#Pandora Gladiolus
woolmasterleel · 2 months
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Almost didn't make it on time... Here's this month's little sticker doodle! I always love drawing Pandora, and it's nice to finally have a full body of her. Her whimsy is lethal (✿◕‿◕✿)
January- Alice
February- Tagashei/Mad Rabbit
April- Medlo
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the-squeege · 4 months
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this is how indomitable vows started… right @woolmasterleel ….
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elshells · 1 year
🌼 for the ask game :)
🌼 - Here's another Wikipedia article, this time on flower symbolism. What flower (or bouquet) goes with your OC best?
Hehehe, time for me to open Pandora's box for this one...
I gasped out loud when I read this prompt, because over this past month I've been obsessed with flower symbolism. I bought myself a book on Victorian flower language after falling down a research rabbit hole and have been slowly teaching myself all of the different meanings. Because of this, flower symbolism actually ends up playing a minor role in Agent Ace, so this question is especially appropriate (go figure)! So, thank you for giving me an excuse to think about it even more! :)
Of course, it was impossible to choose just one flower for each OC, so everyone gets a bouquet! I also may have gotten a lil' carried away with how many characters I included in this post... my five primary OCs plus three minor OCs (all from Agent Ace). I had so much fun matching flowers to the characters, and am honestly shocked I didn't think to do it before!!
Sophia Colbo
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⁕ Black-Eyed Susan
⁕ Chamomile
Energy in adversity
⁕ Edelweiss
Devotion and courage
⁕ Gladiolus
Strength of character, honor, and conviction
⁕ Hollyhock
Harley Manalis
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⁕ Blackthorn
Fate, protection, hope against adversity, and good fortune
⁕ Elderflower
⁕ Ivy
Dependence, endurance, and faithfulness
⁕ Scarlet Lily
Lofty aspirations
⁕ Pear Blossom
Lasting friendship
⁕ Oak Leaf
⁕ Purple Violet
Daydreaming, love between two women, and lesbian love
Jade de Soto
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⁕ Acanthus
Art, immortality, and rebirth
⁕ Yellow Daisy
Happiness and joy
⁕ Magnolia
Perseverance and a love of nature
⁕ Blue Orchid
Rarity, uniqueness, beauty, and spirituality
⁕ Pear Blossom
Lasting friendship
⁕ Pink Spider Lily
Feminine love, beauty, and passion
⁕ Purple Violet
Daydreaming, love between two women, lesbian love
Max Ahn
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⁕ Aspen
Excess of sensibility, fear, and lamentation
⁕ Dandelion
Overcoming hardship
⁕ Pear Blossom
Lasting friendship
⁕ Protea
Courage, transformation, daring, resourcefulness, and diversity
⁕ Sage
Health, wisdom, and respect
⁕ Yarrow
Healing and inspiration
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⁕ Abatina
⁕ Camellia
Unpretending excellence
⁕ Dahlia
Elegance and dignity
⁕ Orange Orchid
Pride, enthusiasm, and boldness
⁕ Snapdragon
Graciousness, strength, and deception
Ahren Colbo
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⁕ Daffodil
Uncertainty, chivalry, respect, and new beginnings
⁕ Foxglove
⁕ Peony
Shame, bashfulness, and anger
⁕ Rue
Regret, sorrow, and repentance
⁕ Snowdrop
Consolation or hope
August Bracken
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⁕ Heliotrope
⁕ Lemon Blossom
⁕ Speedwell
Travel, kindness, loyalty, and protection
⁕ Thyme
Courage and thriftiness
⁕ White Violet
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⁕ Himalayan Blue Poppy
Potential, possibilities, and psychic skills
⁕ Lobelia
⁕ Purple Orchid
Respect, royalty, and admiration
⁕ Thistle
Nobility, endurance, and warning
⁕ Wolfsbane
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long-lost-weasley394 · 11 months
Marauders Characters As: Flowers
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Regulus Black: Lotus
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Barty Crouch jr: Gladiolus
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Evan Rosier: Rose
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Dorcas Meadowes: Lilac
James, Sirius, Remus and Peter | Marlene, Pandora, Mary, and Lily | Regulus, Barty, Evan, and Dorcas
Context: I took a bunch of different ‘which flower am I?’ Quizzes as the different characters and made moodboards of the results.
✨More moodboards/edits here✨
Quizzes I took: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
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chiro-asuta-vulpes · 1 year
Prisma and Pandora are the same or different?
Well, Don't be confuse or mistaken Pandora to Prisma
PRISMA is a different BEING. She is a Mysterious Code/Program who unknowingly grew in to Snowy's MIND and became conscious. During the AFTERMATH of Viola's Existence. As this code took form thus Prisma was born, from a sweet delicate innocent flower into a two faced.
Whenever Snowy was triggered such as her mood shifts depending on how she shows her actions/behavior. Quick sign PRISMA is taking over is Snowy acting hostile, rebellious, arrogant, etc.
PANDORA on the other hand is the FUSION of both Snowy and Ivy. Soon she will have her design drawn. Here is a Short Info of PANDORA, I named they're fusion PANDORA because it means "created beautiful and delightful" and another meaning of this is "she who sends up gifts", & "an instrument" according to Greek mythology so i decided to name Snowy and Ivy's FUSION, Pandora cause I believe this will connect to their story
The way I picture out PANDORA I want to connect her to 3 flowers combination of a "Lily of the Valley", "Iris", and "Carnation" (Dianthus) flowers.
Since all my OCS are inspired from different kinds of FLOWERS like
SNOWY she was inspired from a Snowdrop and an Lotus flower.
IVY she was inspired from a Gladiolus and an Oleander flower.
PRISMA she was inspired from a Petunia and an Love-lies-bleeding (Amaranthus) flower.
VIOLA she was inspired from a Spider Lily (Hymenocallis) and an Atropa belladonna, or deadly Nightshade flower.
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olympianroyals · 2 years
Do your OCs have a favorite flower?
Pandora: her favorite color is purple so any flower in that color catches her eye but if she had to pick one it would probably be the Gladiolus Flower
Savannah: loves Cherry Blossoms, Damien had one planted as a wedding present back home in Olympia
Selene: Roses
Callista: She likes Roses because she thinks it's romantic being given them but really deep down she prefers Lilies
Daphne: loves Sunflowers.
Thanks for sending me this!!!!
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chaoticlicense · 1 year
Aww, Anon! Thank you for sending these in ❤️
So, about Skye...
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🌹 [ROSE] Does your OC believe in true love? Why?
I'm answering this based on the following definition:
"Essentially, true love means that you have an unwavering, unbreakable and unparalleled fondness and devotion for your partner. It's also defined by an emotional as well as physical connection with him or her that runs immeasurably deep, and life without your significant other would be practically unthinkable."
I would say that Skye's take on true love is...complicated? She's wary of love (whether familial, platonic, or romantic) because she's lost so many people in her life. Her parents were killed, her best friends and lover were also killed. She's lost too many people to be able to believe in true love in all its forms. But, when she meets Miles (or Lyle, again depending on the AU) and she begins to experience such strong feelings for him, she starts to question that.
And then...unfortunately, he betrays her love and her trust and it sets her back emotionally. It's as though she can no longer trust herself.
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
I think that the Gladiolus flower represents Skye the best because it symbolises a strength of character which she absolutely has in my opinion. She's passionate, honest, and has a very strong sense of self-worth. She's a little naive with a tendency to jump in hea first but she is perseverant so I definitely feel that the Gladiolus flower suits her!
🌿 [HERB] Is your OC religious? What do they believe in?
She's not religious, per se, but she is definitely a very spiritual person. This is especially prominent once she comes to Pandora. In my mind, it's like she goes through an awakening, of some kind. Like the planet, the people, all of it just...speaks to her and she feels connected to the world around her in a way she can't explain. Certainly in a way she didn't feel about Earth!
Ask me about my Avatar OC
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ffxvficrec · 1 year
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You can also check out the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/FFXVReverseBang2022/works
We’ve listed additional pairings, archive warnings, and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
to the stars (by your side) by kikowithcatears
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia
Ignis had a secret. He was maybe in love with a certain noodle-loving best friend. Oh, and he had also never been kissed before. So when he gets chosen for a circus performance ending with a staged kiss, who offers to help him practice kissing but Gladio himself?
Only passion (no regrets) by MYuzuki
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Crowe Altius/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
After surviving an ambush that should have been fatal, Crowe returns to Insomnia with one goal: protect Lunafreya. Neither are prepared for the feelings that blossom when they meet (or the chaos that interrupts the ceasefire celebration) but that's fine; some surprises work out for the best in the end.
Strokes of Paint on an Immortal Canvas by Lady_Kaie
No Archive Warnings Apply
Mature Rating
Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
The Caelum Lucis line has been guarded preciously for thousands of years... Bilgameth started the tradition with a line of Shields that would protect them... Then there was the Advisor who served them. These secrets have been passed from generation to generation and soon Noctis will learn the truth. About everything.
Pandora's Cradle by KatelynnKittaly,
Major Character Death
Teen Rating
Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
When the world is facing a new catastrophe, Ignis and his companions have to find a way to save the planet and its future...
The Road Goes Ever On by Loki_chan
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Clarus Amicitia & Cor Leonis & Regis Lucis Caelum
Aulea Lucis Caelum/Regis Lucis Caelum
After the Regalia is damaged in the chaos of Noctis' birth, Cor takes it to Hammerhead for repairs. What he finds there is not what he expects, but may be just what he needs to give him much needed perspective on his new role.
There's Power in Saying You're Not Afraid (Ten Days in Hell) by Sciatic_Nerd 
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Mature Rating
Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
In the space of a week, the whole world had gone mad. She was just lucky, she supposed, that the person who had found her was a good man. Even if he was the destitute prince of a country her grandfather had spend the last fifty odd years trying to destroy.
Dance Dance Chocobros by SophiaHoppia
No Archive Warnings Apply
Teen Rating
Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia
When Gladio once again messes up the group's schedule and Ignis is close to losing his patience, Noctis and Prompto suggest settling the problem like real men do: By playing Dance Dance Chocobros.
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ryemoon · 2 years
Flower ghost core au speed run list that I might elaborate on later
Living characters-
Sam manson- magnolia flower. Magnolia symbolizes nobility, preserverance, and a love of nature. A purple flower.
Tucker foley- begonia. Begonia symbolizes intelligence, uniqueness, and caution, although different colors have their own meanings.
Jazz fenton- clematis. Clematis means the beauty of ingenuity. A blue purple flower.
Jack fenton- bouvardia. Bouvardia symbolizes versatility and enthusiasm. A white flower.
Maddie fenton- gladiolus. Gladiolus symbolizes strength and faithfulness. A flower with different colors.
Dead characters-
Vlad masters- anemone. Anemone symbolizes the forsaken, suckness, anticipation, and undying love. Many different meanings depending on color.
Danni- daisies. Daisies symbolize innocence and innocence lost, new beginnings, and fun.
Danny fenton- marigold. Marigolds symbolize happiness and mourning. An orange flower.
Clock work- amaranth. Amaranth symbolizes immortality, admiration, love, and hope for peace. A pink flower.
Pandora- daffodils. Daffodils symbolize respect, rebirth and resilience. A yellow and white flower.
Dorothea- Pink lilies. Pink lilies symbolize femininity and adoration. Pink flower.
Ember- a flower wreath made of white carnations. Flower wreaths symbolize celebration and white carnations talent. A white and green adornment.
Skulker- guinea flower. Guinea flower symbolizes fierceness. A golden yellow flower.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
*in an echo* Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday~! ‘Tis Wednesday, friends! You know what that means! MORE OF MY WORD BLURBS! >:D
Thank you @noire-pandora and @oxygenforthewicked for that tags! *throws flowers at you!* <3
Get ready for the sibling ANGST in the upcoming chapter of Emerald Eyes Amidst Golden Vows! And where people are probably going to be like, ‘Why is Fane so cold? D:’ *side eyes*:
“...What do you mean?”, Mhairi’s voice eked out after a few more moments of the two of them just standing and staring at one another, the space between her brows twitching with emotion and confusion. Fane frowned at that look of pain and befuddlement. Damned Creators, this was the moment he had been dreading. He was able to be selfish with Cyfrin, but he couldn’t with his sister because…
...she deserved to know the truth. Cyfrin had, too, but it was different when it came to Mhairi. He couldn’t place why. She just..deserved to know. More than anyone, even as he continued to hide other things from her, the abuse and the scars, the nightmares and the magical aversions that he knew made her question herself, and that was the last thing he wanted to continue piling onto her. 
It was why he had to leave, to leave her, so that she could find happiness by forgetting about him and all that he was. She was blue and he was grey, and as always, grey had no place within blue and vice versa. He had no place in her life anymore, the task given to him by their mother done, in a sense. It was time for him to...disappear. For her happiness, even if the initial blow he would deliver would give her anything but.
Fane sighed, heavy and tired. “You know what I mean, Mhairi.”, he said, voice dropping deep as the strain that he had been fighting against came forward. He still couldn’t say it! He was trying to make her say it for him! How much more of a monster could he be?!
He gripped the crimson sash around his waist tightly, having started to unravel it but stopped when the atmosphere in the room had taken its turn. How typical for him to have been touching something cherished when the one who had made it was shattering, tearing apart like its velvet, right before his eyes, ice melting more with water, ivory visage twitching as maroon lines of June began to draw downwards with pain and disbelief. A frown cracked his stony mask then, twisting the sash at his waist, a quiet rip making it deepen further. This was all his fault. 
I’m sorry, sister. I’m sorry that I’ve caused you nothing but grief and pain. Fane thought, unable to voice the words himself, too weak to say them as his sister’s cracking, wobbling voice spilled forth.
Mhairi shook her head. “N..No, I don’t.”, she denied, cradling his sword for dear life, body trembling with the truth, but her mind unwilling to accept it until he found the words. “I..I don’t know what you mean. What do you mean, Fane? What do you mean?!” Delicate voice rising, cracking, its lilt near a shrill of disbelief and fear. His ears began to ring again, but he kept his face stoic, hard. The summit of the mountain was approaching and they stood upon the precipice, looking down, but not up. 
Tick. Tick. Tick. He could almost see the clock hands in his mind’s eye, shutting his physical ones to block out shimmering blue. They were as black as night, numbers glowing with foreboding crimson. Tick tick tick tick. Faster, brighter, closer. The big hand and little hand were nearly one. Nearly one...
Fane took a deep breath, letting the scents of chocolate, vanilla, and Gladiolus permeate his senses, solidifying his resolve that was shaky at best, crumbling as a beloved face was at worst. 
She deserves to know. Tick, tick, tick. She deserves to know. Tickticktickticktick. She deserves to-- 
GONG. The bell. He could hear the bell as the numbers blazed with scarlet, shading the blackened walls of his mind in its sinister light. It was time. No turning back the clock. Time was as much a nuisance as words were, but he had to heed their sickening calls. 
He must endure. He must speak, and so he would, opening his mouth as well as reopening his eyes to see shaking, cracking ice and a pudgy nose taking in shuddering breaths for a shred of calm. The sight of such anguish, such pain, nearly had him shutting his mouth, but he had to tell Mhairi the truth. He would not be like their father. He would not leave her without a word, even if he found such words pointless. He had to tell her he was--
“...I’m leaving, Mhairi.”, Fane finished his thought aloud, eyes glued to the pair gazing up at him, beseeching and veiled in warm water of salt and sorrow before he reiterated more softly, more tenderly just for them, “...I’m leaving the clan. For good.” The words stung, his heart stuttering with anxiety, his mind reverberating with the dreaded gong he could still hear in the back of it, his deep frown deepening more to where it felt like a scowl. 
When would the hour pass? When would it stop hurting?! Damn him! Damn him and all that he was!
...I seem to have a thing for clock analogies this time around. Tick, tock, tick, tock! >:D
Tagging: @the-dreadful-canine @little-lightning-lavellan @aymayzing @dungeons-and-dragon-age @a-drama-addict @dreadfutures @shift-shaping @varric-tethras-editor @whataboutbugs and anyone else who’d like to share! (no pressure, and always let me know if you’d not like to be tagged! <3)
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woolmasterleel · 10 months
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LOVE WINS!! The incomprehensible entity above godhood and her incomprehensible wife have become one to kill Mirror 💖
SHE'S HERE!!! Finally I can talk about who and what Love Story is!! All her info + the transparent versions are below the cut! I'm so excited about her o(*°▽°*)o
An entity known as Love Story- a collective consisting of Pandora and Galvarium!
If Galvarium wasn't enough before, Love Story is her everything but tenfold, maybe more... Love Story is highly dangerous, standing at 1500 m, 200 m more than Truth of His World.
She (or they, given that it is both Pandora and Galvarium) is formed during the final fight with Mirror Kagami.
It seems like she is acting as her own entity, however her movements are the two moving in sync.
When she speaks, it sounds like Galvarium and Pandora speaking at once.
An extreme amount of trust is required to form a fusion, which those two obviously have.
Love Story is the one to finally put down Romirr/Mirror/Truth of His World. In a way, it is like a dance between the two.
The only observable hazard she has is hysteria, but that has only been displayed by Mirror, so it isn't likely the result of her presence.
Love Story is unbelievably happy to be herself! Of course, Galvarium and Pandora are just very happy and comfortable with one another!
She has the most fun getting rid of Truth of His World (❁´◡`❁)
She doesn't stick around too much after Mirror is put down- but is around long enough for the others to behold her presence.
Oddly, Love Story is able to be understood and seen by humans. This is most likely due to her existence being a manifestation of Galvarium's and Pandora's emotions.
While Galvarium is never depicted in words (legends/stories etc), Love Story is written about by a lot of people- those who saw her and those who heard stories of her presence.
Here's a few design notes!
She isn't wearing clothes. Much like the LAE, her "skin" mimics clothing.
Her veil, dress, and gloves are very soft, but are very veiny. The veins don't supply any blood, it's purely for looks.
Like Pandora's, the tendrils can deal a lethal amount of poison.
The pink crystal-like structure of her torso and the white of her chest are her insides.
Her veil comes out from the back of her horns.
She does have legs/feet, though they aren't often visible.
The inside of the ring says "This is Your Story" (only the last bit is visible).
The small heart in her horns, above her head, rotates constantly. It spins faster the more she is moving.
Here's the transparent bg versions+one without the veil!
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I am so so happy with her!! Love Story has been a concept for a really long time and I'm really excited to show her off!! I hope you enjoy beholding her ╰(*°▽°*)╯
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shamusu · 4 years
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Gladiolus: warrior’s strength, victory in battle.
Pandora “Bobby” Shepard
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FictionalxLifexReality’s Wish List for the Kagome Xover Exchange @MizukixTsukiyomi
Here’s my wish list of animes/tv shows/movies/games and characters for the Kagome Xover Exchange! I’m open to any genres out there, although, I’m not too keen on anything that’s too dark or angsty.
I don’t mind receiving NFSW material, but if you ask me to do one, I can’t really say I can do it. I’ll do my best, but I don’t really know how to write one, let alone draw one, without messing up too horribly. 
These are all the animes/mangas I’ve watched and read, movies and TV shows I’ve enjoyed watching and games my brothers and I, well mostly my brothers, have played over the years, that I think would be interesting for a xover with Kagome.
07-Ghost: Teito Klein, Frau (Zehel)
Acchi Kocchi: Otonashi Io
Akagami no Shirayukihime: Zen Wistaria, Izana Wistaria, Obi
Amatsuki: Rikugō Tokidoki, Shinonome Kon, Kuchiha
Aoharu x Kikanjuu: Yukimura Tōru, Matsuoka Masamune
Black Blood Brothers: Mochizuki Jiro
Black Cat: Train Heartnet
Blood+: Haji, Solomon Goldsmith
Barakamon: Handa Seishū, Kotoishi Naru
Brave 10: Kirigakure Saizō, Sarutobi Sasuke
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Nakajima Atsushi
Cardcaptor Sakura: Kinomoto Tōya, Tsukishiro Yukito (Yue)
Clamp School Detectives: Imonoyama Nokoru, Ijyuin Akira, Takamura Suoh
Code:Breaker: Ōgami Rei
Cooking Master Boy/Chuuka Ichiban!: Liu Mao Xing, Lan Fei Hong
D.N.Angel: Niwa Daisuke, Dark Mousy, Hiwatari Satoshi, Krad Hikari
D.Gray-Man: Allen Walker, Kanda Yū, Lavi, Lenalee Lee
Dantalian no Shoka: Huey Anthony Disward, Dalian
Death Note: L, Yagami Raito
Durarara!!!: Heiwajima Shizuo, Orihara Izaya
Eyeshield 21: Hiruma Yōichi, Kobayakawa Sena, Shin Seijūrō
Fairy Tail: Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster
Free!: Nanase Haruka, Tachibana Rin, Matsuoka Rin
Fruits Basket: Sohma Yuki, Sohma Hatsuharu
Fushigi Yuugi: Hotohori, Tamahome, Nuriko, Mitsukake
Gakuen Alice: Hyūga Natsume
Gakuen Heaven: Itō Keita, Endō Kazuki, Niwa Tetsuya, Nakajima Hideaki, Shinomiya Kōji
Gakuen Mokushiroku/Highschool of the Dead: Komuro Takashi
GetBackers: Mido Ban, Amano Ginij, Fuyuki Shido, Fūchōin Kazuki, Kakei Jūbei, Akabane Kuro'udō
Ghost Hunt: Shibuya Kazuya (Naru, Oliver Davis)
Gosick: Kūjo Kazuya, Victorique de Blois
Gravitation: Sakuma Ryuichi, Shindou Shuichi, Eiri Yuki
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi/Fullmetal Alchemist: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun: Inuzuka Shino, Inukawa Sōsuke, Satomi Riō, Inukai Genpachi, Inusaka Keno, Inumura Daikaku
Hakuouki: Hijikata Toshizō, Okita Souji, Hajime Saitou
Hamatora: Nice, Murasaki, Hajime, Art
Hatenkō Yugi: Alzeid, Rahzel Anadis (Rahzenshia Rose), Baroqueheat Anadis
Hayate no Gotoku: Ayasaki Hayate
Hetalia: North Italy (Italia Veneziano, Feliciano Vargas), Germany (Ludwig), Japan (Honda Kiku), China (Wáng Yào), America (Alfred F. Jones), England (Arthur Kirkland), France (Francis Bonnefoy), Russia (Ivan Braginsky), South Italy (Romano, Lovino Vargas), Spain (Antonio Fernández Carriedo)
Hikaru no Go: Shindō Hikaru, Fujiwarano Sai, Tōya Akira
Hyouka: Oreki Hōutarō
Junjō Romantica: Takahashi Misaki, Akihiko Usami
Kamisama Hajimemashita: Tomoe, Mizuki
Karneval: Gareki, Nai Muhinyi, Yogi, Tsukumo, Hirato, Akari, Karoku Arumerita
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn!: Sawada Tsunayoshi, Reborn, Hibari Kyoya, Rokudō Mukuro
Kini’iro no Corda/La Corda D’Oro: 
Primo Passo: Lili, Tsukimori Len, Yunoki Azuma, Hihara Kazuki, Shimizu Keiichi, Ousaki Shinobu, Kanazawa Hiroto
Secondo Passo: Kaji Aoi, Etō Kiriya, Kira Akihiko
Blue♪Sky: Kisaragi Ritsu, Kisaragi Kyoya
Kyoukai no Kanata: Kanbara Akihito, Nase Hiroomi
Kyou Kara Maoh!: Shibuya Yuuri, Wolfram von Bielefelt, Gwendal von Voltaire, Conrart Weller
La storia della Arcana Famiglia/Arcana Famiglia: Libertà, Nova, Luca, Jolly, Pace, Ash
Love Stage!!: Sena Izumi, Ichijou Ryōma, Sena Shougo, Sagara Rei
Loveless: Agatsuma Soubi, Aoyagi Ritsuka, Aoyagi Seimei
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist: William Twining, Dantalion, Sytry, Camio
Mamotte! Lollipop: Zero, Ichî
Matantei Loki Ragnarok: Loki, Heimdall (Higashiyama Kazumi)
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Mushishi: Ginko
Nabari no Ou: Rokujō Miharu, Yoite
Natsume Yuujinchou: Natsume Takashi, Nyanko-sensei (Madara), Tanuma Kaname, Natori Shuuichi, Matoba Seiji
Nightwalker: The Midnight Detective: Tatsuhiko Shido
No. 6: Shion, Nezumi
Noblesse: The Awakaning: Rai (Cadis Etrama Di Raizel), Frankenstein
Noragami: Yato, Yukine
Nurarihyon no Mago: Nura Rikuo
Ōkiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!: Mihashi Ren, Abe Takaya
Pandora Hearts: Oz Vessalius, Gilbert Nightray, Xerxes Break
Pet Shop of Horrors: Count D, Leon Orcot
Prince of Stride: Alternative: Yagami Riku, Fujiwara Takeru, Kuga Kyōsuke, Hasekura Heath
Ranma 1/2: Saotome Ranma
Rave Master: Haru Glory, Hamrio Musica
Recca no Honoo: Hanabishi Recca, Mikagami Tokiya
Rokka no Yuusha: Adlet Maia, Goldof Auora
Rurouni Kenshin: Himura Kenshin, Shinomori Aoshi
Saiunkoku Monogatari: Shi Seiran, Shi Ryuuki
Saiyuki:  Genjō Sanzō, Son Gokū, Cho Hakkai, Sha Gojō
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Arima Kousei, Miyazono Kaori
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo: Saitou Yakumo
Shokugeki no Soma: Yukihira Soma, Hayama Akira, Takumi Aldini, Kurokiba Ryō
Shounen Onmyouji: Abe no Masahiro, Guren/Touda
Shugo Chara!: Tsukiyomi Ikuto, Fujisaki Nagihiko
Skip Beat!: Tsuruga Ren
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii: Livius Orvinus Ifrikia
S · A: Special A: Takishima Kei
Sakamoto desu ga?/Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto: Sakamoto, Hayabusa Shou
Sword Art Online: Kirito (Kirigaya Kazuto)
Tactics: Kantarō, Haruka
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge: Tanaka, Oota
Tegami Bachi/Letter Bee: Lag Seeing, Gauche Suede, Sylvette Suede
Tennis no Ouji-sama/Prince of Tennis: Echizen Ryōma, Tezuka Kunimitsu, Fuji Shūsuke, Yukimura Seiichi, Sanada Genichirō, Shiraishi Kuranosuke, Echizen Ryoga
Touken Ranbu: Izuminokami Kanesada, Kogitsunemaru, Nakigitsune, Munechika Mikazuki
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle: Fai D. Flowright, Kurogane
Tsuritama: Sanada Yuki, Usami Natsuki, Haru, Akira Agarkar Yamada
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪:
Maji Love 1000%: Ittoki Otoya, Ichinose Tokiya, Jingujin Ren, Hijirikawa Masato
Maji Love 2000%: Kurosaki Ranmaru, Camus
Vampire Knight: Kiryū Zero, Kuran Kaname
Wolf's Rain: Kiba
X/1999: Shirō Kamui
xxxHolic: Watanuki Kimihiro, Dōmeki Shizuka, Ichihara Yuuko
Yami no Matsuei: Tsuzuki Asato, Kurosaki Hisoka, Muraki Kazutaka
Yu Yu Hakusho: Minamino Shūichi (Yōko Kurama), Hiei
Yu-Gi-Oh: Mutou Yugi, Yami Yugi (Atem), Kaiba Seto
Yumeiro Patissiere: Kashino Makoto, Andou Sennousuke, Hanabusa Satsuki
Yuri!!! On Ice: Katsuki Yuri, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky
Zombie-Loan: Akatsuki Chika, Tachibana Shito, Kita Michiru
TV Shows:
Pokémon series (pick your favorite series!)
Avatar: Last Airbender 
BBC Sherlock: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
BBC Merlin: Merlin, Arthur Pendragon, Guinevere
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
The Walking Dead
Hayao Miyazaki’s Films
Laputa: Castle in the Sky: Pazu, Sheeta (Princess Lusheeta Toel Ur Laputa)
Princess Mononoke: Ashitaka
Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi/Spirited Away: Haku (Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi)
Howl’s Moving Castle: Howl Jenkins Pendragon
Tales of Earthsea: Arren, Teru
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea: Sōsuke, Ponyo, Lisa
The Secret World of Arrietty: Arrietty Clock, Shō
Battle Royale: Nanahara Shuya, Kiriyama Kazuo
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Percy Jackson
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
The Chronicles of Narnia: Peter Pevensie
Harry Potter
The Lord of the Rings: Legolas, Aragorn
The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins
The Legend of Tarzan (2016)
The Jungle Book (2016): Mowgli, Baloo, Bagheera
Cinderella (2015)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Rise of the Guardians: Jack Frost
Frozen: Elsa
The Little Mermaid: Ariel
How to Train Your Dragon: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Toothless
Tales of the Abyss: Jade Curtiss
Joker/Clover/Heart no Kuni no Alice: Peter White, Ace, Blood Dupre, Tweedle Dee and Dum, Julius Monrey, Boris, Airay, Joker, Gray Ringmarc, Nightmare Gottschalk
Devil May Cry: Dante, Vergil
Persona series
The Last Story: Zael (Elza), Yurick (Yuris), Therius (Tasha)
Kingdom Hearts: Sora, Riku, Roxas
Legend of Zelda: Link
Final Fantasy: Chocobos! Moogles!
VII: Zack Fair, Sepiroth, Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine
VIII: Squall Leonheart
X: Tidus, Yuna
XIII: Lightning, Noel, Caius, Yeul
XV: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto, Ignis, Gladiolus
Folklore: Ellen, Keats
Assassin’s Creed
Resident Evil (the movie franchise or the animated films or the game, your pick!): Alice (movie exclusive character), Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield 
Silent Hill (the movies or the games, your pick!): 
1: Alessa Gillespie (also in the Silent Hill films)
2: James Sunderland
3: Heather Mason (aka Sharon Da Silva in the Silent Hill films)
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Get to know me meme memememmeem
tagged by @eriochromatic
name: Lauren (Ren) height: 5′0 ethnicity: Mixed. Chinese/Filipino and Czech/Polish favorite fruit(s): Strawberries favorite season: Spring favorite book(s): Currently, I’m reading “Welcome to NightVale” by Joseph Fink & Jeffrey Cranor. I also enjoy literature on politics or medical research. Occasionally I like to browse fashion catalogues to see what trends are popular, or the current styles in interior design. I definitely lean towards non-fiction but I will read anything available. favorite flower(s): Stargazer Lily, Gladiolus Pink Lady, and the Hibiscus favorite animal(s): Rabbits favorite beverage: Mint and lemon-infused water. Once in awhile, I treat myself to a gas station vanilla latte or an Icee. favorite fictional character: Lacie Baskerville (Pandora Hearts), Beatrice Castiglioni and all the other Beatrices (Umineko), Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade (Bakemonogatari), and Kouka (Gintama). I’m caught in a 3+ tie and I can’t really pick one over the others lol. number of blankets: Two dream trip: Iceland blog created: October 2012 number of followers: about 450+
I tag: @sydgul9 , @piegonnoises , @overlookingtheworld , @magnolia-eclair   , @genichirolto , @evil-tsuchi , @the-rain-transformed   , @the-punforgiven
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cleverlymuch · 7 years
Get to know me tag
Thanks to @mikia87 for tagging me. I’m just sorry I did this so late!
Name: Amy
Nickname: Amy, lol? I haven’t really got any!
Height:  5′7.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Favourite fruit(s)/berries: Strawberries. ALWAYS strawberries, but mangoes are really nice too.
Favourite Season: Fall since Florida starts to calm its tits for like...four weeks before it gets ungodly hot or weirdly cold. No such thing as a happy medium here.
Favourite Book(s): Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series
Favourite Flower(s): Orchids. The really colorful sort, although I couldn’t keep them. My thumb isn’t green at ALL.
Favourite Animal(s): Cats
Favourite Beverage: Tea, which surprises NO ONE. Hot, cold, green, or frappuchino-ized, just gimme more.
Favourite Fictional Characters: Alan Wake, Grayson (The Order 1886), Jesse McCree and Sombra (Overwatch), Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid), Chloe Frazer (Uncharted), Evie Frye (Assassin’s Creed), ALBERT WESKER (Resident Evil), and...okay, I honestly can’t decide between Ignis Scientia or Gladiolus Amicitia from FFXV. So can I cheat and say Auron from FFX? I also used to love Castiel from Supernatural quite a bit. Or Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy.
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 1 in summer or winter, but I’ve been cheating with a sheet because it’s so ballstastically HOT down here rn.
Dream Trip: I...don’t know? Japan would be nice, I guess. Travelling is something people with money do, lol. I don’t think about it.
Blog Created: About four years ago, I think. Maybe longer. I’m old in terms of Tumblr users.
Number of Followers: 50ish, but that doesn’t mean anything. I’m betting a lot of those are sock accounts. Just not the porny kind. Plz NO with the porny kind. That always opens up Pandora’s Box of things I never wanna have happen to me.
Tagging : @reinetteslonelyangel, @resievilchic96, @lazarevicsorder, @robindawss
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woolmasterleel · 4 months
Pandora posting
Tumblr media
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