#Stolas goetia imagine
itsmarsss · 1 month
Scandalous (Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas) [Helluva Boss] pt. 1 - The Prince
How the mighty do fall.
(Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn’t exactly considered classy, Stolas.)
pt. 2 | pt. 3 | pt. 4 | pt. 5 | 1st bonus
Word count: 1,520
Warnings: I mean. depression. arranged marriage. this part doesn’t contain actual sex only mentions of it but others might idk, me taking myself way too seriously writing this, this has no dialogue but don’t give up on me im actually a pretty dialogue heavy person but this only works if this chapter has no dialogue
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If you ever asked Stolas, he’d say he was never one to cause a scene.
If you asked anyone else, they’d say he’s lying.
Stolas had always been fond of a little drama and drawn to a bit of flair, akin to exaggeration and grandeur like no other. Be it in the way he speaks, acts or reacts to hell around him, be it how he expresses his emotions or his thoughts and even his feelings towards others.
Emotions, thoughts, feelings. Stolas was always full of those, ever since he was an ugly, pink, featherless little project of a bird. They have been all-consuming ever since he can remember. And he remembers.
Stolas can recall the confusion in his father’s voice whenever he cried as a kid, as if the action was strange and foreign, unfit for a demon like him.
And perhaps it was.
Stolas remembered many things, and yet he could not recall a single time he had seen his father cry- or show any sort of weakness, for the matter. Paimon was always stern and centered, and Stolas is sure the only thing close to weakness he’s ever expressed was his inability to be more than his status- to be an actual father. He doubted his father would consider that a weakness. What was fatherhood next to being royal, anyways, right?
It was disconcerting to grow up certain that, between his father and all of his brothers, he was, without a doubt, the weakest. After all, how could he not be? He was scared, of a many things, most of the time. He felt things too deeply in his heart and he worried too much and too often about too many things. He was aware of all of that.
But, as he grew up, Stolas decided he was fine with it, if he meant he got to genuinely feel things. Because Octavia had come to exist, and he could never in his heart find the willpower to act as cold to her as his own father did to him.
Yes, he decided he was fine with being weak, if that’s what being able to love unconditionally took. He was fine with being weak, if that’s what being loved took.
He may not have loved his father, or even liked him, for the matter. But he promised to himself he’d do anything it took for Octavia to love him.
And how it filled him with pure and utter joy to feel loved for the first time in his life.
He may not have loved Stella, either, but their union had brought him his daughter, and nothing in the entirety of the universe mattered more to him than her. And so he was grateful for their arrangement, after all, despite the bitterness of it all.
With Octavia’s teenage years came the flood, though. Stolas cried himself to sleep almost every single night for years to come as he was reminded of the fact that being grateful for what his marriage brought him was not enough to make him happy to be in the situation in which he found himself, unable to exist as he was inside of his own home without fearing the judgement of a wife who loved him just as much as he loved her - not even a tiny little bit- and unable to shield his daughter from the unhappy family he’d once feared she would have to endure.
Stella was never someone Stolas particularly liked. In fact, he quite disliked her, from the moment he laid eyes on her as his father told him they were betrothed to one another, at much too young of an age.
At first, it surely was purely the hatred for the fact that his fate was tied to her and there was nothing he could do to escape, and the sense of impending doom that came with every year that passed as he knew he grew closer to approaching the day there would be turning back, and watched the time pass as an expectator of his own life, as there was nothing he could really do but comply.
Royal life had its renounces.
When the day came for their marriage to be sealed, the moment finally materializing itself as real instead of bad news he’d try to push away and avoid dwelling into for too long, Stolas promised himself he’d try to get over those feelings and make an effort to know her better. If they would be tied to one another from this moment on, he could at least try to make it all not so miserable.
It was a task set to fail.
When Octavia was conceived, Stolas felt nothing but relief. After all, this entire situation was based purely on business, all-dependent on the birth of an heir. Which meant, in some way, they were a bit more free than before. However much that can be in the situation they found themselves in.
Relief came first, dread came second. At only 19 years old, what did Stolas know of parenting anyway? Logically, he knew this would be happening. Logically, he’d known that for almost a full decade. Logically, that should have been enough for him to be prepared.
But he felt anything but prepared. How was he, who felt lost at all times, who cried at the slightest things, who didn’t ask for all of this, supposed to be a father? What twisted parameters did he have, considering his own?
He only hoped time would ease those feelings.
Throughout the years, he learned those feelings never do leave you, and that parenthood is forever a state of worry. You never truly feel ready- there’s just not much more that you can do than try your best.
To be loved by Octavia was enough. Or… at least it should be, shouldn’t it? Was it selfish, or perhaps even inconsiderate, unfair to her that at times he found himself longing to be loved by someone who’s existence wasn’t bound to him? Wishing to know if someone would ever care not because they were betrothed to him and not because they were his own blood, but simply because they liked who he was? Enjoyed his company? Felt genuine attraction towards him?
When thoughts of the sorts consumed him it was to not punish himself mentally for thinking such frivolous things, for having such superficial wishes. But it wasn’t hard to figure out where it all stemmed from. After all, when the only partner you ever have ever had in your entire life hadn’t any say in choosing you, it’s only natural to wonder what it would be like to be with someone who did choose him.
When you’ve had no say in choosing the only partner you’ve ever had in your life, in turn, it’s only ever natural, too, to wonder what it would be like with someone you would have chosen to be with. Someone who excited you, who made you feel things. Stolas didn’t even know what exactly those things were supposed to be, but longed to feel them nonetheless.
The day Blitzo, someone he hadn’t heard of in decades, was caught trying to sneak into his palace, during the most depressing party ever thrown in all seven reals, Stolas felt excitement for the first time in a long while. It’s almost like his brain had a reaction before he even processed it. Like it was stuck repeating the same thing over and over and over: Friend. Friend. Friend.
Sure, Blitzo wasn’t his friend. They hadn’t been friends for, once again, literal decades. In fact, they had only ever been friends for about a day.
But Blitzo was his first ever friend. And you don’t just forget that. He never would, at least.
And that night they spent together, something in Stolas changed. That night, he felt wanted. For the first time in his life, he felt desired. For the first time in his life, sex wasn’t just business. It wasn’t just an obligation or a means to an end. For the first time in his life, sex was fun.
He knew it was supposed to be fun. He knew it was fun for most people. He had just stopped hoping it would ever be fun for him.
And, sure, he also knew what they did was wrong. But he couldn’t get himself to care as much as he probably should have, because, truth be told, Stella could pretend to have been hurt by it however much she wanted, but they both knew she never really was.
“That was the sound of a fucking divorce!”
A couple hours later, sitting on his bed in shock, he could still barely believe he had really just done what he did- what they should have done so long ago- and Stolas just started laughing to himself. The more he laughed, the harder it was to stop. He knew he just had to look like a maniac like that, but couldn’t possibly get himself to care, because, for only a split second did the thought of not being supposed to let his servants see him in that state pass through his mind, but it only made him laugh harder.
He’d just announced his divorce to the wife he’d been set to marry since birth, can’t be much more scandalous than that.
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A/N: would you believe me if i said this started as an idea for what was supposed to be only a funny silly little oneshot with dick jokes and public embarrassment?
Requests for Blitzø and Blitzø x Stolas are open! I’m also SO hyperfixated on this show rn so if y’all wanna chat abt hcs or this series be my guest I’d be happy to talk and i don’t bite unless asked nicely luv y’all <3
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helluvapoison · 4 months
Crossover episode where witch!sinner!reader decides to contact one of the demons she used to work with as a human and asks for help
Stolas let's her borrow the book to learn to cross into the human world as long as she promises not to cause too much chaos
Reader just goes there and uses their old savings account to buy an abba vinyl and a player as well as a cheap projector, cd player and some CDs of movies and series to bring back to the hotel and have movie nights
Sorry I just wanted to dump this idea in your ask box cause I'm too scared to post it on my blog
ANON, I AM ON MY KNEES, COME FORTH AND CLAIM YOUR IDEA! (not technically a request so i'm taking a break to answer, i did tweak it a bit- hope that's ok!?) imagine with me you're a cosmic witch! you worked with stolas often when you were alive, providing him with the never ending changes astrologists made
"pluto's not a planet anymore- wait. wait no, it's still a planet... as of 2 minutes ago?"
"well did you tell them what i-?"
"stolas," you sigh, "how many times do i have to tell you. i can't contact nasa. it's not physically possible, the best i can do for you is change the wiki page. again."
stolas was happy to make your acquaintance again- albeit perturbed that you ended up in hell- and, as always, was at your service! you explained you needed him to bring your entire dvd collection and vinyl records to the hazbin hotel as soon as possible
"the what now?"
charlie is all aboard the movie night train you're conducting! which is good because it's mandatory. absolutely no one is escaping your dastardly plans
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mintaikcorpse · 1 month
Divorce Selfie!
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chkn-soup · 2 months
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Warnings: These little demons are too silly..silliness overboard (also some slight sexual innuendos/references)
Syno: Helluva cast and what they’d do if there was a puddle or wet spot infront of you while you were walking to your date…(this is so stupid..)
(Suffering with severe writers block rn but I managed to juice this out of me, bare with me yall!!)
Moxxie is a die hard gentleman, and I will stand by that. So he will totally be prepared for this occasion (like he was in the Loo Loo land episode with his little Fanny filled with meds for Via) He’d most likely whip out some sort of plastic or cardboard like walk way for you to step on..and he just like had that..on hand, meanwhile you’re saying things like…”I can just walk around it”, but please let him be cautious and spoil you, he loves being prepared for such drastic situations to get his partner away from danger..even if the danger is just getting your shoes wet. Afterwards he’ll ask if you are alright..as if walking over a puddle is traumatic or like it took a toll on you.
Blitzø probably won’t care or even notice the puddle in the first place. In fact if he does notice it, he’ll purposely push you into it so your feet get all wet, especially if you’re trying to avoid it in the first place, then he’ll laugh at you and your pouty face. But if you’re actually upset about it and don’t start laughing with him he’ll definitely be like “What..you mad your shoes are wet?” Once he realizes you’re pretty pissed about it he’ll say “Ok ok..sorry.” And will then join you in the puddle and make sure his feet end up equally as soaked or even more so just so you aren’t mad at him the whole night.
Stolas will most definitely see the puddle and he’s all for keeping his partner out of harms way especially the smallest ounce of it, and he knows that appearance is everything and so is comfortability, he doesn’t want your feet to be wet and soppy therefore uncomfortable for you. So he’ll do the reasonable things and use his powers to make you float over it…like Stolas..really? He’s one that likes to one up, and he really loves to show off, especially to his partner. So he will use his magic for the smaller things just to impress you, that includes making you float over a puddle just so your precious feet stay dry and warm.
Our little froggy will do what he does best and leap! You don’t think he’ll extend the both of you over a mere puddle then you are wrong, Fizz is the king of Drama, and he will be super dramatic about this whether you like it or not, He’ll extend the both of you over thoroughly and will look very badass while doing so. And he’ll even ask too “didn’t I look so cool.” Sure Fizzy, the coolest.
This big boy will not hesitate to pick you up into his arms, and he IS strong enough to do so, all while he walks into the puddle himself, but you know anything to make sure his sweetheart is alright, and no no, he won’t be setting you down afterwards, he’ll just carry you the whole way to the date just because he feels like it..and you know what you’re much safer up there with him anyways…so why would he let you down?
This mf cowboy (“save a horse” iykwim) will not hesitate to pull some dramatics as well, he’ll whip out his little lasso from his side and wrap it around you throughly while he pulls you away from the puddle in the last moments before you even get the chance to step on it and he’ll draw you in to send you spinning (or more like falling) straight towards him and into his chest..he’ll hold you mighty close to him as he walks the both of you to your date and he will keep the lasso on you…just incase there’s anymore danger up ahead, or he’ll totally lay down his jacket for you over the puddle, just like an old school gentleman would do.
Mammon will definitely pull a Blitzø where he’ll purposely push you into it and will laugh at your reaction but on the other hand he won’t join you in your wet shoe’d state, he’d rather just laugh at you and say that you should audition for his pageant because watching you in dreadful situations is funny to him. He will be kind enough to dry your feet up at home/or even the restaurant, and he’ll make sure your feet are dry.
This precious lady will honestly want to get into the puddle with you just to splash around, it doesn’t matter that you have reservations that you’re already 20 minutes late for, she’ll dead stop and be like “Baby look a puddle!!” and you’ll understand her and begin to jump in it with her, she loves just doing childish things with you even if some people might find it gross. But! if you don’t like puddles and won’t jump in it with her she understands completely and will quite literally pick you up over her head and carry you over it…doesn’t matter if you are taller or bigger than her, she’ll carry you anytime, anywhere.
She’s another one who will pull you into her closer so you aren’t near the puddle but instead near her. She doesn’t want your feet wet and will try to protect you or prevent you from going into it, just because she knows how annoying wet socks are, But don’t even try to mention she did it or she’ll go back/find another puddle to push you into….the shell feel bad and will lend you her socks..don’t mention that either.
Hehe..Verosika really loves you she does, and that’s why she has high expectations of you. One of them being that you’ll carry her through the puddle instead of her carrying you. So she’ll see the puddle, purposely get closer to it and pause when she’s a step away from it..she’ll look down roll her eyes and say something about her shoes,…take the hint [reader]! And if you do take the bait and carry her (if you can) well..she’ll give you Tenfold for treating her so nicely and will peck your cheek after..but don’t think you’re putting her down immediately after..the fun has just started.
Hello..??? She’s royalty and is lowkey a little bratty (she need a brat tamer..I’m here for her😏) so she’ll obviously expect you to do something for her to get her out of this drastic situation, do you want her new heels to be ruined by mud? She doesn’t think so. So she’ll pause before the puddle and eye you to see what you’ll do, you can do anything and she’ll absolutely love it, pull her out of the way, lay your jacket on it, or even carry her and she will laugh and grin smugly, kissing you before continuing to walk with you again. She likes when you treat her nicely..she’ll do the same for you coming back that way at the end of the date.
Hello my loves! I’m trying to write your requests, thank you all for being patient and supportive I love you all and you deserve your asks to be answered, you beautiful people!!🫶🏼🫶🏼!!
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 4 months
If HB & HH could legally cross over:
Blitz: Stolas and I have the best relationship.”
*Stolas and Husk looks at each other knowing where this is going to go* (those who are mature together stay together — platonically haha)
Angel Dust: “Nuh-uh, no way, honey, me and Husk do.”
Blitz: “At least we had sex first up.”
Angel Dust: “At least WE became canon furst!”
Blitz: “We had the best sex!”
Angel Dust: “We developed our relationship based on friendship first!”
Blitz: “Boring…” He yawns mockingly
Angel Dust: “Least we tawked / sung 'bout our insecurities…“
Blitz: *gasps* “How dare you! At least I’m not fake or an insecure little whorebug!
Angel Dust: *looks beyond pissed at being called the two things he hates*
Husk: Uh oh. Hey! Ain’t nobody pull him in line like that 'cept me.
Stolas: …
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ineffable-fr3ak · 6 months
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Not even MENTIONING the astounding vocals, the animation is literally making me ascend. I love this show sm 😭
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moothemotherfucker · 2 years
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God I loved this scene
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idreamofsleeping · 1 year
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I feel like we’re not appreciating Stolas’ profile picture for Blitzo enough, like look at that picture!!
He looks so soft and happy and content and I simply cannot
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thehopelessauthor · 1 year
How would Stolas act if he had been cut off from his inheritance and had to live a commoner’s life?
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itsmarsss · 1 month
Scandalous (Blitzø x Fem!Succubus!Reader x Stolas) [Helluva Boss] pt. 2 - How to Make Friends
How the mighty do fall. (Getting into a weird three-way situation with an imp and a succubus isn't exactly considered classy, Stolas)
Meet Blitzø.
pt. 1 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 5 1st bonus
Word count: 2,415
Warnings: surprise surprise! the series is actually non-linear! Some hints of trauma regarding feeling used/objectified, a glimpse into a little more context, mentions of sex as usual, i told y’all i can be a fun writer
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Things had been running rather smoothly at Ozzie’s before some idiot decided he could just come in- sneaked in, you assumed, since he didn’t seem to be accompanied, and, frankly, didn’t exactly look dressed for a fancy dinner night at Ozzie’s like other customers always were- and ask for some minutes of Asmodeus’s time as if it were nothing. 
This wasn't the first time this has happened, of course- for some reason people seemed to think that speaking somewhat confidently about having an appointment would somehow distract you, the person whose job was to strictly keep track of Ozzie’s time, from… well, doing your job. 
At this point, he’d gotten past the whole ‘I have an appointment in five minutes´ thing and started trying to convince you that you had to let him talk to the sin. 
“Uh. I don’t know what you want me to say, dude. You can’t just like… ask to see Asmodeus. It’s… kinda not how it works. At all.”
“Why not?”
You sighed. “Who are you supposed to be again?”
“I’m Blitz. The O is silent.” He offered his hand for you to shake, but you only raised an eyebrow, unamused. He retracted his hand. 
“Is that supposed to ring a bell or…?”
“Not to you maybe. But his little bitch boy knows who I am.”
“I know Fizzarolli, okay?”
“Okay and?”
“And? And I need to talk to the big Oz!”
“Yeah first off- you could just be bullshitting me. And second off… that doesn’t just automatically give you any priority in Ozzie’s very, very long list of important meetings.”
“Important meetings? What’s he doing right now, discussing dildo prices with some fuckface from Greed?” He coked an eyebrow in defiance.
You did your best to conceal the look on your face as you glanced at Ozzie’s schedule and confirmed he was, in fact, discussing dildo prices with a manufacturer from Greed.
It wasn’t enough, though- the imp seemed to realize it. “He is, isn’t he?” He grinned.
“That’s confidential information.”
He leaned over your desk, planting both his hands on top of it in front of you and getting his face closer to yours. “What’s a hot piece of ass like yours doing in a dump like this anyways?”
“This is… Ozzie’s, dude.” At this point, you didn’t even have an excuse as to why you were even entertaining this guy (at least none that wasn’t ‘things are slow right now and I’m really fucking bored’).
“Yeah, I’m usually at some shitty bar with cum and blood on the walls when I pull this one.”
You actually laughed. “I’m sure you are. Anything else I can help you with?”
“A… meeting with Asmodeus maybe?”
“Definitely not.”
“Eh, worth a try. How ‘bout a drink?”
“Are you offering to buy me a drink or asking me to buy you a drink?”
“Hey I’m up for whatever one you want,” he put his hands up in surrender.
You rolled your eyes, unable to contain a smile at the dumb conversation. At least he was entertaining you. You had to give it to him, he was a little funny. “You know what. Get yourself a drink, Blitz with the silent O. You probably need it.”
“Oh, really? Well if you in- hey wait what’s that supposed to mean?”
You just shrugged. “Ya want the drink or not?”
He paused. “Yes.”
You laughed again. “Just look for Maru by the bar and tell her you got a drink on me, she’ll make something for you.”
“Oh you’re not… you’re not gonna be… joining me?” He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He almost looked actually disappointed, just a little bit. Almost.
“Nope. The hot piece of ass is still at work.”
“Riiight. I’ll uh- I’ll be right there! At the bar. Drinking my drink.” He started awkwardly walking backward.
“If you try to sneak into Ozzie’s dressing room I will find out.”
“And what would you potentially do if you found that out?”
“You don’t wanna-” Suddenly, Ozzie’s voice made itself known in your earpiece, your voice dying off as you focused on what he said, saying the words that signaled things had gotten a bit heated during the meeting and you needed to send in someone to escort the imp out of his office (something you had implemented after the third meeting in two months that had ended with him either slightly injuring or straight-up incinerating someone). “Yeah I wouldn’t recommend doing that, sir,” you told him, quickly looking for and pressing the emergency buttons that signaled whoever was working security they were needed at Ozzie’s office. 
“Oh, sir, huh? I can work with sir.”
“Huh?” Realizing you hadn’t given the imp guy any sign you’d been talking to Ozzie, and not him, you felt your cheeks burn the slightest bit, getting caught off guard. “No, uh- earpiece.” You awkwardly pointed at your right ear.
Blitz’s eyes widened, taken by surprise for a second before trying to keep his cool- and the little dignity he had. “Yeah I knew that. Just some good old teasing. Gosh you’re so uptight!”
“Okay, please get in before I change my mind.”
“Yup. Will do. I’m just gonna… stop by the bathroom real quick-”
“It’s the bar or out, man.”
“Fiiiine,” he exaggerated, dragging himself out of your sight.
“Y/n, you there?” Ozzie’s voice came from the comm again, and you realized he’s probably been saying something already. 
“Shit, sorry. Someone was holding me up here. Did they get him out?”
“Yes. Do I have anyone scheduled right now?”
“Hold on, let me see,” you looked at the screen, crossing out the meeting he’d just finished as done and finding the name written for the one under it. “Yeah, you have that meeting about the beach accident with those Inccubi in Pasadena.”
“What is a Pasadena?”
“Living world matter, sir,” you simplified for him. 
“Living world?”
“When does he get here?”
“Eight minutes.”
[. . .]
“You sure you’re fine?”
“Yes! All of my meetings are done, performances are going fine and Aro owes me a lot of hours anyway. Now if you don’t mind, I have some alone time with my Froggie to attend.”
“Ugh, that nickname makes me sick.”
“I don’t pay you to judge me.”
“Yeah you pay me 'cause you loooove me. See you on Monday?”
“If you need anything ‘till then-”
“I will let you know, y/n. Now, I granted you an early night, didn’t I? I expect you to enjoy yourself.”
“Fine, boss,” you teased him, making sure he saw you rolling your eyes.
You walked out of Oz’s office, inside of which you’d seen no sight of Fizzarolli, which was strange. You obviously wouldn’t pry, but wondered if the incident with his hearing aid that Ozzie had had to take a break for earlier had been more serious than what Ozzie made it sound. 
There was no use thinking about it too much, though. You and Asmodeus were close, but there were boundaries you still kept between you and respected. You were pretty much the only person Ozzie ever forwardly told about his relationship with Fizz (even though basically everyone else in all seven rings suspected it in some way) and he knew of many personal things of yours, too, but things such as Fizzarolli’s own personal life and the identity of any people you told him about in conversation usually went unmentioned. 
So, to the bar it was. When Ozzie told you he’d gotten someone to cover you for the last hours of the night so you could be free, the very first thing you’d thought to do had been to go straight home- but even thinking it to yourself made that sound depressing. In truth, Asmodeus was the closest thing you had to a real friend- the closest you’d had in a really long time. And although you did feel grateful to be free of work, it wasn't really much fun to think of the fact that, not being able to hang with Ozzie, you didn’t really have much to do. Or anyone to do anything with. 
So you decided maybe you’d have a drink or two, and enjoy the last performances of the night before bouncing. Couldn’t hurt, right?
To your surprise, when you sat down at a stool by the bar, ordering yourself a blackberry frozen margarita- in your opinion, the best drink on Ozzie’s drink menu- you were startled to see the imp you’d talked to earlier that night sliding next to you, taking a seat on the stool right by your left. 
“Sooo. The hot piece of ass ain’t working anymore?”
“You’re still here?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
You shrugged. “I dunno, I kind of imagined you would’ve managed to sneak into Ozzie’s dressing room and gotten yourself kicked out by now.” Of course, you were only taking the piss at him- you’d know if that would have happened. Obviously.
He furrowed his eyebrows together. “Wait I actually could have sneaked into his dressing room if I tried?”
You laughed and decided to answer his first question instead of that one. “No, I’m not working anymore.”
“Does that mean I’m allowed to flirt with you now?”
“Oh, that thing you were doing wasn’t flirting?”
“Depends. Was it working?”
You drank the rest of your margarita in a single gulp instead of answering. “Hey, Maru? Would you get me another, please? You can put it under Blitz’s here.”
“What? I thought you were trying to flirt. Buy me a drink!”
[. . .]
“So you’re the one who manages this whole thing?” Blitzo motioned around to the restaurant, almost spilling the shot of tequila he was holding.
“Well not exactly,” you toyed with the little umbrella from your third drink of the night. “I’m more focused on managing Ozzie’s business. I mean. The guy, not the place. You know, meetings to attend, places to go, personal errands, everything.”
“That’s… lame.”
“What? What do you do for a living then that’s just so fun?”
“Well, I used to be a circus clown.”
“What? Wait that is cool.”
“Only a little cool. I’m planning something big next. But uh. Right now I’m kind of doing anything I can find to support my daughter.”
“You have a daughter?”
“Yeah. Loona. The love of my life.”
“That’s cute.” You smiled. Examining him with this in mind once again, you took he did sort of have a bit of a dad energy to him. It looked a little unconventional on him considering the… everything else, but it was there. “How old is she?”
“Nineteen.” He finally downed his shot, slamming the glass on the counter.
“Oh, wow.” 
He seemed to notice all the processing you were doing in your mind to try to gather how old he was. 
“I adopted her like a year ago.”
“Oh. That’s cool. What’s she like?”
Conversation with him came to be strangely natural. A few drinks in, and, from an outside perspective, it would probably be hard to figure out the two of you had never seen each other before up until a few hours prior- cracking jokes and playfully flirting, sharing bits and pieces of your lives and drinking a little more than you should together. It was weirdly comfortable.
And, much to your surprise, Ozzie didn’t come up again. Not in the way you were certain he would eventually, anyway. After all, it all seemed too nice to not be a way to get you drunk and tell him something personal about Ozzie, or ask you again for a meeting with the sin. Right?
By the end of the night, Blitzø tried a half-serious attempt at getting you to take him home with you (because apparently he rented a one-bedroom place, and gave up his bedroom to his daughter when she moved in with him, so he wouldn’t be able to take you home with him), to which you laughed, but stopped for a second to seriously consider.
You did find him attractive. His style was hot and his personality was fun. It was all certainly working for you.
 You were sure you could have a fun time with him if you did agree, and, honestly, atop of feeling like you deserved this, you kind of needed it. I mean, nothing like a nice, meaningless one-night-stand with a barely-decent man to distract you from from being alone all weekend. Right? 
But for some reason, you stopped yourself. Maybe not this time. Because, even though you weren’t sure if that was really you or just the alcohol talking, at that moment you found yourself thinking that maybe you could actually become friends with this guy. 
And though you weren't sure if he would want that, it would be nice to have a real friend other than Asmodeus, for a change. 
“Um, I gotta work really early tomorrow,” you lied, giving him an excuse. “But I could give you my number? You’re really funny and I had a lot of fun tonight. Even though you definitely crashed the place,” you joked. “I think we could be… good… friends? Maybe? I’d like that.”
“You… want to be friends? With me?”
Fine. That’s where this ended, wasn’t it? He realized he wouldn’t be fucking you and so the interest disappeared. That’s fine. You were prepared for that. “It's alright if not.”
“No, give me- give me your number. Yeah. Give me your number.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and gave it to you.
Oh. “Okay.” He probably only said that in the hopes to fuck you in the future. 
Still, you grabbed the phone from him and typed in your number.
He immediately sent you a ‘hi’ and a smiley face so you could save his contact. 
“Just to be clear, like, we’re not gonna- like I really mean it, I wanna be friends.”
“Okay I got it the first time, you don’t gotta rub it on my face.”
Maybe he could be genuinely fine with just being your friend? 
“I don’t mind some flirting with my friends, though,” you commented, and he smirked. 
“Tell that to me when I’m sober, sweetheart.”
No harm in trying, right? And if sober you thought differently, you could always just block him. 
Why not? Maybe this is just how to make friends as an adult. 
“Okay but seriously where does the ‘O’ even go? Like how do I even save your contact?”
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A/N: this wasn't even supposed to be out today but i got too excited so here it is. also im serious abt this being non-linear... there's shit mentioned here you'll only find out more about in like chapter 5 or so but i hope i wrote it in a way thats exciting enough to make it worth it! hope yall like it, share ur thoughts w me! luv yall <3
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sweetlovingfictionals · 10 months
I’m getting my very first commission done of my dream vision that I had involving my self insert, Rocket Raccon, Louis the deer and Monty Gator. I’m really excited for it because it only costed me like 42 bucks for a full color full body with simple background. I’m actually excited to see how it turns out. Plus I’m getting a fanfiction for 55 bucks something for 10,000 words of the same idea but with more characters. Getting something done with M/C, Rocket Raccoon, Monty Gator, Louis the Deer, King Sombra, Baraka / Reptile (My husbands), Venom, Leonardo / Donatello (Tcest ship yessir) and I’m thinking about eventually adding Vegito and Gogeta SSJ4. I feel like I’m adding too much characters but damn I wanna ride or die on this one.
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mintaikcorpse · 3 months
Remember when someone commented about Stolas getting a boyfriend that isn't Blitzø and Vivzie just commented "🤭"?
I saw someone (teathekook on Twitter, their art is amazing) theorize that this bird Overlord we saw in the pilot might be Stolas's boyfriend.
Look, I'm not a fan of love triangles bcuz I think it adds unnecessary drama and one character always gets fucked over, BUT this guy looks cool and I would be very happy to see more of him.
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Was washing dishes last night when my brain tells me all of a sudden that Tupac's "Hit 'Em Up" is a Stolitz song.
Y'know, this song
And I didn't bother to try and suppress this thought.
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signedkoko · 4 months
hello, good afternoon/night!
I was wondering if you could do a vox x character (?) oneshot where the other person has royal status (something similar to stolas).
I’m interested to see if vox would change his attitude if he was interacting with someone above him, or if he would act the same as usual.
either way, I hope this makes sense and thank you so much!
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which you are apart of the ars goetia family, and Vox doesn't know much about royalty. Reader is genderneutral.
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Being one of the 72 members of the family didn't feel special from your point of view; you were royalty, yes, but what that actually meant was beyond you
Nevertheless, you were representative of innovation, and your role as an 'aristocrat' was quite literally the most dull of all: an archivist
Your role was to document, file, or archive every piece of information that has ever existed or will exist, and to protect it all in your library
You were a vast network of knowledge, not too different from a computer
That was where you and Vox became so similar, he was certainly an impressive overlord worth meeting.
You found yourself archiving logs upon logs of his creations, of his ad campaigns, of his scandals; he was always up to something
It piqued your interest, so you were sure to note the next time you were in proximity so you could meet him
Vox didn't give two shits about royalty, but what he did care about were the opportunities it presented
It was worth being nice to them and biting your tongue, and in all honesty, he wasn't much of a hot head when it came to people he didn't know
He had files on every member of the Ars Goetia, including yours, and he'd developed a bit of a 'celebrity' crush
You seemed so like him, but he knew pictures could only say so much about a person and moved on
Both of you knew the other would be at the same event, and like magnets, you came straight to one another
Vox used his television charm to lure you in, and just like you'd hoped, it worked
He is extremely nervous around royalty because, truth be told, they really are far more powerful than he or any other overlord
Not to say he doubts himself, but he understands his limits
And being technology itself, he also knows that your ability nearly pales his technology—computers are without a doubt more capable of storing information and processing it than any human or demon ever could, but you were beyond that
That is to say, he is extremely impressed with you and asks a lot about your ability, almost hoping it'll reveal some kind of trick he could use too
Unfortunately, no tricks, but he does find you to be just as kind as he'd imagined
Ars Goetia is extremely strict about the relationships they have, but fortunately for you, you knew every rule and loophole there was to know and managed to get by with 'one of hell's strongest overlords'
He is very adaptive to rules and customs, so it's no issue impressing your family with his seemingly infinite skills
" I didn't know you knew all that, Vox. "
" Yeah! You know, I didn't either! "
He absolutely goes autopilot a lot around other royals because he does not want to cause you any trouble, but you always tell him to relax and let him know you'd never let them get in the way
The hardest decision is who is moving, and when you eventually offer to abandon your lavish lifestyle for his minimalistic city style, he does whatever he can to help you adapt.
Really, you are his prince(ss), and he will treat you like the royalty you are
" So, does this make me a prince now? "
" Are you proposing? "
One of his favourite perks is that now he can really stick it to Alastor
Not that he would ever intend on putting you in danger—even if you'd win—but let's be honest
You would win against that stupid radio demon
Oh yeah, he's proud of that too
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Author's Note - I ended up doing headcanons because I felt the prompt didn't have enough for me to go off of, I apologize for disappointing!~ Even so, I hope this still catches your interest 🖤
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
Songs used:
Credits go to: TheDragonSaver
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Easter eggs:
Octavia’s voice what it would sound like 🥹:
Sound seen familiar? 😏
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(Because just quietly, IMO, prefer Bryce Pinkham singing Stolas Sings AKA Owl in a Cage than Sam Haft
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Feedback (scroll down only if you’ve read it):
• I love how there’s a backstory of Stella and how she at least tried to connect with Octavia and somewhat was more amicable with Stolas as an acting co-parent even though they don’t really love each other; but would do anything for their daughter
* But in my opinion, even though this was really about Octavia and Stella, it would’ve been nicer to have that moment with Stolas as well rather just making a small cameo here and there (I mean canonically he did majority of Octavia’s upbringing — hence why she’s her “daddy’s daughter” — up since Stella had no desire in comforting her at such a young age after having a nightmare as all kids want the comfort of their parents)
• I do feel like Stolas is as “ditzy” or “oblivious” as he had been portrayed as in this fanfic, then again this could either be take from Stella’s perspective and my biased opinion for the latter
I think, if it came to Octavia, he would’ve just as sceptical of his daughter and her double life, because let’s not forget he is a bookworm which means he would have a lot of intellect (okay, yes, he’s not as guarded as let’s say Blitz would be) but I would say their on the same page.
However, I will acknowledge that, in my opinion, that Stolas had SOME obliviousness about the belief that Blitz loves him too in episodes 1x1 - 1x06 (til the end of “Ozzie’s”)
But again he had come to the conclusion that this wasn’t the case after his failed “date” with Blitz after they were both humiliated by As(s)modeus and Fizzarolli (mainly)
• In my opinion, I felt surprised to read that Stolas got angry with Octavia for having a “normal life” and was being a little classist in the making when saying that she “couldn’t” be with someone who was lower of their “class” considering that’s actually what he had wanted for her canonically when he and Stella were arguing (in 2x01 “The Circus”)
* However I will acknowledge that this little detail had been covered when Octavia told her father that he was a hypocrite for doing the same thing with Blitz
Then again, in my opinion, I felt it was weird for me in my heart because I know Stolas would never pull a “Stella 2.0” he just not an elitist that way. he’s too compassionate to do that.
But other than that, with all my mixed emotions all over the place (in a good way), I can safely say, without shame, that this was the BEST fanfiction I’ve ever read. It was almost like something out of a movie I would’ve watched
I honestly don’t think there will be anything better in comparison to this. I may be a bit biased here but I’d say that this and “Turf Wars” (one of my own with help of a role playing partner) would be my all time favourites for sure!
Now for some positives:
Great work.
Great characters
Great storyline
Great atmosphere
Great taste in music
Great character goals
Definitely a 10/10 + a review from me and share this to your friends, family and followers! 🤩
(And definitely worth reading again!)
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