miasonwing · 3 days
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identity reveal
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pudulover · 3 days
TOP Dick Grayson "Nightwing" ships on AO3
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1.-Dick Grayson/Jason Todd (8685)
2.-Dick Grayson/Wally West (4201)
3.-Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne (3092)
4.-Dick Grayson/Koriand'r (3084)
5.-Dick Grayson/Barbara Gordon (2820)
6.-Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson (2700)
7.-Dick Grayson/Tim Drake (1691 fics)
8.-Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne (1400)
9.-Dick Grayson/Roy Harper (932)
10.-Dick Grayson/Raven (560)
This list doesn't include fanfics tagged with Dick Grayson/Reader.
Please don't comment hate messages, this post is purely informative. I don't want my notifications to be filled with ship wars/hate in general :ccc
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didilovesdick · 2 days
jaydick + reverse robins
Hood and his bird
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002yb · 2 days
"scary? My God you're divine" 🤝 monstrous!dick agenda
Jason's POV when Dick blurs the lines of his steadfast morals for him, acting out in a protective rage/crime of passion. (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡
That thrill of pleasure Jason gets from seeing the blood on Dick's hands and knowing that act of violence is for him. To be protected, to feel protected—it's overwhelming.
But the danger is there. He'd feel it instinctively. Would know it from the spike of fear he feels when Dick turns to look at him. Gaze sharp and cold and damning before, all at once, Dick's sight settles on Jason and Dick's humanity comes back. Soft. Warm. Even in the midst of carnage.
And it's disconcerting because there's blood on Dick's face; in his smile. Even still, Jason would be left breathless by him.
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range-health · 2 days
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Second Chance Manhwa AU
Dick is the villain, he knows this because he's been down this path before, his own little brother killed him.
he also knows he's not actually apart of their family, only taken in because Jason had been missing and he couldn't use magic at the time, a trademark of the royal family.
instead of suffering the same fate, he goes out and "runs" into Jason, bringing him home and giving Bruce and Talia their son back. Dick then leaves, packing whatever clothes and money he has.
being seen chased by his ex-family, especially Jason, was not on his plan. it scared him how intense Jason was, claiming Dick as his and that he would stop at nothing to take his Savior back home.
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orbuz228 · 6 hours
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фулл ---->
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renareyart · 7 months
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They needed to know!
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graytodd · 3 months
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When to get along they find 'a common ground'
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pechaghtlecha · 2 months
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Soo, just wanted to join the @jaydick-week, noo baackk :999💕💖💕✨🥰💖💕✨🥰💖❤️💙
U know who it's dedicated to, no @bl-beater? Hahahahahaha 💖💙💖❤️🥰🫂🫂
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gabbuloffc · 5 months
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didilovesdick · 1 day
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Nsfw version on twitter - omega Dick
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002yb · 10 hours
More secretary au w/ dickjay + slade
It's not often that Dick is struck so utterly dumb. Blanking out isn't something someone like him can afford, yet there he is at Jason's apartment, absolutely baffled, because Slade Wilson answers the door with Damian balanced casually on his hip.
Dick's scowl is immediate. It prompts a low laugh from Slade, all smug amusement to provoke Dick's ire.
"Richard." Slade greets him. An acknowledgement. A taunt.
"Slade." Dick intones. Disdainful. Petulant.
For the life of him, Dick can't figure out what's happening. He's loathe to believe that this encounter is a coincidence. Either Deathstroke was contracted to harm Jason or the bastard is here to torment Dick. Hell, if this is another attempt to coerce Dick into working with him—
It might work.
With narrowed eyes, Dick turns his attention to Damian. Scrutinizing the tyke because Damian is suspiciously unbothered. While it means that Jason is okay, that there's no immediate danger, it's also a damning indication that Slade isn't a stranger here. He's been around long enough to earn this menacing child's tolerance and begrudging respect.
"You know each other?" Jason asks, shuffling close to Dick in the entry. Using him as a balance as he pulls on his boots. The joy Jason's casual touch and eagerness to get going gives him is severely undercut by the mercenary standing across from them. With Damian. And it occurs to him that Jason doesn't even know; not anymore.
Dick is almost tempted to throw his secrets to the wind. He'll expose what a menace to society Slade and he are if it keeps Jason and Damian safe.
"We're acquainted." Dick grumbles at the same time Slade cheekily says, "We're quiet close."
The scathing look Dick shoots Slade's way has the man smirking. Between catching Dick off guard, then messing with him - Dick is glad one of them is having a good day. It was supposed to be Dick's good day, damn it. He has a date.
Slade's words prompt Jason to startle, looking between the two of them with wide eyes and a slack jaw and no. Fuck no. Dick can see where Jason's thoughts start to wander and it has him turning on Slade with a nasty glower.
"I've been actively recruiting him for work." Slade explains, innocent as can be. A small truce that makes Dick all the more suspicious.
"Oh." Jason says, breathing a small sigh of relief. When he smiles, it's brilliant - sharp and wicked as he teases, "Keep at it, would you? He needs to get out of that pigpen."
"Been trying. Shame to see his talents wasted like that." Slade hums, bouncing Damian up on his hip. He looks at Jason with a small smirk and, to raise Dick's hackles, lightly jokes, "Sell him on me."
"Make him a worthwhile offer." Jason quips, coming to stand beside Slade to take Damian's little hand - pressing a kiss to it and snickering when Damian holds on to kiss his hand back.
"How about I make you part of the offer?" Slade taunts, gaze cutting over Jason's head to watch Dick—a wicked smile at the corner of his lips as Dick visibly bristles at the threat. "That might be a deal he can't refuse, hm?"
"Hah." Jason laughs, humorless, because, as always, Jason is oblivious to the fact Dick would never refuse him. Slade knows it, too. The mercenary knew it from the moment he opened Jason's door to find Dick standing at the doorstep. "You can't leverage me, old man."
Only Slade very much can. He will, too, depending on his mood.
The exchange puts Dick on edge. There's no way Nightwing and Deathstroke won't be having a fucking row over this later.
It's as Dick spirals that Jason throws him for a loop. Again. Because Jason starts going over house rules and expectations and schedules. Talking to Slade like the man will be looking after Damian while they're out, which—what?
"You're babysitting?" Dick asks, dumbfounded.
"It's in my contract." Slade says, looking none too pleased until Damian pats his eye patch. A begrudging, bitten back smile follows as Slade takes Damian's hand to hold and keep still, disconcertingly patient.
It's weird, but there's a familiarity that tells Dick that everything is fine. While Dick doesn't trust Deathstroke, Slade has a fondness for Jason and Damian. It leaves a bad taste in Dick's mouth if only because there's clearly history here that he's not privy to—that he wasn't a part of.
Maybe that's Slade's goal. To make Dick regret not joining him to have gotten to Jason sooner. The crafty bastard.
He laughs despite himself, caught up in the ridiculousness of it all. Slade and him will negotiate later. For now though, Dick glares daggers at the man as Jason drags him out the door.
Just a silly jumble of words and thoughts. It's very rough, sorry! orz But yes, in secretary!AU, Slade is absolutely a fixture in Jason's life and Dick is lowkey high-key pissed about it lol.
Talia hired Slade as an instructor to teach Jason self-defense. Or to find out where his abilities are and to brush up on them.
This is less as a gift to Bruce and more as an assurance that Damian is protected and cared for. //3///
Can't shake the feeling that Slade and Jason fooled around.
No one will ever know if it's because Slade was genuinely charmed by Jason or if Slade was aware and playing a long con against Dick (or both)
Slade being something like an uncle to Damian. He's babysat in the past, though it was a one-off because Jason came back to see Slade teaching Damian how to handle knives or something equally as dangerous for a baby.
Cue Jason v Slade and Slade being wholly unprepared for Jason's paternal wrath. This man gets laid out flat so quick and oh, that's probably when the fooling around starts lbr
Omg also!! Slade purposefully answering the door despite Jason’s protests because it’s Slade’s intention to intimidate the guy taking Jason out hahaha. Then of course Dick answers the door and Slade’s mood goes from ornery to stupidly pleased lol.
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howtokillavampire · 7 months
commenting on fanfics you like is so meaningful to the authors, I literally got an email notification of a comment on a fic I hadn't touched in five years and the comment made me want to revisit it so I went back and revised the existing material and wrote three new chapters and updated for the first time in forever all because someone took a few seconds to comment on the fic
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miasonwing · 4 days
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cryinggyarados · 1 month
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