#Random rant
Let me tell you there are people out there that think Hobie wouldn't smoke weed because doing so is a 'black stereotype'
They think he wouldn't smoke weed because he's 'too aware' and woke for that and he would never want to be dazed out and intoxicated
Let me tell you
They will believe this - even the guy has said it himself that he gets intoxicated
And to that I say
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Bro why
10,001 fics of Hobie at a pub drinking it's cool but then there's a couple of him smoking some trees and it's 'hate when ppl reduce him to a stereotype 😪'
like hey buddy hey pal
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I know these statistics are American but the guys from 1978 or something
let's be real here let's be ever so real
if he admits to drinking what convinces you smoking is out of the picture?? do you really think he'd think weed is worse than liqour??
The only alternative I'll accept is he's one of those people that gets anxious while he's high
Cause it's funny to think of Hobie taking a singular hit then being like 'nah bruv that shit is scaring the hell outta me 😩 fuck is my heart racing for'
Reader having to help Hobie chill out cause he got SO HIGH his spider sense started bugging out so now he's laying on the ceiling face down doing deep breathing exercises
And the reader is like 'see that's what you get for trying to hit the bong like that'
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burgirrrr-rants · 9 months
god ji "can we skip TO the good part" bola tha "can we skip the good part" nahi
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narbevoguel · 9 months
I've always wondered why Aroace peeps feel excluded, when there's lots of cool friendships in media out there. But the more I interact with people across communities, I realize why they feel excluded, especially among their own LGBT peers. Two male characters are really good friends? They must be gay and kissing and doing naughty things! Two women spending time together? Must be lesbians! Two or more characters of any gender getting along just fine? Nope, must be all dating!
Like, I understand shipping characters is fun, I myself do it from time to time, but exploring characters' friendships I find much more appealing cause there's a charm to friendships that I believe romantic relationships ain't got. We gotta learn to appreciate the friends we have, for their unconditional platonic love is as strong as any romantic love, if not stronger.
That's why I will propose to myself a slight challenge: Aroaceptember. Sadly, I can't promise I will be able to draw something daily under this theme because I still gotta work to survive, but I'll try my best to, and in the days I can't, I can talk about my favorite friendship dynamics I've seen in media I've partaken in, or share fanfics/fanart of friendships that I've liked.
If you're interested in that, feel free to stick around, and if you wanna do it yourself, please, by all means. We gotta let our aroace folk know that they're also appreciated.
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chaoticace2005 · 3 months
Why can’t my brain be like a TV? Turn it off and turn it back on and all this visual snow (and everything else) goes away.
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Need more giant robot media with the focus on the giant robots.
I don't care about Billy and Susan's human romance, I want to see Supreme Destroyer 3000 and World Ender Machine 62 get hammered at the local bar and rob a Build-a-Bear
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liesandnights · 5 months
I wish I can just talk about things with someone. Like sometimes I just want to say I'm depressed and lost and want to stop existing. But I don't want them to worry about me or be sad about my feelings. I don't want them to think "oh no idk how to comfort you" or "not this again." I don't want to be a burden or a "toxic person". I just want them to understand and then we can go watch the sunset and drink cold coffee or something.
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startheskelaton · 3 months
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I fucking hate millie bobby brown, I just never liked her and she was the worst actor in both KOTM and GvK. I like the idea behind Maddison’s character, seeing all the far art of her having a special bond with Godzilla is amazing…. But was mean as shit for no reason in GvK!!!! Like I get half her family died but why would she be rude as fuck to her seemingly only friend? SHE WAS GOING TO DRIVE OFF WITHOUT HIM IN THE CAR HE BROUGHT!!!!
And on the other hand I absolutely love Jia as a character and kaylee hottle is absolutely amazing and adorable and I hope she has an incredible acting career. Jia is literally the only reason I’ve even considered putting humans into my slice of life Godzilla AU simply because her and Kong’s dynamic is adorable.
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soraka-in-warhammer40k · 10 months
I'm always fascinated when someone at the club rants about "how they just invented T'au to cash on them anime weebs", completly oblivious to the time and culture of their creation. So T'au came out first in 2001, and were obviously conceptualized some years prior, which puts them into the late 90s in their original design. This is slowly hitting "the majority of the populance has no relevant internet access whatsoever" levels of "barbaric analog ages".
So imagine where GW sits in the late 90s - its a small studio somewhere in England barely coming to touch with the first elements of the internet, with the most dominant medium being television which... is not really about "exotic" shows from the other end of the world? Those get ported over when they have proven to be a hit in their own country mostly.
And without the internet as we know it today, the anime community just... did not exist. You have to understand that the whole concept of online anime culture centred around piracy, fansubs, fanart, and the creation of the term "weeabo" was a mid-to-late 00s thing, and it took almost another decade before "weeb" was somewhat reclaimed and no longer an online-slur.
There was a whole generation that grew up with (often horribly localized) japanese shows on TV (Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon) which came over with some delay to their release in Japan. By the time this generation came to congregate into online spaces and form any sort of fan-identity and culture, the T'au and their battlesuits had already been a design over a decade old.
"But wait isn't Gundam from the 70s"? Yes, that is totally correct. However, this is the one glaring mistake people make: you cannot compare modern day media content circulation around the globe to the analog ages. Those of us who remember these barbaric analog times know how it was: you just did not know stuff existed. If it was not in the newspaper or on the telly, it might as well not exist unless you knew a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy.
Sure, the Internet was slowly becoming a thing that found widespread use, but it would still take a while - not to mention the technical limitations. No streaming episodes. You start the download (if you can find someone who hosted the file of a series you had to know even existed first) somewhere around lunch, to hopefully get something to watch in the afternoon. Oh and also that blocked the household's phone-line and if the download cancelled for whatever reason then it was back to square one. Under such conditions, the online community we know today could simply not exist, as the alternative was importing stuff from the other end of the world for quite the money, or hoping a really shoddy localized VCR-tape ended up at your Blockbuster-equivalent.
Of course there was anime before that time, even those regarded absolute classics in the west, but those mostly achieved that rank over here in retrospective. When in the late 00s people wanted to watch stuff and had the ability to do so they shared what was considered "the classics" first (shared to the best of their ability with one episode cut into 5 parts on youtube with sometimes very questionable subtitles).
So even if we assume there was someone at GW in the 90s who was a total "proto-weeb" and Gudam-fan, there was literally no reason to "make knock-off Gundams" because the miniscule western wargaming audience SIMPLY DID NOT KNOW THE STUFF.
You can't make a marketing ploy to reference something your average consumers have never heard off. If anything, the creation of the T'au as a robotic-centred faction was inevitable: they needed a design that could hold their own in the setting, but Necrons hogged the full-robot niche, Imperials were weird cyborgs, Orks the "madman-scrap-tech", and Nids the "biotech". The only thing left here was "not full robot but also very clean and efficient" - and just like that, the Battlesuits and Drones were born.
It was only in later years when the Internet had come into full swing where they decided to go full-suit with releases such as the Riptide, but if we talk about the OG design of T'au and the first decade? Nothing to do with anime or "fishing for weebs". The fish would not be coming to that spot for almost a decade, and it would take a bit more before their numbers were plentyful enough to make it worth casting a line out.
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budugu · 8 months
I just saw an Instagram reel of a bride posting her wedding makeup look and all. She was so pretty and she had glasses on like any other normal person who needs glasses.
Someone commented " Why did you wearthe glasses at the wedding time tho? Your eye makeup was hidden and your whole look would've looked better in the picture without the glasses "
Trust me I saw the photos she posted. She looked like a goddess and so pretty and her groom was so in love with her. You could see all the happiness from the family and friends in the photos. The only thing unnecessary was this random person feeling bad about the girl needing glasses.
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nutterzebutters · 6 days
Yk a really strange thing to think about is the idea that the beasts were all their own, kind and selfless individuals at one point in time, being baked and not exactly starting out as children in order to earn the lessons of the world may have sabotaged them.
It is entirely on the table that the witches baked them as adults and told them "this is your job do this, this, and this because your virtue is [insert one of the five]
And it's interesting because you are essentially giving this newborn but full cognitive being a hearty amount of power- mystic flours story alone honestly makes me think the pressing arrogance was only a result of being told they were supposed to be the saviors of cookie kind when things went wrong. And instead of correcting something that happened to them and culling the actions of the masses (like how cookies got with mystic flour) they instead punished the beasts for what we can assume is a rightful reaction. But, that's only mystic flour so far- we have no idea what the others were like yet and shadow milk really has nothing to help his case.
But the possibility he was once kind and nurturing to the cookies too makes it upsetting to think about what could have happened.
I do think being born as a child is what ultimately gave the ancients a better grip on their powers, they grew up and learned lessons, they gained experience and wisdom, and eventually the jams bonded to each of them respective to the core of their being. The dynamics are fuzzy, though, if pure vanilla is the light of truth why didn't he go and find why cookies were baked? If lily has the light of freedom then dark enchantress is everything against it and should never have gotten it in the first place, especially since she had already done things that stunted other cookies freedoms and lives (the academy incident)
And yet when we got cacao, cheese, and hollyberries update it was clear cut why they had gotten their jams and why their lights are theirs. I hope this is cleared up, it's very confusing now and I do hope there's some reasoning to why pure vanilla and white lily are so integral to the mystery in the story.
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burgirrrr-rants · 3 months
Hi sharks, I'm asking for ₹ 2500000 for moj masti
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largecucumber · 8 days
I’m so tireeeeeeeed of working out omggggg! 😭 I’ve been going nonstop for weeks now and my father says I’m not doing enough and I also feel like I’m not doing enough 😞 I feel tired all the time. I’m getting stronger physically, but I’m not any getting bigger (muscular) cus I don’t get enough food omnomnomnom. I always feel nervous when I go to the gym cus people. I’m too shy 🥺🫣 I wanna run away when I see humans. Is this normal?
Sorry for venting. I don’t know who to talk to 💖
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elshe · 9 months
Look how much my babies have grown!!!!
I think this simple parallel shows how much these two have grown close to one another over the years. It perfectly encapsulates the respect they’ve both developed, and how much more confident and comfortable Hiccup is around Astrid, and how she is more accepting of who he is as a person. It’s magnificent 🤌🏻 chef’s kiss 💋
It makes my heart screech every time I hear Hiccup say “Always.”
Idk I just love them
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A rant and a discovery.
The idea of Damian and Danny being twins didn’t seem that novel to me, and I chalked it up to reading too much ‘found family’ or ‘long lost relative’ fanfics. But then I went to fanfiction.net, and stumbled upon a very familiar username. The user name seemed really, really familiar for some reason. I clicked on their profile then clicked on a Danny Phantom x Batman crossover of theirs... And would you look at that — It’s a one-shot about Danny and Damian being twins, and I suddenly remembered reading this years ago! THREE OR FOUR YEARS AGO. REPEATEDLY. Holy cannoli. The fic: Green Flecks by DreamersMyth27
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butimjustagirllll · 1 year
Do u feel like all your friends secretly hate you or is it just me?
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simfolk · 11 months
Ugh, nvm. I was going to a make a big deal about it, but...
please, don't perma pay wall and/or charge $25 a month for your Patreon cc. Thank you. Sincerely, everyone.
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