#Meredith Stepien
nadjaofstatenisland · 5 months
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justarandombrit · 26 days
This might be my favourite photo ever taken
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the-spaced-out-ace · 5 months
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Meredith’s new year hair photo is upon us!!!!!
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bwaybby09 · 2 months
You know how Starkid fans call Meredith and Brian, Breredith
And also call Joey and Lauren, Richpez
What should we call Curt and Kim?
Edit: To be clear: no inappropriate comments. Thank you
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apocalyptor · 24 days
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Meredith is so pretty and talented!!
(Please don't post or share elsewhere without credit. Thanks!)
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ebadoodles · 6 months
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It’s Time for VHSmas! 🎁🔥🎄
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kairithemang0 · 26 days
Tag yourself I’m Joey
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hipsternumbertwo · 9 days
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A StarKid Community has been started!
All communities are still in beta mode so there's a learning curve and a lot of bugs to deal with.
If you are interested in joining, please let me know by liking, reblogging, messaging, or snail mail because as of right now it's invite only until Tumblr says otherwise.
PS: It can only invite main blogs, so if you're a sideblog - reply with your main.
Note: The invite is in the form of a message from the tumblrbot (it's not a scam lol)
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tincanstarkid · 26 days
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Starkid innit
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aithusiel · 1 month
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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ace-beef · 26 days
SUPER FRIENDS!! Also loosing my mind that we technically got THREE songs from Holy Musical B@man
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misagenda · 6 months
Listen Up Starkids
if you continue taking advantage of Team Starkid’s tireless generosity and loyalty
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they will no longer work as hard to provide accessible theatre and FREE content to fans
but more importantly, it’s fucking disrespectful
just look at the many faces of disappointment ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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feel shame & do better
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fictionalheroine · 6 months
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(no spoilers)
Starkid nation, you aren't ready.
So let's start with the obvious. Look, I spent thirteen years growing up with Starkid. That initial Michigan gang are deeply special to me and I will always miss Dylan, Brian R., and Corey in any show they aren't in. And this one's no different. But just as Janaya came in and took over Belle from Britney so flawlessly, Curt, Brian, and AJ were all WONDERFUL in their new roles. The gentle-but-high-energy, truly decent, romantic himbo charm Curt brought to our Springsteen boy Jim (you all are going to LOVE Jim, I promise) perfectly offset the defiant, sneering anger of Young Scrooge in "That Scrooge." Brian's reactions (particularly to the "rather take my own life" line) were so funny and some of my favorite parts of the show. And AJ... this is now my favorite thing AJ has ever done. And that's saying something. The smaller casting shake-up moments (Joey as Fezziwig, other little line re-distributions) were so fun as well!
The new act 1 is PERFECTION. I was actually surprised by how absolutely hysterical it was? Like, I won't tell you what was up with that clip on Instagram of Brian, Lauren, and Joey doing a freak-out dance, but I can tell you that their whole Act 1 deal threatened to steal the show every. Single. Time. I already mentioned Curt as Jim, but you will also love Della, who is so funny and real and truly carries us through the start of the show (Janaya is a STAR and she Curt have brilliant chemistry). Ali did a terrific job of balancing the sadness and hope that are both at the center of the devastating little Match Girl. And Jamie's Grandma... well, honestly I have no idea how to talk about Jamie's song without giving stuff away.
But the real star of the show in Act 1, as he should be, was our man Clark. I can't emphasize enough how much he nailed the writing of this whole new act. I mentioned that the new stuff is hilarious, but it's also deeply heartfelt, and also sad exactly when it needs to be. Like, the transition after Jamie's song? I can't really talk about it yet, but what that moment does with emotion is unreal. And, as expected, every song is a banger! My one complaint about this show, and it IS a big one, is that there is no cast recording of the Act 1 songs. I want to listen to them all the time.
But the good news is, I CAN listen to Christmas Carol as much as I want! The classic that started it all is back, with so many people reprising the hell out of their truly iconic roles (God I love the VHS Cratchits), and better than ever. I traditionally hate change, and I love the version of VHSCC Live! we already have so much, but I think I somehow loved this version even more? The staging is alive and clever and there are some additions and changes, particularly in "Final Ghost"/"Christmas Day," that frankly blew my mind and somehow managed to elevate the material even further. I can't wait for the digital ticket to come out so that I can talk about them. To put it simply, James Tolbert mastered his Starkid directorial debut like you won't believe. I'm so proud of him and grateful for the larger role he's taken in Starkid since they moved base to LA.
Also, the Ghost of Christmas Past is extra unhinged this year? Jaime pulled out all of the impish stops and it was the BEST.
Basically, everyone more than delivered. I haven't talked about Meredith yet but she rocked it in the band and continued to validate the hell out of my opinion that "3 Spirits" is the dark horse best song in the show.
And a special shout-out to June Saito for continuing to be a costuming GENIUS. I always love her work and this production is no exception. I honestly wanted to give the return of the Bob Cratchit costume its own round of applause.
You know, the world is a mess and everything is pretty much terrible. It's been a hard year in an impossible decade. But every once in a while you come across some art that takes all of that, acknowledges the truth of it, and somehow pulls back the curtains to harness the joy and hope that's still there under the rubble. To me, Starkid in particular has always been about finding and holding onto the hope and the beauty and humanity that allows us to endure an existence that can so often feel bleak. And VHSCC is maybe the most perfect encapsulation of that idea.
So thank you Clark, James, Meredith, Brian, and everyone who worked so hard on this little bit of magic. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Let's make a little light.
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hello tumblr
I was just at Starkid Innit and apparently there's a bunch of Starkid fans on here these days so HIIII. I've mostly been engaging with with fandom on Reddit and Youtube but I was a tumblrite in Ye Olden Days and this is probably a better venue for posting random musings than Reddit. ANYWAY have some post-gig thoughts written on my phone on the train:
Corey Dorris was incredible. Give that man a lead role yesterday. He absolutely slayed Showstoppin' Number and now I kinda want to see him as Hidgens. He's so damn charismatic and his voice is amazing and HE DESERVES THE WORLD
"Those books, which were written by nobody" - thank you Joey, A+ allyship
MEREDIIIIITH ❤ I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. So delighted that they got to do a load of Firebringer stuff and that they got SUCH big cheers from everyone, I feel like Firebringer is often underrated
Getting to hear Jeff singing Max Jagerman's part in the NPMD title number, YES THANK YOU VERY GOOD
Obvs I knew Lauren had range but seeing her perform bits from so many different roles in one evening really cemented it, wow what a voice, AND she's fucking hilarious
"Where'd you get your shirt!?"
Jaime Lyn's voice and mannerisms and unhinged facial expressions and THOSE BOOTS and AAAA I'm so glad she's having off-Broadway success in Five but also it's wonderful that she's still performing with SK! "Thank you for 15 years" 🤩😭
"I'm a Starkid founding member, I really should have a super solo number" - we love you anyway Brian
Super tired but maybe more thoughts later?? Mostly I am just so delighted to have finally seen these glorious nerds live ❤
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