell you this.
The only other species that has homophobia is a sort of spider, the rest of the animal kingdom doesn’t think of it negatively.
If you say it’s against you religion well let me just give you thing for Christianity(honestly can’t give you so much on other religions as I’m not really that well educated on their view on lgbtqia for the moment). There will be people saying that in the bible it says that you shan’t love a man the same way you love a woman (directed to males) or something like that and what I have to say is that *NEWSFLASH* God didn’t write the Bible, humans did. Plus the translation could have been wrong.
And like if God I’d love why wouldn’t he support love?
Oh and to the people saying “god doesn’t make mistakes” about trans people, that also means he meant them to be there and for them to be trans so you’re arguing against yourself, also there are people born with disabilities and we do stuff to “fix” that so why shouldn’t we help people that have been born in the wrong body?
Please don’t get mad at me for not mentioning you’re sexuality and/or gender identity, I’m not an expert and this is just my thoughts on queer-phobia stuff
Love is love and porn is sex but sex is not porn🏳️‍🌈❤️
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The Dislike For Velma Is Half-Understandable....But The Other Half Is Annoying
first I want to say, that I'm starting to become annoyed by the hate for the show. yeah the dislike for the show that Scooby-Doo seems to be not in it, but for all we know he might appear in the future.
Scooby-Doo not in the Velma Show (or at least not in it yet), and fans seem to dislike it, is one of the understandable things I can agree with.
I still want to try to watch a bit more of the episodes of Velma, before I fully decide if I like it or hate it.
but so far, I can't help but think some of the hate for the show, is kind of....well let's say I'm annoyed and hate it.
plus who's to say that Velma is a Lesbian...? I mean if she likes both Daphne and Fred, wouldn't that mean she's Bi...?
anyone can become confused with their sexuality or romantic identity...
and yeah it sucks that some people in LGBT seem to have a freaking problem with Aces, and possibly even those who are Aceflux.
it's good that some aren't like that in LGBT, but the jerks who seem to have a problem with Aces are one of the reasons I rather be a part of LGBTQIA.
and in my view, some of those who are in the LGBT who seem to have a problem with those who are Ace, are just as bad as most Toxic-Straight people who also have a problem with Aces, and yeah it’s stupid for both sides to just assume that someone is Ace is either Gay or Straight, once again anyone who is Ace can have a different romantic identity, some will be Gay and some will be Straight, and both sides who seems to think all Aces are Straight (some those who are in LGBT) and some are Gay (those who are Toxic-Straight) is just not right,     
I mean I know it took me a while to figure out what type of Nonbinary I am, and I
at first it was more like a "Gyno-Agender" and yeah I think it can take some time for some to figure things out either about their sexuality or gender identity, and finding out your a empath and been picking up the sexual energy of others.
and when you feel a little "turned on" all of a sudden, you know now that only half of those feelings were yours alone, but the other half was when someone's sexual energy ends up flying in the air and end up in your space. of course not everyone will believe in that kind of stuff, and you can still be a virgin and be that kind of empath.
like I said before, you can be in another room and still end up picking up that kind of energy, plus I'm not sure wearing gems to protect you from it will work for everyone, plus it is possible you could still be left open to those energies when you sleep, and would have to find other ways to protect yourself, well that is what I think anyway.
and some might not agree, but I can't help but view the Velma Show, as showing what most know that can be in real life, there is gonna be some clueless mean girls who think their popular, but are just all faux-popular, plus I wouldn't say I hate the Velma Show, but I want to try to watch the episodes and see how I really feel about it.
you get your mean girls who are known to be the "popular girls" and who even bully the "uncool girls", but really those so called "popular girls" are just not really popular at all.
sure some parts of the show have nothing to do with real life, but so far I can't see anything too terrible about the show. but I'm still going to keep something of a open mind to really wait and see if I fully like or dislike the show.
I still am annoyed by some of the hate for the show, and I know some might not get why I'm annoyed by Other Scooby-Doo Fans for some of the dislike. but maybe some might understand where I'm coming from, and might find better words to it than even me.
and well it does seem that there is some info that says that "Velma Is Much Better Than Haters & Trolls Want You To Believe" and after reading it, I have another reason to be annoyed by some of the Other Scooby-Doo Fans...
I found that title that says “Velma Is Much Better Than Haters & Trolls Want You To Believe” from a place called www.out.com.
and after reading what was wrote in it, it gives me reason to not fully agree with Other Scooby-Doo fans who hate the show, and might not of watched past two episodes.
I can agree that some might have better reasons to dislike it, like Scooby not being in it, but for all we know he could appear in the future and become the heart of the future team that will form.
plus it is possible that Velma will be over her feelings for Fred, and show some form of self respect to not just like someone based on their looks alone.
it might be possible that you can’t just change the minds of those who dislike or really hate the Velma series, I mean no one can change my mind about my new religious belief that has to do with The Earthly Mother/Goddess, or my having the new thoughts about wanting to groin punch Mammon because the price of Coca-Cola has been raised.
bet no one really saw that coming, a Earth Angel wanting to groin punch the embodiment of greed, but greed made one mistake......messing with my need for caffeine....even if I know it might not be possible but I still might have those thoughts after the whole being told about the price of Coca-Cola being raised.
anyway back to the talk about the Velma Show, while I can agree that some of the dislike can be understandable and justified, but some is just not and some of the dislike for the show kind of annoys me.
but I still want to try to watch more of the episodes and see if I really like it or dislike it, and not just because of some people say about it online.
also maybe Velma x Daphne being canon might be good in that show, I mean sure there is that whole Daphne x Fred always being together and even being ship together by most fans, and also the whole ship of Velma x Shaggy.
and yeah in one of the live action movies of Scooby-Doo series, Velma has showed a romantic interest in Fred, which didn’t make Daphne happy because she held romantic feelings for him as well.
and hopefully I wont have to talk about my feelings about being annoyed about some of the hate from some of the Scooby-Doo Fans for the Velma Show.
 I rather it just be this, and the other post I made, and I rather wait a while before talking about this hot mess of a hate again.
I can try to just re-watch episodes of the Velma Show as well as it’s future episodes and try to ignore some of the Scooby-Doo Fans own hate for it.
even if this post might not be really all that “mature” but I want to play it safe and that is why I had to put certain tags for this. 
and I rather not be given hate for my view on the whole thing about the Velma Show, I want to at least wait a bit more before I decide if I fully like or dislike the show but no matter what I decide, I can still be disgusted with some of the Scooby-Doo Fans for disliking the show for the wrong reason.
and I want to express my other thoughts and feelings about it, but I’m not sure that would be best right now, and well I don’t know if I can express most of it well enough, without it getting misinterpreted, but maybe some might understand...
anyway hopefully things like the Toxic-Hate for the Velma Show will cool down.  
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aurorawest · 2 years
Reading update:
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This one was...okay? It was a historical mystery, set in early 1930s London. I liked that part. I liked the fact that the main characters were all queer. But the characters themselves were very...eh? And the mystery was extremely high stakes but never felt that high stakes? Idk. I don’t think I’ll read the others in the series unless I’m really desperate. It wasn’t a bad book, but it wasn’t anything special, either.
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Man I was excited for this one. It was...fine. Not amazing. I really liked Jamie, but Wes was obnoxious as hell. Lots of bro-y casual misogyny, and a weird inability to acknowledge that Jamie is clearly bi, except when he’s thinking about how bi people have more trouble sticking with one person than straight or gay people. And there’s never any growth away from those opinions, so it’s just kind of like...oh, you’re a character with some really obnoxious opinions.
The sex scenes were hot, but in a like...fanfiction-y way? Like, I kept thinking, I would write this in a fic, I wouldn’t write it in ofic. So I definitely had some problems with it. That said, the love story was really sweet, and like I said, I did like Jamie. I’ve never read anything else by Elle Kennedy and honestly I wouldn’t after this one, but I have the sequel already, so we’ll see how it is. Definitely wouldn’t pick up any of her m/f romances, though.
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This was an Illumicrate book, and not something I would have picked up otherwise. It started out really promising—gorgeous writing, interesting characters, and a surprise heist plot! But the heist plot ran out of steam, most of the characters were never developed, the twist fell flat, and there was a deux ex machina that was utterly unearned. I think for a young YA audience, none of this would be a huge problem, but I was pretty eh about it. Not a bad book, but not a great book, either.
My edition is signed though, and very pretty!
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I was wary of this book, because I wasn’t super impressed with the first in the series, Hard Sell. This one was much better! Ray is a waaaay more likable character than what’s-his-face from Hard Sell. And I really enjoyed the demisexual rep with Elvin, since I’m pretty sure I fall somewhere in that gray ace or demisexual spectrum myself. This book did a better job of balancing the super serious plot with the romance than Hard Sell did, but I still think it was maybe a liiiittle too high-stakes? It worked for me for the most part but I sometimes felt like there was too much dissonance. And maybe like people should be freaking out more than they were. I’ll definitely keep reading Hudson Lin’s romances though, she redeemed herself with this one.
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I had no idea what to expect from this one. I read Proxy by Alex London...earlier this year? I think? God I can’t even remember when I read that, haha. It was okay, but it was very surface level. This one was much better. Super interesting world, and a culture where falconry is central, which owl-banding me really appreciated. There was no shying away from the falconry jargon, which I thought was pretty cool. I loved the characters. The two mains are a twin brother and sister, and the POV switches between the two of them (plus there’s a chapter in each section from another random POV). They’re both interesting and well-developed characters with their own distinct motivations and flaws, and their love for each other is *chef’s kiss*. This is the first in a trilogy so I need to pick up the other two.
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Just started this one. It’s about a non-binary kid who comes out to their parents and gets kicked out (WITHOUT SHOES. IN DECEMBER. WTF). They move in with their estranged sister and brother-in-law who they’ve never met and start a new school, and they’re clearly dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. I mean, who wouldn’t. They also haven’t come out in the new school, so everyone at the new school is still using he/him pronouns for them. And that’s about where I am. Enjoying it so far. I also have Mason Deaver’s newest book in my TBR pile (got it in a Rainbow Crate), so it’s always a relief when the first book you read by an author doesn’t suck, since you already have another, haha.
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 2 years
I have tried before the advice of internalised biphobia but sadly it doesn’t work on me, it only makes me feel worse and guilty. I feel that way whenever i try to “force myself” to accept myself i feel worse because I can’t, or if I do I can make it last long. The only queer friend i have never had any major issues on accepting his identity and that makes me feel more alone, esp because his identity is significantly “more queer” than mine (he’s trans, nonbinary and ace-spec and im a bisexual genderqueer woman).
I think one of my biggest worries about being bi is how that will affect my life. I don’t want my life to change significantly just because I happen to be bi. I have 2 queer classmates and they both post a lot about being queer, post pictures with flags, etc. I don’t want to do that, even though a part of me would love having a bi flag in my room for example, but I don’t want other people to think im weird or that being queer is my only personality trait. It doesn’t help that I have always been a quiet person, so i’m not exactly used to drawings attention to myself.
Thanks for your answers, they did make me feel better. I guess i still have a lot of work to do. I would have gone off anon but i’m too coward to do that atm ;-;
No queer person is "more queer" than another. Thinking that is in itself an aspect of internalised biphobia, the fact that you think you are somehow less queer than someone else because you give a hierarchy to different gender identities and sexuality - that's not healthy, neither for you nor the queer community as a whole.
And I know I said this before but I'm gonna say this again: just because you see some queer people that you know behave a certain way does NOT mean you have to do the same. You are your own person and whichever way you want to express your queerness is up to you. It's not necessary to "do it right" in order to be a "real queer". However, you also say you wish you could have a bi flag but you are too afraid of what people might think. You say you are afraid that people will think you are weird if they know you are queer. Though I understand where this fear is coming from, maybe try not to prove to the world how "normal" you are but start learning that there's nothing wrong about being "weird". That's literally what "queer" meant and we have reclaimed that word and taken pride in it to say "so what if we're weird? we like being weird!" to the world.
This idea of "making queerness your only personality trait" is ALSO internalised queerphobia. It's a trend I've seen pop up mostly on online queer spheres over the last few years that people say this especially about young queer people. It's queerphobic because a) it views queerness as something negative or something that should be kept quiet about and b) it assumes that these queer people are one-dimensional people. Just because someone posts about their queerness online and/or is very out & proud offline does not mean that is "their only personality trait". People who have a problem with this don't really have a problem with the "only" part - they have a problem with the queerness part of it.
I really don't know what else to say or to advise you except to reitterate that you are definitely not alone. Just because your one friend had it relatively easy in their coming out doesn't mean you are less valid or that you are the only person who struggles. This blog would not exist if it was just you who needed help. So please reach out to more resources, ideally offline if that's possible where you live. Or at the very least try talking to your queer friends and classmates. Like those two who post about it online - the fact they are posting a lot about it might very well be their way of overcoming their own struggles with being queer. Don't just assume that everything is easy peasy for them by what it looks like online.
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itsmeasherlockian · 8 months
Keep reading if you wanna hear a rant about myself. But I recommend to keep scrolling. I just had to get it out somehow.
So, I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I have a different personality in different places. For example, at school I’m like that girl who only reads and the smart one, but also the “funny” one. Oh, and also “weird”. Why? Just because I have a tight-knit group of friends and don’t like to play sports? I guess. At the conservatory, where I study piano, I am the quiet girl. The typical quiet and kind of inexistent human being, and when people actually talk to me they get amazed because wow, is she really talking? Yep. I actually talk a lot when you get to know me. Then at that math class I go to I’m the funny one again, but just because some people from my school are out there. And I don’t wanna disappoint them.
This summer I went to German classes, because I really want to learn that language. There I met this boy (who is bi btw) and my personality thing just didn’t work. I was a “personality mess”, to phrase it somehow. I realised that I had to talk to him, that something was different in this boy. And when I actually got to talk to him, we realised that we were both the same personality type (INTJ) and that we had the same interests. The thing is, we had the same mind. We thought about the same things and had the same doubts about life. Just unbelievable. And he was the first person that I could talk to freely about my sexuality and my opinion on society and social constructs.
The people in my class thought that we were in love. And that’s just stupid. Why can’t two people of opposite genders be friends? That’s the stupidest social rule in this fucked up world (btw we also agreed on this). Also, even if he’s bi and I’m ace and panromantic (yep, finally figured it out), we both lean to the ✨gay✨ part.
And, on a side note, I don’t know what my real personality is. I don’t even know who I am. I have wondered about this for a loooong time. But I’m not any of my “constructed” personalities. I mean, I haven’t even come out of the closet. Only to that boy.
And sorry again for this shitty rant.
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