#Stiles Stilinski character analysis
Stiles Stilinski and Claudia Stilinski are such an interesting dynamic. Only one person commented on the fact that they wanted to hear about this, but that’s permission to me, so yall have to suffer with me. It’s been awhile since I’ve watched teen wolf so my take may be off, please no hate but I’m open to discussion.
Claudia Stilinski is such an interesting character to me. We know virtually nothing about except how she, especially her death and the way she died affects the Stiles and the sheriff.
Stiles watched her die, the sheriff didn’t. Stiles stayed beside her, the sheriff was at work. Both undergo guilt because of this. This is the exact moment when stiles has to grow up - it fundamentally changed who stiles is as a character, it also defines him in certain moment. To me both characters try and keep their connect to Claudia in anyway they can. This is made apparent with the jeep. That’s Claudia car, stiles refuses to leave it even though it’s unreliable. This could reflect stiles relationship or his idea of his relationship with his mother is unreliable. The sheriff connects to his wife via stiles. Stiles real name - his mother gave it to him, he had the nickname mischief but changed to stiles, I wonder why?? Maybe after his mother died. But they can’t in the end, they can’t let go over her but they can’t hold onto her.
Stiles has a lot of trauma response from this moment. He pretends he’s fine even when he’s not, this is a learned response. He obsessively takes care of his dad, wanting to hold onto the last parent in his life. It also feels like a way to hold onto his mother via taking care of his dad. Literally every way that that stiles acts after his mom’s death is becuase of her death. The way that he loves people after his moms death is an effect of the last months of his mothers life and her death. He cares to a point of obsession (one of the reason I ship sterek, I think they’d balance each other out or just be able to understand each other darkness)
His mother’s disease would have taken precedents over everything else. And even after she died, his fathers feeling would have been more important. The Stilinski’s don’t talk about their feelings, they don’t talk about the times when they hurt each other. It’s almost like they can’t, that there is a disconnect. To me this says that Claudia was the emotional support for both of the Stilinski’s men. Don’t get me wrong, this is not hate on the sheriff. He does try to connect to stiles - they do talk each other about other things in their lives.
In a way I can understand Stiles. My father is a cop. The change in shifts and odd hours would mean that sometimes I wouldn’t see my father for days. Add on the fact that He is the Sheriff, whom the show makes it clear take extra shifts - stiles would be alone a lot. To me this means that his mother was his main source of paternal affection. This was further cemented for me when stiles tells his father “mom would have believed me”
When she dies it almost makes it seem that his care was transferred onto Scott. In most cases this would make Melissa a surrogate mother but in the show it doesn’t feel like that to me. Stiles is extremely independent, when his dad was away at work he would take care of his mother, even after her assaulting him. This would fundamentally change the way he interacts with adults, parents, specifically mothers. So I don’t see him grasping onto Melissa as a mother figure.
But also the way he interacts with Melissa, on one hand he’s almost her equal. He takes care of Scott almost as much as Melissa herself does. In a way their interactions feel like two parents talking to each other. On the other hand, it is clear that Melissa take care of him like he’s her son. But to me the only time when stiles reacts to her authority is when she’s mad, sometimes not even than. And the one time when he’s been possessed he calls her mom.
But also it’s made clear that the Stilinski’s don’t talk about Claudia - like at all. In the first season when the sheriff is drunk he says “I miss your mother”. The absolute shock on stiles face when he says that is so visceral. Claudia lingers over the household, not in a way that is a happy memory. she haunts it. After she dies stiles takes her place. The whole scene “how can I take care of you if I don’t know everything about you / I’m the dad, your the son” Stiles takes care of his dad obsessively, in a way that upsets the the balance of a child/parent relationship.
This is further made clear with the hints that the sheriff got major drunk after Claudia died. And that he threw himself into work once he got sober. Stiles effectively took over the household, putting him in the roles of his mother. We also see how the sheriff reacts to this because Stiles plays both the role of his wife and his son, not reaching the expectation for either. Stiles can never be his mother and yet he is her carbon copy. He wants to be her but all doesn’t at all. This dichotomy between the idea of stiles and the idea of Claudia means that she will always be present in the home. The first parent you will see in stiles face is Claudia. She haunts the narrative via her ghost but also via Stiles.
Especially in season three with the nogitsune, especially when it tricked everyone into believing that he’s dieing the same way his mother did. This is the final act of stiles becoming Claudia. The ghost of his mother has never been as prevalent but in this moment. You cannot tell me that his didn’t absolutely destroy the Stilinski households for months, even after they figured out that it was just a trick. To me this was one of the worst tricks played on stiles, because besides losing his friend this is what caused the Most devastation to him and his father. When he gets the MRI done this is when we see the change between stiles and the nogitsune. The demon has enough power to take over even for a few seconds because of this.
Being his mom especially in this connection is what devastates stiles the most. The nogitsune was in stiles head, he knows what would hurt him the most and what stiles fears the most.
Idk this is just my opinion and take.
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soleadita · 1 year
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this is still very much still in development in my brain, and i hesitate to go too hard with direct comparisons because, aside from the whole thing where chim and stiles are two unique characters in two very different shows, they're ALSO at totally different life stages. but. because i cannot help myself. i made a list. it's very incomplete and ranges from similar traumas to silly, superficial things.
consider this:
quippy guys with trauma who use sarcasm/wit/humor to deflect, hide their feelings, and/or diffuse situations
shared pain of watching their mothers die slowly when they were young (yeah this one hurt sorry)
subjected to a brother figure being absolutely sickeningly stupidly in love (scott/allison, scott/isaac, scott/kira; buck/eddie)
run around playing detective (see: stiles + all of teen wolf; chim + jonah arc; chim + treasure hunting episode)
nabbed by bad guys (gerard argent; jonah greenway)
make movie references that they think should be common knowledge and are continually exasperated upon discovering the people around them don’t know what they’re talking about (for stiles, it’s scott and star wars; for chim, it’s buck and like everything other than backdraft).
there's also the way i can picture stiles in Chim Situations and chim in Stiles Situations. like:
remember in 6x06 when chim TOLD KAREN THAT HEN HAD DIED?? look me straight in the fucking face and tell me stiles wouldn't pull some hilarious off-the-fucking-wall bullshit like that to get two of his besties back together. (we're gonna ignore the part where allison actually did die. sorry. that's. god. sorry.)
you know how stiles is, like, delighted, actually, to find out scott is a werewolf? he researches, he Knows Things, etc etc. tell me that wouldn't be chim? chim would have a fucking FIELD DAY!
if the love of stiles's life disappeared on him, he would absolutely drop everything and pull a months-long roadtrip to find them and convince them that they are loved and not a danger to their child. their uh. hypothetical child. no, i'm not thinking of eli hale why would you even insinuate such a thing i would never—
alternatively, i could totally see chim showing up to, i don't know, hen's house in the middle of the night and being all like, "the cops found half of a body in the woods, let's go and see if we can find the other half!!" (in this situation karen is melissa. not in a weird way, just in the way that i can picture chim slipping in through a window and karen startled and swinging a baseball bat like CHIM what are you DOING here why'd you come in through a window? and chim's like you locked the front door! and karen's like YEAH EXACTLY.)
(my life and all my earthly possessions for a treasure hunt episode but with teen wolf characters)
hmm. something something kevin following chim into firefighting only to end up dying on the job / scott following stiles into the woods only to end up being bitten by a werewolf. (not that either of them are to blame for it, but like. you know. i imagine they might have some guilt complexes going on.)
something about the way season 1 chim wants so badly to be seen a certain way by tatiana...the way he shows people what he thinks they want to see vs who he actually is because he thinks they won't want who he actually is...something about that feels so true to stiles's character in a way i can't totally put into words.
on a slightly more serious note, i just wanted to say that one of my favorite activities for enrichment in the enclosure (tm) is blorbo overlaying, wherein i take characters from one obsession and think about how i can categorize them based on characters from another obsession (*taylor swift voice* i have this thing, it's autism)(anyway). as a result, i've spent a lot of time thinking how the 9-1-1 characters could be smushed into teen wolf characters.
my knee-jerk urge was to see how much stiles and buck matched; yeah, they're both part of the most popular ship in their respective fandoms, but there's also the adhd thing, the knowledge of lots of different facts thing, the jeep thing, the whole "my worth lies in what i can do for others" thing...i can make a case. but for me, this ultimately breaks down when i think about how buck is just so...genuine and kind? he’s earnest. he’s gentle. the man's a himbo (affectionate). stiles is...very much Not. stiles is ALSO (when he hasn’t been, as one might say, sandpapered by the fandom) prickly. he’s got an inner circle that he’ll protect with his life. if you’re not in that circle, you’re just not really on his radar, unless you’re trying to join that circle, and then he’s suspicious until he’s sorta like vetted you.
(this is totally an aside, but it's the same reason why i've never really thought grumpy/sunshine works for sterek. derek is grumpy, sure, but stiles sure as fuck isn't sunshine.)
ANYWAY. i don’t think that’s chimney, exactly (i think he's probably a little sillier and friendlier), but i do think he and stiles both have a similar edge to them. like: see me. no wait. don't look. i'll make you see me. i'll make a snarky comment and draw attention to myself. but don't look directly at me. i'll talk and talk but i won't say anything real. they had to be the grown up in their home too young. they're terrified of losing their people, because their people are so fucking important to them, and because they know what it feels like, to lose someone, and if it happens again, it'll wreck them. they've got anxiety buried under three movie references and a wry side-eye and an exasperated, flailing hand gesture. they're fiercely loyal and protective.
uh. well. i guess that's all (lying LYING but i'm cutting myself off here). also, i feel like i didn't quite do chim justice so. sorry for that. and here's hoping for a chim-centric storyline (breakdown era?!) in our near future. <3
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noxnthea · 9 months
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Murder, Magic, and a Masterclass in Denial
rating: E pairing: Derek/Stiles tags: canon typical violence, magic!stiles, necromancer!stiles, FBI/Criminal Minds AU, casefic, humor, mystery, minor character death, handjobs, blowjobs, idiots in love!
“No, seriously, I need to talk to you really quick,” Stiles interrupts. “Before Peter gets out here.”  Derek braces himself. “Okay.”  “I need you to make sure I can be alone with the body for a few minutes.”  Derek stares at him. “You get that that’s like…a really weird request, right?” In the three months since Derek left the NYPD and joined the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, he’s gotten used to a lot of things: he’s learned to deal with seeing Peter every day, he knows how to hide his enhanced senses on the job, and he doesn’t mind the late nights and early mornings.  One thing he’s still not used to, however, is Stiles Stilinski.
part I of Murder & Magic part II: Death, Deceit, and a Lack of Decorum
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
Hi! I’m quite new to the Teen Wolf fandom lol, but I just read your post on realists, optimistic pragmatists, etc. and was wondering what you think the other main characters are in that analysis?
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I have some ideas, but these are not nearly as well-developed as my thoughts on Theo and Scott. I paid a lot of attention to Theo because he was the only person who talked about a philosophical underpinning for his decisions. I paid a lot of attention to Scott because he's the Lead Protagonist of the series.
Some are easy, like Peter Hale. He's an egoist, but he hasn't bothered to try to pursue what is called ethical egoism. He's the worst type of self-important Andrew-Tate-esque Machiavellian wannabe. I mean, his own summary to Kate in Orphaned (4x06) hits the nail on the head.
Peter: You know, I used to get angry. As a kid, I would even break my own toys in little fits of rage. And then I asked myself, "Why break your own toys when you can break someone else's?"
Things have value only when they get him what he wants. For example, he claims to value family, but that didn't stop him from killing Laura or abusing Derek repeatedly if it helped him gain power. He only really starts to care for Malia once he realizes that Scott and Stiles are right -- his behavior has left him alone and thus his existence and value has become precarious.
Derek on the other hand, is an American romanticist. It is more palatable than naked egoism, but it is individualistic to his detriment. To summarize my interpretation -- the American romantic sees himself defined by his opposition to his treatment by both nature and society. Derek's behavior shows that self-definition -- he believes in himself -- but also that innate isolation -- he believes only in himself. It leads him to do things like refuse to see Scott and Allison's relationship as anything but a replay of his own relationship with Kate, even though they're not the same thing. It leads him to recruit his four betas into a war he can't win because he can't imagine a life without a pack family, and thus can't imagine that they might put surviving above having that same connection. His self-focus is less deliberate than Peter's but no less damaging.
The Stilinskis, father and son, share the same philosophy, and I think the closest they come is utilitarianism: any behavior is ethical if it brings the greatest amount of good to the greatest amount of people. They're just not very skilled at it. To me, a key aspect of utilitarianism as a force for social welfare is the universality of the population it's meant to serve. Stiles's ethics suffer because he tries to restrict the number of people benefiting from his actions, which defeats the point of "greatest number of people." The Sheriff's ethics suffer similarly because he doesn't see supernatural creatures as people. (I know that's a weighty judgment -- pretty much an accusation of bigotry -- but it's too big for me to go in depth here).
That's all I have right now, other than half-baked ideas about the Argent Code and Immanuel Kant, but they're not nearly coherent enough to share. Again, I'm sure people could disagree with me about these, and I encourage them to!
Thanks for listening to my ramble.
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Murder Magic and a Masterclass in Denial
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49801801 by Noxnthea “No, seriously, I need to talk to you really quick,” Stiles interrupts. “Before Peter gets out here.” Derek braces himself. “Okay.” “I need you to make sure I can be alone with the body for a few minutes.” Derek stares at him. “You get that that’s like…a really weird request, right?”   In the three months since Derek left the NYPD and joined the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit, he’s gotten used to a lot of things: he’s learned to deal with seeing Peter every day, he knows how to hide his enhanced senses on the job, and he doesn’t mind the late nights and early mornings. One thing he’s still not used to, however, is Stiles Stilinski. Words: 1774, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Lydia Martin, Danny Māhealani, Chris Argent Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin & Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Magical Stiles Stilinski, Necromancer Stiles Stilinski, Medium Stiles Stilinski, FBI Agent Stiles Stilinski, FBI Agent Derek Hale, Ghosts, Case Fic, Werewolf Reveal, Crossovers and Fusions, Alternate Universe - Criminal Minds Setting, elements of season 3A, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, and a couple extras just for funsies, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Banter, Humor, Mystery, Getting Together, First Kiss, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49801801
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themoonslore · 2 years
Teen Wolf / Criminal Minds Crossover Fan Fic Recs Part 1
I'll Blow This (open wide) by LadySlytherin
Word Count: 12595 Chapter 1/1 Sterek
FBI intern Stiles Stilinski is beyond excited at the prospect of joining the elite Behavioral Analysis Team. The BAU seems happy to have him joining their number.
When a fellow-intern comes to the mistaken conclusion that Stiles Stilinski and Dr. Spencer Reid are both dating the same person, Stiles sees it as an opportunity to bond with his future-teammate. One should never underestimate the pranking ability of two geniuses with devious tendencies.
I Have Friends In Not So Heavenly Places by Corvu_ss
Word Count: 38891 Chapters 17/? last updated 03/26/22 Sterek When the FBI catches Danny trying to hack into their database, they take an interest in a small town in California. It just so happens that there's been a new sting of murders in town, and not the team and the pack must work together to find and stop the culprit. Also, did I mention that the Doc and the Spark are related?
I'll cross this country on a frequency by illusemywords
Word Count 53541 Chapters 18/18 Steo  and Sterek 
(TW stalking, NC drug use)
“Stiles, I need you to run a license plate for me.”
“Whatever you need, babe.”
“Don’t call me babe.”
“Stop being such a sourwolf, just tell me the numbers.”
The one where there's a serial killer on the loose, Stiles Stilinski has a stalker and Derek Hale doesn't know how to express his emotions.
The New Member by Shadowofahunter
Word Count: 60241 Chapters 30/30 Stydia 
After losing Prentiss the team is raw, but when the new Agent Stilinski joins in her place they begin to heal.
Set in season 6 and ignores the cases.
The Full Moon Killer by thecheekydragon
Word Count: 20014 Chapter 1/1 Sterek
The team gets called to Dr. Stiles Stilinski’s hometown of Beacon Hills to investigate a serial killer residents have dubbed ‘The Full Moon Killer’. A Teen Wolf/Criminal Minds Fusion.
Unknown Subject by Jana_C
Word count: 2719 Chapter 1/1 Sterek (main character deaths, sad endings)
Maybe the monsters are there to make us all fear them, but it’s the ones who seem to be just like us that we should really be afraid of.
part 1  2  3 
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10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Yep, I’m late on this, but that’s okay! Thanks for the tag, @lumosatnight! I’ve always been a multi-fandom person, but didn’t really realise how many fandoms I’ve dipped into until I wrote up my quick list of characters. This is just a sliver of characters and fandoms I like; I’m sure my list would be much longer if there wasn’t a cap. Anyway, here ya go: 1. Percy Weasley, Harry Potter 2. Stiles Stilinski, Teen Wolf 3. Sir Lancelot, Merlin 4. Tenth Doctor, Doctor Who 5. Crowley, Good Omens 6. Gabriel, Supernatural 7. D.I. Greg Lestrade, Sherlock 8. Elrond, Lord of the Rings 9. Jesper Fahey, Six of Crows 10. Rei Hino/Sailor Mars, Sailor Moon If you want me to do a deep dive on any of these characters, whether it’s for a character analysis or why I love them, let me know via asks! :D Tagging...honestly if you’re reading this post, considered yourself tagged (since I don’t know how many of my mutuals dabble in 10+ fandoms). Of course, this is just for fun, so no pressure!
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guessimherenow1 · 2 years
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Stiles in season 5 was definitely my favourite. A more serious, angry, emotional side to his character came out and it definitely made him a much realer, vulnerable character to me. The first episode, before Theo’s arrival, was particularly interesting because his insecurity about his friends not returning his enthusiasm about sticking together is so damn relatable and stirring. Him being so insistent on proving Theo is guilty in such a frenetic, unreasonable manner (dissimilar to how he presents his usual theories, which usually have some credibility) seems like a weird kind of self harm. It’s like he’s saying look, i just have a feeling, the letters of his signature is different, you don’t believe me? my friends think I’m crazy, I’m going to end up alone. I was right all along.  Should Theo have come any earlier, and i think their interactions and the way Stiles approached everything wouldve been wildly different. Theo was just another part of stiles’ insecurity that him and Scott would become distanced, or he would be replaced.
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Do yall ever think that stiles sees himself as red hood, to his father’s Batman??
Like especially after killing someone and breaking the law that his father rigorously tries to uphold. Or am I just reading to far into this.???
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duskholland · 3 years
hey! so i’m a new writer on tumblr though I’ve been writing for a while, and I’m new to peter parker. any tips you find helpful when writing him — cause sadly, my angst seems to be better than my fluff xD
okay !! so, first off, disclaimer: I’ve not written for peter in a hot minute because, honestly, I’m not so sure I’m good at getting his character right anymore??? I definitely used to be a lot better and now I’m out of practice with him :(( buuuuut, here is what I try to do/remember when writing for our boy peter parker :)
I like my peter parker to be the epitome of ‘!!!!!!!!!!’. every interaction I write with him, he’s just !!!!!!! all the time. constantly. if I’m not exhausted writing him then he’s not energetic enough. stiles stilinski vibes. 
I like peter as hyper-active, super smart, kinda all over the place. I like to contrast that against Spider-Man, whom I tend to tone down, make more confident, and suave. that contrast in persona is always fun to explore, and the change in dynamic where it’s peter x reader versus SM x reader is so enjoyable to write (and also read !!!!). that’s obviously dependent on the plot and circumstance, but personally, I like having fun with that.
I don’t like peter as tony’s prodigy. I like broke student peter parker who goes dumpster diving for old tech and fiddles away in a lab all night working on his suit. again, personal choice, but, especially for a college!peter moment, I like him being kinda self-reliant !!! he’s nerdy tho, whatever the circumstances. try writing in science puns.
peter parker is innocent. or, at least, mcu peter parker is/was innocent. he’s bubbly and kinda awkward and very nerdy. he’s like a cute puppy. as a lover, he’s attentive and doting, but I like to think he’d get carried away with his superhero responsibilities and fail to prioritise the right things... just something to think about !!!
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akria23 · 7 years
Boy Who Ran W/ Wolves -Derek
Note: Okay so if any of you have paid attention lately…my computer crashed right as I got near the end of this thing like on the 30th of last month so I wasn’t able to post this. It was mad frustrating cause that was the perfect day to post given the release of the interview and everyone chatting – but bad shit happens I guess. I hope you guys like this one cause I’ve spent money to get back and get it out to you guys. Without further ado…
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Starting off let me say this, Teen Wolf is a show that had a lot of potential and when we say that we mean, we saw what they could’ve done and didn’t do or we saw what they wanted and failed to do. I have no interest in filling in the many craters that riddle this story. I have no interest in reimagining Scott McCall. There is no saving grace to that caricature. And by this I don’t mean that Scott is the devil but that he is so poorly written I don’t see anything worth salvaging. Personally as a person who has seen the show flop and squander as it lost its mass popularity, I think it would’ve been easier for writers like Jeff and his team to create the Boy Who Ran with Wolves narrative instead of the so called Teen Wolf narrative that they majorly dropped the ball on.  On a standpoint of where the writers failed their own show, I always answer from the very start. Do I think Teen Wolf could’ve been an amazing show? Yes. Do I think it was…
The writers were full in the ego and light in the skill department. They couldn’t handle criticism making them unable to admit faults within themselves, or the work they produced. The hardest knock they took was being unable to adapt. I’m not sure if the show runner just had such an ideal of what he wanted before starting this show, that when met with a chink in the metal frame he buckled and demanded they all take the tumble with him or if pride was so high in the drawing room that during that time they found they would rather self-destruct together. I can’t really speak on the possible malfunctions that took place behind the scene, only the chaos that it created on the screen.  
               The writer’s decided to center the story on young Scott McCall, and while this wouldn’t be a problem if things were different, if they’d actually built a character, it can’t be said to be a wise decision under the circumstances.  It’s been stated many times that Scott is a weak character that lacks the tools to carry a series - a movie possibly, but never a show. For some reason the drawing room was more inspired by its side characters instead of its lead, to be fair this is many-a-writer’s downfall. This is why I find it simpler to explore this story with the framing of different characters, not just the two I’m going to focus on.
I’m going to explain The Boy Who Runs with Wolves (BWRWW) narrative as a story set with either Stiles or Derek as the protagonist. This doesn’t necessarily mean the story is set with them as the narrator, because the story could seriously be done through a third person teller (think Michael in QAF). BWRWW does however shift the perspective of the story. It has a more formulistic structure that the writers should have found easy to work upon. Both characters come filtered with the needed elements to push a story forward.
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Given Derek’s back-story he’s an obvious candidate for a protagonist. Starting off he has the compelling family history. The Hales have a legacy in Beacon Hill’s they were protectors of that land, supernatural creatures who stood between the human world and their own. This works as not only a goal and a motivation for Derek, but also creates a minor if not a major theme for the show. The original Teen Wolf of course played with the aspect of human/wolf (or supernatural) but never in a way that was set in stone, or with an overarching message. The Hale legacy could’ve given the audience a view into the supernatural world that Teen Wolf could never afford. The goals of the Hale family could only promise meetings of the outside creatures…given introductions into those creatures and their world in a way that made sense while still keeping the focus on the main - wolves. It’s not a history Derek is even really aware of, so as he’s introduced into who his family really was and the things they had to do, we the audience are therein introduced to those realities. I always think about charmed and how they were witches that knew nothing of their history. Their only access to knowledge of this new world they had to navigate was a book of spells with info on some of the many creatures. The reason this is so brilliant is because you never want to give your protagonist someone or something that can give them all the answers. It mucks the story and frustrates the audience when the protagonist doesn’t listen. This was often the issue with Teen Wolf. They gave Scott Derek, a Wolf mentor so to speak, a mentor he often refused to listen to or used and abused on occasion. Even with Buffy, which Jeff foolishly thinks he mirrors, they didn’t give her a slayer with the keys to the castle – her mentor could help her along the way (while also having his own duties and things that sometimes muddled her goals because he was her watcher [layering]) but not just roll out all the answers, or the how to(s). That’s not to say your protagonist shouldn't meet the failure of naivety, or the wilds of adolescence, but for it to be a main frame makes it a difficult line for your audience to walk and therefore continue to feel for said character. Walking room should be for error, not stupidity. So while Derek would have knowledge on his supernatural bearings, to a point, it’s these other facets that pick up the slack. Also you have the wolf to human aspect that can still be absorbed through stiles (the human) and even Scott who would have been demoted to a fitting position given his lack of layering (new wolf).
The external growth/struggle speak for themselves. Stepping into the shoes parents – more so his mother- having to deal with the way that still connects him with them. Finding out truths and things he’s never known, some of which he probably should never know. The realities of everyday battles and the constant chance of losing what he’s gaining. Because the show only highlighted his mother, and in such a way that gave the audience this very direct perspective on their relationship I think its unavoidable to create a reimaging without that concept and without that shadow being a part of his motivation.
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Okay, let’s back up a bit for part two because I want people to understand where I’m coming from and where I’m going when I break this stuff down. If the top half (Family History) creates Derek’s eternal struggle then the second half creates his inner one, and therefore also that growth. Often times to create a character’s emotional line and characterization, a writer gives the character something to overcome, something that happened prior to the main story but very much influences the main story – using Michael Hauge’s concept I’ll refer to this as the Wound. The wound builds the characters Belief, sometimes of themselves or the outside world, sometimes both. Again for repetition, the belief is just that, a strong belief the character has because of his wound. The character’s belief creates their Identity – a Mask that covers their true Essence so they no longer feel weak/vulnerable. Essence is the person they really are, it’s their better side that they hide. Their new identity makes them think they’re protecting themselves but usually it’s just standing as a block to what they really want.
Above I’ve structured out Derek’s characterization, give or take with the fact that Teen Wolf cut out his middle structure and then wanted to only lean loosely on his mask nor did they really commit to his wound. Anyway starting from the left – Wound. I’m gonna do one line at a time so you can see how they connect. The first layer of Derek’s wound would have been Kate’s betrayal, not the fire itself but the actual set up and manipulation and forethought she had to have going into this and how she used him. Kate’s actions would have then created a belief in him, and fairly so, this would have been the toxicity humans are capable of. The creatures who call his kind unacceptable, but committed the worst of acts against them. This leads the character to his mask, in Dereks case a form of prejudice where humans stand. You want something that’s natural, but creates authentic tension. Make your character human by giving him contradictions and ripping the moral carpet from under him and see how he sticks his own landing. Derek having issues with humans because of his own experiences does just that, and also gives him a growing point and ties to the Human – Wolves concept. Teen Wolf did start off with Derek showing some signs of prejudice with humans, at least with Stiles who he didn’t seem to think much of at all. But the show ended that pretty quickly without ripping something great out of both sides and leaving something magnificent on the screen. Derek’s second and major wound would be the trauma he blamed himself for. The fault he finds in himself leads to the belief that he is undeserving of anything…good. This of course leads to his new identity his mask, which for Derek is Isolation. When I say isolation I don’t just mean cutting oneself off physically I mean the things he starts to do to keep others out. Adult Derek is different from pre-wound Derek. He’s stoic - closed off, violent, silent and so on. He doesn’t seem to revere his own life, quick to throw himself in front of danger…so much so that fans at one point felt he had a death wish. And this is where contradictions come in very hard, and you want them to. Because even under a mask something of our true essence is always accessible. So even though there was this new stoic Derek at times we could see ‘old Derek’. We could see the Derek that longed for family and connection despite thinking he didn’t deserve those things. Tension in this is that even as he fights he has a need and that need will go toe-to-toe every time. For example, Derek turning the teens. He deep down he’s lonely, he yearns for that connection, for unity. But when he creates this makeshift group he still caters to his own mask, not treating them like the family he knows he wants. No, because of his own beliefs, because of his past teachings he tries to teach them his own ways to protect themselves and that doesn't help because that’s not what either side needs. His Tragic Past plays as his internal struggle, where he’ll grow from the inner outward. The tragic past that created his present identity branches out to the things that help set free his Essence, the Romantic Subplot & his individual Development Arc.
His tragic past, instead of being fodder for torture, becomes Derek’s personal story that weaves back into the main story. His past acts as a two part concept branching out to create his personal development arc one way and a possible romantic subplot the other. Starting with the development arc, Derek was shown a darker side of humans with the actions of Kate and those who partnered with her to create the Hunters. Derek has reason to have issues with humans, this creates a friction with his family’s legacy. How can he be expected to protect the very thing that destroyed his life? So on that route you of course not only have to have him deal with the concept of humans but also the hunters themselves. I think Teen Wolf could have done wonderful things with the Argents and the wolves and have them not only come toe-to-toe but also be forced to face each other in the realization of what the war has caused them and question a possible reconciliation, for some, if any.
This ties with the romantic subplot. Subplots are important in a long piece, you’re promised to have at least one. A subplot is a minor story that runs parallel alongside the main-plot and or weaves into it. It’s a way to add layers and therefore complexities to the story. A romance subplot of course is just a minor story of romance that takes place alongside the main story. I saw a graph of The Hunger Games that broke down its subplots so I’m gonna use that movies to make it simple. The main plot (question) in the Hunger Games was – Will Katnis survive the hunger games? The romantic subplot (minor question) in the Hunger Games was – Will Katnis choose Peeta or Gabe (think that’s his name)? There were other subplots in The Hunger Game series but it’s the romantic one I’m focusing on. So for BWRWW – Derek Version the romantic subplot would be something near the same – Will Derek overcoming open him to a relationship with Stiles. This romantic subplot closely weaves throughout the main plot because it’s dependent on Derek achieving his internal goal.  Back to the human – wolf subject and concept of the Derek’s story, which would play a huge part in their story. Because Derek had this view of humans, this prejudice so to speak, a mistrust not only of humans but his relations with them since both his priors went terribly wrong. As a writer the thing is then to question that connection, if their theme together is trust how is that gonna be exploited in story? Does trust in Stiles really make him stronger, or does the unbiased outlook on humans leave him open to danger? I talked about the cycle in part one, the themes that made up his levels of love – love/loss, fear, trust, fault, intimacy, fragility, betrayal – so how do those things intertwine and play-out. What are the other weak concepts that will make Derek balk – like fear of losing someone as he’s done so often before? How do you have him face betrayal again, overcome it and reassess fault? VoidStiles. The Sterek relationship has similar markers of the past but highlight very different things. Intimacy for example, whenever we see Derek and Kate it’s a sexualized thing where she’s reminding him what she used against him and what she views as weakness on his part. This seeks the question of what does Derek now see intimacy as; a tool? How do you highlight that within Stiles and Derek’s relationship the subject of intimacy is ‘reborn’. Their moments shine on positive emotions and connections. A comforting hand in the time of need. Something as simple as a different kind of touch to try to awaken (closed fist to open palm, and hesitancy). To just being comfortable with someone touching you, showing a trust and a comfort level with that person. Even in lack of touch the intimacy is still there, as it is in the dream sequence. This is why I say Stiles is the only option for Derek to love. He singularly being who he is and the two coming together literally forces Derek in a position where he has to make a choice and therefore give him a chance to grow and thereby show his True Essence. You see the old him start to come back as Stiles sarcastic nature rubs off on him and he takes more liberty with relaxing his stoicism. He’s forced to realize that he can sit on the sidelines telling himself what he doesn’t deserve or can fight for what he wants. Derek being so sacrificial becomes a problem for Stiles who has come to care for his wellbeing in all ways. He can never 100% go back to his so called old self because he’s experienced things but the natural parts of him, the parts he hid away to make himself unable to be hurt, those things have been retained. The thing he really wants, having a family is an assessable thing – through building it himself. The romantic subplot helps develop Derek to his full potential. It matches the subject of wolf- human and exploits that concept in the best way giving the story many plotlines and avenues. His internal arc matches with his eternal one but with enough friction to carry the story to fruition.  
It’s important to have your hero’s external goals battle their internal. This makes the hero human, makes the audience not only empathize with him but makes them root for him/her. It makes the climb to being a hero more conceivable. Going back to the wound to identity concept, Michael Hauge puts it like this,
“When characters are traumatized by experiences, they formulate beliefs about the world that will protect them from ever again experiencing pain of those wounds. For example, Judy Hopps, the rabbit, in Zootopia receives a beating from a predator when she was young, this leads her to believing predators are actually just inherently bad – despite what she preaches to the outside world.”
 A writer has to take its character’s experiences into consideration. The things we’re set upon believing have a reason, an experience tied in, a thought, a feeling behind it. Too pretend otherwise, is to error. You don’t wanna give your character a random belief out of nowhere just because it places the story where you, the writer, needs it. That’s cheating, a high handed way to make instant heroes. You never want to have an instant hero…it’s like instant romance, the audience feels cheated and the so called ‘hero’ falls flat and is deemed unworthy – Scott McCall.  You also never wanna give your protagonist a weak struggle. Simply saying “I don’t want change” is not enough, it’s just seems selfish if said change has expanded on your character’s life and skills instead of just brought negativity. If you now have skills that can protect you and others, crying danger is just side eye worthy because simple humans live a life of danger too. This is why layering is such a necessity. Conflicting the hero in his outside world is only half the battle and means next to nothing if his mind isn’t conflicted too. It’s like courage – courageous is not someone who is unafraid being willing to do the thing, it’s someone being afraid and yet willing to face/overcome said fear to do the thing. It’s more interesting to observe the latter than the former. It’s the same with being a Hero, the audience wants to observe that journey, they are living vicariously, that’s the only way they too get to the feel of being a hero.
As a writer, this is what you want. Things should never be easy for your protagonist. Things should never fall to a protagonist just because they’re the protagonist or the lead. Opposition and obstacles creates character. As the protagonist stands in front of a problem, it’s his reaction to the issue and what he decides that tells the audience who he is. This is something Teen Wolf never understood. You can have every character play mouthpiece to how great your character is, how much of a good guy he is…but if actions ain’t showing the same thing, then it’s not believable for the audience.  With Derek, the story stands a chance. You have a protagonist who has real obstacles on both sides – external and internal. Your protagonist job isn’t to be all knowing, or all powerful, or all saying, it’s to be growing, to be in the process of developing. It’s about someone who is able to take something from his experience, from his journey and cycle that and give it back. The reason a lot of people are so in love with Derek, is because we’ve seen him. No one told us who he was, he showed us, and we then saw what he could’ve become.
Things & characters Given Derek V:
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             Nogitsune/VoidStiles: Can you imagine the damage and the wreckage the nogitsune aka voidstiles would have given this relationship, given both their internal struggles. The trickster who liked to play mind games, having all of this vulnerability at his feet. On one side you have the wolf rebuilding his faith in humans through his relationship with a human. One the other you have Stiles who has worked on this platform of gaining that trust and now he’s possessed by something that uses him to lie and manipulate. That’s tension! That’s conflict. Authentic character paths. That’s good TV. And if they wanted to bring him back like the show did – ugh – it would’ve have actually made since for him to be someone’s fear since he would’ve been the concept of Stiles being everything negative to a Derek that needs him to be the positive. When your characters stand as a frame that keeps each other standing you have to push them to the edge and make them look at the reality of having that all ripped away. The Nogitsune would have done that for this relationship.
               Ending: On one hand I think I would’ve loved seeing the torch passed on to Boyd. I think it would’ve been grand to see that kind of image and that placement for Boyd considering where he too started off. It’s an appropriate ending to have Derek finally graduate to a place where he can pass that job down (after having actually did the job) on someone else as he moves forward. On the other hand, I watched Teen Wolf have Stiles leave to join the FBI and I wonder if that’s really fitting. If Stiles himself doesn’t fit in the town of Beacon Hills stepping into the shoes of his father. Protecting the home he’s ever known and being a line between these two worlds. Stiles is an excitable person, someone who honestly finds joy in the workings of a case, I sometimes wonder if regular human cases would be enough for him. It makes sense for him to try to work his way to power in that town, continuing that work while having an ear to the community and how those around him response to incidents and or cover up the real happenings. I don’t know, it’s just an aspect that my brain goes back and forth with.
               Younger Derek: I think I would’ve enjoyed a longer plot for young Derek than just coming back for some more Kate torture. In fact I think many plots could have branched into this level and been used as a frame to take us back to Derek's childhood in way that was different from just the norm flashback. I always hated that the way the writers wrote the set up meant Young Derek and Peter didn’t really get to interact.Considering the fact that Tyler H was leaving, they could’ve slotted that actor for a minute.
               Liam & Theo: I’ve grown to like the thought of these characters but then with Derek being the focal character…I’m not sure they would have a place. I say this because Liam is just a better thought out Scott. He starts off naïve and comedic but falls into his line – this is probably cause he’s a side character and that all fits there. And with Theo, his come on would not at all fit with the sterek storyline. Because their theme is trust it would have to be something undeniable and grand in scheme to come in and put mistrust in there (which is why I said voidstiles) and you only want to do that once, to overdo it or to do so weakly would just undermine the relationship. I don’t know how they’d have to mend Theo’s entrance but even then, his interaction with Derek would be mega different from his one with Scott. It made sense for him to come in and tell Scott he was gonna come in and take over his shit he don’t know what he doing…but with Derek at that point it would just be laughable. The only way I see maintaining these characters would be to give Scott his own pack.
               Lydia: I honestly don’t think she should be a part of the Hale pack…or any wolf pack >.> Not in that way. I think she should be focused on her own powers and growth but still helping out when she’s needed. This is nopt about her having or not having a love interest because personally I never subscribe to the ‘this female don’t need love bs’ it’s just about her placement within pack. You can be family and not have to make that leap. I think the show could’ve done great things with Lydia and they failed. I personally would have liked to see her and Derek bond more, I don’t think even going with Stiles as his love interest would have tipped that possibility of that friendship because I don’t think Derek would have been jealous of that old feeling that was never returned. Its stiles past, just like he has a past. Lydia is a capable woman and I think he would’ve seen her for the asset she is.
               Malia: Who?
Things I thought would be interesting:
Stiles and Derek body switch
More Derek Papa Stilinski Interaction
Danny the hacker – Like they just threw the homie away even though he would’ve been a bomb asset!
Lydia and Peter interaction – People might not like that, but being around one another brought aspects I like about each character. I personally like Peter fucking with Lydia because it always brought out a fiery side of her and forced her to deal with a challenge.
If we had to have Malia – she sure as hell would not be a hale but I would put her on the lgbqt spectrum, given her a more believable story and put her with Kira.
True wolf bullshit obsolete
More Erica and Boyd backstory and for them not to have turned her into a sex kitten but a female whose body had been fighting her now having the chance to be more than healhy
Some actual dealing with Peter and Derek’s relationship and the things Peter has put him through
I would’ve def left Derek as young Derek for more than an episode.
Awkward Derek flirting with Stiles – I can’t picture it so I wanna see it lol
Note: So obviously I didn’t include Stiles part in this, I’m eight pages in sooooo decided there will be another part. I’ll probably also talk about how I personally would have liked to see their relationship transpire in that part. I did want to go over how different the human-wolf-new new wolf thing could have been different dependent on the focal character, but at this point I don’t even care nor do I wanna talk about Scott too much because he will be tagged and his fans get pissy and I don’t care about Scott enough to fight for him much less over him. Nor do I generally partake to those fans because the majority are people who like to waste time fighting over him and blaming fandom for the shortcomings the writers created instead of taking it to the board and fighting for him and I find that concept too illogical to entertain. So while making these Articles I try to remain as honest in my opinion as possible while cutting out a lot. Also before people een start let me just say yes, I know the trauma isn’t always used as a foundation (wound is) but for Derek and even for Stiles I think that remains a starter point. Truama isn’t often used in genres like adventure, it can be but it’s less common. In romance its more often even when its not the pov character – for example Pride & Prejudice movie. Elizabeth’s belief system doesn’t come from trauma but from rebelling the teachings of growing up as a woman in that time. The wound however that creates her personal issues with Darcy is in his slight towards her. For Darcy his outlook on the poorer kind comes from a trauma necessarily of his own, but in the trauma of someone he cared deeply for (his sister). Yeah, I got a video of them play on my second screen so they were the example and I love them so. The point being I’m not saying it HAS to be but that trauma is in part Derek’s starter pack. The wound however, is usually a must. I don’t know if I should say the next and final (hopefully) part is gonna be shorter…cause I said that bullshit last time and it was a lie…BUT it should be shorter cause I won’t have to explain everything that time around. Other than that, let me tell you…I was supposed to have posted the final article and the first chapter of my Sterek fic on the Finale day…that didn’t happen. I didn’t finish my fic and the article turned into part one. So I’m not sure if I should finish the chapter first since I’m starting to think I’m using these articles as procrastination or if I should just write the Stiles one and get it out the way. We’ll see but something should probably be done by the end of next week cause it take me so long to do this simple shit >.> I tried to put most of this text under a hide thing but I couldn’t figure that mess out so my apologizes to all the people who had to do the intense scroll!
Teen Wolf Articles
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Sterek: Foundation
Sterek: BWRWW: Derek
Upcoming: Sterek BWRWW: Stiles
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sterek-ao3feed-archive · 10 months
The Moon Gave Me Permission
https://archiveofourown.org/works/49144447 by Melpomene (Aconitehart) “I probably shouldn’t tell you this,” Scott says, eyeing Stiles’ fries. “But Derek Hale is back in town. I saw him at the gas station the other day.” This piques Stiles’ interest. Oh yes it does. Like any good true crime aficionado, Stiles has his favourite case. His pet cold case. His hometown murder. The thing he brings up when he’s tired of small talk and just wants to get real. The Hale Family Fire and the suicide of Katherine Argent. Stiles knows this case inside and out. He’s racked up thousands of karma points on reddit for his thoughtful analysis, his pictures of the crime scene, and of his reporting of local gossip. Beacon Hills is a small town, small enough that Stiles is the only one on the Unresolved Mysteries subreddit to have actually seen the burnt out shell in person. He’ll tell anyone who listens what he finds fascinating about the case. Absolutely no shame. He’s read all of the articles, he’s pestered his father’s deputies for more information, and he’s read every cold case compilation book that so much as mentions it. No one knows this case like Stiles does. - In which Derek Hale is a man with a dark past, and Stiles is completely obsessed with him. Words: 6859, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Creepy Stiles Stilinski, Dark Derek Hale, Inspired by Killing Stalking, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Stalking, Voyeurism, Sexuality Crisis, Accidental Knotting, Knotting read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49144447
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fentonsandphantoms · 7 years
Stiles went through so much :( He's so strong and brave. I can't wait for 6x11 that's in 3 days!! I'm so ready for 6b omgggg ❤️
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iseultandtristan · 4 years
im trying to avoid election news so time to do that deep dive analysis of what’s so brilliant about the vampire academy series that I've always wanted to do! Here’s the thing. The Vampire Academy is by no means the most popular or most well-written ya series but in it’s own way it’s really kinda groundbreaking. It is the only story that I have read or watched in which the main character (from the get go) is the sidekick. 
Rose Hathaway is so compelling for me as a main character because she is the embodiment of the sidekick trope. She exists for the purpose of the quintessential hero character, Lissa Dragomir. This is quite literally stated by herself and others multiple times. Her unequivocal purpose/life mission is to stand by Lissa’s side and to protect Lissa. That’s her driving force for the majority of the series, that’s her purpose (in fact it’s very anti-American and I think that’s what makes VA a great series for explaining the importance of cultural relativism, but that’s a post for another time). Aside from the obvious “she exists to support the protagonist” aspect of Rose, she completely embodies all the typical elements/stereotypes we have come to associate with sidekick characters. Messy homelife, feeling unwanted/neglected by her parental figures, comic relief, a penchant for sarcasm, a knack for getting into trouble, sometimes morally questionable. She’s the Maya Hart, the Pacey Witter, the Stiles Stilinski, the Sam Puckett, etc.
Lissa, on the other hand, totally has what the tiktokers call “main character energy.” She’s nice, normal, relatable, morally sound. We meet her shortly after a devastating family tragedy (think about how often a hero’s journey begins with some sort of family tragedy), and she’s special. She is the last of the dragomir line and therefore there’s all this new responsibility that she has to handle and a title she has to live up to. She can’t seem to specialize in anything but ends up finding out she specializes in the very rare “spirit” (reminds me a lot of Tris Prior being divergent). In every sense of the word, Lissa is the chosen one. Not to mention, all the shit that happens in the first book happens to her. She gets sent the dead animals and the threatening messages and is the one that’s abducted and attracts the attention of the mysterious new guy and has a sexual awakening, blah blah blah you get my point. Lissa is the typical choice for a series protagonist and Rose, with her trouble maker tendencies and deflective sarcasm and solid comedic timing, is exactly who you would peg for the trustworthy sidekick. But Richelle Mead took the typical secondary character and made it her story. This is the sidekick’s story, told entirely from the sidekick’s first person pov. The story isn’t about the princess, it’s about her fucking bodyguard. And at the end of book 3, in what is probably one of the most satisfying moments in the series, Rose leaves Lissa’s side, therefore rejecting her role as sidekick, and is honest about something that she wants that has absolutely nothing to do with Lissa.  
(also, to be clear I love Lissa as a character, this is in no way an anti-lissa post, it’s an appreciation post for someone in YA actually doing something original in a very cliched genre)
I just will never get over how brilliant and wonderful it was to see a ya author totally flip the hero/sidekick dynamic on its head. It’s why I have such a fondness for the series and Rose as a main character. I’m partial to side characters so having one be the main character of a series is really exciting and compelling to me. Hopefully, I’ll be able to say this again more eloquently and succinctly in the future but for now all you get is ineloquent rambling. 
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staliaqueen · 2 years
You give the vibes of a super smart person. Academically but also not necessarily, you have so many thoughts and you understand things perfectly. I don't know I just feel like you're really clever.
You'd also be the person with a dry sense of humor and awesome outfits.
I don't know if I should put this on anon or not. Guess it's safer that way
Thank you, that's so sweet! 🥰
I don't know if I would define myself as "academically" smart. Cause like, what does that even mean? Being good at school? Cause I was not. Thinking the ADD is to be blamed for that (I'm officially diagnosed now, hurray! Turns out I have autism as well, which couldn't have helped lol). But also, while I'd struggle so hard to write an essay for school at the same time I would just... write a thousand words of character analysis in one sitting and post it on here just cause I wanted to.
Okay, unnecessary tangent aside, thank you again, that means so much ❤️❤️
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(Just looked up the definition of academically: "in a way that relates to education and scholarship" ......yeah no)
Ashdsdhjk my sense of humour is all over the place. There is no consistency. I am all about dry humour a lot of the time but I am also obsessed with dad jokes and just generally goofy shit.
Awesome outfits I don't know about 😂
I feel like theoretically, I should have good style, but it just doesn't work out for some reason. I also don't have a lot of money, so that's a thing. I like to describe my current style as Stiles Stilinski But Make It Slutty.
anonymously (or not) tell me what vibes I give off
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scilessweetheart · 3 years
i saw someone do this but i can’t remember who.... anyway here we go
your post with the most amount of notes: my stiles criminology moodboard
your favorite post: my analysis of season 5 vs 3B. it was my first post and part of the reason i made my blog. if not, either my stiles or malia headcanons list.
the post that took the most time: the characters as personality types. i had to do so much research on them all.
a post you wish had more notes: my stiles stilinski/annabeth chase analysis
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