support · 10 years
Everything okay?
If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. There are many support services that are here to help. For 24/7 peer support and other resources, message KokoBot on Tumblr.
If you are in the United States, please try:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) The Trevor Project (LGBTQ youth, ages 13-24) National Eating Disorders Association (online chat, text) RAINN (National Sexual Assault Hotline)
If you are outside the United States, visit IASP to find resources for your country.
For more resources, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a list of services that may be able to help.
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simonn0el · 2 days
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Pen and marker on construction paper.
Prints available here
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cirilee · 2 days
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the hive healthcare system cares about you and your journey to the top! don't hesitate to get an appointment right away 😌❤️
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Háblame, la telepatía no sirve.
— G'
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yourlocalgreg · 2 days
Slowly disintegrating due to lack of ipad so ive resorted to traditional art
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Throws these at you
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cadotoast · 18 hours
Cloudless Sky
This is a little mini story for @the-californicationist 's nameless challenge! This is a gender neutral fic, guess and see who I was thinking of for our reader
Content warnings: death, angst, mentions of blood and alcohol. I guess canon-typical violence. Bittersweet
It's pure irony.
Or so he thinks to himself, as he holds you in his arms. His fatigues are stained dark with your blood, the white snow beneath you turning crimson.
Your call sign, "Tonic", describes you well enough. The team's medic, and one of the calming forces for himself and the others. You're the one to patch them up and to keep them whole.
But when you're broken, what then?
His medical knowledge is not as vast as yours. Granted, he can do decent field first aid, but this is beyond his capabilities. Watching you bleed out on the snow, he pleads to whatever god is listening that the medevac team gets here soon.
"Stay with me, Tonic. You hear?" He runds a hand over your dirty face, brushing your hair out of the way. "Help is coming, I need you to stay with me."
The others are scoring the tree line, he can hear them scanning the perimeter. Letting him have his final moments.
"Fate... is fuckin' fickle," you rasp, clasping his bare hand in yours. Your skin is cold to the touch, despite the slick blood. "Wish... wish I told you sooner."
His heart drops, muscles contracting in an effort to hold you closer to his body, to give you his warmth, his life force. To keep you alive.
"Told me what, Tonic?" He's not sure he truly wants the answer.
Your sad smile accompanies the pang in his chest.
"I love you. More than I probably should, given fraternization rules." You cough, a wet and raspy sound, accompanied with a trickle of blood from the corner of your mouth. "You always... scare me so badly... so badly... rushing into war the way... the way that you do."
Your face is quickly leeching of any color you'd had, and his hands begin to shake. "I love you too, Tonic," he whispers this, hunched over your form. "Please, stay with me, and I will prove it to you, love." He presses a kiss to your forehead, hopelessness enveloping him. "Please..."
Your final breath flutters across his skin, a final goodbye kiss.
That was years ago now. He still visits your grave. Sits there in the summer sun. The others visit sometimes too, but they've moved on with their lives. Retired, building families. But he, he can't let you go.
Your dog tags remain around his neck, the only token of you he has left.
"You'd like this place in summer, Tonic. You always liked the warmth." He sighs, sitting alongside your grave, looking at the simple headstone bearing your government name. "I still miss you. No one... No one comes close to what you were for me."
A summer breeze picks up, and he swears he catches a whif of the shampoo you used to use. It brings tears to his eyes. Shuddering, he takes a drink of the beer in his hand, and lays his body back onto the grass, staring up at a cloudless sky that you can no longer see.
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This is for anyone who has had a bad day and just needs a pat on the head to tell them everything will be okay. Because sometimes that's all you need.
Oh, and for anyone who can't read the title because of my “fabulous” photography skills: It's simply “Reigen's new SPECIAL ATTACK!”
-> I also want to create a digital version of the comic where I can go wild with the colors. If any of you would like to see it, just let me know in the comments :)
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natashascumslut · 2 days
will there be a nat perspective for why ?
yes, i love this idea!
WHY 2 | natasha romanoff
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SUMMARY: Natasha’s perspective of my fic ‘why.’
a/n - i’m sorry this is so short 😪 i promise ill write a long fic at some point.. anyway enjoy!
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You paused as the words hit your ears. excuse me? Her eyes went wide when you didn’t answer. You forced words out, not wanting to stay completely quiet.
“What?” It came out flat, it wasn’t what you intended. You moved your hands from her waist, bringing them up to your face to push hair behind your ears nervously as you waited for an answer.
“I love you.” You tensed as you watched tears pool in her eyes. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Did you love her back? You should, you did. But god, you were scared, the idea of being in love with this girl was so precious but so scary.
You tried to speak as she stepped back, stumbling backwards as she went for the door. You wanted to move, to hurry over to her and tell her to calm down, that it was okay, that you care.
Instead, you stayed put as you watched her leave the small apartment. Your feet felt as if they’d been concreted to the floor, unable to move. You should’ve gone after her, you shouldn’t have let her go out alone in the rain.
You thought you were ready, that when the words would leave her lips, they’d leave yours too with ease. But you clearly weren’t, you felt stupid, you should go out there and tell her to come back in. You could sit her down to explain how you felt about all this, tell her that you were scared because you’d never been taught love growing up and now you had it and god was the feeling terrifying.
Often when people fall in love, they tell the other person ‘I’ve never loved someone more.’, and a lot of the time it’s not true. But for you it was and it was so intimidating, you saw her in everything. You couldn’t leave the house without being reminded of her, the bees, the stars, everything somehow spun back to her, and you didn’t like that.
You went from being perfectly independent to physically unable to live without her, you felt like a burden, always wanting to be around her, close to her.
You finally moved from your statued place in the hall to the couch, you let out a loud sigh as you slumped into it. You wish you knew more about this, that you could talk to her about how you feel, but we all know that’s not something you are good at. God you were so new to all this, you just wanted to call her, tell her to come back, to come home.
But you didn’t. Instead, you didn’t contact her for three weeks. You tried to, sitting in front of your phone with a text typed out on multiple occasions but never sending it. And the longer you went, the more it would look like you were taking the piss if you texted her.
So you didn’t, you let go. Well, you tried to let go, it wasn’t as easy as you thought. You’d been able to let go of so many things in your life, but for some reason, this wouldn’t leave.
“I know but I can’t do it now, it’s been three weeks.” You sighed into the phone as you wandered through the aisles of a store, your breath hitched as your eyes fell on the very girl you were talking about. Speak of the devil.
You immediately hung up the phone, shoving it in your back pocket. You weren’t sure what to say, if you should say anything at all. You could just run away, leave the store and make sure you’d never run into her again. But seeing her like this was heartbreaking, you went from waking up next to her to standing feet away from her in a grocery store after unintentionally breaking her heart.
She looked so tired, god you hated what you’d done, why did it have to be so hard to tell someone you loved them?
You could say it right now, nice and easy, four small words. I love you too. You opened your mouth to speak, thinking that maybe the words would come out, but her name did instead. She turned, and you wanted to die when her eyes met yours. What had you done?
“Why didn’t you go after me?” You winced at her words, I tried, I wanted to I swear. I was just scared, I love you, I love you so much. “I... I don’t know.” Why was it so hard for you to say the words? You watched her with guilt, how could you do this to someone? You had to say it, you had to tell her you loved her. You couldn’t.
“I do care about you.” You said, maybe this would be enough, maybe she would understand what you meant. She didn’t, you could tell in her body language that she didn’t believe you. “Then why haven’t I heard from you for three weeks?” oh.
You shuffled awkwardly, your fingers immediately going to your rings as a stress response as you tried your hardest to rack your brain for something, literally anything. You couldn’t think of why, you had no excuse, you were just scared but you couldn’t tell her that.
“Forget it.” No, no! Please. She turned, and your eyes widened. Please come back, I love you. Why wouldn’t the words come out? It was like they were stuck in your throat, you knew you meant them, but they wouldn’t come out.
You watched her walk away, standing hopelessly in the aisle. You tried to move, but it was no different than three weeks ago, your feet anchored to the floor. Maybe this was for the best, love was stupid anyways.
i love you too.
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soullesscorvidds · 6 hours
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Aauggghhhhhhhhhh pain *incoherent sobbing*
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I got rejected from a job and it's 102 degrees
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a--z--u--l · 2 months
En Tumblr la mitad quiere coger y la otra matarse.
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the-suicide-effect · 8 months
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somos-deseos · 11 months
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Yo en este momento
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pedazos-rotos-de-mi · 3 months
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Créditos a quien corresponda
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imsadperiod · 2 years
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chibird · 3 months
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Sadness is allowed. I often feel bad for being sad, but I’m trying to get better at accepting and allowing the emotion. Sadness is a normal and expected feeling!
Chibird store | Positive pin club | Instagram
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